
When their attempt to have Judge Carolyn Carluccio resume the case fails…

and exposes their ex parte judge shopping…

and their petition counters all the manipulative and corrupt efforts of Judge Carluccio to deny and prevent any opportunity for me to testify…

and their efforts to enforce a void order, based on a void order where the court has no jurisdiction is scheduled AND DESTINED TO EXPOSE THE FRAUD AND CORRUPTION…


I received their request for a continuance of the July 10 proceeding. Had they had THEIR Judge rush a perverted hearing to enforce their illegal, corrupt and malicious order, I bet they would have accepted any date.

They have requested a continuance of EVERY proceeding. Except one which I had requested.

Forced to request a continuance of a custody proceeding because my mother was having emergency surgery on the same date and time as the hearing, They demanded a hearing on their counter petition ANYWAY. They refused to permit a continuance and demanded the trial occur even though my mother was a primary witness for the matter. Judge Del Ricci clearly saw the malice and evil of Bob Angst and Sonya Healy that day. Judge Del Ricci saw they were removing me and my family from the hospital where they should be to a courtroom where we were faced fraudulent allegations. He granted the continuance, and I went immediately to the hospital.


I have 2 days left with my Trial, unfortunately I will not be buying the program. I would recommend it, however the intrusion onto my computer is a targeted intrusion (see other post)It has been unable to run properly and consistently.

The program has aided in revealing the files involved in the intrusion.
Immunet revealed and quarantined 21 Rootkits, and detected the same files when they reappeared days later.
Immunet repeatedly indicated that the Computer had not been scanned.
The updates were checked daily, however after the first few days they seemed to have been removed or lost. Checking again often brought the same updates.

To fix my computer, I would need programs which can do the following:
1. Detect, remove and prevent reinstallation of a Rootkit which loads on a Virtual Disk into Virtual memory.
2. Repair the Security for every level as the Group Policy and other policies have been circumvented.
3. Audit and Repair the Certificates.
4. Secure and prevent holes in Computer Management and Event reports.
5. SFC does not complete, it gets to 48% and fails. There are issues with the usual suspect programs, where the code has been added to existing .dll’s.
6. A method to harden the Registry and prevent hidden entries, and encoded entries which redirect browsers and obstruct Search Engines.
7. A way to audit to assure that all Updates are installed properly and HAVE NOT BEEN COMPROMISED.
8. A way to prevent ANY remote access to the computer through stealth shells or terminal programs.
9. A way to prevent ANY hidden Virtual Drives from being created.
10. A way to repair the MBR, without their failsafe program requiring a reinstallation using the original backup discs which have been compromised. Any cd or dvd which has ever been placed in any of my computers has been compromised – they reinstall the triggers for the intrusion to reinstall. (This has backfired because they no longer can remove themselves from the situation, and hide and deny deny deny. Their intrusion reinstalls itself. Try as they might to cover up their crime, their persistent programming just won’t allow it.

The program which was initially ILLEGALLY installed on my computers was WebWatcher by Awareness Technologies. That installation took place in February 2007. Since then the program has been improved based on the actions I have taken to expose and circumvent it. After countless rebuilds of my computers, I have had no choice but to accept the intrusion as a part of regular computing. There is no escaping a targeted intrusion. In all liklihood the current intrusion is through a different program from a different companty.

I’ll say this for the IMMUNET program, it functioned better and longer than the other major AVAS programs. Like Kaspersky, it showed the activity but was unable to prevent reinstallation… at some point those Activity Notices start to feel like taunts and it is no longer necessary.

A surprise was that they did not attempt to Junction or Symbolic Link the program into a loop which would not finish and alolow quarantine. This had been the downfall of each Kaspersky installation.

For some reason, the information about the Anti-Spyware Coalition, ATMOST and NSS suddenly became available. I am still trying to read up on what happened to the organization/s because Awareness Technologies was a part of the ASC. When they packaged the virus into the first version of WebWatcher, they were given a free pass from the AVAS programs affiliated with ASC. In light of my experience that enabled my terror and harassment to continue unchecked and unaided, and gave the intruders the ability to obsfuscate, redirect, block, and fully remote control my computers and my life. (See the damage: http://www.work2bdone.com/live)

My THANKS to Immunet for the program and the information it provided.


When someone hires the Private Investigator who does the illegal work for the county WITH IMPUNITY, they should not inherit the impunity of the investigator.

BUT, in Montgomery County, they do.

They inherit all of the benefits that come with it. Complete impunity, ability to leverage that impunity to corrupt the judiciary, impunity to violate the law, and ability to prevent any investigation or prosecution from a local level all the way up to the FBI.

When the private investigator is former FBI, they get a pass from any federal investigation.

NO ONE STOPS THEM… and there you have it. The continued destruction of ONE MAN, HIS FAMILY, HIS FRIENDS, HIS CAREER, HIS LIFE.

My web site contains about a third of the terror I have experienced… and the web site overwhelms readers… imagine living it.


I have experienced a targeted intrusion onto my computers for the last 5 years. There has been no effective escape.

This is not a random intrusion. I have been targeted by a private investigator, as that private investigator works with local law enforcement, there has been no assistance, investigation or prosecution for the intrusion/remotes control/surveillance/redirection.

Initially it started as WebWatcher by Awareness Technologies. I still have the appcompat file which they installed through windows mail in an email which did NOT need to be opened. The software deployed as soon as the email was delivered to the machine.

Since that time I have watched them update their program as they watched me expose it. There is no way to prevent a targeted installation such as this. They have the power to filter the web, and to disable avas programs. I have watched them disable all of the major programs. It seems the simplest method has been to install a junction or symbolic link which prevents a scan from ever completing.

The programs have been exposed on Linux, and Windows installations. Again, I have watched the installation programs download with me powerless to prevent it. I have attempted to work with it however the ability to control email and web access has made it necessary to confirm any information I receive. They are using me as their R&D department and updating their programs to circumvent/prevent my actions from being successful.

The current version runs from a BIOS initiation, creating a virtual disk from whioh to load the program. As it them runs from virtual memory it has been difficult to nail down. But the clues are there that i am running a version of windows inside their window. Basically there are hardware issues which cannot be addressed while stuck in their window.

Numerous programs have indicated the presence of the surveillance/remote control/filtering program, but none can remove it. At best, I have watched protection work for a few hours, maybe a few days, and then become useless.

I have been lucky only because when I detected the initial intrusion in 2007, I pulled all hard disks from all computers. This has prevented them from placing incriminating files on my computer and then accusing me of responsibility for them. I immediately recognized the possibility/probability of this type of action.

You may be asking WHY? The initial install was by my wife, on my business computers as she planned a divorce. Once detected she and her lawyer hired the private investigator to cover the federal crime. The private investigator is former FBI and works directly with the county managing their informant program and also surveillance (without search warrants). This involvement with law enforcement has prevented law enforcement from taking any action, as they risk exposing their own methods.

I have tried everything I can think of. 20+ years in IT and I have used everything I ever learned about computers and Internet and IP tracking.

Do you have any advice? I am under constant assault by the attorneys who have manipulated law enforcement into inaction. The lawyers have done the same with the courts. Once one judge was manipulated, 8 subsequent judges in the divorce have been forced to further the injustice in violation of laws and procedures. Most of the legal battle is documented on www.work2bdone.com/live It’s not a whining divorce site. It documents a terroristic high tech divorce which has destroyed a family for going on 6 years.

Whenever I am attempting to assemble a petition for the court which will expose the actions/injustice/corruption, I am served with more ridiculous and frivolous actions from my wife’s attorney designed to just create chaos. This has been the case since the initial intrusion was proven in July 2007. They have also used their surveillance information to have judges recuse without the petition requesting it even being filed. When anything else fails, the lawyers expose the judges unethical conversations with them and gain more impunity for themselves and further injustice for me.

Any Help or advice would b greatly appreciated. If you do contact me, i assure you I will respond. Remember, they control the computers. They also control the cell phone. Effective communication has not been easy. But here are work arounds, and once initial contact is made, they do not interfere as much.

Please help. Your comments on this post are reviewed and never posted to the web site.


Taken from THE MORNING CALL April 18, 2012

It also was reported Saturday that the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association wants to expand unwarranted blanket searches in the form of electronic eavesdropping. “To do nothing is not an option,” said Montgomery County DA Risa Ferman.

Yes, that’s exactly how George III felt; authorities must be allowed ever-increasing power to intrude and to dominate our lives.

Note to Risa Ferman: If you are looking to expand your unwarranted surveillance program begin by investigating the failures of your organization to behavior lawfully in their current practices.

1) The technology intrusions which have harassed and destroyed my professional and personal life have been ignored by your organization. WHY?

2) The information stolen from my computer has been delivered to judges who were able to recuse before being asked to recuse?

3) It is astounding to recognize that your organization has at no time decided to act responsibly? Do you intend to terrorize and harass until someone is dead?


Your illegal and unethical surveillance program has demonstrated it’s power…. the power to destroy… the power to hide… the power to attack… the power to avoid prosecution… the power to protect itself at all costs.

What crime is it that I am supposed to have committed that has warranted the intrusion? Or am I supposed to ignore the private investigator that your organization refuses to prosecute? How can I ignore the fact that I am being harassed and terrorized when they won’t stop? If they stop, they won’t be able to control my information and communications. They risk being exposed, SO THEY WON’T STOP. And I have no other alternative but to persevere and await the day their actions are exposed.

There is no way to stop a targeted intrusion. When law enforcement is ignoring the crimes because they are partially liable for creating the situation it is irresponsible and corrupt. IT IS EVIL. TO DO NOTHING IS NOT AN OPTION… I have no choice… Risa Ferman has a choice. She chose to do nothing. And has allowed this to envelope more and more county personnel and resources.

The investigator who stopped advertising his internet business? the one who advertised that lawyers need his services to spy on other lawyers? the one who advertised his ethical hacking? Ethical hacking for illegal purposes?


The Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas has demonstrated their abuse of power since 2007. When might the law apply?

I am anticipating that the law may apply once the case is moved to another court.

The surprising thing is that ANY COURT in the land is empowered to void the orders of the Montgomery County Court. There is also no deadline for designating an order is void…. because the order is ALREADY void because of the corrupt actions of the court.

In my case, the fact that I had notified the court of the defect in the order and requested a hearing within the 30 day period removes the question of whether the document was submitted timely. The fact that the Court further ignored the petition before the court and held no hearing on the matter before dismissing the petition reaffirms that I was trying to accomplish raising the matters on a timely basis, BUT THE COURT WAS REFUSING TO COOPERATE.

The law doesn’t say that the Court has to cooperate within the 30 Days. It simply states that the petition must be filed with the court and served on the parties.

BTW, Whoever is running the Prothonotary might want to look into the missing documents, and the ones which are improperly titled to mislead that the Appeal was denied by the Superior Court. THAT did not happen. The order from the Superior Court indicated that they could not force the lower court to hold a hearing. The court woul dhave to hold the hearing on the Petition to Proceed In Forma Pauperis, OR I could petition the Supreme COurt of Pennsylvania for a Writ Of Mandamus to compel the Court to hold the appropriate hearing. (And if we are going to go all Mandamus, I can assure you that the request will be made to recuse the entire Montgomery County Bench from this matter.)

The law is very consistent accurate on this topic. When a judge fails to follow due process and procedure, the judge does not have jurisdiction to issue an order on the matter.

In my case, when advised of the defect in her Order which would void the order, Judge Carolyn Carluccio proceeded to indicate that she did not have jurisdiction – REPEATEDLY, INCORRECTLY AND ON THE RECORD. Repeating that she did not have jurisdiction to void her own defective and void order. She would further issue orders and sanctions against me based on the void order – that she knows is void. She also knows she is committing EXTRINSIC FRAUD – repeatedly and on the record, in attempting to deny my rights and convince me that it it proper.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio would also prevent the matter from proceeding to the Superior Court so that an Appeal could be heard.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio was determined to commit as much fraud, ethical violations and crimes in the attempt to destroy my life, leaving me homeless and destitute after surviving 6 years of injustice and corruption. She did so knowing she would have judicial immunity and not face civil liability.

While judicial immunity does permit her to terrorize any litigant in her court and escape civil damages…
JUDICIAL IMMUNITY DOES NOT EXTEND TO THE COUNTY… nor to the minions who have worked to conceal the judge’s crimes.

The same judicial immunity extends to Judge DelRicci, Judge Bertin, Judge Coonahan, Judge Barrett, Judge Daniele, Judge Tilson.
BUT THEIR JUDICIAL IMMUNITY DOES NOT EXTEND TO THE COUNTY… … nor to the minions who have worked to conceal the judges’ crimes.

AND of course, the judges violated the constitution, and the laws and procedures of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for which they should face criminal prosecution. When a judge commits a crime, it is still a crime. They may not be liable for civil damages, but they are NOT excused from criminal prosecution.

And what litigant is going to place their trust in a judiciary which is more criminal than the cases they hear.

Void judgment. One which has has no legal force or effect, invalidity of which may be asserted by any person whose rights are affected at any time and at any place directly or collaterally. Reynolds v. Volunteer State Life Ins. Co., Tex.Civ.App., 80 S.W.2d 1087, 1092. One which from its inception is and forever continues to be absolutely null, without legal efficacy, ineffectual to bind parties or support a right, of no legal force and effect whatever, and incapable of confirmation, ratification, or enforcement in any manner or to any degree. Judgment is a “void judgment” if court that rendered judgment lacked jurisdiction of the subject matter, or of the parties, or acted in a manner inconsistent with due process. Klugh v. U.S., D.C.S.C., 610 F.Supp. 892, 901. See also Voidable judgment.


Void judgment. One which has has no legal force or effect, invalidity of which may be asserted by any person whose rights are affected at any time and at any place directly or collaterally. Reynolds v. Volunteer State Life Ins. Co., Tex.Civ.App., 80 S.W.2d 1087, 1092. One which from its inception is and forever continues to be absolutely null, without legal efficacy, ineffectual to bind parties or support a right, of no legal force and effect whatever, and incapable of confirmation, ratification, or enforcement in any manner or to any degree. Judgment is a “void judgment” if court that rendered judgment lacked jurisdiction of the subject matter, or of the parties, or acted in a manner inconsistent with due process. Klugh v. U.S., D.C.S.C., 610 F.Supp. 892, 901. See also Voidable judgment.

Other Authorities on Void Judgments:

Void judgments are those rendered by a court which lacked jurisdiction, either of the subject matter or the parties. See:

Wahl v. Round Valley Bank, 38 Ariz. 411, 300 P.955 (1931) Tube City Mining & Milling Co. v. Otterson, 16 Ariz. 305, 146 P. 203 (1914) Milliken v. Meyer, 311 U.S. 457, 61 S.Ct. 339, 85 L.Ed. 2d 278 (1940)

A void judgment which includes judgment entered by a court which lacks jurisdiction over the parties or the subject matter, or lacks inherent power to enter the particular judgment, or an order procured by fraud, can be attacked at any time, in any court, either directly or collaterally, provided that the party is properly before the court. See Long v. Shorebank Development Corp., 182 F.3d 548 (C.A. 7 Ill. 1999)

A void judgment is one which, from its inception, was a complete nullity and without legal effect. See Lubben v. Selective Service System Local Bd. No. 27, 453 F.2d 645, 14 A.L.R. Fed. 298 (C.A. 1 Mass. 1972)

A void judgment is one which from the beginning was complete nullity and without any legal effect. See Hobbs v. U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 485 F.Supp. 456 (M.D. Fla. 1980).

Void judgment is one that, from its inception, is complete nullity and without legal effect. Holstein v. City of Chicago, 803 F.Supp. 205, reconsideration denied 149 F.R.D. 147, affirmed 29 F.3d 1145 (N.D. Ill. 1992).

Void judgment is one where court lacked personal or subject matter jurisdiction or entry of order violated due process, U.S.C.A. Const. Amend. 5-Triad Energy Corp. v. McNell, 110 F.R.D. 382 (S.D.N.Y. 1986).

Judgment is a void judgment if court that rendered judgment lacked jurisdiction of the subject matter, or of the parties, or acted in a manner inconsistent with due process, Fed Rules Civ. Proc., Rule 60(b)(4), 28 U.S.C.A.; U.S.C.A. Const Amend. 5. Klugh v. U.S., 620 F.Supp. 892 (D.S.C. 1985).

A void judgment is one which, from its inception, was a complete nullity and without legal effect, Rubin v. Johns, 109 F.R.D. 174 (D. Virgin Islands 1985).

A void judgment is one which, from its inception, is and forever continues to be absolutely null, without legal efficacy, ineffectual to bind the parties or to support a right, of no legal force and effect whatever, and incapable of enforcement in any manner or to any degree. Loyd v. Director, Dept. of Public Safety, 480 So.2d 577 (Ala.Civ.App. 1985). A judgment shown by evidence to be invalid for want of jurisdiction is a void judgment or at all events has all attributes of a void judgment, City of Los Angeles v. Morgan, 234 P.2d 319 (Cal.App. 2 Dist. 1951).

Void judgment which is subject to collateral attack, is simulated judgment devoid of any potency because of jurisdictional defects, Ward. v. Terriere, 386 P.2d 352 (Colo. 1963). A void judgment is a simulated judgment devoid of any potency because of jurisdictional defects only, in the court rendering it and defect of jurisdiction may relate to a party or parties, the subject matter, the cause of action, the question to be determined, or relief to be granted, Davidson Chevrolet, Inc. v. City and County of Denver, 330 P.2d 1116, certiorari denied 79 S.Ct. 609, 359 U.S. 926, 3 L.Ed. 2d 629 (Colo. 1958).

Void judgment is one entered by court without jurisdiction of parties or subject matter or that lacks inherent power to make or enter particular order involved and such a judgment may be attacked at any time, either directly or collaterally, People v. Wade, 506 N.W.2d 954 (Ill. 1987).

Void judgment may be defined as one in which rendering court lacked subject matter jurisdiction, lacked personal jurisdiction, or acted in manner inconsistent with due process of law Eckel v. MacNeal, 628 N.E.2d 741 (Ill. App.Dist. 1993).

Void judgment is one entered by court without jurisdiction of parties or subject matter or that lacks inherent power to make or enter particular order involved; such judgment may be attacked at any time, either directly or collaterally People v. Sales, 551 N.E.2d 1359 (Ill.App. 2 Dist. 1990).

Res judicata consequences will not be applied to a void judgment which is one which, from its inception, is a complete nullity and without legal effect, Allcock v. Allcock, 437 N.E.2d 392 (Ill.App.3 Dist. 1982).

Void judgment is one which, from its inception is complete nullity and without legal effect In re Marriage of Parks, 630 N.E.2d 509 (Ill.App. 5 Dist. 1994).

Void judgment is one entered by court that lacks the inherent power to make or enter the particular order involved, and it may be attacked at any time, either directly or collaterally; such a judgment would be a nullity. People v. Rolland, 581 N.E.2d 907 (Ill.APp. 4 Dist. 1991).

Void judgment under federal law is one in which rendering court lacked subject matter jurisdiction over dispute or jurisdiction over parties or acted in manner inconsistent with due process of law or otherwise acted unconstitutionally in entering judgment, U.S.C.A. Const. Amend. 5, Hays v. Louisiana Dock Co., 452 N.E.2d 1383 (Ill App. 5 Dist. 1983).

A void judgment has no effect whatsoever and is incapable of confirmation or ratification, Lucas v. Estate of Stavos, 609 N.E.2d 1114, rehearing denied, and transfer denied (Ind. App. 1 Dist. 1993).

Void judgment is one that from its inception is a complete nullity and without legal effect Stidham v. Whelchel, 698 N.E.2d 1152 (Ind. 1998).

Relief from void judgment is available when trial court lacked either personal or subject matter jurisdiction, Dusenberry v. Dusenberry, 625 N.E.2d 458 (Ind.App. 1 Dist. 1993).

Void judgment is one rendered by court which lacked personal or subject matter jurisdiction or acted in manner inconsistent with due process, U.S.C.A. Const. Amends. 5, 14, Matter of Marriage of Hampshire, 896 P.2d 58 (Kan.1997)

Judgment is void if court that rendered it lacked personal or subject matter jurisdiction; void judgment is nullity and may be vacated at any time, Matter of Marriage of Welliver, 869 P.2d 653 (Kan. 1994).

A void judgment is one rendered by a a court which lacked personal or subject matter jurisdiction or acted in a manner inconsistent with due process, In re. Estate of Wells, 983 P.2d 279, (Kan.App. 1999).

Void judgment is one rendered in absence of jurisdiction over subject matter or parties, 310 N.W.2d 502, (Minn. 1981).

A void judgment is one rendered in absence of jurisdiction over subject matter or parties, Lange v. Johnson, 204 N.W.2d 205 (Minn. 1973).

A void judgment is one which has merely semblance, without some essential element, as when court purporting to render it has no jurisdiction, Mills v. Richardson, 81S.E.2d 409 (N.C. 1954).

A void judgment is one which has a mere semblance, but is lacking in some of the essential elements which would authorize the court to proceed to judgment, Henderson v. Henderson, 59 S.E.2d 227, (N.C. 1950).

Void judgment is one entered by court without jurisdiction to enter such judgment, State v. Blankenship, 675 N.E.2d 1303, (Ohio App. 9 Dist. 1996).

Void judgment, such as may be vacated at any time is one whose invalidity appears on face of judgment roll, Graff v. Kelly, 814 P.2d 489 (Okl. 1991).

A void judgment is one that is void on face of judgment roll, Capital Federal Savings Bank v. Bewley, 795 P.2d 1051 (Okl. 1990).

Where condition of bail bond was that defendant would appear at present term of court, judgment forfeiting bond for defendant’s bail to appear at subsequent term was a void judgment within rule that laches does not run against a void judgment, Com. V. Miller, 150 A.2d 585 (Pa.Super. 1959).

A void judgment is one in which the judgment is facially invalid because the court lacked jurisdiction or authority to render the judgment, State v. Richie, 20 S.W.3d 624 (Tenn. 2000).

Void judgment is one which shows upon face of record want of jurisdiction in court assuming to render judgment, and want of jurisdiction may be either of persons, subject matter generally, particular question to be decided or relief assumed to be given, State ex re. Dawson v. Bomar, 354 S.W.2d 763, certiorari denied, (Tenn. 1962).

A void judgment is one which shows upon face of record a want of jurisdiction in court assuming to render judgment, Underwood v. Brown, 244 S.W.2d 168 (Tenn. 1951).

Void judgment is one which has no legal force or effect whatever, it is an absolute nullity, its invalidity may be asserted by any person whose rights are affected at any time and at any place and it need not be attacked directly but may be attacked collaterally whenever and wherever it is interposed, City of Lufkin v. McVicker, 510 S.X.2d 141 (Twx.Civ.App.-Beaumone 1973).

A void judgment, insofar as it purports to be pronouncement of court, is an absolute nullity, Thompson v. Thompson, 238 S.W.2d 218 (Tex.Civ.App.-Waco 1951).

A void judgment is one that has bee procured by extrinsic or collateral fraud, or entered by court that did not have jurisdiction over subject matter or the parties, Rook v. Rook, 353 S.E. 2d 756 (Va. 1987).

A void judgment is a judgment, decree, or order entered by a court which lacks jurisdiction of the parties or of the subject matter, or which lacks the inherent power to make or enter the particular order involved, State ex re. Turner v. Briggs, 971 P.2d 581 (Wash.App.Div. 1999).

A void judgment or order is one that is entered by a court lacking jurisdiction over the parties or the subject matter, or lacking the inherent power to enter the particular order or judgment, or where the order was procured by fraud, In re Adoption of E.L., 733 N.E.2d 846, (Ill. APp. 1 Dist. 2000).

Void judgments are those rendered by court which lacked jurisdiction, either of subject matter or parties, Cockerham. v. Zikratch, 619 P.2d 739 (Ariz. 1980).

Void judgments generally fall into two classifications, that is, judgments where there is want of jurisdiction of person or subject matter, and judgments procured through fraud, and such judgments may be attacked directly or collaterially, Irving v. Rodriquez, 169 N.E.2d 145, (Ill. app. 2 Dis. 1960).

Invalidity needs to appear on face of judgment alone that judgment or order may be said to be intrinsically void or void on its face, if lack of jurisdiction appears from the record, Cockett Oil Co. v. Effie, 374 S.W.2d 154 (Mo.App. 1964).

Decision is void on the face of the judgment roll when form four corners of that roll, it may be determined that at least on of three elements of jurisdiction was absent: (1) jurisdiction over parties, (2) jurisdiction over subject matter, or (3) jurisdictional power to pronounce particular judgment hat was rendered, B & C Investments, INc. v. F & M Nat. Bank & Trust, 903 P.2d 339 (Okla.App.Div 3, 1995).

Void order may be attacked, either directly or collaterally, at any time, In Re Estate of Steinfield, 630 N.E.2d 801, certiorari denied, See also Steinfeld v. Hoddick, 513 U.S. 809 (Ill. 1994).

Void order which is one entered by court which lacks jurisdiction over parties or subject matter, or lacks inherent power to enter judgment, or order procured by fraud, can be attacked at any time, in any court, either directly or collaterally, provided that party is properly before court, People ex. re. Brzica v. Village of Lake Barrington, 644 N.E.2d 66 (Ill.App.2 Dist. 1994).

While voidable orders are readily appealable and must be attacked directly, void order may be circumvented by collateral attack or remedied by mandamus, Sachez v. Hester, 911 S.W.2d 173, (Tex.App. -Corpus Christi 1995).

Arizona courts give great weight to federal courts’ interpretations of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure governing motion for releif from judgment in interpreting identical text of Arizona Rule of Civil Procedure, Estate of Page v. Litzenburg, 852 P.2d 128, review denied (Ariz.App.Div. 1, 1998).

When rule providing for relief from void judgments is applicable, relief is not discretionary matter, but is mandatory, Orner. V. Shalala, 30 F.3d 1307 (Colo. 1994).

Judgments entered where court lacked either subject matter or personal jurisdiction, or that were otherwise entered in violation of due process of law, must be set aside, Jaffe and Asher v. Van Brunt, S.D.N.Y.1994, 158 F.R.D. 278.

A “void” judgment, as we all know, grounds no rights, forms no defense to actions taken thereunder, and is vulnerable to any manner of collateral attack (thus here, by). No statute of limitations or repose runs on its holdings, the matters thought to be settled thereby are not res judicata, and years later, when the memories may have grown dim and rights long been regarded as vested, any disgruntled litigant may reopen old wound and once more probe its depths. And it is then as though trial and adjudication had never been. Fritts v. Krugh, Supreme Court of Michigan, 92 N.W.2d 604, 354 Mich. 97 (10/13/58).

On certiorari this Court may not review questions of fact. Brown v. Blanchard, 39 Mich. 790. It is not at liberty to determine disputed facts (Hyde v. Nelson, 11 Mich 353), nor to review the weight of the evidence. Linn v. Roberts, 5 Mich 443; Lunch v. People, 16 Mich 472. Certiorari is an appropriate remedy to get rid of a void judgment, one which there is no evidence to sustain. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Co. v. Hunt, 39 Mich 469.


The Fraud and Malice of the Court is clearly documented and demonstrates that THEY WILL NOT ALLOW IT TO EVER END. The documents are docketed. The proof of the terroristic intention of the court is in their own documentation.

There is no getting over it…
There is no moving beyond it…
There is no ending to it…
There is no escaping it… THEY HAVE NEVER INTENDED THAT TO BE AN OPTION. The Court has ordered that there be no end to this matter. Not without further hearings. And the court will not schedule those hearings. And the court will not permit an Appeal to move forward. AND THE COURT WILL CONTINUE TO ABUSE IT’S POWER TO FURTHER INTRUDE VIA TECHNOLOGY AND DENY MY LIFE.

The intention of the court has been to destroy a man to the point of suicide. But, I wouldn’t oblige them.

The inaction of law enforcement is an endorsement of the Court’s fraud and malice.
The inaction of the Judicial Conduct Board is an endorsement of the Court’s fraud and malice.
The inaction of the County Sheriff is an endorsement of the Court’s fraud and malice.
The inaction of the Attorney General is an endorsement of the Court’s fraud and malice.

The action of Federal Authorities is indicative of a protracted investigation into the matter. There is no reason to believe that Federal Authorities would ignore, endorse and sanction this level of corruption and abuse of power. Federal Authorities are still in Luzerne County. Every illegal action they discover in Luzerne is also happening in Montgomery… and all of them have happened in this case. The indictments have started in Luzerne County.

The Court issued an order which extends in perpetuity.

That order was issued based on a Petition filed moments before a hearing on another matter.

Carolyn Carluccio repeatedly indicated the purpose of the hearing preventing any testimony by the Defendant which was not directly related to the single issue.

Carolyn Carluccio repeatedly denied any objections for relevance as the Plaintiff proceeded to testify regarding the freshly submitted petition.

Carolyn Carluccio then went on to fraudulently indicate that hearings had been held on all matters.

The New Order was based on the fraudulent and defective Orders which were being prevented from Appeal by Carolyn Carluccio. Preventing any resolution of any matter has been a standard established since the initial deception in August 2007 by Rhonda Daniele.

But this Order goes on in perpetuity… and prevents any recovery without resolution of the matter. It prevents the Defendant from having any life until the matters are resolved.

The fraudulent and malicious order demonstrates the clear intent to terrorize the Defendant who survived 6 years of injustice and corruption.

And to ensure that there would never be another hearing, the Plaintiff withdrew the last minute petition on the next day. Of course, otherwise there might have been a hearing… and Carolyn Carluccio had already issued an order on the matter WITHOUT A HEARING. Any hearing would further expose the direct involvment of Carolyn Carluccio in the fraud and conspiracy.

Carolyn Carluccio is trying to acheive the destruction of a Defendant who has refused to commit suicide after his life has been destroyed without any hope of any future. Any hearings would only provide him the opportunity to present the facts which are all in the courts own documents. Carolyn Carluccio will keep nesting her fraud within the prior frauds where she is preveting any Appeal from moving forward.

If there was no legal basis for the Appeal, they would have allowed the Superior Court the opportunity to deny the Appeal. Carolyn Carluccio knows she is wrong. She lies in her Orders. She lies in her Opinions. She is a disgrace to the judiciary. She is a disgrace to humanity. She hides behind the robes and destroys lives. She won’t permit any escape from her corrupt court.

There is no escaping the terroristic corruption and abuse of power in the Montgomery County Court. And there is no surviving it… and that is exactly what the court intends… to terrorize and attack me for the rest of my life.

There is no future without resolution. There can be no resolution without exposing the injustice and corruption. I am left with no other choice but to persevere until someone finally exposes the crimes of the judges and prosecutes them for the terror they have caused.

Carolyn Carluccio has provided an instrument for destruction which can be used in perpetuity… which if not addressesd will continue in perpetuity… which she has issued based on fraud… which fraud was based on prior frauds.. which she will not permit to be addressed. The Order remains a threat against any future… and a fraud which the court refuses to address or resolve.

For some reason, the documents I filed with the court clearly document the growing conspiracy and fraud. Documents which have been IGNORED by the court that continued the injustice, and which documented the abuse of power of a judiciary intent on the destruction of a man who refuses to commit suicide.


Just a note, that although Carolyn Carluccio demonstrated her complete lack of ethics or sense of humanity by fraudulently issuing court orders which left me homeless and penniless and unable survive on my own while refusing to enforce ANY court order. Carluccio persists in preventing the Appeal of her malicious and defective orders.

Carolyn Carluccio’s intent is to make sure no one else gets a look at her twisted actions on the bench. Her actions and orders solidify and reinforce the arguments presented for the appeal. The 30 or so facts that had to be submitted timely and be all inclusive.

Carolyn Carluccio IGNORED those reasons, and incorrectly wrote and filed an opinion to herself (because she hasn’t allowed it to get to the Superior Court) saying the paperwork was late. IT WASN’T. A 5 year period is permitted when extrinsic fraud is involved. Extrinsic fraud is when the fraud is intentionally meant to deny your civil rights.

Carolyn Carluccio is a constant liar and a fraud. She is corrupt.

Carolyn Carluccioe is so afraid of exposure that she rewards extortion and ethics violations IN HER COURTROOM AND ON THE RECORD. She had numerous opportunities to recuse from the case. The recusal petitions were filed and ignored. No hearings were held.


While preparing the legal documents to take this to Federal Court …





THE TRUTH IS STILL OUT THERE HAUNTING THEM. And it’s all they left me… and they are at risk.

I’ll assume it is the private investigator who has been seen following me…. Is the PI working to cover his own liability? or Angst & Angst liability? or the Courts liability? all those corrupt judges? or the Drug Task Force’s liability? or the officer on the drug task force who was manipulated into their conspiracy.

Nothing like bullying and terrorizing the victim even after they have destroyed him.
You destroyed my career.
You destroyed my family.
You destroyed my friendships.
You stole my house and sold it illegally out from under me.
You threw away everything I owned.

You are not going to get the suicide that you tried so desperately to attain.

I get it… you will not stop terrorizing me…. I survived. The truth and hope kept me alive.

And the penalty for surviving 6 years of corruption and injustice and terror and harassment and isolation and loneliness is further terror. I am stronger than I ever imagined… and you underestimated me at every turn.

I have to sit and wonder if Rhonda Daniele, Carolyn Carluccio, Thomas Del Ricci, Emanuel Bertin, and Arthur Tilson ever get together and ask themselves WHY DID WE DID THAT TO HIM? To them it was just a job that they got caught doing wrong. They were just covering for the actions of one of their own, and for each other.

The judges were also covering for the sociopathic lawyer who had her friend the judge issue a secret order in hopes it would distract from prosecution for her advising her client to violate Federal wiretap laws. The same sociopathic lawyers would expose the judges actions and extort impunity for their client to ignore every court order.

Del Ricci calling me the paranoid computer guy over and over in proceedings, and then not providing me the copy of the secret document in May 2008. (Had Del Ricci provided that document, Tilson, Bertin, Barrett and Carluccio would have never been involved.) Instead EVERY JUDGE ON THE FAMILY COURT BENCH HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CORRUPTION.

I wasn’t ever supposed to find the documents. When I found the documents, and Angst & Angst boasted on the record of the judges active participation in the fraud and unethical ex parte conversations.

Rhonda Daniele issued that order and made it impossible for the judges to do their job. They could not recuse as a group without exposing the secret order of Rhonda Daniele. And Angst & Angst were able to leverage the secret into impunity. No matter that the Defendant was being forced to survive the inexplicable injustice and outright fraud and lies.

It must have been funny the way the judges covered it up by ignoring the law. Ignoring procedure. Ignoring their oath. THEY STOLE MY LIFE. Every passion. My very existence. Every minute of every hour of every day since May 2007. WHY? I’ve never even seen Rhonda Daniele.

A Note to Gabrielle Drexler… I pray they don’t persecute you. A police officer on the drug task force has so much criminal information about the tactics of law enforcement, they have the ability to leverage that information against any judge or District Attorney.
Montgomery County Courts are corrupt. And they don’t give a fuck who witnesses what they will do to destroy and humiliate an innocent person.


Sonya Healy : #2007-12477
v. :
Terance Healy :


The following is an outline of the malicious actions and impact of Judge Carolyn Carluccio.

Since the case began, and was reassigned and addressed by 8 judges, there has not been a judge who went more willingly into the corruption, ethics violations and conspiracy than Judge Carluccio.
Judge Carluccio embraced her role and acted with an enthusiasm and malice completely devoid of the trust placed in her by the people of Montgomery County.

There has been no justice, no respect and no law in her courtroom.

December 2010

1. Judge Carluccio is assigned the case in early December, one month after the Recusal of Judge Stephen Barrett.
2. There are several petitions awaiting hearings. (Docket #210, #211, #214, #226, #227, #240, #241, #261)
3. Judge Carluccio receives an inappropriate ex parte communication from Angst & Angst.
4. Judge Carluccio, when presented with the lawyers ethical violation, failed to act in accordance with the Code of Judicial Ethics and becomes a party to the ethical violation.
5. Defendant petitioned the court for the ex parte document. (Docket #272) Filed as an Emergency, Judge Carluccio promptly denied the petition without explanation. (Docket #273) THERE WAS NO HEARING ON THE MATTER.
6. Defendant also petition for the ex parte documents which were exchanged with the prior judges in this matter. (Docket #271) THERE WAS NO HEARING ON THE MATTER.

January 2011

7. Judge Carluccio, during her January Short List, refuses to permit the Defendant any opportunity to address the petitions he had filed. Judge Carluccio, indicates she has no time on her schedule for hearings, and Orders hearings for June 1-2, 2011. (Docket #282 regarding #210, #211, #214, #226, #227, #240, #261) Omitted, without explanation, from the scheduling Order is #241 which is regarding ex parte communication between Angst & Angst and Judge Emanuel Bertin.

This was an intentional six month delay in the resolution of the financial and health matters, but the Judge is in control of her schedule.
This scheduling tactic had been played out so many times by the Masters and Judges that it was becoming insulting that they would continue the delaying game as if the Defendant actually believed their statements.
Defendant could do nothing about the Courts schedule. Every Judge has played this feigned “Sorry, there are no openings any sooner’ scheduling game.

February 2011

8. Angst & Angst file an Emergency Petition. (Docket #283)
Strangely, it is not filed electronically. All petitions filed by Angst & Angst since 2008 have been filed electronically.
9. The EMERGENCY Petition is mailed to the Prothonotary and received by the Prothonotary on February 24, 2011.

March 2011

10. The EMERGENCY Petition is not processed by the Prothonotary until March 1, 2011. A delay of one week processing an EMERGENCY Petition.
11. The corresponding Certificate of Service is filed ELECTRONICALLY on March 2, 2011. (Docket #284)
12. On March 3, 2011, Judge Carluccio grants the EMERGENCY and schedules a hearing on March 9, 2011. (Docket #285)
13. Defendant received the Petition on March 4, 2011, and the Scheduling Order on March 5, 2011.
14. This did not permit a great amount of time to prepare and file a response. That was the intent.

It is worth noting that the quick scheduling of the Petition was intentional. Angst & Angst had not filed any petition to which the Defendant could respond with a counterpetition since December 2009. Judge Bertin had ordered a Response and Counterpetition separated in August 2009.
In December 2009, Judge Bertin heard the testimony and evidence regarding the petition (the re-filed counter). Judge Bertin ruled that the issues were ‘not cognizable’, offered no explanation as he could not ethically provide legal advice. Judge Bertin dismissed the petition and ordered the Defendant to pay sanctions.
NOT COGNIZABLE indicated that since the issues were not directly relating to Family Court issues, the Family Court could not address them. IF HOWEVER, the counterpetition had not be re-filed as ordered by Judge Bertin, it would have been cognizable because it was connected to a Family Court Issue.
The Defendant had been anticipating the opportunity to respond and counterpetition might arise again. The Defendant was able to assemble a Response and Counterpetition and file it on March 8, 2011.

15. The Defendant filed the Response and Counterpetition on March 8, 2011. (Docket #286)
16. The Response and Counterpetition documented the injustices of the Court since August 2007. The document was organized, clearly written, and included a Table Of Contents listing the major issues to be presented. It was also not a complete listing, there were more issues to be documented, however, time did not permit everything to be filed before the Emergency Hearing on March 9, 2011.
17. On March 9, 2011, Judge Carluccio was demonstrating a level of corruption, malice and fraud which could not be ignored.
18. The Hearing did not take place because as soon as Judge Carluccio was caught in several lies and intimidation tactics, she ended the proceeding and indicated it would be continued.
19. Judge Carluccio issued an Order which had nothing to do with the EMERGENCY issues before her. (Docket #287)
20. On March 10, 2011, Judge Carluccio issued an Order which wrongly paraphrased and completely misrepresented the proceeding from the day prior.
21. Judge Carluccio ordered an Equitable Distribution Hearing for March 29, 2011.

Equitable Distribution is not supposed to occur until all other petitions have been resolved. Scheduling the ED Hearing before all of the others would make them difficult to pursue. I believe this was their intent.

22. On March 16, 2011, the Defendant filed a Petition for Judge Carluccio to Recuse herself from the case. The title of the document sums the request up succinctly. PETITION FOR THE RECUSAL OF JUDGE CAROLYN TORNETTA CARLUCCIO FOR CONSPIRACY, CORRUPTION, FRAUD, INTIMIDATION, CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND DENIAL OF DUE PROCESS / PROCEDURE AND DENIAL OF CIVIL RIGHTS. (Docket #289)
23. On March 29, 2011, Judge Carluccio denied the petition without any hearing. Judge Carluccio did not recuse or distribute an Order indicating her denial.

24. On March 29, 2011, Defendant began by asking the Court to address the issue of the June 1-2, 2011 protracted hearings.
25. The hearings had been removed from the schedule on the court website without any notice.
26. Emails/Praecipes to Court Administration had been issued and not distributed to the parties. The secret praecipes had rescheduled the hearings for March 29, 2011.
27. Judge Carluccio indicated that scheduling issue was an error. She lied.
28. Judge Carluccio reaffirmed the purpose of the March 29th proceeding was Equitable Distribution and NOT the outstanding petitions.
29. Over the course of the Equitable Distribution hearing, Defendant raised the issues relating to the outstanding petitions and was repeatedly reassured by Judge Carluccio that those hearings would occur.
30. At the end of the day, Defendant reminded Judge Carluccio about the unscheduling of the hearings where upon Judge Carluccio issued an Order scheduling the Protracted Hearings for May 5, 2011. (Docket #291)

It is interesting to note that these proceedings had been rescheduled so frequently and for multiple days. Judge Carluccio had no time on her schedule for these matters on January 10 when she pushed them out for six months. Time has been wasted on multiple proceedings where nothing has been heard or resolved. Judge Carluccio orders the 2 days of protracted hearings originally set for June 1-2, 2011 to be held in 1/2 day on May 5, 2011.

April 2011

31. On April 14, 2011, Judge Carluccio issues her next Order (Docket #294) without any proceeding, incorrectly renaming the petitions she is addressing, and ‘disposing’ of the petitions. The Order includes a footnote attributing the listing of misnamed petitions to the response/counterpetition from March 8, 2011.

32. Judge Carluccio refers to her having conducted a lengthy review of the docket, but the Divorce Clerk records indicate the judge did not have the file from the Prothonotary at the time.
33. The file being promptly returned to the Prothonotary on March 30, 2011.
34. At this point in time the docket had almost 300 entries, a review of the docket without the printed copies would have been EXTREMELY time consuming.
35. Defendant also had repeatedly indicated that the hearings had not taken place and the issues were outstanding.

Yes, the defendant does understand.


Any hearing on the matters would permit the introduction of evidence of the injustices, extrinsic fraud and the corruption of the judiciary assigned to the matter.

Judge Carluccio is revealing her active participation in the obstruction of justice.

36. Bear in mind, the Defendant has no choice but to continue to seek justice from a Court which is determined to act in an improper, unethical and corrupt manner. If the defendant fails to point out these ‘indiscretions’, Defendant might not be permitted to present them to a higher court when the time comes. The Court has acted with intent to prevent any order from being appealed. THE COURT HAS FAILED TO MAKE ANY TIMELY DECISIONS RELATING TO THE CASE.
37. On April 26, 2011, Defendant again petitions for the hearings to be scheduled. (Docket #295)
38. On April 29, 2011, Judge Carluccio DENIED that petition without any proceeding further basing her Order on an additional review of the docket. (Docket #296)

May 2011

39. On May 3, 2011, as the Judge’s April 14th order did not correctly title the petitions which she was ‘disposing’ of, Defendant stopped at the courthouse to check with Court Administration regarding the schedule for Thursday May 5, 2011. Interestingly, the court web site was still listing the hearings as scheduled. The renaming issue also could have created further confusion.
40. Court Administration contacted the Judge who indicated there were no hearings scheduled. When asked by Court Admin, the Judge refused to issue any order confirming the cancellation.
41. Defendant had the impression that the goal was for him to not show up at the hearing. The Judge would legitimately dismiss the petition for a no-show. Once Equitable Distribution has been heard, it is too late to introduce any new petitions, so the petitions could not procedurally be re-filed.
42. On May 4, 2011, Defendant received a copy of a letter from Angst & Angst to Judge Carluccio asking about the schedule for May 5, 2011. Angst & Angst had faxed it to Judge Carluccio on May 3.
That evening, Defendant checked the court web site and there was an Order issued by the Judge on May 3rd, but not docketed until May 4th. Defendant did not have a copy of this order and had not been contacted regarding the schedule.

If Defendant didn’t show up, the petitions could all be cancelled.If Defendant showed up and everyone was there for hearing(s), the tactic would be revealed. Defendant needed to be ready for nine potential hearings.If Defendant showed up and no one was there for the hearing(s), then Angst & Angst had information which Defendant did not receive.Defendant had no choice but to prepare and go to the scheduled hearing, and the Defendant did.

43. On May 5, 2011, Defendant arrived at the Courtroom 5 minutes before the time scheduled.
44. No one was there.
45. Defendant was advised by the Judge’s assistant that the hearing had been cancelled by an order on May 3rd. Defendant was then given a copy of the Order, and left.
46. On the way out of the courthouse Defendant stopped at Court Administration to update them on the last minute Cancellation Order.
47. Defendant and his mother were then surrounded by seven deputies and asked to leave the courthouse. They further indicated that ‘If I did not have business in the courthouse, I should not be there.’
48. When Defendant showed the deputies the scheduling order, they were confused at why they were mislead.
49. Court Admin confirmed the Defendant’s information to the deputies.
50. Deputies indicated they were responding to a false report from the judge that the Defendant threatened her.
The deputies have a job to do. The Defendant understands and respects that. The deputies also know the Defendant because he has been coming into the courthouse regularly since 2007. The deputies know the Defendant is not violent – Defendant is also half their size. The deputies knew they had been given bad information, however they have a job to do. At the Defendant’s suggestion, an agreement was reached. Defendant would stop and request a deputy escort me whenever he had any business in the courthouse.Deputies agreed. That is what has occurred ever since. While it is completely unnecessary, it permits the deputies to do their job responsibilities without compromising their careers. The deputies have to respond to false reports.

51. On May 9, 2011, Defendant had to return to the Prothonotary to provide a document which needed to be re-scanned. The Defendant stopped to visit the divorce file, and was informed that the sign-out sheet was no longer available and now considered an “Internal Use Only” Document.
The sign-out sheet indicates that Judge Carluccio did not have the files or any of the documents during her “lengthy” and “additional review” of the docket to which she refers in her Orders of April 14, 2011 and April 29, 2011.
52. On May 9, 2011, Defendant also docketed several documents which pertain to the case but somehow have not been docketed or have been removed from the docket.
53. On May 9, 2011, Judge Carluccio issued an Order granting a divorce to parties who had neglected to request a divorce, and ordering a malicious and cruel equitable distribution.
54. The errors in the Order prevent it being appealed on a timely basis, and would return it to Judge Carluccio’s courtroom.
55. The Defendant found the errors and petitioned for them to be resolved.
June 2011

56. Judge Carluccio delayed for months while her order made the Defendant homeless, without medical or dental benefits, and permitted the Plaintiff to vandalise and destroy the Defendant’s home (and bill the Defendant for her actions).

July 2011


58. At a Short List Hearing on July 18, 2011, Judge Carluccio further revealed her malice and cruelty.

59. Judge Carluccio also said out loud and on the record that the Order was indeed her Final Order, and that she no longer had jurisdiction in the case. She then went on to schedule another hearing to punish the defendant for petitioning her court to enforce court orders.

60. Judge Carluccio is currently sitting on the appeal paperwork and preventing the Appeal from being filed.

61. There is 5 years permitted for the Appeal.

62. Judge Carluccio is delaying to permit the sale of Defendant’s home which was ordered on a defective order and after committing considerable extrinsic fraud.

63. Judge Carluccio’s malice and cruelty is boundless.


64. This is not the case of a sad divorcee. This is the case of a terroristic divorce.

65. A case gone horribly awry because the Plaintiff’s lawyer told her client to commit a federal crime.

66. Once discovered the case became more about the Defendant’s survival, as the lawyer manipulated everyone in a position to help into wrongful actions.

67. Then the lawyer exposed the wrongdoing, and the actions were covered up by the judiciary.

68. Judge Carolyn Carluccio has fallen into the trap which has affected the other judges.
69. Judge Carluccio has acted with clear malice and cruelty to the victim of 6 years of injustice.
70. Judge Carluccio is above the law. The judge can do whatever the judge wants.
71. That is not the justice that the US is fighting for worldwide.
72. Bring the troops home. The justice system is under attack from the very ones who have been trusted to ensure “liberty and justice for all.”
73. Through Judge Carluccio’s own words and actions she has been exposed.
74. She has disgraced the judiciary.
75. The Defendant has also asked that the following JUDICIAL CONDUCT BOARD Complaints be re-opened and re-investigated as they are directly related.
JCB Complaint# 2009-099 Judge Tilson
JCB Complaint # 2010-447 Judge Daniele
JCB Complaint # 2010-448 Judge Bertin
JCB Complaint # 2010-449 Judge Tilson
JCB Complaint # 2010-450 Judge Del Ricci

76. The actions of Judge Carolyn Carluccio are intended to destroy the Defendant and prevent any further reports of the injustices committed against him.
77. Since becoming a victim of Judge Rhonda Daniele’s secret order, there has been a clearly unjust ruling on EVERY petition filed.
78. As the petitions were seeking enforcement of existing Court Orders, there is no other place to turn than to the court.
79. The victim of the injustice is forced to return to a corrupt court to seek justice.

Terance Healy

I verify that the statements made in this document are true and correct. I inderstand that false statements herein are made subject to the Penalties of P.A. C.S. Section 4904, relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.