
One phrase used over 400 times in The Mueller Report is avoiding any attention.

At the top of each page, it indicates that redaction was done per RULES enacted by the judiciary.

There is no constitutional review of those rules. When the judiciary enacts an unconstitutional law, all lawyers are prevented from exposing it, Rule 1.6. Even where it obstructs justice, denies the Rule of Law and ignores constitutionally protected rights.

The Constitutional Conundrum of Rule1.6 Confidentiality improperly enacted and unconstitutional in each state and federally with damage capable of repetition while evading any review.

Rule1.6 also holds confidential any indication of fraudulent efforts of lawyers required for non-disclosure.

Lawyers are permitted to mislead and misinform in the interest of confidentiality. This judicial rule is applied to public statements AND statements made in court, BUT, maybe notsomuch to the US Congress.