
Sheriff Behr responded to my requests for the order which sent deputies to my home on June 9, 2011 by sending me a form to file an ethics complaint.

It had taken almost 2 weeks for the sheriff to return my call. The call was returned after I posted to this site and to Facebook that I had not heard back from her.

Sheriff Behr then blocked me on Facebook and sent me an irrelevant form which would be ignored. It’s been over 5 years of these types of failures to act or intentional misdirection. Why would she do that? When it was shown to be an effective way of communicating to the sheriff that we needed to talk or meet, why block me. What was the point? It was not just a general setting change. She didn’t block my mother who was able to congratulate her on yesterday’s election result.

I take this action by the Sheriff Eileen Behr as an indication that she has no intention of providing the documents requested or explaining why she is unable to comply with my simple request.

Sheriff Behr has also not called back to schedule a meeting to discuss my case – and the criminal complaint I wished to file.

Additionally, I would suppose that this is also an indication that Sheriff Eileen Behr, as the chief law enforcement officer in the county, will not investigate the corruption, fraud, and harassment caused over the last 5 years.

Congratulations on the election yesterday. Welcome to Montgomery County where everyone in a position to help has been manipulated into a liability and fails to follow procedures and the law.

It goes on. They continue to add people to their efforts to destroy me. Why? Why do good people want to protect and hide the criminal actions of others?

Whenever I started a new job, I was pointed to a desk and began working. No ceremony. None expected. I did my work.

Why does it seem that the people who make a ceremony out of their starting a job, and swear an oath to perform their job, and publicize every time they do something good, seem to disregard the words they speak in that oath when they fail to do their job.

Senators, Representatives and all judicial, State and county officers shall, before entering on the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation before a person authorized to administer oaths.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth and that I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity.”

Any person refusing to take the oath or affirmation shall forfeit his office.
(May 17, 1966, 1965 P.L.1928, J.R.10)


The problem with the judiciary. I am forced to seek justice from those who are being unjust (and unethical). And there is no where else to turn. Appeals to a higher court have been delayed by Judge Carluccio who has still not heard the IFP petition so the paperwork can move to the Superior Court. Submitted twice now and nothing scheduled.

Judge Carluccio has additionally exercised her option to require filing of additional documents. Extra hurdles.

Judge Carluccio has also issued an Opinion which she filed in her own court attempting to quash the appeal by referring to appelate procedures which do not apply. I suppose if she filed it with the Superior Court they might be wondering why they have not received the other documents from the County Prothonotary. It is important to note that the Rules of Appellate Procedure permit 5 years for an appeal of a defective order. If extrinsic fraud is involved, it permits 5 years to appeal. Judge Carluccio’s Opinion was accurate but was completely irrelevant as it neglected to address the issues of this case. Fraudulently indicating the appeal was not filed timely and incorrectly applying the wrong rules is a clear demonstration of her extrinsic fraud… and her arrogance… and her deliberate intent to prevent and obstruct justice.

It is also important to consider, that Judge Carluccio has prevented me from obtaining any of the proceeds from the fraudulent sale of my house. If I got some of that money, the appeal could proceed. Judge Carluccio does not want that to happen, because then it will be revealed that she intentionally issued a defective order to prevent or delay a timely appeal, and further prevented the resolution of the defect
by not holding hearing when the issue was petitioned. Forcing the case to go to the Superior Court for an Appeal decision which will order the lower court to have the hearings and correct the defects.

BUT WAIT… while Judge Carluccio has been stalling, delaying and blocking me financially, she has actively participated in causing the fraudulent conveyance of my home based on her defective order.

Another of her unclear and maliciously cruel orders allowed everything I owned to be thrown away based on the closing date of the house. The closing date that no one would tell me.

I petitioned the court to obtain the information and it was scheduled. BUT, another of her instant unethical decisions continued that hearing upon Valerie Angst’s notice that Sonya was not available on that date for a hearing. Continuance granted.

Sonya was not available for court that day because she was closing on the fraudulent sale of the house.

It turns out that the hearing date originally scheduled was the date which had been set months earlier for closing on the house. Everyone knew that except me. I asked everyone involved for the information. No one would inform me. I wrote letters, made phone calls to the realtor and the real estate agency and their main office. No one would tell me.

Paperwork indicates that Valerie Angst had imagined and documented incorrectly that I was not to be informed of anything according to the Judge’s order. That’s not in the order. this is not the first time people have been manipulated into liability in this case.

The judge enabled this to happen by granting Power of Attorney to my wife. There was no hearing or justification for this action. It also violates a few laws and rights. But it would enable the fraud to continue. It would effectively make the appeal seem useless because they disposed of everything already.

BUT THEY COMMITTED FRAUD. Fraud voids Orders. Defective Orders are voided. And their intent was clear.

So after years of terror and harassment. The destruction of my relationship with my sons. The devastating impact on my whole family. The absolutely nightmarish existence that they created and I somehow survived. Judge Carluccio decides the best way to conceal the intentional and deliberate injustice caused by the prior judges on this case is to involve more people in the conspiracy while she prevents resolution of any issue. There is no excusing for her actions. Apparently she feels it necessary to continue persecuting the victim of injustice in order to conceal the corruption of the judiciary.

And as everyone’s liabilities are documented and exposed, I fear for my life.

They still manipulate people into their efforts – most recently Sheriff Behr sent me a form to file an ethics complaint when I had specifically requested the paperwork relating to her deputies being at my home.

They testified in Judge Carluccio’s courtroom and lied about who requested the deputies assistance. They remembered nothing about it. Just a coincidence everyone arrived at my house at the same time. Really? Three or four deputies who had additionally asked for, and received, assistance from three or four Montgomery Township Police officers. Everyone there except me, because I was ordered by the intentionally defective order to vacate the house.

Considering I have followed every last one of the corrupt orders of the Court or immediately petitioned the court for clarification, what would cause the deputies show up unrequested to enforce me vacate the house that I had vacated.

I know the answer to that question. The people who have terrorized me and everyone I know for years should take responsibility for their improper and destructive actions.

One police officer could have ended this in August 2007. He did not. Whether by his own choice or by order is unknown. He was there enforcing my eviction from the home, too. When you put it all on a piece of paper, he is connected to all of them. He could have ended a 2 month ordeal in August 2007. He did not. It has enveloped so many people and affected so many lives. He could have prevented it. He did not.

Perhaps the folks who take an oath when they begin doing their job are just doing it for the audience without any thought to the words they are saying.


There is a frustration that I have felt for years when it comes to any law enforcement agency investigating my case.

There is no way that law enforcement can do their investigation without revealing that an investigation is underway.

My computers and phones are affected. All of my conversations and correspondence are exposed to the lawbreaker doing it to me.

Those responsible for the crimes can block emails and phone calls. I have realized if I don’t communicate with someone on the initial phone contact the likelihood of a callback is nil. (This is not speculation. The intrusion experience dates back to February 2007.)

I know the landline at my house was additionally affected. It was revealed by telephone glitches and noises which eventually lead to my downloading of a file to make the noises stop. When I downloaded the document, I received a phone call from the mystery number that had been doing auto callbacks for months. I thought I was going to find a way to identify the Digital Communication Switch – DCS. It turned out to be the Data Collection System – DCS used by the FBI.

When I had verizon consolidate my cell phone and land line into their ONEBILL program, the bill spiked by about $800. Land Line customer service could not explain, indicated it must be from the wireless side. The wireless customer service could not explain, indicating it must be from the landline side. The programmer in me suggests that they consolidated the entire bill accidentally including a third account. That account which was to be billed to the government entity who had me under surveillance.

People kept telling me to get a burner phone. If I did, it could get be expensive to keep getting new phones. Oh, and it would make me appear to be concealing something. Shady behavior. And considering I was already knocked off the grid financially and living off other people taking care of the finances. I imagine they used my dropping off the grid to justify further investigation. But,… they were the cause of me being off the grid. So they were causing a situation and then using that as a basis for continuing to investigate me.

As not one person from law enforcement has met with me to review the technology (and I still have it secured), the only logical explanation was that other law enforcement was involved and was able to circumvent any resolution to my complaint.

I have been seeking help from the ones who are doing it to me. No wonder they do nothing. They know who is doing it. No need to investigate.


Judge Carolyn Carluccio has prevented any hearing from ever taking place on any petition filed by the Defendant.


Judge Carluccio has committed fraud with her schedule and has fraudulently indicated hearings had taken place when they had not. The transcript will clearly demonstrate the hearings did NOT take place. Some of her dismissive orders do not even purport to be in response to hearings.

In the United States, you are entitled to a hearing when a governmental entity threatens to take away personal property (e.g. money) or a personal right (e.g. your freedom). The more severe the action being taken, the more safeguards that will exist to ensure that the action is fair. A formal hearing is a primary means of ensuring fairness.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has
…No respect for the people before her.
…No respect for the procedures.
…No respect for the law.
…No respect for the Constitution.
…No respect for the truth.

It would seem her resume permits her to violate the citizens of the county without prosecution.

Research indicates Carolyn Carluccio worked at the US DOJ. I suppose that gives her the ability to trample on my life, my family, my rights… under color of law.

And there are others…


Sheriff Behr called me yesterday and suggested her deputies were at my home as a matter of course. She could not indicate WHY they went. Who ordered it? Who requested it? And what necessitated it? She then went on to attempt to tell me that I didn’t ask her that information.

If I did not ask for that information, THEN WHAT DID I ASK FOR? I assured her I was not attempting to put words in her mouth or set her up in any way. I begged her not to become involved in their conspiracy.

She suggested I speak to the Attorney General’s office. I explained I can’t get past the receptionist there. I suggested she open that door for me and arrange a meeting.

She had begun the call indicating she had attempted to call me multiple times. She had tried twice. I explained the number she was calling from each time was reported as disconnected when I tried to call it. And any number I used to reach her would not connect. But I have known – AND PROVEN – my phones and computers have been hacked affecting effective communications.

She ended the call indicating there was someone in her office she needed to meet with. She has not called back.

I spoke to two people from Liberty Mutual about the run of insurance claims made by Sonya Healy in my name. All of the paperwork indicates that i placed the claim. I did not. I suggested their fraud department needed to become involved as I have not been provided anything relating to the claims.

The two people I spoke to offered to call me back. And did not. And offered to email copies of the claim. And did not. The third person has not returned calls. Strange that after all the years dealing with one person at Liberty Mutual, now there are 3 people. What happened to Heather?

I also advised them that I was coerced and ordered to endorse the checks they had issued under duress during a court proceeding where I was not informed of the puspose of the insurance claims. I invited them to review this web site. And reminded them the previous claim entered in 2008 was when Sonya Healy burglarized the house, vandalised the house, and poisoned my dog. It took them months to decide how to handle that claim.

I also explained that her attorney’s paperwork includes such blatant flaws and bad faith actions in violation of laws that I believed that the lawyer was assuring her client would win. Either through the hearing on the chaotic petition, or when she sued her lawyer for blatant malpractice. The lawyer guaranteed her client a win, one way of another.

The corruption of the court, and the judge who was additionally the president of the county bar association guaranteed the lawyer would be protected.

Yes, I am dealing with a socipathic lawyer who manipulates and corrupts everyone into her machinations. And once manipulated, they are forced to comply with her further activities.

I spoke to the Attorney General’s office again today. It was what was suggested by the Sheriff. They took a message and indicated someone would get back to me. I’ve gotta have hope, but have headrd that excuse to get me off their phone lines so many times before. Yet, I persevere.

There is a definite possibility that these two issues are directly related. The one necessitated the other. And if either participates by providing the information, they will all be exposed…


A transfer of property that is made to swindle, hinder, or delay, or to put such property beyond someone’s reach.

Like when my wife sold my home based on the defective order, issued by a judge who intentionally has acted to delay and attempt to prevent an appeal of the order while further causing terror and harassment and distress.

All parties involved were aware of the appeal. Realtor, Real Estate Company, Lawyers for everyone, Judges. Superior Court.

Valerie Angst had everyone convinced that the court had ordered that the Defendant was not to be informed of the sale. SHE LIED TO YOU ALL. She set you up. She manipulated you into an action which requires your cooperation and participation in her crimes. She is a sociopath. She delights in these activities.

Everyone intentionally kept the closing date from the Defendant based on fraud.

Valerie Angst documented this in her petition she filed hours before the hearing on September 23, 2011. The one she withdrew the following Monday.

Judge Carluccio issued an order which prevented the Defendant from entering the house. So without a court order, the Defendant could be arrested for being in the house. When called to her attention the Judge diosregarded the defendant. When a petition was filed in this regard it was ignored.

When I discovered my possession being thrown out in vioolation of court orders, the police would not do anything to stop her.

A WEEK LATER, I again discovered my possessions being thrown out, Sonya Healy contacted police and made false allegations about me trying to get into the house. I was taking pictures of everyone in the driveway taking my possessions. She attempted to have me arrested because I caught her violating court orders. She suggested to police that there was a restraining order. She had the neighnors calling the police after she left the house.

Then, Valerie Angst wrote a letter attempting to lure me to the house so that trap could be sprung again. I can just hear it… When I went to the house based on that letter I would be in violation of the order and arrested. I can hear the judge shouting YOU KNEW THE ORDER SAID YOU COULD NOT BE THERE. YET YOU WENT TO THE HOUSE. YOU INTENTIONALLY VIOLATED MY ORDER. The attempts to set me up for arrest have been constant for 5 years. All failed. I can see their plans as soon as they attempt them. They would have been stopped at any time IF THEY DIDN’T HAVE LAW ENFORCEMENT AND THE JUDICIARY MANIPULATED INTO INACTION.

Most obvious setup was the one initiated by Judge Rhonda Daniele which was set to have me in jail for Christmas based on another of her secret undocketed orders. Issued without any proceeding or notice and contrary to the agreement in place with the Domestic Relations Office. Judge Daniele has never been assigned this case. BUT HER CORRUPT ACTIONS HAVE CAUSED THE INJUSTICE TO ENVELOPE THE JUDICIARY. It was Judge Rhonda Daniele who caused the manipulation of the judges in this case TO PROTECT HER INJUSTICE.

Judge Carluccio in a verbal Court Order issued an order for all of the Defendant’s possessions to be thrown out if not removed from the house by the closing date.


When a hearing was scheduled regarding the defendant’s petition to find out that date, Judge Carluccio continued that hearing because it was scheduled for the closing date.

They knew the closing date from July 27, 2011. The date had been set. Everyone involved prevented me from knowing it.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has intentionally and willfully neglected to hear any petition filed by the Defendant in this case. THIS IS NOT A GENERALIZATION. Her Orders may indicate the fraud of her coverup, but the trnscripts will clearly demonstraqte the fraud of her orders and her willful intent to NOT hold hearings on the matters.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio is an evil and corrupt monster out to terrorize the Defendant because he has proven the corruption of the prior judge’s in this case. The punishment for surviving the injusitice and terror of the last 5 years is the complete destruction of every aspect of the Defendant’s life.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has also prevented the appeal from moving forward by not hearing the petition to proceed in forma pauperis.

At the same time, she has coerced and ordered the defendant to endforse the check for the sale of his home over to the Plaintiff. Guaranteeing that the funds would not be used for the appeal.

They will not stop until I am dead. I will not stop until they are brought to justice. When will justice be served? They only make things worse. They never resolve any issue. And they only involve more and more people in their crimes and conspiracy. Someone must stop them. Contact law enforcement in your area to become involved. Please.

They can’t fix 5 years of terror. They can’t fix losing the relationship with my children. They can’t fix that they threw out every memory and possession I had in the house. They can’t fix their corruption. SO, they hide behind their robes. They decided to destroy me. To kill me. Or to attack until I kill myself.

They won’t stop until I am dead. I won’t stop until they are prosecuted.


I received a package last week. Strange thing is, there are a number of indications that something is fishy.

1. The oversized envelope was ripped open and had been taped up. (This has happened to every package I have received in the last 5 years.)

2. The package was improperly hand addressed – wrong street name.

3. There was no return address label or indication of the sender of the package.

4. The typed letter inside was addressed to a different name than was on the envelope.
– My name was correctly spelled on the envelope (handwritten). Terance. This is odd because you would expect the envelope to have been addressed by copying from the letter.
– The letter was addressed to Thomas.
– My correct name is on each and every one of the fifteen additional documents included in the package.

5. The letter was written on October 12, 2011. The package was mailed on October 19, 2011 a full week later. As there was little care to the packaging or addressing, would it take a week from desk to mailroom?

6. When using that type of mailing label for postage, the postage may be post dated 7 days in advance. The package must be posted on the date on the label.

7. The letter refers to a File No. which is not included.

8. The letter is not signed by an identifiable signature.

9. The letter includes a non-working phone number to contact with questions.

10. When the department referenced in the letter was contacted it was indicated they had no knowledge of the document or the package.

11. The referenced department also additionally indicated they would not have handled the document, it would have been forwarded to another office.

12. The zip code that the document was posted from is correct, but not from the office which would have handled the issue.

13. The documents included were ones which I had hand delivered on March 17, 2011. There was no reason to return the documents to me. They were copies.

14. When I contacted the department about the letter and the documents, it was suggested I take everything to the FBI office in Fort Washington, PA to be evaluated.

15. The letterhead used for the letter inside was from the FBI in Philadelphia.

16. The documents were the ones I had delivered on March 17, 2011 to the FBI Philadelphia.

17. The person I spoke to was an FBI agent. (Whom I promised never to name on this blog. Promise kept.)

18. The person I spoke to was also the person I referenced in a previous post regarding surveillance.

There are so many anomalies with this package that it is difficult to believe the veracity of the package. I am working an angle on finding out the sender, but unfortunately I am too afraid to take it to the FBI alone.

The FBI has never returned any other documents provided. I believe the private investigator involved is comprised of former FBI agents. I believe someone at the FBI is covering up for the breach caused by their former employees who know the departments tactics – and they may have compromised the FBI investigative abilities by pretending to be the FBI.

The metered mailing label includes an indicia.

Each “indicium” or “indicia” is completely unique and includes information about delivery and who mailed the mailpiece. Because the indicium carries information about who created the indicium, the USPS should be able to trace the indicium to the creator and identify them.


FBI – Is there an internal affairs office that can investigate this?

There is no way for me to contact anyone to investigate without letting the perpetrators know who I am contacting. The people behind the intrusions then can circumvent my request.

I believe that former FBI agents are involved as private investigators, and instead of my complaints being investigated I instead an further investigated.

It is not, nor has it ever been, my intention to embarrass the FBI. The FBI has failed to investigate any complaint I have made in good faith. They have failed to respond or act in any way to investigate. Ever. WHY? I have been upfront with everyone I have ever asked to investigate. And ignored.
Montgomery Township Police.
Montgomery County Detectives.
PA State Police.
and every other state and federal organization and representative I could think of. ALL HAVE IGNORED THE COMPLAINT. It’s been 5 years of this. It is time to prosecute the criminals for their actions against me, and how they have played every law enforcement agency to conceal their crimes.

I know, it may be hard to admit that they played you. Admit it, and end the nightmare that they inflict on me daily, and the inclusion of even more people in their conspiracy. We are dealing with a sociopathic lawyers with no conscience. Everyone manipulated into enabling their crimes has been exposed by their further actions. The socipath delights in the disaster in their wake. Recent additions to the actions are the County Sheriff, The Realtor, the Real Estate Agency, the People they sold my home to. They won’t stop. And each person they involve is sworn to silence – and they have seen what was done to me. Their threat to guarantee silence shows the power of their corruption.

Today I was supposed to go the local FBI office based on instructions I had received from the Philadelphia office. BUT, I am too afraid to go alone.

Everyone I know is too afraid to go along with me.

I am left with no choices. I’ll make the report online and persevere.

No one helps. No one cares. Everyone is afraid.



I was ordered to vacate the home on June 9, 2011. I did so even though the Court Order was defective and invalid.

On June 10, 2011, Liberty Mutual received an insurance claim which indicates the insured is me, the claimant is me, and the payment was made to me. I know nothing about this claim except that I was coerced and forced to endorse checks from Liberty Mutual during hearings on July 18, 2011, and September 23, 2011.

I requested the reason for the claim and the information has not been provided.

I believe the claim to be fraudulent.

On June 22, 2011, Liberty Mutual received an insurance claim which indicates the insured is me, the claimant is me, and the payment was made to me. I know nothing about this claim except that I was coerced and forced to endorse checks from Liberty Mutual during hearings on July 18, 2011, and September 23, 2011.

I requested the reason for the claim and the information has not been provided.

I believe the claim to be fraudulent.

On August 14, 2011, Liberty Mutual received an insurance claim which indicates the insured is me, the claimant is me, and the payment was made to me. I know nothing about this claim. I found out about this claim when I received a check for payment.

I believe the claim to be fraudulent.

I have contacted Liberty Mutual to investigate the claims. As I was forced to endorse the checks under duress without any explanation for the claims, I accept no responsibility for the claims or for the information provided to Liberty Mutual.

A reminder to Liberty Mutual. The last claim was when Sonya Healy broke into, vandalised and burglarized the home. Additionally, she poisoned the dog causing it’s death six months later.

Numerous petitions submitted to the court with such clear legal errors to ensure that Sonya Healy could sue her attorney for malpractice. Her attorney is highly skilled at delaying tactics and preventing resolution of any matter… and getting paid off after exhausting and costing insurance companies excessive legal fees.


Terance Healy


Sheriff Behr has still not responded with the information requested weeks ago. It seems strange that she is delaying providing the information requested. All I asked for was the reason deputies from her department were sent to my home on June 9, 2011.

When I tried to call her this morning at the numbers I had used before, and that she had called me from, the phones had been disconnected.

Once again, it seems that any request for information of any kind is denied and prevented. WHY? Why would it be necessary to deny me that information? What was the true purpose of their involvement? Who authorized it? Who requested it? Who are they covering up for?

Sonya Healy indicated under oath she did not request their involvement.

She further added that she did not ask her attorney to request their involvement.

She further testified that her attorney did not request their involvement.

Judge Carolyn Carlucci dismissed my petition requesting the information and documentation.

WHY? What are they attempting to hide? And why would Sheriff Eileen Behr join their conspiracy of silence?

If there was nothing to conspire and conceal, then why the games? Why the disconnected phone numbers? And why can’t I communicate on your Facebook Wall any longer?