Hon. William R. Carpenter May 1, 2018
Court of Common Pleas  
Montgomery County  
Norristown, PA 19404  
  RE: Faux Representation/Corruption
RE: #3151-2015  

Please allow this letter to inform you that I will no longer submit myself to further abuse absent any rule of Law which serves to deny every constitutional right.

Authority – The right or power to make decisions, to give orders, or to control something or someone.

Due Process – The fundamental, constitutional right to fair legal proceedings in which all parties will be given notice of the proceedings, and have an opportunity to be heard.

Trial – A formal presentation of evidence before a judge and jury for the purpose of determining guilt or innocence in a criminal case, or to make a determination in a civil matter.

Any statement from the court relating how the defect in jurisdiction has been perfected by ignoring the problem for years has yet to be received or filed with any court, appellate court or Supreme Court.

The repeated scheduling of appearances with less than 24 hours notice serves to prevent the Defendant from being informed, knowledgable or prepared for the appearance. It is a violation of Due Process.

The assignment of COURT ASSIGNED NEGLIGENT LAWYERS has deliberately and intentionally served to prevent the Defendant from being heard in any manner. It is a violation of Due Process.

Permitting the entry of Fraudulent documents during the ‘faux trial’ has only served to misinform a jury who was prevented from defense evidence by a COURT ASSIGNED INCOMPETENT LAWYER.

Responses are pending as failure to adjudicate any and all pre-trial motions, mid-trial motions, and post-trial motions where motions have been forwarded to an INCOMPETENT LAWYER ASSIGNED BY THE COURT just two minutes before the trial was to commence.

The court has failed to hear the defendant, or permit the defendant to be heard,
– by assigning lawyers to prevent the filing of statements
– by assigning lawyers to prevent Discovery
– by assigning lawyers to prevent investigation
– by assigning lawyers to neglected and prevent the presentation of ANY defense.
– by assigning lawyers to sabotage the appellate process
– by conspiring with the lawyers assigned seeking to deny the defendant of any protection of the law
– by conspiring with the lawyers assigned seeking to deny the Defendant of any constitutional rights
– by conspiring with lawyers to prevent the scheduling of witnesses
– by conspiring with the District Attorney to cancel the appearance of witnesses notified of the trial.

It should also be noted that the fraud by the District Attorney relating to the relationship between purported victim/witnesses and the Warrington Township Police Chief has been exposed. The Miller family lived in Abington, PA at 1568 Marian Road. The entire family attempts to be obscured through the use of a variety of aliases.

The botched false suicide intervention by Warrington Township Police remains before the Bucks County Court. The police officer has admitted that he did not prepare the paperwork. The four police officers involved all neglected to turn on their body cameras. Doylestown Hospital has deleted their video. The violation of constitutional rights by all persons, agencies and organization involved is clear. The corruption and obstruction attempted by the Bucks County commissioners has only begun to be exposed.

Clearly, the defendant’s presence in Montgomery County Court is only required in order to further abuse, slander, defame, bully, threaten, or submit further cruelty in a forum and by a judge without jurisdiction.

Where the court has neglected to address the defects in jurisdiction raised at every ordered appearance. Each ordered appearance since February 2015 where the District Attorney was NOT prepared to proceed resulting in a continuation rescheduling an appearance and yet another threat of a bench warrant.

Statement of Defendant on June 10, 2015
Statement of Defendant on August 10, 2015
Statement of Defendant on September 16, 2015
Statement of Defendant on October 14, 2015
Statement of Defendant on November 18, 2015
Statement of Defendant on January 27, 2016
Statement of Defendant on March 30, 2016
Statement of Defendant on May 4, 2017
Statement of Defendant on January 2, 2018
Statement of Defendant on January 23, 2018

And multiple appeals to the Superior Court and the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

Clearly, the court lacks jurisdiction and lacks the integrity required to admit it’s own corruption… and is deliberate and intentional in it’s exhaustive and aggressive efforts to thwart the exposure of an unconstitutional rule enacted by the judiciary in direct violation of Article 5 Section 10(c) of the Pennsylvania Constitution which serves to undermine the United States Constitution and the rights of every American.

Terance Healy
…since 2007

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