
To get a meeting with the governor, you must write a letter.

Every letter gets the same form letter.  They never read the letter.  The Gov never sees it.

The lawyers on the governor’s staff commit fraud in the furtherance pursuant to Rule 1.6

The lawyers on the governor’s staff commit fraud to prevent rectification pursuant to Rule 1.6

Their responses never speak to or address the issue…

THEY LIE.   Incorrect use of the word JURISDICTION is supposed to make it go away.

1. The Governor has the authority by the PA Constitution to call the Legislature to assemble to discuss an issue.

2.  The Legislature has the authority by the PA Constitution to suspend any law.

3.  The PA Supreme Court made it illegal for themselves, or lawyers, to correct the unconstitutional law pursuant to the very law which is the problem… RULE 1.6 CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION

Governor Wolf is not a lawyer obligated to confidentiality, BUT THE LAWYERS ON HIS STAFF ARE PERMITTED TO MISINFORM HIM.

The Senators and Representatives have all presented the issue to the Judiciary committee ALL MANDATED UNDER RULE 1.6 TO CONCEAL THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACTIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT.

When the Pennsylvania Supreme Court improperly enacted an unconstitutional law it made it impossible for the court to correct, or for any lawyer to correct.

These form letters are a complete fraud executed by the Governor’s staff to conceal the injustice.  The lawyers who write them refuse to discuss or meet or address any issue specifically… All symptoms of fraud!





To get a meeting with the governor, you must write a letter.

Every letter gets the same form letter.  They never read the letter.  The Gov never sees it.

The lawyers on the governor’s staff commit fraud in the furtherance pursuant to Rule 1.6

The lawyers on the governor’s staff commit fraud to prevent rectification pursuant to Rule 1.6

Their responses never speak to or address the issue…

THEY LIE.   Incorrect use of the word JURISDICTION is supposed to make it go away.

1. The Governor has the authority by the PA Constitution to call the Legislature to assemble to discuss an issue.

2.  The Legislature has the authority by the PA Constitution to suspend any law.

3.  The PA Supreme Court made it illegal for themselves, or lawyers, to correct the unconstitutional law pursuant to the very law which is the problem… RULE 1.6 CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION

Governor Wolf is not a lawyer obligated to confidentiality, BUT THE LAWYERS ON HIS STAFF ARE PERMITTED TO MISINFORM HIM.

The Senators and Representatives have all presented the issue to the Judiciary committee ALL MANDATED UNDER RULE 1.6 TO CONCEAL THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACTIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT.

When the Pennsylvania Supreme Court improperly enacted an unconstitutional law it made it impossible for the court to correct, or for any lawyer to correct.

These form letters are a complete fraud executed by the Governor’s staff to conceal the injustice.  The lawyers who write them refuse to discuss or meet or address any issue specifically… All symptoms of fraud!



I reported a crime. Several, in fact.  I included the procedures and laws violated by the court staff.

Apparently, Det Young investigated a different crime and found that it did not occur.  Do they laugh when they twist thing to allow crimes.  The crime which occurred causes a person to lose ALL CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and any Protection of the Law because of Rule 1.6 Confidentiality – there is no recovery ever. 

This is how they filled the prisons.

The investigator never spoke to me, the victim, the complainant.

The investigator clearly never read my report on this web site.

Instead, the investigator only took the fraudulent statement of the person who committed the crimes and concluded that a different crime did not occur.

They really have little self respect, and an extreme disregard for the public when the investigators commit crimes in the furtherance of the original crime.

And they wrote a letter indicating that the person didn’t commit the alternate crime, and admitting to only getting info from the criminal.


Sick and twisted selective law enforcement.  When the crime syndicate is run by a corrupted District Attorney, the only exit is to commit the suicide.  Has anyone else noticed the rise in visible murder-suicides in Montgomery County?  Then there are the ones which are not publicized.

Ala worth noting are the visible deaths of confidential informants which are cause for widespread investigation but always with the same result.  Dead people with no reason to be dead (except they were abused by law enforcement).


When a district attorney only prosecutes crimes which she provokes…  And won’t meet with a victim for 8 years.  And has her staff misdirecting, misinforming, telling outright lies, hanging up phones,…

When all of their effort is designed to provoke anger, and they play the ‘anger management’scene from Hollywood scripts at every opportunity…

I turned to other levels of law enforcement.











And District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman IGNORES.

And her staff threatens me with harassment.  The problem is that Mrs Ferman is a public official and she has a responsibility to act.  Preventing her from being informed gives her that plausible deniability which career politicians like to use to say they just didn’t know.

Bruce Castor said that career lawmen know how to ruin lives.  He trained Risa Ferman well.


Yesterday, I attempted to arrange a meeting with Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Ferman. 

Her staff refused,  lied, made up false legal precedents and reasons, Hung up, transferred me to voice mails, transferred me to recordings, transferred me to dead voice mail devices, and threatened to have me arrested for harassing them  — but i was not calling them.  They  were answering the phone of an elected public official to whom I needed to speak.

A public official who has ignored every crime committed against me and supported every action in furtherance of those crimes.

I identified myself each time.  I asked to speak to Mrs. Ferman.  The then began their series of  inexplicable lies.  It also included pretending they hadn’t spoken to me before.

I ask your help.  Please contact the Office of the District Attorney and try to arrange the meeting.  610-278-3090

I have notified Attorney General Kathleen Kane.

I have notified Governor Tom Wolf. 

Where I have no protection under the law and no constitutional rights I can be terrorized further without escape, victimized without recourse, pushed to the point of suicide which is exactly the goal of the DA.

I get it, they don’t want to do anything. 

They fail to understand, I do not wish to be further victimized.

I tweeted the issues as they occurred. And into the evening to get the information to the AG and the Governor and the media.


Justice Scalia didn’t just say the majority was wrong or misguided; he essentially said they had conspired to overthrow our form of government. His position on the Court ( Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information ) has made it impossible to supply specifics.

The suggested possible explanation of what he meant is that he saw a conflict-of-interest on the part of members of the majority, which required their recusal from the case.  Rule 1.6 nondisclosure requires misinformation from lawyers.   The judicial branch of government which has been accorded The Public Trust, and which has no  reason for secrecy, is concealing that it has been undone by an improperly enacted unconstitutional law enacted by EVERY state judiciary due to lobbying by the American Bar Association – injustice is their GOLDMINE.

Rather than investigate what Scalia is hinting at, the media have opened fire on Scalia for blowing the whistle on judicial corruption.

Justice Scalia is pointing at Rule 1.6 which has been demonstrated and proven unconstitutional and the reason for continuing injustice.

The constitutional case was suppressed and obstructed in the Eastern District of PA.   When exposed in the Superior Court of PA, the courts ordered PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane to silently participate in the conspiracy to obstruct justice… and then Montgomery County attacked the AG for investigating the evidence which was concealed by a grand jury to prevent exposure of the nationwide problem. Rule 1.6 is in every state.

Healy, Krautheim v Attorney General Kathleen Kane and the Attorneys General of the United States




On this day July 3 in 1986, I proposed to the woman who I married.  We had 2 children within a few years of that and were an amazing and unifying team…

20 years later, she destroyed it hiring the two most incompetent and unethical lawyers, Angst & Angst, in 2007 to tear our family apart.  Filing for divorce in 2007, the terroristic tactics of the team of lawyers, private investigators, local state and federal law enforcement, over 80 confidential informants, unethical and corrupt judges (now over 20 of them) without any interest in justice or law… It annihilated my entire family.

They continue to attack, terrorize, intimidate, harass and destroy any chance of my having any life or any future life.  Their corrupt orders can be manipulated into further corrupt orders… further lawlessness… further injustice.  

It has left me with no protection of the law, no constitutional rights, destitute, without insurance or welfare or opportunity for employment. 

And all those legal professionals are incapable of addressing the lack of jurisdiction of the courts to interfere, deny and prevent me from having any life liberty or justice.

Due to the deliberate, intentional and maliciously cruel defective and invalid  void order by Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio the entire court faces the loss of judicial immunity.  The court has acted without subject matter jurisdiction.  There is no retroactive correction for a lack of jurisdiction. 

Further fraud leveraged by Angst & Angst resulted in an order for over $300,000… It is also void because it is based on nested retaliatory orders issued when I notified the court of its error seeking correction.

False charges of terroristic threats and harassment have been alleged, but the criminal proceedings have ignored Pennsylvania Law,  rights protected by the US Constitution and waivers have been coerced under duress and direct threat of an improper arrest.

It gets deeper… Any relief exposes their crimes and rights violations.  Why would so many people join the attack?  Why would so many people perpetrate and perpetuate the situation?  Why would so many fail to take any action to help?

Rule 1.6 Confidentiality and Non-disclosure causes everyone who could address the crimes and injustice to be silent.  The one rule undermines the entire profession of lawyers, law enforcement, and the judiciary.  IN EVERY STATE AND FEDERALLY.

PROVEN UNCONSTITUTIONAL, RULE 1.6 was recaste into secret orders from unidentified courts which personally ordered Kathleen Kane ( Pennsylvania Attorney General) to confidentiality in a matter which she referred to as ‘the worst kept secret in Pennsylvania’.  Why ‘worst kept’?… Because every politician in Pennsylvania knows and does nothing.  Every lawyer knows and does nothing.  Every judge knows and does nothing.

While they have failed to address the responsibilities of their elected and professional office… I am isolated, destitute, homeless, accused, attacked and terrorized because I have somehow persevered to find the source of ALL AMERICAN INJUSTICE IGNORED.  The Confidentiality behind all American Injustice prevents life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

And I mark another year, where I am legally married, and  defectively divorced, preventing me from any future.


Fraudulent conveyance
False swearing
Title insurance scam

Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds successfully battled MERS.  Producer of documents like the following… Beginner level PowerPoint but with spellcheck turned off?


Fraud in the furtherance… Rule 1.6 nondisclosure only protects the lawyers. 

Judge without authority by law have no jurisdiction… and perpetuating frauds upon the courts does not provide jurisdiction.

Even Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio knows that there is no retro- active jurisdiction and she’s dumber than a steaming pile of dirt.
Her husband has tried to conceal her crimes ala Special Prosecutor.
The MontCo judiciary have tried piling on retaliatory orders.
The Central legal staff of the Superior Court have tried.
The Eastern District US clerks gave tried.
The Third Circuit clerks tried as well.
The county attacked the Attorney General for investigating (using a falsely leaked premise)
And the Pennsylvania DA’s attacked the Governor for exposing it from a perspective where no one gave a damn… Death row inmates.

But, they cannot turn JurisFICTION into jurisdiction… No matter how hard they try. NO MATTER HOW AGGRESSIVELY THEY RETALIATE.

Americans can tell the difference between MURDER and suicide by cop.


When it came time for a vote on the McDade Murtha Amendment, where congress had heard the most profoundly patriotic explanations for the necessity of passing the law… Misinformation which would prevent federal intervention where Rule 1.6 would undermine the law and every persons constitutional rights.

Making all federal law enforcement and federal investigators comply with an improperly enacted unconstitutional state law enacted by the judiciary – who neglected any review for constitutionality AND somehow prevented any state  legislature or governor from noticing their usurpation of ALL governmental authority.

Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich walked out.  Gingrich refused to call the vote on a law which would hurt all Americans… and fill prisons.

Decades later, Imagine Newt’s surprise at a book signing when asked to address the unconstitutionality of the very law which he wouldn’t bring upon the American people.

Imagine the efforts to continue his silence.


One blog reported on the efforts of the US Attorney’s to prevent the injustice. They and many former and future US Attorneys General, including Eric Holder, tried to stop it… BUT the lawyers were already obligated to not reveal the ‘core secret’ by state laws.

Gingrich is not a lawyer obligated by Rule 1.6

He was avoiding the shame of what was about to occur. Likely threatened aggressively by the obligated minions of the American Bar Association who had already infiltrated and obstructed and interfered with justice in every jurisdiction.


Judge Andrea Duffy

Please provide proof of jurisdiction in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for Judge Duffy’s orders in the attached.

Please include each element of procedure required for subject matter jurisdiction.  This should include all documents issued up to and including the scheduling of the Arraignment which was hijacked by four clerks from Court Administration.

No need to reference participation in the fraudulent conveyance of the property at 110 Banbury Avenue; efforts involved in the initial fraud; the false allegations against the lawful owner; or the abuse of power under color of law which is further supported by the MORTGAGE SATISFACTION document which also appears to be a forged false document.

Judge’s statement of jurisdiction should be mailed to Terance Healy immediately.

Failure to provide the requested document will be evidence of a lack of jurisdiction to issue any orders in the matter and an admission to acting without jurisdiction AND abuse of power under color of law.

Thank You.

Faxed to Judge Andrea Duffy.
Additional pages

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