
Hon. William R. Carpenter January 25, 2018
Court of Common Pleas
Montgomery County
Norristown, PA 19404
  Letter to Public Defender
RE: #3151-2015 re: Provide Case File

Defendant respectfully requests your assistance in indicating the importance of haste in providing case files as this matter is scheduled for trial by jury in early February. Dean Beer, et al… have been contacted several times over the last week to no avail. The specific requirement, explanation and necessity for prompt action has been detailed to him as follows:

It is now approaching one week since your sudden and immediate withdrawal from my case.  I have not received my file.  

Please address this delay.  I will be reporting the delay to Judge Carpenter later today.

If there is no file because The Public Defender has provided no real representation, then please promptly indicate such for myself and for the court.  

My belief that your assignment was made to sabotage my case has been established and documented.  Here is your opportunity to refute that allegation, and provide my file from your office as contradiction.  If you have nothing, then own that fact.  Your failure to respond only sevres to further threaten my current position.

Please provide all witness lists from prosecutor, witnesses lists for defense,  requests for depositions, subpeonas for documents, correspondence, notes from conversations and meetings… conducted by PJ, Brie, Denise, Ray, and yourself. 

Include any government officials with whom the matter was raised in regard as their being witnesses; or where their legal actions were appropriate based on the crimes committed against me which you were raising to their attention.  

There also appears to have been some joinder of additional representation and parties which has not been communicated to me.  Is there an additional docket? Or confidential joinder of parties? Or grand jury investigation?  Or special prosecutor assigned?  

The appearance by Thomas Carluccio in person, at proceedings, in chambers, and named on documents, raises the question of his purpose, involvement and influence. The conflict of interest is unavoidable where Mr. Carluccio’s wife, Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio, has written a series of void and defective orders lacking lawful jurisdiction which directly affect this matter before the court.  

Where the judiciary has neglected requested review and resolution, a jury will clearly see THAT neglect as prevention of recourse – the right to recourse being constitutionally guaranteed and protected.  

My sincere and non-violent pursuit of lawful recourse is a key element of my defense.  All reports indicate the sincere intentions and the clear lack of any aggressive actions or emotions involved in pursuit of recourse.

Even my lack of aggressive actions to your lackluster faux representation speaks volumes with regard to my temperament.

Defendant respectfully requests assistance in obtaining the case file.

Terance Healy
…since 2007
