
“I have three things to say to my children. First, Daddy loves you. Second, you are my three most favorite people in the world. And last, that you are to stick together no matter how old you get or how far apart you live. Because it is like Grandma always said. The only thing you really have in this world is your family.” – Tom Ball, June 2011

On Wednesday, June 15, 2011, Tom Ball found the courage to find peace. There are those who attack him further in blogs and comments on the story. Those who haven’t lived the struggle, they just don’t understand.

Man found on fire dies One has to wonder that a man who has endured 10 years of litigation and court appearances is unknown to the people at the courthouse.

Last statement sent to Sentinel from self-immolation victim After 10 years, try getting your thoughts together… when attacked from all sides…


No one helped him… WCVB Television. The characterization of him is oddly unfair. No one gives any credibility to his story. They don’t even check. That’s why he had to resort to the extreme. No one listened. No one cared. No one does. And should they find themselves in the same place, they will find there’s no one to help them either.

They destroyed a man… and they attack him still. At least he found peace and doesn’t have to suffer their attacks anymore.

I read the story on Tom Ball. I cried. I know he found peace. I know it was a painful decision.

The family courts are not about justice or truth. It is about prolonging pain and suffering. It is about destroying people. Destroying families.

My story is similarly tragic. I just don’t have the strength or ability to kill myself. So I stay alive another day to be further victimized.

I was in Rindge, NH last week. I went there to escape my nightmare away from the pain of the 5 years of my terroristic divorce. Away from everyone, the piles of legal paperwork, a life in disarray, supporters who can’t bear to see me face another painful day. No car. No internet. I escaped. I can only imagine that my path and Tom Ball’s may have crossed when I took a walk from the lake to the Walmart on 202. Had we met, I couldn’t have saved him, but he may have felt like someone understood. I find no satisfaction or comfort in knowing that there are others out there suffering. There is no strength in numbers of destroyed fathers. My pain only grows when I hear of the others.

On Wednesday morning, It was a beautiful day. As the sun was rising I was out in the middle of Lake Monomonac in a kayak asking myself why I should paddle back to shore. To return home to the shambles created by the Family Courts that never ends… never gets resolved… to return for more corruption and hate.

For Tom Ball it was a good day to die. I wish him peace…


June 17, 2011 @ 5:23PM
I have an insurance check from liberty mutual for $1758.24 to cover the water marks in the house. There will be a second check for $767.51 after I provide them with the receipts for the repair. Thje check requires both of our signatures. can I bring to you with your mail to get ur signature? I have a copy of the check and estimate for you as well.

June 17, 2011 @ 5:35pm
i am unaware of your insurance claim. i will sign the checks at arbitration.

I have lived terrorized for the last 4 years.
I have dealt with each attack as best I could.
I have cried for weeks at a time.
I have cried at every holiday.
I have cried every day in 2011.
Even though I have been terrorized, i have done NOTHING to retaliate for the abuse.
I haven’t cheated, lied, stolen, threatened, stalked, harassed, pursued,…

Without any other choice, I have submitted to the abuse.
I have begged for the law to be enforced. IT ISN’T.

There is no comfort in my life at all.
I can’t bathe
I can’t dress
I can’t eat
I can’t rest
I can’t sit
I can’t cook
I can’t sleep
I can’t think
I can’t talk
I can’t plan ahead
I can’t do anything, or go anywhere and not be reminded of the struggle I survived or the struggle to continue
I can’t watch television without constant reminders of what is lost and how no one helps.
This is no life.
There is nothing I can do to escape even mentally for a few minutes.
The constant reminder of the evil that is destroying me is in my face every minute of my day.

I did nothing to harm anyone… and no one ever helped me.
I cry. I pray for peace. It doesn’t come.
I CRY. I have searched for hope everywhere I possible could. It’s not there.


Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge indicated that he felt the government made a major mistake when it came to surveillance. He was the first head of the Dept of Homeland Security

Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell revealed the inappropriate surveillance that the State of Pennsylvania had sub-contracted out to private investigators. He ended those contractos.

A private investigator has been harassing, terrorizing and trying to set me up for over 4 years. The private investigator has complete impunity.

The county can’t very well prosecute the private investigators, when they are using them to handle their unwarranted surveillance.

A private investigator with impunity, can violate any law without any repercussions.

If a private citizen hires that private investigator, they inherit the impunity and their target gets annihilated.

In a divorce, it destroys everything. I have experienced it… and survived. A regretful survival. The longer I survive the more I am terrorized.


Malice? Is it easy to prove? When does the carelessness become malice?

Judge Carolyn Carluccio demonstrates spite and malice and the intent to continue to terrorize and harass.

I’m not the first victim of her “unappealable order” tactic. It shows her intent is to continue to terrorize me.

1. allowing unethical ex parte communications with Angst & Angst.
2. intentionally scheduling hearings out 6 months on her calendar
3. lying from the bench.
4. attempting to defraud.
5. intimidation
6. denial of due process/procedure
7. denial of PA Law
8. obstruction of justice
9. her fraudulent review of the docket
10. her cancellation of 9 enforcement and contempt hearings
11. the policy to attempt to conceal her fraudulent review of the docket.
12. and that shhhing hissing admin of hers who makes false allegations to the court security.
13. failure to schedule any proceedings since her fraudulent invalid unappealable order was issued.
(while my life is further destroyed and attacked based on her orders)

Yea, I think that may be proof of MALICE. It is EVIL.

Then she stole your home away from you… and you didn’t kill yourself.
I cry for hours at a time each day… I wish I had the power to find peace, but they won’t stop until I am dead.
There is no hiding. There is no escape. Their malice is inescapable. They believe themselves to be the law.
The truth is not recognized. Justice is absent. Terror is real.

” Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose. ”
– Kris Kristofferson

For the last week I sit crying, out of control… after 4 years of terror. Every aspect of my life under attack and I SURVIVED only to be evicted from my home which I must continue to pay for while she is there destroying everything left in the house. My lifeful of memories arrives in trash bags distributed to other people who bring them to me.

Evicted by an invalid court order designed to keep the case in Judge Carluccio’s court while she terrorizes me. WHY?

WHAT THE HELL DID I DO TO THE COUNTY THAT HAS 8 JUDGES AGAINST ME? IF I WAS WRONG, WHY HAVEN’T I BEEN CHARGED, ACCUSED, CONVICTED? Why terrorize the survivor? The target? The victim? All because I didn’t succumb to the drugs they put in front of me. They tried to set me up for 4 years. I’m stronger than that. So they continue to terrorize me to the point of suicide being a better option to life.

IT IS LONG TIME THAT THE COUNTY INDICATES TO WHOM THEY SUBCONTRACT THEIR SURVEILLANCE SO THAT ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE CAN ASSIST THEM IN THEIR DRUG WAR? PErfect eh? Contract illegal surveillance out to subcontractors and then NEVER prosecute them if they get caught. If some vengeful wife uses them to cover her crimes and harass her husband. SHE INHERITS THEIR IMPUNITY. And her husband gets destroyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT SUBCONTRACTOR IS THE SOURCE OF THE DRUGS. THE DISTRIBUTION POINT. THE SET UP POINT. With locations in Conshohocken, Lansdale, Pottstown, New Hope, and Philadelphia… It was where their addicts always stopped before coming to visit me to clean up, get some food and sleep/rest. When their addicts got a bit out of control, they were sent to rehab, only to return right back into the drug scene as soon as they left rehab. I guess that allowed the collective conscience to be cleared even though they copnsidered these people as disposable.

So now I am living out of trash bags, knowing my personal items, my memories, my life is being destroyed and thrown in garbage bags. And all the while I have no bed to sleep in, my bed is at the house I am paying for until it is sold. I pay but cana ot live there.

My wife violated every court order, and I am the one who gets destroyed and punished. I have never hurt a soul in my life. Yet, I get destroyed. She gets away with terror, harassment, destruction, lies, perjury, fraud, crimes, burglary, killing my dog, psychologically destroying my children, and it’s excused.

Todd Stephens office called today to check if I was OK. They DID NOTHING TO HELP, except pretend for a month that they would get involved. Did they want me to thank them for trying? They did nothing. They did not help. And my life is a shambles… am I supposed to thank them? NO ONE HELPED. Stand By and watch Terance’s life get destroyed before your eyes.

I pray to god to end my life and this nightmare… and each day I wake to further terror and anguish.


Text Messages


Terance to Sonya
June 13, 2011 @ 9:00AM
you indicated that the remainder would have to wait for arbitration. You items have been stored securely at the house for 4 years. I expect the same courtesy. Using my children to deliver items in garbage bags is not waiting for arbitration. In 4 years nothing was destroyed or damaged or improperly packed stored or distributed to others. I expect the same courtesy.

Terance to Colin & Brennan
June 13, 2011 @ 9:26AM
FYI, SENT YOUR MOTHER THIS MSG Don’t let her use you like this. You don’t deserve to be put in the middle. : you indicated that the remainder would have to wait for arbitration. You items have been stored securely at the house for 4 years. I expect the same courtesy. Using my children to deliver items in garbage bags is not waiting for arbitration. In 4 years nothing was destroyed or damaged or improperly packed stored or distributed to others. I expect the same courtesy.



Terance to Sonya
June 11, 2011 @ 1:33PM
John and Joanne are available to come over to pick up my clothes now. Can this be accomplished today.





June 11, 2011 @ 2:27PM
Not a problem. They got them.

June 11, 2011 @ 3:29PM
With regard to your list, I do not have your mothers crystal or silverware. That is either boxed or in the basement or garage from when you didn’t pick up things the last time. I want to keep the saw as something to remember your father. As you took a set of china in 10/07, I want to keep the nor take. I would appreciate my bedroom as soon as possible.

June 11, 2011 @ 3:49PM
Looks likable will.have to wait for arbitration then.

June 11, 2011 @ 4:20PM
Arbitration has not been scheduled. I did not do anything like this to you. But, have it your way. You’re the one paying the attorney to waste time. You can pay her more. You win again.

When every aspect of your life has been taken, violated, destroyed…
When any hope of a future has been denied, prevented, blocked, litigated, corrupted, delayed..
When forced to face another day of abuse, harassment, terror, fear…
When no one you know can help… and no one else cares.

Each time I have turned to anyone for help, it turned out they were involved… and either acting to harass… or ignoring/unable to communicate.
I’m the fool…
… I trusted Ed Weideman.
… I trusted Gerry Dougherty. (Who the other day had the audacity to ask me for an apology about this web site. The cause of the nightmare asked ME for an apology. UNBELIEVABLE!)
… I trusted the Montgomery Township Police.
… I trusted the Montgomery County Detectives – Ray Kuter, Richard Peffall, and Joseph DeAngelo.
… I trusted the FBI.
… I trusted in State Rep. Todd Stephens ( and his staff ).
… I trusted in State Rep. Rick Taylor.
… I trusted in State Rep. Kate Harper.
… I trusted in State Sen. Stewart Greenleaf.
… I trusted in US Senator Arlen Specter.
… I trusted in McAfee, Norton Symantec, Microsoft, Kaspersky,… and all the other anti spyware companies.
… I trusted in Mark Dischell, my lawyer.
… I trusted in Sara Armstrong, my laywer. (She has mysteriously disappeared.)
… I trusted in Michael Yanoff, my lawyer.
… I trusted in Sterling Flowers, my lawyer.
… I trusted in Marguerite Nocchi, my lawyer.
… I trusted in Governor Ed Rendell.
… I trusted in Governor Tom Corbett.
… I trusted in the Courts, and have been denied due process and my civil rights.
… I trusted in Sara Goren, whose bias was obvious and was forgetful of her own lies.
… I trusted in Judge Thomas De Ricci, even though he treated me like dirt.
… I trusted in Judge Arthur Tilson, even though he ignored the issue and issued orders without hearings.
… I trusted in Judge Emanuel Bertin, he seemed unhappily pressured into his dismissals and denials.
… I trusted in Judge Patricia Coonahan, to treat my petitions as she had treated the same situation with others.
… I trusted in Judge Stephen Barrett, who at least had the courtesy to recuse after his show of extreme disrespect.
… I trusted in Judge Carolyn Carluccio, who assasinated my faith in justice and the judiciary.
… I believed in the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and thought it included me.
… I found that EVIL IS NOT ILLEGAL.
… I found that one persons mistake… committing a crime against me… when detected and proven… was a death sentence… carelessly not carried out… victimized since 2007 with impunity granted to the ones doing it.
… The more I detected, and proved, the more I was victimized.
… I trusted in Ron Trombino.
… I trusted in Chris Garuccio.
… I trusted in Collin Maier.
… I trusted in Andy Atkinson.
… I trusted in Jason (Jay) Anhorn.
… I trusted in Matt Metzger.
… I trusted in Brian Marks.
… I trusted in Nick Leras.
… I trusted in Walter (Wally) Swinehart.
… I trusted in John Kulesa.
… I trusted in CA Sokol Byrne.
… I trusted in Jeanette Brandofino.
… I trusted in Nelly Neben.
… I trusted in Brian Healy.
… I trusted in Jay (whose last name I can’t recall).
… I trusted in friends, who all disappeared when I needed them most.
… I trusted in strangers
… And No One could help.
… I get it. I’m afraid myself. All the time. I know the terror. I know what they are capable of doing.
… I have lost everything… my sons, my career, my dog, my friends, my financial security, my home, and my ability to trust.
… I suffered… alone… desperate for a friend… offering friendship to anyone else… with lowering expectations (but hope).
… Everyone who tried to offer help or support to me became a victim, or an observer, or fearful, or thankful it wasn;t happening to them.
… When there is no hope, nothing to persevere, no help available, no one interested in getting involved, no future, no escape, and every minute of every day I spend wondering WHY? No explanation. No reply.
… You can’t get over it, when they are not allowing anything to end.
… You can’t shrug it off, when they continue the deception.
… You can’t win.
… What is it they call doing the same thing and expecting different results? Yet, you are forced to keep going back to the same Court for resolutions the Court refuses to decide… and because they refuse to decide you cannot escalate it to a higher court. And this experience occurs with over 6 judges???
… Why has the court permited her to spend $70,000 in legal fees against me; permitted her to spend more seeking $upport, than she would receive in support; granted her impunity to violate EVERY court order.
… Why has the court beaten up, jailed, delayed, mocked, lied to , threatened, disrespected, silenced, a father who wanted to see his sons, a father who followed court procedures and waited patiently as they ran out the custody clock, a man who DID try to resolve issues before getting the court involved, a man who did not lie or be unable to recall anything.

Is it just that I figured out that when caught in the computer surveillance, they hired a private investigator who had a prior relationship with the township/county to handle some less than legal surveillance and investigations in exchange for impunity? And that impunity would extend to everyone involved… except the target. The victim.

It appears so. A Terroristic Divorce. There is no escape.
They are not going to stop until you kill yourself.
They are afraid to issue a death sentence in a divorce.
Dying from a disease that won’t kill you.

My heartfelt thanks to the strangers who offered support.
The few friends that are still with me know how much I appreciate them.
They know who they are, and I thank them often… because it isn’t easy to stand by helplessly and watch someone you care about be destroyed.

I stand on the stairway my back to the dungeon. The doorway to freedom so close to my hand. While voices around me still bitterly damn me for seeking salvation. They don’t understand.

And when I am wounded by those who condemn me. Lord help me forgive them. They don’t understand.



June 10, 2011 @ 10:55AM
And why did you remove so much furniture and dishes etc… it could have been so easy… gie me the dishes and you take the electronics… again please have the car moved or I will have it.moved to the street. I need to be able to complete the repairs.

June 10, 2011 @ 11:47AM
Please make arrangements to have the.Malibu removed from the driveway.by Tuesday, June 14th. I am having the driveway sealed. If it is not moved I will have it moved to the street and my concern is if it is not registered you will be fined. You may find you can have it towed to a junk yard and they will pay you for the parts if you no longer want the car.

June 10, 2011 @ 11:48PM
When can I get in for my clothes?

June 10, 2011 @ 11:49AM
I will have them brought to your moms tmrow.

June 10, 2011 @ 11:52AM
The Malibu is marital property and remains to be split. Just because you dissipated assets doesn’t change that. I need my bedroom, and my office, you are operating on an invalid order. You admitted it to people.. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? WHAT DID I DO TO YOU TO CAUSE YOU TO BECOME SO HATEFUL?
June 10, 2011 @ 11:59AM
You asked the court to get involved. They never scheduled it. You didn’t follow the order, or any of the previous orders on property. I was told to vacate. Did you think I would leave everything? WHY ARE YOU SO DESTRUCTIVE AND ANGRY? I HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING TO DAMAGE YOU… YET YOU DON’T STOP DESTROYING.
June 10, 2011 @ 12:07PM
WHAT IS CAUSING YOU TO BE SO HATEFUL? How much is your impunity costing you? You got your personal things… several times. Your items were packed and stored in the garage for you to retrieve. You chose not to. Why are you not allowing me to get my things from the hosue?
June 10, 2011 @ 12:11 PM
When you know the divorce order is invalid, why are you spending so much effort on repairs? Youre really just creating more hostility. What is your motivation? Haven’t you done enough damage to our family?

June 10, 2011 @ 12:12PM
I will have ur.clothes deliverer tmrow…uwill get ur bedroom furniture after we meet with the master…… u had 30 days to get it out……

June 10, 2011 @ 12:17PM
One minute you complain about me taking something. The next you tell me I should have taken more. You really do twist things minute by minute. There will only be more court dates. Why? What is your motivation? Your impunity has a cost… why do you just prolong things and harass and terrorize me? Is it so important that you destroy everything we ever had? That’s so wrong… and sad.