
It’s been 2 days since I reported the access issues regarding my Network Solutions account.

Network Solutions is still unable to determine why my account has a LEGAL BLOCK on it. This is not just one domain. It is my overall account which I am not able to access.

The FBI has indicated that
… if they are investigating I might not be contacted by them.
… if they are not investigating I might not hear from them.
How do you determine the difference?


Why is this site being blocked from access by computers connected to the internet through the Pennsylvania Network?

Stranger still is the consideration that while the Republicans cannot get to the content on my web site, the Democrats can access it.

Is this a Constitutional First Amendment issue? or just another method to hinder my communication on the overwhelming volume of issues.

For the record, I have always voted based on the character of the person, not their political party.


It would seem there is some sort of LEGAL BLOCK on the web site preventing me from doing any maintenance.

Denying me access to my email accounts which I have used for everything for the last 18-20 years.

Network Solutions cannot explain the LEGAL BLOCK.

Network Solutions did indicate it was not a part of the activity on March 10, 2011 initiated by Nelly Neben of Axis Artist Management.

I know Nelly Neben lied to me about the site status. WHY?

Did Host Gator notify the FBI as I had requested when Rita’s site was hacked in January 2011?

Who attempted to gain control of the site in January 2011? !0 Minute phone call trying to get access to the site.
I realized years ago when they hacked the site to redirect the surveillance data through a site (and IP address) I would not block, that they would have to come back to remove their code.

They had initially done this redirect through the JustinGuarini.com site. Their activity was revealed because even after I stopped handling the JustinGuarini site, traffic was as busy as ever. It was not until the email exchange and conversation about responsibility change for the site happened when the traffic stopped to JustinGuarini.com and moved to Rita Coolidge.com.

I asked HostGator to store the backups in 2007 and 2008 as the hackers were continuing.

When is the FBI going to get involved in the crimes committed against me and everyone who attempts to help and support me?


Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio has swept the following outstanding petitions under the rug in one Order dated April 14, 2011.

At a hearing in Equitable Distribution, I continually pointed out that there are financial considerations in outstanding petitions which needed to be resolved before proceeding to ED. The Judge assured me those hearings would happen and rescheduled some of them from June 2011 to May 5, 2011. When any of the topics included in the outstanding petitions were raised, I called it to the court’s attention and was assured that the matter woul dbe heard prior to ruling.

I made it clear that the Outstanding petitions affected Equitable Distribution and financials. Each time assured that the Judge would hear the petitions. AND NOW SHE HAS ATTEMPTED TO HIDE THE MATTER COMPLETELY.

Judge Carluccio has also completely and blatantly denied due process in the matters which date back to July 2007. There has never been a hearing on the issues involved. Though it was called to the courts attention on March 29, that the paperwork provided for me to sign in indicated the wrong matter for the hearing that day. I also indicated that the court schedule indicated the wrong matters for the hearing that day. The judge issue an order for an Equitable distribution hearing. So 3 different ‘documents’ indicating the purpose for the hearing that day. The judge was clear it was just on ED.

Judge Carluccio has also completely violated Pennsylvania Law which states:
No judgment may be entered by default or on the pleadings.

The issues being hidden by this order have finally been documented. Each time any issue has been documented,they have found ways to delay opr prevent any hearing. Recall the Custody Hearing was delayed until days before my son’s 18th birthday. The hearing was limited to a few hours.

What they are hiding:
1. Ethics Issues with each of the Judges and Masters
Judge DelRicci
Judge Bertin
Judge Tilson
Judge Barrett
Judge Carluccio
Sara Goren
2. Ethics Issues with Angst & Angst
3. Perjury
4. Unsworn Falsification to Authorities
5. False Reports to law enforcement authorities
– Falsely incriminating another
– Fictitious Reports
6. Falsification and Intimidation
7. False Swearing
8. False Alarms to agencies of Public Safety
9. Tampering with public records or information


No judgment may be entered by default or on the pleadings.

Judge Carluccio is violating this rule in order to prevent the entry of any exhibit which will expose the corrupt actions of the pior judges on this case.

Judge Carluccio is extending the impunity granted to the plaintiff on the case. The definition of inpunity clearly indicates the situation which has prevented any justice in this case and permitted the continued harassment and terror for over 5 years.

Impunity – the impossibility, de jure or de facto, of bringing the perpetrators of violations to account – whether in criminal, civil, administrative or disciplinary proceedings – since they are not subject to any inquiry that might lead to their being accused, arrested, tried and if found guilty, sentenced to appropriate penalties, and to making reparations to their victims.

Impunity arises from a failure to meet obligations to investigate violations, to take appropriate measures in respect of the perpetrators, particularly in the area of justice, by ensuring that those suspected of criminal responsibility are prosecuted, tried and duly punished; to provide victims with effective remedies and to ensure that they receive reparation for the injuries suffered; to ensure the inalienable right to know the truth about violations; and to take other necessary steps to prevent a recurrence of violations.


The Setup

Chris Butler wanted to be a media celebrity and a badass, until he made what turned out to be a big mistake. He asked Diablo to write about him.

By Peter Crooks



After surviving over 5 years of harassment and terror… and I have one thing yet to learn. Where to find help. I do know the only available exit is my death or their prosecution.

Hate crimes happen and no one cares until someone is dead. They fake caring for a few days, and await the next death. I can only pray I am next, and it is swift. Murder is too qiuck, They wouldn’t enjoy it. Slow terror and torment via injustice.

Because no one cares about my little disappointments.

But when I am gone, my children get the burden, and the attackers will turn towards them. Because they might have an interest someday, and a case for what they know happened to their father, at the hands of their mother, the lawyers, the police, the judges, the detectives, the security companies… All those people who are suppose to make you feel safe, they destroyed the man.


ACLU: Mississippi’s drug enforcement tactics amount to a ‘reign of terror’
By Eric W. Dolan
Monday, March 28th, 2011 — 10:14 pm

Harsh sentencing policies and the use of confidential informants has created a racially discriminatory criminal justice system in Mississippi that harms innocent individuals and erodes the rule of law, according to a report released Monday by the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Mississippi.

Mississippi’s drug laws force judges to abide by a harsh set of mandatory minimum sentences for people convicted of nonviolent drug crimes and allow for extraordinarily high maximum sentences. Data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics showed that the average state prison sentence for drug sales in the United States was 5.7 years, compared to the current average of 10.4 years in Mississippi. Similarly, for drug possession, the average prison sentence was 4.5 years, compared to 7.2 years in Mississippi.

In addition, black Mississippians are three times more likely than whites to go to prison on drug charges, despite the fact that both groups use drugs at virtually identical rates.

“Excessive reliance on imprisonment in Mississippi’s drug policy is wrongheaded and wasteful, senselessly incarcerating those who do not belong behind bars, at significant taxpayer expense,” the ACLU’s report said. “Public safety and the rule of law would be better served through a health-based solution that provides treatment and counseling to low-level drug offenders — replacing spiteful punishment with reasoned rehabilitation that furthers the best interests of both offenders and society at large.”

Federal funding for state and local agencies encourages the mass arrest of low-level perpetrators, according to the report, because it simply rewards every arrest for a drug-related crime, regardless of the impact on crime rates or pubic safety.

“Logically flawed, this ‘numbers game’ approach to law enforcement is especially irrational and destructive in the context of drug policing, where there exist essentially limitless quantities of arrestable drug users as well as prospective dealers eager to fill the shoes and take the business of those arrested,” the report stated.

The “numbers game” approach has fueled the use of confidential informants, which law enforcement claim are necessary for identifying those who commit crimes. Rather than target high-level drug dealers, law enforcement typically arrest large quantities of small-time offenders, who accept plea bargains and become informants to avoid facing Mississippi’s harsh sentencing statutes.

“This is a vicious cycle, and, barring a change in policy, it will continue to ensnare an exponentially growing number of Mississippians,” the report warned. “The widespread recruitment of community members as informants, coupled with aggressive police tactics and excessive sentencing policies, results in a ‘police state’ atmosphere that should not be tolerated anywhere in America, and that must not be tolerated in Mississippi.”

In a statement released with the report, Executive Director of the ACLU of Mississippi Nsombi Lambright said there was an “urgent need to reform the policies that govern the drug enforcement system as a whole in Mississippi.”


Jamie Kronic. (or JAIME KRONIC )

In 2007, Jamie worked for Awareness Technologies and confirmed the method used to illegally install their software on my computers…. Jamie also confirmed other items.

This was done in exchange for the method I used to detect and confirm their program was installed and running on my computer.

I heard months later she was fired just after that call.

Jamie Kronic was the only honest and responsible person at Awareness Technologies. She heard the devastation being caused by their illegally installed program on my family.

Jamie, if you read this, please contact law enforcement. They are still attacking.


In December 2007, I sought a Protection From Abuse Order to stop the computer and phone harassment. The following documents were included with the PFA Request.

Two weekes later, Judge Tilson cancelled the PFA Order indicating that Pennsylvania Law was not ready for 1984. (Yes, it was 2008. Over 20 years later. )

Now in March 2011, I stand by every allegation and statement still… and the proof has become even clearer.

Computer Surveillance
Landline Phone Tap
Cell Phone Surveillance
Accoustic Harassment
Affects of Harassment

The last line in the Summary document shouts out loudly from the past:

The entire process has effectively destroyed me personally, professionally and financially and prevents any future recovery.

I wrote that in December 2007. I was right. The only difference is now, 4 years later, I include ’emotionally’ in the list and I have been so close to suicide so many times.


In the land line phone tap document, I mention downloading a document. The PDF was titled DCS-1300. I thought it was a phone switch model number (Digital Communications Switch). I had searched the web for the exact statement made by the machine when it answered the phone number which kept appearing. I found out later that the document was for the FBI Digital Collection System.


ADDITIONALLY… When I switched to ONEBILL with Verizon. They combined my Verizon Wireless Bill with my Verizon (landline) bill… it would seem their program accidentally charged ME for the surveillance charge. Making my bill about $700 higher than it should have been. BUT, NEITHER VERIZON NOR VERIZON WIRELESS COULD EXPLAIN THE CHARGE OR JUSTIFY THE REMOVAL OF THE CHARGE WITHOUT EXPOSING THE SURVEILLANCE. So no matter how many times they pointed me to the other side of Verizon AND no matter how many hours I spent on the phone with them, there was no way to resolve the issue.

The Cell Phone surveillance was reported to FBI and Secret Service. No Action. Each subsequent cell phone has been hacked, I watched for the cell phone behaving differently. The most extreme time was when the protective plastic cover for the screen, somehow returned to the phone. I had removed it weeks earlier, yet there it was again? NOW HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT HAPPENING? Perhaps the person who swapped out the phone forgot to remove it. He disappeared and I have not seen him since that day.

The logo I mention which appeared in multiple places inside the program code and suddenly on the phone once hacked. It was the BlueTooth logo. Bluetooth was still new technology. Bluetooth allowed them to talk to their other surveillance devices in the house. Having control of my phone allowed them access to computers and other devices…. like remote cameras and cable television boxes (Cable Boxes had an large number of active MAC addresses.)

The Accoustic Noise. Well, I confirmed that it was controlled by remote control. It would seem that they could turn it up as needed. The noise stopped after a visit by Police. When they were leaving they asked if there was anythign they could do to help. I said “Yes, advise Cheif Brady that when I detected the private investigator harassing actions 3 years ago (August 2007), wasn’t he supposed to back off?” Well, the private investigator hasn’t. I’ve been tortured and terrorized by him for the last several years.” In what many would suggest is a coincidence, the noise stopped the next day.

It did return during January 2011 for a few weeks. Only to stop again in February after I went to Police to report the civil rights violation by Judge Rhonda Daniele… and the other judges. At that time I also gave the police the name of the company I beleived to be the private investigators. A company known as Foresight Investigations… which incidentally was formerly known as RETIRED FBI AGENTS.
