
When the people you are supposed to turn to for help are the very people who are terrorizing and harassing you… where are you supposed to turn?

There is no incentive for them to stop terrorizing me. They won’t stop until I am dead. No one will help. Everywhere I turn I am IGNORED. Why?

The only logical explanation for the complete failure to investigate is that they are covering up the investigation of ME. WHICH FOUND NOTHING BUT SUCCEEDED IN DESTROYING MY LIFE.

They can’t/won’t admit it…. so I get a life of terror.



Level TWO of SEVEN

The investigators/informants were mostly former, or current, drug abusers who had either been arrested for drug related offenses, or had ended up hospitalized because of their drug abuse.

The compensation they received was paid to them partly in drugs. How else could they attempt to create a drug addict unless they participated in drug use? Before arriving at my home, they always stopped at the ‘distribution point’ picked up the materials they were to provide to me… free of charge… and a little extra for themselves. Compensating a drug abuser with drugs.

It is worth pointing out that there was no way to differentiate between what was provided to the target and what was kept as a bonus for themselves.

I have pointed out numerous times that the personnel who were utilized against me were being abused. Once they realized that they were a part of something more sinister, if they tried to intervene on my behalf they would be subjected to their original jail sentence. Immediately and without benefit of any hearing. It would immediately be made clear to them that their part in this was simply to destroy a life. Any attempt by them to intervene or act responsibly would result in swift and immediate removal.

This is why Andy and Jaye disappeared after a phone call where I fabricated the story of them confessing their actions.

The story of Ron’s disappearance takes on the semblance of someone taking some sort of responsibility. Removing him from the situation and the state. Placing him in a Rehab program. These may seem to be the responsible actions of an organization that placed him in harms way. In Ron’s story, my fabricated story indicated he had become violent and attempted to beat me up. Within days of that phone conversation, he was gone. Were they acting responsibly and removing a physical threat? Possibly, but the only information about that physical threat was my conversation on my phone.

One of the methods used to determine if a party is under surveillance is to inject two truths/one lie into every conversation. When the lie is acted upon, or repeated back to you, the spy is revealed.

My reaction to the isolation after the immediate removal of people was a double edged sword. It confirmed my suspicions. It isolated me and left me alone. At times the isolation was debilitating. After these three instances, I decided it was more counter productive to my psyche, and no longer necessary, to continue this method of exposure. The evidence was clear. Coincidence could be ruled out. The facts remained.

Another quality, or experience, that most all of the agents/informants possessed was a direct connection to law enforcement personnel, or lawyers, or job experience with government contractors in the stealth surveillance market. These qualities were gleaned through simple small talk. In a situation where there was only one or two people, the similarities would have never exposed themselves. My situation was lasting for years providing plenty of time for the pattern to emerge.

– Work experience for a Government Contractor
– Work at the private investigation company
– Law School student
– Former Police Officer
– Former County Employee
– Former FBI personnel
– Former Attorney
– Child of a Police Officer, FBI, or County Employee
– Child of an Attorney

Almost ALL of these people would be placed into a situation with the knowledge that THEY TOO COULD BE DESTROYED and their families impacted should they take any action which exposes their ‘mission’. The threat of the tactics being turned to destroy them and their families was a great motivating factor. They were seeing the impact of this type of terror… AND BEING FORCED TO PARTICIPATE OR FACE THE SAME CIRCUMSTANCES.

Taking someone with a drug problem, and depositing them in this type of situation is irresponsible at such a huge level. Taking a weak person, and placing them in a situation from which they cannot help nor escape is EVIL.

AND THIS IS HOW THEY TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN. What they do to a target who continues to persevere and hope in spite of them is unconsionable.

The things they were instructed to do will be Level 3 of this increasingly more salacious story. The epic failures.

The one thing people kept asking me was why I continued to tell people about my experience and what was happening. I had always hoped that there might be someone brave enough or with the proper connections to MAN UP against what was being done to me.

When that type of bravery was presented to save someone from further servitude and likely death under this program, I offered to help. I housed that individual at my house until he could get his thoughts together and find an escape from HIS situation. He never revealed whether he was escaping from the dealers, or the confidential informant program which was causing this type of destruction to many people. His words could clearly be interpreted either way. I felt I was doing the right thing by helping in either case. I felt the go-between was acting logically and responsibly and bravely on behalf of his friend.

At the same time, I feared he used up his last ‘favor’ and the affect of his actions to save his friend would make any effort on my behalf impossible. He disappeared on the day I went to local police with the documents proving the corrupt actions of Judge Rhonda Daniele. Though clearly documented and presented, the police refused to take any complaint against a sitting judge for fear of reprisal.

After what was done to his father, he understood what might happen if he helped… so he disappeared.

To the friend who I dubbed “Special Agent”: I knew what you were from the beginning. I trusted you as best as I could in spite of what I learned from the trace on my computer which you used on either your first or second visit. I still have those notes which surprisingly returned your connection to “Former FBI Agents”. The blocking and filtering actions seem to have disappeared and it is no surprise that your resume includes the government contractor who let you go… and the company who had the foresight to pick you up.

UPDATE: After no word since March 2010 when he walked out my door refusing to answer any questions about his involvement… I received an email taunting me from SPECIAL AGENT RON within 24 hours of posting this article.

The longer it has gone on (and it is still ongoing), the more difficult it will be for any man to stand up for me. Yet, they won’t stop. There is no escape.

Since August 2007, I have known that the only exits are my death, or their exposure/prosecution. Everything confirms that conclusion… yet I persevere.


The Psychological Attack which was only one aspect of the terror and harassment experienced included the following:

1. Behavioral Modification:
The behavioral modification process starts with identification and qualification of the subject with additional considerations given to minimizing security risks of exposure, the subject’s suggestibility index, the subject’s intelligence and reasoning ability, moral and superstitious beliefs, and the subject’s social status and the weakness of the subject’s primary support groups (family).

They failed by underestimating my strength of character. They also failed by using the technology which I was able to detect because of a broad exposure and experience with computer and phone technology.

A.) The subject is subjected to long periods of REM Sleep Deprivation and reinforced torturing suggestions that will breakdown the subject’s will, confidence, self-reliance, and moral values. Meanwhile, the subject is increasingly isolated from their familiar and trusted peer groups causing the subject to experience depression, apathy, and ultimately social and financial failure.

I realized they were doing something to affect my sleep, I resolved to sleep when tired and to eat when hungry. While the tactic was disruptive, once I knew what was causing it I was no longer bothered by it but I lost alot of sleep.

B.) After a while, the subject has an emotional breakdown and a new support group is built around the subject.

I recognized at one point that every person I communicated with had only met me in the preceding few weeks. I could tell I was being surrounded by a new ‘group of friends’. I may have pretended to trust them, but I paid attention to EVERYTHING.

C.) Minimal security as the subject might recognize when he is not actively being observed resulting in a security concern and where it would be cost prohibitive to baby-sit the subject 24 hours a day.

D.) Behavioral modification generally occurs fastest when using negative reinforcement continuously. It is not practical or economical to watch a subject continuously to apply real time deliveries. Additionally, using multiple delivery patterns confuses the subject, causes the subject to believe they are always being watched, and maximizes behavioral change over time though continuous pressure.

The support of my new group of friends seemed to include similar vocabulary word. Certain words and phrases indicated their knowledge or involvement.

Scientific understanding and practical applications experience in the fields of psychology, hypnosis, and problem analysis are considered risks in the subject that may complicate or inhibit subsequent behavioral modification processes. Once the subject identifies the technology used it is nearly impossible to contain the potential security breach without terminating the subject.

So as I figured out their technology and reported it to the proper authorities, it required them to further manipulate law enforcement people, departments, and agencies into concealing their actions. Once again, all of them used the same approach which indicated direct involvement, or participation in the conspiracy. The more I documented in the Court and on this website, the more difficult it became for them to murder me.


1. REM Sleep Deprivation
A subject deprived from REM Sleep has multiple symptoms i.e. reduced protein synthesis, black circles around eyes, loss of short term memory, confusion, impulsiveness, anger, frustration, diminished self-esteem, increased suggestibility, reduced productivity, apathy, and depression. Long term REM Deprivation results in death.

The Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of sleep is controlled and usually limited to one to two cycles per night resulting in micro-sleeps during the day. REM deprivation inhibits short-term memory, concentration, tactile abilities, verbal articulation, reasoning, and self will. Protein synthesis is inhibited and thereby reduces the subject’s ability to heal after physical damage or after periods of extensive exercise. The result is that the subject’s general health degrades as does social bonds and work/school performance.

Subjects typically complain of no sleep, restless sleep, waking up every hour on the hour, staying awake until the hour they have to get up, waking up an hour after they retire and not returning to sleep, and typically cannot recall any dreams. Additionally, they will complain of repeating torturing thoughts, racing thoughts, and facial itching and numbness. Daily fatigue, poor recall of names, and caffeine consumption is typical.

Dark rings’ surrounding the eyes is evident and the darkened area around the eyes can be reported as sore or tender by the subject. The subtle perceptual impairing effects of REM deprivation make it more difficult for the subject to identify the REM Deprivation problem.

I don’t have a temper. I also make sure I have all my facts and information gathered before I respond to anyone. I never respond to anything out of emotion or anger.

2. Transceivers (NSA):
Installation of electronic surveillance devices that collect and transmit encrypted audio, color video, and location coordinates collected at the subject site that in turn forward it to central operations.

While the devices were difficult to find, they were not difficult to detect. Once I had tangible evidence of their presence, it was not necessary to find the devices. I was not going to destroy my home and punch holes in the drywall to find their devices. The assumption that I had done so, was actually incorrectly alleged in court documents and provided further confirmation.

3. Shame Factor Enhancement:
Various suggestions are planted in the subject after a week or so long period of REM deprivation. The content of the suggestions is constructed to cause the subject to perform embarrassing and otherwise shameful acts (usually sexual but always anti-social). These shameful behaviors are used later to shame the person into a lower self esteem or reduced confidence in their own self discipline. These embarrassments provide a means to Blackmail or discredit the subject if detected and exposure is threatened by the subject.

If they were to present a video of me dancing around naked in my own home, they are only supporting my argument that they have me under surveillance.

The use of another law enforcement agency to document the behavioral discrepancy to retain anonymity, helping subjects avoid prosecution to gain loyalty, or creating an adversarial relationship between any party and the subject (another intimidation factor) – Further conceals their responsibility for creating the behavioral problem in the subject’s life.

The manipulation of the local police was an essential redirection, and the local police gladly obliged. Once manipulated they had to further excuse any crimes committed against me. Computer hacks, Cell phone hacks, Identity theft, car theft, burglary.

4. Paranoia:
Paranoia is a powerful tool. It provides a means to develop the subject’s distrust of other people including the subject’s primary group that could provide positive support during this time of distress in the subject’s life. Paranoia is often recognized and discounted as a character fault by most peoples in American society and therefore discredits the subject’s testimony even further. Uninformed, but well wishing people including friends, may recommend to the subject to pursue counseling.

It is illogical to think that seeing a counselor was going to prevent further ethical violations by a Judge. Unless the Judge was seeing the counselor.

This negative feedback can make the subject fear that people will believe the subject is crazy.

It was necessary to adopt the motto. The situation is crazy, not the man.

When the subject does seek professional counseling, the result will be a misdiagnosis with an expensive, inappropriate and ineffective treatment. The observed symptoms are not the result of biological, chemical, or environmental stresses.

The misdiagnosis strongly motivates the subject not to communicate their experiences to others to avoid social disgrace of a “schizophrenia” label and additional financial burden. This isolation of the subject and their reluctance to communicate their experience to others reduces exposure risk.

I was supposed to be embarrassed and humiliated. That was their intent. The disappearance of my children without a word was difficult. It was increasingly more humiliating as the court delayed and refused to hold preceedings. There was no explanation for their absence from my life, and from the extended family. I was forced to tell people that I had no explanation, and then see the suspicion staring back at me.

It is essential that the subject is prevented from sharing information with other subjects that have already experienced the program and thereby starting a pool of information that could be compiled and used to expose the system.

This reminds me of the night I broke through and found someone who had documented their noise on YouTube. I got an email out, but never heard back. At least she knew she was not alone.

The subject is led to believe that the subject’s neighbors, work associates and/or family are conspiring against the subject.

Further complicate the conspiracy delusion by having associates ask the subject a question or to make a comment that can be used to confirm the subjects fears. This technique further isolates the subject from trusting their peer groups, causes additional emotional distress and hostility toward these people. The distressed subject sometimes resorts to violent behavior, which is viewed by observers as irrational, unprovoked behavior that may be treated as criminal behavior by law enforcement personnel.

Where the Standard Process has not succeeded, it may become necessary to utilize the EXTREME PROCESS

This method is very severe and usually results in a two to five year program. Because of the severity of the suffering, the subject is frequenty permanently impaired for integration into normal mainstream life and is essentially institutionalized.

The result is that the subject must reside in a less competitive environment.

This program basically follows the following steps; REM deprivation, breakdown of self esteem and confidence, intense suffering, exaggerated conscience, spiritual contact, battle and recovery. Whenever possible these steps will be skipped to minimize security risk and financial cost.

5. Increasing Dependence on Drugs and Alcohol:
As the REM Deprivation increases the subject must depend on Central Nervous System (CNS) Stimulants to compensate for degradation of productivity at work, school, and in interpersonal relationships. This serves in several ways. Use of drugs (especially CNS stimulants) increases the subject’s index of suggestibility. The increased stress of coping with the drugs and alcohol serves to push the subject closer to an emotional breakdown.

If the subject uses illegal drugs, attempt to set the subject up for a conviction to assure that the subject looses credibility. Who would believe a drug user that claimed that he/she was being harassed by a government agency that was tormenting them? It also serves the program by documenting something that the subject will be ashamed of when the program reaches the exaggerated conscience stage.

Alcohol, sleeping pills and other medications also inhibit REM Stage sleep and increase irritability over time thereby further degrading and isolating the subject.

In summary, the subject responds to the REM Deprivation assault with self-medication. This response discredits the subject by labeling them in society as a drug user.

It enhances the effect and it gives the subject a reason for shame that will be used against the subject later.

It should be noted that the subject is not really guilty of anything, except being a victim that was manipulated in a carefully controlled scientific behavior modification process.

6. Poor Nutrition:
The poor nutrition reduces the energy the subject has and serves later as another justification for the situation.

7. Apathy:
After the subject’s self-esteem is broken down and continuing failure and persistent suffering start to dominate every day, the individual becomes apathetic as a defense mechanism. At this stage the subject has lost the ability to persevere which is later used on the subject later to increase a feeling of guilt.

8. Depression:
Depression precipitates as a result of chronic REM Sleep Deprivation, social isolation and a feeling of helplessness in the subject. Commonly, when the subject seeks professional counseling, they are misdiagnosed and treated for depression with medications but the root cause of the problem is not treated or corrected.

9. Insecurity:
The subject starts to experience severe insecurity in this stage. The insecurity is executed in several ways.
– Because of the impaired reasoning ability and emotional isolation, the subject is susceptible to the approaches of insincere people, which are used to emotionally hurt the subject more. This convinces the subject that people can’t be trusted. This serves to isolate the subject from supportive peer groups and makes the subject emotionally dependent on insincere people who gain more power in the subject’s life.

10. Journals and Diaries:
Most of the subjects are directed to keep a “Journal” or diary so that the subject can record and review feelings, events, observations that normally would be unavailable due to short term memory loss during extended periods of REM Deprivation. The Subject’s Journals can be used in a variety of ways.

11. Degrading Spelling and Grammatical Performance:
Subjects in these prolonged stages of REM deprivation, confusion, and emotional distress, have very poor grammar, spelling, and short attention spans.

12. Slowed Speech:
Subjects experience slower speech and require greater time articulating concise points as a result of the REM Deprivation and other performance degrading posthypnotic commands. Very slight alcohol consumption can exasperate the damage of REM Deprivation and precipitate slurred speech.

13. Confusion:
Confusion results from REM Sleep Deprivation and the emotional damage and stress that is being inflicted. The confusion continuously inflicts damage to the subject’s life without real-time observation. A confused person generally is not as productive as an organized clear thinker is and has a greater potential to offend people by what they say or do and is less likely to recognize when they have made mistakes. All of these symptoms assist in this stage and subsequent stages.

In addition, the confusion restricts the individual from analyzing the source of their suffering and taking corrective actions, and therefore reduces the exposure risk.

14. Poor Concentration:
Difficulty concentrating impairs the subject’s productivity and restrains the subject from making self-improvements and corrections in behavior. It makes it very difficult for the subject to do any research or reading to evaluate his/her condition. This paves the way to demonstrate that the subject cannot do anything on their own, thereby increasing the frustration and anxiety of the subject (inducing emotional breakdown) and ultimately making the subject totally dependant.

15. Loose Association and Personality Disorders:
The subject experiences disjointed thought at this stage (Loose Association) that appears to observers as a strange sense of humor or inappropriate responses when engaging in conversations. Ongoing sarcasm and other negative attitudes and undesirable personality traits can be present.

16. Anger:
The way that the subject experiences anger is of profound importance. If the subject redirects the increasing anger and hostilities toward another person in the form of violence (misplaced aggression), this will result in reinforcement of the violent behavior with posthypnotic commands.

Typically, the Subject misplaces the aggression to commit acts of violence with spouses, friends, or employers resulting in further social isolation and increased shame.

17. Delusions:
Delusions are used to discredit the witness and also provide an additional source for fear, intimidation and confusion. Delusions can be but are not limited to the Subject developing conspiracy theories.

18. Audio Hallucinations:
Subjects often report hearing walls clicking, footsteps in the house, the sound of someone trying to open the door, drilling at the door, etc. These audio hallucinations are also used to discredit the witness and also provide an additional source for paranoia, fear, and negative reinforcement.

21. Tinnitus (Ear Ringing):
Tinnitus is commonly reported by subjects being harassed and typically has no pharmacological or biochemical basis. It is often misdiagnosed as ringing caused by excessive aspirin use however it is caused by concealed devices.

22. Complete Quiet Silence:
Used to induce confusion, the subject has the tinnitus removed to indicate that he has survived/succeeded, reached a milestone towards beiong released, or reimplemented to remind the subject that there is no escape. After such long periods of ‘noise’ the subject becomes unsettled as he experiences the silence. Once he has adapted to that ‘loss’, the reintroduction of the noise has immediate and dramatic impact on the subjects state of mind.


Reverse engineering of the technology to prove it’s abuses is quite difficult. Even if you have a company sweep and clear your home, the devices can be deactivated (hidden) and re-activated or reintroduced later.

In my case I have succesfully and tangibly proven the devices, equipment, personnel and activities used against me and have documented it on this web site. It was not easy to survive. In hindsight, I sincerely would prefer not to have survived. It was hard enough what they were doing to me, but watching it destroy my extended family multiplied the emotional impact.

These psychological tactics were only one aspect of the terror I have experienced.

The intrusion/surveillance/remote control of computers and phones provided filtering and screening of ALL outside contact and prevented effective communication.

The extreme injustice, bias and fraud from a court initially manipulated to issuing a Secret Court Order, which was further used for extortion by the Plaintiff to guarantee impunity with regard to following ANY court order. The Plaintiff’s failure to follow ANY court order required additional litigation requesting the enforcement of the Court’s Orders.

The continuing exposure and litigation of the injustice, the bias, the fraud, the ex parte communications, the complete failure to uphold any ethical standard, or Judicial integrity resulted in malicious, retaliatory and vindictive issuance of Orders and Opinions by the court which further demonstrate the fraud, collusion and extreme abuse of power in seeking to further punish the victim for documenting the unethical and criminal actions of the Court.


I am looking for some help. I am trying to contact Belisarius Productions. The producers of the television show NCIS. I have been unable to contact them.

I am reaching out because of an episode titled Psych Out which detailed events in my life and am seeking their source and perhaps a way to escape the continued use of these tactics.

If you have some time, please contact them for me and attempt to bridge the communication gap caused by the computer and phone hacks on my devices.

I can be reached at Terance@work2bdone.com OR Enter a comment to this post and I will contact you.
Or write: Terance Healy 871 Mustang Road, Warrington, PA 18976
(as they indicated in the episode – PAPER!)

I have been a target of every tactic they presented in their episode. Surviving the tactics has been a nightmare…. and when compounded by the documented and clear injustice of a corrupt court, surviving every day is only an opportunity for them to further terrorize me.

Thank you.


Level ONE of SEVEN:

The County used drug enforcement personnel, and confidential informants to attempt to set me up. They used the fact that they had isolated me to make it so that I would befriend anyone just to not be alone, to have someone to talk to.

While I may have befriended their people… I never trusted them. I wanted to trust them. But these people were not in a position to act responsibly. If they realized how they were being manipulated by the County Drug Task Force they also recognized that they had no exit. If they attempted to do anything to help me, they disappeared. These people were disposable to the County, and to law enforcement agencies who were abusng their power these people were garbage.

While I never trusted them, I never mistreated any of them. It was this fact that cause many of them alot of emotional turmoil. Once they realized I was battling a sociopathic lawyer, and injustice from a corrupt and biased series of judges all determined to conceal the fraud and crimes against me, they also realized that they could do nothing to help. They had to wonder why they had been dispatched to me. They knew this type of attack could happen to an innocent person. They would face even worse circumstances should they reveal their part in it.

Of course, it was in their best interest to disappear; to never explain; to not speak to me or communicate to me ever again. While understandable, that only added to the emotional and psychological abuse that I have survived.

From the first, to the last, I knew who they were and was able to identify what they were. They were prostitutes for the Drug Task Force / or the contracting firm which manages the confidential informant program for the County. This allows the County to deny people rights while ignoring the crimes being committed by their contractor. When all else failed they had a list of judges that had been manipulated into compliance and further injustice.

Informants would do whatever they were told to keep themselves out of jail – though many ended up in jail anyway.

The Drug Task Force uses people and then discards them. They have no respect for anyone. The District Attorney’s Drug Task Force were her team of prostitutes, the District Attorney as pimp. Look at the names mentioned on this site and you will see, since 2007, I have encountered many of the County’s corrupt law enforcement personnel and their collaborators.

The DA’s prostitutes would do ANYTHING they were directed to… One only has to look at what was done to me to recognize that they would stop at nothing to destroy an innocent man… to destroy an entire family.

Surely there was more in it for an informant than not going to jail, or continued employment with a Private Investigation firm contracted to handle the illegal activities of a corrupt Drug Task Force. How the team was compensated is Level TWO. Their ultimate goal… my death.

Why a Private Investigation firm to manage informants?
By utilizing a private investigation firm to subcontract the management of confidential informants, Law Enforcement has no direct connectio (responsibility) for illegal activity in the course of investigation. Everything can be blamed on the PI. And if anyone files a complaint against the PI, Law Enforcement ignores it. They protect their own.

Current Technology allows them to monitor the computers and phones of their informants to be certain that they do not reveal their activities to the target. I am sure their agreement with the District Attorney authorizes the surveillance of their phones and computers, and additionally the use of their phones and computers to hack the target. Confidential Informant Program Management.

They are also doing this illegally furthering their abuse of power to the target. [ This is why when I made up stories about Ron, Discord, and Andy, they disappeared. ]

A target who is clearly not involved in the manufacture, distribution or sale of illegal drugs, should not be investigated for over 5 years. So why were they being manipulated to this activity?

To protect the officer that was on the Drug Task Force who violated my civil rights in August 2007 when he revealed his knowledge of the intrusion onto my computers?
To conceal a corrupt judge issuing an order and keeping it a secret, while using it to create paranoia?
To conceal the acceptance and furtherance of the abuse of power by successive judges in a simple divorce case?

It seems officers on a Drug Task Force have a powerful tool to use against people, and to leverage tolerance of their crimes by the District Attorney’s office. (I am certain Gabrielle Drexler and the Lower Merion School District can understand that leveraged abuse of power.)

WHEN THE TARGET REALIZES THE ABUSE OF POWER, CORRUPTION, and TECHNOLOGY being used to destroy him, and not only survives but documents it on a web site. They attack him further pushing for a suicide, and I just wouldn’t give them that. So they took more… abused more, and were further exposed.


A two-man team breaks into a house. They cut the phone line so the alarm won’t work. They creep through the house and hear someone upstairs. The intruders have guns. They’re creeping up the stairs when all of a sudden a body comes over the railing. It’s a dead man, strung up by his neck. One intruder is so startled he fires into the body.

At the office, Tony is excited it’s payday. He realizes he has McGee’s statement and McGee makes $253 a week more than him. McGee says it’s all about withholding.

Gibbs comes in with the body of the week: a reservist in Arlington. At the scene, the intruders are in cuffs for breaking and entering. They didn’t steal anything. The victim is Dr. Robert Banks, a psychologist with high level clearance at the Pentagon. Dr. Rachel Cranston (Kate’s sister) comes to the scene, she was the victim’s doctor.

She tells Gibbs she’s sure he didn’t kill himself.

She spoke to the victim several times last night. He was consulting on a special project for the Pentagon, in the PsyOps division.

She thinks they fabricated prescriptions in his name to make him look bad. He lived for his daughter and wouldn’t have killed himself because of her.

Back at NCIS, his teenage daughter Amber blames her mom because they got divorced.

He had an additional life insurance policy for $4 million that goes to his wife and daughter. It had an exclusion clause for suicide. It appears to be news to the ex-wife.

A woman (Jamie Lee Curtis) comes to see Tony and he assumes she’s there about the paycheck. She thinks there are underlying feelings of inadequacies between him and McGee. He figures out she’s not from accounting. She’s Dr. Samantha Ryan from the Department of Defense, head of PsyOps.

Vance joins them, Ryan knows him and flirts a little.

Vance talks to Gibbs, he got a call from Sec Nav wanting to know why NCIS is working a PsyOps case. Gibbs says it’s theirs because the victim was a reservist.

He asks how Vance knows Dr. Ryan and he plays coy, saying they “spent time together” at the war college. He warns Gibbs that she’s inquisitive.

Gibbs joins Drs. Ryan and Cranston staring each other down. They went to school together and both slept with Dr. Banks. Cranston tells Ryan “they” think Banks was killed because of a PsyOps mission.

Ryan refuses to answer any questions with Cranston there, but tells Gibbs that Banks was working on a PsyOps assignment with a man named Brian Mitchell.

Ziva and Tony visit Mitchell, who can’t believe he wasn’t informed about Banks’s death. Mitchell is freaked out by the PsyOps work and has asked to be reassigned. He says Banks was going through a rough divorce and ugly custody battle.

Tony shows him a court order allowing Mitchell to talk about what they were working on. They were looking into former Marine Sgt. Kyle Baxter, who received a negative discharge two months ago because of a negative psych eval written by Dr. Banks.

In the morgue, Duckie is trying to figure out whether Banks died from hanging or the bullet. He says it’s was definitely a suicide, but Duckie says he only had about six months to live because of a kidney and liver condition.

In the lab, Abby tells Gibbs that someone switched out Banks’s prescriptions for dangerous psychotropic drugs that were wrecking his kidneys and liver.

Gibbs pays Dr. Ryan a visit and they instantly start sizing each other up. Ross her assistant joins them with the personnel list for the ops Banks was working on. He hands Gibbs a flash drive, but Gibbs prefers paper.

Back at the office, McGee scans electromagnetic field emitters they found in Banks’ house, which can cause interference with sleep and cause migraines.

Gibbs brings in personnel files. He’s suspicious of them, but wants McGee to go through them anyway.

They found a mission file in Banks’s safe. Gibbs looks at it and tears out a page. He wants McGee to track the gizmos back to PsyOps. He unplugs their computers and insists on paper from here on.

Ziva and McGee hit the archives.

Gibbs goes to a psychology ball and interrupts Dr. Ryan. As Gibbs is pulling her aside, her assistant Ross checks that everything is OK. Dr. Ryan leads Gibbs into the women’s room to talk.

He reads from the page he tore out, which suggests “removal of threats using drugs and alternative methods”. He mentions driving a sane person to suicide using pills and sleep deprivation. She cautions him to be careful with what he’s suggesting. She claims to know nothing about Banks’ death.

Rachel Cranston rinds Gibbs working on a rocking chair in his basement. She confesses she left a few details out. Banks mentioned a sensitive national security issue, an operation. She got the sense someone wanted to keep him from talking.

McGee calls to report they’ve found nothing in the personnel files Ryan gave them. Gibbs suggests they find Kyle Baxter, but he’s missing. Gibbs’ phone fuzzes out and he gets suspicious. He cranks up a handheld radio and uses it to sweep the room for bugs. He finds one in his woodworking tools. He opens it up and speaks into it: “Good night, Ryan, sleep tight.” He smashes it.

At the archives, they tell Gibbs that Baxter was handpicked by Banks for PsyOps then kicked out by him. Gibbs wants info on the bug he found, but without using the computer. McGee’s cell phone beeps, signaling that Baxter is getting a call.

Tony and Ziva head to the location, but find assistant Ross waiting for them. He claims Baxter was just there and left his phone to see if NCIS was tracking him. He puts a matchbook on the table and walks away. It has the name James Drenden written in it.

Gibbs rattles Dr. Ryan by showing up where her son goes to school. He points out it’s PsyOps 101 to approach people at their most vulnerable.

Cut to Dr. Ryan yelling at Vance in his office as Gibbs listens, bemused. He says it’s fairplay given that she bugged his house. She doesn’t deny it. They want to know about the operation Banks mentioned to Dr. Cranston. It was to use PsyOps techniques to destabilize Iranian nuclear scientists before they could build a bomb.

It’s possible the Iranians got wind of it and got Dr. Banks back. She offers to do whatever she can to help.

In the lab, Abby cracks Dr. Banks’ laptop and finds someone hacked it before she did, buying stocks in his name, draining his bank account, buying things online, hacking his email. If he Googled something, he got misinformation. His entire reality was being manipulated by someone in Mexico, a resort in Cancun — where the matchbook was from. They have surveillance showing Baxter.

McGee pulls up James Dreden, Baxter’s alias. He came back from Mexico two months ago. He’s still using the same alias as a bartender in town.

Cut to Gibbs talking to Baxter, who is charming and aloof. He says he’s being framed by PsyOps as the fall guy. He says he never left his phone or the matchbook. He gives Gibbs a number to call and ask for Simon.

Cut to Vance and Gibbs in MTAC talking to a man on a beach in a cowboy hat, who says Baxter was the best CI they ever had. He’s been undercover with the DEA for the past 12 months.

Ryan shows up at Gibbs door with tapes of Dr. Cranston’s sessions with Banks. In a round about way she says she had to mislead him about Baxter to protect her mission, just following rules.

Gibbs sites his own: “Rule 42: Don’t ever accept an apology from someone who just sucker punched you.” “I didn’t apologize,” she says.

She makes a choked up plea to Gibbs to leave her son out of it. He says OK. He asks her who with her knowledge could have killed Banks. She says whoever did it lost sight of who they are and what they do. She doesn’t have a name, but wishes him luck. She walks out, but leaves her cell phone.

In the office the next day, he gives it to McGee to work on. He locates the calls from PsyOps and crosses them against calls to Banks from the past month. There’s just one: Brian Mitchell, the PsyOps liason. All the texts have been erased.

Gibbs tells Tony to dial both numbers three times and hang up. Gibbs leaves and Vance explains it’s an old spycraft trick to signal someone to show up at a predetermined location, so novice it might work.

Cut to Brian Mitchell meeting Dr. Banks’ daughter Amber in the park. She says she’ll never take the fall for him killing her dad, but he did it like she said, so they could be together. She wants just her dad’s life insurance policy.

Gibbs comes out and arrests them.

Back at NCIS, Dr. Cranston blames herself for not seeing it was his daughter. She thought Amanda was another broken teenager caught up in an ugly divorce.

Tony finally gets a visit from accounts payable. Due to a clerical error, McGee was getting overpaid. But unfortunately, they screwed up Tony’s withholdings and he owes more than $2,000.

Home asleep on the couch late at night, Gibbs is woken up by Dr. Ryan. It’s 4 a.m. She thanks Gibbs for figuring out what happened to Dr. Banks. She says he has a gift for making people feel safe. She wants breakfast now. He knows a diner that’s open 24 hours. He asks if she’s asking him out on a date. “It’s the middle of the night, Agent Gibbs — you tell me,” she says.


This chart includes the names of those who were involved in attempting to set me up in the drug trade.

It demonstrated the strange relationships which created a team concept at varying times.

I simply wrote down the names of people who seemed ever present in my life at the time. Solid Line connections vary from dotted line connections only in that the people knew alot about each other but had never supposedly met. Those who’s names are circled, I had never met at the time the chart was drawn. Those connected to them did NOT want us to meet.

I have not yet differentiated on this chart between who was a confidential informant and who was private investigator. It was easy to tell the difference. Not all of them were willing participants in the actions against me, but their circumstances forced them to be silent. I don’t directly blame any of them for what they were coerced into doing to me. I do blame those responsible for forcing them into that position.

With few exceptions, they are all either former law enforcement, lawyers, private investigators, or the immediate family of lawyers and law enforcement.

Though they had become my closest friends, to the exclusion of anyone else in my life during the period they were around. By February 2011, ALL OF THEM HAD COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED.

Larger Teams seemed to be centrally focused around Ron, Chris/Andy, Collin, and Jay. With one person acting as a central “fixer”. Whenever something was off, or missing or taken, a quick msg to the ‘fixer’ always resulted in the issue being resolved. No one liked the ‘fixer’ to be around when they were around. The ‘fixer’ is the ONLY person whose last name remains unknown… seemingly to everyone.

Prompt Disappearance of Ron, Andy, and Discord were the result of me fabricating a story about how they confessed their actions and telling it to a friend on the phone. Something they had not done, yet it somehow resulted in their immediate and complete disappearance for 6-12 months. They never contacted me again… Strange behavior for close friends, eh? Especially when they had no way of knowing I had made up the story… OR DID THEY? After this happened with 3 people, I decided to not do this further. It became very lonely and isolated.

Jay disappeared in February 2011. The last day I saw him was the day I went to the police about the civil rights violations of Judge Rhonda Daniele. Clearly and fully documented, the police indicated they would do nothing about a complaint against a sitting judge. Jay has since disappeared completely.

The abuse and misuse of the County Drug Task Force is clear. They have the ability to take the actions which I have experienced. They have the corrupt judges who will authorize them to act against me. And the more I discovered about their actions, the more difficult they made my life.

They took everything. They were unjust. They were fraudulent They violated the law and procedures. They have prevented Appeal or escalation to a higher court.

I SURVIVED AND PERSEVERED. Because I survived and documented their actions, they attacked, terrorized and harassed further. And they continue to do so… It won’t end until they are exposed and prosecuted, because I’m just not going to give in to suicide at this point or any point.


Level ONE Informants/Prostitutes

Level TWO Qualification/Compensation


Level FOUR

Level FIVE

Level SIX


Acting responsibly… I have noticed that many of the people whose names are either directly or indirectly referenced seem to have lowered their profile or disappeared removing themselves from “harms way” should anyone attempt to retaliate against them based on the information I am presenting. They know my story. They can corroborate it. They can expose it. They can be threatened to conceal their part in it. The choices they make are their own, as are mine.

My motivation is simple. I am trying to escape from the nightmare they participated in. Those who swore an oath to serve and protect have been manipulated and have FAILED. Those who were provided ‘relief’ based on their participation should be aware that I have no confidentiality agreement with any agency. I have NOT promised to keep this story confidential. I face no penalty for revealing the story.

Their ability to conceal the story is lessened and any actions they might take against me would only serve to reveal this story to an ever widening audience. The truth will out.


The technology of the PSYCH OUT episode is real. I have been documenting my divorce experience for the last 6 years and was stunned to see so much of what I have lived and documented on this web site in the episode.

I survived. They failed to bring about my suicide. The victim in the episode did not survive the targeted attacks at every aspect of his life.

You can watch the entire episode at this link to CBS.

There were so many direct connections between the terror I experienced and this show, I couldn’t keep up with them.

“Psych Out”
Story by Gary Glasberg and Reed Steiner

Doc: “Well whatever it looks like, you look deeper. Robert was one of the strongest people I know. He wouldn’t do this. Couldn’t. I know someone killed him.”

Doc: “His Wife filed for divorce a few months ago.”

Doc: “MISO. Military Information Support Operations”
Gibbs: “I’m old school doc, Psy Ops will do.”
Doc: “Well then you know they use mind games to confuse and manipulate the enemy.”
Gibbs: “I know that.”
Harmon: “Credit Card Statements over the past few months show that he was writing prescriptions for himself”
Doc: “Not true. That’s the kind of background application Psy Ops excels at.”

Doc: “People who have any hope at all. They don’t take their own life. They embrace it. Banks’ didn’t kill himself.”

Different psychological points of view. Clinical and Military.

Doc: “She’s doing it. You’re doing it.”
Ryan: “I am doing what?”
Doc: “The games. The nonesense.”
Ryan: “And I’m leaving.”
Gibbs: “No, you’re not.
Doc: “”We think Dr Banks was the victim of a Psy Ops Scheme.”
Ryan: “We?”
Doc: “He was my patient.”
Ryan: “That’s ridiculous.”
Gibbs: “Is it?”
Ryan: “Agent Gibbs I will answer any questions that you have. But not here and not with her.
Gibbs: “Why not?”
Ryan: “National Security” [smirking]
Ryan then misdirects Gibbs to another person Brian Mitchell.
Doc: “Hey Gibbs. Don’t trust these people. Especially her.”


Ducky: “He was only hastening the inevitable.”
Gibbs: “What are you saying?”
Ducky: “His kidney and liver functions were deteriorating at an alarming rate.”
Gibbs: “Based on what?”
Ducky: “Abby is determining that. Suffice to say had the doctor not taken his own life I would estimate he had but 6 months to live.”

Abby plays the shell game with Gibbs demonstrating the method of confusion involved.

Gibbs: “I win.”
Abby: “I guess you’re not a sucker. Or are you?”
Abby: “All of these pills came out of Bank’s medecine cabinet. One is a benign blood pressure medication. The other 2 are dangerous psychotropic stimulants that have been reaking havoc on his liver and kidney functions.
Gibbs: “I can’t tell the difference.”
Abby: “Somebody switched out his prescriptions Gibbs. It’s like the oldest con in the book.
Gibbs: “Poor sucker.”
Abby: “so Banks thinks that he is just taking his daily meds. When in reality, he is taking drugs that have been proven to cause depression and increased mental insability.”
Gibbs: “Psy Ops”
Abby: “Mind Games”
Gibbs: “He’s being played Abs. The question is by who?”


Ryan and Gibbs – She begins playing mind games with him. She answers all questions with an unrelated question.

She redirects to her assistant who suggests an issue with the Psych Eval for Banks. When the assistant hands Gibbs the information, he is given a USB Thumb Drive.

Gibbs: “You know what I really like, Doc? Paper.”
Gibbs hands back the thumb drive.
Gibbs: “I really love paper.”


McGee: “Where did you find these?”
DiNozo: “One was hidden inside Banks couch.”
“The other one was in his mattress.”
McGee: “Wow. Milligaus readings off the charts. These are electromagnetic field emmiters
DiNozo: “someone tried to give our victim a tumor?”
McGee: “More like headaches and nightmares high levels of EMF pollution can cause interference with REM sleep cycles”

“Yes found this from banks office safe. It appears our victim was working on this last.”
DiNozo: “But the only person that can confirm that will probably lie to your face”
Gibbs: “I am getting used to that.”
[Gibbs rips a page from the document.]
Gibbs: “McGee, Connect the gizmos you found back to Psy Ops.”
McGee: “I can track the parts boss, but whoever built it most likely is gonna cover their tracks.”
Electricity Surge
DiNozo: “Email issues again.”
Gibbs: “Trust Issues. For now on I want paper from the source.”


Gibbs and Ryan more head games. Ryan’s assistant arrives and she mocks Gibbs for wishing to speak privately. They enter the Ladies room

Ryan: “Feel safe Gibbs”
Gibbs: “I guess not everyone in here has a security clearance.”
Ryan: “You are enjoying this. I’ll play along. What have you got?”
Gibbs: “Removal of threats using drugs and alternative methods. A hell of a page turner. A real how to. Driving a sane person to suiicide using pills and sleep deprivation. Sound familiar to you.”
Ryan: “Be very careful with what you are suggesting.”
Gibbs: “This is a page out of your own playbook. So i will ask you again. What do you know about the death of Robert Banks.”
Ryan: “And I am going to tell you again. Nothing.
Gibbs: “I’m giving you a chance to come clean Dr. Ryan. Help solve the murder of a close friend.
Ryan: “I’ve already told you the truth.”
Gibbs: “Who’s truth?”


Doc: “I got this sense that someone wanted to make sure he could never discuss it with anyone ever.”

Phone Rings

During the call there is interference, Gibbs looks around and finds his basement has been bugged.
The device is small – about the size of a key fob. Battery operated and active.

Gibbs speaks into the device: “Good night Ryan. Sleep tight.”


McGee: “Of course if we could use our computers to dig a little deeper.”
Gibbs: “NO. NO.”
McGee: “Could.”
Gibbs: “NO McGee. Can’t”
He shows bug device
McGee: “Where did you get that boss”
Gibbs: “In my basement. A bug. Find out where it came from. The old fashioned way”


DiNozo: “You are ringing McCheater.”
McGee: “Boss I only kept it on to monitor Baxter’s incoming cell phones calls.”

Gibbs: “Trace the bug.”
McGee: “With or without my…”


Ryan is offended and angry at the intrusion into her personal life when Gibbs shows up at her sons school.

Ryan: “How did you now where my son went to school.”
Ryan: “His records are all classified.”
Ryan: “Did you follow me.”
Ryan: “You following me now. Am I under surveillance Gibbs?”
Ryan: “You hacked my records.”
Ryan: “This is my personal life.”
Gibbs: “Psy Ops 101 – approach people at their most vulnerable. You even the playing field, Doc.”
Ryan: “You don’t want to play with me Gibb’s. Trust me.”


Ryan: “The mission was to use Psy Ops techniques to desstabilize Iranian nuclear scientists.”
Gibbs: “Cripple the enemy without firing a shot.”
Ryan: “21st century warfare.”


Abby: “Gibbs, get over here. I processed Bank’s laptop. The encryption was super complex.”
Gibbs: “But you got in.”
Abby: “I did with a little help. I just followed the tracks of someone else that hacked his computer way before I did. Someone was reaking havoc on Bank’s life using his own computer… like draining his accounts, and buying stocks that he never ordered. Sending threatening emails.”
Gibbs” “More mind games”
Abby: “Even if he googled something he would get misinformation… like bogus sports scores, and even fictional news stories. He wasn’t only being drugged. His entire reality was being manipulated.”

Baxter: “You are looking at a Psy Ops package here sir, you can’t trust that.”


SIMON: “Baxter was the best damn CI we ever had, Director Vance.”
DIRECTOR: “For how long?”
SIMON: “He’s been working undercover with the DEA for the past 12 months. Helped us shut down smugglers we’ve been after forever.”
Gibbs: “He was under DEA control for the last year.”
Simon: “Had eyes on him the whole time. If you think he was involved in this. You’re wrong. Someone real good has been playing you folks.
Director: “So the person Dr Ryan has been pushing isn’t our killer.”


Ryan attempts to explain her misdirection, but indicates it is no apology it’s her job.

Gibbs: “Someone with your knowledge killed banks. I want to know who.”
Ryan: “Whoever it is has lost sight of who we are and what we do.”
Gibbs: “You got a name?”
Ryan: “Good Luck.”


Watching the show through to get the time marks, I recalled a conversation with Chief Brady of Montgomery Township. I had indicated that my experience could all be caused by items made available to local police and documented in a White House brief. The Document listed the items for which funding had been made available through Drug Enforcement sources.

At the time, I hadn’t realized that the County Drug Task Force might actually be harassing and terrorizing me.


1. Judge Carolyn Carluccio issues orders and opinions with the clear purpose and intent to commit extrinsic fraud.

2. Judge Carolyn Carluccio issues false statements on her Orders with the intent to prevent testimony, to obstruct justice and to deny the rights of the parties to hearings and due process.

3. Judge Carolyn Carluccio secretly reschedules hearings without notifying the parties involved. She then purports to have heard the hearings. When exposed further, she lies. She then issues orders rescheduling the matters which she subsequently cancels to prevent testimony and evidence from being presented at those hearings.

4. Judge Carolyn Carluccio has engaged in frequent ex parte communications. When exposed, Judge Carluccio entertains, endorses and rewards the Plaintiff’s attorneys for the ethical violations. The Plaintiff’s attorneys recognizing the tenuous position of the judge who is ignoring their ethics violations, have leveraged that position to extort substantial financial benefits for their client.

5. As each procedural and ethical violation has been documented, Judge Carolyn Carluccio has been determined to ignore the evidence; and forced to act to further prevent the testimony of the Defendant in her courtroom as it exposes her violations AND the prior violations of the eight prior judges who have been involved in this case.

6. Judge Carolyn Carluccio has lied from the bench, in her words and in her orders.

7. Judge Carolyn Caroluccio is acting to subvert any justice from occuring in her courtroom. She has demonstrated her clear determination to prevent and deny any hearing on any petition file by the Defendant.

8. Judge Carolyn Carluccio has refused to recuse from the case, and has also refused to hold any hearing on multiple recusal petitions.

9. Judge Carolyn Carluccio has taken direct actions to prevent the Appeal of the matter to the Superior Court. She has lied about those actions in Court and on the record.

10. The entire Montgomery County Judiciary should have recused from the case when it was noticed that Judge Rhonda Daniele issued a secret ex parte order in August 2007 defaming the Defendant.

Ordered without benefit of any hearing, and not having been distributed to the Defendant, or docketed with the Prothonotary, that Order subverted justice at every proceeding until it was discovered three years after it was issued. Upon discovery of the secret ex parte order, all hearings on any matter filed by the Defendant were ignored. Additionally, the courts schedule was intentionally manipulated to permit immediate hearings on petitions filed by the Plaintiff where the Defendant was never permitted time to review the petitions, or prepare a complete response.

The judges were prevented from recusing themselves from the case as it would clearly indicate the wrongdoing of Judge Rhonda Daniele. Instead they acted to conceal the actions of Judge Rhonda Daniele and to submit to the extortion of the Plaintiff’s attorneys. This guaranteed the complete impunity for the Plaintiff to ignore any Court Order, and the dismissal of any petition filed by the Defendant to enforce the Court’s Orders. The Defendant was left with no alternative but to return to an unjust and corrupted court to seek justice which would never be served.

11. After 6 years, it has become quite clear that the ex parte actions of the judiciary have served to deny the defendant his rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of any happiness. Exposure of the corruption has only served to cause the Defendant to be treated to further injustice. The court has acted with malice and intent to destroy a man, using all of the resources at their disposal to obstructive and deny justice, and to manipulate and prevent law enforcement from taking appropriate action.

Their intent was to humiliate the Defendant and to annihilate every aspect of the Defendant’s life to the point where he would commit suicide. They were not successful in obtaining the Defendant’s suicide.

The victim of injustice lives only to be further victimized until justice is served.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has abused the power of her position on the bench in her attempt to conceal her actions, and to conceal the prior unjust actions of the Montgomery County judiciary. The Judges were all compelled into the position to deny justice to protect the judiciary because of the inappropriate and unethical actions of Judge Rhonda Daniele.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio should be immediately removed from the bench.

Judge Rhonda Daniele should be immediately removed from the bench.

The remaining judges who have acted on the matter should be suspended pending a review of their degree of complicity in the obstruction of justice, their intentional denial of the civil rights of the Defendant, and their unethical behavior.

The Court documents demonstrate the complete failure of the Court to uphold their responsibility and oath of office.