
Imagine a farce being performed for you. Every word the person says is a lie, a contradiction, insulting, or just mean and nasty to unsettle your thoughts. You have no choice but to engage, but you know they are not telling the truth. They are not telling any shade of truth.

They are pretending to be working for you and on your behalf. BUT, in reality they are not because IF THEY DID ANYTHING – it would be honest services fraud. If the mailed you a letter – it would be mail fraud. If they called you or emailed you – it would be wire fraud. They are covering up a bigger fraud who is likely making you believe that you need the others on your team.

This person who is trying to convince you TO YOUR FACE that they are acting on your behalf hasn’t done anything, written anything, responded to anything, provided anything, or taken any action in any way for you for the last two years.

Today. In Montgomery County Courthouse. The Public Defender Office. Two lawyers. The Chief Public Defender & the miserable nasty troll of a lawyer who just lied to you, challenged every word you said, refused to listen, refused to read, refused to meet, and challenged your competence when you failed to capitulate. Totally unaware we know her – a duplicitous fraud.

To Dean and Denise:
An explanation of your actions this morning would be appreciated.

I might suggest that you consult an attorney regarding any further participation in the farce. Yes, I am all aware of the ‘tells’ which indicate that the courts lack jurisdiction.

I am not the idiot you may believe me to be.

I am the survivor they never imagined.

Oh, please have the fake scheduling order issued by the Judge this morning certified , verified and authenticated before you send it.

You can send it via mail fraud, wire fraud or honest services fraud. Lol.

The United States Attorney is prosecuting corruption using 18 U.S.C. § 1346 to address public officials and those in government.

When the Public Official knows he is participating in a fraud and wishes to avoid federal prosecution, they will put on a performance like the one described. They will try to convince you they are both doing something and not doing anything, working and not working for you, contradiction themselves over and over and over. ONE ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY. They won’t email, telephone, or send you a letter in the USPS.

If you have an experience like this, you are the target of fraud. Worse yet, you are the target of fraud by people who know they are committing fraud and know to avoid the three charges – mail fraud, wire fraud, honest services fraud.

FLIP THE SCRIPT – They just did a one act play and identified they are committing a criminal fraud. Contact the US Attorney. Shut them down.

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