
My Rights Were Violated.

This role of the American news media, and how they are silent on legal and judicial corruption, is another big shocker for the victims of injustice.

When you are a new victim of legal injustice in America, you tend to start out thinking that the horrors that happened to you, can wind up on the front pages of the newspaper, or in the headlines on at least the local TV news broadcasts. You think you have a great and important and news story – and you may be right. You think that the public will be interested in what happened to you – and you may be right. You think your story is very unique – but you are probably wrong about that.

As a victim of injustice by lawyers or judges, you may think your story is unique, because you haven’t heard about similar stories on the news, or read about similar stories in the newspapers. But that is only because the big media in America – the newspapers and television news shows, and the major news internet sites that you read – almost never publish such stories.

The reality is that the so-called “reporters” at media outlets, are actually bombarded every day with endless horror stories of things happening to innocent people, especially in the legal system. Typically, reporters don’t pursue such stories, because they know they won’t be allowed to publish such stories in the newspapers, or talk about them on television.

While millions of Americans have already been victims of the legal system, millions more have not yet had the opportunity to bump into it. And because the news media refuses to report on the stories of legal and judicial corruption, the millions who haven’t been in court, have an imaginary fairy-tale view of American justice, that has been created by television and Hollywood movies, and the propaganda they learned in school in childhood.

So when you become a victim of injustice, you are tempted to call the newspapers and TV stations, and you imagine you might be on nationwide television. And, in fact, if they had the courage to do a story on you, it might be an interesting one.

But they don’t want to tell your story. You just take a number, behind the many thousands of other people, who wish the media was talking about their story, too.

The American media does not want to talk about particular cases of legal corruption, and does not want to talk about attempts by citizens to reform the legal system. Their coverage of such cases is almost always limited to cases where some government official or politician is taking some action or saying something. The media avoids news and stories about judicial and legal corruption, that are supplied by citizens themselves.

The media is afraid of confronting legal corruption, for the same reason lawyers and everyone else are afraid. If a newspaper starts publishing material on the corruption of lawyers and judges, that newspaper would quickly become a target of revenge by the legal system. Possibly a direct target, but more importantly an indirect target.

All of a sudden, court cases in which that media organization was involved would not go very well. People would show up and sue the newspaper for millions of dollars – in seemingly unrelated cases – and suddenly win, maybe even destroying and wiping out the newspaper. People at the newspaper might suddenly find themselves arrested and criminally charged for something that seems unrelated. Lawyers would be unwilling to defend the newspaper, or else only defend it badly, giving a victory to the other side. It might take a while, but eventually the newspaper might be totally destroyed by the legal machine, unless it learned its lesson of being submissive to the lawyers and the judges.

The legal system has certainly been terrifically savage and brutal to individual writers and journalists, who have dared to raise questions about legal and judicial misconduct.

And as been said above, the media ground rules in America, are such that the media is obligated to present the view of reality that is painted by a judge in his orders and decrees. Even if the judge is a perverted criminal lunatic, his “verdict” is how the media can smear someone, unless there’s some higher judge that has over-ruled the first judge. The response of a private person to the slanders of a judge or a false court verdict, is heavily discounted by the media, and often not published at all. The judges control everything in America – their words then become lawful propaganda.

But there is more to the story of the media, than just typical fear of lawyers and judges. Just like the corporations and rich investors fund and “own” both of the major political parties, the same corporations and investors own and control most of the major media in America. Just like there is no real political opposition, there is no real media opposition, either.

No, the US government does not “own” the media. Somewhat the other way around, and more complex: It is the big corporations and rich investors, who own most all the major media, as well as the political parties and the machinery of US government. The bottom line is still the same. No effective political opposition in America, no opposition parties, no opposition media.

Like they say, freedom of the press belongs to the people who own the press. And the press, in the United States of America, is owned by the same big corporations and rich investors, who own the machinery of government, and are backing the culture of judicial dominance and corruption.

A recent article showed how the top 10 media conglomerates in America, including many of the big media names that you know, was actually controlled by a very small group of less than 120 people who formed the directors of these media corporations. These people were, in many cases, on the boards of many other big companies. In fact, these 120 people were also on the boards of directors of over 280 of the richest corporations in America.

So the biggest American corporations and investors, are also controlling America’s media that you see and hear and read. And it’s just 120 very rich people at the controls of a dominant chunk of that media pie. These people don’t have to be part of an ultra-secret conspiracy, or some secret society. They might just be rich people who have a common interest: Profit and money and control. Control the media, control democracy, control the profit.

These corporations like the system the way it is. Otherwise they could make it different. If they didn’t like America’s crooked judges and lawyers, the media owners could launch a big crusade for more democracy, power to the people, more political parties, prosecution of dishonest judges and lawyers.

But it’s funny, they’re not interested in any of that stuff. You look at the major media outlets, on TV or in the newspapers, and you don’t hear much about legal corruption, or the need for reforming the judges and the legal system. You’re confronted with “info-tainment”, a few sensational stories that avoid telling the real news about corruption. The media avoids telling how the old America is rotting away. Aside from celebrity and fluff pieces, what is generally allowed to appear as “news”, is nearly all sourced in the government itself.

If you look closely at what’s in the newspaper or a major media outlet, you will find in many cases that nearly all of what’s in the newspaper, or big media website, has its origins in actions or statements by the government. The President said this, the government spokesman said this, an unnamed official said this, the town councilman said this, someone leaked this from the government, the police did this, the courts are doing that. What comprises the “news” is often government from A to Z, and then the media adds a little bit about what dress some celebrity was wearing. Even with celebrities, the news is often government-oriented – the celebrity was in divorce court, was caught buying drugs, etc..

There isn’t really much that’s allowed to be “news” in the USA unless the government, or some faction in the government, starts it first. On legal and judicial corruption, the media usually don’t pursue the story, unless the lawyer or judge is actually being officially prosecuted or investigated by an official government agency, or is being sued in a lawsuit by a law firm that is politically impressive enough to win media attention.

The media don’t want to hear about how your rights were being violated, or how much crystal clear evidence you have that the lawyers or a judge committed a crime. They want to know: Is someone in the GOVERNMENT doing something about your evidence? The bar, the police, the prosecutors, the judges, a politician speaking out on your behalf? If not, they usually don’t want to print your story.

As a victim of legal or judicial corruption, you find the media is another brick wall in your struggle.

It’s not a question of your writing a good press release, or getting your facts well-presented, or having good evidence. You could have the greatest story in the world, with the most well-written press release, but the media will ignore you, if you are trying to expose judicial and legal corruption in America.

Even worse, in some cases the big media companies are actually helping lawyers and judges to commit felony crimes. The big media companies are working with lawyers to help set up lawsuits – they plant fake “news” stories, and even invent fake interviews, which later serve as false evidence in court cases, to help take away the rights of victims. Yes, these kind of frightening events are really happening. And once again, you may not know these facts until you seriously research things on the internet. The big media companies are hardly going to let you know, that big media companies are in cahoots with crooked lawyers and judges.

Americans might be the most expertly manipulated and deceived people in the entire world now, as their political life is managed by the biggest propaganda operation in world history. It is wise never to trust the mainstream media from the USA; always think of what might possibly be the real truth behind the surface story. Since the time of Adolf Hitler and his propaganda minister Goebbels, it has been known that the best way to control a nation is to control the mass media – that’s why the big corporations place such importance on their control of the mass media in America.

Americans who are still stuck inside the two-party myth, the Democrat vs. Republican ways of thinking, have the same problem with interpreting the news media that they have in looking at the judges. The Republican voters think the media is “too Democrat, too liberal, too leftist”, while the Democrats think the media is “too Republican, too conservative”. And once again, just as with the judges, both sides are right, and also wrong at the same time.

The big media companies, like the judges, are serving the government, and serving the big corporations who own the media as well as pay for the politicians. You can pick your viewpoint, to point out some news stories that slant toward the Republican wing of the airplane, and other sides that slant toward the Democrat wing, depending on where you want to start. But what you can be sure of, is that nearly all news stories, fit into the mainstream framework of the ruling big-party machine. What the news stories aren’t telling very well, is the stories of real grass-roots Americans, trying to fight back against big government and the big corporations, or the millions of Americans who are victimized or fighting back against one of the world’s most crooked legal systems.

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My Rights Were Violated.

Amazingly, though you can find many American organizations supposedly dealing with lawyers and judges, and the topic of reforming the legal system, they will mostly all ignore you, if you are a victim of judicial or legal corruption. This is true of the whole range of well-funded advocacy groups, non-profit study groups, and various civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights organizations.

Such groups tell you they try to “work within the system”, which is code language for telling you that they almost never get involved in complaining about crooked lawyers and judges. These organizations are not out to rock the boat of America’s judicial nightmare, even though they may be engaged in other political-type legal cases.

If such organizations have any money, resources, or lawyers on their staff, they will very likely totally ignore you.

But if the organization has no money, has nothing much more than a website, and no lawyers or legal help, you may find a sympathetic ear to receive your e-mails, but perhaps little else.

Like many other victims, you may find that the same civil rights or civil liberties organization, to whom you were donating money all these years, now dumps you on the street like a load of garbage when you ask them to help, in an actual case of judicial or legal corruption.

It is all a tragedy, indeed.

And it will be quite a surprise, as you sift through the websites, many of which claim that they are advocates for civil liberties, human rights, more honest judges, a more open judicial process and blah-blah-blah.

Some of them have very nice websites, put up at great expense. You can read about their paid staff members with their executive director, and all the important people on their board of directors – which is almost a sure sign that the organization will not help you.

If you dig into those websites, though, you will usually not find any great heroic stories, of how the group helped some poor victim of legal corruption, who had been railroaded by a dishonest judge or lawyer.

If you call them up, you will find that such brave fighting is not their “mission”. If such groups have money, that usually means that these groups are part of the general game of politics that serves either the Democratic or Republican parties, or both. Or sometimes the group is actually a group working for the very lawyers and judges who are running the current system as it stands right now.

Such groups are sometimes quite passionately involved in a few partisan legal cases, where Republican politicians are going after Democrats, or vice-versa. Sometimes they are involved with one of those public emotional issues – like school prayer or family values or so on – in the framework of one political party or another. Occasionally, they do help some private individual, who is lucky enough to have his or her problem fit exactly into their political agenda, but that is very rare.

And such cases are almost never about the usual bribery, fraud, corruption, and brutality, of America’s day-to-day lawyers and judges. There is no well-funded organization out there, helping the simple average American who is being robbed, violated and railroaded by crooked lawyers and judges.

Any well-funded organizations, and their lawyers, tend to chase after cases that are already in the media, or obviously suited to the political game of the two main parties.

Such well-funded organizations, tend to get their money from big corporations, precisely because they serve the interests of those corporations. They may help “recommend” judges who are eager to help the big corporations, and fit into the framework of one of the two big parties.

One of the many ways that political life in America is managed, is by the smoke and mirrors of so-called non-profit think tanks and political advocacy groups. For example, big corporations pay for “environmental study” groups that help the big corporations to damage the environment and get away with it, as the “independent study” group then feeds false information to the media, in a big game of deceiving the members of the public.

The “legal and justice” organizations you find on the internet, are sometimes no different. First of all, they are organizations trying to keep their own money flowing, and the biggest source of money is from rich people and big corporations.

Some organizations do some good work for human rights or civil rights, but they are very timid or limited in what they do. So many tens of millions of people need help, they say No to most people anyway.

And such organizations are afraid of exposing crooked lawyers and judges. They have the same problem you do: The judges and lawyers will destroy them if they speak out too much. If they criticize judges and lawyers, they face lawsuits and false criminal charges, just like you do. The judges can see to it that the organization’s lawyers lose the right to practice law, and that the organization gets destroyed with a few big lawsuits. And they will lose their “corporate” funding if they have any, and all those paid employees at the organization will be out of work, or worse.

When you are a victim of a crooked judge or lawyer, that often means your civil rights have been violated, either by what originally happened, or the subsequent cover up. However, that is exactly the kind of violation of your civil rights and civil liberties, that the various organizations are afraid to touch, even if they claim to be national “civil rights and civil liberties” organizations.

“We have to work within the system,” they will tell you. “Our resources are limited, we can’t take every case, it’s not the kind of case we handle . . .” Eventually you get used to the routine responses.

Most victims will find that, for their own case, there is no one out there, with money or resources or lawyers, who is willing to help fight legal or judicial corruption in America.

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These problems are related, but very different. The problem of judicial and legal corruption, is a much wider and deeper problem, of which the problem of “political activist judges” is only one aspect.

It is important to understand the difference, as the political discussion about the smaller problem of “political activist judges” is often used to confuse and distract the debate about needed judicial reform.

In America people worry when they pick a judge for the U.S. Supreme Court, and they are all scared about what will happen. Even the people who pick him worry about him, given he might be in the job for another 35 years, and might later change his views in some screwy direction.

The power of the judges in America, however, really shows the weakness of American democracy. Why is a Supreme Court judge a kind of “king for life”, with unlimited powers to make political policy, and no one can over-rule these judges or remove them?

The power of judges in America, is quite ridiculous from the point of view of democracies in Europe, where people decide policies in a parliament they have recently elected. In Europe, there is no particular worry about choosing judges. In Europe judges might secretly be communists or capitalists or anything in between, but people don’t worry that they will destroy the country if they pick a judge with the wrong political position.

In Europe, the judges tend to stay out of politics – they leave the political questions to the elective government, as their job is to just apply the law and seek justice. In Europe, countries have multiple political parties across the spectrum, who will speak out if the judges get political. There is no political fear of unelected judges-for-life who are making policy for the people.

When Americans complain about “political judges”, it’s funny to observe, that the voters who still think they are Democrats or Republicans, each look at the judges as biased the other way. The Democrats see America’s judges as “too right wing, too conservative”; the Republicans see America’s judges as “too Democrat, too liberal”, even though most American federal judges now are Republicans. But both sides are actually right, and also wrong at the same time. The judges are just plain arrogant, and are constantly twisting the laws in a way to increase their own unlimited power as judges. Just pick your preferred filter to look at the biased decisions one way or the other.

There are a few cases where American politicians do tap a little bit, into the public feeling of anger about judges. However, this is almost never about the really big issues of outright fraud, corruption, bribery and extortion by the judicial branch. The complaints that you do sometimes see by politicians, are about the more narrow problem of judges who are openly bending their decisions on one of the emotional issues usually associated with one political party versus the other.

The problem of political judges, versus judicial corruption, has the same basis – arrogant judges out of control, ignoring the law and doing what they want – but the politicians stick to a very narrow script about a few controversial decisions, and they ignore the more general problem of bribery and court fraud, innocent people getting railroaded, and families getting destroyed.

There has long been a great problem in America, even going back more than a century, of judges who end up twisting the law and re-interpreting the law in some way to meet a preconceived political objective. In such cases the judge often goes to the extent of ignoring the Constitution or the laws as clearly written, and just making up his own rules or laws, using the terrifying power that American judges possess over the people appearing in their courtrooms.

If other judges do not move quickly to overturn or overrule such bad rulings, a lot of damage can be done. And judges are nearly always inclined to cover up for each other, especially if the victim is not wealthy or powerful.

But this is only one aspect of the far bigger problem, that “the law” in America has become almost infinitely devious in the hands of judges and lawyers. Nowadays, lawyers do not see the law or the Constitution as what is clearly written and understood by most people; the law is whatever the judges say it is.

And if the judges get together to say the Constitution means something else, then the original Constitution is effectively dead, if the judges won’t honor it, and if the lawyers won’t even fight for it, because they are too afraid of contradicting the judges.

The process of bending and twisting the law for political purposes has been accelerating over the last century. It has been accelerating extremely rapidly since the 1960s and 1970s, with the rapid expansion of lawsuits, prisons, and the power of lawyers and judges in America. Nowadays, lawyers just laugh at the “stupid Americans” who still read the old Constitution, or some written law, and expect to be protected by those laws or provisions. To an American lawyer, now, what is legal or not, just depends on what judges say is legal. What is written in the law, are just some words that the judge will use as a starting point as he plays the “legal game” in his courtroom.

Very clearly, over the last several decades, judges have made all sorts of politically-oriented rulings on controversial issues that tend to be very emotional for the American people – putting children on busses to integrate schools, or abortion for example. It is very strange to watch for other countries, because in other countries, such controversial issues are usually decided by a political debate in their parliament. In America, however, such issues, over and over again, are decided in the courts, by judges elected by nobody.

Some of these cases are in that very narrow realm of issues that politicians use as emotional footballs – abortion, gay marriage, school prayer, displaying passages from the Bible, things like that. Yes politicians do talk about judges, and accuse them of twisting the law one way or the other, about such issues.

This does help to distract many people into believing that one or the other political parties cares about “dishonest” judges, because they talk about a few judicial decisions on these high-heat emotional issues.

But what politicians, of any party, still avoid discussing, is the general problem of the wide corruption in American courts, the total violation and denial of rights to the average person, the railroading of innocent people, the destruction of families, and courts that favor the rich people and big corporations over the little person.

About such real issues, all of a sudden the politicians become very reverent, like they are talking about a god in heaven, and they mumble about “respect for the courts” and “not interfering with the great American legal system”.

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Yes, sadly this is true. Though it may take a while for you to accept and digest this, especially if you have lived a lot of your previous life imagining that one of these two parties really “represented” you, or represented your views.

To real understand why American legal corruption is so entrenched, it’s also necessary to understand the political fakery and illusions that are helping to hold it up.

As you look for help for your situation in being a victim of America’s crooked legal system, you have run smack into another ugly truth about American life. Not only does America have a basically fake legal system, pretending to be fair while really working for the big corporations. America also has a basically fake political system – two big “political parties” that pretend to be different, but they are really “two wings on the same airplane”.

This is already known, subconsciously, by a large segment of the American people. It’s why so few people vote in America, why sometimes even the majority of people don’t vote. Many people feel, down deep, that the two big parties are really the same; there’s no other parties to pick from that have any realistic chance or hope; so people feel better not voting at all. People feel better not voting, so as to not give any legitimacy to politicians, whom they know don’t care about the common people.

If you vote for a smaller, third-party, or independent candidate, the media often won’t even report such votes, so as to help discourage the independent voters. And the media tries to do very little news reporting about independent candidates – otherwise people might vote for them.

Of course many millions of Americans still have the impression that “their party”, that of the Democrats or Republicans, is really “different” in some way. But this is largely smoke and illusion. The fact is that both parties really agree on most all issues that are important to the rich people and big corporations. That’s why you often see legislation get passed on near-unanimous votes, if it affects big corporations and wealthy investors.

On the other hand, there is a certain game being played, a game of illusion about certain issues which excite a lot of emotion with some voters, but where the big corporations either don’t really care, or in which the results are pre-managed despite the heated debate. These are issues like abortion, prayer in the schools, ownership of assault weapons, gay rights, flag burning and so on.

Such issues inflame the passions of millions of people, and make them vote passionately for either Republicans or Democrats. Such issues help people to imagine that one of the two big parties “represents” them. But such issues are smoke and mirrors, designed to deflect and detour the average person’s mind, from the bread-and-butter issues, that are important to the profits of the big corporations.

You will notice, too, that with regard to such “hot button” issues, very little changes regardless of who is elected. America has elected a number of “anti-abortion” Presidents and congresses since 1980, and yet the abortion laws don’t really change, despite all the promises and all the millions of people who gave money and voted, voted in the hope there would be a new Constitutional amendment about abortion. Every four years, the same story works all over again, even though nothing has changed.

The same goes for gay rights, or gun laws or many other issues – the only changes made are minor, despite all the promises. And in many cases the politicians throw up their hands and say, “Well, the courts decided, and we can’t do anything about it just yet . . .” The politicians claim they are helpless before the courts, so of course the average person feels even more helpless. Every election, the same issues get paraded around to inflame people’s passions, and meanwhile the same powers keep running America: The big corporations, and the judges and lawyers, who get what they want. And not much is ever said by any politician about the dominance of big companies, and the crimes of judges and lawyers, most especially the latter.

The two parties also cultivate images that are different, even though their basic policies are quite similar. The Republicans appeal more to people who identify with evangelical religion, “traditional” values, or who think of themselves as “conservative”, while the Democrats appeal more to people who lean toward leftist or social-democracy government programs. (Americans use the word “liberal” to describe leftist views, though in other countries “liberal” often means pro-capitalist. Americans often call Democrats the “more liberal” party, but this label can be confusing overseas.)

Both parties try to be like blank computer screens for their voters, so that people can imagine whatever they like on the screen. Perhaps about half of Americans are fooled by this game; the other half realize, on some level, that the two parties “are both playing the same crooked game”, but don’t know what to do about it.

So it should not be a mystery that the Republican President Bush family, are friends with former Democratic President Clinton. The friendship there, is a symbol of how the two American “political parties” are really partners in running America.

The two big parties in America make sure now that little third parties, that might make a difference, never get off the ground. Such parties don’t get money from the big corporations, they don’t get media coverage, and they get attacked by the big parties with all sorts of legal challenges, so they have to spend whatever little money they have in the courts, fighting lawsuits just so they can get on the ballot. And the voters are regularly reminded that voting for anyone except the two big parties is a “wasted” vote. So real voters are made to feel helpless and hopeless, unless they imagine that one of the two big political parties “represents” them.

It is very different in Europe for example, where there are often many distinctive political parties, and because of proportional voting, even a small political party can get seats in a parliament, and become a part of government or at least parliamentary debates. But that’s not allowed in America, where the two big parties control everything, and third parties will not get represented even if they get huge percentages of the vote.

For millions of Americans who try to get involved in politics, they may spend their entire lives trying to make either the Republicans or the Democrats a little different, trying to influence the policies of the big party a little bit on some issue. But much of this energy is wasted. In the end, most legislators of the two big parties vote in the way that the lobbyists for the big corporations tell them to vote.

People in America cling desperately to one of the two big parties, despite the evidence, because otherwise they may feel really hopeless and depressed. It is a comfort to imagine that one of the political parties really does care about you. But when you become a victim of judicial or legal corruption, you will find out how much the big parties really don’t care, about corruption, about injustice, or about you.

It may indeed be a mistake to think that America is a “democracy with two big political parties”, as it is no longer fully a democracy at all. It’s really a country with only one political party, but a party that has two factions or branches, the Democrats and Republicans. The big corporations pay for both political parties, to keep the show and the illusion going. But the two parties represent the same big corporations and the same policies.

Somewhat hilariously, there are opinion polls in America showing that people are 50 per cent or even 80 per cent in favor of something, but yet such policy has “no support” in either the Democratic or Republic party in Congress. It is getting very obvious that the two parties are at odds with the American people.

And the subject of judicial and legal corruption, with millions of victims, is one of those issues where the two big parties basically won’t do anything.

That’s why you hit the brick wall when you go to your politicians with clear-cut evidence and total proof of felony crimes that have been committed, by some lawyer or judge. The politicians won’t touch it, they won’t help you. They just refer you right back to lawyers and judges.

But, you tell the politicians, you already went to the lawyers and judges, and the judges are ignoring you and no lawyer will help you.

Too bad, say the politicians, they never “interfere with the courts”. The politicians just won’t help you either. You are alone and abandoned, and the politicians will ignore you just like they ignored the many other victims who approached them before.

There’s no effective opposition to the judges in America, because there’s no effective political opposition, period. The two supposed “political parties” are really factions of one party, a party that belongs to the big corporations and the wealthiest investors, who are backing the judges and lawyers.

In any country with only one political party, the judges end up being a tool for servicing that one party, and maintaining its power over the people. And that’s what has gone wrong in America. America needs more than reform of its judges and legal system. America needs more democracy, so that there is real political opposition, not just the fake “battle” between two parties that get their money in the same place, and which basically have the same policies.

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My Rights Were Violated.

Next to the initial shock of realizing the crooked nature of American judges and courts, the next biggest shock for the typical victim is finding out that the politicians of both major parties, have no interest in helping the victim or confronting the injustice.

Often you hear a victim of legal corruption say, “I’ve been a Republican/Democrat all my life, but when I asked for help about how I was victimized by a judge or lawyer, all I got was the run-around. They slammed the door in my face. My legislator just told me, ‘We don’t interfere with the courts, that’s a different branch of government.’ I told them about all the crimes I saw committed, but they didn’t care. They just abandoned me, even though I voted for those people for years.”

It’s often the same story. If you have some problem with an executive branch government agency, not getting some permit you need or some issue like that, your legislator might help you. But raise an issue about crooked lawyers and judges, then Whoa! You find that your legislators and their staff look at you like some criminal, who has just tried to get away with armed robbery. They don’t want to talk to you, they don’t want to hear about your problems, and they almost certainly won’t do anything about it.

The political party that you imagined was on your side all those years you voted for them, now suddenly has no time for you. You will find that both political parties are the same.

Even if you have a strong political angle, they won’t help you. If a Republican judge has committed a felony crime against you, don’t expect the Democrats to help. If a law firm of Democrat lawyers has robbed you, don’t expect the Republicans to help.

You are confronting something very deep and dark about American life here. Your legislators will not help you about legal corruption and wrong-doing, not only for the reason that the legislator and leading staff members may well all be lawyers. Of course that is a factor, too. Sometimes even the majority of legislators are lawyers, the same kind of politically-hungry lawyers who become judges. They start their careers playing the familiar dirty games with judges and other lawyers, and they do not want to start fighting that dirty game just because they won an election as the supposed “people’s representative”.

The legislator knows it is very dangerous to talk about crime and wrongdoing by lawyers and judges. Legislators who start talking like that, are quickly attacked by the legal profession, by the judges and by their fellow legislators. If they don’t shut up quickly, their political careers, and maybe their private ones, will be sabotaged. They might find themselves suddenly themselves facing trumped-up “corruption charges”, and there will be lots of snickering as to how they only complained about judges and lawyers because they were crooks themselves.

Ultimately, legislators are loyal to the people who pay their bills – the richest people and the biggest corporations. Nearly all legislators belong to the two major political parties, and they have benefited financially and in many other ways from these parties and related political-action groups, which are mostly funded in turn by the rich people and big corporations.

The big money behind the two political parties, do not want to see legislators rocking the boat, going on a crusade against crooked lawyers and judges, when the American legal system is exactly the main tool that is being used to keep the whole American “system” the way it is, the way that is most profitable for the big companies. A legislator who makes trouble here, has a very difficult road, and will usually not be allowed to stay in politics very long, and be lucky not to get jailed before it is all over.

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The legal system works well for the big corporations and investors and multi-millionaires and billionaires – they can play the legal “game” and often get what they want. On the other hand, the legal system works badly for the average person, the innocent man or woman who is getting financially destroyed or jailed, or banned from seeing children that they care for and love.

Some long time ago in America, the decision was firmed up by the big powers of wealth that control America, to make the legal system the tool of control and fear of the American people. It has worked very well in that way. It is an implicit deal of quiet understanding. You don’t need to believe in a conspiracy, or any central control, to realize that slowly over time, a natural convergence of interest has come about, between the judges and lawyers on the one hand, and the corporations and wealthiest people on the other.

The deal goes something like this. The big corporations said, “Look here, judges, we will give you nearly total control over life in America. You will be supreme, in charge, you will get to bend and twist the law around any way you want. You will get to bend and twist the Constitution or any laws passed by the legislature, and the facts of any particular case, to suit your whims and preferences. You judges and lawyers can get filthy rich from all sorts of lawsuits. You will even get to totally control America’s lawyers, who will even be afraid to file papers or say things in court, without advance approval from you judges. You will be able to get instant revenge on lawyers who dare to question you, or who don’t play along with your bribery games.”

The corporations continued: “Everyone will be afraid of you judges, and no one will be able to question you and your lawyer friends, even when you commit crimes of fraud and extortion and bribery in broad daylight, and conduct fake trials. Even the legislators (whom we corporations also control through the money we give them) will not dare to impeach you. Everyone will spout little schoolbook phrases about ‘the rule of law’ and ‘respecting the judgement of the court’. The big media organizations (whom we corporations also own and control) will be afraid to print news stories that expose the real workings of the law or the courts. You judges, and many lawyers who play the game with you, will be very rich, and very powerful. You will be the ultimate guardians of the American empire.”

The corporations went on: “All you need to do is make sure that the American people stay under your thumb, and that you judges serve the big corporations and rich people on the really important big issues. You can sometimes let people win some lawsuits, especially some of those personal-injury cases that create such good legal fees and opportunities for bribery. The American people can look at the courts as a kind of casino, where they might win a million dollars, even though most people will really lose money and get destroyed. You judges will be in charge of this whole game. But on the really big issues, you judges will take sides with the big companies, or with the government and politicians, who also work for the big companies and multi-millionaire investors.”

The corporations continued: “You judges will do everything you can to see that democracy is kept limited and under control. You will see that the courts make the big decisions, not the people, and not the legislators who can be influenced by people visiting their offices. You will see that the highest power remains in the hands of federal judges, who cannot even be fired or transferred out of a job. In general, you judges will work to see that the common people are afraid and terrified of the legal system. You will use your powers to keep people in check, and hinder political parties or political movements that are not owned by the big companies. Sometimes you will see that critics are shut up and jailed.”

The corporations continued: “You will send millions of people to prison, and some thousands of people to death, you judges will be in charge of the biggest gulag prison system in the entire world. You will be in charge of the jail and the terror of the American people. You will destroy the lives of so many little people, making them broke and separating them from their families and making them worry about money and going to jail and losing their children, so they will not be able to organize themselves and fight the big companies. You will encourage fear and hatred, you will help make the middle class to be afraid of the poor, you will help stir up fear between different races and religious groups.”

The corporations concluded: “The American people will be deceived and manipulated and fearful and helpless to fight you. You judges and we corporations, we will maintain power together, and we will be rich together. You judges will be the most powerful people in the most powerful country in the world. And we corporations will gladly pay you well for it. Together we will inhibit and limit democracy, we will stop whatever laws and lawsuits and political movements, that will threaten to limit the profits and power of the corporations, or which try to limit the power games of you judges and lawyers. We will rule America together, because it is the only way to rule America to our maximum benefit. We will laugh and call it ‘democracy’ and the ‘rule of law’, even while American people live in fear, and become powerless and have their rights taken away. The rule of law will become the rule of lawyers, under the judges who exercise supreme power for the big corporations.”

No conversation like this ever took place, most likely. But it is a fairly good statement of the quiet understanding that exists, between America’s corporate powers and wealthy investors, on the other hand, and the judges and lawyers who control America’s legal system.

If the legal system did not control, manipulate, and divide the American people, there would be more popular democracy, more political parties, less abuse of the average person, and smaller profits for the richest people and big corporations, as Americans won back their rights that they have lost.

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So why don’t the rich people and corporations keep the judges under control, and force them to be honest?

In talking about the power of the big corporations, the billionaires, and the multi-millionaires, it is not necessary to take sides on issues like free-market capitalism versus leftist social democracy, or the old-fashioned debate about what Americans call the “conservative” versus “liberal” viewpoint.

What is being talked about here, is the monopoly power of rich companies and a few rich people, so concentrated that is so huge and dangerous, and stifles free competition. It is what former American President Teddy Roosevelt warned about as the dangerous power of “trusts”, or cartels and monopolies. It is also what former American President Dwight Eisenhower warned against as the power of the “military industrial complex”, the big corporations and wealthy people whom he said might eventually control all branches and aspects of government, if people were not vigilant.

It is that kind of concentrated, monopoly power that is at issue here – not just the power of the judges and lawyers themselves as a monopoly, but the power of the corporations behind them.

Clearly it benefits the judges themselves to operate a culture of almost naked and unrestrained power, where complaints about judges are only reviewed by other judges. It benefits the judges themselves to have a system where the lawyers themselves must submit to the judges, and not dare expose corruption, or else instantly lose their ability to practice law, and maybe face jail and prison themselves. Where judges can commit crimes and develop a culture of bribery, secure in the knowledge that they themselves can cover up for fellow judges who engage in bribery and misconduct.

The current game benefits the judges, and it benefits the group of wealthy lawyers who play dirty games with the judges and who buy influence with them. But all of that may not be enough to explain why the game keeps going on.

Over and over again, people cry out in private: Why doesn’t “somebody” do something about these crooked judges and lawyers? Why won’t anyone help me? Why do the politicians, the police and everybody else, stay silent why all of this is going on?

Yes, theoretically, the legislators have the power to go after the judges. The media could start publicizing on the front page of the newspapers, and in the headlines of news broadcasts, all the terrible crimes being committed by judges and lawyers, all the stories of so many victims, with so much proof in written documents. If it wanted, the media could publicize all those stories that are usually only found by people on the internet, after they themselves have become victims, and go looking on the internet for help, only to find that there are hundreds of thousands of other victims, too.

But nonetheless, all the millions of victims of the legal system are suffering, and finding that no one in power, no big political party or influential media organization is taking up their cause. Why not?

The answer ultimately lies in the power of the big corporations, and the billionaire and multi-millionaire investors. These powers, ultimately, like the current system as it is. It works for them, even though the average common person often gets run over by the big bus known as the American legal system. These big corporations, who also own the media companies, and who also supply the money for your congress-people and legislators, like the system as it is. So the people who get their money – the media and the legislators – stay quiet about legal corruption, because they know that the current legal system is what is wanted by those big corporations and investors.

A “fair” legal system, which made the little guy equal to the big corporation, is obviously something dangerous to the corporations, that would cost them money. An unfair legal system – where only the richest can afford to play the game well – benefits the corporations greatly.

Almost no one in America can pay lawyers $500 an hour for months and months. But this is small chump change for big companies or billionaires, to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on lawyers.

And it is not just lawsuits and legal claims, that the big corporations and rich investors are worried about. It is control of all the machinery of government, control of democracy itself, that is secured by owning the legal system.

America is the only developed nation in the world whose political system, is so well controlled and owned by the big corporations and investors. An unfair legal system, with lots of influence-buying and bribery, not only lets companies win their particular legal battles, in taking away the rights of the little guy. It also prevents other kinds of protest and political activity that could threaten the big companies’ profits and power. The working class and middle class people, can be kept submissive and in fear, afraid of ever trying to ask for their rights either in the court or in politics.

America’s unfair legal system is an important tool to keep people shut up and quiet and fearful. Similarly, the monopoly ownership of America’s media by the big companies keeps many Americans ignorant of things that are going on, if it is not what the corporations want them to hear.

Americans are in terror of the law and the legal system. If the average American is arrested, he already fears that he will be railroaded and sent to jail if he is not rich, and if he does not have several hundred thousand dollars to spend. If he is sued by a big company, the average person expects to lose everything he owns, and go bankrupt.

The legal system is used to quash, silence and destroy, and even imprison, little people who try to criticize big companies, rich people, or (of course) judges and lawyers. The legal system is used to attack and harass people who try to start independent political parties or reform movements, or engage in protest activity, or to crush independent writers and critics.

One big tool of crushing democracy, is the whole farce of American courts on divorce and family law, the custody of children and alimony and divorce property disputes. By keeping millions of Americans tied up in years of legal hell and losing money to this system, working Americans are kept poor, and drained of energy and resources they could use for other political activity.

In a general demoralization of the working and lower classes, America has built a giant gulag of prisons, with more than 2 million prisoners – this is one-fourth, twenty-five percent, of all the prisoners in the entire world. America is now a big jailhouse. More than 1 out of 140 Americans is currently in prison. Hardly anybody is in jail in Europe, and the crime rates are much lower. America imprisons a much higher percentage of people than China, Cuba or other countries that America likes to criticize.

Working class and minority Americans live in fear of being sent to jail on false and bogus charges, with fake evidence from crooked jailhouse snitches, who tell lies just to get a lighter sentence for themselves. Sometimes you learn that an innocent man was strapped to a table and put to death, on the basis of such flimsy crooked evidence.

The average person is already at least subconsciously aware that the legal system is a terrifying monster. Indeed, it is a frightening iron fist, or iron curtain, of corruption.

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To understand the reasons for the abuse of judicial power in America, it’s necessary to talk a little about the politics of America itself – who is powerful in America, and how America is really run. This discussion is necessarily controversial, and many people will have differing perspectives. But there is no way to discuss the root of the problem of judicial and legal corruption, without at least partially discussing the problems of American politics.

Also, it’s necessary to say a little bit about American politics, before we discuss why various other groups and entities – like the political parties, non-profit groups and organizations, and the media — won’t help you fight or expose legal corruption either.

So here in this FAQ is a brief political discussion that will at least explain what is holding up the current environment of judicial corruption and bribery, and why nobody powerful is trying to stop the judges and lawyers.

You don’t have to agree with this discussion, to appreciate that there is a terrible problem in America with injustice; with dishonest, crooked and political biased judges; and with lawyers who regularly abandon, sabotage and betray their own clients. But for those who want to understand why this is happening, the political discussion here will provide one framework of reference, and an initial explanation for why this terrible tragic “game” is still being played, with no powerful group out there calling “Stop” to these terrors.

In America there are said to be three “branches” of government: the judiciary branch of judges, the executive branch under the president and the governors, and the legislative branch under congress and the various state legislatures. Two main political “parties”, the Democrats and Republicans, control nearly everyone in government throughout America – with just a handful of exceptions, all judges, the President and the governors, and all legislators, are members of these two big parties.

Of these three branches of government in the USA, the judges are the highest or supreme branch. The President has more raw power in his hands, but he is still somewhat under the courts in the way the government is structured. Weaker still are the legislators. The Congress passes laws, but is not as powerful as the President, or the courts, since the judges can nullify or re-interpret the laws.

The weakest branch of government, the bodies of individual legislators, is the one closest to the people. The President is more distant, and the most distant of all are the judges. The highest powers, in other words, are the most distant from the public.

This is all very different from other advanced countries, where the parliaments or legislators are really supreme, because they directly represent the people. In other countries like on the continent of Europe, the parliament is usually more powerful than the executive (usually the prime minister), or the judges. But in America, like no where else, the judges are on top of the heap, not the parliament or congress.

In America the judges hold the highest political power, and yet the judges are the government group that people are supposed to be afraid to criticize. People are allowed to talk politics about the President or Congress, but are fearful and timid of saying things about the judges.

But the real biggest power in America, worth trillions of dollars, are the big corporations, and the very wealthiest billionaires and multi-millionaires, the big investors who own those corporations. These corporations are more powerful than any individual or any branch of the government, and if they wanted, they could change the way the government works.

These big corporations, with the billionaires and multi-millionaire investors, have effective ownership and funding and control of the important institutions in the United States. They own almost all of the major news media, nearly all the television and radio and newspapers and even many internet sites, that most Americans read as sources of news and information.

The corporations and wealthy people provide most of the money for both political parties – both the Democrats and the Republicans – yes, they are the sources of most of the money used by BOTH of these two parties in their billion dollar election campaigns. Both political parties really get their money from largely the same people, who give to both parties, so they have influence no matter who wins any election.

The big corporations and billionaires and multi-millionaires, also supply the money for most of the big “non profit organizations” and think tanks, the organizations you see that have good funding, paid employees, and money to spend on fancy internet sites, fundraising and advertising. Wherever you turn in America for established information, or to observe well-funded political activity, you are usually running into something ultimately funded by America’s biggest corporations and wealthiest people.

The power of the corporations and billionaires and multi-millionaires, are the real force behind the judges, and the current environment of unlimited judicial power. See the following questions for more details as to why.

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My Rights Were Violated.

To understand American legal corruption, it’s necessary to go into a deeper understanding of how the machinery of American society really works – who has power, and why they use it that way. This is a big and complex question, about which many books can be written, and which can be looked at in different ways. But here are some short summaries to help you initially understand why the American judicial system has gotten into this mess.

As for “someone” to fight this system, right now there are many little “someones” trying to fight this crooked system, you can find such people on the internet, even though you may not have heard about them before. There is a growing movement across the country seeking to do something about America’s terrifying and catastrophic legal system.

But as of now, there is no big powerful “someone”, with money and power and lawyers and media coverage, who is willing to fight this system as it now stands.

In America right now, two giant institutions are breaking down at the same time. One is the legal and court system, with the moral collapse of America’s lawyers, now submissive to America’s judges and to the culture of legal corruption.

The second institution that is breaking down, is that of the big news media organizations, now very timid, and not covering much of the news that people need and want to hear. The lawyers are afraid, and the reporters are afraid, and so the real story about America’s courts is not getting told. America is now the land of fear. This needs to be understood in more detail, so you can understand why the judges have such power and control, and why judicial corruption is so rampant.

A good question to start analyzing power and corruption, is to ask: Who benefits from it?

With judicial and legal corruption, clearly the judges and the rich lawyers benefit from it. An unfair system that involves bribery and influence peddling, makes the judges and the leading lawyers richer. They get a lot more money than they would in a fair system. The more injustice in America, the more fear that clients have, the more money they will pay to lawyers. Fear and injustice equals money for lawyers and judges.

By being able to bribe judges and influence court results, this is also an inducement for people to pay large money for lawyers. It means that paying big money is a reliable way to get the results that you want. If the system was fair, the little guy or victim would win more often. On the other hand, a bribery system, will tend to give more reliable results for the people who are paying the big fees and bribery money.

And partly it is just the ancient human emotion of the quest for power. A dishonest judge feels more powerful than an honest one. It is one thing to decide a legal case; it is another all together, to fix and rig the system for yourself and your friends. It can make people feel like a god, to twist and pervert the system and America’s Constitution. Pride and the lust for power, are ancient human emotions, especially for people who are drawn to politics, like judges.

In America, people grow up thinking that judges are the ultimate power. So people who seek power, want to become judges. And then how much more powerful you can feel as a judge, to twist and rig the whole game. Especially when you know that other judges are twisting and rigging the game too.

But we need to look more deeply, beyond the judges and lawyers themselves, to see who is benefiting from the current crooked USA legal system, and why the system keeps going. See the following questions for more on this topic.

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My Rights Were Violated.

You may be surprised that even fairly large piles of money, are not enough to fight legal corruption.

You may initially have become a victim of legal corruption, in part because you didn’t have much money. Lawyers told you they couldn’t help you, because you didn’t have money. But you will find that even if you win the lottery and get a large pile of money later, you often still cannot hire any lawyers to fight legal corruption.

It is an iron wall of corruption with America’s judges and lawyers. The lawyers are totally scared to represent you or help you, if you are someone who has exposed or criticized wrongdoing among the judges, and that doesn’t change because you can afford to pay legal fees.

If you do come into some money, you may only find lawyers who will steal your money, but not actually represent you and fight for you. One way they do this is by the common “research and review” scam. A lawyer says first you have to pay him to “evaluate the issues”. He takes a large pile of money, and writes a short and useless “legal memorandum”, telling you there is this issue and that issue and blah-blah-blah, but in the end he refuses to help you, and all you have is a useless “memorandum”.

Another way a lawyer will steal your money is by making false promises to you, even giving you a phony written contract, and then just pocketing your money. Once he cashes your checks, the lawyer then begins abusing you and backing out on his promises. He refuses to do work for you or file the lawsuits he promised, he suddenly tells you that you must keep quiet about bribery and corruption, and meanwhile he keeps all your money because of all his “legal work” and “research” on your case.

America really has two legal systems using the same courts. One system is for rich people and big corporations, and those who can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on legal fees and bribes. The other system is for everybody else, who are simply pawns in the big legal “game”. The average middle class or poor person, simply doesn’t matter very much to the judges and lawyers.

But even people who are wealthy, or big wealthy corporations, cannot directly fight the legal culture of bribery and corruption. Even the lawyers for big corporations, are too scared to expose bribery and fraud by other lawyers and judges.

Even a big corporation, confronted with bribery, will simply file complex appeals on technical issues, and hire other expensive lawyers who may bribe other judges, so as to get the initial bad results reversed or limited in some way. A business knows that if it speaks up about dishonest judges, it will have a bad time in the courts from other judges in the future. It will start losing big lawsuits, and may even be wiped out or destroyed, as the judges take revenge on the company.

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