
Hon. William R. Carpenter January 11, 2018
Court of Common Pleas
Montgomery County
Norristown, PA 19404
  Query Regarding Any
RE: #3151-2015 Issuance of Bench Warrant

Defendant AGAIN asks this court to advise of any actions which places his life, and the lives of those around him, at risk by any law enforcement team mislead by an abusive and aggressive District Attorney.

A Notice of Appeal has been filed on January 9, 2018. Defendant is not represented in this matter and has been prevented from self-representation.

The unnecessary issuance of any bench warrant would further serve to terrify not only myself, but my mother, causing unnecessary fear, and creating neighborhood speculation and gossip. A concern for the safety and security of all involved.

Defendant respectfully requests a courtesy. The indication of any further actions in this matter while without jurisdiction and while neglecting to indicate the lack of jurisdiction. An abuse leveraged by Lauren McNulty which adversely undermines the integrity of this honorable court and the entire Montgomery County judiciary.

Defendant calls judicial notice to the Montgomery County Sheriff – who is similarly entangled as a lawyer mandated to Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information which usurps the Rule of Law, the Pennsylvania Constitution, and the Constitution of the United States – ripe for manipulation.

Defendant having demonstrated that those persons who find themselves bound by Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of information have found their authority undermined and has been leveraged for further abuses upon the Defendant. All the while aware that their actions are a contradiction to the law the rights protected by the constitutions, but unable to address the conflict by the mandate of cnon-disclosure.

A simple courtesy. Is that so much to ask of a court which has permitted it’s integrity to be undermined by an aggressive and malicious prosecutor?

I can be contacted at 215-343-1686, leave a message, and yepTerance@gmail.com.


Terance Healy
…since 2007