
It is remarkable to me that the two people who have ended conversations with me by saying it is improper to have ex parte communications are the two who have not only entertained ex parte communications but have made decisions based on them.  Sara Goren and Judge Thomas Del Ricci.

And my conversations with them (sentences actually) were not ‘ex parte’ as they were not case specific.  

Perhaps what they really meant was that they have already had their ex parte communication from Angst & Angst and they can’t listen to what you might have to say.  If they do not act as was pre-arranged, the lawyers at Angst & Angst will throw them under the bus and reveal their improper communications.


A petition to modify custody was filed on December 26, 2007.

– Without any prior notice, Sara Goren cancels a conference on March 25, 2008 indicating a family issue.  I think it was a funeral.  I had no choice but to understand and accept this unfortunate delay.  Yet, it would seem Sara Goren didn’t cancel her other scheduled appointments that day.  There were 3 meetings scheduled for 10:45AM.  Sara Goren’s family emergency only affected one.

– Court Administration [Gina] ignores your request for ‘first available’ conference with any available master.  You have waited 3 months for this date WITHOUT ANY CONTACT from your son.  Instead, at the request of Angst & Angst, she would schedule the conference for Sara Goren’s next available date.  8 weeks later.  [This information was notated in the court administration scheduling system.]

– On May 19, 2008, Sara Goren would suggest waiting an additional 3 weeks to act with regard to scheduling a court date.  Sara Goren recommends that I reconsider moving forward to court.  This is ridiculous.  Why would I want to wait another 3 weeks?  I had waited 5 months for this conference.  I had not seen my son or heard from him in months.  I had clearly documented and presented how my son was being abused by his manipulative and alienating mother since July 2007.   I wanted the hearing.  The conference was a formality, and major delaying tactic when there was no potential for agreement.  Why would I wait another 3 weeks to decide if I wanted to move forward????  The only logical explanation is that Sara Goren knew that they were planning to take Brennan out of the country.  I was yet unaware of the travel plans.

– On May 19, 2008, Sara Goren’s schedule was backed up.  The conference scheduled for morning was not held until mid-afternoon.  Sonya was oddly unrepresented at the conference.  Hmmm??  Robert Angst was at the Protracted Support Hearing that morning.  Valerie Angst was spotted outside the Domestic Relations Office talking to Sonya [at about an hour after the time the conference was supposed to occur].  If Angst & Angst were both in Norristown, why were they not at the conference with their client?  Had Valerie Angst met with Sara Goren that morning?  That would be an improper ex parte communication.  Sara Goren couldn’t be so naive as to have actually accepted a document from Valerie Angst that morning.  Sara Goren could not have been SO INCREDIBLY STUPID to submit that document as HER report.  In Sara Goren’s report Sonya’s perspective is documented.  BUT SONYA SAID NOTHING IN THIS CONFERENCE SO HOW COULD SARA HAVE THE INFORMATION SHE REPORTED. 

Valerie Angst frequently cuts and pastes her documents together.  I still have to go through the petitions filed prior to this meeting.  I expect the exact phrases used by Angst & Angst in their petitions will be identical to those in Sara Goren’s report.  How would you explain that?

– September 9, 2008, Angst & Angst fail to appear at a Custody Conference.   NOTE: THIS CONFERENCE WAS NOT WITH SARA GOREN.   The paperwork warns that this would result in a a ruling in favor of the party who did appear.  BUT, Angst & Angst lied and told the court staff that an agreement had been reached.  There is no agreement.  They dodged a conference with a Custody Master who had not been manipulated into compliance.

– October 1, 2008, back to meet with Sara Goren.  [The court order from July indicated that the issue be listed for trial immediately upon notice to Court administration, court administration insists on requiring the conciliation conference]   Sara Goren does not recall her family emergency in March.  Sara Goren is also at a complete loss to explain her neglecting to include any issue raised at the May 2008 conference in her report.  At the very least, how did she forget to include that ‘SONYA USED MY SON TO ROB MY HOUSE”?  I raise the additional issue of the fraud and lies surrounding Judge Tilson’s Ex Parte order regarding Brennan’s ‘vacation’.  Sara Goren suddenly ‘gets religion’ and indicates that this needs to get before the judge as soon as possible as Brennan will be 18 soon.  NO SHIT!?!

– The week before the October 1 meeting, Angst & Angst filed a petition they had cut and pasted from all of their previous petitions.  Over 60 pages of false allegations and misdirection.  Their plan is to use that petition to delay the custody hearing.  They never send a copy of the petition to me.  They send it to Sterling Flowers who had represented me for one dayat a custody short list in July.  It takes weeks to get a copy of their petition.  It is missing pages and is misnumbered.  The copy filed in the prothonotary is also missing the items.  Judge Del Ricci combines the custody petition from December 2007 and their new contempt petition.  Judge Del Ricci indicates he is not concerned with the fraud of Sara Goren’s report, or her motivation.  He calls for an immediate hearing for discovery issues.  Judge Del Ricci, as usual, berates me through the discovery hearing.  Judge Del Ricci knows the intent of the 60 pages of bullshit petition.  We will never get to a custody hearing while they dispute discovery in their 60 pages of bullshit.  Then, magically when Brennan turns 18, they will drop their contempt petition.  [Let’s all pretend we are clueless and surprised when that happens, OK?]

The facts are clear.  The fraud is clear. The conspiracy to cover up their improper and illegal actions is clear.

The best interests of the child are completely ignored.  It’s about tactics.  It’s about conspiracy.  it’s about cover-up.  DO NOT FOOL YOURSELF FOR A MINUTE THINKING THAT SARA GOREN OR JUDGE DEL RICCI GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE BEST INTERESTS OF YOUR SON.


District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman
Office of the District Attorney
Court House 4th Floor
P.O. Box 311
Norristown, PA  19404-0311 

Ms Ferman,

     I am requesting your direct involvement in prosecuting the persons responsible for the following crime.  

     On Saturday March 22, 2008, my home was broken into, burglarized, vandalized and my dog, a Basenji, was poisoned.  Police, who were called by neighbors who realized I was not at home, arrived within seconds.  The police permitted a dozen or so people to load a rented panel truck, several SUV’s, and additional cars and trucks with items from my home.  Organized by my ex-wife, Sonya Healy, the team included a professional locksmith, a former township police officer, and two minor children.

     When discovered by myself at around 3AM on March 23, 2008,  the Montgomery Township Police responded but refused to act in any regard to the crime.  It was their opinion that this was a domestic incident and they chose to not get involved. 

      Township police have refused to respond to any reported crime since August 2007, when they revealed they had knowledge of the person, or persons, responsible for a computer surveillance program illegally installed on computers in my home.  The illegally installed program had been detected and was reported to police weeks before.  The program has destroyed my business and affected every aspect of my life – professionally, financially and personally.  Montgomery Township Police have acted to protect the perpetrator and refuse to provide any report of that event.

     The officers who responded at 3AM informed me that a locksmith had been hired to drill the locks on the front door.  When the locksmith failed to access the home by the front door, entry was gained through the rear sliding glass door.  The entire event took less than 30 minutes and was photographed by my neighbors.  There are over 50 photographs available of the event.  (Viewable at http://www.work2bdone.com/help/robbery/robberypics.htm )

     When shown the court order which granted me exclusive use and occupancy of the home, the officers disregarded the handwritten document (attached) as inauthentic even though the document was signed by Judge Toby Dickman on September 6, 2007.  The document is authentic and valid.  The officers explained that the responding officers had been shown a letter authorizing the crime written by a lawyer from Angst & Angst of Harleysville.

     The next morning, I filed a petition to find Sonya Healy in Contempt of the court order.  Judge Thomas del Ricci decided my petition was not an emergency and scheduled a hearing.  Montgomery Township Police Chief Richard Brady indicated that no action would be taken by police until the judge had ruled on the contempt petition. 

     On May 14, 2008, Judge DelRicci found Sonya Healy in contempt of the court order issued September 6, 2007.  Judge DelRicci ordered that the items taken be returned with several exceptions.  Judge DelRicci did not issue any ruling beyond the finding of contempt, and instructing that items taken be returned.  Sonya Healy was rewarded for her act as certain items taken were not required to be returned.  A copy of this order is attached.

     The existing court orders allowed for the distribution of marital assets within a schedule, and remaining issues to be resolved at equitable distribution.  The handwritten document was authored by Valerie Angst who was representing Sonya Healy at the time.  It was Judge Toby Dickman who added the phrase with regard to items in question being resolved at equitable distribution.

     Upon leaving the courthouse, I contacted Montgomery Township Police regarding filing  charges against those involved.  Montgomery Township Police did not return calls. 

     I additionally contacted Detective Joseph D’Angelo with Montgomery County Detectives.  Detective D’Angelo had been looking into the entire tech-intrusion issues and had chosen to begin  by investigating the involvement of a former township police officer in the robbery as a starting point.  Detective D’Angelo has not returned calls.

     The illegal technology intrusion into my home and my life continues.  Computers and telephones are repeatedly hacked.  There is no defensive technology that can prevent this type of intrusion and conspiracy.  This is not a random virus, this is a targeted attack.  There is no protection available.  NONE. 

     It is necessary to indicate that this is not simply a sour grapes complaint of a man who is being divorced.  The nastiness of the divorce is very one sided.  It has been complicated by the discovery of multiple illegal and criminal tactics being used by my wife and her attorneys.  This is just one event in an unecessarily vexacious divorce.   A custody hearing has been delayed over 17 months and remains unscheduled.  I have been summarily denied both due process and any parental rights when ordered under penalty of jail to permit my son to leave the country.  It seems that they have successfully manipulated those court personnel involved into improper action and once manipulated they fail to act properly with regard to any issue.

      On April 1, 2009, I was a defendant in a hearing in District Court 38-1-18 before the honorable David A. Keightly.  Colin Healy, one of those involved in the March 22 event, alleged that the information published on my web site (www.work2bdone.com) was libelous, defamatory and false.   His argument was that he had never been tried, charged, or convicted of the crimes mentioned.  Judge Keightly ruled in my favor.  Though my son was seeking $8000, I had not countersued for costs or fees.

     I believe that the more accurate reason Colin Healy, my son, filed the civil action was to instigate my filing a civil action against all those involved.  As I understand it, if I were to file a civil action for the incident prior to any criminal actions being initiated, it could prevent criminal charges being filed against those involved. 

     On April 23, 2009, I wrote to Montgomery Township Police requesting they file charges against those involved.  I was contacted on April 27, 2009 by an officer from Montgomery Township Police who indicated the police would not get involved in filing charges against those involved.

     I am now requesting your direct involvement as District Attorney in prosecuting those involved in this issue.

     The break-in, burglary, vandalism and poisoning of my dog was a crime.  It should be prosecuted.  

     My dog died in October 2008 after suffering for 6 months with kidney and liver problems likely caused by whatever was administered to him during the burglary.  The animal had never been as sick as he was immediately after the burglary.  He was only 9 years old with a life expectancy of 15-16 years.

     Sonya Healy organized the event in direct violation of a Court Order.  She chose to involve other people in the act, including two minor children and a former police officer.  She was acting on the advice of her lawyer to knowingly  violate the court order.  All of these factors only exacerbate the crimes committed, they do not excuse it.

     I am respectfully requesting that criminal charges be filed in this incident against Sonya Healy, Edward Weideman, Emily Weideman, Cecilia Williams, Frank Brassell, Barbara Willders, Colin Healy, Brennan Healy, Deven Wagonhoffer, and the others involved.

     My personal safety and the security of my home are at issue here.  I have lived the past two years under attack and have had each request for prosecution turned down by local police and the county detectives.  

     I am asking your immediate attention on these issues.


Terance Healy


Additional Information can be found at

CNN – NEWDESK, One CNN Center, Atlanta, GA 30303
ABC News, 7 West 66th Street, New York, NY 10023
NBC News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10112
CBS Television, 51 West 52nd Street, New York, NY 10019

WPVI-TV/DT – NEWSDESK, 4100 City Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131
NBC-10 News Line, 10 Monument Rd, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
CBS 3 – NEWSDESK, 1555 Hamilton Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130
FOX 29 – NEWSDESK, 330 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 
CW Philly 57-WPSG-TV – NEWSDESK, 1555 Hamilton St, Philadelphia, PA 19130
KYW Newsradio 1060: News Department, 400 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19106

The Inquirer – NEWSDESK,  400 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19130
Daily News – NEWS DESK, 400 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19130
Intelligencer, 333 N Broad St, Doylestown, PA 18901
Reporter, 307 Derstine Ave, Lansdale, PA 19446
The Times Herald, 410 Markley St, Norristown, PA 19401

Governor Edward G. Rendell
225 Main Capitol Building 
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

Tom Corbett
Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General
16th Floor, Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Hon. Kate Harper
1515 Dekalb Pike Suite 106
Blue Bell, PA 19422 

Hon. Rick Taylor
701 Horsham Road
Suite 101
Horsham, PA 19044 

Stewart J. Greenleaf 
Senate District 12 
711 York Road 
Willow Grove, PA 19090 

Allyson Y. Schwartz
U.S. Representative
706 West Avenue 
Jenkintown, PA 19046 

Robert P. Casey, Jr.
393 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC  20510

Arlen Specter
711 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC  20510

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500


This weekend will mark the 2 year anniversary of my discovery of these events.

Two Years of computer and telephone hacks which have disrupted professional career, clients and every company to whom i made pelectronic payments.

Two Years of the destruction of my children.  I no longer care about my children.  Caring for them is a destructive tool which has been used effectively against me.  Because I care about what this is doing to my kids it eats me alive and completely incapacitates me.  No longer.   My children have made their choice, and I hate them for that.  

Those who were supposed to be looking after the best interests of the child, have GROSSLY FAILED in their responsibility.  
Sara Goren, you are a fraud.  Your repeated delays and fraudulent reports are criminal.  
Judge Thomas Del Ricci has disgraced the bench.  His bias was evident from the first conference, and he has been incapable of rendering any verdict.  If he did, it could and would be appealed.  So to prevent resolution, Del Ricci doesn’t rule on anything and combines and contiinues each petition.  RETARDED JUSTICE!

Continue to protect the illegal actions of an Angst & Angst who have completely disgraced the legal profession.


Well it would seem that Judge DelRicci’s schedule has been expanded throughJune 2009.  But in March 2009, he said we would have the hearing in May????

What’s the rush?

It’s a custody hearing that HE HAS DELAYED FOR 18 MONTHS.

Just because it has destroyed the relationship between a father and son.  Let’s pretend it was a scheduling issue.  LIARS!


There is a reason that Judge Del Ricci has not ruled on any custody matter.  

As there is an outstanding petition to modify custody, since December 26, 2007, it is within the legal guidelines that the judge can change the custody order for any custody issue which is raised before him, including all of the contempt of custody issues currently pending.

As such, any ruling could be appealed if it did not include an adjustment to custody.


So continue to delay the custody issue until Brennan turns 18 and it doesn’t matter.


Perhaps it doesn’t matter to the court or the administrators, but it matters to his father.  It is in the best interest of the child to maintain a relationship with his father, WHY ARE YOU PREVENTING IT?  

Murderers get more visitation time with their children.  I’ve done nothing.  I’ve been convicted of nothing.  Yet everyone is keeping me apart from my son, without any explanation.  Just because Angst & Angst manipulated you with their lies, you conspire and cover up your wrong doing, and YOU USE MY SON TO CONCEAL YOUR CRIMES.


FYI, the software available to hack into your cell phone is difficult to detect.  

There are two layers of programming for a phone.  The one layer is the manufacturers code.  The other layer is from the phone company.  The spyware on a cell phone hides at the manufacturers level.  You cannot normally detect it unless the phone company allows you  to access those settings.  They don’t.

BUT, while ‘spies’ can turn on your phone and listen; and can download copies of text messages and all phone books; and can download your pictures and all other data stored on the phone; and can activate the camera and watch wherever it happens to be pointed.  

There is one thing they cannot hide.   They have to use up the battery to do it.  They can’t hide the fact that they need to use the battery up to do their spying.  So when your battery just won’t seem to last anymore, and you think you’ve been hacked… you probably have been.


OK, someone searched for Frank’s name and landed at my site. more info
Windows XP, Internet Explorer 7    

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)

May 4, 2009 14:28:02
Frank Brassell
arrived from Google searching “frank brassell”

It seems a little funny,…

… the ip address resolves to freelibrary.org, a site which I am able to connect to through my browser.  Yet, I am unable to ping either the IP address or the FreeLibrary.org addresses.  

And another program resolves the site to Allied Telecom group in Washington, D.C.

Apparently, the searcher wanted to remain anonymous for some reason.  I wonder why they feel the need to hide.


It would seem that in Pennsylvania, if a civil complaint is filed with regard to a burglary it can preclude and prevent any criminal prosecution.

Could this be the reason that Judge DelRicci suggested I get my information from the discovery part of a civil case?

Could this be the reason that judge DelRicci instructed the township police to not permit me to press charges?

Could this be the reason that Judge DelRicci instructed the detectives to not permit me to press charges?

Could this be the reason that the District Attorney’s office also chose to not proceed?

Could this be the reason my son, Colin Healy, filed a lawsuit for slander and liable.  His claim that the factual statements on my web site were liablous and slanderous because he, and the others responsible, was not charged with the offenses.  The judge ruled against him.   I believe he filed this on someone else’s instructions.  An attempt to induce me to filing a civil suit without the cooperation of the police and DA.  (Whoever coached him should have prepared him with the correct pronunciation of some words.  It was embarassing as a father to watch my son attack using words the boy apparently did not know.)

Could this be the reason that the police have refused to indicate in writing why they won’t permit me to file charges?


Why does it appear that the schedule for Judge Thomas DelRicci ends on May 28, 2009?  There is nothing on his schedule after that date.

And there are now barely any dates scheduled for May.  



There are so many days when I wake, after a restless night, to the feeling of overwhelming hopelessness and dispair.  I spend those days crying.    

I have made every logical effort to end this terror.  Those in law enforcement to whom I have turned for help have inexplicably refused (FBI), or pretended to act (County Detectives), or further exacerbated the situation (local police).

This inaction by law enforcement provides the basis for other organizations not wishing to become involved.

The courts have been of no assistance.  The actions of the judges and administration defy explanation.  There is no legal basis for anything which has occurred in the court process.  Their tactics are clear.  By acting in complete defiance of logic and reason, the chaos creates a situation which defies explanation and calls credability into question.

I am not trying to make this worse.  I am trying to make it better for me, my son and my family.  I am one man with no resources.  I have survived 2 years of this terror, yet each day shows no improvement over the one before it.  

I persevere.  Perhaps doing so foolishly, but there is no other alternative.