
Since the harassment started, be it sonic or ultrasonic, there has been a pattern which became more and more evident over time with a reliable consistency to the point that there is no denying it. Ants are affected by the disturbing ‘noise’ which is being used in the attack on me. The pattern or level of the noise, the response of the ants, and the response of my dog (before he was killed) has provided a very accurate indicator of the emotional state for the day. Reliably forecasting morning, afternoon, evening and overnight.

When there are NO ANTS in the kitchen, it is going to be a good day.
When there are ANTS AT THE KITCHEN SINK, it is going to be a stressful day. Symptoms include: a short fuse, difficulty focusing on single issues, a type of Attention Deficit Disorder, frustration levels are high.
When there are ANTS ON THE ISLAND, it is going to be a highly emotional day. Symptoms include: unable to focus on any issue or task, no activity is completed (be it laundry, housework, even watching television for 30 minutes), frequent outbursts of overwhelming emotion – crying jags. It is usually best to get out of the house on these days. I’ll work in the yard, hit the grocery store, or go over to my mother’s house.
When there are ANTS BY THE INTERIOR WALLS, it indicates an extreme day. Symptoms include: complete inability to focus, even to speak and assemble thoughts, constant overwhelming emotional thoughts, and crying, lots of crying, at the hopelessness and lack of help from anyone. If I even think of the kids for an instant on this level, the emotion is incapacitating. If unable to get out of the house (which requires thought to do), I find myself incapacitated in bed, or on the couch, for the duration of the day.

So call it crazy, call it what you will. The situation IS crazy, but the man is sane and rational and capable of recognizing details and patterns which developed over the extended period of time. The ants are responding to the vibrations, or sonic disturbance, and coming out of the ground when “whatever this is” is turned on. The ants then further respond to the higher level by moving farther away from the disturbance. Ants are pretty sensitive creatures. Over time their behavior patterns matched with my emotional state revealing a barometer which reliably forecast an emotional expectation.

Knowing the forecast also allowed me to rationally recognize and adjust my actions and responses as best I could. But sometimes when it is raining, even with an umbrella, you are going to get a little wet.

Coincidence? The forecasts corresponded to events on the court calendar, appearances, dates petitions were filed, or deadlines for responses. How do you suppose the ants knew the court schedule? The computers always had problems, or were completely disabled, at times which corresponded to the court calendar too. Same coincidence?

Oh, and yes, of course, initially I used ant traps on the problem. The ant traps provided tangible indicators which I moved to the locations as the ants moved. As the ant traps were left in place they indicated “yesterday’s status” which corroborated the ant location and the ‘type of day’ experienced.

For the record this week after the court date
on Monday (No Ants),
on Tuesday (Ants on the Island),
on Wednesday (Ants on the Island),
on Thursday (Ants on the Island),
on Friday (No Ants) … so far.

Over time the patterns which develop are quite clear. Again, I think they underestimated me, my technical abilities, my resourcefulness, my attention to detail, my strength of character, and my ability to handle the emotional attacks and humiliations. I’m powered by the TRUTH.


– WebWatcher by Awareness Technologies – Reported Illegal Installation (May 2007)

– Reported to Montgomery Township Police (July 2007) No investigation.

– Reported to Montgomery County Detective Ray Kuter (July 2007) No investigation.

– Reported to Montgomery County Detective Richard Peffall (February 2008) Imaginary investigation via email – no meeting, interview, or voice/phone contact.

– Reported to Montgomery County Detective Joseph DeAngelo (March 2008) Investigation dropped at the direction of Judge Thomas Del Ricci and an attorney from the DA’s office.

– Reported to Federal Bureau of Investigation – Fort Washington (July 2007) No investigation.

– Reported to Federal Bureau of Investigation – Philadelphia (December 2007) No investigation.

Here’s the details they won’t investigate:

In February 2007, the constant transmission of data out from the computers indicated the presence of a virus, or spy ware program.

All client internet storefronts were suspended from business until the program causing the data transmission could be identified and removed.

The risk of exposing customer’s credit card and personal data was a huge liability, not only for my business, Work2BDone, but a failure to act on my part would expose my clients to liability and negative publicity.

Until the computers could be secured the storefronts would have to stay closed to avoid causing the identity theft/credit card theft of customers who were purchasing items to whomever was responsible for the illegally installed program

In February 2007, McAfee Technical Support was contacted in regard to stopping the program which was causing the data transmission. The resolution was intermittent and there were repeated contacts with McAfee Technical Support by phone and internet chat/email which continued through May 2007.

All Work2BDone client web site files and programs were stored, and accessible via the internet worldwide, on computer servers managed by Notrio Hosting.

The unstoppable program was transmitting such a high volume of data that it began to cause outages at the Notrio Hosting internet servers. The illegally installed program was now indirectly affecting 300 other Notrio Clients whose sites were hosted on the same computer server.

By Mid-May 2007, the frequent outages and inaccessibility of my clients’ web sites was requiring hourly effort to ensure the client sites were still available. During the outages, when the client sites were not accessible, my clients were also unable to access, read, or send email.

The daily server outages, and the constant problems with access to their web sites and email, forced my clients to get their web sites serviced by other developers.

At the end of May, a week after I discovered Sonya Healy had been planning for divorce since January 2007, it dawned on me that the unstoppable virus/spy ware program that was causing the problems was a surveillance program intentionally installed on my business computers and other computers in the home.

Awareness Technologies Technical Support monitors the data flow from the targeted machine(s). If anything should prevent the data theft, the purchaser is contacted with instructions on what needs to be done to re-enable the surveillance program.

The surveillance program records and reports all of the activity on the targeted computer(s) and provides exactly the actions which were taken to secure the targeted computer. Technical Support can review this information and provide the instructions or program to reverse the actions and thus re-enable the surveillance and un-secure the computer.

From February 2007 through May 2007, Sonya Healy, or the agency or person contracted by her, repeatedly reversed any efforts to secure the computer(s). Any efforts to secure the computers were undone within 24 hours.

Additionally, the WebWatcher software enables the targeted computer(s) to be redirected to another web site when attempting to access an internet address. You may believe you are accessing McAfee.com and chatting with McAfee Technical Support, but you will be redirected to another site which looks and acts like McAfee.com, but for some reason the technical support staff can never resolve any reported issue.

Attempts to search the web for information regarding the removal of the surveillance program are additionally prevented. The WebWatcher program can prevent a search engine (like Google) from finding a web site with the information. WebWatcher can block any web site from being displayed or even prevent the display of any web page that contains any word entered into a keyword list.

When you successfully interrupt the surveillance program, your computer has recorded your activities in securing the computer(s). Your computer will transmit the recorded actions effectively providing Awareness Technologies with the information needed to improve their program and prevent a subsequent detection, interruption, or removal.

Awareness Technologies was contacted in May 2007 and it was requested that they provide a method to remove the program from the computers upon which the program was installed. They denied it was their program.

After 8 weeks of investigation, review of available programs and discussions with other surveillance program companies, WebWatcher was confirmed installed, and identified as the program causing the transmission of all computer data out of the computers installed on computers.

The Anti-Spyware Coalition is a coalition which includes the software companies listed below and others. The coalition companies review computer software programs to determine if a program should be included in the malware/virus detection and removal routines. WebWatcher software has been improperly classified and is neither detected, nor removed, by the programs developed by the member companies.
AOL AVG Technologies CastleCops Computer Associates Dell, Inc. ESET F-Secure Corporation Google Hewlett Packard/Compaq
Lavasoft Mcfee Inc. Microsoft Panda Software Sunbelt Software Symantec (Norton) Tenebril Trend Micro Webroot Software Yahoo! Inc.

The Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware Software programs provided by these companies DO NOT indicate the names of program which they have elected not to detect/remove.

Advertised as undetectable, WebWatcher is detectable when you know the actions and capabilities of the program.

Falsely advertised as requiring hands-on access to a computer for installation, WebWatcher can be installed invisibly when emailed to a target computer. A laptop purchased at the end of July 2007 for the purpose of keeping the remaining Work2BDone clients web sites running was attacked via email. The email included a program which set the laptop to silently and invisibly install WebWatcher. The attacking files (WebWatcherInstall.exe and other related files) were secured and saved.

The attack on the new laptop was reported to Montgomery Township Police who refused to investigate.

The attack was reported to Montgomery County Detective Ray Kuter who did not return calls.

The attack was reported to the FBI who refused to get involved in what they deemed was a domestic incident.

In August 2007, Awareness Technologies was again contacted and refused the request to remove the program.

Awareness Technologies would potentially be facing liability for the damages caused by their program at the targeted computer(s);

– and the liability for damages to Work2BDone business;

– and liability for the affect of the downtime caused by the program to approximately 40 Work2BDone clients;

– and the liability for the loss of revenue for sales at the suspended Work2BDone client storefronts;

– and the liability for the damages and loss of business due to the server outages caused by the program to Notrio Hosting;

– and the liability for the damages and loss of business to the other Notrio Clients whose web sites were hosted on the affected server.

– Upon hearing how I had witnessed the silent installation on my laptop via email, and the method by which I was able to view and secure the hidden, and ever-hiding, WebWatcher program files, Awareness Technologies employee, Jaimie Kronek, confirmed the capabilities of a stealth installation of the surveillance program via email.

The next day, I was contacted by lawyers at Awareness Technologies to cease contacting the company or attempting to speak with any technical support employees.

Within the next week, the method by which I had been able to view and secure the WebWatcher program files would no longer work.

I was informed by email several months later that Jaimie Kronek was terminated following our conversation. The email further indicated that Ms Kronek was a recently hired employee unaware of the technology that she was discussing. The email was an attempt to misinform. Ms Kronek was a management level employee who was not a recent hire. A search of the internet revealed announcements and other Awareness Technologies information and documents which indicate she had been with the company more than ‘a few days’.

As of February 2008, the technology was proven which permits the computers BIOS chip to store the surveillance program or instructions to silently and invisibly download and install the surveillance program. Without a software solution to detect, remove, and prevent installation, there is no way to avoid a targeted illegal installation of the WebWatcher surveillance program (or other programs).

Attempts to elevate this issue on web forums have been immediately attacked on the forum to prevent any serious consideration of the issues raised.

Attempts to contact anti-virus/anti-spyware/anti-malware companies via email or internet have produced no resolution. Even when informed of the destruction caused and the legal jeopardy facing the person responsible for installing the program illegally, there has been no reclassification of the WebWatcher program.

Of course, using their program, Awareness Technologies has full visibility to every web site visited, the content of every posting, and can always block entire sites by site, page or keyword.

Additionally, the program provides access to every password, every computer account, every bank account, every client account, every storefront account for each client, every email account within every client web site. They can control every function of the computer, and can block and prevent email delivery.

Because of the mounting liability, my fate may have been sealed on the day I reported the program was illegally installed on my computers. Instead of acting responsibly and removing their illegally installed program, Awareness Technologies joined the attack on the victim by phone and email.

Jaime Kronek recognized the disastrous situation caused as a result of the WebWatcher software program. In acting responsibly her employment was terminated. It is only logical that a company that terminates an employee for acting responsibly would seek to prevent exposure of their involvement.

Awareness Technologies has provided a tool which enabled the destruction of professional, financial, and personal aspects of the defendant’s life.

Awareness Technologies has provided a tool which enabled their customer to commit a broad range of criminal actions.

Awareness Technologies has provided a tool which enables their customer to continue to monitor the target, with capabilities to commit further illegal actions against the target to prevent exposure of the crimes and to attempt to avoid prosecution.


The Divorce actions initiated by Sonya Healy and Angst & Angst – by both Robert Angst and Valerie Rosenbluth Angst – have caused considerable damage to every aspect of my life – Financially / Professionally / Personally / Emotionally

The legal tactics include:

Chaotic Petitions
Intended to inflict financial hardship
– “My lawyer said it would hinder you financially.”
Delays which prevent resolution of any matter
Filing Petitions which seek to violate Freedom of Expression and Due Process of Law
Legal Representation
– Lawyers will not take the case
– Trivial content of Petitions filed
– Lawyers vs. Lawyer aspects of the case
– Ex Parte Issues
– Denial of Due Process Issues
– Judge Del Ricci
– Career Ending representation
Recycling Issues and Petitions
– Good Faith – No Contact
– Best Effort – No Effort
– Bad Faith – Failed to Review the Exhibits
Failure to follow proper legal procedures
Ex Parte Communications with Court Staff
False Reports to Law Enforcement – local, state and federal
Failure to Appear in Court for scheduled hearings
– For their Custody Filing filed in July 2008 scheduled for September 9, 2008
– When contacted by the Court Staff as to why they did not appear they indicated there was an Agreement in place yet have never provided that agreement.
– November 23, 2009 – failure to appear at scheduled hearing
Defective Subpoenas
– Police report for August 8, 2007
– Unisys Benefits Statements
– used to delay the custody hearing
– allegations in at least 3 petitions
– acting as though the Defendant is hiding the content of the documents
– failing to provide the same documents (from Unisys) as part of their Discovery submission
Criminal Actions
Violations of Court Orders
Impersonation of a Pro Se litigant
– the content and frequency of the petitions filed by Angst & Angst
– complaining about having to respond to the Defendant’s Pro Se petitions
– alleging the petitions filed by the Pro Se defendant are arbitrary, vexatious and in bad faith
Allegations contrived for the purpose of extending and delaying the pre-trial Discovery
Withdrawing their claims
Deferring any decision of their claims until Equitable Distribution
– The claims were successful in delaying the Defendant’s actions in Custody
– No longer required to delay hearings related to custody
– The claims will serve the same chaotic and antagonistic purpose at Equitable Distribution
Their tactics are cliché and easily identified as not intended to move the case toward resolution.
– Each time they point the finger at me, they have three pointed back at themselves.
– Identity Theft
– Car Petition

– Like a child in the backseat of the car saying ‘He’s touching me’, Angst & Angst file petitions which only serve to antagonize the court and then acting as if they are not the initiators of the action

Team Building
– their actions to alienate family and friends
– their actions to engage family and friends into criminal actions for which they become liable
– their actions to engage outside persons into criminal actions for which they become liable
– their actions to engage outside businesses into criminal actions for which they become liable
– their actions to manipulate law enforcement into liability
– their actions to manipulate law enforcement into non-response as any action will expose their liability
– their actions to manipulate outside contractors into liability
– their actions to conspire to prevent prosecution of any criminal action
– their actions to manipulate court personnel into improper action
– their actions to manipulate court personnel into non-response as any action will expose their liability
– their actions to destroy my business
– their actions to deter employment
– their actions to hinder me financially
– not successful in eliminating emotional support – mother, sister, brother, father, and a few close friends
– continuing efforts to eliminate emotional support
– Brian targeting my mother
– Chrissie targeting John to the point where their family is facing a similar crisis
– not successful in eliminating sources of financial support – mother, sister, father
– failure to realize that the Defendant has experience and resourcefulness which permits him to identify the technologies and tactics being used against him
– failure to realize that the Defendant is able to endure and persevere through the protracted legal attacks and humiliations
– failure to foresee the Defendant would be capable of responding to the relentless, dilatory, obdurate and vexatious legal actions presented to the court against him
– Defendant has been able to anticipate, identify the purpose, and recognize the intended outcome of petitions filed by Angst & Angst intending to entrap, humiliate, undermine his reputation and credibility
– Defendant has been forced to respond the unending baseless and fraudulent allegations, and bizarre situations created by the Plaintiff;
and her attorneys;
and other individual persons;
and businesses;
and local, county, state and federal law enforcement departments and agencies;
and county court administration staff;
and Custody Master, Sara Goren;
and Judge Thomas Del Ricci;
and Judge Arthur Tilson
who have found themselves manipulated into situations where they must protect their respective individual liabilities, and the liabilities of the others. Each has refused to respond to reasonable requests for an explanation of their actions (or inactions), even where their actions violate
established procedures for Montgomery County,
established procedures for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
the United States Constitution,
the laws of the United State of America,
International Treaties and Conventions.
The strongest counter measure to their tactics is THE TRUTH

There seems to be some great discrepancies with regard to scope of an issue and the period of time permitted to be discussed.
The restrictions are only applied to me.

Robert Angst is not restricted by either.

During the hearings, my questions are constantly interrupted with accusations that the topic is outside the scope of the issue; or that the question pertains to a period of time outside the period permitted to be discussed. YET, my question is in reference to prior questions

    which were permitted

without being filtered by period or scope.

Even after surviving that frustration, in submitting the briefs to the court, I held to the scope and period which was defined during the hearing. Robert Angst in submitting his brief did not only not adhere to the scope and period, but introduced topics which were never presented.

How is it that those topics for which there was no testimony, have found their way into the judge’s ruling?
The constant introduction of CHAOS, completely undermines everything.

There is no doubt there are multiple justifiable grounds for appeal of Judge Bertin’s rulings. I do not say this because the judge has erred in any way. He has not. The rulings as written almost write the appeal themselves. BUT, I don’t know the appeal process. This is the first time I’ve actually seen a ruling. Taking the personal emotion out of a document which seems to vilify me, the ruling is directly or indirectly indicating all of the reasons for the appeal.

Robert Angst would definitely appeal any decision, to keep the chaos going. CHAOS is a tactic he has used

    throughout his career

. His other favorite tactic is the discovery/delivery of documents game. I on the other hand will not know as much about the appeal process so as long as the ‘balls stay in the air’ there will not be enough time for me to appeal, and continue to petition, and research, and learn… it is overwhelming most of the time.


As I begin the next round of documents, I expect that the computer will again be affected and slow my progress. I’ve got 7 dead computers in the basement now, and a safe deposit box full of hard disks, dvds, cds etc.

When I attempt a counter strike, I am always petrified about how they will attack and make things even harder.
– During the last attempt, they fried the BIOS in the laptop.
– Before that they caused the printer to only print blank pages, until after Judge DelRicci sent a letter indicating he would recuse himself in 2 weeks. How do you suppose Judge DelRicci found out I was printing the Petition requesting his recusal?

I persevere…


It would seem I am not able to see the ForensicSoft.com web site… there must be something on it that will reveal the surveillance. ForensicSoft is responsible for the world’s first forensically sound windows bootable environment.

The blocking program being used against me is very powerful… even to the more resourceful people.

Can other people get to the site??? Please try and leave a comment here for me.


blocked from forensicsoft.com

blocked from forensicsoft.com

It should have looked like this: (from Google Cache)


Note to ForensicSoft, if there was a traffic spike at about the same time as this post to my site which caused your site to crash, we should talk about the entities which are attacking me and why they appear to have caused your outage.


Is Your Cell Phone Spying on You?
Updated: Thursday, 21 May 2009, 12:16 AM CDT
Published : Wednesday, 20 May 2009, 8:15 PM CDT

HOUSTON – Let it out of your sight for just a few minutes, and your smart phone can be turned into a rogue agent that spies on you.

The internet is crawling with software that claims to be able to bug someone’s cell phone.

FOX 26 News tested one such program. It cost $250 and took about ten minutes to install on the target phone.

Once activated, the spyware revealed the calls placed by and received by the phone, listing phone numbers, times, dates and length of each call.

It also logged every text message, both incoming and outgoing.

And it enabled a third party to dial in to the target phone without detection, activating the microphone so the spy could hear everything said in the vicinity, even though the phone itself appeared to be “asleep.”

“Cell phones are not like computers,” said security consultant Michael Fjetland. “There’s no firewall, there’s very little in the way of anti-virus software so once they make that connection, basically, it’s an open door.”

Top five signs your cell phone might be bugged with spyware:

5) Phone is unusually warm even though you haven’t been using it– could indicate unauthorized transmissions.

4) Battery life drops dramatically, for no reason– could indicate surreptitious communication.

3) Screen flashes on and off, without cause– could indicate an incoming spy call.

2) Monthly bill shows an unwarranted spike in SMS or data transmission activity– could indicate your phone is being accessed without your knowledge.

1) Phone receives nonsensical text messages (for example, <*#62><123456789>)– could indicate botched attempts to send system commands.

Ultimate privacy solution
If you want to guarantee a private conversation stays that way, don’t just turn off your cell phone–remove the battery.



Easy Ways to Tell if Your Cell Phone is Bugged

If you’ve got a lot of enemies (or watch too many spy movies), you’ve probably noticed those online ads for cell phone bugging software and thought: “Hey, I wonder if my phone is bugged?” Fortunately, the news crew at Fox 26 in Houston shares your paranoia: it recently tested out some cellular spyware to figure out if your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend is listening in.

After dropping $250 for the software on the Internet, the crew had it up and running on a test phone in 10 minutes. As you can imagine, the spyware enabled call- and text-monitoring, gave access to the phone’s contact list, and kept extensive logs of call times and duration. The coolest function let the testers tap into the test phone from a remote location and activate its microphone, allowing them to listen in even with the phone on standby and concealed in a pocket.

As for figuring out if your own phone is bugged, the Fox team says to watch out for significant, unexplained drops in battery power or random screen flashes. Strange billing activity and text messages with random numbers and symbols could also be signs of a bugging. To be safe, you should lock your phone with a password, and if you want to go super clandestine, pop out your phone’s battery when you go meet that guy with the briefcase chained to his wrist. [From: Fox 26]



I don’t spend alot of time searching for clues on the torture. It serves no purpose more than making a notation of it. Those responsible for Law Enforcement have been directly involved in the conspiracy and coverup since August 2007. But every now and again, I encounter a paragraph that someone posts that explains their experience – for whatever reason – and it reads as if they were writing about mine.

from the site BadExperiment.com

It appears that a primary objective of the adversity thrust upon me is to force me to abandon civility, control, and good manners. Therefore, maintaining calmness and composure is not merely desirable, it is critical to my survival. A help in this regard is maintaining a positive view of people. I look for the good even in those employed in the harassment against me, and treat all with good manners. By dignifying others, I dignify myself. Doing so neutralizes much of the psychological warfare employed against me. It is the most emotionally healthy way of coping with the ill treatment of others. Responding to ridicule and humiliation with respect is also a powerful way to teach by example.


My Laptop was FRIED on August 16th just as I was finalizing a petition (counterpetition) which only begins to point out to the court the terrorism I have experienced. The volume of legal work regarding custody and child support and chaos and personal attacks have prevented me from getting anything which points out their wrongdoing in front of a judge.

Custody is over. The child lost.

Child Support is over. She wasted more seeking support than I paid – but that wasn’t about money as much as harassment. Financially / credit rating / humiliation / etc… Truth be told the people who handle Child Support Enforcement have been the most professional and courteous of all the county employees. Conferences with them were always a positive experience.

So back to the laptop being FRIED, I mean it went from being a completely functional laptop to a machine which will only flash the power button at me. There has been no change – and resets do not change anything. Nothing I have tried will bring it back from this state. I imagine they either pulled code out of the BIOS where their software was hiding, or just needed a fast kill to my progress. Definitely seems to be a BIOS attack this time. The hard disk was left functional and the files I was working on were all usable still. I lost a day to that until I borrowed a laptop from my brother again.

By AGAIN, I mean i was responding to the exact same petition which they have now filed twice (September 2008 & July 2009) when they disabled and destroyed the hard disk on the laptop. Last October, I was able to file the response to their 60+ page petition on the day before the short list conference (MUCH to the surprise of her lawyer).

Submitted as a counterpetition, the judge inquired that since the counter petition was not my defense, would I mind submitting it as a stand alone petition. This was done the next day and a short list conference scheduled for October 2009.

They continue to attack the computers regularly. I think there are 8 computers which have been victims of the attacks.

I persevere.