
They asked for my explanation regarding my ban.I had been told NOTHING. THERE WAS NO EXPLANATION.

Twitter could silence anyone no matter how big or small. And left you with no alternative.

My reply:

Information which I feel is important to know when reviewing my account.

Everything I say is supported by vast amounts of data on my web site where my experience is documented.

I have called it being under a dome.  Unable to effectively communicate.  I have experienced this on gmail, Facebook, Twitter, landline phones, cell phones.  Imagine raising an issue of national importance and not getting a single response.  Communicating with everyone in the hierarchy of government and never getting any reply.  Email, fax, web forms… you really have no idea if it getting thru.  You trust. But nobody replies.  

Every attempt to contact anyone has been greatly hindered, or prevented.  I have confirmed this in person at every Govt official in the Bucks & Montgomery County area and beyond.

There was an idea that Twitter was making my silencers nervous.  I wasn’t sure why.  I think I figured that out though.  And it will simultaneously explain any perception that my account is spamming.  I’m sending the messages to the PA Government, courts and Assembly.  Also federally to the entire Congress.  I cannot just communicate to MY LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE and anticipate any activity.  It’s been done.  When they act on my info, they reply completely terrified at what they have been told.  

My issue is big.  I know what I am up against.  I’m sane. (Lol.) Really.

Twitter uniquely provided me with a receipt.  If I tweeted to anyone, their name (their I’d) was on it.  I could retrieve the stats and see what occurred.  Also, if they ignored, there would be a record of it.  That’s why my account was ended.  Twitter containers trail of potential accountability that foiled the standard excuse – plausible deniability.  Plausible only if I had given up.  But after trying every which way I could, and having included the transmission listings and distribution lists on my web site connected to each letter, Court filing, etc…. Hard to believe none of my attempts made it through to anyone through any method in any location.

My distribution was nationwide.  Yes, I wrote to every governor, every state Senator, every Supreme Court, every bar association (there’s very good reason this was done.  I filed a constitutional challenge and served it upon 56 state attorneys general.  All defaulted.  I won.  The they concealed the win.

I’m going way longer than I wanted.  I hope I haven’t lost you.  The issue is in front of the whole country.  I can explain it better, but I’d prefer to just headline it.  I can write more if you like.

You know when the FBI and DOJ sit in Congress and don’t answer the questions.  THEY ARE FOLLOWING RULE 1.6 Confidentiality.  The mandate of nondisclosure extends to themselves, the office, the prior office holders, their staff and prior staff.  They are permitted to commit any crime they select to maintain nondisclosure.  It’s excused by the sub paragraphs.  All is excused except murder.  

  • ever notice death row is full.  They can’t kill them.  Otherwise the lawyers are permitted to expose the injustice they were not permitted to discuss.

The Confidentislity RULE protects itself.   Lawyers cannot discuss the challenge because if anything they say leads to the exposure which would embarrass the judiciary for enacting it, they get disciplined.  Judiciary disciplines them confidentially.

I found the problem and the solution after being terrorized for years.  I am certain of my correct position.  It has been confirmed at every level of the courts.  

Also, lawyers are not supposed to be in two branches of Govt. As officers of the court, they may not hold executive or legislative seats.  The Confidentislity affects their legislation.  It also conceals corruption like you can’t imagine.  But, truth be told, Obama and Biden know Rule 1.6.  I told them.  They were hand delivered copies.  I pray it wasn’t the inspiration for their corrupt actions.  Lawyers often know they can get away with things, but many don’t understand why, or how.

Having twitter again would give me hope.  I have no rights, no protection under any law, I have had everything taken from me.  Everything.  If I type further I’ll cry.

I assure you I am not a bad actor misbehaving on Twitter.  Perseverance has been my superpower.  And Elon Musk had truly shown my that my hope isn’t for naught.

My web site was work2bdone.com/live
It was hijacked and taken.
But, I had backup,and it’s now on pTerance.com/live
The p is silent.

I’d gladly explain anything you want to know about my situation. Please help.
I persevere,