
The head of the FBI’s Philadelphia division on Monday unveiled a new confidential hotline and a campaign to encourage and field tips on public corruption.

George C. Venizelos, the special agent in charge of the division, announced the initiative at a news conference with partners from other city and federal agencies, including U.S. Attorney Zane David Memeger, Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, State Attorney General Linda Kelly, Pennsylvania Inspector General Keyna Mann Faulkner and City Inspector Amy L. Kurland.

As covered by Philly.com.


In the last few weeks these words have been remarkable and outstanding.

Every time I hear the word ALONE, I think of how they tried to isolate me. To make me feel alone. To make me feel as if there was no one on the planet who was aware and seeing what was being done. To make me feel hopeless. To make me feel ignored.

They failed in that also because I AM NOT ALONE.

Darren understands.

Rita understands.

Myra understands. “Wising you all the best I hope you find a few moments of happiness.”

Frank understands. “Hang in there.”

People who conveyed a simple sentence. People who cared enough. People who offered a smile. People who had every opportunity to disappear as many have done (as practically everyone had done). People who sent me a simple message indicating they understood and were there. I WAS NOT ALONE.

AND Patty has been there every time I needed her.

I am not alone. And no matter what they try to do to isolate and destroy me. I will never be alone.

AND To my “imaginary” friends on Facebook. Your support has been a lifesaver.

Thank You. We're All Alone…. Together


… Even the people to whom they illegally sold my home.

By selling to a lawyer, once the lawyer finds out about the fraud that has been committed against HIM. The lawyer will attempt to report it to authorities. BUT, in doing so he will also find out about the lack of jurisdiction of the judge. The nested three deep lack of jurisdiction of the judge. The fraud of the judge to cover up her direct involvement.

By law he must report the fraud/corruption as an officer of the court. His career is on the line if he reports the corrupt judge(s). His house (my house) is on the line if he does nothing.

He has been manipulated into their conspiracy.

BUT that doesn’t change the facts. The transfer of the deed is not valid. The property is still mine. The opportunity to further expose the corruption is still there.

The only thing in their way is me.

And they will try to kill me to prevent it from coming to light.

AND I STILL AWAIT THE HEARING ORDERED TO BE SCHEDULED ON JULY 10, 2012. WHY DO YOU SUPPOSE THEY HAVE NOT YET GOTTEN AROUND TO SCHEDULING THAT HEARING? Everyday I wait I feel further threatened and intimidated by the corrupt and fraudulent judges of Montgomery County, PA. The courthouse staff have covered for the corruption and fraud for 6 years. They continue to do so.

A Terrorist organization determined to undermine my life, my liberty, and any pursuit of any happiness.

In every department of the County… from the file clerks in the Prothonotary, through Court Administration, to the Domestic Relations Office, to the staff of the 10 judges who have had an opportunity to resolve the matter according to the law. BUT THEY HAD TO PROTECT THEIR LEADER. Judge Rhonde Lee Daniele. The head of the terrorist organization and the one who started the whole thing with her secret court orders. She is evil.

Web traffic seems to indicate law enforcement involvement. FINALLY. Norristown, Philadelphia, Harrisburg. The towns where the judges live also appear daily. And FBI locations nationwide. Even the FBI locations they manipulated into investigating me over the years. FINALLY. They are seeing the way they were used.

Does this mean everyone involved should be worried about the sociopath/psychopath going on a murder spree? It scares me to think that is how the Angst’s plan to end their terror. It happened before. The Kate Schaeffer post that EVERYONE was reading in the last few weeks is NOT about Kate Schaeffer as much as it is about the last time an Angst was investigated.


Judges who do not report the criminal activities of other judges become principals in the criminal activity, 18 U.S.C. Section 1.

Once a judge holds a hearing which includes testimony which indicates the criminal actions of a judge, they must act or become a party to the crime.

If Judge Haaz ever gets around to enforcing his Order to Court Administration to schedule a protracted hearing HE WILL THEN BE RESPONSIBLE TO REPORT THE CRIMES OF JUDGE CAROLYN TORNETTA CARLUCCIO or he will become a party to those crimes.

Or has Judge Haaz already acted after receiving the written document in July 2012? No hearing has been scheduled since those documents were filed and presented at the Short List conference. I await the scheduling order still.

To compound the matter, Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio has already held a hearing which exposed the criminal actions of several judges in this matter. She abruptly ended that emergency hearing after she LIED AND LIED AND LIED AND LIED. There was no way for her to avoid the detailed descriptions of the crimes of the preceding judges in this case. Sop she ended the hearing and never permitted any testimony or hearing on the petitions which exposed the corruption.

Then Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio acted with malicious intent (and without jurisdiction) to destroy the victim who documented the crimes. She wanted to protect herself, and the judges and the lawyers who had terrorized their victim but never got the suicide they kept working towards.

Acting without jurisdiction also causes her to lose her judicial immunity. She can be charged and prosecuted with the crimes. But only if the DA or Sheriff or US Attorney’s office takes action. And they won’t return calls.

And I am still alive, they didn’t get the suicide that might put the matter to rest. And the proof is there because they used every resource in the county to exact their plan.

When judges act when they do not have jurisdiction to act, or they enforce a void order (an order issued by a judge without jurisdiction), they become trespassers of the law,and are engaged in treason.

When they enlist the resources of the county to conceal their crimes, they undermine the entire judiciary and law enforcement as a whole.

And what you are left with is a victim who continues to be victimized, because everytime he attempts to survive and reports the criminal actions against him, the person he reports the crime to must either expose the crime or become a party to the crime. There is no escape when each is protecting the other.

When a simple divorce envelopes 11 judges, the District Attorney’s office, the Sheriff’s office, County Emergency Services, the Prothonotary’s office, and every County department, you have to wonder if there is any escape. There’s not. They act to destroy their victim with intent and severe determination to undermine and annihilate every aspect of the person and attack their support to isolate their victim into despair and suicide.

The Montgomery County Judiciary is corrupt. My case was corrupted early on and justice perverted by Judge Rhonda Lee Daniele. Her actions, and the actions of the judiciary to prevent her crime from being exposed has caused the constant terror I have experienced since 2007. These corrupt judges need to be removed from office immediately and prosecuted and jailed. I am not the only victim of their corruption. I may be the only surviving one. The one who didn’t have a lawyer they could use as a scapegoat for their crimes.

No lawyer would take my case or speak to me. If they did, as officers of the court, they would be forced to report it and their career would be over.

The justice system is designed to destroy the victims of injustice. Montgomery County is a clear example of terrorists on the bench, and throughout the courthouse.

CAUTION: Be careful while you investigate. The last time a lawyer named Angst was under investigation, he murdered his pregnant wife, and young child, and then committed suicide.


It would seem my previous post about tracking people who Google themselves has had an impact… LOL Web stats show a 2/3 decline in readership of the blog.

Would those who are witnessing the corruption, abuse of power and direct and determined effort to deny and prevent justice please take a moment to report the crimes to the US Attorney’s office.

If you are intimidated by reporting to an office where Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio may have friends from when she worked there, you may make the report to Washington DC. The Department of Justice already has a file on this case. Your career should be protected by the Whistleblower Act. DOJ likely has methods of protecting your identity and avoiding retaliation.

The injustice will not end by itself. It has never been my intention to ensnare judge after judge after judge after judge after judge after judge after judge after judge after judge after judge into this matter. We are all at the mercy of the sociopath and her mentor.

You have to wonder why other issues have also been prevented from the hearing schedule. Of course any hearing will be an opportunity to present the facts… and the corrupt judges of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas have made such a great effort to prevent any hearings… to prevent any justice…

The longer justice is delayed, the more I feel my life is at risk. I am exposed to the continued harassment from private investigators. The intentional delay in scheduling of hearings is extremely intimidating and threatening and prevents any opportunity to live a life without fear.

It would seem that the people who are Googling themselves and finding themselves mentioned on this web site (for whatever reason) are using Anonymous services to hide their addresses. What are you hiding from?

The volume of persons in Jakarta, Indonesia who are interested in reading about the Montgomery County Court and specific court personnel would seem to indicate they all may also be using the same service. Did the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit cancel your internet access? What are you hiding from?

Web sites have amazing statistical powers. Where you came from. What you read. What keywords brought you to the site. How many times you’ve been to the site, by day, week, month and year. I also see how fast everyone jumps onto the site after a new entry.

I also watch for the hackers and specifically which records they are deleting from the archived statistics. Yes, sometimes the data that disappears is more telling than the data left behind.

The records deleted in early 2008 indicated the IP addresses involved. Hacking the site immediately after the phone call where I explained to my wife that I could see her and her attorneys setting up for fraudulent identity theft report was not the most brilliant effort. And, I followed that at with the burglary email sent out with the ‘picture error’ which recorded every IP address that read the email – and everyone to whom they forwarded the email.

All the sneaking around, spying, acting like you have fooled anyone is just pointless. When the people I report the crimes to are accomplices to the crimes, and this results in those involved pretending that there is no evidence to review because law enforcement has refused to look at ANY evidence… It doesn’t make it any less evident.

Think Shroedinger’s box…. The truth is still the truth even when you haven’t looked at it. The truth will only be recognized once the box is opened. Not opening the box does not eliminate the truth from existence.

As for the folks at the courthouse, I have made an effort to NOT blog the names of the courthouse administrative staff responsible for following the corrupt orders and requests of the judiciary. Though it has been clear for several years that they are being required to conceal information like the emails sent to secretly cancel all those hearings in 2011. When their names appear on the site it is because they are essential parts of the topic. When they don’t appear, it isn’t that they are not known or forgotten, it’s just that your families shouldn’t necessarily be able to google your name and find out about how in order to save your job you are required to participate in corruption.

While I find the participation reprehensible, it is not entirely by your choice. You are following orders from those who are corrupt, unethical and conspiring to conceal their activity. Interesting that the ones who have immunity are the one’s ordering people without immunity to action, or moreso to inaction. But, they aren’t fooling anyone.


On July 10 2012, Judge Haaz ordered Court Administration to schedule a hearing. That has not yet happened.

In August 2012, I sent a letter to the Judge, Court Administrator Michael Kehs and Family Court Administrator Cheryl Leslie calling their attention to the failure to schedule the hearing. There was no response. No hearing has been scheduled.

It is now mid-September. This is not an inadvertent scheduling problem. Should the hearing occur, I will be permitted the opportunity to present the facts on this the matter – something Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio was absolutely determined to prevent from ever happening.

Once presented, the extreme corruption, malice and absolute cruelty of Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio will be exposed. The orders that she issued without jurisdiction (or hearings) will be voided. Her ridiculous and distorted opinion filed with herself which failed to address any real issue regarding the Appeal of her Orders to the Superior Court. She additionally has prevented of the Appeal from moving forward to the Superior Court by the County Prothonotary.

The reason for Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio’s actions will be exposed. Her willful, unethical and criminal abuse of power to prevent her actions and the activities of the 8 preceeding judges in this matter from being exposed, or explained. Carolyn Carluccio’s failure to follow judicial procedures and ethics also quite likely remove any judicial immunity for her actions. But she WANTED to be the one to destroy me and drive me to suicide. She made that quite clear. Did her career history with the US Attorney’s Office afford her the luxury of a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE pass?

When authority figures distort truth, abuse their power, involve additional county personnel and departments in their denial of due process and treasonous acts it creates helpless situation for honest, innocent individuals. When law enforcement is too preoccupied with preventing their criminal liability from being exposed, they deny equal protection under the law and essentially become terrorists. You are left with no choice but to report the crimes the one of the co-conspirators involved with the crimes.

Injustice doesn’t end injustice. It extends it.

Does anyone else see the irony of Judge Thomas DelRicci, Judge Carolyn Carluccio, and Michael Kehs holding a June 2012 public meeting discussing their new reforms changing how the courts may act to schedule their own hearings DURING THE SHORT LIST CONFERENCE enables the legal process to move along quickly and not hang on for months and years? Perhaps that part of the reforms weren’t conveyed to Judge Haaz. Though his Order required pre-trial statements and litigants to follow procedure and law, only an unethical and secret ex parte conversation regarding the matter would make one think that the matter will just disappear if ignored.
For the record, the corruption and fraud have left me homeless, unemployed and destitute, forced to defend against vexatious and constant litigation from just-plain-stupid lawyers, and dealing with the continued intrusions of computer and phone surveillance, and the frequent discovery of private investigators following me and watching my mother’s home. While waiting, I am being terrorized and harassed further. JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED.

In Montgomery County PA, The District Attorney and her Drug Task Force use Drug-Addicted and HIV-Infected Gay Men as Prostitutes in attempts to set up targeted individuals. Her method to keep these people out of jail and out of the media is to make an informant deal, then use them and throw them in jail anyway. They can’t speak out, they signed away their voice. Their lawyers are disabled and cannot act on their behalf because of the confidentiality requirement.

Whether they succeed or fail, they end up shells of human beings who preyed on innocent people and destroyed lives. Over 45 of them failed in my case… I estimate 7 teams failed. Each believing they were smarter than each other and the prior team.

These people sign away their rights when they join the confidential informant program. You can’t blame them for wanting to stay out of jail. But, they didn’t know how they would be abused and misused in this program.

And when they realized they were pawns in an attempt to set me up, they stopped trying to set me up. Realizing the guy who was giving them a place to rest and shower and feel safe, and a meal was NOT the bad guy in the scenario. Those trying to set me up were further exposed.

Better to deny me the information, and the paperwork, prevent me from getting hold of the documents or have any form of hearing where I can testify. DENY THOSE HEARINGS. CANCEL ALL PETITIONS. MUST PROTECT THE REPUTATION OF THE JUDICIARY WHO HAS DENIED CIVIL RIGHTS AND CONTINUED THE TERROR… THE ABUSE OF POWER.

I found that Secret Order hidden at the Prothonotary. NO HEARINGS AFTER THAT. They were completely exposed as the terrorists on the bench, and their conspiracy with all county agencies and departments was evident.

Problem is the judges keep recusing when exposed, resulting in another judge becoming involved in the conspiracy and corruption and necessary protection of the reputation of the judiciary. 10 judges so far. Complete denial of civil rights and due process and procedure. Makes you wonder what could possibly be going on here.

Take everything I have from every aspect of my ‘life’ to crush me. BUT, when they don’t get the suicide they want, they continue to attack their targeted victim.

As (Judge) Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio was mailing her ‘Unappealable’ Orders – which she had no jurisdiction to issue – there were multiple surprise visitors from the County Psych ward who have no idea why they were told to check on me. Suggesting suicide. I brought them into the house to see the reason for their visits. They either lied about not knowing why they were there, or they were only there to suggest suicide using reverse psychology. They saw the volume of paperwork, demonstrated and explained to them they left and never followed up with the information about who sent them.

Their private investigator can do anything to terrorize someone and never face prosecution. He’s working for law enforcment, and is former FBI using tactics learned while working for the FBI. Fraud, misdirection, surveillance, isolation, harassment and terror.

This is happening in communities across the US. The drug war has disregarded civil rights by using private investigators who are exempt from prosecution no matter what damage they do, or crimes they commit. Reporting the crimes only targets the victim further. They are reporting the crimes to the very people who are commiting the crimes. No investigation required… so they do nothing. THE VICTIM IS FURTHER VICTIMIZED, the only escape is DEATH.


Failure to act demonstrates participation.

Here are the Facebook links for anyone who may wish to inquire with District Attorney, Risa Ferman; Sheriff Eileen Behr; or Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio.




Now, you may also wish to realize that they judge’s use of county resources as part of her abuse of power and conspiracy to deny civil rights creates a HUGE liability which does not have immunity from prosecution.

Just about every county department has been involved in this matter, and has refused to provide information or documentation on their actions or inactions.

Each time they have attempted to mislead with misinformation they have only further exposed their participation in the terror and harassment.


On July 10, 2012, Judge Haaz ordered Court Administration to schedule a hearing. THAT HAS NOT HAPPENED.


Simple… If there is a hearing, the September 2011 order where Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio lacked jurisdiction will be voided.

If there is a hearing, the July 2011 order where Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio lacked jurisdiction will be voided.

If there is a hearing, the May 2011 order where Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio lacked jurisdiction will be voided.

If there is a hearing, the malice and cruelty of Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio will be exposed as she admitted in the other hearings that she did not have jurisdiction before issuing further invalid orders.

If there is a hearing, it will expose that Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio involved other County personnel in enforcing her corrupt and invalid orders. In legal-speak, she involved other County personnel in her treason. This exposes the county to further liability.

Judges are only exempt from criminal prosecution when they follow procedures and are acting like judges. When they are being criminals, they lose their immunity. Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio is a criminal.

This will further expose the conspiracy with Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio which was used to extort further penalties against me. (See Sociopath lawyer posts.)

And that exposure will open the entire case to the corrupt and malicious and destructive unethical and illegal actions of every judge involved in this matter in an effort to conceal the Order issued by Judge Rhonda Daniele without hearings, without distribution to the Defendant, and which was not docketed and hidden from the Defendant for 3 years.

Yes, I know why they aren’t scheduling a hearing… I wonder what silly excuse they will think to use for this?

They have ignored a letter sent in August requesting scheduling.

As the court lacked jurisdiction to issue the orders (and admitted such on the record), Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio was not acting as a judge and can be held liable for her malice, cruelty, abuse of power, obstruction of justice and conspiracy.

Protecting the reputation of the Judiciary is important… but when 10 judges are acting to protect the reputation of the judicary, one might want to ask WHEN JUDGES ARE COMMITTING FURTHER CORRUPT ACTS TO CONCEAL THE CORRUPT ACTIONS OF JUDGES, AT WHAT POINT DO THEY RECOGNIZE THEY ARE CONTRIBUTING MORE TO THE DISGRACE OF THE JUDICARY?

(And if the Judicial Conduct Board had acted on any of the requests for investigation, they could have prevented this matter from disgracing so many judges of the Montgomery County Bench.)

Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio acted to conceal the unethical and fraudulent acts of the preceeding eight judges on the matter. To protect the corrupt judiciary at all costs…. and denying a man his civil rights, taking his children, his home, his profession, his possessions was required because it was necessary to push me to suicide. Epic fail.

After Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio refused to hold any hearings on ANY petition filed by the Defendant to prevent testimony and evidence of the corrupt judiciary, why would they grant a hearing and provide that opportunity.

Yes, there are reasons they are not holding the hearing WHICH WAS REQUESTED BY THE PLAINTIFF”S ATTORNEYS. Why would the Plaintiff’s attorneys request another hearing? A sociopath enjoys manipulating their pawns into further terrorizing their victim.

What is wrong with these people who sit in judgement and witness and participate in the destruction of a family and a man? The concept of “First, Do no harm.” is lost on these corrupt judges.

AND WHILE I WAIT, they continue to attack my life, my mother’s home and automobile, computers and phones, and they continue to interfere with any friendships. And I wait while they terrorize me further.