
I am turning to you because I have been unable to receive a response from law enforcement at any level.

A lawyer advised my wife to install surveillance software illegally on my computers in January 2007 while planning a divorce.

I detected the software and requested that Awareness Technologies remove it from my computers in May 2007. Awareness Technologies denied it was their program.

Six weeks later I proved the software was WebWatcher, secured all hard disks and again contacted Awareness Technoliogies who refused to cooperate with removal

I believe at this time, the lawyer contacted a local private investigator to become involved. The impunity allowed to the private investigator would conceal the initial intrusion.

I reported the intrusion to local police and the FBI in July 2007. Local Police indicated they could do nothing to help.

In August 2007, Local police arrived at my house purporting to folow up on the computer intrusion report. Police however, had a copy of my computer screen which indicated they knew who was behind the surveillance program. Instead of resolving the computer surveilance issue, the officer had me involuntarily committed to a county psych ward. The officer did so in violation of PA law and procedure, there was no danger, no threat, no hostility, no history of violence or aggression.

What I have experienced and survived for the last 5 years has been a constant campaign of litigation, harassment and injustice. I have persevered through all of the court dates where the disregard for the law was apparent. I do not like to generalize. I assure you I am not exaggerating the level of injustice I have experienced. The case has been through 8 judges and over 300 docket entries.

The injustice was never hidden. The judges wrote orders which violated my constitutional rights. The judges have inexpicably granted my wife impunity to disregard any court order. Again, this is not an exaggeration or generalization.

After 5 years of what I have called a “terroristic divorce” Judge Carolyn Carluccio has acted with complete disregard for the procedure and law. When Judge Carluccio came onto the case in December 2010 there were 9 outstanding petitions. Those petitions were scheduled in January 2011 for hearings on June 1-2, 2011.

However, everything changed when my wife filed an Ermergency Petition in February 2011. While it was apparent that i was not being provided time to prepare a response (4 days), when I was able to prepare a response and counterpetition which contained 26 pages of text and 100 pages of exhibits to support those statements all hearings were off. That document was a well organized collection of counts relating to the Plaintiff and her attorneys actions in the case. Additionally, a review of the exhibits would reveal the participation of the prior judges in the injustice I have suffered. Judge Carluccio began schedule games and issued orders where there had been no hearings. The issues continue unresolved while I wait to address the invalid order issued which forced me out of my home on June 9. An Order intentionally crafted making it invalid and not final so as not to permit appeal, and forcing me to return to the same court for reversal. After 5 years of local police indicating they did not get involved in enforcing court orders unless it was specifically ordered by a judge, I went to the police to explain the situation, with the Request for Reconsideratioon paperwork to find that the local police were prepared to arrest me if I did not comply with the order.

Fearful of being jailed, after surviving 5 years of fear, terror, litigation, harassment, I left my home. The judge waited weeks to schedule a hearing on reconsideration, ansd scheduled it for July 18 2011. Removing me from my home would seriously impact my ability to prepare or respond to the Court. It would additionally permit the home to be destroyed by my wife.

I had done nothing to deserve this action by the judge. I had maintained the home for 5 years since my wife had abandoned the home. I had survived being unemployeed, financially destroyed, my business closed, my clients impacted directly, my children disappearing and any custody proceeding being delayed for years until my son turned 18. There had never been any explanation for their actions,

I have survived the complete destruction of my life for the last 5 years knowing that the truth would be presented and there would be justice. I have found that when Judge Rhonda Daniele issued an Order with any formal proceeding, additionally failing to docket the order or distribute it to me, and failed to distribute to me. The Order was dated August 22, 2007. THAT order has undermined every proceeding in my case and slandered me. The injustice which occured before the parties ever entered any courtroom, has been the cause for repeated injustice. When the Order was discovered there was no hope of justice. A victim of injustice is doomed to be further victimized. I have experienced it. i have documented it. It is in the Court Docket 2007-12477. It is on a web site.

Visitors to my web site constantly remark that they can’t do that. They apparently can do anything. There is no oversight. And there has been no help. I implore you to become involved and investigate and hold the judges and lawyers accountable. While I understand that they prefer to extend courtesies to law enforcement. The failure to act on the criminal use of a $100 software package has resulted in the destruction of my extended family. and has terrorized and harassed and isolated me. I have persevered only to discover that the evidence of the judges participation in conspiracy corruption and injustice results in my homelessness and the loss of everything I tried to protect.

I implore you to help. I beg. I have asked everywhere and found that when an injustice occurs there is no one who will help. I know this to be true as I lived the experience of being uinable to find help.

The case is documented at http://www.work2bdone.com/live or GOOGLE: Terroristic Divorce

I sincerely beg,

Terance Healy


In 2007, I was in contact with Guilherme and presented the disaster that was being caused in my life because of an illegally installed surveillance/remote control/obfuscation program called Web Watcher.

His information was good. His understanding of the misuse issues was good with an exception.

When a lawyer tells a client to install it, and you detect the installation, the lawyer will manipulate everyone in any position to avoid any prosecution. They will hire a private investigator to attempt to set up crimes, and make false reports, manipulate the police into the wrong actions and leave me in a position where no one will help. No one can help.

My life has been constant terror and harassment since February 2007 when WebWatcher was illegally installed on my computers.

Surviving the false allegations, the legal corruption, the injustice has only permitted them to terrorize me further.

A $100 software package has completely annihilated my life. I am now homeless, sleeping on a couch, crying all day every day at the isolation and abandonment of everyone who could no longer watch what they were doing to me.

No one has helped me in 5 years. I am no whacko. My case and much of the story is at www.work2bdone.com/live or GOOGLE: terroristic divorce

I know there was nothing that could be done to help years ago. I am trying again because I am so desperate and don;t think I could possibly explain the complete affect of the software intrusion to someone who didn’t have a base knowledge. It has undermined everything in my life.

They have destroyed me because of a $100 software purchase. As a victim of injustice, I have lived another day only to be further victimized. I have no choice but to survive so they can terrorize me further.

I sincerely wish I was capable of suicide. If you read my web site and see what I have survived through, you will realize that is a truly rational thought. There has been no help or releif from any resouce at any time. I am only victimized further every day.

Please Help
Terance Healy


There is no living when every thought is about my life being stolen from me… accompanied by the fact that no one cared to help. I awake crying alone. I fall asleep crying alone.

I persevered with the truth on my side against incredible injustice. I cried but persevered through it.

When it came time that the Truth would finally be told. Through illegal and unethical actions, Judge Carolyn Carluccio denied my rights, attacked me further by throwing me out of my home, and continued the legal nightmare that has gone on for 5 years.

AND NO ONE HELPED ME OR CARED TO STOP HER. The US fights for Democracry and the rights of people worldwide. In Montgomery County Pennsylvania, I, Terance Healy, a victim of injustice, only survives to be further victimized.
There is little hope that the next day will be different. I have been victimized for over 5 years.

No one has helped me, no one has stopped the injustice, and they have been allowed to continue to victimize me.


Interesting to note that the News Of The World scandal in the UK involves a Private Investigator who was able to protect his clients, influence law enforcement to inaction, and avoid prosecution through corruption and blackmail while commiting thousands of illegal technology intrusions for years.

by YM Ousley
Amid investigations into charges of hired detectives hacking into the phones and voicemails of everyone from the British Royal Family to a murdered teenage girl and families of dead British troops, Rupert Murdoch’s UK news rag News of the World (and we use the word “news” lightly) will be shuttered after this weekend.

While illegal, British tabloids are rumored to have spied on celebrities for years, but the breaking point came recently when the Guardian reported that journalists from the News of the World not only broke into a missing teenage girl’s phone, but deleted voicemails from concerned family members to make room for more. The girl, Milly Dowler, was later found murdered, but family members kept their hopes up when they assumed that she was checking her voicemail.

That unleashed the floodgates, and there are now questions surrounding hacking into the phone accounts of family members related to dead British servicemen, as well as a host of celebrities.


An Invitiation to Witness Injustice.

Montgomery County Courthouse, Norristown Pennsylvania. Courtroom 11. July 18, 2011 at 1:30 PM.

After 5 years of injustices, Judge Carolyn Carluccio has acted with blatant disregard for the law and procedures. Upon being presented with proof of those injustices committed by 8 judges of the Court of Common Pleas, she further victimized the recipient and cancelled any hearing where their crimes might be presented. Now homeless, the victim must appear at a hearing where only the rule of law and procedures are at question.

Will she recuse? Will she revoke her order? Will she explain why she acted with malice and extreme bias? Will she call for a protracted hearing on the matter and delay any decision? Will she take the matter under advisement?

Any action she takes will reveal her active participation in the injustice conspiracy of the last 5 years. After being notified about the problem with her Order, she has not acted for 6 weeks. The issue was additionally brought to her attention as an Emergency Petition to which she denied emergency status. Homelessness is not an emergency?

Any attempt to write her actions off as a little mistake at this point when she has not acted to remedy the situation and delayed any proceeding for 6 weeks will display the malice she had intended.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio’s actions indicate her intent to prevent the truth from being presented in her courtroom. The cancellation of all hearings prevents the Defendant from testifying to the injustice and the failure of the court to enforce any order against Sonya Healy.

Ordering the defendant homeless, while continuiong to charge him for all expenses of the unoccupied home, which he is not permitted to visit, while his wife takes control of the house and contracts people to remove every trace of his life there – at the Defendant’s expense. Let’s ignore the malice and unfairness of the Equitable Distribution Order. That Order isn’t valid unless attached to a Divorce Decree. Issuing an invalid Divorce Decree permits me to be terrorized emotionally and thrown out on the street. Malice. Injustice. Unfairness. Terror. An attempt to induce a suicide which I have failed to deliver.

Will she try to find a way of disposing of the victim to further attempt to silence him and prevent the truth from being spoken, delivered, documented, and sworn to in her courtroom?

Nothing can be resolved on Monday. The only thing to come out of Monday will be further evidence, in their own actions and words, of the intent of the Montgomery County Judiciary to ignore the law, dismiss procedures, violate the public trust, and embarass the judiciary to beat up one man.

WHAT COULD ONE MAN POSSIBLY HAVE DONE TO CAUSE THE COMPLETE BREAKDOWN OF JUSTICE IN THE COURTROOMS OF 8 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS JUDGES FOR OVER 5 YEARS? The answer eludes me… They picked the wrong man to destroy. Truth is on my side and that’s a powerful tool to battle injustice.


Over the last 5 years, I have repeatedly been told to not let anyone into my life. Directed to isolate myself. I have not done so. As a result, I have allowed people to enter my life who normally I would never have encountered. I have done so because it would provide the opportunity for them to reveal themselves. It has been effective.

I have used them to reveal themselves. I have also used their misinformation to reveal their tactics. When presented with documents from ‘strangers with enthusiasm’ the documents have been revealing. They were attempting to guide me to agree with the wildest stories right out of The X Files. I glean from the document enough of the information to confirm the tactic, but only pretend to swallow the whole story. The whole story is crazy. The parts of the story I have experienced personally are true. The parts that I have not personally experienced are crazy and intended to misguide me.

So I take the peices of their document that I know to be true as confirmation of my experience. They have to include some truth in their document to help convince me to buy in. I take those truths as affirmations of my experience. A receipt.

I had called these people ‘they’, ‘agents’, ‘spies’, … and after years of the story, they evolved. ‘They’ were Confidential Informants and Private Investigators. Discerning between the two became as simple as the story they spun. Their actions were similar. Their stories were similar. Employment was the difference. It seemed at some point in the last 5 years I realized that everyone I have met has been unemployed. I had never met so many unemployed people in my life.

Confidential Informants had jobs they didn’t discuss. Jobs they had to go to. Jobs they cared about keeping. Confidential Informants have been to jail. They know that getting a job with that on your resume is difficult. Confidential Informants were doing as they had been instructed, attempting to set me up or turn me into something I am not. I often saw their situation and ended up helping them. They saw me for the true person I am. They did not like doing what they were doing to me. They did what they had to do to stay out of jail.

Private Investigators are only pretending to be unemployed. They are going on constant interviews. Yet, they never get the job. Their scheduled are never solid. They ignore appointments and interviews. They saw me for the person I was. They got to know me. They also treated me as a work assignment. While they struggled with their actions which they knew were hurting a good person, it was their job. They did it. They did what they did to keep their job. They also knew that if they didn’t, they would be ‘reprimanded’.

The actions of the private investigator are the connecting factors to all of the law enforcement agencies and their inactivity. The private investigator has kept law enforcement from investigating the crimes against me. The private investigator has been causing the situation which has then been used by law enforcement to support their inaction. All of law enforcement cannot be aligned against me. If I believed so, that would be demonstrative of a great sense of paranoia and cynicism. I’ve had hope. I have persevered. Law enforcement has been persuaded into their inaction and have been getting played by the private investigator.

In the last 5 years, there were a few people who did not fit those categories. I was at a loss to explain their connection or involvement or interest. The word was given to me in a massive document from a new facebook friend. This doc was crazy stuff. just enough truth, with a whole lot of crazy. The document refers to people brought into someones life to distract them as ‘handlers’.

I now had the word to describe the 3rd type of person I have met in the last 5 years. The Handler did nothing but listen. The Handler did nothing to help. The Handler was always interested in helping and knowing more but they never did anything. The Handlers I have met personally and spoke to on the phone were great listeners. The Handlers I have met on the internet and through email were great time wasters and often trying to link me to a cause that didn’t exist. The Handlers never listened to or read anything about my story. Their message was always the same. Run away. Get over it. Abandon everyone. Move On. Stop doing anything.

Some of the Handlers were great therapy. I was able to survive the retellings of the story. When the Handler realized I was benefitting from their listening (even though I knew they would do nothing) they usually confronted the fact that I wouldn’t run away. They tried harder to talk me into it. And then, because I wouldn’t take their bad advice, they wouldn’t listen. I always remember those calls ending and I still felt great. I knew they weren’t going to help. I knew they were supposed to be undermining me. They hadn’t killed my hope. And they reinforced the experience. The Handlers job is to misdirect, to listen, and misdirect, to talk, and misdirect, to write, and misdirect.

Why would I run away from the truth? Why allow myself to be misdirected away from the truth of my story? Why allow the truth, the proof, the Courts own paperwork and rulings and actions to go ignored? Why would I take the advice of a stranger to run away from the truth? Greater still, why would a stranger want me to do that? Unless he was a ‘Handler’.


There is no walking away. There is no backing down… a victim cannot choose to not be victimized.

The bully has to back down. The only way to do that is to find a bigger bully, or shame the bully by exposing their actions to the public.

No one has to get involved directly in my legal case, But if they talk about it, then the word will spread. I do think my case is an extreme example of injustice and corruption gone completely out of control. That alone should make it controversial. Right now, “the handlers” are attempting to send me in two different directions. And when that happens, as it has over 5 years, I can tell I am on the right course.

I just have to survive. Others haven’t made it, or couldn’t prove their story. Mine is solid fact. In their own words and court orders. And that is why they will go to great extremes of additional injustice.

It isn’t personal. It is not “the judge didn’t like him”. Through 8 judges it has never felt like they were acting against me personally. They were acting improperly and in violation of the law and procedure. They would not do that for a personal sentiment. They could never be judges if it was a personality contest everyday. Anyone who would suggest that I am in this situation because the judge doesn’t like me, or 8 judges didn’t like me, would be indicating that the law had nothing to do with the outcome.

[Take one guess who said that? Would she know that the law has nothing to do with the outcome? Exactly.]

It is look what the judge has done. What would make a judge do something like that? The answer is simple. They want to shut me down from presenting the judges part in the whole thing. They know I can prove what I am saying, so they must prevent me from ever getting the chance to do that. So they cancel hearings. I ask for them to be rescheduled.

Considering the volume of petitions before the court, the hearing next week was scheduled on a specific subject. I know why. I’m good at seeing things like that. Their tactics are clear.

Judge Carluccio said it best not so long ago. She indicated that there was no one who knew my case as well as I did.
There was no emphasis or sarcasm or underlying sentiment. She was stating a fact. She then went on to make sure I never sat in the witness stand in her courtroom ever again.


In the last 5 years, there has been no explanation, or justification for the actions against me. No false allegation has been presented so that I could defend against it.

I was left to feel paranoid for over three years. It was their intent. They were intentionally keeping information and documents from me. How do you get the documents when you are unaware of their existence? How do you respond? How do you defend? I have never met Judge Rhonda Daniele. She has never been assigned to the case, yet she issued a secret order against me before the first court proceeding had occurred.

– – – – – – – – – – – –
In May 2008, Judge delRicci actually repeatedly referred to me as the ‘paranoid computer guy’ in a proceeding. During that same conference, he was shown a one page document by attorney Robert Angst. It was shown to the judge in response to my request for the document which had been shown to police justifying the burglary of my home.

Judge delRicci reviewed that document, but did not permit me to see it first. I raised the issue as parties are not permitted to provide anything to the judge without first providing it to the opposing party. Judge delRicci intentionally prevented my review of the document indicating I could get the document during discovery proceedings at a civil hearing. I recall thinking,… Aren’t we having a civil proceeding now? Why does the judge expect me to file a separate action for this crime? Why does he want me to file a separate civil charge against them? And why does he want me to go to all that effort, when it should have been shown to me before it was shown to the judge.

I can tell when something is being made into a game. Judge delRicci was displaying such a tremendous disrespect for the issue before him and how it was affecting my life. Judge delRicci waited 2 months for the hearing. In the meantime, he had found the time to reschedule a support conference over 8 times, turn it into a surprise contempt hearing, and throw me in jail. he was too distracted by the ex parte chat with Bob Angst prior to that proceeding. Why was Bob there? Oh, that’s right, someone had to make sure that nothing was heard and that I was thrown in jail. I suppose I should have gotten the message on that day, that I was there to be victimized and fooled into believing that there would be justice,



May 2007 Short List Proceeding regarding the Plaintiff’s burglary, vandalism, breaking and entering of your home in violation of Court Orders.

1. What occurred in front of me was an inappropriate ex parte communication between Robert Angst and Judge DelRicci.
a) Ex parte, YES. It was between one party and a judge.
b) Inappropriate, YES. There was no indication that the document related to scheduling issues only.
c) Unethical, YES. The Document was a Court order which was intentionally not provided to the opposing party.

Right before your very eyes,…
Judge delRicci committed an ethics violation in allowing the ex parte communication.
Robert Angst committed an ethics violation by not providing me a copy first, and then again when it was not provided at all.
Judge delRicci then committed another ethics violation when he failed to remedy the ethics violation of Robert Angst which had been brought to his attention.

This is not just an incidental slight. It was intentional. The ethics violation, is hiding the conspiracy behind the document.

[Note to Judge Carolyn Carluccio – January 2011: I understand the issues relating to ex parte communications. I’ve watched the unethical ex parte demonstrations of Angst & Angst and the Judges assigned to the case. I’ve had 5 years of demonstrations. You and Valerie Angst may discuss what you believe I know or do not know, but it might be more productive to note that everything is written in that large pile of petitions relating to enforcement and ex parte communications which have been pending for quite a while now.]

The previous ex parte communications between Robert Angst and Judge delRicci had never occurred in an open courtroom or conference room.

It might be helpful to understand, that Judge DelRicci and Robert Angst weren’t concerned about concealing their ex parte communication. They were concealing the conspiracy to keep that document a secret since August 2007. But, there was more.

Judge DelRicci was additionally going one step further. His suggestion that I file a civil case in the matter was intentional. Any civil suit filed prior to the District Attorney commencing a criminal action in the same matter, precludes or cancels the criminal action by the State. Judge DelRici was attempting to prevent criminal charges in the burglary from being brought by the District Attorney against of the 20 or so people who were actively photographed during the burglary. The District Attorney never responded to my request to file charges.

Judge DelRicci was not concerned that the burglary had taken place in direct violation of several court orders,
Judge DelRicci was not concerned that the burglary had occurred in contempt of the Agreed Order and several other orders.

Judge DelRicci was preventing the revelation that Sonya had presented false documentation to the police.
Presenting the secret Order dated August 22, 2007 to the police when she had full knowledge that the Agreed Order of September 6, 2007 had modified the exclusive use and occupancy of the home is fraud and a criminal offense.

In presenting false documents to the police Sonya demonstrates and emphasizes that willful intent to disregard the Court Order. There was no denying that Sonya knew that her actions in burglarizing the home were in violation of a Court Order. Contempt could not be denied. She was additionally committing a pre-meditated fraud with regard to having and presenting the secret order in order to mislead the police.

In order to be found in contempt, you have to be aware that what you are doing is wrong. There must be evidence to prove that you knew what you were doing was wrong. And you have to have done it. Contempt is serious. It shows a willful disregard to disobey an Order.

Sonya had signed the Agreed Order of September 6, 2007 in open court before Judge Toby Dickman. Sonya had received a copy of the Agreed Order at the proceeding. Sonya has testified in that proceeding that she understood the statements in the document and was in agreement.

Sonya was in contempt.

In issuing a ruling on contempt, the judge’s sentence must allow a way to permit the situation to be remedied.
So the guilty party cannot be ordered to jail and to return the items, because the one action could prevents the other from occurring.

Judge DelRicci’s ruling with regard to the contempt, was an order which required the items taken be returned. The Judge then added that she could keep some of the specific items stolen.

It is an inappropriate sentence to reward someone who committed a crime against another person.

Judge delRicci was already a member of the Plaintiff’s team. It was clear.. During this proceeding the officers of the court were demonstrating their alliance right in front of you. Corruption, Conspiracy and Injustice. If you complain, you will only be victimized further. In this example, a petition regarding a burglary which you filed, provided them the opportunity to commit ethics violations and crimes against you. You sought justice, and they demonstrated that opnce you have been victimized by injustice, you will be further victimized. IN YO FACE.

JUDGE DEL RICCI – 2 Ethics Violations
– Conspiracy to conceal a document
– Obstruction of Justice
– Unconstitutional Order – Civil Rights violation
ROBERT ANGST – 1 Ethics Violation
– Conspiracy to conceal a document
– Conspiracy to commit fraud
Sonya Healy – Conspiracy to commit a crime
– Contempt of several Court Orders
– Conspiracy to conceal a document
– Fraud
– Conspiracy to commit fraud
– Presenting False Documents to Authorities

This occurred in May 2008 regarding the Burglary which occurred in March 2008. This proceeding was then overloaded by 2 more petitions from Valerie Angst. It should suffice, that if they had already amassed the above list of violations for the judge to ignore, the list would only triple in size and add a First Amendment Civil Rights Violation. In that one, Judge delRicci mocked Bob Angst asking if he was aware of the First Amendment before he proceeded to issue an Order violating the Constitution. The lack of any shame of these demonstrations, clearly shows they have no fear of any accountability. Their intention was my destruction, and with the lack of conscience perhaps they were wagering if I would commit suicide before I advanced to the JADED level of their game.

They have stolen 5 years of my life and terrorized and harassed me for the entire duration. WHY? AND WHY SHOULD JUSTICE BE SERVED. Justice is locked up in the basement… and after what has been done to you, believe me. You do not want to know what they have done to her. No one has helped you in 5 years. Good luck with that.


Someone… Somewhere… has got to be able to help. PLEASE.

I have been the victim of 5 years of terror. The more I survive, the more victimized I become. They have annihilated my life and I have done nothing to deserve it. I have survived their abuse. Lived with their constant intrusions and illegal actions for every minute of every hour of every day since January 2007. I beg anyone who reads this to help. Get involved. Care. I am not asking just for myself. I am asking so that my mother can get some relief from the incredible stress and emotion associated with being systematically destroyed.

I have been unjustly evicted from my home (since June 9, 2011). While I have been sleeping on a couch at my mother’s house, they have continued their attacks. It has been difficult for my mother to watch what has happened to me since 2007. The helplessness that I feel is mirrored back because we have been unable to find anyone who can help.

Since the divorce began, not one issue has ever been resolved according to the procedure or the law. Not one action of the court has been explained or justified. Each corrupt act has only built upon the previous act to further diminish me. My wife has not been held accountable for any action, crime, or violation of court order. Why?

As the volume of paperwork and research and documents grew, I realized that I needed to be able to escape the constant view of the intrusion into my life. I moved all of the paperwork, the evidence, the exhibits, the hard disks, the 15 boxloads of paperwork, the huge binders of the petitions, everything to do with the case was placed in one room of my home. My divorce room gave me the ability to close the door and escape from the visual reminder of the legal battle and the extreme injustice that had become my life.

In ordering me to vacate the home, Judge Carluccio has taken that away from me. Judge Carluccio’s action is malicious. It is intentional. It is in violation of the law and procedures. It was cleverly done to prevent an appeal. Intended to prevent any escalation to another court. Designed to require me to request justice from the person who has treated me with injustice. I am required to be victimized further.

Judge Carluccio didn’t make an incidental simple error when she issued her orders. Judge Carluccio had crafted her ‘unappealable order’. It was her intent. My wife was explaining to people that there was a legal game and no way I could stop it. I discovered the ‘game’ and filed for the order to be cancelled. Judge Carluccio did not schedule a proceeding. I filed for an Emergency Hearing on the issue. Judge Carluccio denied the Emergency. The court then waited 3 weeks to schedule a short list conference on July 18, 2011. Their legal game would keep me homeless for 6 weeks. Their legal game would allow my wife to destroy my home and everything inside it. I would then have to anticipate justice from the court. An unlikely expectation where I would have no alternative.

The Montgomery Township Police contacted me late on the morning of June 9, 2011 to determine if I was in the home. I was not. I had been ordered to vacate by that date. Officer Gerry Dougherty was already directly involved to see that the invalid order would be executed. The police who had not enforced any court order in the history of the case were there to enforce this one. The police allowed my wife to burglarize the house while presenting an outdated court order; and to abduct my son in direct violation of custody orders; and to remove my son from the US illegally… the police had finally found a court order they would enforce and the officer to enforce it.

A legal game. After 5 years of legal games manipulated by Angst & Angst… after the exposure of the corrupt and secretive actions of the court… after presenting proof of the illegal and unethical actions of the court… the Court has exposed the clear bias and intent to act against me. In August 2010, based on discovery of secretly executed court orders from 2007, I had indicated that I believed the Court had granted impunity to my wife. The Court has never acted to enforce any court order which has been violated by my wife. In violation of procedure and law, Judge Carluccio disregarded a series of hearings on 9 petitions to enforce existing court orders. When brought to her attention, Judge Carluccio again disregarded the issue.

In August 2007, Officer Gerry Dougherty came to my home under the pretense he was investigating the computer intrusion reported in July 2007. Officer Dougherty arrived at my home to investigate something which he had indicated weeks prior as being outside the scope of the township police. Officer Dougherty was responding to a report of a threat that had never been made. Officer Dougherty removed me from my home under false pretenses. I was not arrested or charged with anything at that time or since. I cooperated knowing the police had been contacted by the person or persons behind the reported computer surveillance. Officer Dougherty was manipulated to act against me in violation of PA Law and Civil Procedure by the person or persons behind the illegal computer surveillance. Officer Dougherty could have ended this terroristic experience on August 8, 2007. I believe Officer Dougherty was directed to have me involuntarily committed in an effort to conceal that the police had direct knowledge of who was responsible for the computer intrusion.

I have no malice towards Officer Dougherty. The police were manipulated into their inappropriate actions on that day. The police have been repeatedly unresponsive or manipulated into inaction to any request for assistance or law enforcement since that date. Officer Dougherty did not intend or anticipate his actions on August 8, 2007 would escalate into a non-stop campaign of terror, harassment, litigation and injustice. Officer Dougherty could have chosen to end my continued annihilation at any time in the last five years.

Late in the morning on June 9, 2011, I was disappointed when contacted by Officer Dougherty wanting to know if I had vacated the home according to the order. Where the police have side-stepped any enforcement action or involvement with any court order, Officer Dougherty had again chosen, or been directed, to further victimize the victim. On June 8, 2011, Officer Dougherty had indicated that the police would not become involved unless directed to enforce the order by Judge Carluccio. There has been no entry on the docket of any such order, or request for enforcement.

I have survived all of the unethical, unscrupulous and illegal games for 5 years. I have exposed each tactic as it became evident. I have been forced to a strict adherence to the Rules of Civil Procedure. I have had to learn the law, and the rules, and prepare the petitions myself. I have had to survive the ‘new rules’ created to prevent any further discovery of documents hidden from my knowledge and view. I have had to persevere against unexplained actions of a court which has torn apart my family, my friends, my life.

Everywhere I have turned for help or assistance, I have been ignored. In the last 5 years, not one law enforcement agent, agency, or organization has requested or reviewed any evidence; or conducted any investigation; or questioned the veracity of my allegations. I understand that individuals and organizations must protect themselves from liabilities. Every level of law enforcement has been manipulated into a position of inaction to prevent exposure of inappropriate actions or liabilities. One can only determine that law enforcement knows what is going on and are not interested in doing anything to expose it, help you, or prevent your continued harassment. They will act against you to prevent any resolution which would reveal their own liability, or potentially lead to the exposure of their liability.

I don’t like to imagine the conversations about people who might be discussing how to trick me, fool me or continue the game. I don’t like to use the word game. It is not a game. It is my life. It has been 5 years of my life. It has terrorized and harassed my family for the last 5 years. The humiliation and loss of dignity that I endure while being unable to explain why this is happening undermines everything, except my self-respect.

I have never made any attempt to set anyone up or trick them to reveal what they know. There is no joy in having every aspect of your existence destroyed. I have no choice but to expect justice from people who have already treated me unjustly. For them, it is their job. For me, it is my existence. It is my life being treated with such tremendous disrespect. While I can have respect for the law and still have hope for justice, the character of those judges who have mistreated me with a callous disregard that their actions affect every aspect of my life. Every second of my life. Could anyone be so inhumane as to continue to terrorize and harass someone as part of a legal game? For someone to treat any life with such tremendous disrespect is unimagineable. For eight Court of Common Please judges to have done so reflects on the character of the judiciary, and the justice system which allows it to be done, and a system which acts to hinder unjustly treated from seeking justice.

In the last 5 years, my mother could return to her home and find some relief from the constant impact of the case. I could go to her house to visit her to find a place where I wasn’t seeing a reminder at every turn. It has been a struggle to survive financially and emotionally. The terror has now intruded into her home and the evidence of the nightmare is everywhere. You cannot look anywhere and not see something out of place. A constant reminder. It is undeniable. It is inescapable. Every second of the day and night. I know how difficult it is to survive. Now I watch as it completely envelops my mother’s life.

I beg, someone, somewhere, please help. Get involved. Send a copy of this to anyone you know. I have not been able to find help in 5 years, so I am certain I have not found the one who can fix this. If you have found your way to this document, you may know the right person.

Please help.


The SFC (System File Checker) program may run and report no errors in your system files.

The surveillance software is using a routine which hides all of the files involved with its program when any access is attempted, or you click on the folder to open it. This is usually immedaitely noticeable because in a folder where there are alot of hidden files, the hourglass will come up for a few seconds. If your anti-virus program never ends, consider that it may be continuing to chase the moving files until they stop moving (They won’t) or you shut down the scan or reboot. Leaving your system infected.

When System File Checker runs and find problems in your files which it cannot repair, you have to read a HUGE log file to find the notation of the file which it has detected is bad. You then have to find a clean copy of that file and replace it. OH and as soon as you leave the folder, the hide-and-seek program will overwrite it with the surveillance program”s version of the file.

Is Microsoft really keeping your computer secure when they have built in so many ways for their program files to be corrupted and hidden from you? And they have failed to provide any trustable method to obtain the file from their own site.

Another item that you definitely cannot trust… is anything marked with the word TRUST. Like TRUSTED INSTALLER. The designers of this software to protect your children from the bad guys on the internet have thrown your computer security out the window. One of the first things their installer does is install the routines to secretly corrupt the security that Microsoft has complicated beyond any reason. How about locking the files down and preventing them from beng corrupted? Is that such a crazy concept?