
December 16, 2010

In an extraordinary procedural move, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ordered all of the judges on the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court to recuse themselves from a lawsuit against Whitemarsh Township. The suit, brought by developer Highway Materials Inc., names the Township and several current and former officials, including Judge Kelly C. Wall, in her role as a former Township Supervisor.

The Court’s order puts the suit on hold until the county court administrator can appoint a judge from another county to preside over the proceedings. It comes in response to a King’s Bench petition, submitted by HMI’s attorneys after a recusal request made to Montgomery County President Judge Richard J. Hodgson was denied.

So apparently even the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania believes that the judges sitting on the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas are unable to be impartial and unbiased even when a case has minimal involvement of a newly elected judge.

I think this “extraordinary procedural move” is clearly warranted and necessitated as indicated by the actions of the judiciary involved in my case where there existed a determined effort to prevent disclosure of an undocketed and undistributed Court Order issued by Judge Rhonda Daniele, the Head of the Family Court division, for which there was no hearing.

AFTER THREE YEARS, when the order was discovered and brought to the attention of everyone involved, the courts response was to treat the victim of the tremendous injustice with further injustice and the complete destruction of his life, family, and property. The Court did so without holding any hearings on any matter and denying the opportunity to present relevant facts which would implicate Judge Rhonda Daniele, Judge Thomas Del Ricci, Judge Emanuel Bertin, Judge Arthur Tilson, Judge Patricia Coonahan and Judge Carolyn Carluccio regarding ethics violations and corruption.

The malicious abuse of judicial power by Judge Carolyn Carluccio was focused on attacking and destroying the victim while the victim was forced to follow procedure and the law… and the corrupt orders issued by Judge Carolyn Carluccio which would remove him from his home, sell his home out from under him, and dispose of all of his personal belongings which remained in the home. Judge Carolyn Carluccio terrorized the victim by refusing to hold any hearings on any matter in a timely manner.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has prevented an Appeal from being forwarded on to the Superior Court by failing to conduct any hearing on the Defendant’s Request to Proceed In Forma Pauperis. This has happened because Judge Carluccio ordered the Defendant to endorse the check for the sale of the home with the knowledge that the Plaintiff would not follow the court ordered distribution assuring that the Defendant could not afford the fees for the Appeal to move forward.

The Plaintiff has not been required to follow ANY Court Order in the last 6 years. Every attempt by the Defendant to have any Court Order enforced has been ignored and dismissed by each of the judges. The Plaintiff was granted complete impunity to violate every Court Order while the Defendant was repeatedly and constantly brought into court for hearing under false allegations that he was not following Court Orders.

When Judge Carolyn Carluccio was assigned the case, there was an inappropriate and unethical communication between herself and the Plaintiff’s attorneys. This was brought to her attention and ignored. The ethics violation was filed with the court and immediately dismissed without any hearing. The Defendant requested the Recusal Of Judge Carolyn Carluccio on numerous occasions as it became clearer and clearer that the ex parte communications were being used to manipulate scheduling and decisions. Judge Carluccio dismissed the Recusal Requests without hearings and continued to abuse her position of power and trust by issuing orders designed to negatively impact the defendant. She further issued Orders verbally which required the Defendant pay for and wait for the delivery of the Court Transcript to avoid arrest as the existing paperwork contradicted the verbal Order. When brought to the Judge’s attention during the hearing, it was ignored. When the issue was raised in a Petition to the Court, it was ignored and scheduling was intentionally delayed.

And all the while, Angst & Angst continued to manipulate the Judiciary into acting to further terrorize the Defendant with the knowledge that the judges would continue to protect and conceal the ethical and legal violations of the earlier judges assigned to the case.

The victim of injustice was further victimized by those who initiated the situation and by the judges who were determined to conceal their corruption at any cost. That cost was 6 years of terror and harassment and injustice, and the complete destruction of a man, his family and everything he owned.

Judge Carluccio indicated during her campaign that judicial corruption should be met with a series of sanctions appropriate to the misconduct. One has to wonder why she is still on the bench when her malicious corrupt and fraudulent actions are clearly documented.

Imagine if this was the case of a rape, and the judiciary ordered the repeated and continued rape of the victim in response to every time the victim cried out for help. The victim has no where else to turn. The judges prevent the victim from escaping their injustice… and order the victim to be further victimized.


It’s a fact. A conclusion which I came to about a year ago. The evidence to back up my statement only grows… and involves more people.

The Montgomery County Drug Task Force has been acting as the paramilitary arm of the Court of Common Pleas to conceal the corruption of the court. They have tried repeatedly to set me up to commit a crime. They failed. They tried to enable and bring about my suicide. They failed.

The Court unethically and illegally took my home and possessions, and has prevented any hearings on the matter.

The Court’s own docket screams out the injustice to the deaf ears of fearful law enforcement.


After 6 years, there is no denying their actions and no escaping them.

The abuse of power is outrageous.


I am a survivor, but there are times when I wish I wasn’t.
When I sincerely wish I hadn’t.

… BUT I’m not done yet…

Justice requires extreme patience and excessive perseverance.


Over the last week there has been a noticeable spike in traffic to this web site. The traffic seems to be coming from Southeast Asia. Program files have been updated. Password attempts were made to access the site. Based on the security reports, they may have been successful.

I have notified the company that manages the server where this domain is hosted. They have confirmed over 4000 requests on January 14, 2012.

Is this yet another attempt to incriminate me for the purposes of preventing further exposure of the crimes against me, or the complete failure of law enforcement to respond to reports, or the corruption of the courts? The hosting company has forwarded the issue to their security team.


Same courthouse. Same judges. Same apathy.
One has to wonder if this other case also features the same corruption? the same fraud? the same destruction?

The following link takes you to a story which appeared in PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY on December 21, 2011

“Deadbeat” Father Questions the Effectiveness of the Child-Support System


It would seem from the court schedule that Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio is now handling Name Changes, almost exclusively. I have been contacted by several people indicating she is no longer handling their cases in Family Court and her caseload appears to have been reassigned to an incoming judge. The incoming judge seems to have a background investigating disciplinary actions. I wish him well as he begins on a caseload rife with the cruel injustice of Judge Carluccio.

I stopped at the Recorder Of Deeds office the other day. When I met with Nancy Becker regarding the fraud involved in the sale of my home, she indicated I should go directly up to the detectives as a crime has clearly been committed.

Sheriff Eileen Behr has still not responded to the requests for paperwork. I suppose I’ll have to subpeona the documents. Why isn’t the sheriff cooperating? What is she concealing? It was laughable that she sent me an ethics complaint form when I asked her for a copy of the order to send deputies to my home.

Their malice and cruelty continue to tear at my spirit and soul.

Additionally last weekend, my brother, Brian, who has repeatedly LIED indicating he is not in contact with Sonya has once again pitched a Sonya falsehood to my mother to undermine my only support. He indicated I am hiding money from my mother. Over $100,000. He’s attempting to cause their financial damage. He’s the same fool that failed to pay my mother’s taxes for 8 years. he did the paperwork and then didn’t have her pay the taxes. Further, he indicated it was my fault when the IRS contacted her for payment.

I’m not a fool. I am a victim of injustice and crimes. I have been further victimized as each of the crimes have been exposed. But I have not allowed them to manipulate me into foolish acts or stupidity. They underestimate their victim as they have done for the last 5 years.

I am not falling for the intentional deception endorsed (twice) by Judge Carluccio as she has clearly failed to issue a proper QDRO expecting to cause me further financial damage. If I were to sign for the transfer of funds without a proper QDRO, I would be immediately liable for federal and state taxes on the amount. The only way to pay the taxes on the amount would be to cash it in, and be further charged a penalty for cashing it in. The only way to not be subjected to that penalty would be if it was in the QDRO issued by the court. The court must order the distribution to avoid the taxes and the penalty. Judge Carluccio did not do that in her defective divorce decree.

Judge Carluccio has intentionally issued a defective divorce decree, refused to reconsider when the defect was presented, ignored the IFP petition twice, prevented the appeal from moving to Superior Court, issued another order without holding any hearing ordering me to sign the paperwork (ordering me to act on the order which is presently pending appeal). A Mandamus petition must now go to the Supreme Court of PA. But first it is necessary to document all of the crimes and frauds and ethics violations which occurred on September 23, 2011. A monumental task.

AND if I were to incur the taxes and the penalty, when the appeal is granted the funds would be gone and I would be expected to replenish the value. So, it is quite clear the intent of the failure was to cause me financial difficulty… and further difficulty for my mother who has already been robbed of her entire savings by the court’s determined and intentional and malicious failure to hold any hearing on any matter petitioned since August 2010.

Judge Carluccio has already seen to it that I have no money to support myself, EVEN AFTER FRAUDULENTLY SELLING MY HOME OUT FROM UNDER ME. The evil never ends…



Some days I just wish I had the courage to end my life.

The pain of living one more hour, let alone one more day is unbearable. Not just emotional pain, but physical pain the result of having no medical or dental benefits for 6 years… another order which was ignored and excused by the court.

Documenting what they have done and are doing to me tears me apart, but if I do not do it, no one will.

If I didn’t survive another day, they wouldn’t have me to victimize further.

I’ve learned that the truth does not matter… and NO ONE CARES.

I wish I could do something to end it… the only choice is suicide… and unfortunately, I just can’t do that. I wish that I could and understand and envy the ones who had the courage to find relief.


Once the intrusion onto my computers (and my friends computers) began, the hardware was hacked to ensure full visibility of my computer activity. Those hooks remain in place currently. THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 5 YEARS.

The software they are using not only permits surveillance, but also full remote control, obfuscation and redirection utilities.

Whenever activities reveal the intrusion, any attempt to recover the machines results in complete failure of the operating system.

I spent a good portion of this week attempting to get the computer back to a functional state.

There is no way to prevent them from maintaining their control.

They use the BIOS, the Master Boot Record of my hard disk, and lately all indications are confirming the use of Virtual Hard Disks.

Until the Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware companies begin to detect and prevent this type of intrusion, the victims are at risk. Not just from the frustration of having to work twice as hard to find or accomplish anything on their computer, but the constant threat of yet another false allegation – a computer related false allegation. They can put anything on your computer, they can use your computer to visit anywhere on the web, they can infiltrate your email, they can plant anything they want on your computer. I realized this type of threat 5 years ago.

When I first found the intrusion which was proven through the use of WebWatcher by Awareness Technologies, I immediately shut down my network, and even the power to my house while I pulled the hard disks from the computers. Law enforcement has refused to take any action. Law Enforcement has neglected to act because it will affect the use of any computer based evidence in courtrooms on any type of case.

The intrusion is real, and they won’t stop the harassment until they are prosecuted.

Read UNDERSTANDING VIRTUAL HARD DISKS WITH NATIVE BOOT from Microsoft and see the capabilities have existed for quite some time.

Until the AVAS industry gets involved, I get brief glimpses of an unobstructed or redirected internet on the second Tuesday of each month when Microsoft releases their service fixes. Sometimes I get a few clear days, other times the updates are blocked and completely prevented from installation or access. Those times I find Windows Update no longer works, and my Security Software neglects to get updates. I’m at the mercy of the intrusion software until they update their illegally installed program and once again attempt to present the image of a normal operating system.

There is no escaping a targeted intrusion.


When I read the following paragraph on the web tonight, I was stunned.

• Rule of law breaks down in Bucks County, PA, home of mid-Atlantic states’ MAGLOCLEN-RISS Intelligence Center and no law enforcement agency — local, state or federal — will come to the aid of the unjustly targeted.

For years, I have been wondering why NO ONE HELPS. Not one law enforcement agency has investigated anything I have reported to them. Without explanation.

I few clicks further and it would seem that I have found a central resource point for the terror I have experienced for the last 5 years and the reason law enforcement has refused to get involved. I suspected that I knew exactly where in Bucks County this agency would be located. Newtown, PA. Ron.

How much more will be compromised until we get to the end of this nightmare?

Further victimizing the target because he survives and detects and documents is wrong. But, so was making me a victim in the first place. Would someone care to explain? How did something which began as a personal intrusion being hidden by a private investigator allow the resources of every level of law enforcement to be compromised? Compromising the integrity of the judiciary? and the District Attorney? and the County Sheriff? Compromising the investigative abilities of state and federal law enforcement?

How much time, resources and money were spent terrorizing me? And at what point will they stop?



I posted the following comment on a site titled SaveThePsychoExWife.com

The family court victim in that case continues the civil rights battle against the judge. The remarks on the comments are downright nasty. And it would appear that he got some negative attention from THE TODAY SHOW.

All you have to do is put yourself in the same position, and you can understand the necessity and relevance of the site and the benefit of the site to a community of people who become completely disenfranchised simply because their spouse decided to divorce.

The comment was posted to this entry.

As a long time reader of both ThePsychoExWife and SaveThePsychoExWife, I can attest to the anonymity of the site. I’m a web developer and I tried to determine the identity of the people involved and the case, so I could follow it to compare it to what was happening to me in the next county over. Montgomery County, PA. It was only after the lawsuit was filed against the judge for violating Constitutional rights that the characters were identified. I was rather stunned at them being outed in the newspaper after being kept well concealed and protected on the blog(s).

Something which has happened in every divorce case involving children that I have heard about or been contacted about is the denial of one parent or the other from writing about the case. This is often used as leverage in custody cases. They tried to do it in my case, but they failed. My son turned 18. My site was never about embarassing my kids, or causing further humiliation to my family.

It was about the truth. The TRUTH is another reason they cannot shut a web site down… well, not without using the custody aspect as leverage. This is rampant. So rampant that people have contacted me using aliases. Most are advised by their lawyers to cease contact with me because it only makes the lawyers job more difficult – as they try to convince their client to submit to their rights being violated because (what they cannot say outloud) the judge is pressuring the lawyer who has a career to consider and has to be in front of the judge on another case on another day. The vengeancce of a judge on a lawyer can end a career, and a life.

Because my site tells the truth, they have been unable to shut it down. If there was any inappropriate content, they would have done it in an instant. As it is, they proceed along and deny me my rights via extrinsic fraud, and constant ex parte communications. It is that ex parte communication that has caused the entire judiciary to be compromised in my case. Each has to protect the prior judge’s indiscretions and outright lack of ethics. And as the opposing counsel knows the judge has to keep it from being heard in a courtroom, that lawyer uses the leverage back against the judge to extort ever further violations of civil rights and injustices.

There is no resolution to anything.

There is no relief when there is no oversight.

There is no relief when the judge can prevent the appeal.

As a result, I am forced to take my case to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

Imagine that. A simple middle class divorce, through 8 judges, over 350 docket entries, one round through the Superior Court to commence the Appeal, only to find out the Supreme Court has jurisdiction to make things happen.


Imagine next that they have granted one spouse complete impunity to violate EVERY court order, and commit crimes which are clearly documented for 5 years. So the court orders do not matter, you can’t enforce them without going back to the same corrupt court. Expecting different results is the definition of insanity, BUT if you do not, you lose the opportunity for appeal. I secured all of the information. I am extremely well documented. I’ve done no sneaking around trying to find information. So the judges prevent any hearings, and acted to take away everything I own, thrown out a lifetime of memories, deny me my family, and after 5 years of terror, the friends can’t stand to watch you destroyed – they are gone.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio conducted a hearing where she publicly committed and endorsed ethics violations, manipulated her schedule, announced her involvement in continuing a hearing to determine the sale date for my home in order to permit the closing, announced that she had authorized the destruction of all of my personal property on that same unknown closing date, ordered me to endorse a check for the purchase my home, preventing mer from any of the money (unless I go back to her courtroom to have a court order enforced), and actively participated in the fraudulent conveyance of the title.

This done while surrounding me with 7 deputies because who wouldn’t crack hearing all that activity in 10 minutes – after 5 years of harassment and terror and fraud.

When I failed to oblige with an outburst, Judge Carluccio indicated that I INTIMIDATED HER. I don’t intimidate anyone. THE TRUTH DOES. THE TRUTH ON MY WEB SITES DOES INTIMIDATE. IT CAN BE USED TO DEMONSTRATE THE CORRUPTION OF FAMILY COURT IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, and as I have learned this happens worldwide.

These judges have the power to destroy people. They do it in violation of law and ethics and without any sense of humanity. They get away with it because no one cares. They prevent and deny anyone from documenting their case. You don’t find out how corrupt the family court is until you are in it.

Once in Family Court, everyone writes you off as an upset person going through a divorce. The public doesn’t care. The lawyers have their careers to worry about. The Judicial Conduct Board is more concerned with protecting the judiciary’s reputation. AND THE ONLY ONE WITH PROSECUTORIAL POWER AGAINST THE JUDICIARY IS THE ATTORNEY GENERAL (or any state).

Until it involves you, you will never understand being victimized when you are down. When no one will help you. When the terror and injustice can go on for years. When all you wanted to be was a father to a child, or permitted to have a career, and a life… instead, you are the nouveau homeless victimized beyond belief with tremendous injustice.

The more you document and prove the injustice and fraud and corruption and lack of ethics the further destroyed you will be. You will learn that you only live each day to be further victimized. Their goal is your suicide, and when you do not oblige them, they become more cruel and unrelenting. And they are angry with you because YOU PLACED THEM IN THE POSITION WHERE THEY HAVE TO DO THIS TO YOU BECAUSE YOU EXPECTED THE RULE OF LAW AND JUSTICE AND FAIRNESS.

Someone should evaluate the family Courts before they are victimized by it. But no one does. Once you are in family court, perseverance and endurance only serve to further victimize you. The truth is irrelevant in Family Court. And when the TRUTH is public information, it intimidates the hell out of them.