
Healy Order 04-03-2013 $300,000

Let’s look at the 5 items… which are not really 5, but 6, and they only remember 4 of them.

BUT, that is not important because I DID AS I WAS ORDERED. I placed the items at 1822 Appaloosa Drive Warrington on the date specified. I knew they were setting me up. They waited 8 months to indicate I did not do it. They then waited 8 more months to schedule the hearing. ALL THE WHILE THEIR LIE WOULD GET THEM $500 PER DAY BASED ON THE ORDER.

It was only after I modified my Facebook setting to indicate I had relocated to Paris, France that Angst & Angst then filed with the court. On July 10 2012, Valerie Angst was stunned to see me walk into court and hand her the response. Immediately asking if I had filed it. yes, I files it properly, though she hadn’t.

Trying to apply rational thought to their madness is not recommended. BUT, The matter was under appeal from before the date the order was issued. AND I can’t control the scheduling of the court date… or the failure of the court date to be scheduled… AND I TRIED TO GET THE DATE SCHEDULED. BUT, the court did not respond to schedule the hearing.

The reward for their lie 511 days at $500 per day. $ 255,500

They provided no proof that the items were not delivered. They couldn’t because the items were delivered. Dop you think it could be them selling the items on EBAY so they are not caught with them?

It was never about the items, it was about the enforcement of the void order. It was about the penalty the court could inflict based on their lie. When they have not complied with ANY Court Order and I have complied with EVERY COURT ORDER. They needed a way to continue the matter to inflict penalties. No matter how absurd, or illegal.

The items were:

1. Cross cut saw
2. Ottoman
3. China
4. Delacroix “Olympic” Painting

#1 Cross Cut Saw which the court valued at $ 3,000 sells on EBAY for $199.



#3 The China which the court valued at $15,000 sells on EBAY for $180 for 4 place settings. Total of $540 for 12 place settings.



#4 Delacroix “Olympic” Painting which the court valued at $600 sells on EBAY for $39.99.



The Order of September 23, 2011 was issued without a hearing on the matter.

The Order was issued with intent to cause the appearance of a contempt and a penalty. Even when I complied with the order as specified in the order and the verbal instructions of the Court, they would allege non-compliance.

The LIAR wins… Extortion wins… Corruption wins. The terror of the innocent man continues… with no end in sight. No justice. And no end.


When I made this statement a little over a month ago, there were those who thought it was exaggerated.

“To be further terrorized by being ordered to provide an accounting which is already a part of the Court Record which has been summarily ignored for seven years only terrorizes me further. Imagine the rape victim being forced to tell each subsequent attacker about every thrust of the unending experience with the knowledge that the person you are telling is about to join the attack.”

pageJudge Garrett Page has done exactly what I predicted. He has ruled without jurisdiction to enforce orders which lacked jurisdiction abusing his power under color of law and violating my constitutional rights. Violating the constitution is a crime called TREASON. He is additionally violating his oath of office and the Judicial Code of Ethics.

You cannot help but notice the deliberate neglect to address the issue of jurisdiction in his order. Challenges to jurisdiction must be addressed by the court. It is an essential part of any case that the court have the proper jurisdiction to hear the matter and render a decision.

Judge Page had the opportunity to begin resolution of the destruction caused by “Judge” Carolyn Carluccio. Instead, after seeing the evidence and hearing testimony, Page absurdly fines the victim – unemployed for 7 years and caused to be homeless and destitute – more than what would amount to 6 years salary when he was working. $300,000 is ABSOLUTELY ABSURD.

A judge manipulated to conceal the lack of integrity and ethics of the Montgomery County judiciary… and SACRIFICING THEIR INTEGRITY IN THE CONSPIRACY.

Judge Page had the opportunity to recuse the assignment of the matter. He neglected to take it. You cannot protect the integrity of a judiciary that lacks integrity. And when presented with the situation, your responsibility to conceal the crimes of the prior judges forces you to join the conspiracy and violate the law… and in doing so lose your immunity.

This has happened with the 15 judges who have been assigned the case because of the action/crime committed by Judge Rhonda Daniele. I have never seen her, met her, or stood before her in a courtroom. Yet, Rhonda Daniele issued an order which set into play the annihilation of my life and unresolvable terror of the last 7 years.

Imagine the rape victim being forced to tell each subsequent attacker… INDEED.

Rape on, Judge Page.

It should be noted that Judge Haaz followed the law and did NOT permit, tolerate or entertain the fraud of Angst & Angst in his court. His personal integrity is intact in my opinion. As I also want to believe his sense of ethics is intact and he reported these crimes to the proper people in the Commonwealth and the Federal Government.

P.S. I lack the ability to commit suicide, but by all means, keep trying to accomplish that while additionally terrorizing everyone around me.

P.P.S. Do you suppose the case was assigned to Judge Page so he would find himself in the situation where he had to protect the corruption and conspiracy of the prior judges? What a great way to manipulate justice? Valerie Rosenbluth Angst of Angst & Angst of Harleysville (and formerly Doylestown) had to learn it somewhere… where did she clerk after law school? Mmm hmm.

Judge Page’s Order of April 3, 2013



“Ms Ferman neglects to mention FlexiSpy type applications which take full remote control of a cell phone. Upon receiving ONE text message which is often disregarded as junk, your phone can be hacked and all of your communications monitored, redirected or initiated by whatever ‘bully’ that wants to attack you. WebWatcher for computers can also be used to remote control and redirect and prevent access to detection and removal programs. There are no programs which detect and remove these programs. They hide under the guise of ‘nanny’ type programs… but they are extremely powerful and destructive when misused.”

“Ms Ferman neglects to mention those which she knows the best. They have been inappropriately used and recommended by her department with disastrous results. Ms Ferman’s time would be better spent lobbying the Phone Manufacturers and Carriers to secure the devices. But, Ms Ferman does not want your device to be secure… her department’s own tactics would then be exposed. SHE DOESN’T PROSECUTE THOSE CRIMES ANYWAY… She won’t prosecute herself.”

Imagine someone who uses hacker type programs illegally in her job, advising parents about Cell Phones?

Imagine the District Attorney who DOES NOT PROSECUTE Cell phone harassment cases?

District Attorney Risa Ferman does not even return calls regarding criminal complaints of hacking… nor do the Montgomery County Detectives… because it would seem you are reporting the crime to the perpetrators.

There is no way to keep anyone safe on a cell phone. Once you are targeted there is no way of avoiding the harassment and remote control of your phones (or computers). District Attorney Risa Ferman ignores these crimes.

Risa Ferman knows this, but neglects to accept her responsibility.

I am stunned that she is now writing an advice column for THE HUFFINGTON POST.




Currently prevented from posting on Facebook… and each attempt extends the ban.

The problem with being hacked on computers and phones is that it is impossible to escape.

Try resetting a password without it being sent to either computers, email or txt messages or all of them. Succesfully revealing your actions to the hackers.

And IF you succeed by using another computer or device, all they need to do is force a password reset and you are re-exposed.

There is no escaping a targeted attack on computers and phones.



I live each day to be further terrorized…

because I survived and persevered…

and they have not killed me yet.

I survived their terror… and because I did, It will expose all of the suicides they caused…

Their efforts have been organized.
I’m not their first victim.
I am only the one who lived.


Justice Delayed is Justice Denied. Injustice ignored is further enabled and endorsed.

The longer I wait the more they attack and terrorize. In the last week…

1 – Police parked in front of my house for 30 minutes for no particular reason.
2 – New networking device found attached to the house. No explanation offered when it was reported.
3 – Facebook hacked – all posts removed for the last week or so.
4 – Another hearing scheduled – but we already had the hearing in February…
5 – No word from the judge on the ruling from prior hearing.
(It will cause the prior judge GREAT embarrassment because current judge must reverse the prior rulings nested in a triple deep lack of jurisdiction… and expose the crimes of all of the prior judges – voiding their immunity.)

So I remain further terrorized while denied due process, denied access to the courts, denied any life of freedoms, denied my family, and denied any happiness. Injustice ignored is further enabled and endorsed. Justice delayed is justice denied… and terror and harassment will not end.

I live each day to be further terrorized… because I survived and persevered… and they have not killed me yet. I survived their terror… and because I did, It will expose all of the suicides they caused… Their efforts have been organized. I’m not their first victim. I am only the one who lived.


Even though the Montgomery County Web site has been updated. Their file access system STILL insists on undermining your computer’s security. If you wish to use their system be aware you are giving them alot of control.

Reported multiple times to the elected Prothonotary, Mark Levy and his staff. It has been ignored. It is ignored. They won’t fix it while D.A. Risa Ferman is trying to obtain search warrants INTO YOUR COMPUTER WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORZATION. She is trying to change the law to permit that illegal conduct which she has been doing since she took office… after that election where she committed election fraud and then she went after the person’s family who reported her crime to the Federal Government.

Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office is employing hackers. The same ones who hacked Gabrielle Drexler’s machine for making a report against a police officer on the Drug Task Force. They then neglected to tell the Grand Jury about those capabilities SO the DA charged Gabrielle with perjury. And the DA created the situation to make it appear that is what Gabrielle did. HOW FUNNY IS THAT? It’s not. It’s criminal… and the DA is behind it.

Mess with the DA’s elite team of private investigators and police operating outside the bounds of law, and you will feel her wrath. Try to prosecute a private investigator once you catch him… and see how the DA ignores you. She can’t reveal her team. She won’t prosecute her team.

The Montgomery County system will deliberately and intentionally cause your computer to be vulnerable to attack. And they know you installed it from their web reports. So they can jump onto your computer and upload anything – incriminating files. Or simply programs to harass and torture your life. Hack finances, emails, social networking. You are forced to give over the access to your life. AND IF YOU TRY TO FILE ANYTHING AGAINST IT… THEY CAN DELETE IT… KILL YOUR COMPUTER… OR ANYTHING THEY WANT. TRY TO FIGHT A HACKER IN THIS SITUATION. They dare you. They’ve got judges who will make your life hell. They’ll make you wish you were capable of committing suicide. AND WHEN YOU DON’T… they will continue until you do.


When my story gets out to too many people, my Facebook account is hacked and reported. Causing the Facebook controls to block me from posting ANYWHERE for days/hours/weeks. It is arbitrary. If they need me to be shut down longer they can always hack back onto it and report more posts.


They also removed my posts. Again.

Facebook has reported back the hacking IP address (spoofed of course). They know who is doing it to me, but there is no stopping the activity. It’s happened before, it will continue.


And why can’t I see their posts…

The Private Investigator News Wire? They seem active on Facebook.

The FB servers can see their content to retrieve it in a link, but I can’t get there from my computer, my phone or my tablet.


I guess the last hearing was so nice, they want to do it twice.

The Court has scheduled another version of the same hearing – Short Listed for April 29, 2013 based on a document they filed on February 27, 2013.

They just want to stress me out, eh?

Every holiday has been affected by a looming scheduled court date since 2007.

Threats, intimidation, stalking, terror. Call it by any and every name. It is EVIL… It is destructive. It is unending.

They still haven’t figured out how to get out of the fraud, corruption and malice I exposed in February.

I’ll present it to them again and again…