
After delaying the custody hearing for the last 2 years,…

and after preventing any visitation,..

and with the knowledge that he has ruled Sonya Healy is in contempt of the custody order,…

and stalling the scheduling for the hearing until mid-June (2009), …

and then scheduling the hearing for a ‘possible’ July 13, 2009, …

and knowing that my son Brennan turns 18 in August,…

on June 25, 2009, Judge DelRicci writes that he is recusing himself from further proceedings in the matter.

He will announce his reasons in open court on July 6, 2009 in courtroom G.

I was prepared to deliver a considerably long petition requesting the recusal this morning but my computers have been under heavy attack for the last week. They killed the laptop completely today. The formal paperwork reflected in a more petition-like format the post I had written on May 20, 2009.

Anyone have any thoughts on the reason the judge will use for his recusal?
a) Federal civil rights violations
b) Violations of Pennsylvania law and procedure
c) Harassment and disrespect
d) Judicial misconduct
e) Conspiracy with Local Police
f) Conspiracy with County Detectives
g) Conspiracy with the District Attorney
… feel free to post your own suggestions…


Last night was another night where I get the reminder of the hate my wife has caused.
Brennan called. The phone rang only 2 times. He hung up before I answered. It was 11:21PM.
I guess I should be happy that I didn’t get to hear him respond NOTHING again tonight.

What Sonya Healy has done to the relationship I had with my children is EVIL.
The karma that she will bring upon herself will be unbearable…


Aha… someone else has this happening to them also… I am not alone. In the following video, and others, I can recognize a remarkable number of similarities with myself.

I was only able to see this video after breaking through parts of the blocking/filtering software. They have updated their program and hacked my equipment again. For every breakthrough, I have learned there are repercussions. I’ve lost a few days to rebuilding/reconfiguring my computers… again.

From You Tube:

Parabolic Dish used to test attic for ultrasonic sounds in the 25khz – 30 khz range. All power to the house is off, the breaker is turned off. Million candle flashlight used for lighting attic, parabolic dish is attached to computer monitor speakers for audio, digital camera used for footage. Trying to determine the cause of the high pitch sounds emitted to the home. Symptoms ears are ringing off the hook, loss of hearing, sleep deprivation, dehydration, thermo burns, nausea, exhaustion, etc. Educated opinions are welcome.

OMG. THANK YOU . I have been experiencing the same torture for over 2 years now.

I was able to corroborate it in a few different ways.

1. The noise is ultrasonic, it is not heard, it is experienced. This basically means that you do not hear it via your ear drum. You experience the discomfort. It is ultrasonic – it is above what most people can hear. If you plug your ears there is NO CHANGE in the level because it is not heard.

2. Animals react differently depending on the ‘volume’ of the noise.

3. The level can cause changes in your attitude. Though difficult to gauge the level, I was able to corroborate the intensity of the noise I felt with other incidental changes. For example, I was able to predict by the number of ants around my kitchen sink if I was going to have a bad day or not. If there were alot of ants around the sink in the morning, I knew it would be a tearful, emotional day. (The signal was disturbing them up out of the ground around the outside of my home.) If however the ants were near the outside walls of the house, it would be a reasonably good day. When the ants moved to the interior walls of the house, I went back to bed or left the house.

4. I have experienced the burns. Primarily on my scalp at the top of my head. I believe this is because my head is pointing towards the source of the ultrasonic noise all night. As such the metallic elements in sweat are heated by the ultrasonic waves and cause the burn. (See video on You Tube for Kanzius – 60 Minutes for explanation of ultrasonic effect on metallic elements.) See also, CUTANEOUS THERMAL NECROSIS FROM ULTRASONIC BURN.

5. My dog has been killed by the people responsible. The effect of always being within range of the noise caused severe kidney and liver damage. Again, metallic elements heated by the ultrasonic waves. The dog passed 6 months after being poisoned during a robbery at my home. He never recovered from the poisoning and I could tell by his sudden and frequent incontinence that his organs had been damaged. This is confirmed by tests from our vet. Life expectancy is 13-15 years for his breed. He was 9. (Noise began in August 2007. Dog was poisoned in March 2008. Max passed in October 2008)

6. I am experiencing symptoms which may also be indicative of kidney and liver damage myself.

7. I was able to confirm the existence of the noise by using a flourescent light bulb. When the gas in the bulb is hit by the waves, it lights the tube. (Also demonstrated in Kanzius video.) When I heard about this method of testing for ultrasonic leaks in aircraft, I went to the locations where I ‘felt’ the noise was strongest. The tube glowed like a light saber from Star Wars.

8. There is a device called “sonic nausea’ which is sold in spy shops. See here I am convinced that I am being terrorized by a derivative of that device. It can be as small as the size of a dime.
Updated the link: Sonic Nausea
Updated the link: Mind Molester
Updated the link: Products

I was unaware of these types of devices until I searched for a phrase used by my wife in a mediation conference. She used the term ‘Tech Harassment’ in an accusation against me. I had never heard the phrase. She used it to describe a fictional accusation of me hacking her email. It made no sense at the time. It still doesn’t make sense. HOWEVER, She misused the phrase. A search for the words was unproductive for months. Until in December 2007, after a Tuesday when Microsoft released about a dozen fixes for security, I was able to find the phrase and the existence of this device which accurately described the symptoms of my experience.

9. This device is used to terrorize. It began once I detected the illegal installation of surveillance software on my computers and telephones. As that hindered effective communication and research, I only found out several things today… when I broke through their filtering software.

10. Let me know what you find. PLEASE!!!! It has been happening at my home since Summer 2007. It was turned off Super Bowl weekend 2009 when I found a contact outside this area. But it returned this last few weeks as I was breaking through again.

Terance http://www.work2bdone.com/live


Listen in on their support personnel…

He lied. Their program CAN BE INSTALLED VIA EMAIL. It isn’t necessary to open an email to have the surveillance program installed.


WebWatcher Demo


Scary? So scary, it should be criminal. Wait! It is criminal!


The FBI can activate your phone’s microphone and listen in (with a warrant, of course.)
But, did you realize just about anyone can hack onto your phone and do it as well.

I have confirmed an installation of the software onto my cell phone. Though they continue to pretend the person must be able to get their hands on the phone – that is just not true. I watched it as it was installed on my phone.

It happened after I ignored an unknown phone number for a week on a new cell phone. I received an email identifying the number and the support person who was trying to contact me and what time he would callback. I relented and answered the phone when it rang at the designated time. Only there was no one on the other end… then bluetooth was activated. The number called back again a few hours later, this time there was someone there, and I asked them who they were and why they were hacking my phone.

When your computers and your phones are hacked you are unable to effectively communicate… They control your life. Every Minute, Every Hour, Every Day, Every Month, Every Year. Since January 2007, I have been terrorized by these types of products.

Local Police have done nothing to help
The District Attorney, Risa Furman, has ignored repeated requests for help.


I just got of the phone with Brennan… He hung up on me. He did this to prove that he only called because he had to.

I was still up doing some work when the phone rang. As Brennan no longer has school in the morning [he graduated today], I picked up the call.
I asked what was up? He replied NOTHING.
He then passed a taunting message from his brother Colin about going to jail.
I asked what’s new? He replied NOTHING.

As he graduated tonight, I would have thought he could have thought of a little something to make this call different from any of the others of the last few years. BUT NO, he is apparently still afraid to speak.

When asked why he called so late (11:30PM)? He replied “Because he had to” and then he demonstrated the point by hanging up the phone.
[Total length of this call = 1 minute 34 seconds]

Brennan’s demonstration was clearly an indication that his motive for the call was to protect his mother from sanctions for contempt of a custody order, or truer still to create more rhetoric and chaos in the courtroom.

Brennan has no idea why he hates me so much. Nor do I. Because he doesn’t.

Let’s call it what it is…. PARENTAL ALIENATION.
( from Three Types of Parental Alienators by Douglas Darnall, Ph.D. copyright 1997 )

Type Three: Obsessed Alienator

“I love my children. If the court can’t protect them from their abusive father, I will. Even though he’s never abused the children, I know it’s a matter of time. The children are frightened of their father. If they don’t want to see him, I’m not going to force them. They are old enough to make up their own minds.”

The obsessed alienator is a parent, with a cause: to align the children to his or her side and together, with the children, campaign to destroy their relationship with the targeted parent. For the campaign to work, the obsessed alienator enmeshes the children’s personalities and beliefs into their own. This is a process that takes time but one that the children, especially the young, are completely helpless to see and combat. It usually begins well before the divorce is final. The obsessed parent is angry, bitter or feels betrayed by the other parent. The problem occurs when the feelings won’t heal but instead become more intense because of being forced to continue the relationship with a person they despise because of their common parenthood. Just having to see or talk to the other parent is a reminder of the past and triggers the hate. They are trapped with nowhere to go and heal.

The characteristics of an obsessed alienator are:
– They are obsessed with destroying the children’s relationship with the targeted parent. [CHECK]

– They having succeeded in enmeshing the children’s personalities and beliefs about the other parent with their own. [CHECK]

– The children will parrot the obsessed alienator rather than express their own feelings from personal experience with the other parent. [CHECK]

– The targeted parent and often the children cannot tell you the reasons for their feelings. [CHECK]

– Their beliefs sometimes become delusional and irrational. No one, especially the court, can convince obsessed alienators that they are wrong. [CHECK]

– Anyone who tries is the enemy. [CHECK]

– They will often seek support from family members, quasi-political groups or friends that will share in their beliefs that they are victimized by the other parent and the system. The battle becomes “us against them.” [ EVERYONE ]

– The obsessed alienator’s supporters are often seen at the court hearings even though they haven’t been subpoenaed. [BARB KATE]

– They have an unquenchable anger because they believe that the targeted parent has victimized them and whatever they do to protect the children is justified. [CHECK]

– They have a desire for the court to punish the other parent with court orders that would interfere or block the targeted parent from seeing the children. This confirms in the obsessed alienator’s mind that he or she was right all the time. [CHECK]

– The court’s authority does not intimidate them. [Judge DelRicci has actually endorsed and rewarded these behaviors without explanation.]

– The obsessed alienator believes in a higher cause, protecting the children at all cost. [CHECK]

– The obsessed alienator will probably not want to read what is on these pages because the content just makes them angrier. There are no effective treatment protocols that have been validated for either the obsessed alienator or the PAS children. [CHECK]

– The courts and mental health professionals are sincere in wanting to help these families but their efforts frequently fail. [ ???? ]

The best hope for children affected by an obsessed alienator is early identification of the symptoms and prevention. [IDENTIFIED JULY @2007] After the alienation is entrenched and the children become “true believers” in the parent’s cause, the children may be lost to the other parent for years to come. I realize this is a sad statement, but I have yet to find an effective intervention, by anyone, including the courts that can rehabilitate the alienating parent and child. There can still be hope in that spontaneous reunification can occur, usually in response to a crisis that causes the alienated child to reach out to the rejected parent.

Sara Goren indicated that she did not believe in parental alienation. She is a fool. A custody master would likely come into contact with this type of behavior on a regular basis. She ignores the symptoms. She hurts people. Sara Goren’s ‘beliefs’ and her considerable fraud represented in her reports obliterated my family.


Is it purely by coincidence that analog cell phones (phones which do not have digital access and networking capabilities) have been completely removed from use and digital cell phones are the only cell phones which function?

Monday February 18, 2008 was called the “analog sunset” because those AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System) networks, which were first deployed in the 1980s and brought cellular service to millions of Americans, disappeared behind the digital networks that serve almost all mobile phones in use today.

Perhaps it is additionally a coincidence that the Digital Television conversion date will require most television viewers to have a ‘box’ to convert the signal. Unless, they already have a cable box handling the conversion for them. EVERYONE will have ‘a box’ within range of their televisions… with a direct line of sight to wherever you sit to watch television. You can’t hide the boxes… because the remote wouldn’t work. How much of your activity at home is within sight of a television? We have known about this digital conversion for some time, why haven’t the television manufacturers simply incorporated those cable boxes? Everything else gets combined – tv/vcr/dvd/usb – into one player, but the cable box remains…

Digital systems can be more easily corrupted, hacked, used for legal surveillance… by the government … and by the private sector … and also by anyone who buys the inexpensive software programs which provide the stealthy surveillance capabilities. (And sure in some cases, YES, it could be done illegally too.)

Anyone who has suggested that there are cameras and microphones in the digital conversion boxes has been mocked unmercifully. They have posted their findings and have been publicly ridiculed and mocked for being paranoid. The idea of THAT happening in the USA is just totally unamerican. You would have to be crazy to think that just because it CAN be done it would actually occur.

Why do people think the surveillance tools available all over the internet are not being used?
Why does the government get involved in the business of these conversions anyway?
Why do the people who report their findings lose their credibility?
Why do people think that just because there was a camera in one digital box in the middle of the country, there would be more?
Why is it ridiculous to think that if the surveillance tools are found in one, they will appear in every one?
Why are there all those extras networking connections in the cable boxes anyway? We don’t use those available wireless connections, we have a router to get to the web.
Maybe the surveillance tools are only in the units of people who ARE under surveillance?
Maybe there are only a few models so that it can be switched to a surveillance unit if necessary without detection?
Maybe that’s why they have that sticker that says there are criminal charges for opening the boxes, which are the property of the cable companies?
People are afraid to remove their mattress tags. I can assure you they won’t breach that sticker to open the cable box?
[Don’t do it. NEVER seek answers to questions that you really would prefer not to know.]
Maybe our technology has gone digital in order to provide for that DCS (digital collection system) used by the government?

Perhaps there has been NO PROSECUTION FOR THE ILLEGAL USE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES because if properly secured from hackers, phones and cable networks would additionally be secured from the government who just may wish to tap your phone line one day. And there are laws on the books which REQUIRE that there be an available way to access those types of technologies should the government find it necesary.

I know I’ll be mocked for this post… Funny that over the last 8 years or so, the color of technology shifted from red to blue? Infrared? Not when there’s Bluetooth, Blue Ray, Blu-disc?


Tomorrow, my son Brennan graduates from North Penn High School. Well, at least that is what I have heard from other channels. I wouldn’t know for sure because his schedule apparently requires him to schedule our daily conversation closer to midnight. I haven’t spoken to him in weeks, perhaps months.

Brennan never said anything in those phone calls. More often than not the calls were never made. Each call is a hurtful painful experience. I no longer attempt to stay up for the call, or run for it when the phone wakes me. Why go to sleep each night upset with him. Additionally, if I were to speak with him at that late hour at any length, it would likely be another fraudulent phrase in an Angst & Angst petition – “Brennan is unable to concentrate in school because of the late night calls with his father.

I am ashamed and humiliated by the actions of my children. I will never understand why they have chosen to sit back and watch their father be destroyed. Parental Alienation is an evil manipulative form of child abuse.

Congratulations Brennan.