
Every document filed by Angst & Angst requires the judge to further the injustice. Angst & Angst have manipulated an entire courthouse of judges, to buy in, to protect themselves, and to commit further acts of injustice. All designed to terrorize the Defendant.

The Angst’s have done this every time there is a proceeding. They stack the deck for further judicial misconduct, then use that misconduct to further manipulate the judiciary.

In March 2008, Angst & Angst told their client to burglarize the house, and use false documents in the act. At the hearing on that crime commited in violation of several court orders, they demonstrated their corrupt nature by presenting Judge DelRicci with the proof of the initial injustice – The Secret Order of August 22, 2007 signed by Judge Rhonda Daniele.

Judge DelRicci had no choice but to continue the injustice of the secret order. But Angst & Angst pressed the judge to double down. In the course of 15 minutes, Angst & Angst would have the judge commit ethical violations, further ignore their ethical violations, and acts intended to obstruct justice. The icing on the cake was when they convinced the judge to violate my right to freedom of expression – the First Amendment to the Constitution. And Judge DelRicci did it. And of course, Angst & Angst, would go on to fraudulently claim I had failed to follow the unconstitutional order… in front of another judge, during another day of manipulation.

Angst & Angst have once again done the same with Judge Carluccio. Judge Carluccio bought in to protect a member of the Bar Association of which she is president. Judge Carluccio was then coerced into violating all of my rights further to deny any hearings. Judge Carluccio capitulated to the requirements of protecting Angst & Angst.

And here we are again. Angst & Angst petitioning for a hearing, when we know any opportunity for me to tak the stand to testify will be prevented by the judge. So the Angst’s once again are coercing a judge into an illegal, ethical, and manipulative injustice.

Everyone who capitulates to the actions of Angst & Angst is doomed to be thrown under the bus. Once they have finished manipulating the judge, it has always been the Angst’s who have exposed the injustice against the Defendant. They throw it in my face, they include it in subsequent petitions upon which there can be no hearings.

I am the Defendant in a Terroristic Divorce where unethical lawyers without any social conscience have manipulated 7 judges to cover their crimes over a period of 5 years. I have no choice but to persevere and hope for justice… while they take everything from me, and try to destroy my spirit.


Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
~ Aldous Huxley


The SFC (System File Checker) program is supposed to identify and repair files which have become corrupted. If it cannot repair it, it will give you a series of instructions which could takes weeks to execute. The professional stealth software surveillance companies that sell their programs to housewives allowing them to blindly violate federal laws, those companies know how the SFC program works. They write around it.

One such company has executives from each of the areas of ‘security’. Registry, Certificates, Trusted Programs,… all of the areas to target for intrusion are represented in the six or 7 guys who launched that company when they started marketing a previously detected virus/spy program. They took a virus, put a brand name on it, sold it to parents incapable of trust and have become the number one stealth software surveillance, remote control, obfuscation and redirection program.

Should I be surprised that SFC is reporting problem files? NO. If I try to fix them is there any way to prevent it happening again. NOPE. Thanks Microsoft for the warm fuzzy secure feeling that is meaningless. They already know the Registry is being made unreadable by design. Here’s a shocker, while the general population lacks the tools to read and organize a view of the related registry data, the hackers have those tools already. Microsoft has made it easier for them to hide their code.

It doesn’t take them long to obtain one copy of each security program, reverse engineer it, and modify their program to disable the security measure. AND THE ANTI VIRUS / ANTI SPYWARE Software companies allow it.

They also can SEE anything you are doing to disable their program, and update the program so as not to let that happen again. You are an unpaid participant in their research and development.

Alex Eckleberry, the CEO of Sunbelt Software, caused my identity theft in February 2008, then proceeded to email me about it. At the time, he was the poo-bah of the AVAS / Anti-Spyware Coalition.

So many reports of hackers gaining access to people’s computers. Well folks, any hacker can buy this program and if he signs up for the super-duper golden ticket support, they’ll actually help him hack you, AND notify him of what needs to be fixed should you do something to prevent the illegal surveillance.


Email Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett to direct the Attorney General to investigate.

Email Address: GovernorsOffice2@state.pa.us

Contact them asking for an investigation into 8 judges acting in violation of law and procedure in HEALY v HEALY. Documented at A TERRORISTIC DIVORCE http://www.work2bdone.com/live

Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General
16th Floor, Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17120



Press Office:

Contact The PA Attorney General


Please God. I have tried. I have persevered. I have believed. I am alone. I am afraid. There has been no help. I have done all I can do. I can no longer submit myself to be diminished, destroyed and further victimized. I want to find peace. Even if only for a few seconds. Deliver me from this evil. I beg, I pray.

There is no one anywhere, in any church, or office, or web site that will help. The people who are causing the injustice are the only ones who can make it end. They lack any incentive or motivation to do anything but destroy me further to prevent exposure.

I have lost hope in mankind. No one has acted on my behalf. No one has helped. And I am deserving.

I just want to stop crying, to stop having to be afraid, to have peace.

There is no way to make that happen while under their threat.

Warrington Township Police arrived this afternoon to find me sleeping. I calmly explain the situation. I wish I had the capacity for suicide. I don’t. So I endure another day and suffer the fear and terror of an out of control judiciary. There is no help from attorneys who are equally petrified that their career would be at stake if they spoke out against the judges.

The other evening a friend spoke to an attorney from Montgomery County, who indicated that Judge Carolyn Carluccio was a good judge trapped in this coverup. He also indicated that there is only one judge who could be more cruel in these types of situations. Judge Rhonda Daniele. The Judge who issued a secret undocketed undistributed order on August 22, 2007. The injustice which basically became a death sentence in a 5 year terroristic divorce.

Get involved. Email Gov. Tom Corbett to direct the Attorney General to investigate. Email Address: GovernorsOffice2@state.pa.us Contact them asking for an investigation into 8 judges acting in violation of law and procedure in HEALY v HEALY. Documented at A TERRORISTIC DIVORCE http://www.work2bdone.com/live

There have been 5 years of clues. There is no escaping the program that has full control of your computer allowing remote access and control, providing all passwords to whomever while they block or obfuscate any attempts to escape their control or resolve any issue.

The clues are in your face everyday. You deal with them. You have come to expect them. No one helps because you cannot break through their control and blockages. They see everything you do and can reverse or redirect anything you are doing to prevent your escape, or to prevent your survival.

No surprise when… the following message appears

“You are using an insecure browser! It looks like you are using an insecure version of Internet Explorer. Using an outdated browser makes your computer unsafe. For the best WordPress experience, please update your browser.”

I had noticed the changes in the toolbars, the scaling of the screen, the subtle changes to settings I had not touched. Am I surprised? Of course not. Is there anything I can do about it. No.

I have been a targeted victim of remote control, surveillance and redirection/obfuscation software since February 2007. Initially installed on my computers by my wife, at the suggestion of her attorneys, as she planned a divorce. In July 2007, I discovered an illegally installed copy of Web Watcher Installed on my computers. It had destroyed my business. It had affected my banking. It has destroyed my life.

Reported months before to Awareness Technologies of Marina Del Rey California, they denied it. They lied. Weeks later after using software tools I had collected during my 20 years in the Information Technology field, I proved it. It made no difference. They had begun a campaign of technological terror that would continue for the next 5 years, and as evidenced, still continues today.

They stepped up their game hiring private investigators to handle the local work. I was forced to be a spectator to the intrusions. The private investigator was above the law. Local police would do nothing to stop him. I could be further victimized and there would be no repercussions. The team of attackers was growing. The team of people to cover up a single crime, would grow over 5 years to include multiple levels of law enforcement, eight county judges, several software companies, and everyone they could leverage in the battle to keep the crime and their involvement in the additional criminal acts and injustices from being exposed.

The private investigator was also a contractor in the local war on drugs. It would seem the PI managed the informants and the investigators. To cover the crime. they would attempt to set me up as something I am not. Repeatedly failing to entrap me into illegal activities, they provided the clues of their actions which revealed their unethical and corrupt actions. Noticing the actions of teams of people over 5 years time, I realized that the information I now possessed threatened the operations of the Montgomery County Drug Task Force. The Drug Task Force had become the paramilitary arm of the Court of Common Pleas.

My experience was a direct threat to their efforts to continue their illegal activities while purporting to be fighting crime.

I survived 5 years of constant intrusions, inexplicable non-response of law enforcement, injustices which only caused further injustices in the court which have resulted in the June 2011 eviction from my home causing me to be homeless while ordering me to continue to be responsible for all household expenses. I am sincerely alone and on the brink of suicide. I am writing this article and the notice pops up that the browser is not secure. Really? What’s the point? A reminder that there is no escape from the terror… even as i pray for a peaceful exit from life. I am taunted.

There has been no help from any source in 5 years as my life disintegrated. I am stuck in an insecure life. Everywhere I look I am reminded I am unsafe. There is no security. I have lived in fear for 5 years. I persevered. The truth cannot be heard when all forces are working to prevent it. I pray for a peaceful exit from a system that has targeted a survivor for destruction.

There is no exit…

The experience is documented on a web site called A Terroristic Divorce (http://www.work2bdone.com/live) or GOOGLE: terroristic divorce or FACEBOOK: A TERRORISTIC DIVORCE.


The first 3 canons of the Pennsylvania Code of Judicial Conduct refer to the judges ethical responsibilities in the courtroom.

CANON 1. Judges should uphold the integrity and independence of the judiciary
CANON 2. Judges should avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all their activities
CANON 3. Judges should perform the duties of their office impartially and diligently

When a Judge fails to follow the code, injustice intrudes into their courtroom. If ignored, it fails to heal, and the injustice grows. Should the case be moved to another judge, in another courtroom, the attempt to ignore the growing injustice becomes infectious.

When a case, such as mine, has been tainted by injustice before entering a courtroom. The secret injustice can be as damaging as the further inexplicable injustices which occur to deny it. A hidden tumor, no less deadly, waiting to be discovered and diagnosed.

Each judge’s failure to address the injustice only magnifies the previous injustice and expands on it. It spreads like a cancer through each court and through the courtrooms of an entire courthouse. The unethical actions of the judges cause them to further victimize the party who has suffered the injustice. The victim has no choice but to survive each injustice. The victims only recourse is to survive while the judiciary hides behind the animousity it has created between the parties.

In the Court system, the Plaintiff and Defendant can only file petitions against each other. When the Judiciary acts unethically they become an untouchable interested third party in the case. The Judiciary exacerbates the greivances and malfeasance grows between the parties who must submit to the behaviors of the court.

Judge Carluccio, in her latest unethical and criminal actions, has attempted to make amends to the Plaintiff in this case by awarding her everything. Fortunately, Judge Carluccio’s latest improper actions did not lead the victim of her injustice, the Defendant, to commit suicide after surviving 5 years of terror, and harassment and litigation; exposing the injustice; and losing everything and being made homeless.

Judge Carluccio has forgotten that the Plaintiff, through her attorney, caused the initial injustice. She attempted to make amends to the party who provoked, caused, or were granted the initial mis-step by Judge Rhonda Daniele. She attempted to make amends to the perpetrator of the deed. And in doing so she further victimized the victim.

Judge Rhonda Daniele committed an injustice against the Defendant when she signed an order on August 22, 2007. The Order was kept secret, undocketed, never distributed to the Defendant. That Order was used to manipulate every proceeding in this case in the courtrooms of Judge Thomas Del Ricci, Judge Arthur Tilson, Judge Emanuel Bertin, Judge Patricia Coonahan, Judge Stephen Barrett, and Judge Carolyn Carluccio.

When it was discovered by the Defendant, there were no further hearings based on the Orders of Judge Carolyn Carluccio furthering the injustice by denying the Defendant his right to be heard on the petitions pending before the court. And denying him the opportunity to defend against the continued false allegations documented in petitions by the Plaintiff. Any possibility that the Defendant would speak and be ‘heard’ in a court was blocked, intentionally, and with malice to obstruct justice by Judge Carolyn Carluccio.

Judge Carluccio indicated when she was campaigning for the position on the Court, “The state judiciary should have an independent review board to review all allegations of misconduct and impose a series of sanctions appropriate to the misconduct such as suspension without pay, removal from the bench and/or forfeit their pension.” From Inquirer Judicial Candidate Questionairre

A sanction appropriate to the misconduct… The malicious and intentional destruction of a man over the course of 5 years of his life where he was kept unemployed, thrown into a psych ward, jailed, denied any contact with his children, financially ruined, abandoned by his exhausted supporters, denied the protection of law enforcement, living in fear and isolation, forced to petition for justice to a court which would never oblige, while enduring repeated injustices from a corrupt judiciary attempting to conceal the lack of ethics and the criminal actions under color of law of the prior judges during a 5 year period of injustice which annihilated an entire extended family.

What would be an appropriate sanction for a judge who with full knowledge of the unethical, immoral and unlawful activity would unjustly throw the man out of his only refuge and Order him homeless?

I was so close to suicide. They had stolen every passion and joy in my life. They had crushed my spirit. Yet, I couldn’t give them what they wanted. I cried. Day and night. I cried for weeks. I was forced to face each day. Waking each day to be further vicitimized.

The eight judges in my case include the late Judge Toby Dickman. I appeared only once before the Honorable Judge Dickman on September 6, 2007. There was no indication at that time that her court was affected by the secret order of Judge Rhonda Daniele issued weeks prior on August 22, 2007. I exclude Judge Dickman from any implication or accusation of wrong-doing or impropriety. In my research, I have noted that the handwritten notes of Judge Dickman were honorable and with a clear intent to assure clarity in understanding her Orders.

So what have you learned as a legal intern?

I have avoided humor on this web site. Occasional sarcasm has crept in. The following video is not funny. It clearly explains the cynical reality of the legal profession.


Permit me to explain the actions of Judge Carluccio along with what could motivate her unconscionable actions.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has demonstrated by her actions, in her own words, and her Court Orders, the unwillingness to hear any testimony since the submission of a document in early March 2011 which documented and provided exhibits and evidence of the judicial misconduct of the prior judges assigned to my case.

All hearings which would permit testimony relating to the juducial misconduct were prevented from that day forward.

The failure of the Court to enforce compliance of my wife extended the impunity she has been allowed for the last 5 years without explanation.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has done so while preventing an appeal of her orders. Because they are invalid, they are not final, and cannot be appealed to a higher court until she has had the opportunity to reconsider.

When filed as an Energency Petition, Judge Carolyn Carluccio denied the Emergency.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio waited 3 weeks to schedule the hearing 3 weeks later on July 18, 2011.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio did not consider it an emergency that her Order causes the Defendant to be homeless.

The clear malice, foresight and intent of Judge Carolyn Carluccio is to further terrorize the victim of 5 years of judicial injustice and to force the victim to appear in front of her expecting justice. In the last 5 years, the injustice suffered by the victim has cost him everything without explanation. He survived it. He documented it. He presented it to the Court. Judge Carolyn Carluccio has heard the testimony of the impact 5 years of divorce litigation has had on the Defendant. She heard testimony that everything has been taken from him without explanation.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio never heard the testimony regarding the extreme judicial misconduct from the witness stand. This permits her to ignore what was written in the documents. That’s the way things work. You have to say it in the courtroom to have the judge ‘hear’ you. The purpose of the ‘hearing’. And why Judge Carluccio has prevented any further hearings in this case in violation of procedure, in violation of the law, and in violation of the rights of the Defendant – who has been the victim of extreme judicial misconduct and injustice.


Kathy McMahon entered my situation on June 20, 2011 through Facebook. She offered to publicize my longstanding situation. I recognized the possibility that in all liklihood she was just another ‘Handler’ but gave her the benefit of the doubt and played along. It ended just like every other ‘Handler’ situation. They disappear, and when asked what happened. They attack me for expecting them to deliver what they offered. Then delete their account, or block me.

It has happened so many times, I no longer let the false hope destroy me. I take the power from the thought that someone might really help, and set my expectations for the reality that they are likely players in this game of destruction. There are always clues to the deception. I have pointed things out and caused them to come up with the most ridiculous explanations. All the while taking power from the false hope they provided.

I wrote to Kathy McMahon the other day:

“Disappointed that you also disappeared. I thought you might have been real. Been sincere… I haven’t found that in a long time.”

The Response was right from the same script as everyone else who had disappeared in the last 5 years:

Hey Thomas
others have real issues in their lives too
I passed your info onto fintan, its up to him
I have my son’s anniversary coming up and Fintan’s mom is unwell so he has been spending time with her
maybe your problem is you demand a lot of attention for yourself without understanding that other people have problems they too are trying to deal with in their personal lives

Maybe my problem is that the forces working against me are constantly pretending to be working for me. They are exhausted that they have not been succesful in obtaining my suicide. No one has won the bonus.

When I tried to reply, I was blocked. As has happened each time in the last 5 years. To me that kind of confirms the original intent. It suggests that they have a conscience, and that THEY don’t want to be reminded of what they have done to me.

My Response to Kathy McMahon:

You entered my situation. You provided some hope. I took that possibility and it empowered me to survive another day. I knew it was false hope, but denied it to gain the strength to endure another day. And when it all comes down, you did not deliver. And you blame me?

I’ve been through 5 years of these experiences. Each has been the same. Set me up to believe in the help you are offering, turn your back and disappear, and then blame me if I ask what happened.

Thomas is dead because of actions like these. I am Terance.

I have not been driven to suicide as Thomas had been. He survived 10 years, to be ignored even in his flaming suicide in front of a courthouse. Did you do the same thing to Thomas? Is there a reward for being the last ‘handler’ to act before the target commits suicide?

Just another in the series of Handler activities. Designed to demoralize and weaken my spirit. The group of Handlers who arrived in June 2011 was big, with lots of information about things which had nothing to do with them. Volumes of information designed to make the target believe he was out of his ever lovin’ mind. I’ve been very careful not to adopt the ‘insanity’ of others.

One necessary thing in their stories and documents is that they must find a way to connect to me. A simple truth, which has happened to me, they then weave that into their story to convince me of their wild experience. Again, it’s been 5 years of these experiences. I’ve learned to take my experience and accept parts of their corroborating story as a receipt. That receipt is a sanity check which can be banked. They had to put a little truth in to convince me to believe them at all. But these folks have stories that are just plain insanity. THE ONION NEWS NETWORK could be their version of the nightly news.

A sociopath is somebody who exhibits sociopathy, who behaves in a way that suggests a lack of conscience. Unlike the average human, a sociopath does not feel any sense of guilt or remorse when committing morally wrong actions or actions that their society deems unacceptable. Because of this utter lack of fear for the sanctions of society, sociopaths take advantage of the social system and use manipulation and amoral behaviors to obtain their goals. The types of behaviors they exhibit are those that would make someone with a conscience uncomfortable.

Note to the Handlers: I can tell who you are and what you are from the first email. Thank you for confirming my story. There is no cure for your sociopathy. I am pleased for you that you have found a way to take a psychological disorder and make it a career advantage. Congratulations on making the best of YOUR situation.

[ Handlers whom I have met personally are included among the people listed in this post. ]