
EMAIL TO Matt Miller, Wallace McKelvey, Doug Gansler

This post will be updated. The documents will be provided along with a breakdown of the ‘red herrings’. The People involved will be provided with a breakdown of their Confidentiality MANDATE (Plausible Deniability). AND, the roller coaster of horseshit which is delivered as Commonwealth Court Opinions will be exposed as Misdirection.

PA Court Opinions are funny twisted things.

Did you really ask for the Buckley Sandler reports? There was no requirement for any Buckley Sandler Report. The agreement with the law firm was only to handle staffing. THERE IS NO DELIVERABLE IN THAT AGREEMENT.

In the Appointment document, there is a deliverable. It directs Doug Gansler to PUBLICLY file a report… AND to provide it to the Attorney General… The report has certain requirements which were also to be accomplished BY DOUG GANSLER.

The report was to include a FULL AND COMPLETE description of the investigation. Gansler was NOT directed to provide the report exclusively to the Attorney General.


THEN, CASTOR AND BEEMER prevented the report from becoming public until they released the REDACTED version. Ya see, Castor & Beemer were the AG at the time. As AG, they did have a confidentiality mandate which conceals the misdeeds of the OAG. They would not be permitted to release the FULL REPORT.

It is why Kane did NOT provide him with staff out of the OAG.
It is why they contracted with Buckley Sandler to provide staffing.
No baggage!
Nothing which would require a lawyer to hold information confidential.

There is no attorney client privilege issues for Gansler. There is no work product privilege issue for Gansler.


Kane was permitted to proceed as she had done, BECAUSE when she received those secret orders from unidentified courts to PERSONALLY neglect the responsibilities of the office of the AG…. She became FULLY AWARE of the unconstitutional impact of Rule 1.6 Confidentiality, as such she could proceed to address the problem. A careful dance where the Supreme Court had enacted the law… and done it improperly…. and unconstitutionally… and without authority… and found themselves required to keep their own secret.

Perhaps a RTKL letter to Doug Gansler would comply with the Agreements, and expose the level of crime and corruption within law enforcement which will shock the country.

So, Doug…. Can you send us a few copies of the full and complete report? Not only it is supposed to be public, BUT IF MY NAME IS IN IT ANYWHERE (AND I SUSPECT IT IS) I was to get a copy according to the agreement.


Source documents.
The original Petition/Documents would determine where the misdirection began. ( I do not have this one as yet.)

The document specified in the Original RTLK request and court filings could provide the basis for an Appeal to the Supreme Court.

Email (PDF)
Appointment of Special Deputy Attorney General to Conduct Independent Investigation (PDF)
Contract for Legal Services (PDF)
Commonwealth Court Opinion (PDF)
PennLive 12/1/2015 Article: Kathleen Kane’s Porngate team (PDF)
Buckley Sandler Invoices (PDF)

Kathleen Kane
Doug Gansler
Buckley Sandler
Bruce Castor
Bruce Beemer
News Media

IMPORTANT: Calling attention to the misdirection. The lawyers are not liars. The lawyers are providing a selective truth. The misdirection is permitted under Rule 1.6 Confidentiality. Fraud in the Furtherance and Fraud to Prevent Resolution are permitted to be held confidential pursuant to Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information.

That criminal prosecution of Kathleen Kane remains on appeal to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania.
Kane’s breifs were filed on June 16, 2017.
Montgomery County applied for an extension on the time to file on July 13, 2017.
Montgomery County applied for another extension on the time to file on September 14, 2017.
Montgomery County applied for ANOTHER extension on the time to file on September 28, 2017.
Montgomery County filed an addendum to the extension on the time to file on October 2, 2017
The Montgomery County brief is due by October 23, 2017.

A fraud in the furtherance which falsely prosecuted the elected Attorney General in order to prevent exposure of UNCONSTITUTIONAL CONFIDENTIALITY which prevented constitutional rights and denied the rule of law. The underlying case occurring in Montgomery County since 2007.

The Constitutional Crisis in the United States is evident, BUT, the cause is CONFIDENTIAL pursuant to Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information.

FRAUD IN THE FURTHERANCE comes in a variety of tactics: Robosigned Documents, False Deeds, Secret Court Orders, Denial of the Rule of Law, Denial of Constitutional Rights, … any and every improper action of the judiciary. INJUSTICE

… Kids for Cash, Sandusky, Black Lives Matter, the Foreclosure Crisis, Ferguson, Baltimore, Predator Priests …

The improperly enacted and unconstitutional confidentiality mandate has built in self-defense because the Confidentiality of Information problem is CONFIDENTIAL.



I keep writing to your entire department as YOUR ENTIRE DEPARTMENT has been ordered to represent me. Yes, the order was done without hearing, testimony, evidence, jurisdiction, etc… BUT, as it has been used to delay and stall any resolution, i am left with no alternative but to write to an entire department which is ignoring the fraudulent assignment done without lawful authority.

So perhaps you need to make that assignment, because the game of shuffling assignment constantly is not providing any solution.

I did not want your representation. I indicated it was only being done to sdabotage mty rights and prevent resolution. This was done in statements filed with the court.

But, hey, let’s just pretend Terance is a fool… ignore him… ignore that he is being terrorized by the DA’s office.. Ignore the improper assignment. .. it was only done to delay and stall. It is his fault for not taking the plea deal.

The Plea deal was to walk away from my property. BUT, that wouldn;t correct the fraudulent conveyance and defective deed. To prevent any challenge to the defective deed would require the person with the valid lawful claim to the deed to be dead.

When the plea was not accepted they decided to attack and delay and stall. Then, they realized that a murder might be noticed. So it would require a suicide. Suddenly I am awoken in the middl;e of the night and ripped from my home without warrant or reason – a fake suicide intervention! What better way to conceal a murder.

Read Castor’s manifesto. It is not outside the realm of possibility. It’s been done before.

So, who is assigned to the case? iF NO ONE, THEN IT IS EVERYONE. AND THEREFORE I WILL CONTINUE TO WRITE TO EVERYONE. The Model Rules require a response from counsel… and so your entitre department is ion violation of the defective court order and in violation of the rules of professional conduct about contact with the client.

No Rule of Law, No Constitutional Rights.

No responses from anyone.

And to think I have been trying for months to get two fraudulent forged documents which has kept this nightmare in play. And any beginner on your staff could have addressed the farce quickly. BUT NO ONE HAS DONE SO. Because, everyone seems to be participating in the farce perpetrated by the CAPTAIN OF THE COURTROOM and award winner ADA Lauren McNulty.

Someone needs to respond. Or have you ordered everyone to sacrifice their sense of justice and morality?

“Beer, Dean” , adaniels@montcopa.org, agur@montcopa.org, akatzman@montcopa.org, akosinsk@montcopa.org, akostyk@montcopa.org, bhalfond@montcopa.org, bkersey@montcopa.org, callman@montcopa.org, cfortune@montcopa.org, chosay@montcopa.org, csweeney@montcopa.org, dgreensp@montcopa.org, djohnson@montcopa.org, “Marone, Denise” , dmontows@montcopa.org, dtheveny@montcopa.org, ebrogan@montcopa.org, edonato@montcopa.org, epeterse@montcopa.org, esieber@montcopa.org, fzeock@montcopa.org, gcardena@montcopa.org, ggriffit@montcopa.org, gnester@montcopa.org, hkranzel@montcopa.org, itorres@montcopa.org, jkravitz@montcopa.org, jlucas@montcopa.org, jthorn@montcopa.org, kgrimsru@montcopa.org, kharbiso@montcopa.org, khudson@montcopa.org, kpemment@montcopa.org, kwagner@montcopa.org, lalexan1@montcopa.org, ljones@montcopa.org, lkash@montcopa.org, lnonnema@montcopa.org, lortiz@montcopa.org, lwilson@montcopa.org, lzitsch@montcopa.org, mcassidy@montcopa.org, mdayoc@montcopa.org, mjohn@montcopa.org, mschanba@montcopa.org, msontchi@montcopa.org, mwarren@montcopa.org, ncasey@montcopa.org, pcassidy@montcopa.org, pdangelo@montcopa.org, pgeorge@montcopa.org, pkeller@montcopa.org, rmadden@montcopa.org, “Roberts, Raymond” , rsimon@montcopa.org, shudson@montcopa.org, tbowman@montcopa.org, tross@montcopa.org, vbellino@montcopa.org, vsimmons@montcopa.org, wburnett@montcopa.org, wmendez@montcopa.org


Mr. Healy,

The documents that you are requesting, are attached.

Denise Marone

From: 447Copier
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 2:31 PM
Subject: Attached Image



No. The documents I requested were not attached. You sent 16 pages of other items.

Please explain it, why it seems to have dropped one of the charges and WHY JUDGE DUFFY’s ROBO-SIGNATURE APPEARS ON IT.

Perhaps if you were to review the items requested, it would help you discern which Items were requested.

Sending the wrong items is known stall tactic which shows a lack of imagination.



I would like authentic time-stamped copies of the following items which appear on the case Dockets. The related Docket Files are attached.

Magisterial Docket MJ-38118-CR-0000096-2015
03/26/2015 Waiver of Preliminary Hearing
03/26/2015 Waiver of Counsel

There had been NO WAIVERS. The docket indicates FILED BY: Terance P. Healy APPLIES TO: Terance P. Healy, Defendant

The CRIMINAL COMPLAINT had been amended twice. Once before April 9, 2015. Again on April 9, 2015 the cause for continuance. There is no entry on the docket of these amended documents. As there was no ARRAIGNMENT, please provide a FINAL version of the CRIMINAL COMPLAINT.

The above issues were discussed on the record. I would like complete copies of transcripts from
March 26, 2015,
April 9, 2015 and
April 24, 2015.
The transcripts are not listed on the Docket, though entries appear on the Common Pleas Docket.

I would like authentic time-stamped copies of the following items from Supreme Court of Pennsylvania 126 MAL 2017
02/28/2017 Petition for Allowance of Appeal
02/28/2017 Verified Statement in Support of Continuation of IFP Status
02/28/2017 In Forma Pauperis Continued
03/02/2017 No Answer Letter to Petition for Allowance of Appeal
08/22/2017 Order Denying Petition for Allowance of Appeal
08/22/2017 Order Exited
09/12/2017 Notice of Disposition Sheet Exited.



I really am not comfortable emailing the things you want——you have to come in the office to pick it up. The materials you want may have sensitive material in them that could be obtained by the many people you have on your webcite and in your email. You can come to the office anytime you wish with an advance phone call to me and I will be happy to help you. It’s always a pleasure to see you. I’m sorry the appellate courts did not rule in our favor. As I last indicated to you, be sure to keep an eye out for your pretrial subpoena for your next court date.

Yours truly



The US Postal Service can have documents to me in a day. or Fedex? Overnight? Two-day? I have been kept homeless, destitute and unemployed because of the pending false charges. Finding transportation to Norristown is not an easy task.

What do you mean by indicating the ‘many people you have on your website and in your email”? If you are suggesting the continued surveillance of all tech devices. You need to get over that. It has been a fact of life for me for quite some time. The way you are behaving is cause for great suspicion… and fear… and distrust. Are you suggesting there are people preventing effective communication?

You also have NEVER met me before, except for the one time I dropped off paperwork which you have prevented from being filed with the court. Though you agreed to file the document. It was during a brief break during the Kathleen Kane hearings.

The appellate courts did not rule. They ignored. AND Ignoring the lack of jurisdiction does not provide jurisdiction. Avoiding using the word jurisdiction, does not provide jurisdiction.

Much like the false waiver documents entered on the docket which also demonstrate the lack of jurisdiction.

But, you never address issues. You don’t even provide simple paperwork.

Please quit the games. My address is as follows:

Terance Healy

With regard to the next Hearing, I would suggest you advise Michael Kehs to ascertain the issue of jurisdiction before once again requiring my presence on the false criminal charges. Perhaps that unnamed and unidentified person in your office assigned to my case could alert Judge Carpenter to the lack of jurisdiction to proceed, and the false waivers on the docket. Yes, they are false, it is evident in my statements, and the transcripts, and the continuances.

Reading between the lines, i suspect your are suggesting the notices won’t be mailed leading to a Bench Warrant?? On a friday?? Leaving me in jail for the weekend??

I’ve been harassed enough to recognize the tactics. And of course, having contact with my Public Defender to make sure I am prepared and present for the Call of the Trial List JUST DOESNT HAPPEN DOES IT?

You are causing a great deal of unnecessary hardship,




Perhaps you did not receive this email.

Perhaps you realize that you have participated in a farce which denied me any protection of the law and ignored my constitutional rights for several years while pretending to pursue relief through the higher courts.

A three year malicious prosecution which has been through Superior Court (three times) and Supreme Court. Well, it pretended to be. It never made it before any judges. Only got as far as the central legal staff who also chose to perpetuate and participate in the fraud.

I await your response with the documents. You have stalled this question for two months.



You indicated the need to know the specific documents which I am requesting. Here is a list.

I would like authentic time-stamped copies of the following items which appear on the case Dockets. The related Docket Files are attached.

Magisterial Docket MJ-38118-CR-0000096-2015
03/26/2015 Waiver of Preliminary Hearing
03/26/2015 Waiver of Counsel

There had been NO WAIVERS. The docket indicates FILED BY: Terance P. Healy APPLIES TO: Terance P. Healy, Defendant

The CRIMINAL COMPLAINT had been amended twice. Once before April 9, 2015. Again on April 9, 2015 the cause for continuance. There is no entry on the docket of these amended documents. As there was no ARRAIGNMENT, please provide a FINAL version of the CRIMINAL COMPLAINT.

The above issues were discussed on the record. I would like complete copies of transcripts from
March 26, 2015,
April 9, 2015 and
April 24, 2015.
The transcripts are not listed on the Docket, though entries appear on the Common Pleas Docket.

I would like authentic time-stamped copies of the following items from Supreme Court of Pennsylvania 126 MAL 2017
02/28/2017 Petition for Allowance of Appeal
02/28/2017 Verified Statement in Support of Continuation of IFP Status
02/28/2017 In Forma Pauperis Continued
03/02/2017 No Answer Letter to Petition for Allowance of Appeal
08/22/2017 Order Denying Petition for Allowance of Appeal
08/22/2017 Order Exited
09/12/2017 Notice of Disposition Sheet Exited.

As I have stated in prior emails, I do not have these items. You requested a specific list. Please advise when the documents will be posted, or available for pickup.

Thank You,
Terance Healy



You indicated the need to know the specific documents which I am requesting. Here is a list.

I would like authentic time-stamped copies of the following items which appear on the case Dockets. The related Docket Files are attached.
Magisterial Docket

Supreme Court Docket

Magisterial Docket MJ-38118-CR-0000096-2015
03/26/2015 Waiver of Preliminary Hearing
03/26/2015 Waiver of Counsel

There had been NO WAIVERS. The docket indicates FILED BY: Terance P. Healy APPLIES TO: Terance P. Healy, Defendant

The CRIMINAL COMPLAINT had been amended twice. Once before April 9, 2015. Again on April 9, 2015 the cause for continuance. There is no entry on the docket of these amended documents. As there was no ARRAIGNMENT, please provide a FINAL version of the CRIMINAL COMPLAINT.

The above issues were discussed on the record. I would like complete copies of transcripts from
March 26, 2015,
April 9, 2015 and
April 24, 2015.
The transcripts are not listed on the Docket, though entries appear on the Common Pleas Docket.

I would like authentic time-stamped copies of the following items from Supreme Court of Pennsylvania 126 MAL 2017
02/28/2017 Petition for Allowance of Appeal
02/28/2017 Verified Statement in Support of Continuation of IFP Status
02/28/2017 In Forma Pauperis Continued
03/02/2017 No Answer Letter to Petition for Allowance of Appeal
08/22/2017 Order Denying Petition for Allowance of Appeal
08/22/2017 Order Exited
09/12/2017 Notice of Disposition Sheet Exited.

As I have stated in prior emails, I do not have these items. You requested a specific list. Please advise when the documents will be posted, or available for pickup.

Thank You,
Terance Healy


Docket (Live link to UJS PORTAL)

The ARREST WARRANT was issued on 03/12/2015.
I was ARRESTED on 03/13/2015.
The DATE OF CHARGES is entered as 02/22/2015 on ALL BAIL and SURETY documents.
On 03/13/2017 the PRELIMINARY HEARING was scheduled for 03/27/2015 at 11:00 a.m.

The PRELIMINARY HEARING was re-scheduled for 03/26/2015 at 11:15 a.m.
(A manipulation of a copy of the notice previously signed by Judge Murray.)
The PRELIMINARY HEARING was re-scheduled for 03/26/2015 at 11:30 a.m.
The PRELIMINARY HEARING was re-scheduled for 03/26/2015 at 11:15 a.m.

An AMENDED POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT was issued but lacked the AFFIDAVIT OF PROBABLE CAUSE. The ARREST WARRANT is unsupported. No Basis for Preliminary Hearing.

I appeared on 03/26/2015 for the PRELIMINARY HEARING.
A court reporter was assigned to document the proceeding.
The Court had not requested the court reporter pursuant to Rule 500(a)
There had been no Agreement of the Parties pursuant to Rule 500(b).
The Prosecutor indicated she had not requested the court reporter.
The Chief Court Reporter indicated the reporter had been requested by Lauren McNulty.
Seeking to be represented zealously by counsel unhindered by Confidentiality was cause for a continuance.
The PRELIMINARY HEARING was continued to 04/09/2015 at 10:00 a.m.
There is a transcript.

To support the ARREST WARRANT, and provide Basis for the Preliminary Hearing.
On 04/01/2015, a new four (4) page AFFADAVIT OF PROBABLE CAUSE was sworn.

The document was not provided until at the PRELIMINARY HEARING.

I appeared on 04/09/2015 for the PRELIMINARY HEARING.
A court reporter was assigned to document the proceeding.
The Court had not requested the court reporter pursuant to Rule 500(a)
There had been no Agreement of the Parties pursuant to Rule 500(b).
The Prosecutor indicated she had not requested the court reporter.
The Chief Court Reporter indicated the reporter had been requested by Lauren McNulty.
The modified AFFADAVIT OF PROBABLE CAUSE required a continuance.
The PRELIMINARY HEARING was continued to 04/24/2015 at 9:30 a.m.
There is a transcript.

I appeared on 04/24/2015 for the PRELIMINARY HEARING.
A court reporter was assigned to document the proceeding.
The Court had not requested the court reporter pursuant to Rule 500(a)
There had been no Agreement of the Parties pursuant to Rule 500(b).
The Prosecutor indicated she had not requested the court reporter.
The Chief Court Reporter indicated the reporter had been requested by Lauren McNulty.
The PRELIMINARY HEARING proceeded with the Defendant unrepresented by Counsel, without any WAIVER OF COUNSEL, without COLLOQUOY, without any WAIVER OF PRELIMINARY HEARING, and in violation of the constitutional right to be represented at criminal proceedings.
At the conclusion of the ‘PRELIMINARY HEARING’ the matter was transferred to the Court of Common Pleas.
There is a transcript.

A FORMAL ARRAIGNMENT was scheduled for 06/10/2015.

03-26-2017 Waiver of Preliminary Hearing FILER: Terance P. Healy APPLIES TO: Terance P. Healy, Defendant
03-26-2017 Waiver of Counsel FILER: Terance P. Healy APPLIES TO: Terance P. Healy, Defendant
  There no entries which indicate the AMENDED POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT.
04-01-2017 There no entries which indicate the AMENDED POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT.

This information is necessary. They are elements of jurisdiction.

Incorrect information which relates to jurisdiction might prevent a judge from recognizing that HE LACKS JURISDICTION to proceed.

It is the responsibility of the judge to assure his valid jurisdiction, but will he look at the actual documents? or an entry which suggests it exists?

Falsified information could cause a judge to act where he lacks any lawful authority to act.

Confidentiality prevents the District Attorney from adversely affecting the integrity of the judiciary. (Leverage which undermines the independence of the judiciary.)
Confidentiality prevents the District Attorney from exposing the unlawful actions of his staffer (Attorney Client Privilege).
Confidentiality prevents the District Attorney from exposing the unlawful actions of his department (Attorney Client Privilege).

From the security afforded by attorney-client privilege, an ADA can act with impunity in violation of laws, procedures and rights. The ADA may get fired, but NOT PROSECUTED. IN THE CURRENT CASE, THE ADA WAS PROMOTED TO CAPTAIN OF THE JUDGE’S COURTROOM.

When the case is reassigned, CONFIDENTIALITY mandates the newly assigned ADA to maintain the farce. The relationship between the ADA and the DAO is an attorney client relationship. Confidentiality is mandated. (Well, unless someone is going to kill you… and they say it outloud.).

The Defendant has lost any protection of the law.
The Defendant has lost ALL constitutionally protected rights.
The Defendant has lost any possibility of succeeding without regard to effective defense.

This is not an accidental act of clerical negligence.

The STATEMENT indicates:

At issue is the inability to obtain counsel unhindered and unencumbered by the confidentiality and nondisclosure MANDATED by the Rules of Professional Conduct which have been demonstrated to cause an absolute denial of any protection of the law and the denial of rights secured and protected by the Constitution.

The Preliminary Hearing requires the constitution right to representation by legal counsel be addressed before continuing.

I do NOT waive the right to be represented by an attorney/lawyer/counselor.

I am destitute and cannot afford an attorney.

Every attorney within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is mandated by the Rules of Professional Conduct UNLESS and UNTIL they recognize the unconstitutionality of the law enacted by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania .

A waiver of counsel with the knowledge of potential “dangers and disadvantages of self-representation” cannot be executed in where comprehension, acknowledgement and experience demonstrate the affect of Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of information causing the facts to be ignored.


*Requested by ADA with disregard to Rule 500.


The Docket indicates the Preliminary Hearing scheduled for
03/26/2015 @ 11:15
03/26/2015 @ 11:30
03/27/2015 @ 11:00
04/02/2015 @ 11:30
04/09/2016 @ 10:00
04/24/2016 @ 9:30
If a waiver had been signed on 03/26/2015, the court would not continue to schedule the hearing.

LASTLY, as the STATEMENTS filed, and spoken verbally, by the Defendant have indicated his non-waivers and the defect in jurisdiction, there can be no implied or suggested waiver by the Defendant based on a failure to present or raise the issue.
– If the Defendant were to file any document requesting action by the Court, that action would constitute an acceptance and acknowledgement of jurisdiction.
– Statements do NOT constitute or suggest any waiver.
– To avoid accidental waiver of jurisdiction, no motions or petitions will be filed. Only statements which document each issue.
– Notice Of Appeal does not provide jurisdiction.
– The Court has failed to provide the accurate record to the higher court. DENIED petitions to compel production of the record without prejudice permit the Defendant to seek that relief from the lower court, BUT, in doing so THAT MOTION would provide JURISDICTION.

WHATS THE BIG DEAL? So do it. Give them jurisdiction. Well? If a court which did not have jurisdiction was acting without regard for law or rights, why believe that a court with jurisdiction would not commit similar or worse injustices?


The Assistant District Attorney has participated with tremendous indifference (and negligent avoidance of even the word ‘jurisdiction’) while the issue of jurisdiction has been challenged in the Court of Common Pleas, raised to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania and further raised to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. THREE YEARS have passed.
The Assistant District Attorney is confident. The injustice is permitted and protected.
The Defendant has lost any protection of the law.
The Defendant has lost ALL constitutionally protected rights.
The Defendant has lost any possibility of presenting an effective defense.
The Defendant is being denied any reasonable expectation of justice.
The Assistant District Attorney has NO requirement to adhere to any Rules, Procedures, Laws, or Rights.
The Assistant District Attorney has the confidence of knowing that EVERY action in the higher courts has been undermined by the lawyers in the central legal staff preventing ANY review by the judiciary. The judiciary is held hostage.

There’s more. This is ONLY the first (and shortest) docket.

Once the injustice starts, the system goes off the rails.

In the Court of Common Pleas, THINGS GET MUCH WORSE.

This injustice is an extension of the injustice which began in August 2007, when Judge Rhonda Daniele issued an order which was kept secret from the Defendant. The secret undermined the entire Montgomery County bench. It was found after 3 years. The injustice had been hard, the retaliation has been even worse. It is still continuing….


Ray Roberts (Montgomery County Public Defenders Office) is refusing to respond to my requests for documents – he just keeps asking what documents. I tell him. And he just asks what documents again. I requested an explanation for a petition he filed without my knowledge or consent. A petition to withdraw my Appeal to Superior Court – a deliberate act intended to sabotage. Well, further sabotage. The Big Silly Goose. Also, the Public Defender has neglected filings and deadlines and had two earlier appeals dismissed for non-response.

Oops! Well, there goes another chance to address JURISDICTION. Pretend jurisdiction does not provide jurisdiction. SILLY SILLY SILLY.

Focusing on an irrelevant piece of information, he misinforms. Why? How can he get away with that? Well, he and the entire Public Defenders Office know the law.. They understand jurisdiction is a necessity. They KNOW that Judge Carpenter acted without jurisdiction, or authority, when he issued his order appointing the Public Defender. It is why the Public Defender isn’t doing anything for me. They know their assignment is a farce. They cannot abide a defective and void order. THEY WON’T POINT IT OUT EITHER. Why? Well, there were people from the Public Defenders Office in the ex parte event in the judge’s chambers when Judge Carpenter issued the bad order.

THE PUBLIC DEFENDERS OFFICE HAD PURPORTEDLY JUST BEEN COMPELLED TO REPRESENT ME IN THE JUDGE’S CHAMBERS. Yet, the first action on my behalf was NOT to immediately address the impropriety of the judge’s order and actions. Not to address that I had been in the courtroom during the event. Not to address the presence of Thomas Carluccio at the event. Not to address any of the laws being disregarded and the rights being ignored. They just came out and told me what the judge had done. There was no copy of the Judge’s Order. One would not be filed with the Clerk for a few weeks – a deliberate hurdle to avoid a THIRD notice of appeal. [I filed the NOTICE anyway indicating the failure of the court to provide the written order, which had remained undocketed even on the date when the Notice of Appeal was filed.

Adding insult to injury… Ray Roberts just makes stuff up. There is no necessity for the truth, the facts, or any discussion. He must think I am a fool that would trust a man who was actively undermining my rights, preventing the rule of Law and denying my future.

In response to my note the other day, he replied and somehow answered nothing and provided nothing which was requested. This indifference and neglect has continued for months.


You make a good point. However, we do not represent defendants in federal court. Defendants who want to file in federal court typically file their own pro se federal actions from any state court actions they disagree with and the federal courts appoint federal counsel if they are otherwise eligible for court appointed counsel by completing an in forma pauperis petition and filing it along with the request for relief.

Right now you are litigating whether judge carpenter erred in appointing you a public defender and whether he can find you incompetent without a hearing. Although judge Carpenter’s ruling regarding incompetency was premature, the report , when it finally came back, did find you to be so at that time.

So practically speaking, you are left with the ruling appointing us to represent you without making a determination of your eligibility for a public defender. You do have a federal sixth amendment right to represent yourself.

Your case is still in the pre-trial stage. The state appellate courts have denied you the relief you request because they deem your appeal to be interlocutory suggesting thereby that at this point you have not exhausted all state remedies. You will be receiving a subpoena to appear the next time your case is listed. Let me know what you intend to do. Please come see me to figure out what papers you want. Call me before you come to make sure I will be here.


HIS CONVOLUTED EMAIL ASKS AND ANSWERS DIFFERENT QUESTIONS THAN WERE POSED. I may have to do a sentence by sentence breakdown to address tyhe misinformation in his four paragraphs. He got that much completely wrong.

Today, I replied:


(I’ll try to address your email line by line.)

I will get you the full list of documents where the distribution failed to include me.

I will also contact the Federal District Court regarding representation for the neglected issue. From what I have discerned, long established doctrines which require dismissal by the Federal Courts prevent their review of petitions seeking to reverse or overturn a state court order or decision. The door has been left open by the deliberate, intentional documented failure to address the issue of jurisdiction. This was accomplished without judicial review. Unsubstantiated and unsigned Per Curiam orders lack any authentication or verification information. As such, those orders cannot be attributed to the judiciary by default or waiver.

Jurisdiction is a necessity which cannot be assumed, waived or provided retroactively. It is also a responsibility for the Commonwealth to provide the answers to questions regarding jurisdiction AND to assure that the court has jurisdiction. The neglect by EVERYONE to address the lack of jurisdiction doesn’t provide jurisdiction. It’s not funny when your email, letters and documents filed with the court do not include the word “jurisdiction’. (This includes the email to which I am now responding.)

I have made it clear to the District Magistrate court before Judge Duffy and also to Judge Carpenter regarding the problem of representation unencumbered by confidentiality burdens which collaterally can affect me. I have done so in every statement I have filed.

Right now I am litigating to have the court provide evidence of their proper jurisdiction in the matter. The reasons you suggest are secondary issues which can be proven and substantiated, however those actions are also invalid where the court lacks the jurisdiction to act.

The report provided months after the fact is wrong, invalid, unlawful, inadmissable AND lacked purpose. It is an irresponsible character assassination for which the District Attorney has paid over $7000.00. I imagine that if you pay someone that amount of money, they will write what you want. The county use of a professional who is used in death penalty cases was irresponsible, inappropriate and ridiculous. I had informed Dr. O’Brien of the issues which would affect his report at the time we met. I believe I had even provided him the applicable laws which were being violated which would prevent his subsequent report from being admissable in court. You might wish to review the laws concerning competency issues. I suggest that the likely reason for his four (4) month delay in the production of his report was an acknowledgement of the futility of the effort.

With regard to the exhaustion of state efforts, you have failed to suggest what has been missed.

You might wish to re-read the Statement I filed on March 30, 2016 to remind yourself of the relevant issues. You had indicated you would see that it was placed on the court docket, but I see no entry of it.

As far as Interlocutory issues, the appeal was filed by permission of the common [pleas court with leave granted by Judge Carpenter to seek the appeal.

Usually, I have received a Notice of Hearing or Notice for Call of the Trial List.. Has the process changed? These notices had occurred with threats of bench warrants, EVEN while the court lacked jurisdiction during the pendancy of the appeals. This was acknowledged by Judge Carpenter in May 2017.

As you suggest that the case is in pre-trial, just who in the Public Defenders Office is representing me at this time? I have understood your responsibilities to be strictly appeal related. Will that attorney be filing an appearance? Contacting me? Communicating with me? Preparing me for the proceedings?

I appreciate your offer to figure out the papers I need. As I have explained multiple times in multiple ways what I require, you continue to ask the same question.

Priority Issue #1: The explanation or reasoning that you filed the Motion to Withdraw Appeal on May 2, 2016. The information in the document was not accurate. And your action was a direct contradiction to my efforts.

Priority Issue #2: Copies of the letter from the DA waiving a jurisdiction letter in the Supreme Court. Am I supposed to be laughing at this foolishness which disregards jurisdiction at every opportunity.

It would seem logical that if jurisdiction was valid, Judge Carpenter would have ordered the DA to comply with the agreement made on the record in court to provide the elements of jurisdiction, and address the failure to abide the Rules of Criminal Procedure, and respect the rights protected by the US Constitution.

NON-Priority #3: Why would the DA allege incompetence where it could only further serve to prevent prosecution against an incompetent defendant.

I am not incompetent. I am not amused by your disinformation.

Please take a stab at the Priorities above, and I will get you a list of documents. Don’t forget to indicate4 who is currently representing me from the Public Defenders Office.

Thank You,


The following is the recent email to Raymond Roberts, Esq.  Ray has refused to provide me ANY documents which he has filed with the court, the Superior Court. Or the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.  He has neglected to file my Statements.  He existed to sabotage my case and my rights – the ones protected by the US Constitution.  Ray has refused to meet with me. Our only face to face encounter occurred when I stopped into his office during a break in the hearings which falsely and maliciously prosecuted Kathleen Kane.  I provided him my statement which clearly indicated the evolution of my case.  He assured me the document would be filed. 

My Statement had been accepted and then subsequently rejected by the Clerk because I was being represented by counsel.  Counsel having been appointed WITHOUT ANY HEARINGS.  No testimony.  No evidence.  No proceeding.  No notice.  No jurisdiction.  NO KIDDING!  That sabotage of my case and my rights is fully documented in the statement. I do not like to make predictions, but their intent was clear and logical. Their adverse actions and negligence failed to advance my case. A constant misrepresentation of issues and actions. A repeated failure to act as indicated in letters and documents. And actions which sought to deliberately delay the matter and prevent any resolution.

… … …

I am still waiting on the documents. I will attempt to obtain the dockets and provide a list for you if that is what you require.

In the meanwhile, as the PA courts have neglected to address the issue of the lack of jurisdiction and failure to follow Law and procedures of the Commonwealth, will you be handling the Appeal to the Federal District Court? or does that get handled by a different appeals lawyer?

As I understand it, the doctrines for dismissal such as Rooker Feldman and Younger would not require dismissal as the State Court has neglected any review of the matter.  The federal court would not be reversing or nullifying a state court order. They would be addressing the courts failure to address the lack of jurisdiction, and the multiple failures by the Central legal staff to prevent judicial review of the issue – a constitutional issue.

Please advise when you might get me the paperwork, as it will be necessary to  demonsrate the effort which sought to address the issue in Pennsylvania.

… … …

State court efforts have been exhausted. Superior Court. Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. All without ANY REVIEW BY ANY JUDICIARY.


AN INDIRECT THREAT WHICH CAUSED GREAT FEAR IS THE ONE DELIVERED BY THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY DISTRJCT ATTORNEY.  Five of the most crazed and deluded pages of threats to my life – planning, provisioning and training for that murderous event.  

The effort to conceal my murder by suggesting it a suicide having failed.  AN EPIC FAILURE.  I was awoken, forcibly removed from my home without any warrant, beaten on my front lawn, taken to a hospital for suicide evaluation and treatment.  There was no cause for it.  There was no suicide.  Oh… And there was no treatment.  I was held hostage for days with SEVERELY MENTALLY DISABLED people.  I was petrified.  Terrified.  Placed in harm’s way.   No law.  No rights.  No treatment.  No escape.

This has been my life since 2006.  I have been lucky to survive.  I am in debt to the authentic and sincere folks I have met along the way.

I persevere.  Resilience is my superpower.

Justice is coming.



After two years of delays… and having the matter since March… The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Per Curiam Denial. A failure to address the lack of jurisdiction and the necessity of jurisdiction of the common pleas court.

No reason specifed. 

No basis in law. 

No signature of any justice.

No seal. 

No indication of entry on the Docket.

Not even on letterhead.

Not even a postmarked envelope.

Perhaps there is nothing which suggests the document is authentic BECAUSE IT IS NOT AUTHENTIC.  The simplest explanation applies.

This is the state of the corruption in Pennsylvania. The judiciary held hostage. Vanilla documents which lack verification where the staff lawyers prevent matters from the review of the court.

This is purportedly a PENNSYLVANIA SUPREME COURT ORDER, yet it  has less verification and authentication data than a grocery store receipt.  

Even a child’s coloring book picture on Grandma’s fridge has a signature. 

 A FARCE is being perpetrate by the staff at the court.  The judiciary is being prevented from any review of the matter.  Yet, everyone in law enforcement is playing along and ignoring that the JUDICIAL BRANCH has been usurped.