
“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.”

Survivor of Extreme Chaos.
Master of Perseverance.
Resilience is my superpower.

There is no single and more destructive force than an unchecked judiciary acting without jurisdiction. Retaliation against survivors consumes every aspect of life. An improperly enacted and unconstitutional CONFIDENTIALITY requires the participation and complicity of the entire system – ALL lawyers are mandated by the aggressively enforced CONFIDENTIALITY. ALL lawyers are forced to participate in this rape of the Public Trust.

Only a non-lawyer can expose it… But, they must survive their destruction. They must keep their head when all about them are losing theirs and blaming it on them. I AM THAT SURVIVOR.

Only a non-lawyer American President can deal with the problem federally. The first non-lawyer president since Reagan is aware and experiencing the destructive force of terrified lawyers nationwide.


Today, December 17, 2018, Todd Krautheim’s home was stolen.

Since the initial fraudulent foreclosure was filed in January 2011, there have been hundreds of court filings. One of the earlier identified the fraud, the judge held a hearing and struck the action completely.

Yet, the lawyers persisted in filling constant petitions and fraudulent documents and accusations. Each was met with an appropriate response. A hearing was NEVER held again.

It became a manipulation game to attempt to obtain a default judgement. This went on for years. Constant filings, constant threats, constant risk, … In this interim two other properties were fraudulently stolen with the assistance of the county Sheriff and Prothonotary.

A local judge was indicted for a variety of federal crimes. His wife was employed by the county Prothonotary. She was the sole person responsible for default judgements. Her husband, the judge, had bragged that he could get a default on any property.

Those false default judgements would then be enforced by the county sheriff. With the sheriff indicating he was following the court order. Never caring if it was valid or fraud. Never checking.

In January 2018, Todd and I met with the newly elected sheriff. We explained the personal experience and requested his help to rid the county of this type of crime which destroys people and families. Todd met regularly and contacted the Chief Deputy with updates.

A new action challenged the home based on the fraud of the prior litigation. Not served the documents, when Todd learned of the matter he went to file a response and he was informed that there was an order which prevented him from any filing in the county. No copy was provided. No copy existed. A ghost order created by Court Administration. Court admin lawyers refused to provide the order. It didn’t exist. It would violations!ate the US Constitution.

The sheriff was notified of the obstruction, of the denial of access to the courts, and of the unavilable order which prevented responses, motions and pleadings. Asked to intervene to have the court accept documents, the Chief did nothing…. did nothing for months.

Then the Prothonotary issued a default order. No hearing. Never before any judge. The Chief was kept informed.

Then they sought alternative service of the final order for possession. Misrepresenting an inability to serve the owner of the home resulted in an alternative service being ordered by a judge. Three conditions had to be met. One to be procured through the sheriff department. Two others to be handled by the US Postal service. Plaintiff failed to serve the documents through the mail. The reason… They were avoiding mail fraud – a federal crime.

Two methods. Regular mail – could be avoided and concealed by using a service like Pitney Bowes Pre-Sort. It would look like mail. Certified Mail allowed no substitutes. Certified would require the fraudulent documents to be handled by the US Postal Service and involve the USPS in the crime. Federal Mail Fraud would escalate the crime for federal prosecution. It would identify the perpetrator even where hidden by a company created to conceal identities.

A deputy posted that eviction would take place. But, the failure to perform the alternative service would be a consequence.

Todd had been denied any protection of the law AND had been denied his constitutional rights, the Plaintiff had demonstrated that they were above the law. The Chief had been informed all along. He was aware of the fraud and the obstruction and the disregard for the law, rules or procedures.

Yet, today, while the time for filing an appeal remained, a copy of the Notice of Appeal was provided to the Chief. The Notice of Appeal would suffice to prevent irreparable damages and was appropriate to stop the execution of the order. It would stay the execution should the sheriff’s department ignore the Plaintiffs failure to follow the Court Order regarding service.

Foolishly believing that since the Sheriffs Department did their service that there was no need for the other conditions to be met. Arbitrary stupidity which could have been checked with the judge. But the chief who witnessed the crime and the details for a year made the decision with no regard for las, orders, truth, or the history. He knew the crime was occurring.

The dawn rose with two opportunities to legally and lawfully prevent the irreparable damage of eviction and destruction of property and possessions.
The sheriff had additionally been provided a Cease and Desist letter detailing the fraud which had lead to this date.

The chief ignored it all sending his deputies to remove Todd from his home. The deputies ignored the paperwork provided them. They were following the instructions of the Chief. The Chief made a very wrong decision all by himself. He presumed authority where he had none. While lacking jurisdiction for a variety of reasons including the three mentioned, the Chief asserted he was following a court order. Same one the plaintiff failed to follow causing it to be defective and void.

The chiefs direction to his deputies was an abuse of power. Where not supported by law, and with an void and defective court order, the Chief asserted he was following the law.. following the court order. But he couldn’t cite the law. He couldn’t explain why HE WAS THE LONE PERSON FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS IN THE COURT ORDER.

The only one following the law was Todd Krautheim.

He had endured nine (9) years of constant attempts to steal his home. His persistence and perseverence was met with retailiation and disdain. Everyone in the courthouse knew thenabuses being brought down on him. He never broke.

The entire judiciary had recused, yet court admin did not allow paperwork or reasoning to be exposed. The prothonotary had to be informed and involved. The prothy’s defaul order was KEY. The judges did not want to be involved in the crime. The motion for alternative service, an incidental procedural request, gave the illusion of involvement. But Judge Mellon had ordered conditions to be met. He knew the plaintiff would not comply. He didnt count on the weakest link.

When the person abusing his power under color of law sends a team of armed deputies to execute an order known to be defective and under an appeal, the wise man does as instructed by the bullies with the guns.

When the person abusing his power under coolor of law participates in the crimes reported to him, ignores the participation of county officers, fails to do anything to address the injustice over the course of a year,… When he acts with knowledge of the case becoming the self appointed decider YET MAKES THE ABSOLUTELY WORST DECISION completely unaware that the Plaintiffs fraud has now involved him. His lawless action in violation of several laws and Constitutions shifts the blame for the damage he is going to cause.

He went from investigator and Chief, to the single target for prosecution of the crimes he endorsed and ignored and ENABLED.

WITH INDIGNATION HE ASSERTED HIS INTEGRITY upon receipt of the Ceaseless and Desist letter. Unaware that his integrity was lacking while he did nothing for a year except watch. He had the foolishness to suggest his integrity unaffected after he demonstrated he had none.

At least the previous corrupt sheriff, Duke Donnelly, never imagined he ever had any integrity.

When unable to cite a law or substantiate his position, he threatens “This is notification that you are no longer permitted to contact me or this Office. Continued contact will result in criminal charges against you.”

I am a sane man dealing with an absolutely insane situation. Every person in a position to help has acted improperly in direct violation of procedure and the law preventing the resolution of any matter… they each make the situation worse

I wrote that in 2008, it is how I introduce myself to those in a position to help. Every time they knowing and foolishly find themselves ensnared, they get embarassed. They threaten to swear out criminal charges against me.

When you have no protection of the law and all constitutional rights are being ignored, that threat cuts deep and is EXTREMELY aggresive.


I was just contacted again. An attempt to taunt a response. Not falling for that. Not making continued contact.

The next phase is for the Chief to lawyer up. The lawyer will tell him:

To say nothing to no one.

To provide no response to any question from anyone.

To ignore everything and everyone associated.

In case of persistence threaten to call police and report the harassment.

Instruct all personnel to NOT communicate with the victim under any conditions. Threaten termination of any employers who give the appearance of communication. No email exchanges on the topic.

Personnel also are aware of the abuse of intrusive surveillance by the county and the police occurring in these cases. Phone, mail, email and internet will never be used to communicate or to respond.

It is likely that the Sheriff will also lawyer up. He will be told he has to protect the intgrity of his office, his staff and himself.

This is not the first corrupt action in the county. Those who conceal corruption present a considerable volume of invalid reasons to achieve your participation. They purport to protect the county, or the officer. Wouldnt the county be better protected by following the law? Wouldnt the county be better protected if it did not conceal their bad actions, or errors, or participation which destroyed a man after harassing him for 9 years?

Do you feel safer when you learn you are to particpate in the cover up and to prevent resolution or justice. Do you feel safe if your job is threatened?

The victim of the crime you are concealing probably wont feel safe or secure again.

They have learned that they have no protection under the law. In America, that idea of the LAW is so entrenched in the mindset that no one will believe the problem. They blame the victim. Even if they witness the crimes and injustices brought down on you they won’t let it in their head. They disappear.

County retaliation is relentless. Anyone who helps you will be targeted. They won’t believe you. When they realize, they disappear. Isolation is the objective.

Integrity is not protected by avoiding addressing responsibility for your error.

Integrity involves truth. Avoiding telling the truth does not protect your integrity. If your integrity has to hide or avoid the truth, it’s not integrity. It’s shame.

The cycle repeats. Even when you know it and take every precaution. Even when you prevail and seem to make progress. You are at the mercy of the person being threatened, making a mistake or finding themselves falsely prosecuted for perjury after exposing two of the largest scandals in american history. She was prosecuted before the second was exposed. And the prosecution against her relied on the improperly enacted and unconstitutional confidentiaity which would have been exposed.

tnly takes one corrupt actioneak link to undo all progress. advise people of the risk wrn oeolle tombtle careful