
Each day for the last 6 years I have been under threat of further attacks. There is nothing I can do to prevent them. There is no safe place.

The ironic part of the new threats is the goal is to lock ME up for the things other people are doing… And get this. I have asked them NOT to do anything. They have been hiding their involvement from me. No matter what anyone does, for me or against me, by Order or in violation of Orders, by request or contrary to my direction, I am at risk. I get threatened.

It’s not paranoia when they are actually doing things behind your back. Well, it is paranoia, but just not the imaginary kind.

Police have lied to me; and in violation of law and procedures had me involuntarily committed. I still suffer nightmares from the day that was done to me. I still recall dropping to the floor when they did that to me. August 8, 2007. Police refused to provide any police reports for the events of that day. Years later, they issued ones which still failed to indicate why I was removed from my home and locked away for 4 days. There were no charges, no allegations and no explanations. And the paperwork has other flaws to it as well. On August 8, 2007, the conspiracy began.

Judge Rhonda Daniele issued a Secret Court Order in August 2007 which effectively undermined every petition filed with the Court. That petition destroyed my family and was hidden until August 2010. Everything I tried to do within the judicial system was tainted by the necessity to protect Judge Rhonda Daniele’s injustice. I have never seen Judge Rhonda Daniele. I have read of her ruthlessness, and the actions she takes against anyone who challenges her. If you have a lawyer, she will destroy them if they fight for you or themselves.

There’s only one way to get a Court Order enforced. You must take the issue back into Court, and the Judge orders the party to comply, or be fined or punished, or jailed for contempt.

Judge Rhonda Daniele never enforced my wife or her attorneys to comply with any court order. Though her other secret orders arose a few times, cleaning out my mothers bank account, trying to railroad me into a jail cell based on other secret orders. Those secret activities were discovered and thwarted before I got snagged in their emotional attack.

It was noted by someone that Judge Daniele was elected at about the same time Valerie Angst began her clerkship at Montgomery County Courthouse.

Judge Daniele had also held a position at MCES. The psych ward the police threw me in when I reported the illegal computer surveillance.

Judge Rhonda Daniele never intended for me to find her Court Orders. When i did, there was no way that her orders were going to be turned back on my wife and enforced. Judge Rhonda Daniele’s Orders were intended to hurt me, to destroy me, to ruin me financially, and they were used for that purpose. But enforcing the items against my wife, well, that was not the intent of the orders. Your wife knew that, because she had a copy and knew what it said, and she was not doing anything she was ordered to do on the document.

Judge Thomsas DelRicci delayed any custody hearings for years based on a Petition regarding marital property. There was numerous requests for discovery, and continuances. In Pennsylvania, you are not permitted to petition for children and property together. Children are not property. Judge Del Ricci still delayed the hearings from December 2007 when filed until June 2009 when he mysteriously recused himself after not scheduling anything on the case for 3 months. During the pending time I was not permitted any time with my son. There was no explanation.

Judge DelRicci also threw me in jail after rescheduling a hearing 8 times and changing the purpose of the conference into a contempt hearing without notice. Judge DelRicci also rewarded my wife for burglarizing and vandalizing my home and poisoning my dog.

Judge Thomas DelRicci never enforced my wife and her attorneys to comply with any court order.

Judge Emanuel Bertin put all of his orders in writing. Even the one where he ORDERED me to split a couterpetition from a Response. Doing so resulted 6 months later in the issue being ‘not cognizable’ and dismissed with me to pay their fees. When they billed for fees, Angst & Angst included the fees for their unethical ex parte communication with Judge Bertin.

Judge Emanuel Bertin never enforced my wife and her attorneyrs to comply with any court order.

When I found the Secret Order from 2007 issued by Judge Rhonda Daniele, I had the prothonotary staff docket the newly discovered item. Judge Bertin then recused without explanation.

On the docket were left enforcement petitions relating to finances and health issues, Judge Carolyn Carluccio quickly misrepresented hearings, issues secret scheduling documents which were not distributed, lied about her extensive review of the docket, refused to reconsider when the ‘error’ was called to her attention, threw me out of my home, and has acted with extreme malice in refusing to resolve any issue. The transcript fro the last hearing resolves NOTHING. Judge Carluccio knew she was talking in so many directions that she refused to issue her orders in writing when requested. As such, her verbal orders could not be executed by the deadline given because the transcript was unavailable – AND that prior order would result in my being incarcerated (by mistake).

Judge Carluccio has refused to recuse herself even after her corruption was called to her attention. She responded in malice and spite at the my exposing the extreme injustices I have suffered before this Court. Judge Carluccio ORDERED me to be homeless, while I owned an unoccupied house I may not live in, while responsible for the $2600 mortgage,
while responsible for all of the bills associated with the house, while not permitted any access or say in what happens at the house, while my wife vandalizes the home which she abandoned in May 2007, and removes any marital assets from the house. She has no fear of enforcement of Court Orders.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio is especially determined because at the same time she knew what she was doing to me was wrong, corrupt, illegal, unethical, she refused to permit me any opportunity for a fair and impartial and unbiased judge in this case. She forced me to return to her court and expect justice – and prevented any alternative – while she attacked my spirit, my home, my only safety and sanctuary. She tore my home apart with malice and intent. She wanted to punish the one who survived the injustice and presented it in her courtroom.

The Judges of the Montgomery County Court of Common Please are NOT all as corrupt as the above named. However, those judges named here would cause anyone who has witnessed their corruption conspiracy and injustice to doubt the entire judicial system.

The Corruption I have experienced has brought down the entire system on top of me. I have experienced the most biased and corrupt individuals in their corrupt network.

After 6 years, I have my self respect. I never threatened anyone. I never hurt anyone. I was never aggressive. I never harassed anyone. I trusted professionals to do their job. I trusted the courts to provide justice. They have stolen everything I ever had in life, everything I ever dreamed, everything I ever believed in, and they did it in full view of a frightened world who would do nothing to assist me.

My 6 year battle with evil. I never had a choice not to fight back. When I did they destroyed me further until they had annihilated everything. They continue with the emotional harassment manipulating everyone. They won’t stop until I am dead but are too exposed to act. I won’t oblige them with the suicide they continue to try to evoke.

In August 2007, I realized it was life or death stakes. My Death or their Prosecution were the only exits.
The boxes, discs and piles of evidence are secured, I’ve been waiting for the prosecution to begin for 6 years… waiting for justice. It’s not about divorce… it’s about covering up lawyers advising their client to commit a crime and the lengths that those lawyers will go to cover up their illegal actions.


I’ve been unjustly criminalized, povertized and had my health taken too…
They won’t get my spirit and death is a relief to me.
I know where I’m going in the afterlife, it is their souls I fear for.
– D. Barclay


This has become part of an ongoing series.
i…. A sister-in-law isn’t involved, until she is.
ii… Lies require considerable attention and maintenance, while the truth is waiting to be recognized.

After no word from anyone on the Chrissie matter, my brother arrived tonight. I hadn’t seen him since the shouting match on July 23rd where he threatened me with lawsuits, and involuntary commitment, because of what HE had done at his wife’s ‘direction’ in violation of court orders, and purporting to be on my behalf, when my directions were clearly to stay out and my directions were documented in a Petition to the Court.

Tonight, it was revealed that while his wife had sent him to me on July 23rd to threaten and shout for writing about Chris’ part in the events that week… AT THE VERY SAME TIME, the ‘uninvolved’ Chris was back at my house loading boxes of I-don’t-know-what at the request of Sonya.

Chris has done NOTHING for me in 6 years. She barely speaks to me. She directs my brother not to speak to me or contact me. AND NOW SHE JUST CAN’T KEEP OUT OF SONYA’s DIVORCE. I have accused her of being involved before and have been met with denials, and lies. How remarkable is it that at the same moments where she has sent her husband to yell at me for documenting her ‘involvement’, she is actually loading boxes from my house into her garage.

Her actions will only allow for Angst & Angst to create more chaos. They intentionally create the chaos, fraud and lies. Managing that chaos is difficult when they present in a court that will never listen to the truth, or a full sentence, or a full paragraph, or a full story. The recent transcript was 20 pages over the estimate because of the volume of interruptions to every statement I made during the proceeding.

They then indicate they are helping me. Really? Acting on Sonya’s request, in direct contradiction to my wishes and the court orders. How is that helping me? I directed John to return the stolen items to MY house.

I own the house. I am ordered to pay the mortgage on it (based on an invalid and malicious order). The court documents indicate I must store my items at the house. I am not permitted to remove them as i may not acccess the house. Court Documents indicate that my things are to stay at the house. Of course, my wife hasn’t followed any court order or document yet, so why would she start now.

Sonya has refused to split property. She prefers to throw my items in trash bags and have them delivered and includes a trunk sent full of shredded paper and mouse feces.

Sonya’s lawyer filed for arbitration immediately in May. That has STILL not been scheduled. I reminded Bruce Goldenberg in a letter 2 weeks ago that he has not scheduled the arbitration, and it is now approaching 3 months since that was requested by Angst & Angst and it remains unscheduled.

To further add insult to injurious actions, John starts shouting tonight how he and his wife are meeting with a lawyer to sue me for writing the prior article. He then threatens to attempt to have me locked up because I am the crazy one. I admit I am a sane man in a crazy situation, where everyone in a position to help has been manipulated to act against me. (I originally wrote that sentence almost 5 years ago, and people still get manipulated by Sonya and her lawyers.)

I’ve been brought into court for liable and slander already, by my son, Colin. Colin lost, and mispronounced ‘libelous’ which actually was far more embarassing for me as his father than being wrongly accused and brought to court. I didn’t counterpetition against my son, who was clearly manipulated into his misguided action. He was hurting enough and just striking out.

The most involved ‘uninvolved sister-in-law’ is not likely to get that same courtesy…

I’ve made these statements before,… They will use you. They will manipulate you. They will let you assume all liability for YOUR actions at their request. They will throw you under the bus and let it destroy you. They can’t be held accountable for YOUR misdeeds, even if they asked you to do it. They have done it to 8 judges, 2 masters, 3 detectives, 1 police officer and several software companies, and even more people than I am probably aware of. They are out to cover their own ass, and don’t give a second thought to yours.

Your time with the lawyer might be better spent asking him to contact the Attorney General of Pennsylvania and reporting what you have known for the last 6 years and bringing this terroristic divorce to a conclusion with the real criminals behind bars.

For 6 years I have been met with accusations of ‘crazy’ EVERYTIME I proved something that was occurring. I accepted the accusation as confirmation that I was correct and my evidence was solid. The accusations of ME being crazy, are clearly becoming more and more outrageous.

I have appreciated the support my brother gave. I knew he was frequently hiding that support from his wife. It seems everyone lies to Chrissie, it is easier to lie to her and deal with getting caught than to tell her the truth. I never placed my brother in a position against his wife. I never exposed how much help and support he was providing. But whenever Chrissie realized I was contacting him, he asked me to stop texting, or calling.

John still checked in, but don’t let Chrissie know because she wants to stay uninvolved.


If the biggest cyber threat the US has to worry about is China, then why have many government agencies secured their computers, laptops and networks using InterGuard from Awareness Technologies? (link)

Awareness Technologies is a company with direct connections to China. I’m re-checking my notes for the name of their parent company based in China. I traced this when the initial intrusions onto my computer were happening from Asia, with a great deal coming in from China. Why would the Chinese want to control my computer? That never made any sense. But I was also providing them with R&D. They were able to see everything I was doing to attempt to escape their surveillance program.

Awareness Technologies grew when they took a known virus/spyware program (ULTRAVIEW) and branded it as WebWatcher. This branding and marketing resulted in the anti-virus companies no longer detecting, preventing or removing the malicious code. The branding gave their illegal spyware some credibility and removed them from the virus/spyware list. Stealth spyware, with all of the invisibility of their programming, hiding in plain sight.

The WebWatcher program permits full remote control, surveillance, obfuscation, redirection and filtering. It can be installed invisibly without the target doing anything to cause the install. It is not invisible, though it has a suite of programs and actions it uses to hide from detection. Many of the WebWatcher surveillance program routines are written in Chinese.

It seems strange that the media is claiming China is the biggest cyber threat, and the government is securing their computers with chinese programming.


Only one response was mean-spirited. As that person cc’d everyone in the distribution, plenty of people responded to the nastiness in his email. The following is posted with the permission of Dr. Les Sachs who authored the FAQ on Corruption:

August 2, 2011
Dear Terance,

Well, you are certainly having a common experience of victims of the system. – I understand the emotions, and how you must have felt getting that rough-toned note from one person, which you then posted on your site.

From my view, emotions of a legal-system victim are understandable, and almost none of us are very good at presenting the particular crimes that happened to us, in a well-organised and clear way.

We have too much trauma over the events, and the trauma is not ‘past’ when the consequences of the injustice are still mauling our lives.

We’re only people, not super-human.

My angle thus has been a different one – My thought has been to try to help explain why one doesn’t get help, why others are generally too afraid to help us, why the resources aren’t there, and why the organisations and institutions which are supposed to be helping us, generally don’t, or just offer a meagre solidarity with many other victims, who are usually as near-helpless as ourselves.

What ‘help’ exists, is usually not what we hope for or expect, usually not help that will fix things for us personally, or not even make things much better – but there is some value in understanding things more, and connecting a little with other victims of the system.

With that we can sometimes figure out a little strategy to optimise a horrible, near-hopeless, and near-impossible situation.

For me that involved getting out of America alive, but I realise for others such an escape is not realistically possible either.

So my view is that, as victims of the system, we are all allowed to forgive ourselves for bouts of emotional ‘imperfection’ in our presentations and our pleas for help.

There is some comfort just from advancing in understanding of what happened to us, and from finding out how many millions of other victims there are and connecting with some of them.

At the same time, it is also quite true that we have to face some of that raw fact, that the help sometimes is not there, and indeed may never be there, for us as individuals …

Innocents are murdered and no one saves them, and the next innocent to die may be you or me.

Yet – in our own circumstances – while we live and breathe, we can hope and pray for a new route of action, however small, and take an opportunity when it seems to be there. In times of hopelessness God sometimes offers hope, miraculously. So it is still our task to be open to that hope.

God does not ask the impossible. So we can indulge ourselves, forgive ourselves.

But God does ask us to try, to hang on, for the good we yet might yet do for others, as best we can, within our human powers, with what strength we have. But no more than that, we are each only human.

Ironically, we may not quite save ourselves, though we may each play some role in helping prepare for the better world, when the old system finally collapses, and new, better ways take their place. That is another way our sacrifices and sufferings have meaning, in what Jail4Judges for example tried to do in this last decade.

Sorry that I don’t have anything more concrete, but I did want to send along a gentler word on this important topic … I fully understand what a life or death issue it can be. There may be ‘no help’, but God does hear you cry out in anguish.

With all good wishes
and God bless you


Dr Les (Leslie) Sachs – Political refugee from US in Europe – Writer on US legal and media corruption – target of US threats of assassination & hate crimes – my journalism sites blocked on the US-based internet search engines, especially by criminal Googl. Inc

Author, ‘Americans Murdering Their Judges’, ‘America’s Corrupt Legal System’, ‘Foreign Companies Face US Court Corruption: Doing Business in the Big Bribery Nation’, ‘FAQ on US Judicial and Legal Corruption’

Legal actions underway in Europe regarding the crimes to suppress me and my work – See this European Union report about me, published by pro-dissident Jewish activists:

August 3, 2011
Dear Terance,

Thanks for the note … sad to hear about the request for twenty-five bucks from a legal system victim who is just trying to keep body and soul together.

Following the economic pages – about which I am no expert – but there are a lot of people increasingly thinking the US system is really not far from collapsing, 24 months or so, from economic forces alone.

What would happen after that, is even more unclear. But if a more open dictatorship, that would create a greater solidarity with now really many tens of millions realising they are all victims.

Or if America breaks up into pieces etc., the new order might be very, very different.

In the 1940s, after Nazis were kicked out of the countries they occupied, there was often a not-recorded ‘day of the axe’ when local people simply went after many of the major bad guys, the ‘collaborators’. They were often beaten to death by their victims and it was simply and quickly done, with little said about it afterwards.

What I wonder about a post-collapse USA, if these lawyer-judge vermin will try to re-assert themselves as the bureaucrats of the ‘new’ governments, or whether they would indeed be crushed as they deserved, by something like the People’s Committees of Public Safety … I wonder in that way if the American culture can be ‘de-Nazified’ out of these criminal courtroom schemers, after the several decades in which people have gotten overly-used to the culture of legalistic oppression and manipulation.

Many people say the current system can’t continue for very long, it is not years now, it is a ticking clock countable in months perhaps.

And a new way of living may be born. May God make it so.

Once again, good luck and best wishes,


Dr Les (Leslie) Sachs – Political refugee from US in Europe – Writer on US legal and media corruption – target of US threats of assassination & hate crimes – my journalism sites blocked on the US-based internet search engines, especially by criminal Googl. Inc

Author, ‘Americans Murdering Their Judges’, ‘America’s Corrupt Legal System’, ‘Foreign Companies Face US Court Corruption: Doing Business in the Big Bribery Nation’, ‘FAQ on US Judicial and Legal Corruption’

Legal actions underway in Europe regarding the crimes to suppress me and my work – See this European Union report about me, published by pro-dissident Jewish activists:

August 2, 2011
From: Terance Healy
To: Dr Les Sachs
Subject: Re: On ‘no one helping’, the common experience re judicial corruption

Thank you – again for your insight and experience.
My single goal in my reply was to not call him an asshole. He wanted $25 to post my story on his web site. Opportunist? or Liar? whatever, i have been through plenty of his type. He falls into the Handler category.

His response, which included multiple levels of govt, media and nice folks… turned up the truth of my situation.

Your FAQ is experiencing quite a regular amount of activity with readers at my web site. While no one wants to believe it, the truth is there for them to deny.

I still have some hope.

August 5, 2011
Dear Terance,

So sorry the brutal tactics are continuing against you. They have their ‘dirty playbook’ which they follow ruthlessly.

Yes, indeed feel free to publish what I wrote, including the e-mail address and links. Sometimes when people write to me, it’s a few days as I sort through a volume of mail I get, but I certainly am glad to connect with good people and the many wounded victims when I can.

After Google gets a major EU fine for blocking my websites, and my freedoms to communicate are restored, I hope I can reach many more people again.

May God keep you safe from the monsters and murderers.

With best wishes,


Dr Les (Leslie) Sachs – Political refugee from US in Europe – Writer on US legal and media corruption – target of US threats of assassination & hate crimes – my journalism sites blocked on the US-based internet search engines, especially by criminal Googl. Inc

Author, ‘Americans Murdering Their Judges’, ‘America’s Corrupt Legal System’, ‘Foreign Companies Face US Court Corruption: Doing Business in the Big Bribery Nation’, ‘FAQ on US Judicial and Legal Corruption’

Legal actions underway in Europe regarding the crimes to suppress me and my work – See this European Union report about me, published by pro-dissident Jewish activists:

—– Original Message —–
From: Terance Healy
Sent: 08/04/11 03:04 AM
To: Dr Les Sachs
Subject: Re: On ‘no one helping’, the common experience re judicial corruption

I’d like your permission to post your response to the web site. I would not post your email address unless you specifically indicate that is ok. If you refer I can remove other identifying info.

Tonight, I’m dealing with revelations of more dirty tricks were played this week. The evil I am forced to deal with is overwhelming and destructive. And anytime I point it out, I get threatened with being locked up in a psych ward. They have found the weakest person in my safety net and are exploiting him against me.

Please let me know if it is OK to post,
Thank you,


Mr. Healy,
Let me waste some time by explaining why no one will help YOU. First note that I took my sensitivity training with Marine Corps infantry.

(1) There are somewhere between 2 and 4 million men and women who are trapped in these nightmares each year. Yet you DEMAND that we drop everything, ignore everyone else, and concentrate on rescuing YOU from the depths of your self pity.
After six (6) years the question isn’t why no one will help you. The question is why you are not helping others?

(2) I find nothing unusual or remarkable in what has been done to you in comparison with millions of others. Yet you make no apparent effort to reach out and help others. Why then should they reach out to help you. Until men in these situations learn to band together and help one another, as women have quite effectively done, the situation, including yours, is only likely to worsen.

(3) You complain of surveillance software installed on your computer that destroys your web-based business. If you are working in a computer field you are expected to take precautions against hackers and all of us have been hacked. So we use defensive measures. Why didn’t you? And why are we supposed to take pity on you for negligence or stupidity?
Also along this line the Equal Justice Foundation, at the recommendation and with the input of its members, also recommends the use of surveillance as a defense in these cases. Seems to me like you were simply outmaneuvered and outsmarted. Not something anyone is likely going to be able to help you with.

(4) You speak of 8 judges on your case. In my experience it is common to have 8 to 15 different judges on cases like yours, none of whom bother to follow case law or read the findings from previous judges. Also, judges are commonly “rotated” the week or day before the trial so that the judge hearing the case has no familiarity at all with the issues or previous rulings. Is whining and complaining going to change that? Am I to be expected to fix a problem with Pennsylvania judges from Colorado? Seems to me like we have enough problems with the judges here but I’m not asking you to fix our problems.
I frequently use the phrase “Dumb as a judge!” No one questions that the judicial system is hopelessly corrupt but apparently you completely failed to adapt, improvise, or overcome the judicial bias against you. Not my problem…

(5) So what are you doing to document the injustices that have rained upon you other than endlessly repeat yourself about what was done to YOU, and apparently only YOU in your little world? Do you think others should do your thinking for you? Did Mommy pull you off her tit and throw you out into the cold, cruel world?
I don’t even find a timeline of events or some background that states how you fell into this morass. Like no doubt many of the people that have suffered through your whining diatribe I’m about to take your ex-wife’s side in this case and suggest you may suffer from a narcissistic personality disorder. Possibly that is why you are still alone after six years.

Now I’ve wasted enough of what passes for empathy with me on you, you poor, downtrodden, unloved wretch. As the saying goes: “Man up!” Reach down, grab a hold of those boostraps and start pulling. Likely you’ll be surprised at how effective that can be but don’t expect me, or others to be willing to tie your shoelaces for you as you seem to expect.
I’ve copied this response to the list you replied to me with when I noted that we try and first help members of the Equal Justice Foundation. I got the strong impression that you expected preferential consideration above our members and contributors. in short, you pissed me off.

Charles E. Corry
Dr. Charles E. Corry email: ccorry@ejfi.org

Well, that response was a definite juxtaposition from what is presented at his web site. http://www.ejfi.org

The Equal Justice Foundation is a nonprofit organization of citizens from all walks of life working to:
• Restore due process.

• Reverse the loss of our civil liberties.

• Ensure equality for all citizens before the bar.

• Establish judicial accountability.

• Reestablish the rule of law.

• Maintain property rights and enforcement of contracts.

• Define marriage as a contract between men and women to provide for the upbringing and education of their children without collectivist interference.

• Preserve the secret ballot.

• Ensure open, fair, and honest elections.

• Make the Bill of Rights a living document in our time.

Our viewpoints and findings are presented by an eclectic array of male and female authors from a wide variety of fields, backgrounds, and viewpoints.

FOR THE RECORD, I have also offered to help anyone in any way I could and have done so for several – though it pained me more to hear their stories. My web site is not whining repetition. My web site is the evidence, the proof and the tools I needed to assemble the information. Information which I share on the web site so that it may help others who are in the similar situation and need to identify what is happenng to them.

It has me wondering if he would have behaved differently had I sent him the $25 fee he was asking for at his web site.


Had this problem on my laptop tonight. Thing is I had fallen asleep and the computer was not doing anything when this error happened.

My experience documents how the following programs are being used for remote control and stealth surveillance of my computer. Adobe PDF files are created with the screenshots, etc. Java and Javascript handle the network connections and programming. Browsers are used to collect the data. Media Players and email programs are used to stream the data out from the computer. The data packets being sent out are wrapped with tags to hide their content. The packets are small, about 4k each. The programs are also installed using email programs. No one has to touch your computer to make it happen. AND you do not have to open an infected email to cause the install.

TRUSTED technologies being used to illegally to intrude on your computing. Adobe, Java, Internet Explorer and other browsers, Windows Media Player and others. Of course you will trust them with intermittent updates, because you need them. And if something happens and the surveillance program requires an update or reboot, you find the program requires an update or reinstall.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: WebKit2WebProcess.exe
Application Version: 7534.50.0.1
Application Timestamp: 4e056f84
Fault Module Name: WebKit.dll
Fault Module Version: 7534.50.0.1
Fault Module Timestamp: 4e056f6c
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000c51b3
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 7b4c
Additional Information 2: 1bf8f4a9aa0934ab2d5620b6e768e037
Additional Information 3: 9737
Additional Information 4: e34574117578dddc2ae353c782eb5308

Read our privacy statement:


I’m not sure if this is the source of your problem, but I and others found this fixed the problem of the “WebProcess” pop-up windows.

Safari 5.1 and “WebProcess”: PROBLEM SOLVED
The culprit is “Little Snitch”

I am running OS 10.6.8 (Lion-ready). Yesterday, I installed the Safari updater from 5.0.5 to 5.1 . . . and am experiencing repeated and annoying pop-up windows for “WebProcessing.”

I found the culprit to be the third-party utility “Little Snitch” — which monitors outgoing internet connections. (http://www.obdev.at/products/littlesnitch/index.html).

I solved the problem by upgrading (FREE) Little Snitch v2.0.x to v2.4 (for Snow Leopard and Lion).


Hmmm? A connection monitoring program? Like possibly used to watch your machine?


My firewall tools tell me that safari.exe is opening TCP sockets to the remote site, but it never sends any data to the server, so no response comes back. Safari just sits there doing nothing.

Hmmm? A connection to a remote site that appears to be doing nothing? Possibly sending hidden packets?


Yup, I got the same thing, but it seems to only happen with my Proboards message board, which has Java Script enabled, so I wonder if it’s anything to do with JS. I am able to go on any other site (including Facebook and here) and have no problems.

Hmmm? Javascript programs can do alot secretly. Frequent java updates are needed for stealth surveillance.


I am having the same problem. Thought it might be a firewall issue, but I disabled the firewall briefly to test and the same problem continued to occur. I notice that when Safari is attempting to connect, both safari and the webkit2webprocess.exe processes become resource hogs. The webkit is pulling 50% of my dual core processor. That seems to be where the hang up is occurring.

Hmmm? It takes alot of resources to send out surveillance data of your computer.


Everything you do in Safari is more stable and responsive. The new process architecture divides the heavy lifting for smoother sailing. One process handles everything coming from or going to the web, while the other manages interactions with the Safari interface — such as creating a bookmark or searching your history. Now an unresponsive website won’t affect Safari, so you can keep browsing and browsing.

Hmmm? A problem like this pops up after a few weeks when the stealth surveillance software gets updated for the change in Safari?

By the way, I called Apple Support and they didn’t know what I was talking about, apparently nobody had this complaint so far.

Hmmm? A support desk that had no answers? I’ve had that exact problem since the surveillance programs were installed in February 2007.

See Also….Cyber threat? China and Awareness Technologies


Whatever the excuse has been for the last 6 years, I have suffered the destruction of my life under color of law.

Judge Rhonda Daniele issued a secret court order against me in August 2007. From that day forward the courts have been manipulated into further injustice. There is no where else to turn, so I am forced to return to the court for justice, and foolishly expect it to change. There is no escape.

The case has been through 8 judges. Can anyone explain that? I have only ever asked 2 to recuse. One did, the other responded by denying any hearing or opportunity to testify and further order me to be homeless. An order issued out of fear that I might be provided the chance to testify to the corruption of the court which I documented in March.

That has been averted only because I spend most days crying at the despair and lack of hope. BECAUSE NO ONE HAS DONE ANYTHING TO HELP ME IN 6 YEARS.

I suffered alone… with spectators watching from the distance but not doing anything.

I am tired of people saying there is nothing they can do. I am not the first person to be destroyed in this manner, I have heard every excuse for not taking any action. I can’t believe that in the entire world, no one would help.

I pray you never find yourself in this type of situation. Living each day only to be further victimized. ALONE.

I have no choice. My death or their prosecution is the only exit. And they can continue to attack and destroy me the more I survive, the more victimized I become.

Please get involved. Demand an investigation. Save a man from destruction.

Google: Terroristic Divorce


Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio is either stupid, or so determined to disrespect the people who MUST appear in HER Courtroom that she acts as if she is experiencing the onset of Alzheimers.

After again reviewing the Transcript of last Monday’s Court Appearance, the thought of Carolyn Carluccio make me sick.

Her actions to persist in concealing, conspiring and covering up the injustice I have experienced over the last 5 years in the Montgomery County Courts is unconscienable. For her to hide behind the color of law to do it is criminal.

Doesn’t she give a damn that she is participating in the destruction of a human being?

I sit there persecuted and forced to expect justice from a judiciary so determined to conceal the manipulations of the judges of the court and the lawyers who manipulate the court.

What is wrong with these judges? Have they no realization of what they are doing? What kind of evil takes over a person to make them act with malice and in violation of procedures and the law to damage and destroy anyone?

Judge Carluccio will not be satisfied until I am dead.

I am forced to live in this constant environment with no hope of escape, and no help from anyone. I cry. I cry constantly. I did nothing to deserve this. This has been going on for the last 6 years, with no peace, no rest, no joy, no life. AND NO HELP.

Judge Carluccio is corrupt. She should resign.


Their prosecution or my death are the only exits from this situation. I have been aware of this for years. But, anyone in a position to help has been manipulated into inaction, or wrongdoing, and prevented from helping because of their own liabilities. I survive each day only to be further victimized until someone enforces the law and addresses their abuse of power.

The judge’s assigned to this case have intentionally inflicted emotional distress under color of law
A heinous offense occured in the beginning by Judge Rhonda Daniele issuing her SECRET ORDER of August 22, 2007. That action required the complicity and active partitipation of the judges to maintain the secret. The recent actions of Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio, when presented with the misdeeds of the prior judges in March 2011, maliciously issuing an order which demonstrated an unfathomable bias while purporting to be ‘equitable’. Doing so in violation of law, and then delaying any hearing on the matter for another 6 weeks and preventing any appeal in the meantime.

Judge Carluccio ORDERED me to be homeless,
while I owned an unoccupied house I may not live in,
while responsible for the $2600 mortgage,
while responsible for all of the bills associated with the house,
while not permitted any access or say in what happens at the house,
while my wife vandalizes ‘our’ home which she abandoned in May 2007,
permitting my wife to remove any marital assets from the house.

Judge Carluccio has acted in violation of law and procedure to prevent hearings regarding enforcement of Court Orders because ‘those things happened in the past’ and are not relevant. (????)
Not only have those ‘things’ happened in the past, they are happening in the present, and will happen in the future. Judge Carluccio has created an entirely new branch of justice that refuses to address or ‘hear’ about past events. Very futuristic. I wonder what this future only court would hear? Things that might occur? may occur? will possibly occur? Laws? Well, The law was written in the past. This is future court. There is no law in Judge Carluccio’s future only courtroom.

Judge Carluccio’s Order demonstrates extreme malice and infliction of emotional distress under color of law while denying any opportunity for a hearing because it would expose the corruption, injustice and complete lack of ethics of herself and of the prior judges, who since 2007 have acted to obstruct, prevent and deny any justice, in violation of their oath during an extended reign of judicial terror.

Judge Carluccio’s actions were intended to induce suicide. Her Order was intended to kill any further exposure of the extreme abuse of power. Her Order was further misconduct under color of law to conceal the prior misconduct of her predecessors. Her order was indicative of the level to which seven judges will act to protect themselves and undermine the integrity of the entire judiciary of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas.

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Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
Intentional infliction of emotional distress is a claim for intentional conduct that results in extreme emotional distress.

Necessary elements:
The party acted intentionally or recklessly; and
The party’s conduct was extreme and outrageous; and
The party’s act is the cause of the distress; and
The victim suffers severe emotional distress as a result of defendant’s conduct.

Intentional or Reckless
The intent of the act need not be to bring about emotional distress. A reckless disregard for the likelihood of causing emotional distress is sufficient.

Extreme and Outrageous
The conduct must be heinous and beyond the standards of civilized decency or utterly intolerable in a civilized society: the conduct must be such that it would cause a reasonable person to exclaim “Outrageous!” in response.

Some general factors that the conduct was extreme and outrageous
(1) there was a pattern of conduct, not just an isolated incident;
(2) the victim was vulnerable and the party knew it;
(3) the party was in a position of power;
(4) epithets were used; and
(5) the party owed the victim a fiduciary duty.

In Public
The actions occurred in a public setting.

The actions of the party must have actually caused the victim’s emotional distress.

Emotional Distress
Mental distress or anxiety suffered as a response to a sudden, severe, and saddening experience.
The emotional distress suffered by the victim must be “severe.” This standard is quantified by the intensity, duration, and any physical manifestations of the distress.