
The Preamble to the US Constitution clearly indicates the intent and scope of the document.

The first action item on the list – ESTABLISH JUSTICE – is a necessity for the remaining actions. Without JUSTICE a government cannot insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

The U.S. Constitution is not Dead, Dead, Dead.

JUSTICE was entrusted to the Judicial Branch which has failed to acknowledge and accept that the judiciary has been undermined by state supreme court actions which has affected every court in the country and caused the current Constitutional Crisis.

The American Bar Association presented their MODEL RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT to each state supreme court to enact into law.


After 200 years, WHY was it necessary to enact the Model Rules into law?

Why do it quietly over 25 years? (1984 New Jersey to 2009 Maine)

The Model Rules of Professional Conduct include Rule 1.6 “Confidentiality of Information”.


When judicial misconduct or injustice occurs, Rule 1.6 Confidentiality triggers a denial of constitutionally protected rights to litigants without any recourse within the state, without equal or ANY protection of the law.

Attorneys General, District Attorneys, Prosecutors – Every level of law enforcement and the judiciary within the state are prohibited from action to address the corruption of the judiciary. The only exception, the Sheriffs, have been incorrectly convinced of their diminished responsibilities … by lawyers, the Attorneys General and the courts.


When a litigant turns to the Federal Government for help, they are ignored.

By 1998 after 90% of the states had enacted the Model Rules into LAW, the McDade-Murtha Amendment (28 U.S.C. 530B) required Department of Justice staff and US Attorneys to follow the Model Rules of Professional Conduct enacted in the respective state.


The Federal District Courts across the country have enacted “LOCAL RULES” which require attorneys to follow the Model Rules of Professional Conduct enacted in the respective state. The Confidentiality causes a further denial of due process. Cases are summarily dismissed under improper doctrine or fictional inferences- while the court deliberately neglects to acknowledge the facts OR the denial of constitutional rights.

The Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 was filed to address SPECIFICALLY AND ONLY the constitutional issue. A pre-emptive constitutional challenge of a state law which collaterally results in the loss of rights and liberties. The state courts dockets, records and actions would demonstrate the unconstitutional issue. After, the litigants could return to the state court with their previously ignored rights available to them.

The Federal District Court improperly dismissed the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 which had been filed and served on 56 United States Attorneys General.

The Federal District Court failed to certify the law being challenged with each state. Certification is a process where the federal courts request that the state supreme courts indicate if the challenged law is constitutional.

The Federal District Court Clerk neglected to certify the matter with any state. The failure to follow the federal law was ignored. The District Court Clerk is a lawyer MANDATED to Confidentiality by Rule 1.6.


EVERY ONE of the 56 United States Attorneys General failed to answer the challenge and DEFAULTED (as was appropriate and expected). Yet, the challenge was dismissed by the District Court.

The 56 state attorneys general, parties and witnesses to this injustice, did nothing. They are lawyers mandated to remain silent pursuant to Rule 1.6 Confidentiality.

No lawyer may expose the unconstitutional affect of Rule 1.6 without violating it and facing disciplinary action.

Those disciplinary actions are also kept confidential under Rule 1.6.


The Federal Circuit Courts across the country have enacted “LOCAL RULES” which require attorneys to follow the Model Rules of Professional Conduct enacted in the respective state. The Confidentiality causes a further denial of due process constitutional rights when appeals are not handled according to the applicable law. Facts are ignored. The litigant is further denied justice without explanation which erodes justice and destroys the integrity of the judiciary.

The Federal Circuit Court affirmed the district court dismissal of the Constitutional Challenge and refused reconsideration en banc to address an issue of national importance. The careless paperwork indicated their deliberate and ADMITTED failure to address the issues raised on appeal.


The Constitutional Challenge litigants who had been denied “access to the court for redress of grievances” were never permitted the opportunity to address the federal district court or the circuit court in person.





All of which could well have been written and executed by the lawyers in the court offices AND left unexplained and ignored by Rule 1.6 Confidentiality.

The actions of the judicial branch to conceal that
– their judicial independence had been compromised
– their jurisdiction was invalid and
– their integrity undermined
by a ‘law’ improperly and unconstitutionally enacted by each state supreme court without proper construction by any state legislature and without the signature of any Governor.

Misinformed by lawyers mandated to CONFIDENTIALITY,
– Non-Lawyer state representatives fail to act.
– Non-Lawyer state senators fail to act.
– Non-Lawyer governors fail to act.

The MANDATE of CONFIDENTIALITY prevents the state supreme courts from any corrective action.


Provided by the American Bar Association and enacted by each state supreme court from 1984 (New Jersey) to 2009 (Maine), this ‘law’ which usurped the authority and independence of the court; caused a lack of jurisdiction; undermined the integrity of the judiciary; and had nullified the U.S. Constitution.

The American Bar Association which has affiliated organizations which exist within every level of state and federal courts AND every level of state and federal law enforcement.

American Bar Association membership includes lawyers, judges and court personnel, senators and representatives, governors and attorneys general.


The CONFIDENTIALITY by the ABA membership has caused the Constitutional Crisis which the United States is experiencing. That CONFIDENTIALITY prevents them from actions which expose the unconstitutional law. That CONFIDENTIALITY prevents them from taking any corrective action.


The American People have noticed the government’s disregard for the US Constitution.
The American People have recognized the overwhelming disinformation in the news media.
The American People have been terrorized by corruption ignored by lawyers and judges.
The American People are denied justice when lawyers are MANDATED to conceal the corruption and injustice of unconstitutional laws.

The Judicial Branch who was uniquely entrusted with JUSTICE find themselves incapable of acknowledging that they have been undermined. Rule 1.6 MANDATES that they keep their downfall CONFIDENTIAL. The MANDATE OF CONFIDENTIALITY prevents corrective action by persons mandated to follow the RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT.

The American Bar Association presented their MODEL RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT to each state supreme court to enact into law.


After 200 years, WHY was it necessary to enact the Model Rules into law?

Why do it quietly over 25 years? (1984 New Jersey to 2009 Maine)


– The Foreclosure Crisis brought about using fraudulent and robo-signed documents affected over 40 Million people without mercy.
– Kids For Cash continued for years affecting 4000 families. There was no intervention until Judge Ann Lokuta called the FBI. FBI investigated and prosecuted. Ann Lokuta was disciplined and removed from the bench (Rule 1.6 violation).
– The destructive injustice of Family Court judges nationwide annihilates families and leads too many people to suicide.

The FBI’s Operation Greylord decimated the Cook County Courthouse in Chicago. In the end—through undercover operations that used honest and very courageous judges and lawyers posing as crooked ones… and with the strong assistance of the Cook County court and local police — 92 officials had been indicted, including 17 judges, 48 lawyers, eight policemen, 10 deputy sheriffs, eight court officials, and one state legislator. Nearly all were convicted, most of them pleading guilty.

The ABA acted to make sure corruption like that was never exposed again… by making it illegal to prosecute judicial corruption and injustice… by mandating CONFIDENTIALITY.

Feeble denials that Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information does not directly indicate any MANDATE demonstrate the duplicity of the ABA actions – Each Rule includes Comments which explain the application of the rule. If you want to do something evil, do it inside something boring…. or unnecessary.

Duplicity is further exposed when people misrepresent that the state constitution ALLOWS the courts to enact the laws. THEY ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS paraphrase and fail to include the condition that the laws enacted by the courts cannot abridge the substantive rights protected by the state constitutions and the US Constitution.


The refusal to acknowledge the incomprehensible amount of irreparable damage done to tens of millions of Americans is not an acceptable reason for perpetuating the injustice to Americans. A treasonous organization has deliberately and intentionally committed sedition to undermine the government of the United States. They have conspired and acted to conceal their actions by manipulating the law. They have coordinated their efforts and infiltrating every level of law enforcement. They have organized and trained their membership to continue their actions without mercy denying human rights, civil rights, constitutional rights. The same tactics which were used in Germany and lead to a Holocaust.

A CEASE AND DESIST letter was sent to the American Bar Association and every affiliated organization on August 29, 2014 with instructions to stop all operations and activities. The ABA has defiantly failed to reply or heed the letter.


The Judiciary and Government must face responsibility for the corruption and injustice. Prosecute the corrupt and unjust.

Those who took an oath to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States are now presented with the opportunity to act in accordance with their oath.

The US Constitution REQUIRES some preserving, protecting and defending.

An unconstitutional state law has undermined the judicial branch of state and federal government. The repugnant law threatens and affects domestic tranquility, the common defense, the general welfare and the blessings of LIBERTY.

We the People of the United States, DEMAND THAT THE GOVERNMENT
2. insure domestic Tranquility,
3. provide for the common defense,
4. promote the general Welfare, and
5. secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
returning to the principles established in the Constitution for the United States of America.


Constitution Day Celebration
September 17, 2014
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


We believe in “The Oath of Allegiance to America”
We believe in “One nation under God with liberty and justice for all”
We believe that “In God we trust”
We believe in “The Declaration of Independence”
We believe in “The Constitution of the United States of America”

The Preamble to the US Constitution clearly indicates the intent and scope of the document.

The first action item on the list – ESTABLISH JUSTICE – is a necessity for the remaining actions. Without JUSTICE a government cannot insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

The U.S. Constitution is not Dead, Dead, Dead.

JUSTICE was entrusted to the Judicial Branch which has failed to acknowledge and accept that the judiciary has been undermined by state supreme court actions which has affected every court in the country and caused the current Constitutional Crisis.

The American Bar Association presented their MODEL RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT to each state supreme court to enact into law.


After 200 years, WHY was it necessary to enact the Model Rules into law?

Why do it quietly over 25 years? (1984 New Jersey to 2009 Maine)

The Model Rules of Professional Conduct include Rule 1.6 “Confidentiality of Information”.


When judicial misconduct or injustice occurs, Rule 1.6 Confidentiality triggers a denial of constitutionally protected rights to litigants without any recourse within the state, without equal or ANY protection of the law.

Attorneys General, District Attorneys, Prosecutors – Every level of law enforcement and the judiciary within the state are prohibited from action to address the corruption of the judiciary. The only exception, the Sheriffs, have been incorrectly convinced of their diminished responsibilities … by lawyers, the Attorneys General and the courts.


When a litigant turns to the Federal Government for help, they are ignored.

By 1998 after 90% of the states had enacted the Model Rules into LAW, the McDade-Murtha Amendment (28 U.S.C. 530B) required Department of Justice staff and US Attorneys to follow the Model Rules of Professional Conduct enacted in the respective state.


The Federal District Courts across the country have enacted “LOCAL RULES” which require attorneys to follow the Model Rules of Professional Conduct enacted in the respective state. The Confidentiality causes a further denial of due process. Cases are summarily dismissed under improper doctrine or fictional inferences- while the court deliberately neglects to acknowledge the facts OR the denial of constitutional rights.

The Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 was filed to address SPECIFICALLY AND ONLY the constitutional issue. A pre-emptive constitutional challenge of a state law which collaterally results in the loss of rights and liberties. The state courts dockets, records and actions would demonstrate the unconstitutional issue. After, the litigants could return to the state court with their previously ignored rights available to them.

The Federal District Court improperly dismissed the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 which had been filed and served on 56 United States Attorneys General.

The Federal District Court failed to certify the law being challenged with each state. Certification is a process where the federal courts request that the state supreme courts indicate if the challenged law is constitutional.

The Federal District Court Clerk neglected to certify the matter with any state. The failure to follow the federal law was ignored. The District Court Clerk is a lawyer MANDATED to Confidentiality by Rule 1.6.


EVERY ONE of the 56 United States Attorneys General failed to answer the challenge and DEFAULTED (as was appropriate and expected). Yet, the challenge was dismissed by the District Court.

The 56 state attorneys general, parties and witnesses to this injustice, did nothing. They are lawyers mandated to remain silent pursuant to Rule 1.6 Confidentiality.

No lawyer may expose the unconstitutional affect of Rule 1.6 without violating it and facing disciplinary action.

Those disciplinary actions are also kept confidential under Rule 1.6.


The Federal Circuit Courts across the country have enacted “LOCAL RULES” which require attorneys to follow the Model Rules of Professional Conduct enacted in the respective state. The Confidentiality causes a further denial of due process constitutional rights when appeals are not handled according to the applicable law. Facts are ignored. The litigant is further denied justice without explanation which erodes justice and destroys the integrity of the judiciary.

The Federal Circuit Court affirmed the district court dismissal of the Constitutional Challenge and refused reconsideration en banc to address an issue of national importance. The careless paperwork indicated their deliberate and ADMITTED failure to address the issues raised on appeal.


The Constitutional Challenge litigants who had been denied “access to the court for redress of grievances” were never permitted the opportunity to address the federal district court or the circuit court in person.





All of which could well have been written and executed by the lawyers in the court offices AND left unexplained and ignored by Rule 1.6 Confidentiality.

The actions of the judicial branch to conceal that
– their judicial independence had been compromised
– their jurisdiction was invalid and
– their integrity undermined
by a ‘law’ improperly and unconstitutionally enacted by each state supreme court without proper construction by any state legislature and without the signature of any Governor.

Misinformed by lawyers mandated to CONFIDENTIALITY,
– Non-Lawyer state representatives fail to act.
– Non-Lawyer state senators fail to act.
– Non-Lawyer governors fail to act.

The MANDATE of CONFIDENTIALITY prevents the state supreme courts from any corrective action.


Provided by the American Bar Association and enacted by each state supreme court from 1984 (New Jersey) to 2009 (Maine), this ‘law’ which usurped the authority and independence of the court; caused a lack of jurisdiction; undermined the integrity of the judiciary; and had nullified the U.S. Constitution.

The American Bar Association which has affiliated organizations which exist within every level of state and federal courts AND every level of state and federal law enforcement.

American Bar Association membership includes lawyers, judges and court personnel, senators and representatives, governors and attorneys general.


The CONFIDENTIALITY by the ABA membership has caused the Constitutional Crisis which the United States is experiencing. That CONFIDENTIALITY prevents them from actions which expose the unconstitutional law. That CONFIDENTIALITY prevents them from taking any corrective action.


The American People have noticed the government’s disregard for the US Constitution.
The American People have recognized the overwhelming disinformation in the news media.
The American People have been terrorized by corruption ignored by lawyers and judges.
The American People are denied justice when lawyers are MANDATED to conceal the corruption and injustice of unconstitutional laws.

The Judicial Branch who was uniquely entrusted with JUSTICE find themselves incapable of acknowledging that they have been undermined. Rule 1.6 MANDATES that they keep their downfall CONFIDENTIAL. The MANDATE OF CONFIDENTIALITY prevents corrective action by persons mandated to follow the RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT.

The American Bar Association presented their MODEL RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT to each state supreme court to enact into law.


After 200 years, WHY was it necessary to enact the Model Rules into law?

Why do it quietly over 25 years? (1984 New Jersey to 2009 Maine)


– The Foreclosure Crisis brought about using fraudulent and robo-signed documents affected over 40 Million people without mercy.
– Kids For Cash continued for years affecting 4000 families. There was no intervention until Judge Ann Lokuta called the FBI. FBI investigated and prosecuted. Ann Lokuta was disciplined and removed from the bench (Rule 1.6 violation).
– The destructive injustice of Family Court judges nationwide annihilates families and leads too many people to suicide.

The FBI’s Operation Greylord decimated the Cook County Courthouse in Chicago. In the end—through undercover operations that used honest and very courageous judges and lawyers posing as crooked ones… and with the strong assistance of the Cook County court and local police — 92 officials had been indicted, including 17 judges, 48 lawyers, eight policemen, 10 deputy sheriffs, eight court officials, and one state legislator. Nearly all were convicted, most of them pleading guilty.

The ABA acted to make sure corruption like that was never exposed again… by making it illegal to prosecute judicial corruption and injustice… by mandating CONFIDENTIALITY.

Feeble denials that Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information does not directly indicate any MANDATE demonstrate the duplicity of the ABA actions – Each Rule includes Comments which explain the application of the rule. If you want to do something evil, do it inside something boring…. or unnecessary.

Duplicity is further exposed when people misrepresent that the state constitution ALLOWS the courts to enact the laws. THEY ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS paraphrase and fail to include the condition that the laws enacted by the courts cannot abridge the substantive rights protected by the state constitutions and the US Constitution.


The refusal to acknowledge the incomprehensible amount of irreparable damage done to tens of millions of Americans is not an acceptable reason for perpetuating the injustice to Americans. A treasonous organization has deliberately and intentionally committed sedition to undermine the government of the United States. They have conspired and acted to conceal their actions by manipulating the law. They have coordinated their efforts and infiltrating every level of law enforcement. They have organized and trained their membership to continue their actions without mercy denying human rights, civil rights, constitutional rights. The same tactics which were used in Germany and lead to a Holocaust.

A CEASE AND DESIST letter was sent to the American Bar Association and every affiliated organization on August 29, 2014 with instructions to stop all operations and activities. The ABA has defiantly failed to reply or heed the letter.


The Judiciary and Government must face responsibility for the corruption and injustice. Prosecute the corrupt and unjust.

Those who took an oath to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States are now presented with the opportunity to act in accordance with their oath.

The US Constitution REQUIRES some preserving, protecting and defending.

An unconstitutional state law has undermined the judicial branch of state and federal government. The repugnant law threatens and affects domestic tranquility, the common defense, the general welfare and the blessings of LIBERTY.

We the People of the United States, DEMAND THAT THE GOVERNMENT
2. insure domestic Tranquility,
3. provide for the common defense,
4. promote the general Welfare, and
5. secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
returning to the principles established in the Constitution for the United States of America.


Over 20 judges.

Over 400 petitions.

A manifest disregard for the law, civil rights, human rights, ethics, and morals.

Using every county resource available to harass… to attack… to prevent any quality of life.

Using every federal resource available to terrorize… to ignore… to isolate.. to abandon.

Every level of state and federal judiciary shown to be undermined and corrupt and acting without jurisdiction.
All to terrorize ONE MAN who just refused to commit suicide even when facing the monster, Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio, president of the Montgomery Bar Association, who had accrued immunity from investigation because of her resume with the US Attorneys office, political dalliances, etc.

Judge Carluccio demonstrated her lack of ethics in her business dealings with the county.
Judge Carluccio demonstrated her disregard for families in her courtroom.
Judge Carluccio demonstrated she was a complete moron… just making ridiculous stuff up and acting ‘like’ it was law.

All done to conceal the malevolence of Rhonda Lee Daniele’s secret court order which undermined an entire bench, undermined justice, undermined the law, undermined society and attempted to destroy one man. There were so many others whose suicides she had secured.

Healy v Montgomery County, et al is coming. BILLIONS.


HireLyrics Administrative Services Case Study Referral Event.


Constitution Day Celebration
September 17, 2014
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



With 90% of the state supreme courts having inexplicably enacted the Model Rules of Professional Conduct into law, in 1998, using the distraction of ‘No Contact’ situations, McDade-Murtha appears to be a critical point in the effort to make certain that federal authorities could not prosecute / investigate / expose judicial crimes within any state.

The Model Rules – and specifically the much-referenced Rule 1.6 Confidentiality – were applicable to all lawyers within the state, and all federal lawyers working in the state. The conspiracy of silence was secured by an unconstitutional state law, a memo from US Attorney General Dick Thornburgh, and a federal law requiring the US Attorney to be complicit and silent. Clearly, a great deal of effort went into every action which would prevent recognition and revelation that the Judicial branch at the state AND federal levels had been compromised, judicial independence undermined, and lack of jurisdiction for the court to act was being ignored – by lawlessness which persisted through state law, federal law and the US Constitution.

CK-Tyranny-Hands-Tied-with-FlagAfter McDade-Murtha, there could be no federal intervention when a state judge violated your constitutional rights. The 1983 abuse of power claims already had their prepared scripts which enabled dismissal when filed against judges. There is no indication that the complete lack of any constitutional review of the law by the states before enacting the Model Rules was ever mentioned.

McDade-Murtha ‘doubled-down’ using a federal law which obligated federal authorities to follow a state law which had had no constitutional review, no proper construction by the legislature, no signature of a governor, and had collateral effect of denying, obstructing and preventing constitutional rights. The unavailability of constitutional protections overwhelms every aspect of the target’s life.

Responding to the corruption which decimated Cook County Courthouse (Operation Greylord), judges had secured a lawful ability to commit judicial corruption, injustice, denial of constitutional rights, and ignore the law within their courtrooms without ANY accountability. Judicial immunity covered decisions and was necessitated by judicial independence. BUT, this absolute above-the-law and unaccountable to any law, conduct board or authority, demonstrated a loss of judicial independence which undermined jurisdiction and nullified judicial immunity.

The reasoning for judicial immunity, or absolute immunity, was no longer applicable when the court’s actions to ignore the constitutional rights of litigants deliberately lacked lawful authority and violated the US Constitution – the supreme law of the land. As the state judiciary had undermined their own authority, immunity should NOT be applicable for their deliberate corrupt actions.

The Federal law was referred to as the CITIZENS PROTECTION ACT and HOFFA’s REVENGE. Many scoffed at the contradiction of referring to the law as the Citizen’s Protection Act – it was designed to hinder, prevent or undermine any federal prosecution effort. The Model Rules enacted into state law prevented prosecution of judges within the state by prohibiting attorneys, district attorneys and attorneys general from action which would adversely affect the integrity of the courts.

While protecting the integrity of the courts is essential, the convoluted and twisted logic of protecting integrity by sacrificing the integrity of the entire judiciary and the entire legal profession to conceal massive crimes of the corrupt is more than simply wrong. It is evil – a crime against humanity.

This has been demonstrated by Kids for Cash affecting thousands of children and families. This has been demonstrated by the MILLIONS of families affected by fraudulent foreclosures nationwide. This has been demonstrated by the destructive actions of ‘family court’ judges. The Kids for Cash judges went to jail for tax evasion, NOT their obvious offense. These three types of corruption CONTINUE to occur daily in the American courts. There is no law in America to stop or prevent judicial corruption and denial of basic constitutional and human rights. THIS IS EVIL, PROTECTED BY LAW.

McDade was successful in his efforts to ensure DOJ attorneys adhere to state bar ethics standards. The text of the statutory change he authored, commonly referred to as the “McDade Amendment,” is as follows:

(a) An attorney for the Government shall be subject to State laws and rules, and local Federal court rules, governing attorneys in each State where such attorney engages in that attorney’s duties, to the same extent and in the same manner as other attorneys in that State.
(b) The Attorney General shall make and amend rules of the Department of Justice to assure compliance with this section.
(c) As used in this section, the term “attorney for the Government” includes any attorney described in section 77.2(a) of part 77 of title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations and also includes any independent counsel, or employee of such a counsel, appointed under chapter 40.

The McDade Amendment principally applies to DOJ lawyers but is also applicable to attorneys from other federal government departments and agencies working with the DOJ.

The McDade-Murtha Amendment, 28 U.S.C. 530B, requires federal prosecutors to follow state and federal rules of professional responsibility in effect in the states where they conduct their activities.

It also continues in place the sixty year old directive that federal prosecutors follow the ethics rules promulgated by the states in which they are licensed to practice.

Proponents claim the change will confirm that federal prosecutors must follow the same ethical rules as other lawyers and will enhance the prospect of some protection against wayward federal prosecutors.

Opponents charge that it will implicitly undermine the Attorney General’s authority to preempt state laws that conflict with federal law enforcement interests
that in doing so it will jeopardize the use of undercover techniques against terrorists, drug kingpins and child predators because of possible interpretations of the so-called no contact rule.

The Pennsylvania connection is evident in EVERY effort relating to undermining the state and federal judiciary AND the impossibility of the victim surviving the overwhelming effect.

Dick Thornburgh, Joseph McDade, and John Murtha were all from Pennsylvania.

I assure you, EVERY US Attorney was contacted.

Jimmy Hoffas Revenge- White-Collar Rights Under the McDade Amendment

The Effect of State Ethics Rules on Federal Law Enforcement
The McDade Amendment principally applies to DOJ lawyers but is also applicable to attorneys from other federal government departments and agencies working with the DOJ. See Memorandum for Command Counsels, Office of Command Counsel Newsletter (U.S. Army Material Command, Office of the Command Counsel, Ft. Belvoir, Va.), Dec. 1999, at 52–53.


The pile of litigation to start September.

Destitute, Homeless, yet required to file multiple bound copies of previous litigation.

The Appeal consisted of 3 sentences.

The Appeal in Healy v Miller.

2014-09-04 11.40.47


Local Politicians have not yet responded to our invitation to meet. Silent Complicity.

Today we extended the invitation to the ENTIRE Pennsylvania Legislature – Senators and Representatives.

September 3, 2014


Rep. Katherine M. Watson
Rep. Marguerite Quinn
Rep. Todd Stephens
Rep. Tina Davis
Rep. Scott Petri
Rep. John T. Galloway
Rep. Thomas Murt
Rep. Steven J. Santarsiero
Rep. Frank Farry
Rep. Paul Clymer
Rep. Gene DiGirolamo
Rep. Bernie O’Neill
Rep. Kate Harper
Sen. Bob Mensch
Sen. Robert Tomlinson
Sen. Charles McIlhinney
Sen. Stewart Greenleaf
Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick
Senator Bob Casey
Senator Pat Toomey

A package of information regarding the loss of constitutional rights and liberties caused by Rule 1.6 of the Rules of Professional Conduct has been delivered to your office, by hand, and by fax, with a request to meet to discuss the issue, and ways to address it.

We have been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet with members of your staff, or directly when your schedule has permitted. Those meetings have proven to be productive and informative.

As we are all located nearby to each other, we are proposing a meeting with everyone who is available. Please contact our office with 3 possible dates/times when you are available in the coming weeks and if you are interested in hosting the meeting at your office, another location, or our location in Doylestown.

Thank You for your attention to this very important issue.

Terance Healy
Todd Krautheim


A law enacted by the state supreme court in every state without proper construction, without constitutional review, without involvement of any state legislature and without the signature of any governor designed to ignore judicial corruption and injustice which includes an aggressively enforced MANDATE of silence for all lawyers while ignoring, denying and preventing the constitutional rights of litigants.


Rule 1.6 affects civil, criminal, family, federal district and federal appeals courts making it impossible to address the loss of constitutional rights when committed by a judge.

The Rules of Professional Conduct – Rule 1.6 CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION mandates confidentiality of client information where the information
– would affect the integrity of the judiciary,
– would reveal the misconduct of their own office,
– would expose individual liability,
– would adversely affect their client.

The Attorney General of Pennsylvania represents the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Governor, the Attorney General’s office, various branches of the government, their agencies and their officers and the public. All Clients.

This is why Kids for Cash was ignored by the Attorney General, the Luzerne County District Attorney, every lawyer in Luzerne county, the PA Supreme Court and the Judicial Conduct Board.

This is why the ‘Sandusky Report’ released in 2014 failed to indicate any improper conduct. The Report also failed to include a disclaimer that Rule 1.6 Confidentiality mandated the silence of the Attorney General regarding information about the Office of the Attorney General, the Governor, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, etc…

This is why millions of foreclosures were ignored by the Attorneys General nationwide with no prosecutions while millions of people lost their homes based on fraudulent and robosigned deeds and other documents.

Rule 1.6 has undermined law enforcement and the judicial branch in the states and federally.

Rule 1.6 is a core part of the American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Most, if not all, rules point back to Rule 1.6 by cross reference.

The ABA presented their Model Rules to each state supreme court for promulgation into law. As trade rules, confidentiality was discretionary. As law, the confidentiality became an aggressively enforced mandate which denied people of constitutional rights and prevented anyone in law from acting on behalf of the victims against it’s unconstitutional effect. The victims having no protection of the law become 1) destitute/homeless, 2) incarcerated, or 3) suicidal.


PDF Version

PDF version (Initial Invitation)
Fax’d 8/26/2014 11:25 AM – 1:13 PM


The Cease And Desist letter sent to the ABA is not a joke or prank or goof.

Once the Model Rules of Professional Conduct were enacted into law by a state supreme court, your constitutional rights were no longer available to you. You would not know this until you discovered they were unavailable… IGNORED… HUH? No lawyer or judge could help you. Friends would think you turned into a radical or went crazy. Unaffected people would not believe it could happen.

Everyone has Constitutional Rights up until they don’t. And then, there’s nothing you can do about it. No where to turn. No politicians to help. The lawyers are mandated to ignore you. The non-lawyers ask their lawyers what it’s all about… and are misinformed into ignoring you.

Deliberately rolled out from 1984 through 2009. (ABA Site)

One Law – Rule 1.6 referred to by cross reference in comments throughout the Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Laws which applied only to lawyers but could leave a litigant without their constitutional rights. The mandate for Confidentiality of Information IS the needle in a haystack of injustice and corruption nationwide.

The question remains… What motivated each state supreme court to do this?
Why make a change where the only actual effect is
– to prevent the ability to prosecute a judge for judicial corruption and injustice
– to deny and prevent constitutional rights to litigants who were victims of judicial corruption and injustice in the court.

No Legislature. No Governor.
No Reason to make the change from code to LAW. Except, the Silence of the lawyers was no longer discretionary. It was a lawful mandate. An aggressively enforced MANDATE of silence.

The lawful mandate was unconstitutional to the victim denied and prevented from any explanation for the injustice.

The victim is left without any recourse. The local state Rules are used in Federal District and Appeals courts.

The ABA has undermined the US Constitution…. and concealed it for years while their members were paid to perform a task which they were prevented by law from ever accomplishing.

The Judiciary in whom the public placed their trust and granted judicial immunity has allowed their independence to be undermined and their integrity to be sacrificed and their authority to be silenced.

State Adoption of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct
(previously the Model Code of Professional Responsibility)
Dates of initial adoption

Jurisdiction Date of Adoption
Alabama 5/2/90
Alaska 4/14/93
Arizona 9/7/84
Arkansas 12/16/85
Colorado 5/7/92
Connecticut 6/23/86
Delaware 9/12/85
District of Columbia 3/1/90
Florida 7/17/86
Georgia 6/12/00
Hawaii 12/6/93
Idaho 9/3/86
Illinois 2/8/90
Indiana 11/25/86
Iowa 4/20/05
Kansas 1/29/88
Kentucky 6/12/89
Louisiana 12/18/86
Maine 2/26/09
Maryland 4/15/86
Massachusetts 6/9/97
Michigan 3/11/88
Minnesota 6/13/85
Mississippi 2/18/87
Missouri 8/7/85
Montana 6/6/85
Nebraska 6/8/05
Nevada 1/26/86
New Hampshire 1/16/86
New Jersey 7/12/84
New Mexico 6/26/86
New York 12/16/08
North Carolina 10/7/85
North Dakota 5/6/87
Ohio 8/1/06
Oklahoma 3/10/88
Oregon 1/1/05
Pennsylvania 10/16/87
Rhode Island 11/1/88
South Carolina 1/9/90
South Dakota 12/15/87
Tennessee 8/27/02
Texas 6/20/89
Utah 3/20/87
Vermont 3/9/99
Virgin Islands 1/28/91
Virginia 1/25/99
Washington 7/25/85
West Virginia 6/30/88
Wisconsin 6/10/87
Wyoming 11/7/86


American Bar Association
and ALL Affiliated Organizations
(PDF version)

This CEASE AND DESIST LETTER is to inform the officers of the American Bar Association and affiliated organizations at national, state and local levels, and their membership respectively to IMMEDIATELY STOP all operations and activities.

The organizations efforts which have written and promoted your Model Rules of Professional Conduct to be enacted into law in every state
– has caused a violation of constitutionally protected rights;
– has resulted in preventing law enforcement from actions to address the denial of constitutional rights;
– has undermined the integrity and the judicial independence of the courts at every level within the state courts, the federal district courts and the court of appeals
and has had similar impact hindering the government and ignoring the constitutional rights of Americans in every state.

In undermining the independence of the judiciary, your organization has committed an act of sedition which has been further compounded by manifest disregard for the law and due process. An aggressively enforced conspiracy of silence within your membership prevents exposure, redress and resolution by an affected judiciary which denies rights secured by the Constitution of the United States. The loss of judicial independence, an essential element of justice, compromises the integrity and jurisdiction of the courts.

As your activity which has resulted in the Model Rules of Professional Conduct being enacted into law affects my rights, I have the right to address this issue with your organization. I am currently engaged in efforts to address the indirect unconstitutional effect upon my rights including, but not limited to, contacting state and federal government representatives who may be members of your organization.

Additionally, I will explore legal remedies available to me. These remedies include, but are not limited to, contacting law enforcement to obtain criminal sanctions against you, and suing you civilly for damages which I have experienced. I am not under any circumstances waiving any legal rights I have presently, or future legal remedies against you by sending you this letter.

Terance Healy
Todd Krautheim

DISTRIBUTION DIRECTLY TO:6a0105358b73d4970c01156ea9c492970c
American Bar Association
321 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60654-7598

American Bar Association
Suite 900
740 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005-1022

American Immigration Lawyers Association
Suite 300
1331 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005-3142

American Judicature Society
Center Building
2014 Broadway, Suite 100
Nashville, TN 37203

The American Law Institute
4025 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

The Association of American Law Schools
1614 20th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009-1001

Association of Life Insurance Counsel
14350 Mundy Drive
Suite 800, #258
Noblesville, IN 46060

Conference of Chief Justices (with copies sent to each Chief Justice)
Association and Conference Services
300 Newport Avenue
Williamsburg, VA 23185-4147

Energy Bar Association
2000 M Street, N.W.,
Suite 715
Washington, D.C. 20036

Federal Bar Association
1220 North Fillmore St.
Suite 444
Arlington, VA 22201

The Federal Circuit Bar Association
1620 I Street, NW
Suite 801
Washington DC 20006

Federal Communications Bar Association
1020 19th Street, NW
Suite 325
Washington, DC 20036-6101

Hispanic National Bar Association
1020 19th Street NW, Suite 505
Washington, D.C. 20036

Judge Advocates Association
In care of: The Army Navy Club
901 17th Street
Washington DC 20006

The Maritime Law Association of the United States
16855 Northchase Dr
Houston, TX 77060

National Asian Pacific American Bar Association
1612 K Street NW, Suite 1400
Washington, DC 20006

National Association of Attorneys General

National Association of Bar Executives
c/o ABA Division for Bar Services
321 N. Clark St., 16th Floor
Chicago, IL 60654

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
1660 L St. NW
12th Floor
Washington, DC 20036

National Association of Women Judges
1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Suite 1138
Washington, D.C. 20036

National Association of Women Lawyers
American Bar Center MS 21.1
321 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60654

National Bar Association
1225 11th Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001

National Conference of Bar Examiners
302 South Bedford Street
Madison, WI 53703-3622

The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
111 N. Wabash Avenue
Suite 1010
Chicago, Illinois 60602

National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations
PO Box 82366
Portland, OR 97282

National District Attorneys Association
99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 330
Alexandria, VA 22314

National Legal Aid & Defender Association
1901 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20006

The National LGBT Bar Association
1301 K Street NW Suite 1100, East Tower
Washington, DC 20005

National Native American Bar Association
PO Box 11145
Tempe, AZ 85284

Alabama State Bar
415 Dexter Avenue
P.O. Box 671
Montgomery, AL 36104

Alaska Bar Association
550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 1900
Suite 1900
P.O. Box 100279
Anchorage, AK 99510-2079

State Bar of Arizona
Suite 200
4201 N. 24th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85016-6288

Arkansas Bar Association
2224 Cottondale Lane
Little Rock, AR 72202

The State Bar Of California
180 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

Colorado Bar Association
9th Floor
1900 Grant Street
Denver, CO 80203

Connecticut Bar Association
30 Bank Street
P.O. Box 350
New Britain, CT 06050-0350

Delaware State Bar Association
301 N. Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801

The District Of Columbia Bar
Suite 200
1101 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005-3908

The Bar Association Of The District Of Columbia
Suite 101
1016 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

The Florida Bar
P.O. Box 389
651 East Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300

State Bar Of Georgia
Suite 100
104 Marietta Street, NW
Atlanta, GA 30303

Supreme Court of Guam
Second Floor, Guam Judicial Center
120 West O’Brien Drive
Hogatna, Guam 96910

Hawaii State Bar Association
Alakea Corporate Tower
1100 Alakea Street, Suite 1000
Honolulu, HI 96813

Idaho State Bar
P.O. Box 895
525 W. Jefferson Street
Boise, ID 83701

Illinois State Bar Association
Illinois Bar Center
424 S. Second Street
Springfield, IL 62701

Indiana State Bar Association
One Indiana Square, Suite 530
Indianapolis, IN 46204

The Iowa State Bar Association
625 East Court Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50309

Kansas Bar Association
1200 S.W. Harrison Street
P.O. Box 1037
Topeka, KS 66612

Kentucky Bar Association
514 West Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40601-1883

Louisiana State Bar Asssociation
601 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70130-3404

Maine State Bar Association
124 State Street
P.O. Box 788
Augusta, ME 04332-0788

Maryland State Bar Association, Inc.
520 W. Fayette Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

Massachusetts Bar Association
20 West Street
Boston, MA 02111-1218

State Bar Of Michigan
306 Townsend Street
Lansing, MI 48933-2083

Minnesota State Bar Association
Suite 380
600 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55402

The Mississippi Bar
643 N. State Street
P.O. Box 2168
Jackson, MS 39225-2168

The Missouri Bar
326 Monroe Street
P.O. Box 119
Jefferson City, MO 65101

State Bar Of Montana
Suite 2B
7 West Sixth Avenue
P.O. Box 577
Helena, MT 59624

Nebraska State Bar Association
635 S. 14th Street, 2nd Floor
Lincoln, NE 68508

State Bar Of Nevada
600 East Charleston Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89104

New Hampshire Bar Association
2 Pillsbury Street, Suite 300
Concord, NH 03301-3502

New Jersey State Bar Association
New Jersey Law Center
One Constitution Square
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1520

State Bar Of New Mexico
5121 Masthead, NE
P.O. Box 92860
Albuquerque, NM 87109

New York State Bar Association
One Elk Street
Albany, NY 12207

North Carolina State Bar
208 Fayetteville Street Mall
P.O. Box 25908
Raleigh, NC 27611

North Carolina Bar Association
P.O. Box 3688
Cary, NC 27519

State Bar Association Of North Dakota
P.O. Box 2136
Bismarck, ND 58502-2136

Commonwealth Of The Northern Mariana Islands Bar Association
P.O. Box 504539 C.K.
Saipan, MP 96950

Ohio State Bar Association
1700 Lake Shore Drive
P.O. Box 16562
Columbus, OH 43216-6562

Oklahoma Bar Association
1901 N. Lincoln (73105)
P.O. Box 53036
Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3036

Oregon State Bar
16037 S.W. Upper Boones Ferry Road
Tigard, OR 97224

Pennsylvania Bar Association
100 South Street
P.O. Box 186
Harrisburg, PA 17108-0186

Puerto Rico Bar Association
Ponce de Leon Avenue
808 Stop II
P.O. Box 9021900
San Juan, PR 00902-1900

Rhode Island Bar Association
115 Cedar Street
Providence, RI 02903

South Carolina Bar
950 Taylor Street
P.O. Box 608
Columbia, SC 29202-0608

State Bar Of South Dakota
222 E. Capitol Avenue #3
Pierre, SD 57501-2596

Tennessee Bar Association
Tennessee Bar Center
221 Fourth Avenue, N., Suite 400
Nashville, TN 37219-2198

State Bar Of Texas
Suite 300
1414 Colorado Street
P.O. Box 12487
Austin, TX 78711-2487

Utah State Bar
645 S. 200 East, #310
Salt Lake City, UT 84111-3834

Vermont Bar Association
35-37 Court Street (05602)
P.O. Box 100
Montpelier, VT 05601-0100

Virgin Islands Bar Association
P.O. Box 4108
Christiansted, Saint Croix, VI USA 00822

Virginia State Bar
Suite 1500
707 E. Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219-2800

The Virginia Bar Association
701 E. Franklin Street. #1120
Richmond, VA 23219

Washington State Bar Association
Suite 600
1325 Fourth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101-2539

The West Virginia Bar Association
1111 6th Avenue
P.O. Box 2162
Huntington, WV 25701

West Virginia State Bar
2000 Deitrick Boulevard
Charleston, WV 25311

State Bar Of Wisconsin
5302 Eastpark Boulevard
P.O. Box 7158
Madison, WI 53718

Wyoming State Bar
4124 Laramie Street
P.O. Box 109
Cheyenne, WY 82003-0109