

C/O Bucks County Department of Mental Health / Developmental Programs
600 Louis Drive, Suite 101
Warminster, PA 18974

RE: Terance Healy


Defendant, Terance Healy, hereby appeals to the Court of Common Pleas of Bucks County in Doylestown regarding the decision reached at a conference before Mental Health Review Officer, Colby S. Grim, Esq on the evening of April 11, 2017.

This NOTICE OF APPEAL document is filed timely on this 17th day of April 2017. Filing by hand delivery to Bucks County Department of Mental Health / Developmental Programs, 600 Louis Drive, Suite 101, Warminster, PA 18974.
(With fax transmission to all parties upon service of the Appeal to Bucks County Department of Mental Health.)

Defendant’s participation in any program at Lenape Valley Foundation, Doylestown, PA is pursuant to the finding of the Mental Health Review Officer. Defendant, by his participation in their efforts, DOES NOT IN ANY WAY indicate agreement with the false information which had been provided by police on form MH783.

Defendant is complying ONLY to prevent further duress by law enforcement and mental health professionals until such time as the Courts can be presented with the facts for review, dismissal, expungment, discipline and/or criminal prosecution where deemed appropriate.

Form MH 783 has been presented as an APPLICATION FOR EXTENDED INVOLUNTARY TREATMENT (Section 302). The documentation provided is bogus.

Form MH784A [TITLE INCOMPLETE] was prepared and presented by MaryBeth McDowell of the Horsham Clinic seeking ‘to extend your involuntary treatment for up to 20 more days” without any review or any attempt to verify the false information provided by police AND prior to any review by any examining doctor.

The government’s authority to involuntarily commit persons who are a danger to themselves or others arises from the state’s inherent police powers. In re Hutchinson , 454 A.2d 1008, 1010 (Pa. 1982). The person so confined has a countervailing liberty interest protected by the due process clause of the Constitution. Id.

As our Supreme Court clearly delineated in In re Hutchinson , “involuntary civil commitment of mentally ill persons constitutes deprivation of liberty and may be accomplished only in accordance with due process protections.” Id. at 1010.

The MHPA is “an enlightened legislative endeavor to strike a balance between the state’s valid interest in imposing and providing mental health treatment and the individual patient’s rights.” Id. (citation omitted).

The MHPA specifically embodies these principles by stating that its provisions must “be interpreted in conformity with the principles of due process[.]” 50 P.S. § 7102. As we noted in In re Ryan , 784 A.2d 803, 807 (Pa.Super. 2001), “The legislative policy reflected in the Mental Health Procedures Act is to require that strict conditions be satisfied before a court order for commitment shall be issued. Such a policy is in accord with the recognition that commitment entails a massive deprivation of liberty.”

Respectfully Submitted,

Terance Healy

c/o Joan Healy
871 Mustang Road
Warrington, PA 18976

(215) 343-1686 (There is no reliable voicemail for this phone.)

Distribution to:
Colin Jenei, Esq. (“The Department”)
Brad Bastedo, Esq., Bucks County Public Defender
Colby S. Grim, Esq.

This document is published for the purpose of supporting my prior statements indicating I HAVE NO PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW and I AM BEING DENIED MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. Attempting to humiliate me through the improper use of an involuntary commitment demonstrates the abuse of power under color of law by the police. Relying on the failure to seek the facts while participating in the harassment and efforts which seek to cause duress, the police have created liabilities for all involved.

“It’s now exceedingly obvious that the Attorney General was trying to manipulate public perception of the Penn State case from the very beginning, and they were willing to commit a crime to do it.”


…. that there is a privileged relationship between the Attorney General and the OAG staff which prevents disclosure of their wrongdoing .
…. that there is a privileged relationship between the Attorney General and the OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL which prevents disclosure of wrongdoing within.
…. that the Rules of Professional Conduct MANDATE CONFIDENTIALITY … NO LONGER DISCRETIONARY since 1987 in Pennsylvania.

IT IS THE LAW.  That law mandating non-disclosure also conceals that it has a collateral affect on all Pennsylvanians who find their Constitutional rights ignored by law enforcement… they are further victimized without ANY  protection of the law.
An Attorney General, or District Attorney, is prevented from addressing corruption and injustices committed within their own departments because it would violate Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information.

One other thing about Rule 1.6 is that it includes Confidentiality to prevent disclosure which would have an adverse affect on the judiciary.

Though ordered by Justice Castille to release emails, Kathleen Kane exposed the judiciary to  ‘adverse affects’.  This is the true and documented reason for the revocation of her  law license… by the Supreme Court.

Ann Lokuta was removed from the bench and disciplined because reporting the Kids For Cash scandal happening in Luzerne County exposed the judiciary to ‘adverse affects’.

The Report regarding Kids For Cash could not indicate that the entire Luzerne County Judiciary and every lawyer was maintaining CONFIDENTIALITY while children and their families were being jailed for profit. The report written by lawyers.  HUMAN TRAFFICKING… and they ignored it.

Goeffrey Moulton neglected to indicated any wrongdoing by the Attorney General in his ‘Sandusky Report’…  Failing to indicate ANY wrongdoing or criminal acts in the OAG, he would not have been permitted to expose them. Kathleen Kane had promised an investigation into Corbett’s handling of Sandusky. She investigated BUT WAS PREVENTED FROM EXPOSING OR RELEASING THE INFORMATION because of a privileged relationship regarding the OAG.

Kathleen Kane understood the situation.  She sought outside investigators for the review of OAG email.  Out of state lawyers WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION FOR CONFIDENTIALITY … without any client he was required to protect.  Doug Gansler had the ability to expose the damage caused by Rule 1.6.  He would be following state and federal law.  Gansler prepared his full report.

Gansler then handed it to Bruce Castor, a lawyer mandated to conceal the issues in the report.

Castor then participated in a farce where he was Anonymous Petitioner (Plaintiff) and as Acting Attorney General (Defendant)… He played both sides in the Supreme Court of PA… Even trying to suggest he was Mediator.  But, you cannot file an anonymous petition in the Supreme Court.  After months of delays, the Report as edited by Bruce Castor was released.  And there was nothing to it.

So… Where IS the rest of the Doug Gansler Report?  All of the pages and sections which are clearly missing.  Sections referenced in the edited version which were not released or provided.

NOW UNDERSTAND THIS, because the Confidentiality law indirectly and collaterally undermined the Constitutional rights of Pennsylvanians, it is unconstitutional.

As it is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania lacked the authority pursuant to Article V Section 10(c) of the PA Constitution.  

An unconstitutional law improperly enacted must be followed until it is declared ‘unconstitutional’ – then, it is a nullity, as if it never existed… and it can provide no defense for actions taken pursuant to it.

When Rule 1.6 Falls, any actions by lawyers pursuant to Rule 1.6 will have ABSOLUTELY NO DEFENSE. An Unconstitutional law can provide no defense to those actions which rely on it. THE LAWYERS HAVE KNOWN OF THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL AFFECT. The Lawyers participated in the informed deliberate negligence regarding the Law and Justice and Liberty and the US Constitution. WOW… All of them… PARTICIPATED. THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING WAS WRONG. THEY ALL IGNORED THE GREATEST ATTACK AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.


Problem is that lawyers must adhere to the improperly enacted and unconstitutional ‘law’.  This prevents any fix.

A Bigger problem is that Rule 1.6 was enacted by the judiciary.

– there is going to be adverse affects to the judiciary

– there is going to be adverse affects to all lawyers

– there is a conflict of interest for the judiciary to expose their own error

– when enacted by the PA Supreme Court, it immediately became impossible for them to fix.  There is a MANDATE which also grants Confidentiality regarding any fraudulent efforts to prevent exposure

The system of justice is broken.  Any fix is being prevented by the very Confidentiality law which has broken the system.  

Until a non-lawyer is permitted to present the issue to the Governor or Legislature or Federal Courts, American Justice will remain broken.

Governor Wolf is prevented from meeting by his Office of General Counsel.  They will not permit any meeting with the non lawyer Governor who could assemble the Legislature to suspend the law and permit removal and resolution.


I filed a Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 in Federal Court.

I HAD SUCCEEDED.  THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF PENNSYLVANIA DEFAULTED ON THE CONSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGE OF RULE 1.6 along with the other 55 state Attorneys General.  All defaulted.  Not one response in time for the deadline.  The only law abiding way to remove the law had succeeded.  The lawyers could take no action which would show the problem.  A non-lawyer could and I DID.

Then, a lawyer committed an act of fraud which lead to other clerks/lawyers being mandated to do the same.  A late unexcused and unexplained response threw a monkey wrench.  A fraud.  Lawyers could not address or respond to the Rule 1.6 issue while mandated to silence.  But any fraud would be held confidential.  The federal court improperly dismissed the Challenge.  On Appeal, the Third Circuit Court improperly affirmed.   One person undermined the US Constitution for all Americans… and blamed it on AG Kathleen Kane.

You may not have heard about it…. because Confidentiality of Information is the needle in the haystack of American Injustice.

Maryanne Trump Barry is a justice on the Third Circuit and the sister of the President.

President Trump is a non-lawyer who would be permitted to expose that CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION has been enacted in EVERY STATE.  ROLLED OUT AT THE RECOMMENDATION OF ITS AUTHOR – The American Bar Association.  

Who profits from injustice?  The ABA membership.

Who is inviting the most resistance to the efforts of President Trump?  The lawyers.

It is long past time for this issue to be national news.  But, many journalists have a dual degree.  A law degree which prevents them from exposing the real issue.  For some strange reason the American media interviews lawyers and expects? the truth.  

When there is a mandate for Confidentiality which supercedes every law, every right, and ignores injustice nationwide…




A VIOLENT RAPE OF THE PUBLIC TRUST SINCE 1984 IN NEW JERSEY.  An intentional and deliberate act to undermine the state and federal judiciary has held the American Judiciary hostage for over 30 years.

All lives matter.  Remove this improperly enacyed and unconstituconfidentiality… 

Reboot and restore the US Constitution.

(The silence of the media is chilling.)

Email sent today (However, absence of the Out of Office autoresponses suggests the email has been blocked from delivery.) Absence of any reply indicates their awareness that my accounts are under surveillance. The courthouse remembers what happened to the man who provided that secret order from August 2007.

I understand the silence, the reason that no one will help me. YOU KNOW WHAT THESE FOLKS ARE CAPABLE OF DOING TO ANYONE.

I know because I have survived it since 2007.

I also recognize that there is no way they will ever resolve anything. There is too much lawlessness corruption and cruelty involved.

PJ has never done anything. Not even filed an appearance.

Ray has acted out a farce. Writing letters with incorrect data. What’s with the wrong letterhead each time? Filing with the Supreme Court to prevent me from doing it directly – and forgetting the Jurisdiction Statement – WHEN ITS ALL ABOUT THE LACK OF JURISDICTION. Then, The DA waived their jurisdiction statement. Of course, because they don’t address the lack of jurisdiction.

Failing to include the information which would have required the recusal of Geoffrey Moulton from the panel in Superior Court – which didn’t even look at the Appeal.

Bruce Castor explained the twisted abilities of the Montgomery County DA.


He was one of the first I turned to for help in 2007. I begged. Risa Ferman ignored for eight years whileshe aggressively attacked and prevented the detectives fro. Investigation. Kevin Steele continues to ignore….

I have experienced what they will can and will do. I understand why the media is so terrified to go off script.

They have frightened off every friend. No one deserves the terror of the DA just because they survived the loss and annihilation of their entire lives.

Please contact the FBI, US Attorney and/or Attorney General.

You can help.
Thank you.


A lawyer talking about his client’s crime is not permitted to tell that truth – the truth is privileged.




SPECULATION can’t be stopped… NO FACTS to stop it & NO EVIDENCE to prove it (’cause it didn’t happen).

Only the LIAR gains from it.

This is an attack designed to negatively affect the credibility of a person telling the TRUTH.


Asking for IMMUNITY to testify has 2 possibilities.

1. You will speak the truth BUT, you are involved in the crime and fear prosecution.

2. You plan to lie in order to implicate others. The LIE will include your confession of involvement with the crime.
BUT, SHOULD THE CONSPIRACY TO LIE (the set-up arranged by the Prosecutor) BE REVEALED, you fear prosecution.

In America, #2 happens way more often… PEOPLE LIE IN COURT. If not properly motivated, their testimony is often incentivized or coerced.

In America, improperly enacted and unconstitutional Rule 1.6 CONFIDENTIALITY would prevent the TRUTH from ever being addressed.

In America, the effort to prevent the truth from being spoken in a Courtroom is so massive that it has filled the prisons… and the country is populated with people who admitted guilt (LIE’d) about something they never did just to make it go away. The bad advice of their lawyer.

In America, the TRUTH is on life support.


Even if you find the flaw, the flaw is fatal – silence is complicit.

A DA protects an incompetent ADA. DA must keep ADA errors CONFIDENTIAL by law (Attorney Client Privilege) – [Govt Attorney has privileged relationship with their staff and office.]

The Defendant is illegally and improperly prosecuted denied protection of the law and denied constitutional rights.

The flaw is ignored. The flaw is fatal – silence is complicit.

The Confidentiality can undermine the jurisdiction of the court… BUT, once the court acts without jurisdiction THAT flaw is fatal.

Even if you identify the flaw, the flaw is fatal – silence is complicit.

CONFIDENTIALITY is mandated when the issue affects the integrity of the court. As such, the higher courts affirm the lower court – often the opinion will not address the issue directly or correctly.

Even though you found the flaw, the flaw is fatal – silence is complicit.

Appealing to state Supreme Court – you are now presenting the problem to those who have caused it. They enacted the RULE 1.6 – CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION.
Confidentiality prevents them from addressing the issue.
Confidentiality prevents them from fixing their law.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST prevents them from addressing their unconstitutional law – improperly enacted.

The flaw is fatal.

No one enforces the Constitution. Law Enforcement enforces laws. The laws must be constitutional – if a LAW is challenged the courts decide. Within the state, there is no escape.

Raising to the Federal Courts, you will learn that hidden in an appropriations bill, an amendment which could NOT pass multiple attempts in Congress was whittled down to a few sentences. The McDade Murtha Amendment requires federal lawyers to follow that very same state Confidentiality law.
[Murtha was chair of Appropriations.]

The flaw is fatal. It can happen to anyone. EVERYONE HAS NOTICED… Black Live Matter, Kids for Cash, a Foreclosure Crisis based on robosigned and fake deeds.

The lawyers must capitulate – or face the aggressive discipline of the state Supreme Court. ALL LAWYERS. At every level of court and law enforcement. The flaw is fatal.

There is no escape. If you survive, your survival is consider a declaration of war against a District Attorney “who spends his/her professional career learning hows to [screw] others.”

Every person to whom you turn for help will be discovered to be working against you.

Since 2007, and the recent round launched 2015, It is happening to me… and to make the mater even more difficult, the court acting without jurisdiction, without hearing, without evidence, without testimony has compelled a Public Defender to represent me.

The Public Defender will not meet or speak with me. They act on my behalf AGAINST MY BEST INTEREST.

The Public Defender actually knows their assignment is void, and without any authority because the court lacked jurisdiction. They fail to comply with any court orders.

The Public Defender has been assigned to prevent any action by myself – they have taken my voice. This prevents me from filing statements, petitions or documents. I file, the Clerk stamps, then rejects and send to the Public Defender who fails to file the document on my behalf. Remember, the Public Defender has no authority to act on my behalf – their assignment is void.

‘Acting on my behalf’ they deliberately neglect necessary documents which undermine their effort – THEIR FARCE IS EXPOSED.

To prevent any actions at all, the Public Defender reassigns the case within their own office. This is strategicalloy designed to prevent appeals. You are prevented from filing an Appeal. You can’t contact your Public Defender. If you do, their first statement is they no longer represent you. Running our the deadlines for appeal. They cannot file the Appeal – (Remember, the Public Defender has no authority to act on my behalf – their assignment is void.) You are being prevented from filing any appeal by the defective and void order issued without jurisdiction.

The Public Defenders, there have been 5 so far, are trying to avoid doing anything which could create a liability for them.

The chaos of their actions is strategic. The chaos is designed to overwhelm. The chaos is intended to distract from the fact that THE COURT LACKS JURISDICTION IN THIS MATTER. The Court can never resolve the matter which is before them. BUT, If they are able to convert the matter into a contempt, or alternate crime, the DA will proceed from on that single issue and use the chaos created to cause it as evidence of a frustrating situation – CONVERSION TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE SOLUTION.

Yes, they have been pushing for a SUICIDE SOLUTION since 2007.
Yes, they have attempted to convert to an ADMINISTRATIVE SOLUTION ever since.
They now fail to accomplish the CRIMINAL SOLUTION since 2015. An EPIC FAILURE which has expanded to include aggressive investigation, intrusive surveillance, there are no boundaries to the effort to isolate or implicate/involve in a crime or to provoke violence.

I have been unemployed and destitute since 2007. I am prevented from any government benefit or resource – financial or medical. Homeless – the DA is protecting those who stole my home, filed and received the title insurance, and have taken out loans using my house as the collateral. Profits of about $1 million. The DA won’t prosecute that crime or the direct death threat (5 pages) which was delivered via the District Attorneys Office. A document which plans provisions and trains for my murder based on acknowledged fiction.

They have conducted a case which has been a farce since 2007 – when that first Order without jurisdiction was issued in August 2007. Twenty-two judges on the Montgomery County Bench have participated in the on-going farce.

The present matter is related. Judge Duffy lacked jurisdiction to escalate the matter to the Court of Common Pleas. This triggered a deliberate neglect by the ADA to follow the Rules of Criminal Procedure. Because, they knew they were acting without jurisdiction – there was no need to abide any rule, procedure, law or constitutional right.

I have survived only because I learned to file statements before each proceeding.

They have countered with the farce representation by the Public Defenders – because that prevents my voice, prevents my filing the statements. I had indicated this as an action of sabotage.

When Jurisdiction is ignored, by everyone. You’re dead. There is no such thing as retroactive jurisdiction. There is no excuse for acting without jurisdiction. Once it occurs, JURISDICTION will be the unmentioned neglected missing piece to every discussion, document, order and opinion. They will inflict an overwhelming volume of chaos to distract and misdirect. When it all comes down to a simple NECESSITY.

But, The problem with the Confidentiality law is that it is Confidential.

Sent to the entire Montgomery County Public Defenders office

Date: Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 9:09 AM
Subject: Unending corruption of Montgomery County
To: dbeer@montcopa.org, pdangelo@montcopa.org, dmarone@montcopa.org, rroberts@montcopa.org
Cc: fzeock@montcopa.org, mwarren@montcopa.org, itorres@montcopa.org, dtheveny@montcopa.org, ktaxis@montcopa.org, csweeney@montcopa.org, msontchi@montcopa.org, rsimon@montcopa.org, csilveri@montcopa.org, mschanba@montcopa.org, tross@montcopa.org, srosenberg@montcopa.org, erideout@montcopa.org, lpetrill@montcopa.org, epeterse@montcopa.org, kpemment@montcopa.org, lortiz@montcopa.org, gnester@montcopa.org, dmontows@montcopa.org, cmiller3@montcopa.org, rmadden@montcopa.org, jkravitz@montcopa.org, hkranzel@montcopa.org, akostyk@montcopa.org, akosinsk@montcopa.org, akatzman@montcopa.org, ljones@montcopa.org, djohnson@montcopa.org, mjohn@montcopa.org, khudson@montcopa.org, chosay@montcopa.org, khoran@montcopa.org, shayden@montcopa.org, kgrimsru@montcopa.org, ggriffit@montcopa.org, dgreensp@montcopa.org, egrant@montcopa.org, wgordon@montcopa.org, cfortune@montcopa.org, mdayoc@montcopa.org, adaniels@montcopa.org, bcooper@montcopa.org, econey@montcopa.org, pcassidy@montcopa.org, ncasey@montcopa.org, gcardena@montcopa.org, dcaglia@montcopa.org, wburnett@montcopa.org, ebrogan@montcopa.org, tbowman@montcopa.org, lalexan1@montcopa.org


After receiving “NO RESPONSE” regarding the documents delivered to Bucks County Officials on Thursday January 12, 2017

A Private Criminal Complaint was filed today in District Court naming as Defendants,
Bucks County Prothonotary, Patricia Bachtle
Bucks County Sheriff, Edward Donnelly
Bucks County District Attorney, Matt Weintraub
Bucks County First Assistant District Attorney, Michelle A. Henry
Bucks County Recorder of Deeds, Joseph J. Szafran
Honorable Jeffrey Finley, President Judge
… and others …

Magesterial District Court Judge Mark D. Douple indicated that the Complaint will be forwarded to Bucks County District Attorney Matt Weintraub for review. However, as there is a conflict of interest, the complaint will likely be forwarded to the Pennsylvania Attorney General for action.

Private Criminal Complaint





As former Bucks County First Assistant District Attorney, Michele Henry, has accepted a position as First Deputy Attorney General and reports directly to Attorney General Josh Shapiro, a conflict of interest may exist in the AG’s office as well.

First Deputy AG Michelle Henry said, “We’re pledging to one another and to every Pennsylvanian that this office places the highest value on integrity in our work – criminal prosecutions, civil litigation and public protection cases. It sends an important message to the public: You can have faith that the Office of Attorney General is striving every day to achieve justice and fairness in all that we do.”

Attorney General Josh Shapiro has stated, “We’re pledging to one another and to every Pennsylvanian that this office places the highest value on integrity in our work – criminal prosecutions, civil litigation, and public protection cases. It sends an important message to the public: You can have faith that the Office of Attorney General is striving every day to achieve justice and fairness in all that we do.”

“We will apply the law without fear or favor and infuse integrity in all that we do,” Shapiro said Tuesday, at his swearing-in ceremony, “so we can focus on best protecting you.”

Shapiro’s new code of conduct includes requirements such as “serving the interests of the citizens of Pennsylvania above his [or] her own” and “safeguarding all confidential information.”

“This code is a promise I’m making to you,” Shapiro said, “and a promise every member of this office is making to one another – to uphold the highest standard of integrity and ensure our justice system works for all.”

“This code reflects a basic principle,” Shapiro said, “and in signing it I join over 800 members of this office in recommitting ourselves to this truth:

“Public service is a public trust.”


There are likely millions of Fraudulent Foreclosures which were improperly handled through the courts, or their default processes.

So many, in fact, that there’s a name for what is on the horizon… THE IBANEZ TIMEBOMB.

Property Title Trouble in Non-Judicial Foreclosure States: The Ibanez Time Bomb?

This Article explores the extent to which the Ibanez ruling may influence the jurisprudence in other non-judicial foreclosure states and the likelihood that clear title to foreclosed properties is jeopardized by the shoddy handling of notes and mortgages.



The Complaint was delivered on Thursday, January 12, 2017. Filed with the Bucks County Prothontary to put the Motions before the county judges. Copies delivered to the offices of …
Bucks County Prothonotary, Patricia Bachtle
Bucks County Sheriff, Edward Donnelly
Bucks County District Attorney, Matt Weintraub
Bucks County First Assistant District Attorney, Michelle A. Henry
Bucks County Recorder of Deeds, Joseph J. Szafran
Honorable Jeffrey Finley, President Judge

Copies prepared and filed for each property involved.
#1 Woodspring Circle and Attachments
#2 Mary Street and Attachments
#3 East Ashland Street and Attachments

Todd M. Krautheim, Defendant in the above captioned case and the following cases in the Bucks County Court of Common Pleas, has been denied protection of the Rule of Law; Due Process and Procedure; and rights which are guaranteed by the Pennsylvania Constitution and the Constitution of the United States.

#2011-00193 Bank of America v Todd M. Krautheim
#2012-05546 US Bank NA v Todd M. Krautheim
#2013-07214 First Savings Bank of Perkasie v Todd M. Krautheim

The county officials have neglected the responsibilities of their elected office and by their informed deliberate and intentional negligence have permitted the authority, integrity and independence of the County Judiciary to be undermined and usurped.

The county officials have actively participated in the grossly unconstitutional conduct having permitted constitutional rights and the Rule of law to be ignored.

The county officials have directly, or indirectly by directing their staff, contributed and participated in the harassment and intimidation of the Defendant while preventing the matter(s) from being presented to the Bucks County Judiciary for review and adjudication.

Defendant provides the following statement and documents in support of the matter:

On December 13, 2016, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Zane David Memeger, filed an indictment containing indications of actions and means available to engage in unlawful and corrupt ‘sham’ actions through Bucks County court.

The indictment named John I. Waltman, Robert P. Hoopes and Bernard T. Rafferty indicating they “conspired and agreed, together and with persons known and unknown to the grand jury to commit offenses” [sic] “to conduct, attempt to conduct, or aid and abet the conducting of, financial transactions involving property” [sic] “with the intent to conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, ownership and control of property believed to be the proceeds of the specified unlawful activities.”

ATTACHMENT A – US District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Indictment – Criminal No. 16-509 filed December 13, 2016

While the indictment did not indicate any relationship(s) between Waltman, Hoopes and Rafferty and the personnel in the Office of the Prothonotary, the Sheriffs office, and other county offices, several relationships are significant in light of their claims and the inappropriate fraudulent default foreclosures being perpetrated against Defendant while having been denied any opportunity or hearing before any Court.

ATTACHMENT B – Delaware Valley News.com
“Lower Southampton officials arrested by federal authorities” December 22, 2016

“Hoopes is an attorney that prior to this indictment, used to represent car accident victims and people that claimed they fell on other peoples property.”

“[Hoopes] was a cop many years ago serving Lower Southampton Township.”

“[Waltman] replaced Susan McEwen, who was caught tampering with judicial records involving a family member and giving a cop a very hard time as he used to court to get warrants.”

“Waltman will be removed from the bench shortly.”

“Waltman is not a lawyer.”

“Rafferty has been involved in law enforcement for almost 20 years, service as Deputy Constable.”

“Judge is charged with money laundering in FBI sting operation” December 16, 2016

“The indictment claims Rafferty’s consulting firm account was used to launder money, and all of the defendants obtained bogus documents to make their transactions appear legitimate.”

“They are also accused of planning to obtain a sham default judgment…”

ATTACHMENT D – Bucks County Courier Times
“There has to be a better way” December 21, 2016

“Upon his appointment to Lower Southampton’s newly created position of public safety director, Robert Hoopes was called “the perfect candidate” by board of supervisors Chairman Patrick Irving.”

“Likewise, when District Judge John Waltman was appointed to the bench in 2010 by then Gov. Ed Rendell, a spokesman for the governor said Waltman received “very strong endorsements” from state Sen. Tommy Tomlinson and state Rep. Frank Farry.”

“[Tomlinson] agreed that a more formal vetting process would be a good idea.”

“Still, the township supervisors appointed [Hoopes] following a closed-door process.”

ATTACHMENT E – Levittown Now.com
“Constable Crashes School Board Meeting; Board Member Takes Verbal Swings At Judge” August 16, 2016

“During the board comment portion of the meeting, [Mike] Morris called out Waltman on the documents he received and accused Waltman of “political abuse.”

“Unfortunately, this is how it gets done,” Morris said. He also additionally claimed he had witnessed the judge “destroy people’s lives.”

“Morris, who has talked to reporters at previous meetings about claims of harsh politics in Lower Southampton, called Waltman a “political hack” and implied that members of his family were corrupt. He also stated the elected judge had influence over the Lower Southampton Police Department.”

“In addition, Morris made claims to members of the media after the school board meeting that Waltman had made threats of violence against him in the past and had mishandled a criminal case involving someone the elected official knew.”

ATTACHMENT F – Patch.com
“Grassroots Politics” August 1, 2011

“Magisterial District Judge John Waltman spoke at the end of the event, first announcing he’s not a fan of long speeches. But he, like other Repuiblicans in attendance spoke about keeping grassroots politics in mind.”

“Our secret to success is when we all stick together,” [Waltman] said.

ATTACHMENT G – Bucks County Constables Assocation
Bucks County Constables Association 2010 Officers
PRESIDENT – John Waltman
Lower Southampton Twp

TREASURER – Barney Rafferty
Pendel Boro

The impropriety which surrounds and envelopes the careers and relationships of those involved in the indictment is cause for serious concern and demonstrates opportunities for abuse and corruption, conducted with extreme arrogance and indifference and affirms their belief that they were above the law.

ATTACHMENT H – Judicial Conduct Board
Press Release December 16, 2016
Petition for Relief for Interim Suspension With or Without Pay
Proof of Service

“Under the Pennsylvania Constitution, the Court of Judicial Discipline has the authority to issue an interim order suspending [Waltman], prior to a hearing, based on the filing of the indictment charging felonies.”

ATTACHMENT – I The Committee to Expose Dishonest and Incompetent Judges, Attorneys and Public Officials
“Ex-Judge Susan E. McEwen of Philadelphia; scofflaw, arrogant, potty-mouth loser”

“… Judge McEwen was charged with egregious misconduct by the Pennsylvania Judicial Commission.”

“When Judge McEwen’s neighbors called the police complaining about a loud party at her house, the cops responded and discovered ten teenagers boozing it up, of all of whom were underage and all of whom were arrested. One of the teens was McEwen’s grandson Matthew Keller.”

“Subsequently, the case was assigned to Judge David Heckler who found all of them guilty; however, Keller didn’t appear in court but was fined $200 + $121.64 in court costs by Heckler. Shortly thereafter, Judge McEwen illegally “altered” Judge Heckler’s court ruling by crossing out the $300 fine and substituting it with $150.”

“Officer Outland attempted to offer an explanation of the circumstances to Judge McEwen, but she continued to scream calling him a “Bastard” and “Stupid Asshole.”

“You Asshole, I can’t believe you called me out for this.”

“Upon leaving the courthouse, Judge McEwen continued to point her finger and yell at Officer Outland, referring to the police as a bunch of “Stupid Assholes”

“Knowing she would be found guilty of egregious misconduct and likely removed from the bench, Judge McEwen did what any respectable coward would do, she resigned, which caused the charges against her to be dismissed.”

ATTACHMENT J – Court of Judicial Discipline
ORDER June 24, 2010

“the Complaint filed by the Judical Conduct Board in this case is marked withdrawn and the case closed, without prejudice.”

ATTACHMENT K – Expose Corrupt Courts
“Is It Too Much to Ask That Employees Stop Altering Court Records?” July 1, 2009
“Judge Accused of Altering Her Grandson’s Court File, Calling Cop an “A$$#@!=”
July 1, 2009

“altering official records”

“indecorous language and behavior towards a police officer”

“engaging in conduct that prejudices the proper administration of justice”

“engaging in activity that brings the judicial office into disrepute”

“The board also charged McEwen with violating Rule 2A of the Rules Governing Standards of Conduct of Magisterial District Judges, which states that district judges ‘shall respect and comply with the law and shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary’ and ‘shall not allow their family, social or other relationships to influence their judicial conduct or judgment.” The board argued McEwen was also in violation of Rule 8A of the district judge rules, which requires district judges to recuse themselves from cases “in which their impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”

Their relationships with county personnel shows they had the personnel and resources in place to conduct their criminal enterprise and avoid detection where county officers ignored and failed to respond to issues when brought to their attention.

It can be demonstrated on the court record (documents, letters and notices, etc) that the Defendant has been denied access to the court, and denied any opportunity for hearings; denied the opportunity to present testimony and provide evidence; and his property has been unconstitutionally taken using an improperly applied default process in favor of a plaintiff who lacks proper standing to bring this matter before the court.

For these reasons, and possibly others, an improper default action has been attempted which prevents any judicial review of any facts, evidence, testimony, etc.

The denial of access to the courts is being perpetrated by persons in positions of authority who have refused to meet; speak; respond to letters, documents, court petitions, court orders, etc;
-They have additionally deliberately neglected to sign any documents, or indicate responsibility for the decision making authority or applicable law under which their action, or in-action, is appropriate.

-They have additionally filed false reports, or made false statements, regarding the Defendant (and others) which have lead to the harassment of the Defendant (and others) by other county personnel – who know the deception involved and are ‘following orders’.

“Our secret to success is when we all stick together,” [Waltman] said.

Any law which is preventing a litigant from access to the courts is unconstitutional as it is denying a right protected by the Pennsylvania Constitution and the Constitution of the United States.
– This is the reason that County Officials neglect to substantiate or indicate the applicable law which supports their actions/inaction.
– This is the reason that documents are not signed.
– Elected officials, and their employees, have a responsibility by law and are ultimately responsible for the negligence and corruption within their departments.


ATTACHMENT L – Office of Prothonotary

Indicates Patricia L. Bachtle as Prothonotary
Indicates Nicole Waltman as First Deputy

Indicates Patricia L. Bachtle as Prothonotary
Indicates Nicole Waltman as First Deputy
Timestamp: November 2, 2016
Form revised 03/2012

Rule 1037.B
Rule 1037.B provides for the Default resolution of a matter by the Prothonotary upon praecipe by the Plaintiff.

Rule 1037.b is unconstitutional in that it unfairly provides procedures to the Plaintiff in litigation which are not similarly provided to the Defendant. This unfair practice denies the Defendant of “fairness” and his right to due process of law.

Rule 1037.B has been enacted by the Judiciary pursuant to their power to prescribe by general rule the practice and procedure in civil actions for the courts of common pleas.

The rulemaking authority of the judiciary requires “such rules are consistent with Constitution and neither abridge, enlarge nor modify the substantive right of any litigant.”

The General Assembly, by Act of June 21, 1937, P. L. 1982, as amended, 17 P. S. § 61 et seq. (repealed), vested in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania the power to prescribe by general rule the practice and procedure in civil actions for the courts of common pleas. This concept was incorporated into the Constitution of 1968, Article V, Section 10(c) which continued to vest in the Supreme Court:

‘‘. . . the power to prescribe general rules governing practice, procedure, and conduct of all courts . . . if such rules are consistent with Constitution and neither abridge, enlarge nor modify the substantive right of any litigant, nor affect the right of the General Assembly to determine the jurisdiction of any court or justice of peace, nor suspend nor alter any statute of limitation or repose. All laws shall be suspended to the extent that they are inconsistent with rules prescribed under these provisions.’’

A clear conflict of interest exists for the judiciary to review the constitutionality of a Rule which the judiciary has improperly enacted without any constitutional review.


IN AN ATTEMPT TO CONCEAL THE CORRUPTION OF THE COUNTY OFFICERS, the Pennsylvania Legislature has been presented with legislation which would move several county departments, and elected Row Offices, under the direct responsibility of the Judiciary. The legislation has not moved forward in any of the last six (6) sessions of the Pennsylvania Legislature. A clear indication that the Legislature is aware of the deception involved in this effort.

It can be demonstrated that the Defendant has attempted to engage and solicit the efforts of the elected county officials, departments and law enforcement. Those requests have been ignored.

Email – April 23, 2013 – Doylestown Township Police – Eva Gebre
Letter – November 1, 2013 – Judge Rea Boylan
Fax – November 1, 2013 – Judge Rea Boylan
Letter – March 11, 2014 – Judge Rea Boylan
Letter – March 11, 2014 – President Judge Jeffrey Finley (cc)
Letter – March 11, 2014 – former President Judge Susan Scott (cc)
Letter – March 11, 2014 – Patricia Bachtle, Prothonotary (cc)
Fax – March 11, 2014 – Judge Rea Boylan
Fax – March 11, 2014 – President Judge Jeffrey Finley (cc)
Fax – March 11, 2014 – former President Judge Susan Scott (cc)
Fax – March 11, 2014 – Patricia Bachtle, Prothonotary (cc)
Notice – Letter & Fax March 11, 2014
Email – March 26, 2014 – Bucks County District Attorney – David Heckler
Letter – May 29, 2015 – Judge Robert J. Mellon
Letter – May 29, 2015 – Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane (cc)
Letter – May 29, 2015 – Chief Counsel Judicial Conduct Board Robertn Graci (cc)
Letter – May 29, 2015 – Bucks County Sheriff – Edward Donnelly (cc)
Letter – June 5, 2015 – Central Bucks Regional Police – Pat Penecale
Letter – June 8, 2015 – Bucks County Sheriff – Edward Donnelly
Letter – June 25, 2015 – Bucks County District Attorney – David Heckler
Letter – July 6, 2015 – Bucks County Sheriff – Edward Donnelly
Letter – Feb 11, 2016 – Bucks County Sheriff – Edward Donnelly
Email – Feb, 16, 2016 – Judge Rea Boylan
Letter – February 18, 2016 – from Office of Court Administration (UNSIGNED)
Letter – March 14, 2016 – Bucks County Sheriff – Edward Donnelly
Letter – March 14, 2016 – Office of Court Administration – Douglas Praul
Letter – March 14, 2016 – Office of Court Administration – Robert Pollack
Letter – March 14, 2016 – Office of Court Administration – Thomas Stoehr
Letter – March 14, 2016 – Office of Court Administration – Carmen G. Thorne
Letter – March 14, 2016 – Office of Court Administration – Steve Watson
Letter – March 14, 2016 – Office of Court Administration – Rhona Nagelberg
Letter – March 14, 2016 – Judge Rea Boylan (cc)
Letter – March 14, 2016 – Judge Jeffrey Finley (cc)
Letter – March 14, 2016 – Office of the Attorney General – Jonathan Deucker (cc)
Letter – March 14, 2016 – Central Bucks Regional Police Department – Lance Carlen(cc)
Letter – March 28, 2016 – Pennsylvania Attorney General – Kathleen Kane
Email – December 8, 2016 – Bucks County Sheriff – Edward Donnelly
Fax – Decenber 8, 2016 – Bucks County Sheriff – Edward Donnelly
Notice – Email & Fax December 8, 2016 – Bucks County Sheriff – Edward Donnelly



Meetings have been requested with Patricia Bachtle EACH time documents were filed in the matters. THE REQUESTS WERE IGNORED.

Prothonotary Staff regularly made excuses for the unavailability of the Prothonotary, and the inability to schedule a meeting.

Documents were served upon Patricia Bachtle. THERE WAS NO RESPONSE.

Prothonotary staff was challenged when documents presented to the Prothonotary were not posted to the docket on multiple occasions.

When time-stamped copies were presented, the Documents were then filed/docketed using an incorrect date on the Docket. Prothonotary staff insisted there was no way to adjust the date. Meetings were requested with Patricia Bachtle. THE REQUESTS WERE IGNORED.

When seeking to take a default where the plaintiff had failed to respond to ANY filings, the time-stamped documents had again not been entered. Second Deputy Patricia Zimmerman proceed to back-date the documents on the docket, and produce back-dated time-stamped bar coded stickers for the documents. A PRACTICE AND ABILITY WHICH HAD BEEN VEHEMENTLY DENIED IN THE PAST WHEN CHANGES TO THE DOCKET WERE INDICATED. Meetings were requested with Patricia Bachtle. THE REQUESTS WERE IGNORED.

Further, Terance Healy, a witness to the conversations with the Prothonotary staff, was removed from the Prothonotary at the direction of Patricia Bachtle by County Deputies. There was no reason provided by County Deputies acting on the direction of “the woman who’s name is on the door.”

County Deputies had come to know the Defendant, and Terance Healy, as they regularly accompanied each other to the Courthouse when filing and serving documents to county officials. Deputies indicated there had been no reports or incidents regarding their activities at the courthouse.

Filings related to the Defendant’s request for the Default, were not filed by the Prothonotary.

Filings related to the Defendant’s request for the Default, were not acted upon by the Prothonotary.

Filings related to the Defendant’s request for the Default, have reportedly been returned to the Defendant BUT HAVE NOT BEEN RECEIVED BY THE DEFENDANT, nor has any indication of the actions of the Prothonotary been filed/docketed in the matters..

The First Deputy Prothonotary, Nicole Waltman, has held that position for years.

A man believed to be her husband, John I. Waltman, has been named in an indictment (Attachment A) by the US Attorney.

The indictment (Attachment A) having included an ability to obtain ‘sham default judgments’.

The Prothonotary has provided and delivered ‘sham default judgments’ in the above named matters, while the Defendant HAS NOT DEFAULTED and has responded to each document filed by the Plaintiff and been prevented from any hearings on any issue.

The deliberate failure and negligence of Patricia Bachtle, Prothonotary, to perform (or supervise) the responsibilities of the elected office while providing improper, unsubstantiated and unlawful default judgments (sham default judgments) which deny the Defendant of real property is cause for investigation.

Prothonotary staff has become nervous and agitated at the Defendant when he presents documents to be filed in the matters.

Prothonotary staff has become defensive where the Defendant has asked to address the issues with Patricia Bachtle, Prothonotary.

Requests for Investigation have been made to the Bucks County Prothonotary.

Requests for Investigation have been made to the Bucks County District Attorney.

Requests for Investigation have been made to the Bucks County Sheriff.

Requests for Investigation have been made to the Bucks County Commissioners.

Requests for Investigation have been made to the Bucks County Recorder of Deeds. THE REQUESTS HAVE BEEN IGNORED.

Requests for Investigation have been made to the Pennsylvania Attorney General.


Improper and unlawful default judgments have been presented to Bucks County Sheriff Edward Donnelly.

The errors and problems with the judgments have been brought to the attention of the Sheriff and the staff within the Sheriff’s office.

The Sheriff has failed to acknowledge, or investigate, or respond to the reports of errors, problems with unsubstantiated default orders issued by the Prothonotary

Ignoring the ‘sham default judgments’, the Sheriff has proceeded to offer the Defendants property at monthly Sheriff’s sales.

Lieutenant Thomas Waltman, has been an employee of the Bucks County Sheriffs Department – her reports to the Sheriff and his responsibilities include supervising the sergeants who in turn supervise the deputies who comprise the department.

There is reason to believe that a relationship exists between Thomas Waltman and John I. Waltman, who has been named in an indictment (Attachment A) by the US Attorney.

The indictment (Attachment A) having included an ability to use ‘sham default judgments’ to obtain property or documents relating to concealing money laundering acitivites described in the indictment.

The Sheriffs department has been used in attempts to harrass, intimidate and slander the Defendant, including improper arrest and detainment based on an ‘imagined’ bench warrant; posting of the Defendants photograph at the entrance to the Courthouse under the title ****THREATS***THREATS***THREATS” and suggesting the Defendant has “harassed judges in the past” (ATTACHMENT N)

The Sheriffs Department has additionally harassed, intimidated and detained Terance Healy for over two hours based on the same ‘imagined’ bench warrant.

Even after producing a valid Pennsylvania Drivers License which indicated he was NOT the person named on the purported bench warrant, Healy was detained for over two hours, his drivers license was held while he was photographed, fingerprinted, subjected to inquiry, subjected to a line up, etc by Bucks County Sheriffs Department Deputies who refused to produce the warrant when requested, and who failed to provide any report of the incident when requested.

It is important to note that the Defendant and Mr. Healy were frequently at the courthouse to address the activites necessary for the above-listed matters. They were familiar, friendly, and known by the deputies and other courthouse personnel.

The fraudulent sales of the Defendant’s properties and the harassment and intimidation efforts of the Sheriffs Department have been reported to the Bucks County Sheriff. THE REPORTS HAVE BEEN IGNORED.

The fraudulent sales of the Defendant’s properties and the harassment and intimidation efforts of the Sheriffs Department have been reported to the Bucks County District Attorney. THE REPORTS HAVE BEEN IGNORED.

The fraudulent sales of the Defendant’s properties and the harassment and intimidation efforts of the Sheriffs Department have been reported to the Bucks County Commissioners. THE REPORTS HAVE BEEN IGNORED.

The fraudulent sales of the Defendant’s properties and the harassment and intimidation efforts of the Sheriffs Department have been reported to the Pennsylvania Attorney General. THE REPORTS HAVE BEEN IGNORED.


The Defendant has requested investigation of the fraud and corruption to the Bucks County District Attorney on multiple occasions. THE REQUESTS HAVE BEEN IGNORED.

The Defendant has filed and served the Bucks County District Attorney with documents which detail the fraudulent activities seeking investigation and prosecution of the crimes involved. THE REQUESTS HAVE BEEN IGNORED.

The Defendant has requested the escalation of the matter to the appropriate level of law enforcement where the Bucks County District Attorney lacks jurisdiction or has a conflict of interest in the matter. THERE HAS BEEN NO RESPONSE.


The Defendant has provided copies of the documents delivered to the Prothonotary, Sheriff and District Attorney, and other law enforcement officials to the Bucks County Commissioners seeking assistance in resolving the matters. THERE HAS BEEN NO RESPONSE.

The Defendant has requested the assistance of the Bucks County Commissioners to obtain information about the actions/inactions of the Prothonotary, Sheriff and District Attorney. THERE HAS BEEN NO RESPONSE.

The Defendant has requested the assistance of the Bucks County Commissioners to escalate the matter to the proper level of law enforcement (including the Pennsylvania Attorney General, and the US Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania). THERE HAS BEEN NO RESPONSE.


The Defendant has advised the Bucks County Recorder of Deeds of the fraudulent conveyance of properties, sham default orders and the fraudulent statements which appear on documents filed with the Recorder of Deeds office. THERE HAS BEEN NO RESPONSE.

The Defendant is aware that the Recorder of Deeds accepts responsibility only for the filing of documents and has no legal obligation to verify or confirm any detail information.

The Recorder of Deeds has no legal authority for refusing to accept documents which have been formatted properly regardless of the validity of statements in the documents.

The Recorder of Deeds is aware that he has no authority to restrict, deny or prevent the filing of fraudulent documents with his office.


Bucks County Court of Common Pleas

Case# 2011-00193 (232 entries)

Case# 2012-05546 (91 entries)

Case# 2013-07214 (179 entries)

Superior Court of Pennsylvania
Case# 400 MT 2013
Case# 1767 EDA 2016
Case# 943 EDA 2014

United States Bankruptcy Court

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

Case #13-4614

Incorporated by Reference
-served upon the state Attorney General(s) of the United States,
-copies to the state Governors of the United States
-distributed to Pennsylvania Government (Executive, Legislative and Judiciary- Supreme Court), the Sheriffs of Pennsylvania,
-distributed to United States Government (Executive, Legislative and Judiciary – Supreme Court),

United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals

Case #13-4591

Incorporated by Reference
-served upon the state Attorney General(s) of the United States


at Background paragraph#5
“you need to sue the layers, they are all in on it” meaning the scam and scheme of fraudulent and unlawful foreclosures being conducted in the name of the servicers who had no real ownership or interest in the note and thus no right or authority to conduct a foreclosure.


The lawyers’ creation of a “strawman” when coupled with the relentless pursuit of constant and exhausting unfounded litigation for a plaintiff without standing;
or without any requirement to produce standing;
or where standing is purportedly concealed by confidentiality, or privilege;
or where lawful standing has been excused by UNCONSTITUTIONAL and IMPROPER action of the state judiciary;
or where default authority is improperly delegated outside the judiciary;
or where a local rule
…enables a situation where any person may experience the theft of their property while denied their constitutionally protected rights and any protection of the law
WHILE GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS AND EVERY LEVEL OF STATE AND FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDS IDLE only indicating that the crime is not within their jurisdiction – a misdirection which prevents law enforcement from indicating that the judiciary has endorsed the theft of property when perpetrated by lawyers.

A situation enabled and caused when the American Bar Association presented their unethical, unlawful and immoral rules to the state Supreme Courts – and once enacted by the Supreme Courts, the improper and unconstitutional laws were prevented from exposure pursuant to an aggressively enforced CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION (Rule 1.6) which similarly was improperly enacted and unconstitutional.

The situation further exasperated by the McDade-Murtha Act which was mocked for creating “THE CORRUPT POLITICIANS’ PROTECTION BOARD”, A stripped down McDade Murtha provision became the “Citizens Protection Act of 1998” which was included in H.R. 4276 the House Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary appropriations bill, preventing federal law enforcement efforts through improperly enacted and unconstitutional laws of the state judiciary(s).

McDade-Murtha is an unconstitutional delegation of the Legislative Authority of the US Congress to each state Judiciary – which is prevented from any Constitutional Challenge or review because of the UNDENIABLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST of the judiciary – the self appointed deciders of ‘constitutionality’ since Marbury v. Madison.

A conspiracy by the American Bar Association which undermined the authority of the state and federal judiciary. An act of treason against the American government concealed by the aggressively enforced mandate of Confidentiality of Information (Rule 1.6) – improperly enacted and unconstitutional in every state. An aggressive and violent rape of the public trust.


The Criminal Prosecution of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane demonstrates the use of false prosecution by several Pennsylvania District Attorneys for the purpose of concealing the conspiracy.

Bucks County Assistant District Attorney, Michelle Henry
Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Ferman
Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele
Pennsylvania Attorney General Bruce Castor
Pennsylvania Attorney General Bruce Beemer

The Defendant has no recourse. The Bucks County Judiciary has been removed from the matter.

The government and law enforcement officials with proper jurisdiction who are responsible for their duties defined by law have deliberately neglected their responsibilities which has resulted in the fraudulent conveyance of the Defendant’s property.

The Defendant has been subjected to harassment, abuse and the theft of his property; denied EVERY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT; and prevented from any protection of the Rule of Law.

The fraud is obvious. The failure of government officials to act is inexcusable.

The Defendant requests the immediate action by your office.