
“When everything you love has been stolen from you sometimes all you have left is revenge.”

“When deception cuts this deep someone has to pay.”

“For the truly wronged real satisfaction can only be found in one of two places – absolute forgiveness or mortal vindication.”

The new ABC show REVENGE uses those tag lines.

I don’t believe in revenge. I do believe in justice. I do believe in karma.
I still try to believe in people. I believe the only thing you take with you out of this world is love. The love you received, and the love you gave.

While I identify with the pain of the first half of the tag lines, I work to see justice served. Justice solves the problem and is more powerful to help others, whereas revenge is selfish and only resolves ones own issue.



SONYA HEALY : #2007-12477
v. :


1. The Defendant responds timely to the Order of August 22, 2011 issued and signed by the Honorable Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio to file of record a Concise Statement of Errors Complained of On Appeal pursuant to Pennsylvania Rule of Appellate Procedure 1925(b).

2. The Defendant filed a Notice of Appeal on August 15, 2011 which was accepted and docketed as #2007-12477-326 by the Montgomery County Courthouse Prothonotary.

3. The Order of August 22, 2011 was issued timely within the 14 days required.

4. On August 25, 2011, the Order was accepted and docketed as #2007-12477-334 by the Montgomery County Courthouse Prothonotary.

5. The Defendant timely files this document electronically with the Montgomery County Prothonotary. Time stamped copies to be delivered to Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio on August 15, 2011, with time stamped courtesy copies to Angst & Angst representing the Plaintiff.


6. FINAL ORDER: Dated May 9, 2011. Affirmed as Final Order on July 18, 2011.

7. The Order is defective as prerequisites to the entry of a divorce decree have not been satisfied in accordance with Pa. C.S. 3301(c) or (d).

8. The Order is procedurally deficient in regard to the technical requirement that a notice of intention to request entry of 3301(c) divorce decree be served upon the party against whom the decree is to be entered The failure to do so constitutes a procedural deficiency under Pa. R.Civ.P. 1920.42(d)(1).

9. The Order is defective as procedural requirements imposed by the Rules of Civil Procedure must be satisfied in order to endow the Court with the authority to enter the decree in divorce.

10. The Order includes a Decree and Order for Equitable Distribution. Unless and until a valid decree in divorce has been entered, there can be no equitable distribution of marital property. The Divorce Decree is invalid, the Decree and Order in Equitable Distribution is void.

11. The Order includes a section titled Findings of Fact which misrepresents the financial testimony and documented evidence/exhibits presented during the hearing on March 29, 2011.

12. The Order includes a section titled Discussion which includes references which were not presented at the hearing on March 29, 2011.

13. The Order fails to address, determine or dispose of economic issues which had been timely filed with the Court by Defendant prior to the Equitable Distribution hearing.

14. The Order neglects to address issues which prior Court Orders indicated would be “resolved via the equitable distribution ruling” – Order dated March 10, 2011; “will be resolved in the forthcoming Equitable Distribution Order.” – Order Dated April 14, 2011;


15. On March 16, 2011, Defendant petitioned the Court in good faith requesting the recusal of Judge Carolyn Carluccio.

16. On March 29, 2011, Judge Carolyn Carluccio denied the recusal petition without a hearing, or any proceeding wherein the allegations could be presented to the Court.

17. On September 2, 2011, Defendant again petitioned the Court in good faith requesting the recusal of Judge Carolyn Carluccio.


18. On August 22, 2007, Judge Rhonda Lee Daniele had issued an Order which was not distributed to the Defendant, nor was it filed and docketed at the Prothonotary.

19. The Order dated August 22, 2007 which remained unknown to the Defendant and which slandered the Defendant was discovered on August 12, 2010.

20. The Order dated August 22, 2007 was issued prior to any proceedings in this matter had been used to manipulate the Court into granting impunity to the Plaintiff permitting her to violate Court orders without fear of repercussion or enforcement.


21. Without being asked, Judge Thomas DelRicci recused on July 6, 2009 on the record admitting to unethical activity, making unsubstantiated allegations and threatening the Defendant with legal action.

22. Judge DelRicci had intentionally delayed custody proceedings for two years while the Defendant was denied any contact with his son without explanation.

23. Judge DelRicci excused the Plaintiff’s failure to follow any Court Orders.

24. Without being asked, Judge Emanuel Bertin recused on September 2, 2010.

25. Judge Bertin offered no explanation for his recusal from the case.

26. Judge Bertin had issued an Order regarding a Response and CounterPetition filed in good faith by the Defendant to be refiled separately as Response and Petition. The separated Petition became “not cognizable” in Family Court as a result of his order and was dismissed after a protracted hearing.

27. Judge Bertin excused the Plaintiff’s failure to follow Court Orders.

28. At the Defendant’s request, Judge Stephen Barrett recused from the case on November 30, 2010.

29. The Order of May 9, 2011 incorrectly refers to the docket indicating the assignment of seven (7) judges.


30. The impunity granted to the Plaintiff remains unexplained but it is clearly documented in the interlocutory orders in this matter.

31. The Defendant’s only method to seek enforcement of Court Orders was to petition the Court for enforcement.

32. The Plaintiff violated every court order in this matter. When brought to the attention of the Court, her actions were excused and her violations and contempt continued.

33. The Defendant was constantly brought before the Court to respond to false allegations of the Plaintiff. After protracted hearings, the Plaintiff’s vexatious petitions were denied or dismissed.

34. The Defendant respectfully seeks a review of every interlocutory decision in this matter based on the clear bias of the judiciary and absolute impunity afforded the Plaintiff to violate court orders and state laws.


35. During an Emergency hearing on March 9, 2011, Judge Carolyn Carluccio acted with clear intent to prevent the Defendant from testifying in his own defense and denied the Defendant any opportunity for his response to be heard in the courtroom. Judge Carluccio’s statements were clearly extrinsic fraud as she attempted to manipulate and mislead the Defendant with ridiculous suggestions.

36. The Order of March 9, 2011 neglects to indicate that the emergency hearing was never accomplished as it was interrupted upon presentation of the Defendant’s Response to the Plaintiff’s Petition.

37. The Order of April 29, 2011, rules on a petition where no opportunity to present testimony and evidence was provided. Further, the Order indicates the Judge had conducted an “additional review of the docket” where the actual docket contradicts the Judge’s determination that hearings had been held.

38. Defendant has repeatedly attempted to have the ‘disposed of’ hearings scheduled by Judge Carluccio.

39. Pennsylvania Law does not permit a judge to rule based on the pleadings.

39. Judge Carolyn Carluccio is determined to prevent the Defendant from being heard in her courtroom as the testimony, evidence and exhibits will expose the improper, unethical and illegal actions of the judiciary and other courthouse personnel.

40. Judge Carolyn Carluccio has acted carelessly with malice and cruel intent issuing an intentionally defective order which orders the Defendant to be homeless, without medical or dental insurance, without any financial resources, and further ordering his home to be sold out from under him.

41. The Order additionally provides the Plaintiff who abandoned the home in 2007 and failed to provide the financial support ordered by the Court the chance to vandalized the Defendant’s home, while dissipating marital assets in violations of Court Orders.

42. Judge Carolyn Carluccio has intentionally issued vague Orders which place the Defendant in jeopardy. When the issue is brought to the court’s attention, it is ignored.


43. Judge Carolyn Carluccio has intentionally neglected to schedule a hearing with regard to the Defendant’s Petition to Proceed In Forma Pauperis. This has prevented the Prothonotary from forwarding the Appeal to the Superior Court for action.


Terance Healy
Pro Se


I verify that the statements made in this document are true and correct. I understand that false statements herein are made subject to the Penalties of P.A. C.S. Section 4904, relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.

Terance Healy


Everyday I see the stats… the Courthouse checks the web site… the Montgomery Township Police check the web site… Sonya Healy and her friends check the web site… my sons check less often but I notice when they do…

I don’t do anything secretly… I never have. It is not necessary. And I know they have me under surveillance, on and off, by law enforcement and private investigators, and private investigators working for law enforcement. And those who are being used by law enforcement to attempt to set me up. I’ve proved their surveillance.

I proved their improper use of people against me. I proved everything they were doing to try to set me up. They failed. They failed because the people they were ‘using’ recognized that I was being victimized. The people they were treating as disposable were finding that I didn’t disrespect them – even though I knew their motives (or at least suspected them until I proved it to myself). I never did anything to hurt anyone, not even the ones who were working hard to hurt me.

I proved that I was paranoid because THERE WAS A SECRET ORDER ISSUED BY A JUDGE THAT TOOK AWAY MY CHILDREN. I had no opportunity to defend against it or respond to an allegation, because I was not even supposed to know it existed. And the Courthouse kept the secret for 3 years. When I found it… I did not do that secretly.

I have survived the corruption, the conspiracies, the attacks, the failure of the court to enforce any court order (unless it was against me), the destruction of my family, the destruction of my extended family, the loss of my career, the complete financial destruction they caused with intent, the constant intrusions into my life, the complete lack of justice, the lawless and cruel actions of an out of control court so intent on concealing their criminal actions that they continue to destroy and terrorize A LONE MAN WHO HAS SURVIVED TO BE FURTHER VICTIMIZED. They do this because he survived their terror and harassment long enough to prove their crime.

They continue to destroy and attack because they know what they have done, what I can prove, and they fear the day that I file the Federal lawsuit that exposes the years of terror caused by the corrupt judges of Montgomery County… and then the other victims will reveal themselves. They have been suffering too… but alone… without a voice… without a way to communicate… without a way to persevere… without the resources to survive… afraid of the judicial retaliation of even speaking to me… afraid that the judges already know they have contacted me… judges who use extortion to hold your children hostage in exchange for your silence about your mistreatment. They tried with me, but my son was turning 18… and they already placed the great burden of their secret on him to keep him away from me. Taking away my right to free speech was not going to work.

When Judge DelRicci actually suggested during a hearing on their non-compliance with the custody order that in exchange for him enforcing the existing order (which was ignored for years without repercussion) he would order a list of words and topics which could not be discussed by me in front of my son. At 17, he was not a child who couldn’t handle a discussion. The ‘deal’ for enforcing the existing order was to further restrict the parent who just wanted to love his son again. OK, the repercussion for her non-compliance with a custody order for over 2 years would be to add to the order the opportunity to falsely accuse me of violating a court order.

Every family court story I have encountered has done this. A parent will do anything for time with their children. It guarantees that the corrupted, twisted and deranged family court will continue to harass the next person… because the victim of the family court has no idea of their malice, their power, their absolute corruption of law and justice.

Married parents be warned… look around… no one helps you when you fall into this court… and while you may be married now… this could happen to you. And when it does, the prior victims are so damaged at their own destroyed lives they can’t imagine helping. I’ve encountered many jaded opinions… one ponders that the Family Court Business can harvest its next victim and fill their quota and 40 hour work week… the victim gets victimized every minute of every hour of every day for as long as he can survive it.

With my apologies… No suicide. Not today.

I live another day to expose the crimes and misdeeds of Rhonda Daniele, Valerie Angst and Gerry Dougherty. While Carolyn Carluccio stalls the Appeal, juggles her schedule yet again, and I prepare for yet another hearing where I will not be heard. Why? Because judges do that to the victims of injustice. Because no one cares to stop them. Because they can get away with it. Because no one helps the victim in family court.

(And if you are watching the web site expecting a threat of any kind… you are wasting your time. This victim believes in justice. Not the same distorted justice dished out in the courtrooms of Norristown but justice where you find yourself held responsible for your actions and accountable and unable to hide behind the robe of a bully.

This site has never been about retaliation or revenge, it has been about prosecution and exposure. Prosecute the crimes. The story is here. Documented and true. There’s all the collateral info needed need to convict the perpetrators. The judiciary and law enforcement acting together to corrupt, conspire and deny citizens their rights. That is wrong. That is irresponsible. That is not liberty and justice for all. I hate to get all pirate-y, but that is treason. It’s a crime.

I believe in the justice system. I pray I survive to see justice


Public defenders on Thursday quickly moved to re-examine cases against their clients after the arrests of a Contra Costa County drug task force chief and a private investigator accused of running a narcotics-selling scheme, possibly with confiscated drugs.

The arrest of Norman Wielsch, commander of the state’s Central Contra Costa Narcotics Enforcement Team, or CNET, could have far-reaching ramifications in superior and appellate courts, said Contra Costa County Public Defender Robin Lipetzky.

The arrest not only calls into question the credibility and integrity of Wielsch as an individual, she said, but also that of the task force as an investigative body and the guardian of prosecution evidence.

“Was he motivated by a desire to confiscate as much drugs as he could so he could turn around and sell them? Was he writing false police reports? Was he exaggerating in police reports? You have to question everything in a CNET investigation,” Lipetzky said. “You also have to wonder when it’s the top cop of the investigation that’s a crooked cop, what did others in CNET know?”


Valerie Angst and Rhonde Lee Daniele

Motivation: Valerie Angst told her client to commit a federal crime. She would be disbarred and face charges.

Motivation: Rhonda Lee Daniele issued a Court Order and had it kept a secret. Why? The Order was written by Valerie Angst. The order destroyed a family and denied a father any contact with his children. THEY DIDN’T TELL HIM, so he continued to pursue custody not knowing there was a libelous and slanderous order issued against him. No one was going to tell him about this secret order, so he would have no opportunity to refute it or even address it. Rhonda Daniele is the Head of the Family Court Division of the Montgomery County Court Of Common Pleas.

Judge Rhonda Daniele has influence over the judges working in the Family Court division.
Judge Rhonda Daniele has served on the Board, or in some other capacity, at Montgomery County Emergency Services.

Ever since Judge Bertin recused after the discovery of the JUDGE DANIELE’S SECRET ORDER, the entire judiciary in the county shoudl have recused themselves. BUT IF THEY DID, that would be an admission of impropriety.

Instead they met with their insurance company – and used this web site as a resource during that meeting (site statistics show this meeting) – and apparently came to the decision to continue to harass and destroy me.

Considering that THE ENTIRE MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS was ordered by THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA to recuse because one of the new judges was mentioned in a lawsuit started prior to her election to the bench because there would be an appearance of bias. It would have been appropriate for the judges to recuse from the case when the actions of Judge daniele were exposed in August 2010.

That secret order manipulated every hearing and enabled the judiciary to be extorted into granting impunity to Sonya Healy to violate every court order, every procedure, every law.

They should have recused, but they couldn’t because it would then confirm their involvement. I can’t call it bias, because the indications are the volume of ex parte communications going on between the Angsts and the judges was constant.

Judge Carluccio cancelled the hearings because it would reveal the corruption of the judiciary… the illegal actions of the courthouse personnel deleting records… the direct involvement of the Private Investigator… and the County Drug Task Force attempts to set me up. The question remains: Is the Montgomery County Drug Task Force the paramilitary arm of the Court of Common Pleas.

Think back to August 2007, when Officer Dougherty, of the canine unit – drug sniffing dog – improperly had me involuntarily committed (to MCES) while purporting to investigate my report of computer surveillance. He never investigated the computer surveillance after that day.

The drug task force contracts out some of their work to private investigators who can get away with things because the police won’t prosecute them, or the judges will excuse them.

So Judge Rhonda Daniele would know how to advise an attorney to cover up her misdeeds. Judge Daniele issued other secret orders which were not distributed. Each intended to cause financial damage or land me in jail. Each time, I discovered the situation and their plots fell through. Judge’s can issue orders/warrants for surveillance, phone taps, etc… hmmm.

Valerie Angst clerked at the County Court of Common Pleas.

Of course it is not a surprise that they would know each other.
But were both new to the courthouse at the same time?
Did Valerie Angst clerk for the newly elected Judge Rhonda Daniele?

When I asked that question around the courthouse, the head of security found me and introduced himself. After that, certain documents at the courthouse became INTERNAL USE ONLY.

In the courtroom, the Defendant and the Plaintiff are the parties who are there to argue. Yet, in my case, the judge has been providing more arguments than the attorney. Their crime and cover-up got out of control.

Everyone involved in the cover-up has watched what they do to me – including my children. They know the wrath of revealing the corruption. They know they could reveal it secretly. They know they would be destroyed. They have seen others destroyed. I’ve read about the people destroyed because they disagreed with Judge Rhonda Daniele.

Two people at the center of every aspect of this story. Valerie Angst and Rhonda Lee Daniele. People with the power to manipulate and corrupt and intimidate and DESTROY.

I have never even met Rhonda Daniele. Never even seen her. Her only motivation is to protect Valerie Angst, MCES, the County, and the others from being affected because of their crimes against me.

I am one man. Terrorized and harassed since 2007. Every day I survive to be further victimized. For so many people to act against me, and for so many spectators to stand by and not do anything, their crimes must be extreme. And once revealed, there may well be others – who may not have survived these tactics. I’m sure I am not the first. And I won;t be the last unless someone does something to prosecute.


I was unable to access publicly available reports on contributors to the election campaigns of judges.
Then someone sent me the reports for Judge Carluccio’s campaign.

I really didn’t put alot of effort into it, but out of curiosity, I did review the reports.

And then a name jumped from the report… Would you believe there is a name from my story in among the contributors?

Someone who had been a good friend of mine since 1988. My wife hated her.
This friend had recommended Valerie Angst TO ME emailing me that “she is a barracuda”.
This friend who when she heard my wife had hired Valerie, apologetically said, “Oh Terance, I am so sorry.” Never explained. And then never returned a phone call.
I always had the feeling that she was not returning calls because she didn’t want to slip up and reveal something she knew.
This friend who I spoke to one day (January 2008) and in conversation she revealed something that only the surveillance software would have indicated.
This friend who never called again.

Not sure what it reveals… friendship between 3 women… Interesting to see this connection.

This friend had always said, “just call my name and I’ll be there.” She wasn’t.


I’ve warned anyone who came close to getting involved that they would feel the affects.

I warned my mother that the stress of dealing with the nightmare every minute of the day would be difficult.
She thought she was ready for it. The stress is killing her and destroying her relationship with the entire family. She has had to watch the destruction of her family during the years when she should just be enjoying watching her grandchildren grow into adults. Instead, she rarely sees anyone.

The family has already been stressed beyond belief. No one talks to anyone.

I have made it a point to not involve anyone in anything. Not to put anyone in the middle. And every time someone finds themselves in the middle it is Sonya who put them there. It has been Sonya who manipulated them into action. It has been Sonya who lied to them to get them to do something.

Each time they complain about being put in the middle. They say that they do not want to be in the middle, I have told them to stay out. Sonya lies to them and has manipulated them into involvement to serve her twisted purposes. Sonya involves them in her misdeeds, then when I find out they complain to me about what they did. I have never put anyone in the middle.

Whenever new facts become available, I expect the attack. Emotional attack or otherwise. Facts are becoming more available, and revealing each persons involvement in Sonya’s Terroristic Divorce.

My mother sat the other day and cried in the kitchen. We had not spoken in a month, not since I was forced to leave and live on the street for a few weeks. Even though I was on the street, I still got the Appeal research completed and paperwork started and filed. While we weren’t speaking they couldn’t use my mother to create emotional stress.

We finally started speaking again.

With tear-filled eyes, my mother explained that on her birthday last week, Christine and Jennifer refused to go to dinner with her as had been planned. They did not tell her themselves. They didn’t sign her birthday card. Another tactic, they left that for John. John got the humiliating task of telling his mother on her birthday that because she was putting a roof over my head and supporting me, his wife and daughter weren’t coming to dinner. Emotional extortion. Humiliation. She cried that she doesn’t have alot of birthdays left further explaining how hurt she was because Jennifer and her were always very close.

I have never asked Chris or Jennifer to get involved in anything. I have not put them in the middle at any time. When Chris has found herself in the middle it has been because she permitted herself to be manipulated by Sonya. When discovered she has always attacked me for finding out that she was in on things. Chris has been directly involved with Sonya since the beginning. I’ve known that… If you don’t want to be involved, then DON’T GET INVOLVED. And when you find yourself in the middle, expect to see it documented on this web site.

Better that my mother and I are not speaking. Then they can’t use or hurt her anymore. Well, not as much anyway.

The emotional tactics don’t work on me any longer. So the tactics of forcing other people to emotionally antagonize me is their only angle.

The foolish games they play are tearing people apart. They have destroyed everything, every passion in my life, every joy in my life, they have taken my family, my friends, my career, my health, my home, my possessions have been thrown in the trash, and my teeth. They have done so with malice and clear intent. They violate every law and every court order. And the judges have permitted it. They have been excused from every offense, every violation of every court order. They win. Yet, their terror never stops.

The information on this web site and the truth must scare them so badly that they won’t stop until I am dead. I have made it quite clear, I’m not going to commit suicide. I have survived all this. There is nothing more they can take from me. I have nothing more to lose.

But they do…

Oh, that’s right. They haven’t gotten away with it yet. It takes years for corruption of this kind to get revealed. Every lawyer in the county knows this case. And not one of them will touch it.

If I had a lawyer, they would have targeted him and destroyed his career for exposing the INJUSTICE, CORRUPTION AND OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.

I didn’t want to subject my mother to the stress of living with this nightmare all day every day. She said she could handle it. I also knew that I would have to deal with the impact on ME emotionally watching what they would do to her.

Emotional terrorists. Out of control. Evil. Endorsed by corruption. Powered by injustice and malice.


I have a policy where I do not post comments at this site. Frequently, the people who contact me also have cases in the Montgomery County Courthouse. They are afraid of retaliation.

Yesterday, I received the following comment. I publish it here ‘in full’ without any edits. And respond.

Name: Voice of REASON which you lack!

Email: Voiceofreason0001@gmail.com

Judge Carluccio is one of the nicest people I have ever met. ANY person who needs to start a blog to get out their imagined angst ridden delusions with the heading, “I am a sane man…” obviously is not. Not only is she fair, but she does listen and hear both sides and take every angle into perspective when making a decision. You blog about every Judge whose ruling you didn’t like or agree with, these people have had plenty of expierence and know the law, any ruling or order was made for a JUST REASON. NOT because they are part of a secret society or whatever else your derranged mind has concocted. I say this from the bottom of my heart GET HELP,go to an assylum you NEED IT!!!

1. For starters they don’t indicate their name. If you are so firm in your belief, why be anonymous?

2. I will respond to the email address, it will bounce back if fake. Again, why hide?

3. Carolyn Carluccio may very well be a nice person. As for Judge Carluccio, she doesn’t have to be nice. Judge Carluccio has a job to do. That job should be done with respect and in accordance with procedures, laws and ethics. That is what the people expect of the judiciary. Justice.

4. The blog was started for one simple reason. Data and document storage and organization.

5. Imagined? Nothing imaginary, there is proof of everything documented on the site.

6. Angst ridden? I will assume you were not trying to make a pun.

7. Delusions? Again, there is evidence and proof of everything documented. Delusions would not have documented tangible proof.

8. The heading sums up the situation succinctly. I am a sane man. I even have the paperwork to prove it.

9. Your diagnosis that anyone who says they are sane must be crazy is flawed.

10. Judge Carluccio has not been fair. You are wrong.

11. Judge Carluccio has not listened. You are wrong.

12. Judge Carluccio has not heard. She has not held hearings. Hearings are where people are heard. You are wrong.

13. Judge Carluccio has not heard both sides to anything. Read the transcript from July 18, 2011.

14. Every Angle… OK, there are 2 sides to a case. There should be no angles. BUT, you are correct. I believe Judge Carluccio has taken into account every angle. The Angle which has the greatest weight has been the obstruction of justice by the prior Judges on the case. I agree she ruled on the angle. Not on the case. She was protecting her fellow judges, and other county employees who have acted improperly, unethically and illegally. That Angle was not presented in the Courtroom, therefore ‘the dirty secret’ should not be considered.

15. Decisions. The decisions made by Judge Carluccio were to NOT have hearings on anything where the injustice would be exposed.

16. I write about the case. Whether I like the decisions or not. Considering the judges have granted impunity to violate procedures, laws and court orders to my wife and her attorneys, it may seem as though I disagree when actually it is the law which disagrees with them.

17. I agree with you, the judges know the law. They know exactly what they are doing wrong. They are doing it anyway. I was startled to hear the definition of extrinsic fraud – a specific kind of fraud that attempts to have people think they have no rights.

18. “Just Reasons”? Well, if what they are doing is JUST, they why is Judge Carluccio so determined to prevent testimony and evidence of the injustice. Judge Carluccio could have had the hearings and ruled against me. THAT would have been difficult to appeal. It would be a judicial error. Judges are permitted to make mistakes and not be held accountable. In court, if the judge does not ‘hear’ the testimony and evidence, it may not be considered in the decision. Judge Carluccio chose to obstruct justice by not holding hearings because if heard she would have no choice but to include that information in her decision and actions. It would also be on the recorded transcript. It is not enough to document the issue in a petition. The paper cannot be heard in a courtroom.

19. Secret Society? Um, what are you talking about? I make no allegations of secret societies. The courts are supposed to be transparent. The laws are published. The procedures are published. The ethics standards are published.

20. YOU concocted the Secret Society. Not me. So your diagnosis of deranged is wrong.

21. From the bottom of your heart, eh? I detect a lack of sincerity in your conclusion. And your erroneous conclusion provides the necessity for the heading.

“I am a sane man dealing with an absolutely insane situation. Every person in a position to help has acted improperly in direct violation of procedures and the law preventing the resolution of any matter… they each make the situation worse… NO ONE HELPS.”

Judge Carolyn Carluccio was in a position to help.
Judge Carolyn Carluccio chose to act improperly in direct violation of procedures and the law.
Judge Carolyn Carluccio has prevented a resolution of the matter.
Judge Carolyn Carluccio has made the situation worse.

I am sorry that your friend Carolyn Carluccio may not be the person you believed her to be, or would like her to be. I document her actions as a judge – the only way I know her. She failed as a judge. Not as your friend.

The commenter only viewed 3 pages on my site.
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress under Color of Law
??? Why?

The commenter arrived from GOOGLE while searching “Judge Carluccio” at about 6:30 PM on September 3, 2011.

The commenter arrived from BING while searching “Judge Carluccio” at about 7:20 PM on September 3, 2011.

Their IP address resolves to Blue Bell, PA

Comcast is their internet provider.


Sunday, September 4, 2011
When I arrive at the house, I begin to take pictures. Sonya ran for the garage door so that I could not get pictures of what remained in the garage. (You can see legs as the door is being pulled down.)

Dissipation of Assets. Visible in the trailer is the Entertainment center from the Family room, A table which was non-marital, the bar cart from the deck, Christmas Decorations, concrete mold, a bureau. I was unable to see what had been placed in the truck bed.

They called police on me. I wasn’t violating any court orders, or any laws.
I took some pictures, then I drove to McDonald’s grabbed a biscuit and a drink and returned to find the police there.

The Pick Up Truck and trailer leave while police are still talking with me. Shows that things are in the truck bed, but not identifiable.

Police return to talk with Colin and Sonya.

Entertainment center from basement is left at curb for trash.

Police cars lining the street. She made another false report to police. Police will not get involved in a civil matter… unless it becomes something it is not.


Dissipating Assets 2

Saturday, September 3, 2011
A U-Haul truck is loaded with items from the house.