
While programs are available to the general public to hack phones and computers, there will never be any technology security.

Phones and computers can be hacked, and then used to hack each other. Bluetooth is NOT a friendly technology. It is more like a rapist waiting to attack… or a molester stalking their prey. It is the technology which is ignored and left unsecure with the capacity to destroy and damage and infiltrate all the technology in your life.

Any phone which is brought into an office could potentially be hacking your computer.

Verizon does nothing to prevent it. And the Anti-Virus people allow it.

The intrusion programs are sold by Awareness Technologies to hack every digital device. And they sell it cheap, and it is undermining all networks everywhere… and no one prosecutes the perpetrators, and no one protects the victims.

They caught a man in Chester County last month using WebWatcher by Awareness Technologies. In Montgomery County they don’t investigate the tech intrusions… because Montgomery County uses the programs themselves, or advises others to use them – Remember, Lower Merion School District spying on the school children? It’s also how the county makes sure their confidential informants remain confidential. Informants know their phones and computers are being watched… because if they tell anyone what they are doing, they disapear to serve the original sentence for the crime that got them into the program. (And in the case of 3 people I know, me making up a story about them apologizing caused them to disappear.)

Awareness Technologies also provides the “security” to a number of Federal Agencies… apparently the fact that they have a Chinese parent company and their programs are based on a spyware virus which stopped being detected in February 2007 are no reason to worry. No one thinks the Chinese are a technology threat. {Yes, that was sarcasm.}


Why has Risa Ferman ignored the crimes being committed against me?

Why has Risa Ferman not prosecuted the Robbery? The Fraud? The False allegations? the perjury?

Why has Risa Ferman not investigated the misdeeds of Angst & Angst?

Why has Risa Ferman allowed me to be terrorized since 2007?

In 2007 Risa Ferman became District Attorney. In 2011, she is again running for the office.

Is she running because she believes in justice and the law?” or because she won’t prosecute lawyers and judges without ethics who believe they have the right to destroy people and families?

I have contacted the District Attorney a number of times… she has NEVER responded or acted on my complaints. It would seems that she is part of the coverup. After all, her resources were wasted investigating me, surveilling me, terrorizing me… to what end? They failed to set me up as a drug dealer.

Risa Ferman knows the drug dealers in the area. She uses them as part of her Drug Task Force. She uses them to set people up. She allows them to operate in the county. One lived within 3 blocks of the courthouse. She arrested him multiple times, yet put him back on the street repeatedly. She knew what he was doing. She allowed it to go on. Each time he was freed, he would contact me under the guise of selling me drugs. I didn’t know he was a dealer. I knew him from his real life, in the movie industry.

The private investigator that Risa Ferman has contracted to manage her confidential informants is out of control. They use sex and drugs to set people up. They failed to set me up. I am not a drug dealer. I am not a drug addict. The names of many of the informants appear on this site under another post. When I met them, I saw people in trouble and I tried to help them. I trusted them… well, I tried to trust them. When they realized that what they were doing to me was wrong, they became very troubled and disappeared.

I am a victim of an out of control county, acting on the direction of a lawyer who got caught advising her client to commit a federal crime. But no one will investigate because she AND HER FRIENDS ON THE BENCH have manipulated law enforcement and had them terrorize me for 5 years. The facts on this web site are clear.


I think they will try to murder me to prevent any further exposure of their crimes. I live in fear.




Anyone can give up, it is the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.


“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell

How peculiar… In January 2008, Judge Arthur Tilson referred to Geroge Orwells’s 1984 while ruling on a Protection From Abuse Order.

Indicating that Pennsylvania Law was not ready for “1984”, he cancelled a protection from abuse order which permitted my computers and phones to be hacked, tapped, redirected, intruded upon, and disrupted for the last 5 years.

It is worth noting that the technology intrusions have been performed by any of a number of sources, spouse, private investigator, drug task force, county detectives, FBI, etc…

With regard to the county law enforcement activity, any such surveillance intrusion would have to have been ordered by a warrant which would have to be signed by a judge… or any number of corrupt judges who were seeking to protect themselves and their predecessors during a prolonged and terroristic divorce.

!!! So that is why they will not hear any petition on ex parte documents… It will reveal those responsible for the illegal surveillance of my computers and phones. (…and the computers and phones of my friends.)

!!! It will also reveal the true reason that the Sheriff was dispatched to my home on June 9, 2011. This will confirm the information presented on this web site. Three or 4 member of the Sheriff’s department were there along with 3 or 4 members of the Montgomery Township Police Department.


Officer Gerry Dougherty indicated the Sheriff’s Department requested the involvement of the Montgomery Township Police Department.

A Deputy from the Sheriff’s Department confirmed to me that he was there and there are documents which ordered the Sheriff’s Department involvement. But no one can find that document.

The Sheriff has not returned calls.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio denied a hearing on the petition to produce the document which ordered the sheriff’s department involvement.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has conspired criminally to prevent further exposure of Montgomery County personnel and their direct involvement in this terroristic divorce. The paperwork sent to the Sheriff’s Department will directly expose the criminal actions of the judiciary, and the direct involvement of the county in the prolonged harassment of an innocent man caught up in a divorce… where excessive county resources have been expended for going on 5 years.

Occam’s Razor… “the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one.”

Lawyers told a client to commit a Federal crime. Once caught. Lawyers conspired with a judge to cover it up by terrorizing the victim for years. As they failed to cause the victim’s suicide, another judge annihilated his life, past and future.

Angst & Angst – Judge Rhonda Daniele – Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio


Unrelenting terror, malice and corruption since 2007, and it would seem that there is no law enforcement when it comes down to corruption.

The crimes that have been committed against me are clear. Yet, remain unprosecuted. Why?

The ongoing terror harassment and intimidation by Judge Carolyn Carluccio is permitted to continue. WHY?

I have persevered and endured through 5 years of constant attacks, harassment, terror, fraud, false allegations, corrupt judges, secret court orders, and absolute malice from judges trying to protect their predecessors on the case from being exposed, by further denying me my rights.

Someone has to prosecute the corruption.


Judge Carolyn Carluccio misbehaves in her courtroom without regard for procedure, the law, or any respect for the parties before her. She sits on her bench and permits herself to be manipulated. There are actual moments when she probably thinks she is controlling the room.

A few snags to their plan. The judges forget that Valerie Angst, who’s actions the judges conceal and protect, is ALWAYS going to do something to them to keep them under her thumb. If they have any clue as to the history of this case, there is always the point where Angst & Angst are displeased with the outcome and throw the judge under the bus. They reveal the bad behavior and then the next judge gets brought in to cover it up.

On Sept 23, Judge Carluccio fell into a very clear set of traps.

1. The hearing which was scheduled was on several petitions. The hearing which was “heard” was on a petition filed at 10:30PM the night before and only delivered moments into the proceeding.

2. Judge Carluccio was adamant that the hearing was on papers filed in July. BUT ALL THEIR TESTIMONY WAS ABOUT THIS NEW DOCUMENT. Objections for relevance were repeatedly ignored. Requests for clarification of the purpose of the hearing were addressed by the judge who repeatedly re-affirmed the petition being discussed.


3. Judge Carluccio’s order clearly grants all of the things that were requested in this surprise petition.

4. But, the petition was not properly filed. It was not signed by Valerie Angst. It was not signed by Sonya Healy. AND VALERIE RECYCLED THE VERIFICATION PAGE FOR THE FIFTH TIME.

5. So, the petition was invalid. It hijacked the hearings we were supposed to be having. AND, the judge issued her order based on it. The transcript documents the obvious switch. The corruption is becoming more and more obvious.


6. Well, it’s not like they can schedule a hearing on the matter, because it has already been heard and the judge has issued the order, and the judge gave them everything they asked for. And the Judge’s Order clearly indicates the judge’s fraud. AND once again, the hearings on the matters DID NOT TAKE PLACE, but the order falsely indicates that they did.

7. To keep Judge Carluccio under her thumb, within a week Valerie Angst withdraws the surprise petition. (And fails to notify me of the withdrawal.)

8. If anything is questioned about it, the judge must once again protect herself. There will be no explanation, and no opportunity to explain. There is just another event which must be covered up.

NOTE: The true purpose of the surprise petition was to get an intensely emotional reaction out of me which could permit the judge to throw me in jail. The document indicated that my home had been sold out from under me. It was sold for the price I had offered for the home 2 years ago. The document indicated that they threw out ALL OF MY POSSESSIONS. After 5 years of terror, the extreme malice of this action is infuriating, but I have learned to expect their hateful demonstrations.

It is worth noting that the petitions which were scheduled addressed the Appeal filed in August, which has been stalled by Judge Carluccio. The refusal of the Judge to issue an order which could be followed. The motion to stay the sale of the home until the appeal could be worked out.

(Oh, and did I mention that the Judge continued the hearing from Sept 20 to Sept 23 because Sonya could not be there on the 20th, BECAUSE THAT WAS THE CLOSING DATE ON THE HOUSE. That date was set in July and prevented from me. That was an other petition, to get the information about the sale of the house. But Valerie Angst lied to everyone and informed them that I was not to be informed of the details of the sale.)

There will be alot of documents filed soon, because to attempt to get this much corruption documented in one petition would be too confusing.

And there are about 4 or 5 other clear indications of corruption and manipulation. valerie Angst knows how to get a judge on her side, and then keep them under her thumb. And the corrupt judges of Montgomery County continue to let her get away with it.


“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” – Martin Luther King


I sincerely appreciate your experience. However, I will not let your lapse in justice deter me from seeking justice in my case. I understand the injustice experience. I am more disgusted at what my case has taught my children about the justice system. The readers of my web site will undoubtedly realize the power of one lawyer and one judge to pervert justice for all involved.

I have lost 5 years of my life and there is no sign they will stop persecuting me. The judge is preventing the appeal. If she wanted it over, then the appeal would have gone through and shot me down like lightning. It can’t go thru because their fraud is exposed. Their order is defective. There is no question, but they have no way to go back and fix it without their liability being exposed. So, I am stuck married forever, or until they admit their mistake and their malice in attempting to conceal the facts.

They will continue to terrorize me. To do things which cannot be repaired? My kids will never regain the high school and college years spent without their father. Do we now have to evict people from my home – sold under the void order. All of my possessions from my childhood have been thrown in the trash. My life. My pictures. Everything. Thrown out in malice because I caught their error. They want me to commit suicide. I won’t oblige them the suicide, anymore than I will give up my fight based on the disillusionment of your experience.

I have tried to prevent the situation from becoming impossible to fix. Judge Carolyn Carluccio has acted with extreme malice in her refusal to hear anything and to prevent anything from getting outside her courtroom. She is determined to destroy me to prevent exposure of her corruption. I tried to give her multiple exits as I realized how corrupted she was becoming. She refused all recusal requests no matter how detailed her corrupt and criminal actions were presented. She decided to destroy me through further corruption and malice.

I appreciate and apologize for your injustice, but I have no exit from their terror until they are prosecuted. I have known this since their first irreparable actions in August 2007.

I still ask for people to help, when no one will. I have no other choice but to hope for justice, or commit suicide. And I wish I were capable of suicide. I’m not. So I must suffer through their injustice until someone somewhere prosecutes them for the terror they have caused.

There is no other choice. They took everything except my self respect. The judge calls me intimidating. The truth is intimidating, and she is afraid of the truth being exposed. Someone, somewhere, someday will end my terror.

Nancy, I hope to celebrate that survival with you someday.

Until that day, I persevere and endure.
In all sincerity,


When you do a favor for Valerie Angst, I can assure you when it all comes down, Valerie Angst will throw you under the bus. The woman is a sociopath.

Last week, Judge Carluccio was thrown under the bus in a hearing where she committed so many procedural and legal violations, aside from the fraud, conspiracy, obstruction of justice, malice, cruelty, she demonstrated as she attempted to threaten and intimidate me, while further issuing orders to hurt me financially and emotionally… Because Judge Carluccio can do these things. Not by law. She can do it because no one will stop her. No one is watching. Judge Carluccio is unashamedly corrupt, malicious and cruel. Terrorizing the victim of injustice, because he survived to expose it.

Just because Judge Carluccio CAN do these things does not make them lawful and legal. As with each target who has been manipulated in this case, Valerie has them double down on their actions. With Judge Carluccio, her extreme actions generate so much chaos that it is necessary to single out the list of ‘acts’ before you even try to see how they envelope in Judge Carluccio’s entire courtroom.

Here is the short list of Judge Carluccio’s actions. I am putting them in chronological order as you can see things grow larger and more malicious.

Dec 2010 – Judge Carluccio permits an ethical violation by Valerie Angst. When notified, she commits 2 ethical violations herself. One for not addressing it with Valerie Angst. Another for not correcting the error and providing me the documents.

Dec 2010 – Judge Carluccio then further shows her determination to prevent the revelaion of the content of the inappropriate ex parte communicationm between herself and Angst & Angst by denying a motion for production of the document. Judge Carluccio does so without any hearing.

January 2011 – Judge Carluccio demonstrates her determination to not have hearings on any matter by scheduling hearings for June 1-2, 2011. The petitions have been pending since as long as August 2010 and all deal with enforcement issues. The enforcement issues date back to July 2007. There is no way to enforce a court order without the court taking action.

February 2011. Judge Carluccio gets caught rushing a hearing in an attempt to throw me out of my home. She conspires with Valerie Angst to quickly schedules a hearing. She has no time for the hearing, and does not expect a response. the response clearly documents the injustice experienced since August 2007. The hearing is ended without the opportunity to present and Response and Counter Petition because Judge Carluccio does not have time for the hearing. The hearing is never resumed.

March 2011 – Judge Carluccio secretly changes her schedule to indicate the June 1-2, 2011 hearings are being held on March 29, 2011. No notice is sent to the parties. I notice this ‘error’ and point it out in the court additionally requesting the emails/praecipes which caused this erroneous scheduling. It is denied. Judge Carluccio tries to cover indicating it is an error. Judge Carluccio repeated states that her order for the hearing is correct. Equitable Distribution. Judge Carluccio repeatedly refuses to hear testimony relating to the outstanding petitions. She repeatedly lies indicating that those petitions will be heard at a later date. At the end of the day, she schedules the hearings for May 5. Now they are compressed from 2 full days into a few hours. It is obvious there is no intent to hold protracted hearings.

April 2011 – Judge Carluccio, without benefit of any hearing, testimony, or review of the evidence docketed and submitted, cancels the hearings and denies the petitions for a variety of reasons. Again, without a hearing, how can these reasons be determined. Judge Carluccio is diggin herself in deeper. Wasting an incredible amount of time with delays and not addressing any of the matters. The schedule has become the biggest problem in the case.

May 2011 – judge Carluccio issues a vague order which seems to cancel the hearings but is unclear. She refuses to clarify leading me to think she is setting me up for a no show which permits her to cancel the petitions and blame me for it. I show up for the hearings prepared and am turned away. The judge then falsely reports that I made a threat against her. I am surrounded and escorted from the building. The Deputies realize they have been manipulated when I show them the order issued indicating I had to appear in court that morning.

May 2011 – Judge Carluccio issues a defective Divorce Decree and Equitable Distrubtion Order. Aside from the incredible bias being ordered giving everything to my wife financially, and power of attorney, etc… the order is defective because they neglected to follow proper procedure. This is pointed out to Judge Carluccio and she fails to permit a hearing on the matter, instead permitting irreparable damage to be committed by the Plaintiff. She has ordered me homeless, and my possessions are now being thrown out in violation of all orders. (REMEMBER: There have been no enforcement hearings where the Plaintiff has been held accountable for any violation of a Court Order. She has unexplained impunity.)

June 2011 – Judge Carluccio fails to respond quickly, and further ignores the emergency filing. All the while I am homeless, with no access to my possessions, while I am aware they are being thrown out. There is nothing I can do but wait for the hearing in July.

July 2011 – Judge Carluccio holds a hearing where after refusing to hear any relevant testimony, she reaffirms her defective order and relenquishes jurisdiction. This is accomplished in the first 6 p[ages of the transcript. Judge Carluccio then continues another 76 pages hearing other issues which were not on the schedule, and where the Defendant is not permitted to address or respond. At the end all petitions are denied without explanation. The judge makes a faux apology because the time for an appeal has tolled. But she is wrong and I point this out to her.

At this point, my home is secretly put up for sale out from under me. The Plaintiff has waited 2 months to act ‘immediately’ as she had been ordered on May 9, 2011. I find out none of this information easily. All information is being blocked and prevented from my access.

I file the Appeal, and the judge delays it. She would lie about this action later, but it is documented.

I notify the real estate agent of the Appeal.

I notify the Real Estate Company of the Appeal.

I speak with Keller Williams lawyer about the Appeal.

No one will provide me any of the dates associated with the sale. These dates have already been set as of July 27, 2011. The house sold in under 2 weeks in July.

The Appeal requires the Judge to maintain the status quo. Even though a document was filed to stay the sale of the home because of the irreparable nature of it, no emergency hearing is scheduled. The hearing is eventually scheduled for September 20, 2011. (On July 27, 2011, the date was already set as the closing date for the sale of the home.)

Valerie Angst requests a continuance of the hearings on September 20, and Judge Carluccio grants the continuance immediately. this reveals the intent to sell the home out from under me. And Valerie Angst is aware of all of the dates as she has spoken to all parties to the sale, except me.

Whether or not Judge Carluccio knows the date is the closing date is not relevant. Valerie Angst in asking for the continuance is preparing to throw Judge Carluccio under the bus. All of the proceeding misdeeds suggest the full participation of Judge Carluccio in the conspiracy, etc… Now Judge Carluccio is about to be exposed even more. Once again she will go willingingly and enthusiastically into the manipulation.

Late the night before the September 23, 2011 hearing, Valerie Angst write up a Response and Counterpetition. The document is elecctronically filed but not signed. The verification is a copy of one which has been used 5 times before, it is also not part of the electronic filing. The electronic filing has no signature. It is invalid. The response and counter has not been served on the other party, it is not ready for court. A copy is provided to me moments after Judge Carluccio begins the hearing.

Judge Carluccio has already begun indicating she does not have time for all of the issues before her. The hearing begins and the testimony has nothing to do with the sanctions requested relating to the July 18 hearing. This is the primary purpose of the hearing. Judge Carluccio repeatedly indicates and reclarifies the topic for the hearing. The testimony is way off topic and I continue to object for relevance. I am overruled. I persist indicating that the testimony has no relevance to the petition for sanctions which is being heard.

The testimony is Sonya Healy proudly announcing that she has sold my home on the date she was unable to come to court. That she has additionally disposed of all of my furniture and possessions, as Judge Carluccio ordered she may do prior to closing. That she had cancelled the arbitration and prevented any separation of assets and instead thrown everything away. That she had called the police when I had caugfht her throwing away possessions in violation of the court orders. the testimony is designed to indicate to me that they have destroyed everything I own and sold my home out from under me. They are bragging. They did it base don a defective order under appeal… so while I followed the court procedures and Judge Carluccio delayed everything and continued every hearing, Judge Carluccio was enabling them to exact further destruction of my life.

BUT, the testimony is not relevant to the issue. Judge Carluccio has signaled for the sheriff department’s deputies to surround me. About seven deputies are in the courtroom. They were expecting an emotional outburst at me hearing about what they have done to me. The latest cruel injustice. I object to the testimony for relevance and am denied. Their intent was to get a reaction and cause me to be thrown in jail. It fails as it has every time they played this game.

When I fail to react emotionally ofr violently, Judge Carluccio decides to end the hearing (???) and issue her rulings. She has heard no testimony regarding the volume of petitions filed. She has permitted no exhibits to be presented. As I attempt to question how she is ruling without any hearings, I am shhh’d. The judge’s order is intended to cause further financial hardsship, and cause me to be in contempt as she has ordered me to provide items swhich I do not have.

It is only after the hearing that it is realized, the hearing the judge was having was in regard to the counterpetition submitted UNSIGNED and UNSERVED and without any time to prepare. Once again an experience in the Court Of judge Carluccio has been a bait an switch. Additionally, Judge Carluccio no longer has jurisdiction to issue these types of orders. She has issued her final order and relenquished jurisdiction. She is aware of an Appela in process and has very limited jurisdiction except to maintain the status quo and permit a party to proceed in forma pauperis. Something she has clearly and maliciously NOT DONE.

It is the Petition to Proceed In Forma Pauperis that she has refused to hear since August 15, 2011. That she has lied about not being assigned. That she called Court Administration asking them to ignore. That Karen from Court Admin called me about the judge refusing to take any action. That I have refiled because over a month delay would require a refiling of the document. That I have escalated to the Superior Court Of Pennsylvania.

OH SHIT… They didn’t know that part??? The Superior Court of PA has had the documents for a week already, docketed and served upon the necessary parties. With courtesy copies delivered at the hearing on Sept 23. While Carolyn carlucio has prefvented the documents from being sent to Philadelphia, and has pretended to be procweeding with the Appeal asking for a concise list of errors being appealed. (The Appeal process is very detail and date ordered. The Request for a Concise List is a great prevention method because if not completeed and delivered timely, it cancels any appeal EVER.) To their SURPRISE, they had not been so successful at preventing the Superior Court from hearing about this case.

That did not stop the malice. That did not prevent Judge Carluccio from issuing orders where she had no jurisdiction. Judge Carluccio did not wish to discuss her lack of jurisdiction. That was denied also.

There was no cross examination. There was no testimony. There was no presentation of the case. No Submission or review of any exhibits. This was a session to beat of their victim further and see if he would crack. It was an opportunity for them to demonstrate the power of a corrupt judge who can violate the law and prevent anyone from ever helping you. I know the power of coprruption. This web site is full of examples which I have lived through persevered through and endured… so that after all was done. Everything I own could be thrown away, and my home could be sold out from under me illegally by a judge who was delighted at the opportunity to destroy a man. A judge so drunk with power that she terrorized a defendant without fear of prosecution. The law does not apply in her court. No one was going to stop her. No one was watching her corruption. Her active obstruction of justice. Her boldly conspiring to devastate. Not until she was done annihilating this man’s life.

And during the hearing Valerie Angst clearly threatened the Judge on the record… when she boldly presented her invoice for sanctions to the judge and refused to provide copies to me. It was the Angst Invoice which revealed judge Bertin;s illegal ex parte activity. I bet the invoice being presented ex parte in open court and on the record implicated Judge carluccio in Valerie Angsts’s crimes. I was denied a copy. Initially they had asked for $3000 in sanctions when they filed in July. The Judge instead ordered me to pay $13,750. Did the judge award Valerie Angst a bonus to prevent the judge’s particiation from being revealed. I get to pay an extra $10,000 for following the orders, the procedures the rules of appeallte procedure, and permitting them to continue and reschedule to destroy me further.

Valerie Angst has demonstrated her sociopathic skills and abilities since she began this case in January 2007. I have been the victim of her psychotic actions. I just won’t commit suicide. So Valerie Angst must continue to ‘manipulate the willing’ – the police, the detectives, the judges of the court – until justice is served.

Each time the inappropriate action was pointed out, the victim (me) is further victimized. This has occurred since the start of this nightmare. The victim has no choice but to ask for help or releif from those who are destroying him. This may explain the sound of silence in the Courtroom when I announced in court and served Judge Carluccio and Valerie Angst with the paperwork filed with the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. I suppose they thought they were effective at preventing the escalation to the higher court. That’s why they sold my house and threw out my possessions… they wanted to make me cry. To survive 5 years of their terror to find in the opening minutes of a hearing that these event occurred based on her defective order was supposed to distract me from the hearing. Well, they were holding a hearing on a different topic anyway. It’s in the transcript.

This document does not even begin to document the manipulation of the separation of marital assets which permitted them to be thrown away as authorized by Judge Carluccio and where I had no opportunity to collect my things, or have the court respond. There are so many issues, and I am one man who has to deal with all of them, while their team continues to grow.

PLEASE. Someone must stop these hateful people from their crimes. PLEASE.