
Hey Princeton… send a comment. Identify yourself.

If you are who I think you are…

The answer is YES. THAT STORY IS GOING TO BE ONLINE… but it won’t be here.


2014-01-15 12.18.31

The view from the door of the Superior Court Of Pennsylvania.

There are just a few steps from where your rights and liberties were guaranteed to where they are denied, ignored and prevented.

The Judicial Branch of the American government has been overthrown by the American Bar Association. An act of sedition in every state. This is why justice is not available to the people.

The Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 seeks to restore the rights of the people and the integrity of the judiciary.

Just a few steps from where a revolution began.

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” – the Declaration of Independence



Americans have been misdirected and misinformed as they lost their civil rights and liberties.

The government made a huge mistake that they could not get themselves out of.

First, because they made it illegal for lawyers to fix it.

Second, because they are fearful of what the American public will do when they learn the truth.

They would rather ignore and continue the injustice than ever face the truth.

I am of the opinion that the US has been preparing for a huge failure – the stories are more frequent and more and more credible and clearly documented. The injustice in the USA has been growing and there has been no lawful and legal way to address it. The rights and liberties granted by the Constitution are being denied and ignored. Individuals, families and entire communities are affected.

The lawmakers are not lawfully permitted to act.
The lawyers are not lawfully permitted to act.
The judges are not lawfully permitted to act.
The government recognizes the failure across the nation and takes no action because it is unlawful to do so, AND ALSO they have not wanted the people to learn what happened.

The Govt never imagined two non-lawyer pro se litigants would find the cause of the injustice and be in a lawful and legal position with standing to address the constitutional crisis.

The Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 lawfully permits Constitutionally protected rights and liberties to be restored to all people. One law in every state prevented the fix. It is called CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION.

When the sedition in every state and the injustice deliberately caused by the American Bar Association, and the conspiracy which MANDATED the participation by all lawyers in the US is acknowledged, the people of the USA will have to demonstrate extreme restraint in controlling their response.

The federal government stood back and permitted the descent into incredible injustice to occur. The Govt succumbed to the belief that there was no lawful way to address the problem and it grew worse, Kids for Cash, Family Court, the Foreclosure Crisis nationwide.

The DOJ has begun restoring rights and liberties, they are paying attention… they are arresting judges in several states now AT THE STATE LEVEL. The Sheriffs are regaining their power and purpose.

Fear of the public’s retaliation for the last 30 years of deliberate corruption and injustice in the US has caused actions by the government which defy explanation and are ignored as conspiracy theories.

A lawful approach has been filed in Federal Court. August 8, 2013 #13-4614 United States District Court – Philadelphia. Currently in Third Circuit Court of Appeals.




Well somebody is likely not too happy that today’s posting was DIRECT. It is remarkable how the mighty with their unlimited resources and financing fear the small.

I was banned on Facebook.

I was posting to the groups to which I have belonged and participated for years:

The American Bar Association has caused the problem, deliberately, intentionally, unethically, immorally, and unconstitutionally. They then made it illegal for lawyers and judges to fix it.

Along comes 2 pro se defendants who can demonstrate the loss of constitutional rights and the law which caused it to happen and further caused it to be ignored by every level of law enforcement. Because it became unlawful to prosecute judicial corruption.

Simply put… That’s Unconstitutional.
JUSTICE IS COMING. https://www.facebook.com/groups/ChallengeRule1.6/

Perhaps a status update of the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 is in order…

It is my belief that the US Attorneys General support the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6. Their oath of office indicates their responsibility to the US Constitution, BUT their Rules of Professional Conduct which they must follow as lawyers nullifies the rights of the people and prevents them from lawfully taking action to address the unconstitutionality of the law.

Each Attorney General failed to respond to the federal summons issued and served in August 2013. The Attorneys General intended to default, and have actually defaulted. The Attorneys General failed to answer. They also failed to file any appearance of counsel even though pro hac vice requirements were waived by Judge O’Neill. The one document electronically filed on behalf of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane was untimely – and lacked any explanation or excuse.

The actions which have resulted in the case moving to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals are based on the actions of one lawyer, who neglected to present any valid argument for dismissal, and one judge who documented the failure of the laws and doctrines which substantiate dismissal BUT dismissed the case anyway.

We have discovered another active party in the courts actions. In the Eastern District Court, The Clerk of Courts has documented their failure to certify the matter and the failure to notify the US Attorney General for intervention. The clerk also documented their participation and deliberate actions to ‘sandbag’ the matter. This all appears on the docket.

The Clerk removed the Attorneys General from the matter though they must act in their official capacity. They were replaced by 56 people who were elected to serve as Attorneys General, appearing pro se, listed as unrepresented, with several being terminated from the case entirely. The clerk changed the case into personal civil litigation between two people and the Attorneys General in their unofficial capacity.

The matter is a constitutional challenge of a state law and as such according to Federal Law must be served upon the state Attorney General.

The docket also demonstrates when these actions occurred.

We have experienced the state courts games.

It was our anticipation that the manipulation of the matter would be less likely as the actions were filed with each state Attorney General, with copies to each state Governor, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the US Attorney General, the US Marshall Service. Posted to Facebook, and internet sites. Delivered to the news media organizations. Notices delivered to Bucks County Courthouse, Montgomery County Courthouse, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, and the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

The Third Circuit Court had started the appeal with the plaintiff having access to the Electronic Case Filing System. BUT, the notices have stopped without an order, a letter or an explanation.

The original request for electronic access was requested and filed with the District Court on September 6, 2013. The request was ignored.

The second request for electronic access was requested and filed with the District Court on October 18, 2013. The request was granted on October 23, 2013. The Court’s unsubstantiated and improper dismissal of the matter occurred on October 29, 2013.

The Appeal would occur sooner than expected, AND be required because of misinformation relating to an attempt to dismiss the claim. All on paper. Not one hearing. And without 55 of the state Attorneys General, the US Attorney General, and each state Supreme Court.

There’s the matter of the UNCONSTITUTIONALITY OF RULE 1.6 which is the subject of the Constitutional Challenge. I suppose we will get to the heart of the matter after the foolish games and manipulations have stopped. If the Attorneys General had taken a stand on the matter, the constitutionally protected rights of the people would be restored and protected. RULE 1.6 mandates the Attorneys General take no action to reveal the injustice caused by the judiciary when the law was enacted.

Judge O’Neill was on the bench when this unconstitutional injustice was enacted. Sadly, the judge has neglected the opportunity to correct a nationwide injustice which devastates and destroys people, isolating them and ignoring their civil rights and liberties.

Protecting the integrity of the judiciary requires judges to have integrity… not just a lawful (but unconstitutional) mandate to conceal corruption and injustice in the courts.



Well Done!

A movie that presents aspects of my annihilation by divorce has the potential of being ‘misery porn’ which was something I feared before going to this film.

I was concerned that my experiences which had been handled and those emotions filed away would be pulled out and thrown back into the air around me.

Since 2007, I had been in contact with many of the people in the movie… they hadn’t helped. Among them Gloria Allred who I thought came across well in the movie. We had exchanged emails years ago. Judge Lynn Toler who has not blocked me from communication on Facebook and must be aware of my terror. The private investigator who calls it as it is… Death is easier than Divorce. He presents the truly aggressive possibilities. I can assure you his raw and direct information is sugar coated when compared to reality.

I cried at a few parts. An emotional relapse. I had tried to prepare myself for it, Make myself laugh before going in. For the record, the movie IS NOT IN 3D.

I lived every aspect of the movie, and continue to do so, since 2007. They don’t even show the other abuses which occur. The false allegations don’t begin to demonstrate the destruction. The abuse of county resources, like the psych wards. The terror inflicted by an aggressive pursuit of ‘deadbeat dads’. Child Support IS a weapon, which can cause you to be jailed, arrested, attacked, prevented from employment, denied drivers license, and more.

While under the childs support system, the facts are summarily dismissed. The pre-Thanksgiving, pre-Christmas, and pre-Fathers Days roundups of ‘deadbeat dads which is televised in every corner of the country and treated as a national joke is truly an evil joke for the public which terrorizers the victims. The system loves to shit on an attacked dad… and no one listens.

The Appeal process in the movie doesn’t show that when the judge HAS COMMITTED a deliberate error in their orders, they obstruct the appeal process. There are 2 orders which are more powerful than the US Constitution. The secret order issued behind your back which makes you seem paranoid and will crush you when you find it. And the deliberately defective and void order which lacks jurisdiction and any authority. The deliberately void order is followed by everyone even when they know it is invalid… because the judges won’t expose the crimes of the judge who issued the order. They just pretend that the order is valid… even when you present the defect over 80 times. ANYONE may attack anything about you and wave that order to get away with their crimes.

It became necessary to find out why everyone thought their actions were lawful. Why is became ‘lawful’ to ignore the law and my rights. The result of that investigation was the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 filed on August 8, 2013 in US Federal Court. The movie supports the information which lead to the challenge. Things started in the late 80’s as Rule 1.6 was enacted in EVERY US State. Injustice became ‘lawful’. Ignoring judicial crimes became ‘lawful’. Though still VERY unconstitutional, law enforcement was not lawfully permitted to address judicial corruption. The reforms suggested in the documentary will not work until peoples rights are no longer ignored. That will occur when Rule 1.6 is declared unconstitutional in every state.

Rule 1.6 is Confidentiality of Information. Same number, same name in every state. It’s is a law which lawyers must follow. When they do it requires them to ignore people’s rights, mandates injustice continue, and prevents and obstructs any law enforcement person from acting on your behalf and prosecuting the crimes and abuses. Enforcement of Rule 1.6 is strongly enforced with a heavy hand. It’s the first rule of “Fight Club”. It is also the second rule.

I exited the movie hopeful. The movie ends somewhat abruptly. I witnessed the ending twice as we had gotten to the theater early and caught the end of the previous showing. Both were the same. People sitting in silence… attempting to pull themselves back together before heading back out into the world that ignores them.

I could’t keep myself from asking through that silence. “So, we have all survived this?” While my thoughts were on those who had not survived. A theater full of people who understood isolation and had shared 90+ minutes isolated together went back out into their nightmare.

2014-01-10 15.36.04The movie may not have been in 3d, but the experience shared was more realistic than if it had been. The 3D glasses helped hide the hollow feeling while I put everything back into its emotional compartment.

Divorce Corp.: Documentary Paints Horrific Picture of Intimidation, Collusion, and Excessive Billing in Family Courts

THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER: This cautionary doc could well scare off prospective brides and grooms.

Divorce Corp. Powerful Indictment of Corrupt System


To all of the government officials who stick their heads in the sand, we present the Cathy Frye evasion. When asked for a meeting to discuss Rule 1.6… she replies that she doesn’t understand it so there is no need to discuss it.

Letter from Cathy Frye

When they realize that the court is going to declare Rule 1.6 UNCONSTITUTIONAL and they have made no preparations for the change in justice and the judiciary and the impact on the courts. Someone wave her letter in her face.

“There is a principle which is a bar against all information,
which is proof against all arguments,
and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance
that principle is
contempt prior to investigation.” – William Paley (1794)



More money flows through the family courts, and into the hands of courthouse insiders, than in all other court systems in America combined – over $50 billion a year and growing. Through extensive research and interviews with the nation’s top divorce lawyers, mediators, judges, politicians, litigants and journalists, DIVORCE CORP. uncovers how children are torn from their homes, unlicensed custody evaluators extort money, and abusive judges play god with people’s lives while enriching their friends. This explosive documentary reveals the family courts as unregulated, extra-constitutional fiefdoms. Rather than assist victims of domestic crimes, these courts often precipitate them. And rather than help parents and children move on, as they are mandated to do, these courts – and their associates – drag out cases for years, sometimes decades, ultimately resulting in a rash of social ills, including home foreclosure, bankruptcy, suicide and violence.

Divorce Corp Film Trailer (Documentary)

Premiering January 10, 2014, Divorce Corp is an explosive new documentary that exposes the appalling waste, and shameless collusive practices within the U.S. family law industry. More money and more people flow through the family courts than any other court system in America combined – now grossing over $50 billion a year.

Divorce Corp

Directed by: Joe Sorge

Producers: Philip Sternberg, James Scurlock

Production Company: Candor Entertainment

It would seem that everything I experienced with my Divorce is part of the documentary.

Once the injustice starts though… there is no escape.

In order to survive the continuing terror of my divorce I had to find out why everyone thought it was OK to destroy every aspect of my life, my family, my career, my existence.

Rule 1.6 of the Rules of Professional Conduct made it ‘unlawful’ to prosecute the injustice.

With all of the media surrounding the injustices in the US Courts and the inability to lawfully address the crime and corruption occuring every day in courts nationwide, The Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 become more and more clearly a necessity.

The time has come to stop pointing at the problems and recognize the root cause.




DIY Divorce (Do It Yourself)








“Together we can find a better balance, end mass surveillance and remind the government that if it really wants to know how we feel asking is always cheaper than spying.” – Edward Snowden


The missing part of the Edward Snowden story is WHY? Perhaps the necessity of preventing the American public from being informed of the problem with it’s judicial branch necessitated the surveillance. It just went out of control because no one could be told the true purpose.

Each state judiciary, under their lawful authority to self-regulate, rendered themselves a nullity. The Rules of Professional Conduct once enacted into LAW rendered the state courts unconstitutional because they denied the people of their rights protected by the US Constitution. The state courts were void… a nullity…

The state courts did not have the authority and necessary jurisdiction YET terrorized honest law abiding people into poverty, homelessness and suicide. Nowhere is this more evident than the family courts… where the twisted mental perversions and hatred of judges like Rhonda Lee Daniele, Thomas DelRicci, Garrett Page and Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio attacked every effort of their victims to persevere and survive. In my case, because of my ability to persevere and my incapacity for suicide, eighteen judicial terrorists attacked and annihilated every aspect of my life and existence. NOT ANY ONE OF THEM DID ANYTHING TO ADDRESS OR RESTORE MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.


Rule 3.10 is similar to Model Rule 3.8(0, but its operative language is broken into two parts – the text of the rule itself, which contains the simple injunction that a prosecutor shall not subpoena an attorney to provide evidence about a current or former client without “prior judicial approval,”
– followed by a “Comment.”

The unique feature of Rule 3.10 appears in the comment, which begins as follows:
It is intended that the required “prior judicial approval” will normally be withheld unless.., the court finds
(1) the information sought is not protected from disclosure by Rule 1.6, the attorney-client privilege or the work product doctrine …. (Emphasis added.)


What makes this provision striking is the fact that Rule 1.6 defines an attorney’s ethical obligation of non-disclosure of client information.

In short, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court explicitly and unambiguously set out to convert an attorney’s personal ethical obligation of non-disclosure into an evidentiary rule equal in stature to the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine
and enforceable against the government in the person of the prosecutor.

They deliberately made it illegal to prosecute crimes… or to address the failure of the system.

When the judiciary and the entire legal profession dismissed the basic rights of the people, they created a void, an imbalance, an irreparable violation of the public trust. You can’t fix it when you have destroyed and killed so many people deliberately to conceal the sedition and treason.

America was so pre-occupied blaming everyone else for the failure, so preoccupied with protecting freedom by denying freedom… America never noticed the judiciary initiated an anarchy that has torn so many people’s lives apart.

The Judiciary broke the Constitution.
The Legislative watched.
The Executive Branch prepares for martial law, because it’s a likely outcome once the anarchy crosses a threshold.


Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information is a deliberate, intentional and pivotal part of the Rules of Professional Conduct. It is also a completely unnecessary element of any forum which sincerely seeks the truth.

Each entry in the Rules of Professional Conduct has a contrary nullifying entry. Rule 1.6, 3.3, 3.8, 4.2 are frequently cross-referenced and manipulated to propose a decision in any direction.

They are impediments, both in law or practice, that jeopardise the administration of justice and the rape every rule of law and human rights standard.


The rules discussed above are contrary to existing federal law, the principal concern is not with whether the rules would be sensible in a legal system. It is necessary to question whether they are appropriate as ethical standards. You may remember that the Rules of Professional Conduct are a minimum ethical standard. The most Minimum ethics would be none. They hit their mark. They were going for none.

[Could this be why the legal profession is so caught up with conferring honorable titles upon each other.]

The three rules represent a new, troubling and ultimately illegitimate use of the process of professional self-regulation for lawyers. These rules are an abuse of the ethics regulation process, even if viewed only from within the confines of the bar.

An even more profound difficulty with these rules flows from the fact that their enforcement would markedly change the parameters of basic constitutional rights, principally the right to counsel, and would alter the character of a fundamental institution of the criminal justice system, the grand jury.

When combined with Rule 1.6 the confidentiality results in the complete denial of rights AND a litigant is left with no possible way to address it.

By design and intent the Rules of Professional Conduct – the LAW enacted by the Judiciary – has clear designs to ignore constitutionally protected rights and leave you without any recourse.

The denial of your constitutionally protected rights has been legalized.

While remaining unconstitutional, you are abandoned unrepresented to be further victimized by injustice with no possible escape because IT IS THE LAW.


Todd Krautheim and Terance Healy found it… in civil, criminal and family courts… in every state… undermining the judiciary… and mandating injustice… filed the CONSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGE of RULE 1.6 on August 8, 2013 in the US Federal District Court in Philadelphia.

Every lawyer, every prosecutor, every District Attorney, every Attorney General, every Judge knew of the ethical and moral black hole in the judicial system. BUT, when implemented the same combination of LAWS made it illegal and unlawful to do anything to correct the sin of the judicial branch of government.

Todd & Terance are not lawyers. They found it. LAWFULLY. They lawfully petitioned the federal courts to declare the the deliberately unethical and immoral Rules of Professional Conduct UNCONSTITUTIONAL. LAWFULLY.

At that point, the Constitution will be resurrected. Justice will be restored. And the injustice caused by the unconstitutional law can be addressed with those responsible.

The EVIL realization is that you can search on any internet search engine for Rule 1.6 in combination with any word describing ethics and morale and propriety… and you will find published law review documents and student writings and professional documentation which proves the entire legal profession was aware. Very aware. THEY FUCKING KNEW. THEY ALL FUCKING KNEW.

The judicial branch of the government let their system terrorize people to poverty, homelessness and suicide.

The entire judicial branch made themselves unconstitutional. A nullity. Which does not exist; that which is not properly in the nature of things. In a figurative sense, and in law, having no more effect than if it did not exist, and also the defect which prevents it from having such effect. That which is absolutely void. By design, and in accordance with the US Constitution they are void.

The judicial branch and everyone working within had no professional or personal sense of self-respect or morality or humanity to resolve the systemic crisis. For that violation of the public trust, the punishment should most definitely fit the crime.

The judicial branch can no longer be self-r trusted to be self regulating. They blew it.