
What have they done to you? I’ve long since stopped crying about how you are hurt by the things going on. You have had the power to escape it. You have had the power to end it.

Think back and remember who I really am. Think for yourselves. You know me.

I’ve done nothing to hurt anyone. I’ve never threatened anyone.

I want one thing. Prosecution of the people responsible for the destruction of OUR lives.



To anyone reading this… I am not a drug dealer. I’ve been introduced to a few over the years. They never became friends of mine. Any I have had occasion to meet are not around any longer.

No matter how tight money gets, I will not resort to selling drugs. No matter how easily the opportunity presents itself. It’s not me. It’s not my style. So there’s no sense in trying to recruit me or to continue to falsely allege this about me.

So when you are asked…
… how is he affording that house without an income for 3 years take a look at the bank records, the court records, you can see who is paying the bills. My mother… and it is wiping out her financial security.

… how is he able to live ‘off the grid’? Well I have been kept unemployed and harrassed for over 3 years, you find out you have little use for a bank account when you have no money. Your banks and credit cards disappear. Your financial life goes ‘off the grid’. There is nothing suspicious about it.

… how come he knows about all these ‘people’ yet doesn’t know any of them personally? Perhaps you might consider the circle of friends you have surrounded him with. And he’s so desperate to not be isolated and alone, he’ll risk those indirect associations.

It would seem that the information you are providing in your false allegations to law enforcement are the product of your litigation, and computer and phone surveillance (hacks and control), and harrasment techniques. And you are fooling law enforcement into thinking there is something to investigate. And they can’t figure it out… so they get frustrated. And when the victim reports your actions, he is ignored.

I saw the movie THE INFORMANT. I didn’t like it. All of those FBI agents being duped by their own informant. FOR YEARS AND YEARS. It made me wonder… How many times has something like that happened? Who would imagine something like that could happen to me?


Foresight Services first came to my attention after a friend used my computer to check his email. After he left, I ran a search that combined the information from a few of his emails. It returned mostly nothing, EXCEPT Foresight Services stood out among the results as a very interesting result. That was 3 years ago.

Foresight is/was also known by another name “Retired F B I Agents” at the same address.

The address only has a mailbox at a small complex south of Doylestown. There is no signage about them at the address location.

I asked at a few businesses across the street, they did not know the business.

The friend from 3 years ago. That was Ron. Ron completely disappeared in March 2010, after I began to ask him the specific questions about Foresight, and specific strange things which happened around the house which he had denied or lied about at the time. He had no answers to the direct questions. He immediately walked out of the house and I haven’t seen him or heard a word from him since. Only one person has ever asked about him. That person was at the house during one of the ‘things’ I had asked Ron about. THAT person lives in a house which is also under ultrasonic surveillance. However, THAT person was completely unconcerned when I told him about it…. like he knew it already.

Ron had told me that he had never met anyone who offered friendship as unconditionally as I did to him. He said he knew that if he ever really needed a friend I would be there for him. I was there for him. It seems he may have been prevented from being there for me… so he disappeared.


Perjury does not get prosecuted in Montgomery County Pennsylvania. I have been told that there would be far too many cases if the District Attorney got involved. SO PERJURY IS IGNORED AT EVERY PROCEEDING.

Fraud is completely ignored when the court refuses to listen to the truth. False documents were created to back up their position. When Judge Del Ricci was informed that the documents had not been delivered and were fraudulent, he ordered the court staff to make copies for me. He then announced into the court record that I KNOW HAD RECEIVED THE DOCUMENTS. APPARENTLY, HE FORGOT THEY ARE STILL FRAUDULENT DOCUMENTS.

False Allegations have been made to so many law enforcement agencies and departments, it is small wonder they are too exhausted from looking into the false allegations against me to find time to investigate my accusers. And I’m sure there are even more false allegations I haven’t heard. These investigations eventually find their way into ex parte communications with the court and AFFECT EVERY PROCEEDING. But, the court should not engage in ex parte communications. Judge Del Ricci certainly did when he ‘off the record’ indicated he spoke to police about making sure that Sonya was protected from charges in the burglary, break-in, vandalism and poisoning of my dog. Robert Angst said he additionally talked to county detectives about the matter. (Caution: A conspiracy, when identified as a conspiracy, is a self defeating argument. Not all conspiracies are ‘conspiracy theories’. There are real ones.)

The terrorism and harassment I have experienced is not imaginary. It has just been ignored. Computers hacked, telephones hacked, various other harassment techniques deployed, identity theft. I always waited until I proved the existence of anything before contacting the authorities who then promptly ignored me.

NOTE: When the people terrorizing you have full access to your computers and phones, they will likely know everything you are planning to do. They run interference before you report anything to law enforcement. As law enforcement is investigating YOU as a result of their false allegation, you are now seemingly reporting circumstances attributed to the law enforcement agency to whom you are reporting the crime.

When Court Orders are violated with complete impunity, you have no alternatives but to appeal. A very time consuming task when it involves EVERYTHING. And before you get the chance to appeal the courts ridiculously bad decision, they are on to the next issue or attack which must get your attention. Even though you know they will not be held accountable for their acts, you have no choice but to file.

This is my life. Every hour of every day, I deal with the stress and strain of the circumstances of the terroristic divorce. Their is no escape. There is no end in sight. It is overwhelming beyond belief. I persevere and I cry. NO ONE HELPS.


Today is the 4th of July. The overwhelming situation just destroys me more when each holiday passes.

This last week has delivered more information indicating ‘friends’ met since the divorce began were clearly misrepresenting themselves.

Instead of friends, I prefer to refer to them as Confidential Informants. It took a while to find the right name to call them. After seeing season 2 of DEXTER, it was the only logical title. And I was struggling with finding the right word.

Ron, Chris, Jay, Colin, Andy, Wally, Doug, … Each stars at the center of the multiple teams. I make no excuse for extending friendship to them. I’m isolated and alone. Every friend from years ago is gone. So maybe I lowered my standards to include people whom I may not have ordinarily associated. The friendship I offered and gave was genuine and sincere. Though at many times their lack of those same qualities caused them stress. I don’t believe that any of them – after getting to know me – liked what they were doing to me. As a matter of fact, I am certain of it.

Those not named, don’t feel slighted. The guys above were who I considered the leads. You were still part of the teams.

The people they brought around were an extension of the program. At times, the group numbered over 30 people. They are all gone. Many were at an event which I refer to as The Confidential Informant Company Picnic – a story for another day.

They were all unsuccessful in changing me. I always stayed true to myself. I always treated everyone as I would any friend. It surprised them. It confused them. It made them realize they were on the wrong side.

There were times when I got the feeling they attempted to fight back against the ‘powers-that-be’ on my behalf. Unsuccessful in that endeavor, they became distant and very disappointed in themselves. A feeling I could see in them which they couldn’t explain themselves. Because any revelation of the real truth would be met with ???

Suffice to say, in the FBI confidential informant program, ANY revelation of the persons status will result in immediate enforcement of the sentence which they escaped by becoming confidential informants.

My apologies to those who may have been removed from the program after phone conversations where I made up the stories of how you broke down, told me the truth, or other events. You disappeared the fastest. Instantly, or almost instantly. At times I would feel guilty about ‘testing’ what was going on like that. If you had been genuine and sincere in your friendship it wouldn’t have happened like that. And no one can say they were unaware of how much I was suffering through the last few years. I told you all how difficult life had been. I tell everyone. I asked for any help you might have in ending the terror. I ask everyone.

I know I have not yet met the person who will be the ‘hero’ to end this. If I had, it would have ended. I can’t imagine a person could stand by and watch another destroyed and do nothing to help. Until that hero comes along, I do my best to remain true to myself… to be the same person I have always been… I’m still able to trust people… even the untrustworthy. Sometimes I just try to trust them to see if I still have it in me. I do. They haven’t destroyed me yet.

I am a strong individual. I won’t become any of the things you are trying to create. I know who I am. And I know who I am not. And you can’t change that.


At the June 3, 2010 conference Valerie Angst misrepresented that I was under her client’s medical coverage.

This was news to me because in 3 years, I have never received any cards which indicated I was included under her insurance coverage.

Valerie Angst indicated she would have the insurance cards sent to me. Nothing received yet.

I can’t call Valerie Angst because a conversation would only provide her an opportunity to lie about the contents of the conversation. She has already lied to the court saying I had threatened her.

I can’t contact my wife’s employer for the insurance cards. The filed some lies about email addresses and internet access to email, so there is a court order indicating I cannot contact anyone at her place of work.

I am left with no other option but to file with the court… a court which can’t be bothered with the constant rhetoric and chaos in this case so it dismisses all of them. Their impunity is very time consuming, and it is taking an awful long time for their inexplicable impunity to violate every law and procedure to crush me completely.

So on we go… Another Emergency Petition… they will rule it not an emergency – even though it is a health issue… schedule it out in a month or two… and the court may order her to provide the cards.

Who is wasting the courts time? The guy trying to survive? or the lawyer/client who lie about everything?


It would seem that Sonya Healy is going to be doing some international travel.

As my only exit from her terroristic divorce is the prosecution of the people and companies/organizations behind the terroristic actions, is it outside the realm of possibility that Sonya Healy does not plan to return to the USA? While Sonya hides in the U.K., Angst & Angst can continue to act on her behalf to maintain the unending and prolonged divorce proceedings.

This is not outside the realm of imagination. Not even outside the experience of the Montgomery County courts. The Librett/Marran case shows that in Montgomery County a criminal can have her attorneys continue expensive and unending litigation by proxy EVEN WHEN the attorney’s do not know the whereabouts of their client.

In Librett, the father was denied any relationship or contact with his child while the mother who kidnapped her was in hiding with the child in Canada, yet all the while the mother’s attorneys continued the legal battle against the father’s court ordered custody …even while the child was missing …for over 3 years.

So, is Sonya Healy going on the vacation like she planned for her son 2 years ago,… Recall when the court denied the father’s legal rights and without any conference, proceeding, hearing, or opportunity to respond to the false allegations in the mother’s petition, the court ordered the father permit the child to leave the country EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS A 6 MONTH OLD CUSTODY PETITION PENDING. A clear violation of PA, US and International laws on custody, and a due process civil rights violation.

The child did return from the ‘vacation’, but probably only because the plan was exposed before they could eliminate the liabilities of all involved parties, mother, lawyers and court staff.

This might explain why there was an attempt to continue the June 3, 2010 support hearing all the way into September.

Angst & Angst had post dated their letter requesting a continuance of June 3 into the following week. But why?

A typo (?) or an attempt to conceal their late submission month long (August) vacation schedule to the court? At the June 3 support conference (which she had tried unsuccessfully to continue) as the matter was being scheduled before a support master, Valerie was very VERY quick to point out that her vacation had already been approved/accepted by the court . Very quick indeed.


It is absolutely maddening to have to endure this constant incorrect responses to requests for Discovery Documents.

I had to request the discovery documents. I did. (January 2010)

They had to have time to provide it. They did not. (March 2010)

I had to file a Motion to Compel. I did. (April 2010)

There was a Hearing. (May 2010)

The Discovery Master recommended an Order. (June 2010)

The Judge issued the order. (June 2010)

They provide the incomplete paperwork AGAIN.
Paperwork that I already had BECAUSE THEY ARE MY BANK STATEMENTS, but missing a few pages. It’s the statements they did not provide that I had requested.

BUT THERE’S MORE… (They always have an additional action to their ‘accidental’ errors. It is not meant to clarify, it is intended to permit the introduction of further chaos if their actions are exposed.)

In their transmittal letter, they incorrectly referenced what was sent. (OOPS, an accidental error. I could see this one from a mile away this time.)

SURPRISE! A week later, you get a letter correcting their misstatement, but still failing to provide the documents requested and ordered.

SO… after 6 months of paperwork, petitions, conferences and hearings…

You went thru the process. You filed, You waited, You explained, You waited, You received the wrong things…

START OVER AGAIN,… But this time you get to start over and they will accuse you of doing this purposely. This has been their plan all along.

YOU HAVE TO START ALL OVER… They aren’t in contempt because they have “obviously” misunderstood the phrases in the Court Order – even though they were in the conferences and hearings. You have no choice but to endure another round of this discovery game.

There are 2 tactics at work here:
The tactic of providing vast amounts of incorrect documentation is intended to waste time. Forcing you to request the correct documentation again and again, is intended to exhaust everyone involved. All the while, they complain to the court that you are asking for too much paperwork. They then present all of the unrequested documents to the court making it appear that you are being unreasonable. BUT, THEY STILL HAVE YET TO PROVIDE THE DOCUMENTS YOU REQUESTED. REASON: THE DOCUMENTS YOU ARE REQUESTING WILL REVEAL MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THEIR CRIMES.

The tactic of everything they do provide being altered, or clearly fraudulent. By submitting all information to the court which is altered, inaccurate or fraud, when you point out their fraud, they will indicate that YOU THINK EVERYTHING IS FRAUD so you must be wrong. And after you spend all your time proving their fraud, they will indicate you wasted the courts time, because YOU knew it was fraud.

The feeling of exhaustion from over 3 years of this ‘game’ is overwhelming. Their apparent impunity prevents them from any repercussions.

June 9, 2010
[Hearing Officer]
Domestic Relations Office Docket# 2010-DR-00910
P.O. Box 311
Norristown, PA 19404 PACSES Case# 853111584

[Hearing Officer],

At a conference on June 3, 2010 at 2:15PM relating to support, Valerie Angst arrived 10 minutes late and was accompanied by a guard who had been working at the building entrance. The guard remained standing in the doorway of your office for the duration of the conference.

It has come to my attention that this is not a standard procedure for support conferences.

After an Equitable Distribution conference on March 18, 2010, my attorney, Marguerite Nocchi indicated that Valerie Angst had falsely indicated that I had threatened her. That allegation is untrue and is completely without any merit. I have not spoken with, or even seen, Mrs. Angst since December 2007.

It is my belief that this false allegation may have once again been made prior to this meeting by Mrs. Angst in an attempt (1) to distract you from your responsibilities; (2) to influence and prejudice your opinion; and (3) to intimidate me as Mrs. Angst proceeded to present fraudulent misinformation and outright lies regarding her client’s actions, financial records and work experience.

Mrs. Angst also proceeded to insult and bait me regarding the financial issues which we were discussing. You may recall her saying “at least my kids talk to me” as a non-sequitur response to my indicating her lie regarding her client’s voluntary retirement package from Unisys Corporation. Her remark failed to get the wild or emotional reaction she anticipated.

The truth is her comment disgusted me and revealed the truly twisted monster that I have been battling for over 3 years. Her unethical, fraudulent and criminal actions have caused the complete breakdown of my relationship with my two children. For her to snipe that comment after what she has done to my children is vile.

I am respectfully requesting an explanation for the guard accompanying Mrs. Angst to the conference; and what necessitated his continued presence at the conference. I would appreciate a direct response at your earliest convenience and the inclusion of this information in your report.


Terance Healy
110 Banbury Avenue
North Wales, PA 19454

Hearing Officer’s name redacted here, but included on original letter.
Delivered to the Montgomery County Domestic Relations Office on June 9, 2010 at 3:56PM at which time I spoke to the guard involved in the event and he indicated to me that he had been asked by the front desk to accompany Mrs Angst. He said he did not know why the escort was requested. When asked for information he did not want to provide his name, or his badge number.


Today at the Support Conference, Valerie Angst was over 15 minutes late. The conference began before she arrived.

When she arrived she had an armed security guard escort her. The guard remained during the entire conference. Valerie lies to the court staff and alleges that I threatened her. She’s done this previously, then she procedes to provoke an argument. She informed my attorney of this false allegation on March 18, 2010.

Almost immediately she began baiting me with rude remarks and lies. Any response from me to her jibes was met with a correction from the guard.

When she failed to get a rise out of me, she showed the monster she really is by saying “at least my kids talk to me.” The extreme nastiness of this miserable woman who destroyed my family daring to bring my children into yet another situation was clearly meant for an emotional response.

I replied by asking if her children will be able to talk to her and her husband when they are in a federal prison.

When will the court realize they are being manipulated by this monster. Valerie Angst is evil and desperate to conceal her criminal advice to her client. This isn’t about divorce, it’s about destroying her victim and covering-up for her criminasl actions and those of her clients and contractors.

The goal today was simply to delay long enough for Sonya to leave the country for a vacation from which she does not plan to return. That way she avoids prosecution, and her lawyers can continue the torture on her behalf for the next few years.