
“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.”

Survivor of Extreme Chaos.
Master of Perseverance.
Resilience is my superpower.

There is no single and more destructive force than an unchecked judiciary acting without jurisdiction. Retaliation against survivors consumes every aspect of life. An improperly enacted and unconstitutional CONFIDENTIALITY requires the participation and complicity of the entire system – ALL lawyers are mandated by the aggressively enforced CONFIDENTIALITY. ALL lawyers are forced to participate in this rape of the Public Trust.

Only a non-lawyer can expose it… But, they must survive their destruction. They must keep their head when all about them are losing theirs and blaming it on them. I AM THAT SURVIVOR.

Only a non-lawyer American President can deal with the problem federally. The first non-lawyer president since Reagan is aware and experiencing the destructive force of terrified lawyers nationwide.

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