
One of the advantages of the web site is that it allows me to know who is reading the web site.

The original purpose of the site was simply to have storage of the data in a remote location. The constant attacks on the computers here were causing incredible stress as the outages occurred during the weeks before court dates and prevented me from being fully prepared.

The thing is they didn’t realize I was watching them watch me until, in February 2008, they caused my identity theft.

In a phone call to Sonya, I explained that apparently the data was made available on the internet. I offered to pay for LifeLock for the two of us. Sonya indicated that the police had told her that wouldn’t be necessary. Apparently she had called police on her attorney’s directions the week before. BEFORE SHE EVEN TOLD ME SHE NOTICED THE DATA. I took back the offer and explained to her that I had been watching her, her lawyer and her friends reading the web site regularly in the preceeding months. I had also noticed that her lawyers were apparently setting this one up.

Once discovered, they immediately hacked the site and began to tear it down. I blocked them by running up the counters, and lowering the limits. This limited access to the master account and prevented them from accessing any part of the remaining client web sites. I also placed numerous calls to imaginary support lines acting as if i couldn’t access the site. It was important that they think I couldn’t get in to the site until I had secured the current backup data. But, I knew how I would get back in.

Since that time, Angst & Angst have not accessed my web site at any time. They still can include copies of it in their petitions, but oddly the statistics show no record of them being on the site. SURE, THEY ARE HIDING THEIR ACCESS. BUT WHY?

And they gave me an even bigger gift, because they cleaned up the history of the web statistics. And in doing so they have exposed the team. By using my back-up copies, I can see which IP addresses have disappeared from the history along with Angst & Angst. “They” have identified the themselves.

I bet ‘they’ will additionally be identified on the secret cell phone.


Welcome back…, where’ve you been?

It would seem that since I wrote the letter to the DA that the IP addresses which resolved to Montgomery County offices had disappeared. Strange that this would happen.

Stranger still is the fact that the letter, additionally copied to all state and federal representatives and the news media, has received no response. I guess in Montgomery County a dozen white people can burglarize a home in broad daylight, (1) using minor children, (2) fraudulent letters from an attorney, (3) in violation of several court orders and somehow have the endorsement of law enforcement to commit the crime.

Inexplicably, there hasn’t been any web site hits from any of the others who received the letter. More redirection and obfuscation?

Time for justice. Time to prosecute Angst & Angst for causing the damage to everyone involved. Their unethical, illegal and unscrupulous activities have affected everyone who has ‘helped’ them. Who is next to get manipulated into misdeeds? Careful, because they will throw you under the bus with everyone else…


A news story from Indianapolis which demonstrates how easy your privacy is violated.
And no one ever gets caught it seems…

How is it possible that Law Enforcement has done nothing in this case. The program being used by the hacker is on the phone along with identifying information. The information on the phone will indicate the person commiting the crime. (I’ll speculate that the person responsible for the terror in the video is connected with law enforcement, or had been in the past. And they are covering it up…)

I have come to only one conclusion as to why this crime has not yet been prosecuted in any court. Law Enforcement is using the same tools for surveillance and not obtaining a warrant. If Law Enforcement would solve the case, they would additionally be sacrificing one of their tools.

I explained the phone hacking program to Detective DeAngelo in March 2008. Perhaps everyone in law enforcement wasn’t aware of the capabilities. It seemed as if the program I was explaining might fit a scenario he had heard about. He then asked Detective Kuter if that was how they were doing the phone stuff up in the poconos. Detective Kuter confirmed that the technology I was explaining would explain the other situation.


You have to wonder why 3 weeks can go by and there has not been any response from the Distrct Attorney.

You have to wonder why the 25 others who were cc’d on the letter have additionally not made any inquiry.

You have to wonder why of all of theose persons and organizations, not one has checked the web site for additioanl information.

Why is it impossible for me to get justice?

They have destroyed my life, every aspect of my life, and continue to attack using my children as their pawns.  Yet as I seek to prosecute them, I am without a voice, powerless, helpless, and unable to get any answer to any question.  

I only wish I was capable of committing suicide, because it would put an end to the misery caused by these monsters.   Had I been capable of that, it would have happened long ago.  Instead, I cry for myself.  the hoplessness and despair grow with the hours, days, nmmonths, years of conspiracy and corruption and cover-up.

I have gone everywhere possible for help.  I’ve followed the rule of law.  I’ve never resorted to trickery or games to get answers.  I go direct to the source.  I get no answers.  The story is there though.  It is clear.  After 2+ years the pattern is evident.  The silence screams the injustice.  Yet there is no one to help.  No one to ask for help.  And those responsible to enforce the law ignore their responsibilities.  

I await the inevitablefurther attack.  It is a long slow murder.  Endorsed by all of law enforcement, because they were manipulated by the desperation of a lawyer who got caught using illegal tactics against the opposition.  the desperate lawyers, Angst & Angst, would do anything to save their lives, even as they destroyed not just me, but my sons, my mother, my brothers, my sister.

Sonya Healy’s divorce has caused so much destruction.


On an very emotional day, when one of my closest friends made since this drama began came home to say good-bye, my son Colin contacts his grandmother.  Colin indicates that he and his brother wish to come home.  Oddly, he does this by saying they are ‘calling my bluff’.

When will ‘they’ stop using my children to terrorize me.  Don’t they recognize the damage they are doing to the children.  Of course they do.  They don’t care.  They have yet to ever consider the best interest of the children.   I send the message back to come on home, but expect to explain your own actions of the past 2 years.  

My son Colin follows his challenge up with statements which indicate he still doesn’t understand slander and defamation of character.  He informs his grandmother of ‘family secrets’ about his aunt and uncle – items which were no surprise to her.  Colin has no first hand knowledge of what he is telling people, yet continues to spread the gossip.  He would be creating a web site to inform the world of the information he ‘knows’.   While the addition of these comments indicates the extreme lack of sincerity regarding wanting to come home.  He is still welcome to come home.

Colin had learned what hearsay was in time for the April Fool’s Day court date where he shouted HEARSAY interrupting my answer to a question from the judge.  The judge indicated that I was responding to his direct question with regard to another person and as I was a party to the event it wasn’t hearsay.

I will welcome my children home.  I will try to learn to trust them again.  As they are once again being used by Angst & Angst and their mother to attack me emotionally or perhaps to gather fraudulent evidence, or worse-yet to plant ‘evidence’ around the home.  

I am not afraid of you.  I am not afraid of the truth.  My children will reveal more about the crimes you have committed.  The crimes that you have informed them about which have forced them to sacrifice their relationships with the entire family.  How can they be here and not talk to me?  Who is truly bluffing whom here?

By all means, call” my” (?)  bluff.  Be prepared to discover that I’m not bluffing.  I know all the cards in everyone’s hand.   You may think you know the cards, but you can’t explain why you know what you think you know.  You use my children for your dirty work.   I have cried out all emotional connection to my children.   You do not care or consider the best interests of the children.  Your actions are self-serving, maniacal and psychotic with a huge dose of desperation.


The destruction is complete at this point.  

They have taken everythign I ever valued in my life.

1. Family – The kids have been gone for almost 2 years now without any explanation.  I was always so proud of my boys.  However, I can honestly say that I am ashamed of them.  I never imagined they could be so easily distorted against me.  They have become cowards who are unwilling to indicate what happened to us.  Parental Alienation is a truly horrific experience.  I will always be their biological father.  But I am not so sure I want to see what happens to them.  They now know that corruption and fraud are accepted tactics.  That there is truly no justice in the courts.   They know that manipulating people into improper actions, will obligate the manipulated to protect them.  They learned the best way to conceal a lie is to not communicate.  They learned you cannot trust anyone… a wife, a child, a brother, a friend.  It is so sad, they will never enjoy the innocence again.. and will suffer the guilt for the rest of their lives.

2. Friends –  All but a few have disappeared without any word.  Some won’t answer their phone or even come to their door for me.  Others just avoid me entirely.  And their silence is remarkable… and unexplained.  Those still in touch are as tired of hearing the events as I am of talking about it.  But, they hang in as long as they can and they are attacked at the same time.  Their careers are affected and their computers hacked and monitored.  Anyone who assists me is additionally targeted.

3. Career -They control email and phone communications.  I only get what they permit.  They will not permit me to get a job, BECAUSE IF I GET A JOB, someone as resourceful as me will find the tools and information to remove their hack. I may be able to pay back all the debt I have incurred as I have been unemployed for over 2 years now.  They got me fired from Brandofino Communications.  They attacked me and all of my clients.  My references all had to leave my business because of the constant tech-attack.  

And who is going to hire the IT guy who couldn’t get around an ‘virus’.  My 20+ years of Computing/Programming/IT experience has done one thing.  I have made their program even stronger.  As they watched me discover their programs, they update the programs to prevent it from happening in the future.  Your new career is Lead Tester/Research & Development for their hack programs and you don’t get paid for it.

4. RitaCoolidge.com – The dream is over…  A passion is gone.  What was only imagined in my youth, became a reality.  And one of the proudest relationships of my life.  But every relationship has limits.  After 2.5 years of harrasment, Rita Coolidge has been forced to end our business relationship.


It has now been over two weeks since I mailed a letter to the District Attorney regarding prosecution of the people responsible for the break-in and burglary of my home.  There has been no response.

It was suggested that the DA was on vacation during the one week.  Entirely possible.  Perhaps corroborated by a stray hit on this web site from Hilton Head, SC.  

I think it is entirely reasonable to have expected to hear something by this point.  

Additionally, there has been no visible access of the web site by any of the organizations and people cc’d on the letter to the DA.  This is confirmed from two sources of web statistical programs.  This is extremely surprising.

I think it is entirely suspicious to note that there has been no access to the web site from any IP address associated with Montgomery County in the preceding few weeks.  There has always been consistent and regular appearances of Montgomery County IP addresses.  Somehow, they have inexplicably stopped.

Also questionable is that there has been no access by local government and township offices.

The usual cast of characters have been making their regular searches for their own names, and finding them.  All of those involved and named on the web site apparently google themselves daily.  

I await the prosecution of those involved.  I fear their reprisals.  More than one person has suggested that my life is in danger.   I have to agree, they will apparently stop at nothing to avoid prosecution.  The silence is deafening.

Letter to Nelly Neben of Axis Artist Management regarding transition of the RitaCoolidge.com web site to her new developer.

Please inform Kristen that regarding the RC site and accesses to programs or peices of code, I almost always use the userid and password combination  XXXXXXX  and XXXXXXXX.  When only a password is required, the password will most often be XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXX, or XXXXXXXX.

It would be greatly appreciated if I was kept in the loop with regard to changes.  The hacks taking place at the RC site were consistent with the timing of events here.  Those clues are extremely important.  If there is anything unusual which happens, please inform me.

Some things to watch for…
They were using the site for XSS Scripting and redirection via IP address and port, among other hacks.  This allowed them to hide the transmission of data from my computers as I would not block access to the RC.com site.   The evidence of this was also initially on Justin’s site.  In the JG site’s case, you transferred it without talking to me.  No Phone or Email which they control/filter.  As I didn’t know, and they didn’t know.  Their hack stopped working, but the data was continuing to be sent thru to the new servers.  This left a considerable amount of the evidence of this attack on the servers that was no longer active.  They have consistently been careless with regard to cleaning up after themselves, or following any kind of standard.  This has made identification of corrupted files very easy.

The other hack that was frequently found and executed was one which triggered when a certain picture file was displayed.  That file would generate the code to cause a line to be added to the web pages which hooked each display of the page to a site in China.  I have been very consistent about the formatting of the file names for pictures.  This made their infected picture very easy for me to find.  Even after the file was deleted and affected files cleaned, they would place it back on the site and re-execute it.  ( They have EVERY PASSWORD. )   This hack was simply to waste my time and make me think that it was a random hacker.


Please, Please, Please do not delete my email accounts (or any established ones).  It would cause complete devastation as so many things are registered and linked back to that address.  Professionally and personally.  It is critical that they never be deleted.  I’ll still be checking them.

So many of the attacks have been directed through Rita’s web site that her site is evidence, and has been evidence since the initial hack in February 2007.  I do have several backups from recent weeks and the past months and years.  It would be appreciated if the site was backed up regularly and that copies of those backups be provided to me.  It will indicate their transition to being unable to attack from that location.

As they were also unaware of the transition here, BE VERY CAREFUL.  I DO NOT RECOMMEND RECYCLING ANYTHING on the current site.  DO NOT TRUST any suspicious files.  The hacks have placed their code inside just about every file type.  When in doubt it is best to run any program or open any file in a sandbox to prevent infection of YOUR equipment.  Bear in mind they won’t know whether you are really you, or me pretending to be you.  This has been proven as I was getting things accomplished while using my neighbors child’s name to rebuild the computers and get below their radar.  They have additionally hid their equipment within range of mine by using my neighbors names as the naming convention for the equipment.

When Sonya, her lawyer, private detective and the software company are finally prosecuted and I am able to return to some sort of a life, I will be back for the web site.

As I think of other specifics I will let you know.

REMINDER:  All Communications are directly affected.  Cell phone and Email are not reliable methods of getting in touch with me.  Unfortunately, if I tell you in this email how I have worked around that, then that would be compromised and affected also.


Johnny’s Graduation Party

I spent the entire day trying to get myself together emotionally to go to this party.

The Graduate is my nephew and my godson.  The son of the brother who has supported me through this drama – often against the wishes of his wife.  The extended family would all be there – including many of my cousins who I only have seen at funerals lately.  The whole family would be there EXCEPT my sons.  And one of my sons would be graduating this year also… though I know nothing of his graduation as yet.

I try all day to get out the door to the party… I fail.  The thought of being there with everyone WITHOUT my sons is emotionally crippling.  The thought of everyone asking about my kids, and not having any answer, or explanation as to why they do not communicate with me, or why the judge has refused to hear the case is destructive to the core.  Because when no explanation is offered people assume the worst.  The effect is completely humiliating and self-destructuve.  Yet, the conversations would be unavoidable.

 As I showered, I cried. I got dressed, I cried.  I almost made it out the door, I cried.  I sat on the couch listening to noise from another party in the neighborhood, I cried.   There was no way of going to the party.  I’d either cry here or cry there in front of everyone.  And who wants to be the man crying in the middle of a party?  I got changed and tried to calm my emotions.  

My phone rang later in the evening.  It was my cousin Cathy calling from the party telling me to get my butt over there.  i explained that I just couldn;t, that I wanted to be there, but just couldn;t make it out the door.   Cathy tells me to basically snap out of it and get over there and see everyone.  The tears return as I try to explain to her how impossible it is to go out the door and drive the mile to John’s house.  Emotional breakdown time.  Cathy reluctantly accepts my response and tells me she’s there for me – and she has been.  I calm down after an hour or so.

I did see the video of the Lansdale Catholic Graduation online… and I think I spotted John-boy in the clip around the 48 second mark…  Very proud of him for the accomplishment… yet, sincerely, even as I type those words, I can’t help but think I know a little about his high school years, but know even less about my own son’s high school experience.


In February 2008, Judge Del Ricci met me for the first time in a child support appeal short list conference.  The conference was chaotic as the judge was attempting to resolve the equitable distribution of the divorce and completely refused to review any of the information relating to the support appeal.

At the beginning of the conference, Judge Del Ricci inexplicably indicated he disliked me.  What was this based upon?  It was irrational to believe that he had such intense hostility towards unemployed fathers who were appealing excessive support payments and denied any visitation without explanation.  Yet, Judge DelRicci immediately ordered the cancellation of any support enforcement conferences.  I remember thinking that my being branded a ‘deadbeat dad’ was having a major impact on him.  That explained why they went for child support when it was costing them more than they would gain.  Judge Del Ricci indicated that he looked forward to putting me in jail.  Based on this ‘first impression, I realize that they were probably whispering the drug dealer allegation at this point in time.  That short list conference was completely non-productive.  

After the conference, Judge Del Ricci and I shared an elevator.  I had just spent the last hour in a room with this person so I commented on the unusually warm weather for February.  Judge Del Ricci got right in my face.  He made it absolutely clear that he didn’t like me, didn’t want to be cordial, and he didn’t want anything to do with me.  I was alarmed that this man who just wasted an entire conference on the wrong subject and was supposed to be non-biased and fair,  apparently had no qualms about expressing his extreme dislike for me.  I wrote it off as theatrics but the reality of it was likely that the Judge was demonstrating the disrespect afforded to a drug dealer/deadbeat dad.  

While I had done nothing to be branded as such, I apparently had been stripped of my rights.  There have been several people who have pointed out that I am being treated as a criminal with no rights at all.  All of their allegations are whispered.  They never accuse.  If they were to accuse, I would be able to defend myself.  YOU CANNOT DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST THE IMAGINARY ALLEGATION.  IF YOU QUESTION THEM, THEY WILL DENY IT AND IMMEDIATELY ACCUSE YOU OF BEING PARANOID.  The accusation of paranoia is meant to distract from the original question which they are unable to answer.

The judge had obviously had ex parte information about me and apparently believed what he had been told.  Somehow, I had the idea that as a judge he would be able to separate out the erroneous ex parte information he had recieved and deal with the law and the facts presented.  I was wrong.  

On April 18, 2008, the judge entertained yet another ex parte communication regarding my case.  Just prior to a hearing which had been obfuscated by multiple rescheduling and change of locations and venues, Robert Angst went to the judge’s chambers.  

Robert Angst most likely informed the judge, or his staff, that I was planning to attack him.  I had been looking at reports of ‘suicide by cop’ on the internet.  The people spying on me really have little idea what is real and what is being put before them to confuse them and reveal their crime.  Once again, someone indicates their participation in the illegal surveillance of my computers.  Instead of being prosecuted, they are rewarded for their criminal acts.  I do things on my computer intentionally.  I say things on my phone intentionally.  It forces them to reveal themselves.  They fall for the false information every time.

The judge was so distracted at getting to the exciting  ‘suicide by cop’ portion of the hearing, that he neglected to consider or review any testimony.   It did not go unnoticed by those in the courtroom that the court officers were positioned ready to prevent the attack and attempted suicide.  For the record there was about 20 feet between the judge and myself.  In those 20 feet, there was a table which would need to be hurdled, then a railing to jump, and then the Judge’s bench was elevated and only accessible from the side.  YET, as soon as the judge began his ruling, I was immediately restrained by several people and handcuffed and shackeled.  I never heard a word the judge said as I was being manhandled.  It would seem that the officers knew the ruling in advance and had instructions to restrain me immediately.  

BUT, where did they get the idea that they would need to immediately restrain me?  I am not violent?  I have no history of violence?  There were no angry exchanges?  There is no police record of violence?  There has been no threats?  There has been no hostile or threatening communication between the divorcing parties.    I weigh under 150 pounds.  It didn’t take 3 people to restrain me and remove me from the courtroom.

By the way, it was improper and unconstitiutional that the Judge had denied me due process of any support enforcement conferences, denied me the opportunity to testify, and was throwing me in jail for contempt of a court order which had not been issued by the court.  ???  This was a temporary order which had been under appeal since the date it was issued.  The appeal hearing was continued by Angst & Angst.  Judge DelRicci did his best to confuse the schedule based on his dealing with the guy he did not like.  

Judge Del Ricci was delighted that I was representing myself.  The volume of frivelous petitions from Angst & Angst was growing by the week.  The false reports to police about me were also continuing.  They accused me of causing identity theft as a way of covering that they were causing it to happen to me.  Chaos, Lies, Fraud, Crimes!  So I was somewhat distracted from realizing that the support conference had become a contempt hearing.  As a contempt hearing, I was defendant against the Commonwealth of PA.  As such I would have been permitted to have a public defender represent me.  The Public Defender’s Office does not participate in a divorce and custody case.

The attorney for the Commonwealth of PA, Doug Gould (?) had met with each of the defendants in the courtroom that morning, except me.  He had multiple conversations with Bob Angst.  Had he spoken to me he wouldn’t have looked stupid when he was questioning me.   I indicated that I had made child support payments totalling $2000, he play acted shock and sarcastically asked for proof which I provided.  After that, Judge Del Ricci asked Bob Angst if he had any questions.  And we were off to the land of chaos.  A musical angst-filled land with imaginary trips to New York, big salaried community theater performances,  and extensive time consuming dance rehearsals ( for Jesus Christ Superstar?).

Later that day in the holding cell at the county jail, a few men who had been in the courtroom that morning asked about the way things went down with me.  Their experience was not the same.  They expected some dramatic story of prior violence and hysterics.  They did not expect to hear that the people responsible for destroying my life and spying on my computers had once again revealed themselves.  

The judge would expose his extensive knowledge of the crazy computer guy, the paranoid guy and various other titles used to refer to me in May 2008.  Where was he getting his misinformation?  The insults and degradation continued to the point where I interrupted one conference and called it to the attention of the judge and Robert Angst.  I said that if they continued to refer to me in that manner I was going to begin to take it personally.  They continued nonetheless.  Then, the judge gave his crazy ruling. He rewarded the person who robbed my home giving her furniture and other items.  He additionally would order me to give up my car to them in response to their totally fraudulent petition regarding the vehicle and the insurance which I WAS PAYING.   They were rewarded for crimes and fraud.

Let’s also remember that ‘off the record’  consolation chat prior to the protracted hearing on support, where Judge Del Ricci admitted to conspiring with the county detectives and the Montgomery Township Police to assure that Sonya wasn’t afraid of being prosecuted for the break-in, burglary etc…  Judge Del Ricci never put that in his order, because if he had it could be appealed.  

Judge Del Ricci frequently likes to mock me for computer things.  Like it is something from the future.  He indicated at the February 2008 conference that I sat home playing computer games all day.  RIDICULOUS.  Where did he get this info?  I am not a gamer at all.  I did relish seeing the look of complete surprise on his face when at a hearing in March 2009, he was again mocking me acting as if it was preposterous that I would have had a work history and related retirement financial information they were requesting in discovery.  

I indicated that I have over 25 years experience in computers, programming, telecommunications, technical  support, and the construction of the internet.  I indicated that I had worked for 15 years at Unisys (aka Sperry, aka UNIVAC, among other aka’s) and had also worked for 7 years at Henkels & McCoy handling their high-end tech/internet provider clients prior to beginning my own internet development company, Work2BDone.  

OMG, the crazy paranoid computer guy might know computers.  Not only that, but the guy knows more than the county detectives about the surveillance programs being used against him.

So perhaps it is time for Judge Del Ricci to simply admit that he has acted improperly, destroyed my family, accidentally thrown me in jail,  and caused considerable stress and humiliation to myself and my entire family.  All because he listened to ex parte communications which were totally inappropriate and inaccurate.

Then he can apologize for the turmoil he has caused for my son, Brennan.  Brennan is the other victim of Sonya’s divorce.  Psychologically – I don’t know how he will ever recover from it.

I know why you are doing what you are doing.  I know the reality of what I am doing.  My motivation is to make those responsible reveal themselves.  And they do. 

Judge Del Ricci’s active participation in the cover-up and conspiracy is criminal and bring the entire judicial system into disrepute.    Why don’t you do right?  Tell the truth and resign.