When I began a list of reasons to justify the necessity of things which you presumably have subpeonaed, the logical progression seems obvious in the single item and overwhelmingly obvious to explain your failure to communicate.
The question you asked at the beginning of our second meeting comes to mind immediately.
Your negligence terrifies and threatens my future.
1. Necessity evidence
2. Reveals malfeasance/motivation
3. Mens rea
4. Pre-medutated
5. Willful
6. Criminal
7. Constitutional
8. Harassment
9. Terror
10. Intimidation
11. Conspiracy
12. Actions in the furtherance
13. Participation coerced and compelled under threat
The failure to address any issue permits the potential for repetition.
This is not swept under the rug because they quietly terminated the township police chief… and where A malicious and false prosecution in Montgomery County was initiated by Warrington township police where any defense was prevented unlawfully resulting in conviction and 5 years of probation under threat of incarceration for filing according to Civil Procedure to address the fraudulent conveyance of my home.
Public Defender manipulation in that case provided an empty folder after years of refusing to meet/communicate. SOUND FAMILIAR?


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