
Secret Service

Phone Hack reported to Secret Service – Robert Hamilton


Petitioner now seeks to modify the Order because:

1. Sonya L. Healy has prevented Brennan Healy from visitation and communication with his father.

2. Sonya L. Healy has prevented Brennan from freely communicating with his father by maintaining recording devices which monitor all conversations.

3. Sonya L. Healy has inflicted harm on Brennan by previously agreeing to a best effort daily phone call with his father with full knowledge that conversations are being recorded.

4. Brennan Healy loves both of his parents, however his knowledge of the illegal actions of his mother with regard to a series of harassing actions since February 2007 prevents him from communicating freely with his father as it is understandable he would want to protect his mother from criminal charges.

5. Brennan Healy has not been permitted contact with his extended family – aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents since July 2007.

6. Brennan has not been provided with any source of therapy which might permit him to discuss his situation with someone freely and without bias.

Wherefore, Petitioner respectfully requests that this Honorable Court modify the present Custody/Visitation Order.

Respectfully Submitted,

Terance Healy


Sonic Nausea




As I am aware that the police are not interested in investigating anything which will potentially lead to the resolution of the computer surveillance.  I report to them that my cell phone has been hacked and that I have information which will connect it to the computer surveillance.

I do it only because someone in law enforcement should minimally be aware of it. If they don;t know about it, it is more difficult for them to ignore it.


Survival.  LOL, next they ruin your credit.



The available software sends every conversation, every text message, and every phone number to a web site for review.

The software also allows the phone to be used as a microphone.   Your privacy is at risk whenever the phone is nearby, even if you are not on it.

The only way of detecting the intrusion is that your battery will die quickly.  They use up the battery while using your phone to spy on you.

The phone can be hacked by simply receiving a phone call or text message from the hacker.  My new phone was hacked in December 2007.  I watched it happen.  After avoiding answering a call from a strange phone number that had called several times, I received an email indicating it was microsoft support.  When I answered the phone, no one was there  AND the bluetooth functions were activated.

If the phone has bluetooth and your computer has bluetooth, they could be hacking each other.

I have a theory that the cable box is also connecting to phone and computers.  All networking access and protocals seem to be in the set top boxes.

The FBI has the capability to activate your land line phone and listen in on you even if the phone is hung up.

The FBI has the capability to use your cell phone to surveill you. 

Federal law requires computer manufacturers and software companies to leave a way into your computer in case the government wants to tap your computer.   Those are the same backdoor that the hackers are using to access you data.  The capability to do this has been additionally provided to your local police.

The computer situation creates an entire anti-virus industry.  The anti-Virus industry has a list of programs they agree to ignore.  The Anti-Spyware Coalition determines if the program should be detected.  

It is not too far of a leap to beleive they can also use the cable box for surveillance?  When you look at the situation, and the mandatory rollout of digital television nationwide it makes you wonder as digital television will require everyone to have a digital device, who can say they are not using it for surveillance.    Motorola makes the cable boxes for all of the major cable companies.


You’ve never gotten State Tax refund in your life but just in case it happens now…



How can you get a refund, when they have prevented you from working, and you don’t pay taxes if you do not work. 




I know you are honestly upset by everything that is going on. Please control your anger and your temper, you are saying things and doing things that you will be embarassed about later. Your mother’s divorce doesn’t have to destroy the entire family – though she seems determined to do as much damage as she can.

You sincerely owe Grandma Joan a heartfelt apology for your statements to her and the disrespect you showed to her. This should happen face-to-face and soon. You knew she was in the house yesterday and you made no attempt to walk around to say hello. She was crying yesterday when all she could think of was if that was going to be her last memory of you shouting angrily at her through a window.

The divorce is not something anyone is enjoying, least of all our family – the four of us. You have implied that you have known all along that your mom was planning this. For your mother to burden you with keeping the secret for months is horribly unfair to you and totally inappropriate. She knows that, she was told that she shared too much with you when we were in marriage counseling. Bear in mind that it took the rest of us quite by surprise and we haven’t had the time to prepare as your mother has done.

The divorce is strictly a matter which is between your mother and myself. Her involvement of you directly and indirectly is so horribly unfair to you. No one likes to hear they have been used or lied to. She has put you in a position where you have to lie to me, and maintain secrets. I know it is easier to stay away and protect the lies and secrets by being angry and staying away. I understand what you are going through. I sincerely understand your situation. I’m so sorry your mom has put you in this position.

Last night when I came back from riding a bike while juggling footballs and basketballs, I heard from Aunt Joanne about your calls. Again, Colin show a little respect. Just as I demonstrated respect for Aunt Barb and the Weideman’s and Brassell’s. There was no battle to be fought yesterday – it was delivery on a contract not a negotiation. My disappointment at not seeing Brennan had me dig my heels in and follow the letter of the agreement. While I am not very inclined to do any favors for your mother after all she has done to attack and destroy the family this year, I’ll always be here for you and your brother.

The Football and Basketball. I asked you to put them back in the garage was because yesterday was not about your ‘stuff’. It was not about you getting your things from the house. It was not about Brennan getting his things from the house. Your mother used the excuse that she needed to get in the house to get her things when she went to the police in August and raided the house. She completely ignored a reasonable agreement arranged with our lawyers regarding how that would happen and decided to create drama. The only items taken from the house that night were yours and Brennan’s. She is attempting to make it appear that I am divorcing you and your brother, when she is divorcing me. This is all her doing. So, on an occasion where she is removing her items from the house, I requested you not take anything.

When we talked as you packed for school, I told you to talk to me directly and I’ll tell you the truth about whatever you want to know. That offer still stands. Only one rule – show a little respect.

I miss both you and Brennan more than you will ever know or understand. I hope and pray that you will come around sometime soon and we can talk all of this out.


Two unidentified officers
In accordance with to Agreed Order of September 6, 2007, Sonya picked up furniture and belongings listed but wanted more.  She wanted inside the home.  The Agreed Order grants me exclusive use and occupancy of the house. 
When police respond to her call, I explain that the day is about the delivery of the items.  It is not about negotiation.  She had received everything in accordance with the agreement.   Additionally I point out that as I have exclusive and occupancy of the home, she has no right to enter and is not welcome. 

Earlier that week I had heard that she was planning to take far more than what was listed, she was disappointed because the items were already outside the home when she arrived and her team had no reason to enter the house or attempt to take additional items.