
My Rights Were Violated.

Yes. There is no person more isolated in the American legal system, than someone who is a victim of legal and judicial corruption and who has started to complain about it, or shown any signs that he is aware of the crooked game that is being played.

By complaining about dishonest lawyers and judges, you may no longer have any shred of safety left in your life inside America. The judges and lawyers and police will make you, in the ancient sense of the word, an “outlaw”, outside the law, where it is open season for anyone to do harm to you, and no lawyer or judge or police will ever protect you.

Murderers and rapists can find a lawyer – no problem at all. Lawyers love to have clients who are guilty of serious crimes, sleazy clients who want to cut “a deal” with the system.

But if you are an innocent person who has complained about a lawyer or a judge, or who has shown signs of even being aware of dishonesty or corruption in the legal system, then you are in great danger, and may already be an “outlaw” to America’s lawyers and courts. You may be an outlaw not only in the particular legal case where you complained about corruption, but in any future legal case of any kind at all. You might find yourself totally without legal help in unrelated legal matters, and have now become fair game for all gangsters and criminals as well as the government.

You might be arrested on false criminal charges, and find that no lawyer wants to help you. Other people can wreck your house and steal money from you, and you may find that no lawyer will dare come forward to help protect your rights.

If you had a past record of robbing banks or harming children, sure, lawyers will help you, no problem. But if you have a past record of complaining about lawyers and judges, then you are alone, and lawyers and judges will sat back and watch and laugh while you are victimized. And lawyers themselves may start lining up to cheat you and steal your money, knowing that you are helpless to fight back.

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My Rights Were Violated.

This is another frustrating dead end in your search for justice. In theory, the local district attorney, or the police, or the federal prosecutors and the FBI, should all be going after crooked lawyers and judges.

But you will find that these people usually have no interest in going after crooked lawyers and judges, no matter how clear and devastating the proof of crime that you present to them. They may even give you back the evidence and refuse to accept it, so they can pretend later that they never saw it and don’t have it.

One of the sad things about life in America, is that average citizens are usually denied the right to bring criminal complaints against other people. You aren’t allowed to yourself bring criminal charges of extortion and fraud against a lawyer, unless a prosecutor or other magistrate or official “approves” of prosecuting your accusations.

And what you will find is that the public officials cover up for crimes by their special friends, the lawyers and judges. This is all part of the “game”. The police and prosecutors, after all, depend on crooked lawyers and judges to succeed in their own work. Many of Americans 2 million prisoners who are now in America’s jails, are innocent, railroaded into jail on flimsy evidence, on unreliable testimony from criminal snitches, or by a plea bargain backed by extortion threats.

Lawyers and judges are the people who help the police and prosecutors do their dirtiest work. There is lots of mutual back-scratching here. Judges and lawyers help cover up for crimes and misconduct by police and prosecutors; in return, police and prosecutors help cover up for crimes by judges and lawyers. It is an old, ancient game, and the players are all familiar with the rules.

Occasionally there is a prosecution of some lawyer or low-level judge for some crime, but this is usually when that person has become a wild card, who went too far, or didn’t play by the established rules, maybe got too greedy in exceeding the quiet system of influence and bribery. But sometimes it is exactly because that lawyer or judge tried to fight the system or not play along, that they are being railroaded on some accusation. The news reports rarely tell the real story of what is going on behind the scenes.

But for the average person who has clear proof of felony crimes by a lawyer or judge, the police and prosecutors and FBI are usually not interested. They will simply put the material in their files, and not do anything about it.

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My Rights Were Violated.

The lawyers’ fear of judges also changes their legal behavior in regular legal cases, too, even cases that don’t seem (at first) to involve legal corruption.

When you talk with a lawyer in his office, you may hear him talk about all sorts of wonderful things he promises to do for you – all sorts of countersuits he will file, all sorts of things he will say to defend you. He sounds like a smart guy or girl.

But then you may find, when it comes to the actual legal filings, or the lawyer’s performance in the courtroom, your lawyer is suddenly a wimp and an idiot. He only argues about trivial matters, and forgets to mention the most important evidence about why you are innocent or right.

The reason for this is that much of what goes on in American courtrooms is phony or fake, with the outcome decided in advance by the judge and the lawyers. Lawyers don’t really work for their clients in many cases; their real allegiance is channeled through the judges, and their loyalty is to the government, or to the rich people or corporations who pay the big bribes.

Even though you might have given a lot of money to “your” lawyer, the judge might have gotten a really big bribe from the other side. This is part of why the big corporation usually wins their cases against the little guy.

Your lawyer is often like a crooked pro wrestler who gets paid to take a dive in a rigged wrestling match. He pretends to fight a little bit, then he lays down while the judge/referee counts to 10.

Lawyers are submissive to the judges in the way that they present their cases. If the judge doesn’t want to hear something, the lawyer will try to avoid presenting those facts or arguments. So the truth is never spoken, the motion is never filed, the claims are not made, the facts are not presented. The person whom you imagine is “your” lawyer, trims and narrows his presentation to make it pleasing to the judge, and to the forces of wealth, power and government that the judge represents. Your lawyer may well be bribed by the other side’s lawyers, to help him along in betraying you.

If the lawyers don’t play along with this game, they may suffer the destruction of their careers, or even be railroaded into prison.

This is also how so many poor people and minorities are sent to prison, even though they are completely innocent. They are shoved into accepting a “plea bargain”, with no jury trial, by the lies and deceptions of a “public defender lawyer”, who is trying to hold onto his job. If the “public defender” does not cooperate with the judge and prosecutors in railroading poor people into jail, he can be pushed out of work, or even suffer worse revenge, like being disbarred or jailed on false charges himself.

In lawsuits between people and big companies, the big corporations and rich people who pay for the bribes may not even specifically talk about bribery with their lawyer. They hire a lawyer with “connections”, pay him $500 an hour or whatever he asks, and don’t ask any questions about the details. The lawyers themselves have lots of cash floating around in their pockets, and wait for a discreet moment to pass it to the judge. Occasionally an ex-judge will even reveal that this is how the system actually works, that bribery is commonplace.

Often, the judge and the lawyers agree among themselves about how it’s all going to “go down”, with the end result decided in advance, and you merely hear the result of “the best deal possible”, according to “your” lawyer, whose job is to sell the deal to you, and make you take it – or else. “Your” lawyer will start to threaten or intimidate you, if you do not go along. If a lawyer tries to fight this system, he and his client may both be quickly crushed and destroyed. American lawyers learn quickly that they must “play the game” if they are to survive at all.

Lawyers who wish they could help people, find themselves too afraid to take the actions they know should be taken to really defend and fight for their clients. America’s lawyers are themselves in fear, well-trained in being submissive and timid to America’s judges.

It is almost impossible to find radical, bold, brave lawyers like there were in an earlier day, or like you imagine from television and movies. The judges don’t allow such lawyers to survive very long. Such lawyers have been successfully suppressed, disbarred, jailed, or otherwise intimidated and constrained. That is why when you try to confront judicial and legal corruption, you are usually very much alone and without any legal help.

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My Rights Were Violated.

It’s true that there are lots of bogus, malicious, and perverted lawsuits filed in America, for all sorts of trivial and dishonest reasons. And it’s true that some of these lawsuits even win money, where somebody gets a big pile of money for some silly complaint.

But that doesn’t mean you will be able to get legal help to fight a crooked lawyer or judge, even though you have massive proof of misconduct and felony crime by the lawyers and the judges.

The legal profession likes the media to tell all those general lawsuit stories. They like the way these stories create terror among people and small businesses, and help induce people to pay more money for lawyers.

The legal profession also likes the media to tell the stories of a few people who win millions of dollars in lawsuits. It is just like in gambling casinos, where the casino very proudly announces that someone has won a huge jackpot. A few people win big, but most people will lose, and the stories of a few people hitting the “jackpot” give false hope to all the many people who lose money. Also, many people who win lots of money in a lawsuit, are people who have serious injuries and medical problems, and who need to spend all that money on America’s hugely expensive medical care system.

The lawyers also like to create the impression that, “You can find a lawyer to sue anybody for almost anything.” This, however, is a lie. It’s true that you can find lawyers to file all sorts of silly, worthless and dishonest lawsuits, but only against certain targets.

If you want to make up some lies and sue a doctor or a hospital, lawyers will jump out of the woodwork to help you. If you want to make up some lies and sue a small business, that doesn’t have any political connections, lawyers will be glad to take your money and play this game with you. If you want to harass your poor neighbor down the street, and your neighbor doesn’t have political connections, lawyers will be glad to take your money and play the lawsuit game.

But if you want to sue a big powerful company with political connections, lawyers start to slow down a bit. They might take your money and file a lawsuit against that kind of company, but they will start to be a little timid about what they do. And they might steal your money, and then take a bribe from the lawyers for the big company to sabotage your case.

If you want to file a lawsuit against some politician or the government, now things really start to slow down. Lawyers, even broke lawyers desperate for money, will start to walk on eggshells here. They might be willing to file some sort of general administrative lawsuit about this or that, but they also will be very hesitant to expose wrongdoing by some powerful official, politician or government agency. Lawyers are very careful about taking legal action against the government in general.

But if you want to sue another lawyer, or file some lawsuit that exposes the misconduct of a dishonest judge, then you will likely hear: No way, buster! This is the territory of career suicide for a lawyer. He might end up losing his license to practice law, and both the lawyer and you might wind up in jail on phony charges. You can keep on asking several thousand lawyers, like other people have done, and yet never find a single lawyer who is willing to file a lawsuit against other crooked lawyers. You can have lots of money, and total proof of crime by the guilty lawyers, and yet you may never find a lawyer to help you.

That’s the reality of “how the game is played” in the American legal system.

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Theoretically, there are a few lawyers who advertise among their specialties, that they are interested in “legal malpractice” cases. But you will almost certainly find this to be another dead end, as you search for a lawyer to help you.

Many of the lawyers interested in “legal malpractice” are only interested in defending and protecting lawyers who are accused of crimes and offenses – they are not interested in exposing any wrongdoing by other lawyers.

The lawyers who say they are willing to sue other lawyers, are basically only willing to file such lawsuits if it is all right with the judges first – they are not willing to sue lawyers who are committing crimes in collusion with the judges.

These lawyers first want to know if some judge is already angry at the lawyer in question, and wants to take revenge on the lawyer – in that case the “legal malpractice” lawyer might be willing to help you. A few narrow types of cases fall into this category – like lawyers who have missed a filing deadline in a personal injury lawsuit, thereby depriving other lawyers and judges of legal fees and bribery money.

The lawyers, and the judges supporting them, will also tolerate a few lawsuits about legal misconduct, where the lawyers have engaged in malpractice or misconduct that hurts the big corporations or their shareholders. The judges and lawyers don’t care about average citizens, but they do care about big corporations, shareholders, and wealthy people, so they might consider evaluating whether a lawyer has provided good service to big corporations and wealthy people.

As far as the average citizen goes, you can pretty much forget about even the so-called “legal malpractice” lawyers. No matter how clearly you can prove felony crimes by other lawyers and judges, the “legal malpractice” lawyers will almost never help you.

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My Rights Were Violated.

One of the several things you will discover in your battle against judicial or legal wrongdoing, is that it can be almost impossible to find a lawyer who will help you file lawsuits and complaints against judges, or against other lawyers.

One reason for this is because the judges generally control the Bar in your state, which means they have total instant control over whether a lawyer is even allowed to continue working as a lawyer.

With the judges’ direct personal control over the Bar, not only does the Bar ignore the complaints about dishonest lawyers who are involved in crimes with judges, the Bar can also take instant revenge on the lawyers who dare to question corruption. As you will find in numerous documented cases, lawyers who file complaints have been quickly stripped of their right to practice law, denied their livelihood and income and financially destroyed, and sometimes even criminally charged and sentenced to jail.

Sometimes the local Bar will even admit that talking about legal corruption, is a specific reason for taking away a lawyer’s license to practice. The revenge can be quick and instant.

Judges have many other ways to take revenge too. American judges love to abuse their “contempt of court” privileges, and send a lawyer or other person to jail right on the spot there in the courtroom, if the judge decides that person has been insufficiently submissive.

What this means, is that America’s army of nearly a million lawyers, is submissive to the control of some thousands of judges, who operate the game that is known as America’s legal system. Lawyers are genuinely in fear. You will find that even the many lawyers who are unemployed, the lawyers who are broke and desperate for money, are afraid to fight a case if it involves exposing judicial or legal corruption.

The small group of rich lawyers who make big money, and who run the various Bar and lawyers’ associations, have accepted the way that the “game” is currently played by the lawyers who have direct contact with judges. There is a feeling among lawyers that the current structure of bribery and fraud, is what maintains the high incomes of some lawyers, and helps lawyers to earn fees as high as $500 per hour. Rich people and companies pay this money because they are afraid of injustice, and they know that the fees are big enough to include the money for bribes to the judges.

Many other lawyers, privately, don’t like the system, but individual lawyers will not speak out about particular cases of bribery and fraud, because they know that revenge will likely be quickly taken against them.

Lawyers will line up by the dozen to help other crooked lawyers, and to help judges play bribery games and do personal harm to you. But if you have proof of lawyers or judges involved in crime and wrongdoing, lawyers in general will avoid you as if you have the plague.

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My Rights Were Violated.

In each U.S. state you can also locate the procedures on how to file a complaint against a dishonest lawyer, a complaint usually filed with your local Bar, or lawyers’ supervision body. Just as with the complaint procedures about judges, these procedures are largely a joke, a farce and a fraud on the American people.

You may be amazed to see how fast the Bar sends you a letter back, claiming there is “no action warranted” on your complaint, even though you have submitted total clear proof of felony crimes by a lawyer. Across America, such “lawyer complaint procedures” are known for covering up for felony crimes and serious offenses by lawyers. These “Bar legal ethics” people are an important part of maintaining the American culture of bribery and judicial misconduct.

It is important to understand that, in the United States of America, the lawyers are under the direct personal control of the judges, not their fellow lawyers. This is different from other advanced nations, where lawyers are admitted to practice by their fellow lawyers. So, in other countries, lawyers are not directly under the thumb of judges who may be crooked. This is the difference between what is usually called the ‘Bar’ (a government body controlled by the judges in America), and the ‘Bar Association’ (the union or guild or private organization of lawyers).

Given that the judges in America are widely involved in misconduct and fraud and bribery, and that these judges also control the Bar, that means your complaint about dishonest lawyers, are going right to the same judges who are involved in bribery with the crooked lawyers. Ha-ha-ha, the judges laugh, because the joke is on the public.

The lawyers who are “disciplined” by the Bar are mostly lawyers who have made the judges angry in some way – lawyers who dared to expose corruption; lawyers involved in bribery without giving the judges their proper share; political radicals or minority lawyers who have caused trouble for the judges and politicians; or lawyers whose other crimes become so well known that the Bar feels it has to pretend to do something.

But it is usually an empty hope of getting justice, by means of filing a Bar complaint against a lawyer. The law, the truth, the facts, the evidence, and justice itself, are all usually irrelevant. What matters is the way the lawyer in question is politically and financially connected to the judges.

The Bar Associations, or lawyers’ unions, do not have power independent of the judges. They accept the system as it is, and join in the cover-up of offenses by other lawyers.

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My Rights Were Violated.

In both federal and state courts, you will find some theoretical grievance procedures for misconduct by judges. You can often find, even on the internet itself, instructions as to what forms to file and where to file them. But, in the end, nearly all of this is a joke, a farce, and a fraud on the American people.

Nearly all such complaints are kept secret, permanently. Some jurisdictions have even made it a crime to talk about the fact that you have filed a complaint against a judge.

The judges read these complaints, and pass them around to each other, and maybe even laugh and joke about them. Sometimes the judges have little private talks with each other, and suggest strategies so as to not be so blatantly obvious in their offenses in the future.

The judges almost never take any official action on these complaints, regardless of how much evidence you have submitted. The complaints are rejected, and they tend to not even reply to the victim. If a reply is made, it is to dismiss the complaint, with a remark that the complainant is a “disgruntled litigant”, or some technicality or other is invented to jettison the complaint.

Also, it can be nearly impossible to get a lawyer to help you file such misconduct charges – see below on why lawyers are afraid of revenge by the judges. But even with a lawyer making the complaint for you, the outcome would be the same: Nearly all complaints ignored or dismissed.

Starting in 2004, there was even appointed a national judicial ethics panel of the United States Supreme Court, with a Supreme Court judge as chairman. This is yet another group that is stonewalling on judicial corruption, so you can send in complaints and have them ignored right at the very top.

The judges of America look out very nicely for each other. On the other hand, judges who dare to expose the bribery and misconduct by other judges, can be attacked and driven out of office on trumped-up accusations.

The judges are jealous of their own sense of power, which is diminished every time a judicial scandal is exposed. The judges think it is better to cover up for any crimes by fellow judges, so that they don’t lose the respect that they have remaining, among the people who don’t know any better.

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My Rights Were Violated.

If you are a new victim of judicial or legal corruption, you will start to realize that America is a very different kind of place, than the way you used to think of it before. You are now confronted with the most hidden and terrible secret about life in modern America.

Regarding the American legal system, it is not like they told you in the schoolbooks when you were a child. It is not like the way they picture it in Hollywood movies, or on American television shows.

It is not like what you see in the news media, in a few cases when famous millionaires are on trial, and millions of dollars are being spent, and TV cameras are rolling, and reporters from around the world are watching everything that happens. Judges and lawyers behave very differently in those small number of legal cases that get high publicity.

On the other hand, in the vast majority of American legal cases, below the media radar screen, what happens is often very sordid and sleazy. Sometimes judges and lawyers commit crimes in broad daylight. Judges ignore the facts, ignore the law, ignore the truth and ignore justice. Lawyers cut sleazy deals and sell out their own clients. Bribery is commonplace.

There are courtrooms where judges and lawyers scream like lunatics at their victims, where judges and lawyers tell lies and plant false evidence, and no one says a word to fight them. Innocent people get sentenced to prison, or even to be strapped to a table and put to death; or people are told they will be sent to jail unless they pay extortion money to friends of the judge. Judges are hiring thugs to engage in extortion and intimidation against other people. Fake trials are held, where both “sides” of lawyers help the judge conduct a fake trial against the victim.

In fact, the best way for rich people to get away with committing felony crimes in America, is to get a judge to be part of the gang of criminals – because they almost never prosecute a judge, even when there is clear proof the judge is a criminal.

Yes, it is really that bad.

Unlike what people imagine, most legal cases are never even allowed to get to a jury – the judges make sure of that. People are crushed and destroyed, threatened and sentenced, denied access to their families and children, and lose everything they have and own, without any jury ever hearing what they had to say.

America brags about having the “rule of law”, but this does not mean that the law is taken seriously. All it means is that there are people with the title of “judges” and “lawyers” involved, while you are being railroaded and denied your rights, while your family is destroyed, your life ruined, and your freedoms are trampled by a court. “The rule of law” is just a propaganda phrase that covers for rule by lawyers.

The reality of American courts is an immense tragedy and catastrophe, a tragedy which is mostly un-reported in the news media. (See below on why the U.S. media are quiet about crooked judges and lawyers.) There are millions of victims, with stories that are largely hidden, suppressed or obscured by the big news media organizations. Some of these victims are under gag orders or bans on their freedom of speech, but many of these stories are out on the internet for you to see, some of them despite the gag orders.

Because these stories are not prominent on the TV news or in the major newspapers, most people who are not yet victims – maybe like you, before you became a victim yourself – most people tend to believe what they have been told, about living in a “free country” with “justice in the courts”, and the “greatest legal system in the world”.

It is natural to believe this propaganda, it is human nature for Americans to accept these stories. But it is not the truth about the American legal system. It is scary to confront that truth, to face the real facts about fraud and injustice in America’s courts. On the internet, however, you can find many of the particular cases and examples, which show you the real truth about what is going on in the American courts right now.

Additionally, the courts themselves in America, not only their decisions and decrees and orders, but also the rantings and ravings of judges themselves, are a powerful means of propaganda against the people who are victims of the legal system. What courts and judges say, is what everyone is allowed to talk about and repeat, no matter how dishonest, criminal, slanderous, or false and unjust, the statements made by the judge. However, the statements of a private person – especially if it is critical of a judge or court – are things that carry much less weight, and which the media often will refuse to publish. In America, the courts are allowed to shape the picture of reality presented by the mass media.

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My Rights Were Violated.

When you have been a victim of wrongdoing by a judge or lawyer, you have joined the ranks of what are now millions of victims of sleaze and corruption in the American legal system.

But you need first of all to realize that you are in an extremely difficult situation, and it will be very difficult for you to get help, despite your being surrounded by nearly a million lawyers in the USA, and living in a society that is obsessed with law and lawyers, with courts and with lawsuits.

This FAQ or list of Frequently Asked Questions, will help you understand the situation in which you find yourself. This FAQ will explain what will likely happen as you try the various avenues of seeking help and justice, and the powerful forces that are set up against you.

You have begun a road that is probably long and lonely, as well as dangerous. You or a loved one may be threatened with jail and prison, with losing everything you have or own, even with being physically and mentally tormented, being murdered or put to death.

You may be completely innocent, and have complete proof that a lawyer or judge or their friends have committed major felony crimes.

But still, you may have a terribly difficult time getting anyone to help you, or getting the news media to cover your story, or even getting someone to listen to you.

The first step is to face and confront the situation, and know exactly what forces you are facing in America’s strange legal system. This FAQ will help you understand all of this.

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