
Thomas Ball
Martin Romanchick
Steven Cook
Darrin White
Derrick Miller
Glomerys Martinez
Douglas Youmans
Mindy McCready
Aaron Swartz
Brian Benedict
James Malone
James Calvert
Thomas Tarbell
Gregory Eisenhauer
Steve Mercier
Bob Norton
Anthony Feoli
James Miller
David Vandenberg
Andy Statura
Phil Beaupre
David Johnson
Nick Haas
Joe Haas
Joe Gagan
Henry Johnson
Tim Sanborn
Earl Silverman
Ralph Costales
Aimee Schulz
Mary Richardson Kennedy
Kenny McKinley
Randy Orville Brouse
Trevor Goddard
Robert R Steadman
Jim McCarthy
Phillip Marshall
Reinaldo Rivera
Mark Edward Dexel
Derrick K. Miller
Carl Tarzwell, Jr.
James Gunter
Randy Johnson
Darren Bruce White
Dimitrius Underwood
David Guinn
James A. Poore
Kenneth Taylor
Kenneth Ayers
Dale Owen Cook
Tracy Beaulieu Cook
Jennifer Boyce
Bernard Grosso
Jovan Belcher
Kasandra Perkins
Amy Engels
Randall Engels
Dmitriy Kanarikov
Bradley Stone
Nicole Hill Stone
Jo Ann Koder
Patricia Hill
Trish Flick
Aaron Flick
Robert Newell


Every program, every add in, every download all seems to have invalid certificates. I’ve experienced this consistently for the last 8 years. When your computer has been redirected, and your router hacked numerous times, and you can’t keep ahead of their intrusions, you learn to deal with it.

The frustration is unbearable. And there is nothing you can do about it. Because the people who are terrorizing you ARE the law enforcement people to whom you would report the crime. And they will never stop…. and they don’t care how much proof you have, because they won’t stop until you are dead.


The ‘rewind’ you replayed on the web was the third time i had the same conversation with your ‘player’. Had to laugh, as i told the same jokes each time. And once I caught it, I talked to him and he indicated he had not been online… So how do you explain the video? And the person who blew their cover by attempting to corroborate. And then of course their friends who were also on my suspicious list.

Another person who had gotten ALOT of tattoos, has suddenly appeared without those tattoos. Rewind error? Yea.

Add that to the person who’s hair grew out overnight. You weren’t able to un-do the haircut without being noticed.

And of course, now the only people I can see online are those who are attempting to set up another game.

The Harassment teams using technology to isolate and terrorize me have been noted. “Sounds crazy” isn’t going to work to dismiss the evidence. They are on Facebook and on other social networking sites. And they still haven’t realized that they are too big to know everything they have done… and my memory is good. I remember them all. Celebrating an anniversary is a regular occurrence. Celebrating the same first anniversary 3 times… not so much.

8 years of this type of manipulation and intrusion. What is their purpose? So much effort to protect the crimes of the judges… and it just snowballed. Each time another is revealed you invest more and more in terrorizing me. 18 judges. And now we have clear abuse of power, denial of access to courts, obstruction of justice, …. They have created a monster that they cannot control…. and they throw another judge on the pile and blame him…

Stop the corruption and criminal activity in the Montgomery County Court of common Pleas.

The out of control abuse of surveillance power cannot be investigated without the persons being investigated knowing. So you cannot get ahead of them, … and they never get prosecuted. They live to terrorize another day.

Your abuse is unconstitutional. And eventually someone will be able to stop an out of control corrupt judiciary.

[It has been noted that a reputation protection service has been preventing this web site from being available and indexed on search engines. I believe they have even gone as far as hacking the site numerous times, and issued a court order preventing the hosting company from providing me the proof of their efforts.]


There are only two reasons a judge would knowingly violate the law…
1) incompetence
2) corruption

Judge Garrett Page believes that once a case is reassigned from another judge there should be no opportunity to correct ERRORS committed previously. Seriously, even when presented with the evidence on the court record, Judge Page chooses to ignore it and continue blindly. Well, blindly but in a very determined manner.

He actually writes in his Opinion that once one judge violates your civil rights, it is the responsibility of the following judges to make certain you never correct the error no matter how grievous the damage… or how basic the violation to your rights… even when it permits opposing counsel to leverage the conspiracy to prevent justice to further the injustice.

Amazing…. what he said in his 10 page Opinion confirms that once Judge Rhonda Daniele issued her Secret Order, the Montgomery County Judiciary was going to destroy me verses correcting one judge’s error. The judiciary guarded that secret for 3 years, and had begun their attack against my most basic civil rights.

The judges also retaliated against the clerk who inadvertently provided the secret document to me. The Montgomery County Judiciary demonstrated their merciless mindset. Everyone in the courthouse knows what they did to him. Everyone in the courthouse knows what they are doing to me. If anyone at the courthouse thinks about whistleblowing, they will be destroyed. There is no stopping a corrupt band of judges… should you encounter a judge with integrity, he will be reassigned from your case permitting the opposition to further their leverage.

Judge Haaz has been the only judge who has addressed the ‘leverage’ by Angst & Angst directly and immediately. Unfortunately, he was reassigned from the case by the administration in December 2012 never holding the hearing he ordered to be scheduled scheduled. Judge Haaz knew he couldn’t hold the hearing while an Appeal was pending. Enter Judge Page…

In the last 8 years, this matter has been before 18 judges… So either Judge Page is the MOST INCOMPETENT JUDGE OF THE MILLENIA … or he is corrupt and lacking any ability to uphold his oath, the law, or even basic human decency. He thinks his function is to extend further injustice to victims of injustice. His job is to ignore the law and the truth to protect those who have ignored the law and the truth.

Using 10 pages to say that the judiciary would NEVER correct a procedural error… The actions to twist their situation designed to bury the victim… just PRICELESS. ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS.

Judge Page, it is time for your resignation. You proved my point. Once you are a victim of their injustice, the Montgomery County Judiciary will not take responsibility for their errors/crimes.

THEY WILL DESTROY YOU… THEY WILL DESPISE YOU FOR SURVIVING THEIR ACTIONS…and they will not stop their terroristic injustice until you have committed suicide. And, there is no other abuse of power more difficult to survive than a corrupt judiciary. Judges have the power to compel law enforcement to exact their abusive orders.




Imagine waking every day wondering how you didn’t kill yourself the day before.

Imagine the regret.

Imagine feeling like that for over 8 years.

Imagine no escape.

I don’t have to imagine.




Why didn’t the Anti-Spyware programs protect from the NSA surveillance intrusion?

Maybe because their programs PERMITTED THE ILLEGAL surveillance programs to install. The antivirus/antispyware companies DID NOT PROTECT THEIR CUSTOMERS.

The following companies conspired and sold out the computers of the world:

Aluria Software , an Earthlink company
Anchiva Systems
AVG Technologies
Canadian Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email
US Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email
Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic
Center for Democracy & Technology
CNET Networks
Computer Associates
Dell, Inc.
Facetime Communications
F-Secure Corporation
Internet Education Foundation
McAfee Inc.
National Center for Victims of Crime
National Cyber Security Alliance
National Network to End Domestic Violence
Panda Security
PC Tools
Safer-Networking Ltd.
Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic at Boalt Hall,
UC Berkeley School of Law
Sana Security
Shavlik Technologies
StopBadware.org, Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School
Sunbelt Software
Trend Micro
Webroot Software
Yahoo! Inc.

Check out the organization which decided to IGNORE selected spyware.


The worst news is yet to be revealed.

It will show the lengths that the surveillance tools were further misused to prevent their exposure to the public.

It was necessary to protect law enforcement from being prosecuted for Constitutional violations.

It was necessary to prevent judges from being held accountable for their misuse of the data illegally collected.

Of course, the judges did not permit the information to be presented in court. How would anyone explain their having obtained the information? All levels of law enforcement failed to address my repeated complaints filed lawfully about the intrusive and destructive surveillance.

Could they just reveal what they had collected and hold me accountable without any concern for my intentional actions taken to cause the surveillance to be revealed.

Using the illegally obtained information to justify continued use of the intrusive surveillance became inescapable. For example, corrupt and prevent my banking, and then use the fact that I no longer had a bank account to suggest there was something more to investigate. They caused the financial problems upon which they were suggesting further secret investigations would be necessary

It is also likely that the judges had issued additional warrants permitting the surveillance and those were kept secret. The game quickly became “Tell Terance Nothing”. Keep Terance isolated. keep the injustice and lawlessness going… and hope another flub doesn’t occur like the one which after 3 years of terror provided the Secret Order of Judge Rhonda Daniele from August 2007. Issuing a libelous and slanderous Court Order and keeping it a secret from the target prevents the Defendant from addressing the crime being committed against him, creates a conspiracy of silence designed to inflict paranoia, and robs their target of years of his life.

When it turns out that wasn’t the only “secret order” issued by Rhonda Daniele. It demonstrates a deliberate trend. Rhonda Daniele’s abuse of judicial power goes even further to punish the person who unintentionally revealed her corrupt orders.

NEVER LET TERANCE GET ANY ANSWER TO EVEN THE MOST SIMPLE QUESTION… because if you do provide an answer, the conspiracy will reveal itself.


The software was written using an Asian character set to make it more difficult for US Programmers to decode.

It was initially a virus, until Awareness Technologies packaged the program as surveillance, remote control and obfuscation/redirection programs for soccer moms who do not trust their kids.

The package is VERY powerful and available to the general public so that it makes it harder to detect exactly who has you under surveillance.

Dick Cheney blasts NSA leaker Edward Snowden as ‘traitor,’ says he may be Chinese spy


The ability to ‘share’ the ill-gotten surveillance is already in place.

RISS.net consist of multiple locations like the MAGLOCLEN site in Newtown, PA which permit the exchange of data between different levels of law enforcement.

Include Private investigators among those who can do whatever they like – immunity from prosecution when acting on behalf of local law enforcement.

It becomes clear that Americans have had no privacy for many years.

My evidence indicates back as far as 2007, with equipment being distributed to local law enforcment in 2003.