
It’s what Washington DC is NOT saying that is the problem.

EVERYONE IS NOW ONLY SPEAKING IN BROAD GENERALIZATIONS. They are avoiding any direct factual statement. The reason they avoid this is because it is much easier to avoid fact checking when you haven’t stated a fact.

But, just because you can say the generalizations does NOT make them accurate.

Consider that many of those who are calling Trump a liar are mandated by an improperly enacted and unconstitutional Rule promulgated by the Judiciary. There is no possible review of this Rule for Constitutionality. The Rule permits those who are abiding the rule to commit fraud (LIE) to prevent disclosure, and to commit fraud in the furtherance (LIE even if it makes the situation worse) to prevent disclosure. Those who work in government are required to abide the Rule with additional requirements of non-disclosure of the previous office holder ‘frauds’.

(ie The new AG cannot expose the corruption of a prior AG.)

When I indicated making things worse, that includes participation in actions and frauds even where those actions cause a complete denial of the protection of the Rule of Law and ignore EVERY AND ALL CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.

The CONSTITUTIONAL CONUNDRUM is Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information

Anyone can lie to the media.
Lawyers are excused when lying to the courts (it’s a judicial rule.).
Lawyers are NOT PERMITTED TO LIE TO CONGRESS (It’s NOT a LAW. It is a judicial rule.) This is why the closed door testimony happens. LAWYERS ALL MUST ABIDE RULE 1.6.

The Confidentiality Rule also requires that its unconstitutional affect and damage be held confidential by the lawyers who must abide the Rule.
Non-Lawyers are not required to maintain Confidentiality. Rule 1.6 applies ONLY TO LAWYERS.

So how do you best conceal a lie you must tell. You accuse the other side of lying. And the lawyers in Congress have accused Trump of being the LIAR.

Each subsequent investigator and director in Justice and FBI (all lawyers) have each told a different story about each issue. The Rule requires them to cover for those before them and maintain the non-disclosure effort. Someone is lying. It’s the one who is required to conceal someone else’s prior actions.

Loretta Lynch covered for Eric Holder (who was involved in the litigation which exposed this conundrum.)

Every state Attorney General participated in the litigation. Every US Attorney was included in the distribution. Every justice on each state Supreme Court participated and was included in the distribution of documents.

Ask yourself why you never heard anything about THE CONSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGE OF RULE 1.6 CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION? Terance Healy & Todd Krautheim on behalf of the People of the UNITED STATES v. Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane and the Attorneys General of the United States. When the AGs defaulted. The Rule was an unconstitutional nullity. Except the Lawyers committed multiple frauds and frauds in the furtherance to conceal the entire case. Those frauds in the furtherance included taking everything Healy & Krautheim owned and leaving them broke and homeless.

So I see things as LAWYERS v NON-LAWYER.

Trump knows the problem. And he knows he cannot fully trust any lawyer to present his case because he knows the lawyer will LIE – otherwise the judiciary will discipline – and THEY DO. Aggressively.

When you know the true problem, the chaos is organized and expected. Until Rule 1.6 is exposed as unconstitutional, expect the lies to spiral.

The American Bar Association created the conundrum INTENTIONALLY. It has earned their membership BILLIONS. Meanwhile Americans lost their homes, lives and any protection of the law. Foreclosure Crisis. Black Lives Matter, False Prosecutions, Shootings…. American Injustice Ignored.

Rule 1.6 began in 1983. Then, spreading to each state by 2007. Federally it began after two congressmen, McDade & Murtha couldn’t get a law passed to include it. They slipped in one sentence in an appropriations Bill while everyone was trying not to shut down the govt. Newt Gingrich walked out of the session to avoid calling the bill for a vote. They did it anyway. Fraud in the furtherance.

All American Injustice is ignored pursuant to Rule 1.6.