

RULES enacted by the Judiciary avoid constitutional review causing damages capable of repetition while evading any review. The collateral unconstitutional affects can undermine the Rule of Law and the protected constitutional rights of all Americans affecting the integrity of state and federal courts.

RULES enacted by the Judiciary prevent the Mueller Report from being provided (unredacted) to the US Congress. Why?

The Judicial Branch may establish Rules for the administration of the courts. Their administrative responsibility includes lawyers within its purview. Lawyers (state and federal) are required to follow the professional rules for the jurisdiction in which they are working. The professional Rules are established by the Judiciary in each state.

The Judicial Branch has no authority to establish RULES for the administration of the Legislative Branch.
The Judicial Branch has no authority to establish RULES for the administration of the Executive Branch.

Yet, it would seem that Lawyers in the Legislative and Executive branches abide Rules established by the Judiciary even where it ignores truth, prevents facts from being presented, obstructs and interferes with investigations, and can interfere with the Legislative and Executive branches and their ability to review complete information without edits, redactions or ommissions.

Confidentiality of Information pursuant to Rule 1.6, incorporated throughout Model Rules by direct reference, cross reference and footnote, further serves to prevent recourse. The court is required to adhere to it’s own Rule for non-disclosure. The Result: An unsigned unsubstantiated and irrelevant Per Curiam order dismisses the matter without explanation and prevents any further appeal.

Americans find themselves without recourse and have no escape from retaliatory actions which seek to conceal the injustice which they are experiencing.

A line used over 400 times in The Mueller Report is avoiding any attention while pointing directly at this problem. At the top of each page, it indicates that redaction was done per RULES enacted by the judiciary.

When the judiciary enacts an unconstitutional rule, lawyers are prevented from exposing it (Rule 1.6). Damages obstruct justice, deny the Rule of Law and ignores constitutionally protected rights.

The Constitutional Conundrum of Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information improperly enacted and unconstitutional in each state and federally with damage capable of repetition while evading any review.

Rule 1.6 also holds confidential any indication of fraudulent efforts required to prevent disclosure. Ignoring it’s own fraud provisions was unanticipated. The provisions were removed, restored – and remain ignored.

Lawyers are permitted to mislead and misinform in the interest of non-disclosure. Applicable to public statements AND statements within the court, BUT, perhaps not so much in the US Congress. Lawyers are often findng themselves caught in lies which the Congress does not excuse.