
Lawyers undermined our founding documents.

The country is clueless to the occurrence, but fully aware of the effect.

Yet, they do nothing. They point to problems, but never a solution. They can’t comprehend that it was made unlawful to end injustice – NO MATTER HOW BLATANT.

They made it lawful to ignore corruption. They made it mandatory to ignore injustice.

And when the cause was exposed the SILENCE became deafening.


The only guaranteed way to make a lawyer stop talking… deliver a copy.

The only guaranteed way to end further injustice in the courts… deliver a copy.

It’s not going to get better until it is stopped. It is not going to stop until it is exposed.

EXPOSE INJUSTICE. Serve up a copy of the Challenge. JUSTICE IS COMING.




a) See how deep the rabbit hole goes.

b) The story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe.

Rule 1.6 – the world pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Rule 1.6 prevents lawful action by law enforcement to prosecute crimes by judges. How many judges have ever been prosecuted by a state for judicial misconduct? How many states stopped judicial misconduct from continuing?

In Pennsylvania alone, the situation is clear. This isn’t attacking judicial immunity for errors in judgment. This is criminal actions and terror which is reported and goes unaddressed, unprosecuted, and unstopped.

Cash for Kids is the most blatant in memory. But it seems the concept that everyone looked the other way was acceptable.

WHY did they think their actions were lawful?

Because Rule 1.6 made it not only lawful, but MANDATORY.

Rule 1.6 is the world pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.


What? Rule 1.6? That’s not…? That’s just…? Huh? Oh it’s about…
All of the reasons that you would NEVER look at Rule 1.6…
Reasons you should ignore Rule 1.6…
Move along… it doesn’t concern you. UNTIL IT DOES.

Rule 1.6 hides as a rule regarding Attorney-Client privilege.

Attorney-Client privilege builds trust based on the acceptance of concealing fraud and lies… even when the lies and fraud are presented in the court as truth.

Rule 1.6 is a smokescreen. A catch all which can be twisted as needed. The scripts are published. Everything about it is smoke and mirrors. Everything about it is wrong.

Rule 1.6 prevents lawful action by law enforcement to prosecute crimes by judges. How many judges have ever been prosecuted by a state for judicial misconduct? How many states stopped judicial misconduct from continuing? In Pennsylvania alone, the situation is clear. This isn;t attacking judicial immunity for errors in judgment. This is criminal actions and terror which is reported and goes unaddressed, unproscecuted, and unstopped. Cash for Kids is the most blatant in memory. But it seems the concept that everyone looked the other way was acceptable. WHY did they think their actions were lawful? Because Rule 1.6 made it not only lawful, but MANDATORY.

Attorney General Tom Corbett did nothing. Attorney General Linda Kelly did nothing. Attoenry General Kathleen Kane has been provided the opportunity to explain the failures of her predecessors. The Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 which has been served to AG Kane and the Attorneys General of the untied States provides the opportunity to end the lawful dismissal of criminal actions by the judiciary. BUT, it exposes the Rule which caused the inability to prosecute law. It exposes the organization behind the Rule adopted and enacted in every US state.

The American Bar Association.

Now, we have a much bigger problem. Treason? Sedition? RICO organization? With lawyers in every level of government who MUST follow their Rule 1.6 or face the consequences for breaking it. Violate Rule 1.6 and you are ruined, disbarred, and attacked. Any lawyer who dares to sp[eak out against a judge is not only ruined. They are destroyed. The penalties for violating Rule 1.6 are as extreme as if you were a victim of it’s destructive effect on justice.

The opportunity to lawfully address it was lawfully laid upon the Federal Bench in Philadelphia on August 8, 2013 by two pro se litigants who lawfuilly had standing, a lawful cause for relief, a court record to lawfully correlate their loss of rights and the sense to lawfully present the matter as a constitutional challenge lawfully permitting them to lawfully address the unconstitutional law in every state.

The Defendant AGs who could not lawfully respond to the Challenge… did the only lawful thing they could think of without mentioning any of the issues. They cannot address the issues lawfully, because any action which addresses the issues would be construed as violating Rule 1.6.

With the other AGs hiding in silence and WITHOUT ANY BASIS for the request, AG Kathleen Kane requested an extension in the deadline.

Judge O’Neill extended the deadline INDEFINITELY.








Kids for Cash happened because Rule 1.6 of the Rules of Professional Conduct prevented lawful action. With all of the injustice, there is one thing which it seems no one bothered to do. Point to the cause and present a solution. The Constitutional Challenge to Rule 1.6 is the solution which ends lawful injustice.

The story behind Rule 1.6 is more frightening… it was deliberate. it was intentional. It was executed by the American Bar Association.

When you consider the holocaust, people often indicate the world learned important lessons. It seems the American Bar Association learned how to do it better – pulling this off under the noses of 300 million Americans and enacting a law in every US State – – severe punishment to any lawyer who revealed it.

When thirteen-year-old Matthew appeared in front of Judge Mark Ciavarella for throwing a piece of steak at his mother’s boyfriend, he was sentenced to seven weeks at PA Child Care, a private, for-profit juvenile detention center in northeastern Pennsylvania. Angelia was fourteen when she and a friend scrawled “Vote for Michael Jackson” on five stop signs. Charged with vandalism and defacing public property, Angelia was sent by Ciavarella to PA Child Care without her epilepsy medication and suffered a grand mal seizure her second night. Fifteen-year-old Charlie, arrested for unknowingly purchasing a stolen motorbike, was convicted of a felony and sent to PA Child Care for six weeks.

Matthew, Angelia, and Charlie are just three children among the thousands who appeared in Ciavarella’s courtroom between 2003 and 2008 and were sent away—often with no attorney present and after only cursory hearings—to a detention facility in which, it later came to light, Ciavarella had a personal financial stake. As Kids for Cash reveals, this miscarriage of justice underscores a multitude of problems with our juvenile justice system, which too often criminalizes standard adolescent behavior, treats adolescents more harshly than if they were adults, and denies them their most fundamental constitutional rights.

William Ecenbarger, a Pulitzer Prize and George Polk Award–winning investigative journalist who covered the case for the Philadelphia Inquirer, now gives us the first book-length account of this shocking story. In the tradition of true-crime legal thrillers from The Executioner’s Song to A Civil Action, Ecenbarger exposes a deeply corrupt and broken system that ruined the lives of many children and ultimately led to the judge’s conviction on charges of racketeering, fraud, tax violations, money laundering, extortion, and bribery. Fastidiously researched and utterly propulsive, Kids for Cash takes us deep inside a profoundly flawed legal system, revealing the twisted and haunting realities of America’s juvenile justice system.

“A harrowing tale, lucidly told by a journalist with a good eye for detail. . . . [Kids for Cash reveals] the deep gap between cherished ideals and harsh reality in a country addicted to incarceration.” —The New York Times Book Review

“The story is incredible: Thousands of children wrongfully sentenced to juvenile detention centers, many without legal representation and after cursory hearings, by two rogue judges in northern Pennsylvania who received millions of dollars in bribes from the private institutions’ owners. . . . William Ecenbarger, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist, has brought this stunning story to book form in a deeply researched, compelling tale.” —The Boston Globe

“The worst stain (so far) on Pennsylvania, a state with more than its share of stains, is that of the Luzerne County judges who sent thousands of children to private prisons in exchange for millions of dollars in kickbacks. . . . Bill Ecenbarger offers a detail-packed, sickening account of the scandal and its impact. Anyone caring about courts, justice or children should read it.” —The Philadelphia Inquirer

“If only this were fiction. William Ecenbarger deserves our gratitude for shining the brightest of spotlights on a tragic, scandalous situation that brought pain and devastation to the lives of countless children and their families. Kids for Cash demands the attention of everyone who cares about justice.” —Bob Herbert, Distinguished Senior Fellow at Demos and former New York Times Op-Ed columnist

“A chilling account of how two Pennsylvania judges traded children’s freedom for personal profit while the rest of the Commonwealth looked the other way. Parents will tuck their children in a bit tighter after reading this true-crime heart-stopper.” —Nell Bernstein, award-winning journalist and author of All Alone in the World: Children of the Incarcerated

“William Ecenbarger exposes Pennsylvania’s recent juvenile justice disgrace wherein thousands of youth were illegally sentenced to a private detention facility in exchange for millions in kickbacks for the judges who sentenced them. His heartfelt, articulate outrage raises disturbing and critical questions about the destructive power of greed in our criminal justice system, and the legal and social systems that support it through silent acquiescence.”—Tara Herivel, attorney, author and co-editor of Prison Profiteers: Who Makes Money from Mass Incarceration and Prison Nation: The Warehousing of America’s Poor

“A gripping and inspirational ‘must read’ for anyone concerned about the health and well-being of children.” —Liz Ryan, President and CEO of Campaign for Youth Justice

“A gripping story of judicial incompetence, a system that ignored it, and the thousands of kids scarred for life—a story that begs for juvenile justice reform across America.” —Steven C. Teske, Chief Judge, Juvenile Court of Clayton County, GA, author of Reform Juvenile Justice Now

“An unimaginable story of abuse, greed, and corruption that also reveals the broader problems with our society’s failure to protect some of its most vulnerable, powerless, and at-risk members—a critically important book.” —Bryan Stevenson, founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, New York University Professor of Clinical Law

“This exposé of judicial indiscretion, greed, and money laundering reads like a thriller. The setting is the Luzerne County, PA, juvenile court system between 2003 and 2008, when two judges mishandled the criminal cases of thousands of children. After presenting a rather unflattering history of the region, citing a ‘culture of corruption,’ Pulitzer Prize—winning journalist [William] Ecenbarger describes the background and criminal activities that form the heart of the case. The book is based on 200 interviews and reflects the author’s insider knowledge of the scandal, which he covered for the Philadelphia Enquirer. . . . A solid, shocking work of investigative journalism, recommended for civic-minded general readers and students of juvenile justice issues.”
—Library Journal





Senator, the problem is that there was no lawful way to approach the crisis the country is facing.

Until 2 guys from suburban Philadelphia found the law which enabled the crisis and prevented resolution, and THEY COULD ADDRESS IT LAWFULLY. Once that law is declared by the court to be unconstitutional, a nullity, justice will be resurrected.

Pay attention to how many times you have been told about lack of jurisdiction. Rule 1.6 prevented lawful action.

“We have agencies that are rife with fraud and programs that are rife with fraud, and Congress has not done anything about it, they have agreed not to do anything about it. I think we’re working too well together.” Sen. Tom Coburn

We need a constitutional convention to take back our country

Senator Tom Coburn does not know that there can be no convention, because the lawyers can’t repair the damage they have done. Not until we get this Rule out of the way. Anyone in the government who mentions the issues which subvert the Constitution is likely NOT a lawyer. The lawyers know that is CONFIDENTIAL, and the punishment for talking is brutal.




When you consider what every level of Montgomery County Government, Judiciary, Law Enforcement and Administration has done and continues to do… you can only imagine them whispering that Hitler is “ONLY” going to kill one more person.

Then they would tell the State to ignore cries for help. Just “ONE’ more.

Then they would tell the Federal Government to ignore cries for help. Just “ONE” more.

When you consider the evil that is STILL acting to suppress the truth of massive corruption and epic failure in Risa Ferman’s District Attorneys, why is she not resigning? Why is she still terrorizing innocent people who expose her crimes? Why are people still believing a monster who threatens every level of life in the county? Why is no one stopping the terror of Risa Ferman?


Adolf Hitler had people making sure they didn’t find out what he was doing. When it ended an entire planet was horrified and ashamed at what they had allowed to happen.

Rule 1.6 makes it lawful and legal and MANDATORY to ignore, suppress and conceal domestic terrorism… when it is organized by lawyers and judges.
It is not just the Constitution that finds that repugnant.


The least you can do is explain why this is the only second case of perjury ever prosecuted by Risa Ferman. All other perjury was protected by Rule 1.6 of the Code of Professional Conduct. AND… She didn’t lie. Her truth exposed something beyond her imagination.


I have been asked what will happen if the Federal Court grants Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s Motion to Dismiss.

The answer. Appeal.

Which continues in front of another Federal court. SCOTUS?

Rule 1.6 is a parasite that feeds on the integrity of the court. It craves the higher court. It fears only one thing – exposure.

So much effort is placed in concealing it’s existence. The smokescreen of the way it is written. The ridiculous notion that keeping lies a secret builds trust between lawyer and client. It’s even called CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION. Clearly, Rule 1.6 wants to be unknown.

There is only one method which prevents Rule 1.6 from consuming the integrity of the court.

In my case, it spread through 18 judges in Montgomery County. Only one (1) judge in my case in Montgomery County suffered no loss of integrity. He was also the one best positioned to KNOW what occurs when Rule 1.6 is involved in a matter.


He was the only one who did NOT make it worse. No better. But uniquely, Judge Haaz is the only one who did not make it worse. Which was the best move for everyone involved. He suffered no loss of integrity – because he did not hold the hearing; he did not respond to letters; he ignored the case.

I keep thinking “First, do no further harm” best describes Judge Haaz handling of the case. Immediately. When the criteria for RULE 1.6 were presented in his court, Judge Haaz did nothing. The best he could do in the situation.

Judge Bertin did not go willingly into the corruption of my case. He could not make things better. Rule 1.6 prevents it.

Judge Carluccio delighted in the malice and destruction. Her intent was clear – suicide. When I could not oblige, the case was prevented from the Superior Court. A temporary situation waiting for the target to … go away.

Judge Page thought he had integrity, even after being warned that each judge had sacrificed their integrity to protect the integrity of the prior judges. Ironically, his was the fastest, most informed and most blatantly visible loss of integrity.

The integrity of the Superior Court was about to be served. Salvaging the integrity of the Superior Court, and the Supreme Court of PA which was next could only be accomplished in a Federal Court with jurisdiction, standing and a cause for relief etc… no divorces… Yes, we had a constitutional complaint as soon as we find the law that caused everything. Rule 1.6 was clearly responsible.

Rule 1.6 is NOT a good thing. Look what it does to good people. Judicial integrity, ethics, morals sacrificed to conceal the injustice cause by Rule 1.6. No redeeming qualities. Rule 1.6 could cause a holocaust and avoid exposure. Kids for Cash in Luzerne County comes immediately to mind.

The only way to bring mandatory lawful injustice to an end is to face it as a nation. The current Attorneys General have the opportunity to act lawfully to address the situation. IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULE 1.6, THEY TAKE NO ACTION WHICH REVEALS MISCONDUCT AND CORRUPTION.

The recent decision and order by Judge Thomas O’Neill demonstrates an understanding of the situation. Yes, I noticed. Well played, your Honor.

When issuing the order to extend the deadline for AG Kane to respond, and further extending the deadline for the remaining responses to 30 days after his decision on AG Kane’s motion, Judge O’Neill did not indicate a due date for AG Kane’s response. An indefinite hold? It would do no further harm.

That thought is sincerely appreciated and respected.

Todd Krautheim and Terance Healy filed the Challenge on behalf of the United States of America and served it to the Attorneys General of the United States. All 56, because this state law is a national issue. Our cases are special only in that we survive. There are alot of Americans suffering under the injustice of Rule 1.6.

In the name of Thomas Ball of New Hampshire, I pray the court acts with all due haste. The efforts of the Attorneys General should be on what will happen once Rule 1.6 is declared unconstitutional, not on delaying the now inevitable resurrection of justice.

The problem has been discovered and identified and lawfully presented. Ordering AG Kane to provide her response sometime last year would immediately eliminate the injustice caused by Rule 1.6, by default, quietly, and with prevention to address the court. Rule 1.6 style. And the deadline for an appeal has passed. Thank You.

Let’s fix this. Rule 1.6 does not affect every legal proceeding. Rule 1.6 should not affect ANY legal proceeding. Never again.