
Cleary, Bruce Castor still follows the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Playbook. When responding to anything which could be important BE SURE TO INCLUDE ERRORS AND DISINFORMATION.

In his email to OAG employees:

“I have learned that some of you received emails notifying you that your names may be included in the Buckley Sandler Report.”

– The news reports indicate those involved received letters, not email.

– The Gansler Report has been renamed?  And named for the law firm where the SPECIAL ATTORNEY GENERAL works.

“I want to reassure you that the report and all attachments are now with me for review, and cannot be released without my approval.”

– Castor has had the report for months.  Since mid- May.

– There is nothing in the Doug Gansler contract which indicates the report is to be delivered to Castor, as counsel or as Acting AG.

– There is no requirement for the report to be approved by Castor before release.  HE JUST MADE THAT UP.

“I am reminding General Gansler of that today.”

– I wonder how hard Doug Gansler laughed at that reminder from Castor.

“When there is more to report, I will let you know. Please don’t be anxious. I am conferring with Senior Staff on how to proceed.”

– His tenure as Acting AG will be less than 100 hours.  If the staff find his words reassuring then they didn’t read the other article about how everyone hates Bruce Castor.

It seems to me that Castor has double crossed the Governor and the OAG in his efforts to prevent the Gansler Report.  Why else would the Governor act fast by bringing Bruce Beemer back to the OAG.

Unless Bruce has written ANOTHER MANIFESTO? Commissioner Bruce Castor “schooled in how to really hurt you” and “to [screw] others”

I wrote a few weeks ago about Bruce Castor and Stacy Parks Miller. Where Stacy had failed to recognize the difference between an ‘abuse of power’ and a ‘crime’. A nuance of Rule 1.6 Confidentiality Privileges.
When a District Attorney forges a Judge’s signature, it is a crime.
When a member of the DA’s staff forges a judge’s signature, the District Attorney can ignore it. THAT is an ‘abuse of power’.

The Gansler Report is the mechanism by which the government can be called to correct itself.

On a personal note: Without Bruce Castor there never would have been a Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6. In 2007, District Attorney Bruce Castor was the first person to whom I had turned for help when my divorce became terroristic. Castor did nothing. NOTHING. Not so much as a phone call or response to any letter about the corruption, injustice and unconstitutional actions in Montgomery County. It was too late, once the County had joined the effort to destroy me, the matter was off the rails. I would be harassed, investigated, ignored, homeless, destitute, no custody, no visitation, forced to pay child support while unemployed, arrested and jailed for violating a non-existent order, robbed, beaten, demeaned, humiliated etc…

The experience began in January 2007. It was not until 2013 that the statement at the top of this web page was answered. One improperly enacted and collaterally unconstitutional law which defies correction or resolution. Rule 1.6 COnfidentiality of Information. Every level of state and federal law enforcement wasn’t ignoring me, they were keeping the problem CONFIDENTIAL.

I have no obligation for confidentiality. I have no respect for those who watch people destroyed and maintain silence because of a SINGLE BAD LAW enacted in every state and leading to a Constitutional Crisis in the USA – that lawyers can’t quite explain away.

Justice is coming.



1. One particular predatory tactic is to find out enough information to explain the issue in a manner consistent with the belief you want to encourage. This can later be expanded to generally explain a story while subtly modifying it to the interpretation.

2. Isolation. Never letting the target out of sight. Restrict or prevent interaction with family or friends.

3. Physically and emotionally wear down the target. Lie. Embarass. Intimidate. This can be done with words or gestures, expressions of disapproval, verbal insults, badgering, or more dehumanizing efforts.

4. Limit contact to others similarly targeted creates a form of peer pressure.

5. Repetition of the message. Present the same phrases over and over. Emphasize certain key words or phrases. Mimicking the rhythm of the human heartbeat. This can be enhanced with lighting that’s not too dim or too harsh and a room temperature to encourage relaxation.

6. Never letting the target have time to think. Prevent time alone. Bombard the target with repetition his can mean simply never letting the victim have time alone, or it can mean bombarding the victim with repetition while discouraging questions.

7. Presenting an “us vs. them” mentality where the stated goal is right and the outside world is wrong.

8. Reward and threaten punishment. Positive experiences are the reward for thinking as desired. Threaten punishment for disobedience.

9. Repeat and involve. Test in several ways with the results determining how much reinforcement is required.

10. Committing criminal acts together builds the relationship.

11. Do NOT allow the target to become aware of how he or she was manipulated.

12. Do NOT allow exposure to multiple options, or contradictions which challenge the desired beliefs.

13. Discourage individual decisions.

14. Create anxiety about making decisions and excuse shame about making a “wrong” decision.

15. Master emotions to make people receptive to your contrived feelings.

16. Convince others that you’ll be very distressed if you don’t get what you want in a calm manner using techniques for making your needs sound very convincing.

17. Establish similarity. Mirror body language.

18. Pacing and intonation patterns are persuasive methods for convincing people to do something.

19. Charismatic people have a tendency to get what they want.
– Smile and control the room.
– Make eye contact.
– Address their feelings.
– Show them that you really care about them—even if you don’t.
– Exude confidence – people will be much more likely to take you seriously and to give in to your needs.
– Be confident when you say something whether it’s true or just another creation.
– Be glib when addressing any challenges.

20. Read people. Different emotional and psychological actions are effective for different reasons.

21. Where susceptible to emotional responses to get what you want, you’ll have to play to emotions until they feel for you and give you what you want.

22. Other people have a strong guilt reflex. With these people, the answer is obvious — make them feel guilty for not giving you what you want until they give in.

23. Some people are more receptive to a rational approach. The logically minded, informed people need facts and evidence before making a decision. This may require persuasive efforts.

A). First make an unreasonable request, knowing it will be rejected, and then follow it up by a more reasonable request. It will sound much more appealing in comparison.

B). Make an unusual request before the real request. An unusual request throws a person off guard so much that he can’t think to disagree.

C). To reach a rational person, you have to keep emotion out of it or you won’t get what you want. Act like what you want is the only logical thing to do. Make the person feel ridiculous for not seeing it your way.


Ready for the jaw dropping surprise?

The above information are the documented tactics used by cults and con artists for brainwashing and manipulating people.

Now ask yourself why the District Attorney and the Judge are employing tactics instead of fact, truthfulness and candor. Why are brainwashing and manipulative tactics being used to DISMISS, MISDIRECT AND IGNORE THE TRUTH in a proceeding which seeks to learn the TRUTH?

All of the above were demonstrated during the hearings to prosecute Kathleen Kane. The targets of the manipulations were the jury.

The jury had the addition affect caused by the instructions of the judge which did NOT allow for any finding other than guilty.

Brainwashing and manipulation tactics should not be encouraged nor endorsed in the justice system.

Where those testifying are also demonstrated and admitted liars who have received immunity for any and every false statement in their past, present and future… the proceeding becomes a farce which only purports to seek the truth.



I HAVE FOUND IT MORE USEFUL TO POST QUOTES. Use a person’s own words and statements.
(Second-hand snarky comments and opinions from the unaware and uninvolved people… and pundits… Not here. Though some may require reading between the lines.)

Kathleen Kane
“I have been honored to serve the people of Pennsylvania and I wish them health and safety in all their days,”

When asked about her future, Kane pointed out she has some legal issues to work through.

Kathleen Kane
“I try to do the best job I can every day. And I have no regrets. I hope that people see that we’ve done our best. . . . And, you know, sometimes the price is high.”

Kathleen Kane
“It’s time for me to focus on other things, and it’s time for Pennsylvanians to move forward,”

Kathleen Kane

“Somebody has told me that your future is always brighter than your past.”

Governor Wolf
“I implore Attorney General Kane to do what is right: Put the commonwealth’s residents first and step down,”

Governor Wolf
“Her decision to resign is the right one, and will allow the people of Pennsylvania to finally move on.”

Gerald Shargel
“But we have not lost our resolve. We will continue this litigation. We will continue this fight because we believe that our client has been wrongfully accused of this conduct. We firmly believe that day will come.”

Gerald Shargel
“We have been denied the opportunity to mount a full defense.”

Gerald Shargel
“We believe our defense was compromised, and we will fight that to the end.”

Josh Shapiro
“This is another sad chapter for our Commonwealth and a reminder of how hard we need to work together in Pennsylvania to restore the public trust in our democracy.”

“We should remember that the real victims of these scandals are the people of Pennsylvania who’ve been left behind by a government that often isn’t working for them. We need to restore integrity to our justice system so that the people’s business – protecting consumers, fighting the heroin epidemic, and keeping our communities safe – comes first.”


Justice is coming!


I have waited a few days to give all the information, activities and WTF-edness time to get sorted and allow my brain a chance to recompile.

I still believe in Kathleen Kane.

I understand THAT statement will be promptly challenged by many… the haters, the political operatives, the disillusioned, etc…

I will post an expanded explanation of the logic behind my opinion. I do some of my best thinking while typing. (The programmer side of me that analyzes as I write. IF, THEN, ELSE. It’s logical.)

There’s more to it than just a vibe, feeling, a personal want, or denial.

Not only do I still believe in KATHLEEN KANE, I have even more respect for her.
– I had no choice but to be in the litigious situation caused by my wife and her lawyers.
– I believe that when Kathleen Kane found herself personally ORDERED to neglect the duties of the Office of the Attorney General she investigated the unusual ‘secret order from unidentified courts’ and as a result she became the target of a very aggressive campaign to conceal the RULE 1.6 issue.

Most aspects are extensively over-documented at www.work2bdone.com/live. Post vary based on the audience intended. If one post doesn’t quite make sense, try another.

I attended the Montgomery County hearings each day. Between subtle and obvious observations, events and statements, there is reason to believe that IT AIN’T OVER QUITE YET.

Justice is coming.



Imagine not being able to explain – even to your parents watching you being maligned and harassed publicly.  Remaining silent for years.   I met a man yesterday.  I told him he should be very proud of his daughters.  He accepted the compliment as any parent would… 

It was only then that I realized that he didn’t know.  Well, Of course not.  I just hadn’t imagined it.  

My one-sided conversation, which has at times included the occasional expletive (and maybe more often than polite), … But, I knew.  I was allowed to communicate.  I knew the reason for the silence and for the lack of a response.  I was allowed to voice my frustration… All the while, I understood and I BELIEVED.

The convo quickly changed to UM… something um else.  A shared laugh.  A ‘what was that guy talking about’ conversation was likely avoided. Or um hopefully avoided.

Who could imagine my respect for the person I was supposed to hate could go deeper?  Hopefully, someone who had no one else to talk to … gained necessary insight from the one-sided convos and therapeutic thought processes and logic of someone who needs to believe that JUSTICE IS COMING…and that all lawyers are not bad.  But, an improperly enacted and unconstitutional law can make an entire profession a party to deception, corruption and treason.

I stand on the stairway, my back to the dungeon
The doorway to freedom so close to my hand
Voices behind me still bitterly damn me
For seeking salvation they don’t understand

Lord, help me to shoulder the burden of freedom
And give me the courage to be what I can
And when I am wounded by those who condemn me
Lord, help me forgive them, they don’t understand
Kris Kristofferson


Kane0215“I wake up every day knowing that I’m right. I’m right. If I thought I was wrong, if I thought I did something wrong, I would never put anyone through this. Never. But I know I’m right. And I know there’s a greater good to this.

I don’t want to sound like I think I’m some sort of martyr. If anybody asked me to choose this, would I choose it? Probably not. I’d probably say, ‘No, thank you.’

But I’m in it now. I guess I just see a reason for it. And I do have faith. I have a lot of faith that good conquers evil.”

kane460x“When you make a little graph about it, you’ve got the judge, the prosecutor, and the defense attorney.

How the hell are you supposed to go in [to court] and expect you’re getting any justice?

And to me, it felt like there’s now total chaos in the system, and I’ve never seen that before.

If I talk to other lawyers, they’ll say, ‘Oh, we’ve known for years the state Supreme Court has been corrupt. Oh, the Disciplinary Board? That’s been a joke for years.’ But I never saw it. So to me, it was a shocking moment.”

kane_03112015“I knew that if I resigned, this whole debacle, this whole network, none of this would have come out. And I think it’s a good thing I didn’t resign, because maybe the path I’m on is to show the problem, and maybe someone can fix it.”


The media has directed a considerable amount of effort at ignoring the Constitutional Crisis which the US is facing. The injustices witnessed by the entire population and repeatedly ignored by law enforcement find NO Acceptable explanation or support in the US Constitution. Yet, Prosecutors/Lawyers are making statements blaming race, sex, nationality, hate, anger, corruption, police, etc…

THE AMERICAN MEDIA DELIVERS THIS UNACCEPTABLE MESSAGE TO A POPULATION IN DISBELIEF. Even more shocking are their statements suggesting that JUSTICE is being served. Due process is being followed. But, how can THAT be true. Clearly, American Injustice is being ignored. The neglect is NOT Constitutional. BUT, A CONFIDENTIALITY LAW IS BEING FOLLOWED BY LAWYERS. The law is being followed, BUT, no one is addressing that the law is not only BAD, but a confidentiality law which is only required of lawyers has a collateral affect on the constitutional rights of individual Americans.

The government is ignoring the Constitution.

So why would our elected representatives in every state and federally neglect their responsibilities to govern in accordance with the supreme law of the land. What happened? How? Why has no one addressed the crisis.

RULE 1.6 Confidentiality of Information was enacted by each state supreme Court from 1984 thru 2009.

Rule 1.6 Confidentiality was no longer discretionary. Lawyers are OBLIGATED to maintain the confidentiality of privileged information. The ethical choice of Lawyers to decide when to disclose and or reveal information became a MANDATE OF NON-DISCLOSURE with permission to commit fraud in the furtherance to prevent disclosure

Where the withheld information can cause the denial of a person’s Constitutional rights, Rule 1.6 is unconstitutional. The Collaterally unconstitutional law which requires lawyers to be silent further defies and prevents its own resolution.

THE PROBLEM:. Each state judiciary has improperly enacted an unconstitutional law. The courts lack any jurisdiction to review the constitutionality of a law which they themselves have enacted.
– a clear conflict of interest for the judiciary to address their unconstitutional law.
– exposing and addressing the improperly enacted law will adversely affect the integrity of the judiciary.
– the state supreme courts DO NOT HAVE authority to enact an unconstitutional law.

Only at that time, the law is a nullity. NO LAW. Repugnant to the Constitution.

As if it had never existed, the bad law, a nullity can provide no defense or support for anyone who has acted to deny a person’s Constitutional rights.

Where the state supreme courts are not able to address or resolve their improper law, THE LEGISLATURE MUST ACT TO SUSPEND THE LAW. Suspension would permit the court to work with the Legislature to address the problem.

BUT, Lawyers in the Legislature are mandated to protect the integrity of the courts. The improperly enacted and UNCONSTITUTIONAL law prevents the Legislature from exposing the issue and acting to resolve the matter.

While 30 plus years of injustice ignored by confidentiality will surely affect the integrity of the court.
Continuing to ignore the issue also has an adverse affect on the integrity of the courts.
Continuing to Ignore does nothing to improve the integrity of the courts.
Continuing to ignore does not restore the independence of the judiciary – an essential element of jurisdiction.

Non-lawyers in the legislature are permitted to address the issue, BUT Lawyers in the Legislature are preventing their action.

The improperly enacted unconstitutional confidentiality law is preventing its own removal.

The Governor could call the legislature to assemble to address the issue. (UNLESS THE GOVERNOR IS A LAWYER ALSO MANDATED UNDER THE LAW.)

The non-lawyer Governor’s staff includes lawyers who prevent the governor from being properly informed of the issue. You cannot meet with PA Governor Tom Wolf without being cleared through the Office of General Counsel. Access has been prevented. The Governor is being misinformed by his lawyers who are permitted to take any actions which prevent exposure and resolution. When committing fraud in the furtherance lawyers are protected by confidentiality and non-disclosure.

The American Bar Association promoted their Rules of Professional Conduct to each state supreme Court as a Code of Ethics to be enacted into law. The ABA effort was deliberately flawed and executed with knowledge of the unethical immoral and unconstitutional affect on Americans. Against the strong efforts of the Robert Kutek, the removal of the fraud provisions from Rule 1.6 Confidentiality was adopted by the ABA after Kutek’s sudden death by heart attack in January 1983.

Once enacted into law by the state supreme courts, the lawyers at the ABA were also mandated to conceal the unconstitutional confidentiality. They caused the crisis. Their membership profited from their treason. All lawyers were required to conceal the treason by the ABA as it undermined the judiciary and affected their independence. A violation of THE PUBLIC TRUST.

The McDade-Murtha Act mandates federal lawyers and investigators to follow the Rules in affect in the jurisdiction where they are working/investigating. This prevents the federal government from actions.

The ONLY available lawful alternative for resolution requires ALL LAWYERS to stand back and permit the non-lawyers in government to address the improperly enacted and unconstitutional law. Not participating in the effort to suspend the law, by their lawful inaction and silence, the ethical lawyers will have adhered to the law.

Once the law is suspended, the lawyers may join and participate in the discussion and resolution effort. The state supreme courts can also participate. The Legislatures can enact the laws necessary to prevent any recurrence and address their inability to taken action.

The Montgomery County Pennsylvania District Attorney can falsely accuse Pennsylvania Attorney General of a crime. The crime could be shrouded in confidentiality and nondisclosure which may not be presented or explained to the public. The matter can be drawn out by the courts while the career and integrity of the Attorney General is attacked. Fraud in the furtherance by lawyers is protected by confidentiality and permits False information to be presented to the media by the Prosecutors who seek
-to mislead and misinform the public in an effort to continue and conceal the treason of the ABA,
-to continue the denial of the constitutional rights of Americans,
-to actively conspire to deny and ignore the law, the state Constitution and the Constitution of the United States
-to proceed with prosecution of false charges in a court without proper jurisdiction
-to demonstrate the judiciary has been undermined and usurped where motions in the matter are DENIED in unsigned, single-sentence orders left unsubstantiated and unsupported by law.

Improperly enacted and unconstitutional Rule 1.6 Confidentiality prevents the court from any explanation which exposes the bad law AND prevents the court from indicating their lack of jurisdiction AND prevents the judiciary from recusing from the matter because it would require an explanation which would expose the unconstitutional Confidentiality.

The Superior Court is similarly hindered. Their responses to Appeals have also been DENIED in unsigned, single-sentence orders left unsubstantiated and unsupported by law.

Any court which lacks jurisdiction is not authorized to conduct hearings or decide any question brought before the court. Jurisdiction is a necessary
element to any matter before the court. The unconstitutional confidentiality is requiring the Court of Common Pleas to perpetrate a farce.

The lawyers are PREVENTED from exposing the farce where MANDATED to Non-disclosure.


When the Montgomery County hearing begins, Attorney General Kathleen Kane will finally be permitted to break her silence and expose the cause of the constitutional crisis in American which permits injustice to be ignored.

In December 2015, at the Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Attorney General Kathleen Kane contracted Doug Gansler (former Maryland Attorney General) to conduct an investigation of all OAG email. Gansler, acting as investigator, has no obligations under Rule 1.6.

Where Kane is prevented from disclosure of privileged information concerning OAG staff, Special Attorney General Gansler is not prevented from revealing information which could be otherwise considered privileged.

For example,… Any emails between OAG staffers could indicate a conspiracy to undermine and impeach Kathleen Kane. Where an improperly enacted and unconstitutional Rule 1.6 prevents Kane from publicly prosecuting OAG staff for corruption and abuses, it would not prevent termination and removal from the OAG.

The federal litigation regarding their terminations and purported retaliatory allegations could similarly ONLY be addressed by Kane when presenting a defense in a courtroom.

In July 2016, ending the law suits at an early stage, Federal District Judge Harvey Bartle III dismissed suits filed against AG Kathleen Kane by Frank Fina, Marc Costanza, Frank Noonan, Richard Sheetz and Randy Feathers.

This week, charges could be dropped by the Montgomery County District Attorney to prevents disclosure of the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 by Kane. HOWEVER, A very likely element of Kane’s defense, the report prepared by Special Attorney General Doug Gansler could be released to State Police for investigation, review and prosecution.

The State Police are not hindered by any Rule 1.6 non-disclosure and are not prevented from prosecuting corruption or abuse of power which could be indicated in the report. In the past, PA State Police refused to participate in the InterBranch Report regarding The Kids for Cash scandal and likewise did not contribute to the Sandusky Report. Both reports were prepared by lawyers with mandates to conceal privileged information. Relevant Data from the State Police would not be included in the report where the lawyers involved had obligations of confidentiality.

PA State Police exposure and prosecution would provide the lawful opportunity for the law enforcement to address the Confidentiality problem responsible for American Injustice Ignored and the Constitutional Crisis in the US.

The US Constitution will be rebooted.



Remember in 2014 when Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane said:

As many of you know, I initiated an independent inquiry into the way the Sandusky investigation was conducted — a central concern raised during my campaign for Attorney General. During that investigation, thousands of emails were discovered sent and received by Pennsylvania public officials that contained pornographic materials. As a result of multiple requests to the Office of Attorney General under Pennsylvania’s broad Right to Know Law, I released most of these emails to the media and the public.

The Chief Justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, in a recently published opinion, described the attachments to these emails as “clearly pornographic” and possibly criminal. As a result, many senior public officials involved in these emails resigned. But others remain on the public payrolls, as the Chief Justice pointed out.

Today I am due to testify before a Pennsylvania Grand Jury, as has been publicly reported. However, due to continuous, even overlapping court orders since last March, I am not allowed to explain why I am testifying or what my testimony has to do with the release of the pornographic emails under the Right to Know Law. These court orders also expose me to legal risk if I do my job as Attorney General that I was elected and trusted by the people of Pennsylvania to do. I am not allowed at this time to explain why.


The Office of Attorney General has cooperated from the beginning of this process and I will do the same. I will tell the Special Prosecutor the truth and the facts surrounding the disclosure of information to the public that was done in a way that did not violate statutory or case law regarding Grand Jury secrecy.

Despite my present situation that restricts my ability to answer your questions, I remain committed to the central theme of my campaign — transparency in government. The public has a right to know what public officials are doing or not doing with taxpayer dollars and whether they are doing their jobs properly or attempting to investigate or prosecute possible criminal conduct.

I promised I would expose corruption and abuse of the legal system. The winds of change can only blow through open windows. My administration is being prevented from prying open the windows that corruption has nailed shut. But that change is coming.

The right of the public and media to know what public officials are doing is vital and should be protected by public officials, the media, and the people of Pennsylvania. I am fighting for the right of the Attorney General to do my job without interference.

But more importantly, I am fighting for an end to abuse of the criminal justice system, for transparency, and for better government. That doesn’t come without cost to us. But if this can be done to me as Attorney General, the chief law enforcement officer of the 5th largest state in the country, I am sickened to think what can and may be done to regular, good people who don’t have the resources that I have to challenge it.

In conclusion, I wish I could say more and answer all your questions but I cannot. But I can promise you this: The truth and the law will prevail.


I don’t think any of us thought it would take so long…


castorholeI don’t think Bruce Castor has found redemption.
He is still the man he described in a threat-filled Manifesto.

He’s still using Rule 1.6 for evil. Just hours after blocking The Gansler Report, Castor filed in federal court leveraging that the effort which conceals Rule 1.6 corruption would score a few million dollars for District Attorney Stacy Parks Miller.

When Stacy Parks Miller failed to understand how Rule 1.6 Confidentiality concealed corruption and crime within the Office of the District Attorney, she forged a judge’s signature and quickly learned the difference between a crime… and an abuse of power.

A DA who commits forgery cannot assert attorney-client privilege to prevent prosecution. IT’S A CRIME.

However, the DA’s staff benefits from that privilege which MANDATES confidentiality and non-disclosure. Permitting any corruption and crime within law enforcement to be completely ignored is AN ABUSE OF POWER.

Not understanding the nuance of the privilege, there was no intervention to prevent the investigation into Parks-Miller’s crime.

After the PA Office of the Attorney General chose not to prosecute the crime, Parks Miller decided to rise up in righteous indignation against those who attempted to prosecute her. She would retaliate against those who witnessed, exposed and investigated. Her CRIME was unintentional… She had intended to commit an ABUSE OF POWER. However, her retaliation was intentional, vindictive, contrived … and incomprehensible because the issue with the confidentiality she didn’t understand is CONFIDENTIAL.

Leveraging the “courtesy” of the OAG which did not prosecute … and … efforts which prevent exposure that Rule 1.6 is corrupt, unconstitutional and was improperly enacted by the judiciary without Legislature, Governor or review for constitutionality. Bruce Castor was hired to file a federal civil suit seeking millions in damages which failed to indicate that his client has intended an ABUSE OF POWER and not a CRIME.

It would be incorrect to interpret an OAG decision to ‘not prosecute’ to mean that a crime did not occur.

It could be said that Bruce Castor was playing every sides of Rule 1.6 corruption. That would be accurate. But, he was aware that the effort to conceal Rule 1.6 was tremendous and MANDATORY. Castor aggressively retaliates against people who could not be expected to know the subtle nuances between the CRIME and the ABUSE OF POWER. Also, THEY COULD NOT BE INFORMED OF THOSE DIFFERENCES BECAUSE IT WOULD VIOLATE PRIVILEGED INFORMATION.

Several reports of Castor’s filings being incomprehensible would be logical and expected where Castor had to avoid any references to Rule 1.6 Confidentiality. Rule 1.6 nondisclosure applies to itself. Even the indication that non-disclosure is pursuant to Rule 1.6 Confidentiality violates Rule 1.6 Confidentiality.

Bruce Castor is a Special District Attorney in Centre County appointed by the Centre County District Attorney whom he is representing in a federal civil suit against Centre County officials. Castor demonstrates his ability to ignore rules, laws, ethics, conflicts or constitutions.

Exposing the devastating effects of an unconstitutional law enacted by the PA Supreme court would adversely affect the integrity of the court. The PA Supreme court lacked jurisdiction to review the constitutionality of their own improper law. Additionally, the PA Supreme Court would have a conflict of interest regarding any effort to review. Indicating the Supreme Court’s conflict of interest would violate Rule 1.6 Confidentiality.

Rule 1.6 had concealed Cash for Kids, the Sandusky molestations, The Foreclosure crisis, … Rule 1.6 had allowed injustice to ruin people’s lives while being completely ignored by law enforcement. The reports (by lawyers) were sanitized to avoid indicating the problem with confidentiality was confidential. Rule 1.6 prevented the reports on those scandals from indicating that Rule 1.6 caused the scandals to be ignored until someone violated Rule 1.6. Those whistleblowers were disciplined in confidential proceedings.

Bruce Castor knew that he was leveraging even more with his retaliatory legal action. Rule 1.6 is not exclusive to Pennsylvania. The American Bar Association had promoted it to EVERY state.

An UNCONSTITUTONAL confidentiality law which causes a defendant to be denied ALL Constitutional rights AND prevented from any protection of the law AND left without any remedy or resolution EVER. That you may not have heard of it is indicative of its affect. All over the US, it could be witnessed in the inexplicable failure to offer any reasonable explanation for inaction by law enforcement. Every American Injustice which has been ignored shows the affect of a Rule 1.6 mandate of confidentiality. There have been scandals, riots and protests nationwide. The problem was not any of the things which were suggested – race, sex, nationality, gender, guns, police, hatred, religion. The problem was the thing not mentioned because the confidentiality problem is CONFIDENTIAL

Rule 1.6 has undermined the state and federal judiciary and denied people of their constitutionally protected rights NATIONWIDE. The cause of the constitutional crisis in America which had been concealed since 1984.

Bruce Castor was clearly going “ALL IN”. But, He had personal experience to leverage.

As District Attorney in Montgomery County, Bruce Castor had understood Rule 1.6. He protected the privileged information of his staff. Castor didn’t make the Parks-Miller mistake. Castor had people to do things for him. The law required him to protect them.

Castor ignored the victims of injustice and crimes. He did so pursuant to Rule 1.6 by simply ignoring them. The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association provided training.

Risa Vetri Ferman followed that same playbook. Where she rose from the ranks in the DA’s office, she had her own skeletons which Castor had ignored. It was necessary to secure those skeletons as Rule 1.6 would not apply now that she was District Attorney. Grand Juries were utilized to provide Confidentiality for past misdeeds, while current staff activities would be protected by Rule 1.6.

Ferman ignored the victims of injustice and crimes. Persistence by victims was met with retaliatory injustice which was very aggressive. Administrative Resolutions left victims homeless and destitute; OR incarcerated; OR victims of Suicide.

Ferman brought a false perjury charge against Attorney General Kathleen Kane who had looked into the injustice and constitutional issues.

Ferman brought charges of terroristic threats after a man notified PA Governor Tom Wolf, and the entire PA Legislature of his personal experience with the courts, 10 years of injustice and an unconstitutional Confidentiality. The course of that criminal action demonstrates the complete failure to follow any procedure or law by an assistant District Attorney. His rights are disregarded where pursuant to Rule 1.6, the ADA must be protected from prosecution by a District Attorney. (Commonwealth v. Healy)

The failure to follow the laws of the Commonwealth leaves the judge without jurisdiction in the criminal case.

The failure to follow the laws of the Commonwealth leaves the ADA without a client in the criminal case. Every action is an Abuse of Power Under Color of Law with Intent to Intimidate and Harass. She continues to terrorize in the name of the DA who conceals the corruption and abuse. They have NO OFFICIAL AUTHORITY, they continue to terrorize while the judge ignores their farce. One person who could intervene, the Attorney General, remains silent while facing the same corruption and abuse in the next courtroom.

Kevin Steele has inherited the retaliatory actions of Ferman, and the ongoing farce of the criminal prosecutions, and the grand juries.

Preventing the exposure of decades of corrupt, unconstitutional and retaliatory actions of Montgomery County, the Rule 1.6 Confidentiality Problem is ripe for exposure and resolution.

Staffers in the OAG have made allegations against Attorney General Kathleen Kane. Kane has denied the allegations. Montgomery County has charged her with Perjury.

Kane has been silent.

Kane is prevented from disclosing any criminal or corrupt activities by the OAG staff – clients pursuant to Rule 1.6 privilege – unless defending herself before a tribunal. The Gansler Report will likely provide tremendous insight.

Kane is NOT permitted to indicate that Rule 1.6 factors in the case, because THAT would indicate the existence of privileged information which must be kept confidential. Rule 1.6 prevents the indication that Rule 1.6 is a factor in the matter. There have been aggressive and coercive efforts seeking to get that statement which could result in disbarrment. Kane has been silent.

Rule 1.6 would prevent prosecution of corrupt OAG staff, but not prevent them from being fired. Court Orders from Montgomery County were issued to prevent retaliatory termination. When fired for causes Kane could not disclose or prosecute, the staffers alleged retaliation and contempt in further litigation.

Attorney General Kathleen Kane has contracted Doug Gansler on behalf of the Commonwealth. Kane was determined to eliminate any confidentiality privilege from the review of OAG email. Within the OAG, the comfort of mandatory confidentiality concealed abuse of power, corruption and crimes, The Gansler Report would indicate any improper activities’; include pornographic email; include efforts to ignore the victims of injustice and crimes; and offer indications of any coordinated efforts seeking to undermine AG Kane.

Bruce Castor, now Solicitor General in the OAG, has received the Gansler Report and rejected it. Rule 1.6 mandates his effort to prevent privileged information from being disclosed.

Bruce Castor would prevent it from AG Kane and the OAG.
Governor Wolf would be blocked by the Office of General Counsel.
The Legislature would be blocked by the Leadership, their counsel and the Senate and House Judiciary Committees.

The State Police is the only law enforcement organization unencumbered by the Rule 1.6 confidentiality.

[One can only imagine that Doug Gansler has provided his report to Kathleen Kane to use in her defense.]
AT THAT TIME… Rule 1.6 CONFIDENTIALITY will not be mandated. The Rule 1.6 issue can be presented and demonstrated for its unconstitutional affect on Kathleen Kane – with personal standing and a cause for relief which permits her to address the unconstitutional law.

Lack of Personal Standing had previously prevented Kane from challenging several ‘secret orders from unidentified courts’ which had required her to personally neglect the responsibilities of the Office of the Attorney General. Addressing the constitutionality of laws within the Commonwealth is ONE responsibility of the Attorney General.

Efforts which prevent or delay Kane from her opportunity to defend against the allegations have been disregarded by the news media. Her criminal trial was scheduled one year after the date when the charges were filed. All preliminary efforts to dismiss the matter have been denied without explanation.

Requests for the Recusal of Montgomery County Judiciary have been denied without explanation. Clearly, there is an appearance of impropriety?
However, Admitting to any appearance of impropriety would be indicative of the existence of privileged information. Rule 1.6 Non-disclosure prevents any explanation for denial of the motion to recuse.

Rule 1.6 also prevents the court from indicating a clear conflict of interest.

Failure to indicate the conflict of interest or address any impropriety undermines the independence of the judiciary which is an essential element for jurisdiction. The court lacks jurisdiction to proceed, but Rule 1.6 prevents the court from disclosing the lack of jurisdiction. Rule 1.6 has undermined the judiciary.

Every effort has been made to impeach Attorney General Kathleen Kane based on allegations.

There was NO HEARING before the Supreme Court regarding her professional license.

The Senate held hearings to determine if they would impeach her based on allegations without a conviction.

The House is currently pursuing an impeachment effort by Rep. Todd Stephens, a former MontCo ADA. Stephens is also a moron.

Kane’s law license was revoked by the Supreme Court based on the recommendation after a disciplinary action where she was NOT permitted to present any defense.

These actions are being conducted prior to any conviction, and without any hearing where Kane could present a defense.

These deliberate efforts seek to perpetuate, and to protect, and to conceal an unconstitutional abuse of power and corruption within law enforcement that undermines the authority of the entire judiciary and threatens the rights of every American at the exclusive and arbitrary discretion of the District Attorneys.

1. While affected by Rule 1.6 Confidentiality, The Court lacks jurisdiction to hear the matter or render a verdict. JURISDICTION IS NOT INHERENT. Jurisdiction cannot be derived from the failure to indicate the lack of jurisdiction.

2. When presenting a defense before a court or tribunal, Rule 1.6 Confidentiality does NOT hinder or prevent the disclosure of any information by the Defendant. At a Hearing, Attorney General Kathleen Kane would be permitted to reveal the improperly enacted and unconstitutional confidentiality law

An overwhelming mountain of leverage – the people, the corruption, the magnitude of the injustice.

Up against the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the venerated Supreme Law of The Land which every lawyer, judge and government official has sworn to uphold, preserve, protect, and defend… to the best of their ability. That “ability” has been compromised by an improperly enacted and unconstitutional state confidentiality law which serves to completely undermine the Constitution of the United States, prevent justice, ignore law, and deny the rights of every American.

After 30 years, the Constitution of the United States is in a position to be rebooted. It is an inevitability.

Just hours after preventing the Gansler Report, Bruce Castor filed an amended petition in the federal court.

It would appear there may be NO REDEMPTION for the author of a New Years Eve Manifesto of December 31, 2014.


“You don’t go to war with a person who spends his/her professional life figuring how to [screw] others…” – Bruce Castor

“Career lawmen think strategically. They don’t go for the immediate gratification of a personal attack, instead preferring to set the board up just right and striking at the precise moment where the object of the attack cannot recover.” – Bruce Castor

“The moral: don’t pick a political fight against someone schooled in how to really hurt you.” – Bruce Castor


My theory on Facebook stupidity has been proven. It’s an organized effort.

The ultimate proof occurred when a person who kept interrupting a discussion, and preventing the discussion, and inflicting his OPINIONS but suggesting they were facts, refusing to be ignored… Apparently butthurt, he reported the following comment for ‘not following the Facebook Community Standards.” .

I had written:
“Are you one of those trolls who just writes stupid stuff to see if people will let you interrupt their discussion. Like a rude child trying to get attention. Run along…”


Anyone who has encountered the trolls on Facebook, or anywhere online, would be hard pressed to even describe the post as argumentative. Yet, it resulted in a restriction on EVERYTHING. No posts, No replies, No updates, No groups posts, No messaging, NO FACEBOOK COMMUNICATION AT ALL WITH ANYONE. This new flavor of “Facebook Jail” seems aggressive as punishment for telling someone to RUN ALONG.

The truth of the matter is simple. In one day, I exposed about 15 fake accounts. People who post fake stories and attempt to encourage hate. There were also a few who flaunted their Facebook Law Degree by inflicting fake law scripts which suggest ridiculous legal activity – made hopeless because the Queen of England runs the world – but, they fail to support their info. When they used their info to support their info, it showed them as FRAUDS.

I’ve been watching the posts of these people for years. I read their ‘crazy’ horseshit. I watched how they distributed it. Never their own articles, just hateful misleading writing of other PUBLISHED on web sites. Always absent facts. Always presenting OPINION, but trying to call it fact. Always presenting falsehoods, but trying to call them facts.

I TESTED MY THEORY… I questioned everything. I used logic. I was polite. I challenged facts. Their unsupported facts were substantiated by opinions. I pressed for their motivation for posting disinformation.

Nobody blocked me. Their “friends”, fake friends, attacked with all kinds of insults and names. Some suggested there is a First Amendment Right to provide their opinion even if it is not fact. Um, NO, there is not.

There have been harassment teams. I watched their tactics. Studied. Learned. Identified. Once their tactic was identified and stated, their effort became less tactical and more like a pidgeon shitting all over the place and acting like it was winning.

It has always disgusted me that these teams were often organized to demoralize and attack parents going through divorce, custody and parental alienation. When you survive 10 years of this type of situation, you learn to recognize and notice the patterns and scripts. Outlasting quite a few pretenders. Exposing others with their subsequent disappearance. There are some true and sincere people helping other people – and they also know the fakes.

It should come as no surprise that there are disinformation teams. Often, the disinformation seeks to create anger and hate and violence. There is also a specialized disinformation team that focuses on legal-eze. Large long chaotic unorganized documents with silly legal references. They often try to convince you that the world is flat, and all lawyers report directly to the Queen of England. They seem to think that because they have provided this information to you, multiple times, in the exact same form and structure, you are expected to believe it. I do have a big problem when people try to humiliate other people. For that reason, I try not to interact with those in this category. BUT, they seek me out. They are ever determined to be the one to “help me understand”. I also see them interacting with people who are looking for help. They disgust me.

The easiest thing to do would be to attack the “Rule 1.6 issue”. I offered it everywhere it fit. SO, YES. EVERYWHERE.

UNTOUCHED. Perhaps because EVERY time someone has challenged my information they have been proven wrong. Discussion has only served to advance my point. I answered the questions. Never avoided or sidestepped. The result was honing my ability to get the answer in as few sentences as possible; and knowing where they would strike to try to disprove me. Their zeal for attacking issues related to a concept they were not aware of previously was remarkable.

In the last few weeks, I have been placing blame firmly with the American Bar Association. The only way they can avoid the inevitable exposure of their treason and the decimation of the Public Trust in the Judiciary would be riots, civil war, cataclysm.

I think an organization which has so determinedly acted without morals, ethics, scruples, or empathy to cause, conceal and prevent correction of a deliberate act which undermined EVERY state and federal judiciary; and which denied and prevented the constitutional rights of Americans; and where their MEMBERS have acted to conceal their corruption and prevent correction;…


They sure as fuck do not intend to participate in their own rehabilitation.