
Hon. Richard J. Hodgson                                                                                                               December 19, 2008

President Judge

P.O. Box 311

Court House

Norristown, PA  19404


Michael Kehs

Court Administrator

One Montgomery Plaza

Suite 412

Norristown, PA  19404


Cheryl Leslie

Deputy Court Administrator

P.O. Box 311

Court House

Norristown, PA  19404



On May 27, 2008, the Prothonotary received a copy of a Conciliation Report signed by Sara Goren.  Her report was not only incredibly biased, the report was incorrect and grossly incomplete.  There is no excuse or explanation possible for her report.  My family has been annihilated by the actions of Ms. Goren and the fraud and repeated delays allowed during the custody process.  I am requesting that you take immediate disciplinary action against Ms. Goren.


The omission of so many items from her report defies comprehension because of the volume of issues raised by the father during the conference.  However, it is the omission of EVERY topic presented by the father which clearly indicates inappropriate conduct and fraud.  Her report was clearly written with bias.  Her report completely disregards the best interest of the child.  Her actions clearly defy any explanation.  Her fraud is criminal.


I have filed my response to this report with the Prothonotary, copy attached for your reference.  This response is limited to the period of time before May 2008.  Ms. Goren has filed several reports for conferences subsequent to this report.  Those reports additionally fail to reference the items presented at those conferences.  The litany of items omitted from the May report which were again questioned at the subsequent conferences is continually disregarded.   I plan to respond to those reports as soon as time permits, when read in light of the information presented in this response the situation is clear. 


I am requesting that you take immediate action to see that Ms. Goren is removed from her position and that appropriate disciplinary actions are taken.  I recognize that any request for consideration of my case would be an ex parte communication.  That is not my intent. 


My extended family has been completely annihilated by the action and inaction of the court.  While I do not believe it is too late to resurrect my family, I do know that procedurally those hurdles are still ahead and they are being improperly and illegally manipulated.  Court staff, local police departments, county detectives, the District Attorney’s office.  All of those people relying on a child who has sacrificed his relationship with his father and his extended family, to protect the criminal actions of his mother, while witnessing the irresponsible and illegal actions of those in a position to help who have been manipulated into inappropriate action.


I persevere,




Terance Healy



SONYA HEALY                                                                                                             : #2007-12477



1. Judge Thomas DelRicci issued an ex-parte order on February  6, 2008 denying the Defendant any further Support Conferences with regard to a Temporary Support Order which had been under appeal since September 14, 2007, the date that the temporary order was entered.

2. This Ex-Parte Order which denied the Defendant due process was issued without explanation.

The Defendant requests an explanation for the dismissal of his civil rights which eventually led to considerable personal humiliation and emotional and financial hardship which can be directly related to this denial of due process.


3. On April 19, 2008, there was the appearance of an ex-parte communication having taken place immediately prior to the hearing with the Plaintiff’s attorney Robert Angst.  

4. Robert Angst had multiple conversations with the attorney representing the State/Support Enforcement

5. The Attorney representing the State/Support Enforcement had direct communication with each of the other defendant’s present in the courtroom that morning.  He never spoke to Terance Healy, the defendant in this case.

6. Prior to the hearing, as the Defendant left the courtroom for a moment, Robert Angst immediately went to the courtroom door and peered out the window. 

7. Mr. Angst then proceeded to go into the court’s chambers. 

8. Mr. Angst did not return to the courtroom until just prior to the hearing, whereupon Judge DelRicci noticed his presence in the courtroom and invited him to join the prosecuting attorney.

The Defendant requests to be informed of the content of this apparent ex parte communication between Robert Angst and court staff.



9. On April 19, 2008, Judge Thomas DelRicci agreed to accept a document from Defendant as testimony during a hearing where the Defendant was representing himself. 

10. Judge DelRicci gave the multi page document a cursory review. 

11. The Judge’s brief review neglected to regard specific facts in the document related to the case which were supported in the document by the relative state law. 

12. The Judge commented that he had been handed a copy of the state law and then ordered the Defendant to jail for six (6) months.

13. Defendant was immediately, and unnecessarily, restrained by multiple officers of the court, shackled and handcuffed and removed from the courtroom.  Defendant was not permitted so much as an opportunity to collect his files.

14. Defendant’s son was in the hallway of the courthouse to watch his shackeled father hauled off to prison.

The Defendant requests an explanation on why his testimony was disregarded in it’s entirety after the Court indicated that it would accept his written testimony.

The Defendant requests an explanation on why he was further terrorized by being ordered to the county prison for an issue regarding a Temporary Order which was currently being appealed, however the appeal process was continued and cancelled by the Court.


15. On May 22, 2008, prior to a protracted hearing on support and ‘off the record’, Judge DelRicci apologized to Sonya Healy whom he had found to be in contempt on May 18, 2008 for breaking and entering, robbery and vandalism. 

16. Judge DelRicci indicated he had been contacted by County Detectives and Montgomery Township Police as the Defendant wished to press charges on the matter. 

17. Judge DelRicci instructed County Detectives and Montgomery Township Police to not permit charges to be pressed by Defendant in the matter.

18. Judge DelRicci had found Sonya Healy in contempt on the matter.

19. Sonya Healy had been advised in writing by her attorney to commit the crime for which she was found in contempt.

The Defendant requests an explanation of why he is not permitted to press charges for the criminal activity of Sonya Healy and the dozen or so others who assisted in the crime.

The Defendant requests an explanation of why this court advised the Montgomery Township Police Department to not respond to the Defendant’s request to press charges in this matter.

The Defendant requests an explanation of why Angst & Angst have not been held accountable for advising their client to commit this and other terroristic acts against the Defendant.


The Defendant has witnessed how his family has been annihilated by the manipulations of the plaintiff’s attorneys which have been remarkably successful at manipulating numerous persons in positions of responsibility and persons with the power of  making determinations and recommendations which directly affect his family.

Once manipulated into a position, their actions are inexplicable.  There has been no explanation offered by anyone involved in this matter as to why the Defendant has been denied contact, communication, or any visitation with his son.

The Defendant avers and maintains his statement that the Plaintiff in this matter has indicated to his son that she has committed several serious criminal acts against his father.  In an attempt to protect his mother from prosecution, defendant’s son has sacrificed his relationship with his father and his extended family.

Without trying to force his son into a situation where he would be responsible for revealing his mother’s criminal activity, the Defendant has attempted to work with authorities on the issue.  However, each authoritiy has inexplicably not performed their professional responsibility or fallen in the trappings of the manipulations.  As such, Defendant’s son is additionally protecting each of those in authority who have allowed themselves to be manipulated into improper action. 

It is a  tremendous psychological burden for a 16 year old forced to sacrifice not only his relationship with his father and his extended family, but to watch those involved repeatedly attack his father personally, professionally, financially and emotionally all the while knowing his father has done nothing to deserve the complete annihilation of his family.  The child is victimized knowing the terror his father has experienced and has reason to be fearful if the power of everyone involved were to be brought down on himself.  There is no possible exit from this situation for the child, or his father.

It is clear that only party considering what is in the best interest of the child in this case has been his father. 

Respectfully Submitted,

Terance Healy, Pro Se






I verify that the statements made in this document are true and correct.  I understand that false statements herein are made subject to the Penalties of PA. C.S. Section 4904, relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.


Terance Healy



SONYA HEALY                                                                                                                                         : #2007-12477


The following corrections/clarifications should be made to the Conciliation Report, not dated but submitted to the Prothonotary on May 27, 2008.

2. At that time, Mother left the marital home with Brennan and Colin.
· Mother moved out on May 24, 2007.
· Brennan was abducted on July 13, 2007 and prevented from any contact with Father without explanation.
· Brennan moved out of the home on August 22, 2007. 
· Mother had Brennan throw all of his clothing and as many possession as he could grab into black trash bags after arranging for a police escort.  This activity was in complete contradiction to arrangements which had been agreed between the party’s  attorneys at the time. 
· Brennan was non-verbal the entire time. 
· Mother had lied to police that she was after her personal belongings which she had already removed over the course of the summer as she had had access to the home anytime she wanted. 
· Mother indicated she did not have a list of items she was interested in removing, as had been previously arranged, when she arrived at the house. 
· After 30 minutes, the police realized they had been mislead and ended the event. 
· As Mother exited the house, she handed the officers a list, suddenly available, which had considerably fewer items on it than she had taken. 
5. Father last saw Brennan last Monday when Brennan came over to pick up his driver’s license and before that Father saw him in January 2008.
· Father had last seen Brennan last Monday when Brennan arrived to pick up his driver’s license.   
· Brennan was still using Father’s address as his address even when he applied for his license in the Fall of 2007.  After his July abduction.  After packing his life into trash bags in August.  After filing Change of Address forms on August 22, 2007. 
· Brennan had been told to lie about his address to his school.
· Brennan had additionally misrepresented his address when filling out his driver’s license form.  Why?
6. Father was mad at Brennan because Father feels he has not been responsive and was disrespectful to paternal grandmother.
· Brennan had not communicated with his father, or responded to any communication from his father in over four months.
· Father requested an explanation.  Father was ‘mad’ at Brennan’s refusal to offer any explanation.
· Father additionally corrected Brennan for the disrespect shown to paternal grandmother, who had not seen Brennan in 10 months, as she was ignored by Brennan.
· Father is not interested in being Brennan’s best friend.  As Brennan’s Father, Father corrected his child’s bad behavior. 
· This event did not go as Father would have liked considering the 4 months of seeking any form of communication with Brennan.  The level of disrespect shown to paternal grandmother was extremely out of character for Brennan and could not be ignored.

8. Father said that Mother’s computer software is preventing him from getting a job.
· Father indicated that Mother installed and reinstalled and reconfigured WebWatcher Software by Awareness Technologies repeatedly on his business computers from February 2007 through May 2007.
· Father indicated that the installation was illegal.
· Mother has no intention of admitting to her illegal actions, or additional illegal activities against Father’s business and finances.
· Father is aware that Mother purchased the program through a third party who assisted with monitoring the data.
· Father reported the illegal installation to Awareness Technologies in May 2007
· Mother used the Keyword alert functionality of the program on July 12, 2007.  After Father emailed his attorney regarding the divorce/custody paperwork, Mother, or her agent, received a text message and reviewed the email contents.  Brennan received a phone call from Mother and left the home indicating his plans for the week had changed.  Brennan never returned home and stopped responding to phone calls or text messages from Father.  Brennan has not explained his actions.
· Father reported the illegal software installation to Montgomery Township Police in July 2007.  Police indicated they had no capacity to assist.
· Father reported the illegal software installation to the FBI in July 2007. 
· Father reported the illegal software installation to Montgomery County Detectives in July 2007.           
· At Detective’s request, Father brought primary computer to Montgomery County Detectives who did not have the time and resources to investigate.  Detective Kuter requested the computer be brought back a week or two later.
· Montgomery County Detectives, Ray Kuter, did not return calls after that date.  Any revelation of the program would at this point additionally implicate Montgomery Township Police in wrongful actions taken on August 8, 2007 at the request of Mother, or her agent.
10.  Father said that Mother is controlling his computer and when he once typed out a threat on his computer to ‘see what would happen,” the police appeared at his home.
· Father indicated that the software provides surveillance, remote control, redirection and obfuscation capabilities to the user of the program, Mother, or her agent.
· Father indicated he once typed a statement on the screen regarding the computer’s hard disk which was beginning to fail.
· Father indicated the police appeared at the home, 40 minutes later.  This action by police who indicated they had no capacity to handle the issue further confirmed the surveillance.

11.  Mother said that Father’s brother had contacted police after seeing something on Father’s website.

12.  Father said that Mother has alienated the children from him.
· Father listed a long litany of events and situations which clearly indicated the activity of Mother in alienating the children from Father.   None of the issues raised by Father appear in the report.
· Sarah Goren had previously indicated in October 2007 that she did not ‘believe’ in Parental Alienation Syndrome. 
· There is no denying the influence and activities of Mother clearly match the symptoms of parental alienation activity even if one doesn’t wish to ‘believe’ in the syndrome.
13.  Mother denies that she tells the children anything about the Father and believes that they make up their own minds.

17.  Brennan said that he asked Father if he could have his new license that was mailed to Father at the marital address.
· Brennan had been contacted by Father for several weeks to come pick up his license.
· Brennan did not return phone calls or text messages regarding picking up his license.
· Brennan applied for his permit after he had moved out of the in August 2007.
· Brennan had been instructed by Mother to use Father’s address to mislead North Penn School District and permit Brennan to attend North Penn High School while living in Quakertown which is in another school district.

18.  Brennan said that he said hello to his paternal grandmother who was at Father’s home.
· Brennan entered the kitchen and ignored his grandmother who was 10 feet away.
· He barely said hello when Father pointed out the presence of grandmother to Brennan.  As Grandmother’s car was in the driveway, Brennan was aware of her presence at the house. 
· It had been 10 months since Brennan had had any contact with his grandmother.  Brennan is not permitted by his Mother to contact Father’s mother, Father’s sister, or Father’s brother and Father’s brother’s family.

19.  Brennan said that Father “went off and yelled” at Brennan.
· Father corrected his son Brennan for the disrespect and rudeness.

20.  Brennan said that Father said that “I never want to see you (Brennan) again.”
· Brennan had embarrassed Father in front of paternal grandmother and Father said he  never wanted to see that type of behavior again.

21.  Brennan said that Father yelled this once while Brennan was in the house and screamed it at Brennan again as Brennan was leaving the home.
· The statement about his behavior was made as Brennan was leaving the house. There was no echo.

24.  Brennan said that he cannot believe Father is truthful when Father says that he wants to see Brennan.
· How can Brennan have any interpretation of what Father is saying when Brennan has been prevented from communicating with Father since July 2007? 
· Why does Brennan believe this to be the case? 
· This is a clear indication of Mother’s parental alienation.

25.  Brennan said that things are good and calmer at Mother’s home.
· Brennan has had no experience at Father’s home since being abducted by Mother in July 2007. 
· This is another clear indication of parental alienation.

26.  Brennan said that he is doing “good enough” in school. 
· Brennan’s report card indicates that he was failing several subjects. 
· Letters received from the school show that teachers had cause for alarm regarding Brennan’s attendance. 
· Brennan had lied to the school regarding his actual address. 
· Brennan’s emergency contact information at the school was completely inaccurate with wrong phone numbers and addresses. 
· Contact information on file with the school district is still incorrect.

27.  Brennan is scheduled to take several AP courses next year as a senior and hopes to attend Penn State after graduation.
· There are few advantages to taking AP classes as a senior when there are risks of not receiving good grades. 
· Brennan’s choice of Penn State is not of his own choosing.  Brennan had always talked of making certain he did NOT go to the same school as his brother Colin.

28.  Brennan said that Father had been committed to Norristown State Hospital Building 50 for 2 days last summer.
· Aside from being wrong, this contradicts the lie in #13 about Mother not saying anything about Father. 

29.  Brennan said that father becomes irate and things escalate very quickly, whether they are in Father’s home or in public.
· Father has had such limited contact with Brennan since July 2007, this broad statement is ridiculous. 
· Father has not ever become irate in private or in public.
· Father is not and has never been aggressive in nature. 
· This is another clear indication of parental alienation.

30.  Brennan said that he has reminded Father that he is yelling in public but it does not seem to matter to Father.
· Father has not appeared in public with Brennan at any time since October 22, 2007, during which time there were no raised voices.
· This is another clear indication of parental alienation.

31.  Brennan said that when the lived in the same household, Father had thrown a cup which hit the wall fairly close to where Brennan was seated.
· It was a glass. 
· It was not thrown at anyone.
· The nearest person was at least 8-10 feet away from where it hit the wall.
· There is no mention of the spouse who was berating Father in front of Brennan for over an hour non-stop which lead to the event. 
· No mention that the glass was not thrown in the direction of any person for the purpose of injury.
· The glass was thrown to punctuate that Father was not going to respond in kind by insulting the child’s mother or berating her , yet Father was not going to sit by and do nothing. 
· That Brennan even remembers this event is another indication of Mother’s parental alienation. 

32.   Brennan said that he did not want to go to counseling with Father at this point and did not know why Father was pursuing this when Father yelled at him and Father told him he did not want to see Brennan ever again.
      This is another clear indication of parental alienation.


Brennan’s Mother did not say anything during this conference.

The incredible omission of any statement made by Father at this conference makes this Conciliation Report questionable as to it’s purpose with an inexplicable bias for the mother.

There is no mention that Brennan was not in contact with his Father over the 2007 Holidays.

There is no mention that Brennan was not in contact with his extended family over the 2007 Holidays.

There is no mention that Brennan was used by his Mother, when she traded his time in order to obtain stock certificates from the Father’s home.

There is no mention that Brennan assisted Mother, and about 12 others, in breaking and entering, robbing and vandalizing the Father’s home.  (Even though Brennan had a key.)

There is no mention that Mother planned and executed the breaking and entering, robbery and vandalism in direct defiance of an Agreed Order.

There is no mention that Mother was found to be in contempt and ordered to return the items stolen.

There is no mention that when Mother returned the items, her only assistants were Brennan and his  brother.

There is no mention that the only time Brennan saw father was related to court actions, conferences or when helping Mother to return stolen items to the Home.

There is no mention of the repeated attempts by Mother to steal Father’s car from driveway.

There is no mention of repeated break-ins to father’s home while planning the March 22 robbery.

There is no mention to the destruction of Brennan’s bedroom, apparently by himself during the robbery on March 22, 2008.

There is no mention that Brennan knows of the seriousness of his mother’s harassing and criminal actions against his Father.

There is no mention that Brennan knows of his mother’s false reports to authorities regarding his father.

There is no mention of the constant misdirection, fraud and chaotic petitions filed by Brennan’s Mother which require time and effort to respond. 

There is no mention of the resignation of Father’s attorney in September 2007 with the indication that Mother’s lawyer was the type of lawyer who would litigate anything to generate billable hours and escalate costs.  Father would be obligated to respond and incur substantial legal debt.  Mother’s goal is to clearly leave everyone involved in financial ruin.

There is no mention of Mother’s direct involvement in the Police being dispatched to Father’s home on August 8, 2007.

There is no mention of mother’s attempt to fabricate the series of events of August 8, 2007.

There is no mention of Mother’s involvement in the Disruption of Service Outage on Father’s web server in February 2008.

There is no mention of the four pages of allegations against Mother, and her agents, listed in a Protection From Abuse Order in December 2007.

There is no mention of Mother’s, or her agent’s, involvement in Hacking Father’s business web site in February 2008.

There is no mention of Mother’s enabling of identity theft of Father.

There is no mention of Mother’s false report of Identity Theft to local police, which was done to cover that she was causing the crime to be committed against Father.

There is no mention that Mother’s false report of identity theft lead to the revelation of her, or her agent’s, involvement in hacking Father’s business web site.

There is no mention of the remarkable and complete disappearance of the IP address of Angst & Angst from all statistical reports at Father’s business web site after the information was called to Mother’s attention and the sites were hacked and shut down.

There is no mention that the May 19, 2008 conference was in response to a petition filed on December 26, 2007.

There is no mention that the conference originally scheduled for March 25, 2008 was cancelled by Sarah Goren.

There is no mention that Father was not notified of the cancellation of the March 25, 2008 conference.

There is no mention that Father was told that there was no contact phone number for him, even though it is written clearly on the cover sheet of the petition filed on December 26, 2007.

There is no mention that Mother’s attorney falsely indicated that she had no way of contacting Father.

There is no mention that Mother stole Father’s files prepared for the conference on March 25 while she was robbing Father’s home on March 22.

There is no mention of the picture of Mother holding the files as she gets into a vehicle at the end of the March 22, Robbery.

Father has been trying to maintain contact with Brennan since Brennan was abducted by Mother in July 2007.

When Mother abducted Brennan in July 2007, it was done to contradict the standard procedures for custody in Pennsylvania.  The person who files for custody customarily gets temporary custody until there is a determination or agreement.  It was not the intention or plan for Father to deny Mother any contact with Brennan.  Mother abducted Brennan and prevented Father any access to Brennan, because Father could have obtained interim custody.   If Father had interim custody, Mother would have been prevented from getting Child Support, but more importantly using Child Support as a weapon to terrorize Brennan’s father.
There was no reason to believe, or any indication, that Brennan’s custody would not be split 50/50 between both parents.

There were instructions that police be called if Father came to visit Brennan while on the farm in Quakertown.  Even though there was no reason for the police to be involved.  This was confirmed by Brennan.

There was no sense in seeking Child Support due to the shortened period of time for support payments (less than 2 years).  Seeking Child Support would only result in appeals which would incur legal fees.  Those legal fees would likely exceed the full value of the Child Support awarded. 

Mother’s legal fees in seeking child support were clearly in excess of the $600/month awarded.  (Estimated $14,400)

Mother sought Child Support for  the purpose of securing a defacto custody and additionally to cause Father further financial hardship.  Father was unemployed.  Mother’s, or her agent’s, use of the computer software not only destroyed Father’s business, it’s redirection/obfuscation and remote control functionality prevented finding employment and prevented reliable contact with employers or hiring contractors.

Mother provided fraudulent financial information to Child Support Master guaranteeing appeals and additional costs to Father.

Mother was assured that Father would not have the financial documents required because she had removed originals from the home and all other documents were stored electronically on the computers over which Mother, or her agents, had full control.  All computers with financial data on them were crashed multiple times during the week prior to the conference.

Attorney for Mother then proceeded to continue Child Support Appeal dates.

In October 2007, at the recommendation of Sarah Goren, an agreement was reached regarding custody which placed full responsibility of the decision on Brennan, who had been prevented any contact with Father.  Father was not pleased with the placement of the responsibility on Brennan, however trusted Brennan to do the right thing.

The agreement additionally required Brennan to maintain regular daily contact with his Father.  Father knew this unenforceable statement in the agreement would only antagonize both he and Brennan.

There is clearly a question of who authored this report.   The style of writing and the format would suggest the document was not authored by the person who authored later reports.  The information presented is not indicative of the topics which were discussed at the conference.
I believe that Sara Goren has been manipulated by ex parte communications regarding Father which have caused her to follow a course of action from which she cannot reverse direction.

Angst & Angst have clearly been involved in multiple ex parte communications regarding this case.

Valerie Angst was seen exiting the building on the day of this conference yet she was not present at the conference itself.  The time she was seen would have coincided with the time for the conference if it had taken place when originally scheduled.  Sonya Healy said nothing at the conference, yet her position seems to be well represented.
Angst & Angst have manipulated this case through a remarkably effective use of ex parte communications, fraudulent statements, criminal instructions to their client, and the generation of voluminous, misleading and chaotic petitions knowing that their actions will go unnoticed as the Court cannot even read their maelstrom let alone comprehend the annihilation of the family at the center of this case.

Angst & Angst know the Court will interpret their frivolous petitions as a ‘tit for tat’ situation which arises in some divorces, even though this has not been the case.  The court has responded by dismissing the facts of the case for the generalized perception which is not accurate.

Angst & Angst have manipulated the Court’s schedule, and the personal vacation schedule of judges assigned to the case, to further  manipulate the Court into decisions which occur outside due process and remain unexplained.

The time has come for those who have been manipulated to recognize that they have acted improperly and have caused the annihilation of this family.  

Brennan Healy is carrying the burden of protecting his mother, while watching those who are in positions of authority manipulated into destroying his father. 

Brennan Healy has no escape from this psychological terror.  This doesn’t go away when he turns eighteen, it will be with him for the remainder of his life.  As he will be forced to continue to protect his mother, and all the others involved, he will never be permitted to resume a relationship with his father, or his extended family. 

It is not in the best interests of the child to further terrorize him, his father and his entire extended family.
Respectfully Submitted,

Terance Healy, Pro Se









I verify that the statements made in this document are true and correct.  I understand that false statements herein are made subject to the Penalties of PA. C.S. Section 4904, relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.


Terance Healy


Judge Rhonda Lee Daniele seems to have this penchant for issuing court orders in stealth.

Judge Daniele issued an order on August 22, 2007 that remained hidden until August 12, 2010.

When I contacted my mother on the 12th to tell her about finding the secret undocketed ex parte order that undermined 3 years of litigation, my mother immediately remembered Rhonda Daniele’s previous sneaky activity…

Rhonda Lee Daniele had issued another secret order that cleaned out my mother’sr bank account 2 days before Thanksgiving. She disregarded due process and the agreements reached in conferences. Had that plot not been discovered, it would have landed me in jail for Christmas. This entire plot was documented and presented to Andrew Gilmartin during one of our final meetings regarding Child Support.

I’ve never met her, but I have the feeling Rhonda Lee Daniele is EVIL. She does so many things in cowardly stealth. If she was not doing anything illegal or unethical, then why is she hiding her activities. I don’t hide. The truth is on my side. I don’t have to hide the truth. I have nothign to be ashamed of, but Rhonda Daniele sure does.

I’ve never met her, never seen her, yet I have the feeling she has used her destructive powers way too many times to destroy people. She needs to be held accountable for her actions. Her abuse of her judicial position is evident. If she is unable to use her powers for good, she should be removed from the bench.

And after the things I read about her over the last fews weeks… Judge Rhonda Lee Daniele will stop at nothing to destroy a person. I know. I’m a victim, too.

I have a feeling when I get the answer to one remaining question about Rhonda Daniele, we may find her to be even more calculating than you could possibly imagine.

Lastly, finally there are some words in this post. It seems people google “Judge Rhonda Lee Daniele” multiple times everyday and gets served the link to this page. Now her fan will have something to read. Here you are connecting through the Wireless Data Service Provider of Doylestown, PA using the Safari browser on a MAC.


Published: Wednesday, November 12, 2008
By Bradley Schlegel
Staff Writer

MONTGOMERY TWP. — Four members of the Montgomery Township Police Department accepted promotions to corporal at Monday’s board of supervisors meeting.

Gerald Dougherty, Robert Hart, Glenn Davis Jr. and William Peoples will assume supervisory roles, according to Richard Brady, chief of the department. He said the corporals would support the sergeants during routine assignments and take charge of squads when the sergeants are on vacation.

“We’re part of management now,” Hart said. “The four of us are prepared for our new role.”

Dougherty, who started with the unit as a dispatcher in 1986, has been patrolling the township’s streets for 20 years. He serves in the canine unit, as a firearm and taser instructor and is a member of the Montgomery County Drug Task Force.

Brady said officers who start as a dispatcher learn the department and the community.

“It’s very advantageous,” the chief said.

Hart, who joined the department in 1988, currently supervises the canine unit.

Davis, an 11-year veteran, is an accident reconstruction expert.

Peoples, also in his 11th year, has taught Drug Abuse Resistance Education classes and became the department’s first accreditation manager.

All four are outstanding officers,” Brady said. “They are all diligent in their profession and proactive in their assignments.”

Corporal candidates, who require at least five years experience, spent three months studying for an exam in September.

Hart said he read five suggested books covering management, legal and investigative issues.

The written exam featured several situational questions, which included handling a criminal investigation or an officer with personal problems, according Hart. He called an oral exam, by three outside officers, very stressful.

Each candidate’s professional performance was scrutinized by his commanding officer and Brady, according to Hart.

“The whole process was very competitive,” he said “All the officers in this department want to do what is necessary to advance our careers.”


October 31, 2008    Discovery Deliverables.

Sonya to provide…

1. A copy of current lease where Mrs. Healy and Brennan Live.  And any other leases that existed between January of 2007 and through the date of the hearing that has yet to be scheduled
2. Copies of the police report regarding the accident that Brennan was involved in in September of 2008.
3. Copies of all medical records from the emergency room and any other physicians or health care providers seen by Brennan as a result of the accident of September 2008
4. Copies of All telephone bills for 2007 and 2008 for any phone service utilized by Ms Healy or by Brennan.  This would not include work phones but just personal phones.
5. A list of all medications that are currently prescribed or taken by Ms healy or that she has been prescribed or has taken since January of 2007
6. Copies of Brennan’s report card reports from guidance counselors or other correspondence from school that specifically deals with Brennan.
7. DISTINCTION  Specific to Brennan.  For the school years of his junior year ands his current senior year in high school

Terance to provide…
1. Any medical records for Terance Healy for the years 2007 and 2008 and specifically dealing with any commitment or medication that he was either prescribed or took during that period of time.
2. All Bank records for the years 2007 and 2008 for all accounts that were maintained at any time during those years at any financial institution
3. Copies of any checks or records of payments or records from or to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage regarding payments on the mortgage or lien affecting the marital property, marital residence
4. Copies of all pension and retirement statements issued during the years 2007 and 2008
5. List of property item by item specifically reply as to
6. A) whether such an item ever existed.
7. B) whether it is still located in the marital residence
8. C) if not in the marital residence, his belief of the disposition of that item
9. D) which, if any, of those items he wishes to maintain and keep as his share of the divided property and which, if any, of those items he wishes for her or is willing for her to take and maintain as marital property.

At 9:30 on November 1, 2008
Attendees: Terance Healy
 Sonya Healy
 Joan Healy
Christine Healy

“She’s concerned she’s going to be in the house with her mother-in-law and Mr Healy.  If there is an incident, she has no witness on her side.”
“I know we were trying to please Mr. Healy.  But in fairness, if she can have an unbiased witness.  Just another witness.”

Trying to please Mr. Healy?  by invading his home once again?  by fabricating a false reason do do so?



Discovery Hearing – Judge DelRicci

Have Transcript Already


Max died at 3:30 AM this morning here at home on the couch laying his head on my lap he gently and quietly passed away.


[ This is the actual picture that was sent to both Colin & Brennan’s cell phones.  Of course, it was only the size visible on the cell phone.  ]

Here’s is how they have characterized the above picture:
“Father sent to Brennan a picture of the family dog, once he had deceased, and sent it to Brennan on his cell phone.” – July 23, 2009 – Plaintiff’s Response to Defendant’s Emergency Petition For Modification of Custody
– Poor sentence structure, huh? Who had deceased? Father? Brennan? or the dog?

From the Transcript of the Hearing on October 31, 2008.
Page 36
[In the middle of a discussion regarding a text message they said indicated I was destroying items and putting in the trash for BFI to handle. BFI was NOT even my trash company.]
Mr. Angst: Your Honor, there’s a picture of a dead dog on a table. I don’t know if someone snuck into his house – –
Mr Healy: There is not a picture relevant to that message.
Mr Angst: He sent that to – –
Mr Healy: I sent them a picture.
The Court: You put a dead dog on a table and sent it to your son?
Ms. Healy: The day of my mother’s funeral.
The Court: Would you just be quiet. Did you really do that?
Mr. Healy: I did. It’s not a picture of a dead dog – –
The Court: Is it a live dog?
Mr Healy: Your Honor, i can show you the picture if you like.
The Court: No. I want to know. Is it a live or dead dog?
Mr Healy: There is a picture. I had laid the dog in a blanket next to a candle. Just a very peaceful, calm picture. the dog did no tlook maimed or hurt. The dog looks alive.
The Court: Why is the dog here? You sent a picture of a dead dog to your son?
Mr Healy: It was the family pet.
The Court: Couldn’t you have sent a letter? Why did you have to send him a picture of a dead dog?
Mr Healy: I was very upset, Your Honor.
The Court: I understand why you’re upset.
Mr Healy: I was letting the children know their family pet died.
The Court: Couldn’t you have done that by letter? Why a picture of a dead dog?
Mr Healy: I was upset after the dog had died.
the Court: I understand why you’re upset. But why is it good judgement for you to upset them?
Mr Healy: It was not to upset them.
The Court: Please. Do you understand how somebody might be upset if they saw their dead pet?
Mr Healy: Your Honor, it – –
The Court: Would you stop? Mr Healy, do you know how bad that judgement is?
Mr Healy: Your Honor, the message that was sent along with the picture did not imply that it was – – I was not sending a picture of a dead dog. I was sending a picture of the family pet before I had the pet cremated.
the Court: Can I make a suggestion to you, Mr healy?
Mr Healy: Yes, sir.
The Court: Whether it’s the family pet, it’s still a dead dog. you sent a picture of a dead dog. Now whatever your motivation was, it was ill conceived. you would never send a picture of a dead animal to somebody.
Mr Healy: Your Honor, the children hadn’t been to see the pet. I kept telling them to come over to see him while he is sick.
The Court: If he didn’t do that, and he didn’t want to see the dog while it was alive, can we assume that he didn’t want to see the dog when he was sick, because otherwise he would have come over.
Mr Healy: I don’t know that the messages got delivered to my son.
The Court: Well, he certainly got the picture of the dead dog, didn;t he?
Mr Healy: This is the first I got confirmation of that.
The Court: Wow. You two folks – –
Mr Healy: Your Honor, the picture has him wrapped in a blanket – –
The Court: I dont; care if the picture has him wrapped in swaddling clithes and lying in a manger. That is not something you do. Now I only recently came to love dogs. Actually it;s been two years, coming up on two years. All right? Up until that point in time, I had no love for dogs. But I still do not want anybody to send me a picture of a dead dog, even when I didn;t love dogs. But to send me a picture of my pet if my pet had died? I, at my age, and with a lack of love of pets for 50-some years prior, would find that totally inappropriate and disconcerting no matter what the motivation was on your part.
Mr Healy: The text message was clearly not to anger or upset. Maybe it was too much information. but I was letting them know their family pet had died.
The Court: Boy, you just show such a lack of judgement.
Mr Healy: I’m sorry
The Court: And you’re asking me to – –
Mr Healy: Perhaps – –
The Court: You’re asking me to award you full custody of your son?
Ms Healy: Can I say something?
The Court: No, you may not. You’re asking me to award you full custody of your son?
Mr Healy: Yes, sir.
The Court: When you think it’s appropriate to send a picture of a dead dog to them?
Mr Healy: Yes, I do.
The Court: Okay, i understand.
Mr Healy: With the text along with the picture, Your Honor. I sent it to all of my friends as well. they all thought it was quite beautiful.
The Court: Well, that’s great. They’re not a 17-year-old boy.
Mr Healy: They’re not a 17 year old boy.
The Court: And it wasn’t their pet.
Mr Healy: This has nothing to do with BFI.

This has no relevance at all and continues for a few more pages until Judge Del Ricci accuses ME of derailing the proceeding. This is a father getting beat up over a text message, after the mother has denied visitation, denied access, been found in contempt of court, burglarized, vandalized, abducted the child, AND according to Judge Del Ricci’s logic, because I sent a picture to Brennan, I should not have custody. SERIOUSLY FLAWED LOGIC.


Judge Tilson still had my respect even though, in January 2008, he cancelled a Protection from Abuse Order which attempted to keep Sonya, and her agents, away from the house and my computers & phones.

  • In June 2008, without explanation, he ordered me to let Brennan go on vacation.  An Ex Parte Order.  Without any conference, hearing or communication.  
  • Angst & Angst filed their petition electronically.  There is nothing in the petition which warrants an immediate ex parte decision.  Yet Judge Tilson issued an Ex Parte Order.
  • In filing their petition Angst & Angst did not indicate to Judge Tilson that I had already filed a petition with Judge DelRicci regarding the trip.   Judge DelRicci ruled it was not an emergency and HE went on vacation.
  • Judge Tilson went further by not responding to me when I provided my response to the Angst & Angst petition.
  • Angst & Angst responded to my petition with another with more lies than the first and threatening to put me in jail if I tried to stop the trip.
  • So not only were my parental rights denied, but any attempt to act like a parent who is trying to protect his son would be further met with arrest.  WHY?  The threat pof arrest is something I take seriously, because it is quite apparent that the policy is to  jail you first and ask questions later.

In December 2008, I asked again for an explanation for his denying my parental rights.  I have not yet received a response.

In March 2009, I escalated the issue to the Pennsylvania Judiciary Board.


I went before Judge Tilson in January 2008.  I found him to be effective and knowledgable.  In ruling to suspend the Protection from Abuse Order, Judge Tilson explained that Pennsylavnia Law is not quite ready for the “1984” Orwellian tactics at play here.   As we were in a courtroom fiull of people who had beat the hell out of each other over the Holidays, the differences in the types of abuse was understandable.

In filing their petition Angst & Angst did not indicate to Judge Tilson that I had already filed a petition with Judge DelRicci regarding the trip.   Judge DelRicci ruled it was not an emergency and HE went on vacation.

(COINCIDENTALLY:  Had Sonya not spoken to me and slipped that Brennan was going to be going out of the country I may not have found out at all.  The timing of the entire series of events also corresponds with Sara Goren’s retarded suggestion to wait 3 weeks to think about custody – AFTER WAITING 5 MONTHS FOR HER TO SCHEDULE THE CONFERENCE???  Angst & Angst would have had knowledge of Judge DelRicci’s vacation.  I saw it on the court schedule and filed an Emergency Petition.  Judge DelRicci’as denial of the emergency would have allowed me to stop the trip.  Angst & Angst followed up their petition with another threatening  to put me in jail.  )



Short List regarding Burglary, Car and Web Site

They filed the Car and Web Site Petitions to create chaos.
Car Petition is all lies.
Web Site Petition seeks to deny Free Speech.

DelRicci sees the Secret Order presented by Bob Angst BUT does not allow me to see it or obtain a copy.
BREACH OF PROCEDURE – but he had to make sure that i didn;t see the civil rights violation on the secret order.

No transcript available.