
NOTICE: January 31, 2018
(PDF Version)


Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Terance Healy #CP-46-CR-0003151-2015

Trial has been scheduled on February 7, 2018 at 1:30 PM before

Judge William R. Carpenter
Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas
Courtroom “C”
Norristown, Pennsylvania

Failure to appear will result in a request for a Court Order to compel your testimony in this matter.

Your testimony will relate to receipt, actions and response to a letter sent to you on February 22, 2015.
You will be asked about the responsibilities as an elected member of the General Assembly.
If you have been approached by any person instructing you to disregard this notice, please contact the court and/or federal authorities.
A current summary of the issues involved in the matter is attached to allow you to prepare.

Please keep the court advised of any availability issues. Chambers (610)278-5902 Fax (610)994-2802

Attached Information:

Jurisdiction is a necessity. Absent jurisdiction a judge has no authority. DELIBERATE INTENTIONAL ACTIONS WITHOUT JURISDICTION CREATES A MALICIOUS FORCE. The judges need not concern themselves about immunity. This POWER is ABSOLUTE OVER EVERYTHING and goes unchecked.

Deliberate action without jurisdiction triggers injustice, and a judge becomes an UNSTOPPABLE DESTRUCTIVE FORCE.

Two on the Montgomery County Judiciary, William Carpenter and Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio, have demonstrated this to be true. They have terrorized me EVERYDAY for years with their psychotic judicial masturbation. Malicious. Evil. Cruel. Unchecked. They create a team where they all participate in the effort. Flipping good people to do bad things. They don’t even need their target in person.

All they need is for something to cause a defect in jurisdiction, or they completely disregard it from the on-set.

The problem exists because the Legislature never gets involved with issues regarding the judiciary.
It goes unchecked.

The problem exists because the state Supreme Court IMPROPERLY AND UNCONSTITUTIONALLY affected the “right of the General Assembly to determine the jurisdiction of any court.” Article V Section 10(c)

How? RULES. Unconstitutional. Improperly enacted.

The appeals courts indicate they do not have jurisdiction to review the matter. The Legislature had provided it by LAW. Their ‘rules’ instructed you to go away. Come back later. Then, new rule – It’s too late.

Supreme Court’s RULES which broke the LAW show contempt for the Legislature and undermine the CONSTITUTION.
The Legislature ignores.
The Governor avoids. Office of General Counsel lawyers run interference.

Remember when that predator statute of limitations bill was being considered.
Chairman of the Judiciary Committee for 30 years had no idea about the Constitution.
Obstructed the law. Protected the Predators. Twisted.

The Attorney General was locking up predators at an alarming rate.
1 every other day for 3 years.

Discovering a predator organization being run from within the OAG – under Supreme Court mandated Rule 1.6 silent participation by lawyers (including the Attorney General.)
Prosecuting the predator list while recognizing that …

Pennsylvania Prosecutors Protect Predators.

There was even more in the OAG email than porn and protected predators.

Plenty of litigants have felt the sting of that INTERLOCUTORY excuse which denied them of their rights, or the protection of the laws. Plenty of people lost everything because of the ‘system’, the Rules.

The problem isn’t that there needs to be a law, or law reform.

If the RULES do affect and destroy you (YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS. NO ONE’LL BELIEVE IT.).
And another RULE prevents lawyers from disclosing what has occurred.

There’s the RULE you know is wrong, and then, there’s RULE 1.6 CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION to conceal and mandate the silent participation of lawyers in the violation of every American’s constitutional rights.

CAROLYN TORNETTA CARLUCCIO called it her ‘unappealable order’. Every minute of every hour of every day of every month since THAT defective and void order has affected and annihilated my life from when it was signed in May 2011. Multiple appeals, further civil litigation, aggressive false arrest, false prosecution of terrorism, homeless, destitute, isolated, false suicide interventions, …

Don’t believe this exists as a tactic to destroy?
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane learned of it’s unchecked affect. And before she could take any action, they used it to ON HER.

William Carpenter, in the complete absence of ANY jurisdiction, authorized a Special Prosecutor.
No Authority. NONE. No Law to provide him that jurisdiction. Law provides jurisdiction. General Assembly provides law. THERE WAS NO LAW.

Yet, the General Assembly also participated in the spectacle – they had to know there was NO LAW providing ANY JURISDICTION. Or were those participants the lawyer-legislators? Did anyone intervene? No. UNCHECKED. DESTRUCTIVE. CORRUPTION.

Kathleen Kane was further hindered because, as an attorney, she is not permitted to disclose information which will adversely affect the integrity of the judiciary. Rule 1.6. Even when it is being used to destroy her.

Jurisdiction for the judiciary MUST BE PROVIDED BY LAW. Without the Legislature providing a law providing for the jurisdiction of a court, there is no authority for that court to do anything.

Judge William Carpenter had no authority to create Thomas Carluccio as Special Prosecutor. Rules mandate the Court to ignore. The PA Supreme Court follows their own RULES.

Two weeks ago, a Superior Court panel was puzzled when presented THAT question which had been neglected by the Supreme Court. When the court ignores – nobody wins. The twisted claim a victory.

I am not a lawyer. No Rule 1.6 to silence me. Carolyn Carluccio’s “unappealable order’ and subsequent fraudulent conveyance left a lawful claim on a deed to property which could only be settled upon my demise. I wasn’t dying fast enough. There were several attempts which failed.

They decided to restart things. New Arrest. False charges. Events ENTIRELY created by the police. I was unaware of their ‘investigation’. Their paperwork indicates that the police were delivering the message and then creating the public disturbance necessary to allege terroristic threat. The crime requires the threat of a violent criminal act, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of disturbing the public order.

Police delivered the message and provided an overwhelming amount of police protection, patrols and support. Constant contact on the day they delivered the message. Weeks later, someone subsequently noticed that ‘repossession’ was NOT a violent criminal act. Not wanting to have wasted their police efforts, reports, overtime, patrols, protecting and serving, etc… they wrote their own violent criminal act ON MY WEB SITE. (When I saw it I deleted it.) They arrested me.

For the last three years, the criminal allegations have hung over my head. I have been given NO OPPORTUNITY TO DEFEND AGAINST THEM. The ADA did say if I relinquish the deed, she would drop the charges. Stupid girl. If coerced under duress to sign anything, my claim would remain valid. They would still need me dead. Their prosecution was more violent than the purported crime.

To silence me in the criminal matter, a public defender was appointed to interfere and sabotage. No filings would be accepted by the Clerk. No hearings. No Laws. No rights. No voice. No escape.

William Carpenter had no authority to decide my incompetence. No Hearing. No Evidence. No rights to be heard. No Notice. Hiding in his chambers, he sent for the Public Defenders, Marone and D’Angelo went in along with (?) Thomas Carluccio (?). Multiple appeals – ignored by rule. Two years have passed… terrorized. EVERYTHING PENDING. My liberty threatened.

In April 2017, they botched a false suicide intervention. Perpetrated to allow for the suicide they had planned for me, it caused legal problems in Bucks County. It began to involve more and more people. Each silently capitulating, participating and lawyering up.

Anyone who says they are not trying to trick you IS MOST DEFINITELY TRYING TO TRICK YOU. Their question is an act of self-pleasure… judicial masturbation.

As arbitrarily and capriciously as before, I was found competent. Given a week to prepare a defense or go to jail (Suicide intervention BOTCHED. Prison murder SET.)


Judge William Carpenter is EXACTLY that kind of sociopath. Imagine the giggles it provided.

My case has not yet gone to trial but has been through Superior Court three (3) times and Supreme Court once. Their court-appointed lawyers will not provide the Supreme Court’s paperwork. Could be affected by the old interlocutory ‘rule’ problem or confidential disciplinary actions. Those court-appointed lawyers won’t even provide my file to me.

The document which is indicated as ‘the terroristic threat’…. those to whom it was actually sent are on my witness list.
Governor Tom Wolf and Pennsylvania Legislature, with legislator-lawyers excused where Rule 1.6 triggers Rule 601(b)(1,2,3 & 4), compelled to Judge William Carpenter’s courtroom to bear witness to what happens when the Legislature neglects THEIR EXCLUSIVE RESPONSIBILITY REGARDING JURISDICTION OF THE COURTS.


I saw what was done to Gabriele Drexler. I saw what was done to Kathleen Kane. I saw what was done to Patrick Reese. Alleging a crime while preventing ANY defense from being presented.

Kathleen Kane was the ONLY person who ever tried to help me. They ordered her silence. They ordered her inaction. She had indicated to me, “I know what they did to you.” I know what they did to her.

Now, the team used to take down the attorney general have twisted their efforts back toward me.

I’m not a lawyer. No Rule 1.6 silent capitulation for me.

The Worst Kept Secret in Pennsylvania.

I will not go quietly into the night.

I persevere.

Terance Healy


Jurisdiction is a necessity. Absent jurisdiction a judge has no authority. DELIBERATE INTENTIONAL ACTIONS WITHOUT JURISDICTION CREATES A MALICIOUS FORCE. The judges need not concern themselves about immunity. This POWER is ABSOLUTE. OVER EVERYTHING. It goes unchecked.

Deliberate action without jurisdiction triggers injustice.

WHEN THEY DO IT – a judge acting without jurisdiction becomes an UNSTOPPABLE DESTRUCTIVE FORCE.

Two on the Montgomery County Judiciary, William Carpenter and Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio, have demonstrated this to be true. They have terrorized me EVERYDAY, yes everyday, for years with their psychotic judicial masturbation. Malicious. Evil. Cruel. Unchecked. They create a team where they all participate in the effort. Flipping good people to do bad things. They don’t even need the target in person.

All they need is for something to throw the switch – cause a defect in jurisdiction, or their complete disregard from the on-set.

The problem exists because the Legislature NEVER GETS INVOLVED WITH ISSUES REGARDING THE JUDICIARY. It goes unchecked.

The problem exists because the state Supreme Court IMPROPERLY AND UNCONSTITUTIONALLY affected the “right of the General Assembly to determine the jurisdiction of any court.”

HOW? Rules. Unconstitutional. Improperly enacted. The appeals court indicates they do not have jurisdiction to review the matter. The Legislature had provided it by LAW. Rules instructed you to go away. Come back later. And, then, new rule – It’s too late. Supreme Court wrote those RULES which broke the LAW in contempt of the Legislature and undermined the CONSTITUTION.

The Legislature ignores.
The Governor avoids – OGC lawyers run interference.

Remember when that predator statute of limitations bill was being considered. Chairman of the Judiciary Committee for 30 years had no idea about the Constitution. ??? Obstructed the law. Protected the Predators. Twisted.

The Attorney General was locking up predators at an alarming rate. 1 every other day for 3 years.

Discovering a predator organization being run from within the OAG – under Supreme Court mandated Rule 1.6 silent participation by lawyers, including the Attorney General. Prosecuting the list while the media focused on email. Recognizing that … Pennsylvania Prosecutors Protect Predators. But, there was more in the email than porn and protected predators.

Plenty of litigants have felt the sting of that INTERLOCUTORY excuse which denied them of their rights, or the protection of the laws. Plenty of people lost everything because of the ‘system’.

The problem isn’t that there needed to be a law, or law reform. The problem is that there is NEVER ANY CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW OF RULES ENACTED BY THE JUDICIARY. Their RULES just do not allow for it.

If the RULES do affect and destroy you (YOU EXPERIENCE THAT YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS. NO ONE’LL BELIEVE IT.), there’s another RULE which prevents lawyers from disclosing what occurred.

There’s the RULE you know is wrong, and RULE 1.6 CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION to conceal and mandate the silent participation of lawyers in the violation of American’s constitutional rights.

CAROLYN TORNETTA CARLUCCIO called it her ‘unappealable order’. Every minute of every hour of every day of every month, THAT defective and void order has affected and annihilated my life since May 2011 when it was signed. Multiple Appeals, further civil litigation, aggressive false arrest, false prosecution of terrorism, homeless, destitute, isolated, false suicide interventions, …

Don’t believe it exists as a tactic to destroy?
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane learned of it’s unchecked affect. And before she could take any action, they used it to ON HER. William Carpenter, in the complete absence of ANY jurisdiction, authorized a Special Prosecutor.

No Authority. NONE. No Law to provide him that jurisdiction. Law provides jurisdiction. General Assembly provides law. THERE WAS NO LAW. Yet, the General Assembly also actively participated in the spectacle – they had to know there was NO LAW providing ANY JURISDICTION. Or were those participants the lawyer-legislators? Did anyone intervene? No. UNCHECKED. DESTRUCTIVE. CORRUPTION.

Kathleen Kane was further hindered because, as an attorney, she is not permitted to disclose information which will adversely affect the integrity of the judiciary. Rule 1.6. Even when it is being used to destroy her.

Jurisdiction for the judiciary MUST BE PROVIDED BY LAW. Without the Legislature providing a law providing for the jurisdiction of a court, there is no authority for that court to do anything.

Judge William Carpenter had no authority to make Thomas Carluccio a Special Prosecutor. RULES mandate the Court ignore any lack of jurisdiction. The PA Supreme Court follows their own RULES. Two weeks ago, a Superior Court panel was puzzled when presented THAT question which had been neglected by the Supreme Court. When the court ignores – nobody wins. The twisted claim a victory.

I am not a lawyer. No Rule 1.6 to silence me. CAROLYN CARLUCCIO’s “unappealable order’ and subsequent fraudulent conveyance left a lawful claim on a deed to property which could only be settled upon my demise. I wasn’t dying fast enough. There were several attempts which failed.

Then, they decided to restart things. New Arrest. False charges. Events ENTIRELY created by the police. I was unaware of their ‘investigation’. Their paperwork kind of shows that the police were delivering the threat, and then creating the public disturbance necessary to allege terroristic threat. The crime requires the threat of a violent criminal act, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of disturbing the public order.

When Police started, they delivered the message. They then provided an overwhelming amount of police protection, patrols and support. Constant contact on the day they delivered the message. Weeks later, someone subsequently noticed that ‘repossession’ was NOT a violent criminal act. Not wanting to have wasted their police efforts, reports, overtime, patrols, protecting and serving, etc… they wrote their own violent criminal act ON MY WEB SITE. (When I saw it I deleted it.) They arrested me.

For the last three years, the criminal allegations have hung over my head. I have been given NO OPPORTUNITY TO DEFEND AGAINST THEM. The ADA did say if I relinquish the deed, she would drop the charges. Stupid girl. If coerced under duress to sign anything, my claim would remain valid. They would still need me dead. Their prosecution was more violent than the purported crime.

To silence me in the criminal matter, a lawyer was needed for interference. Then, no filings would be accepted by the Clerk. No hearings. No Laws. No rights. No voice. No escape.

William Carpenter had no authority to decide my incompetence. No Hearing. No Evidence. No rights to be heard. No Notice. Hiding in his chambers, he sent for the Public Defenders, Marone and D’Angelo went in along with (?) Thomas Carluccio (?). Multiple appeals – ignored by rule. Two years have passed… terrorized. EVERYTHING PENDING. My liberty threatened.

A botched false suicide intervention was perpetrated to allow for the suicide they had planned for me. That caused legal problems in Bucks County. It began to involve more and more people. Each silently capitulating and participating. Lawyering up.

Anyone who says they are not trying to trick you IS MOST DEFINITELY TRYING TO TRICK YOU. Their question is an act of self-pleasure… judicial masturbation.

As arbitrarily and capriciously as before, I was found competent. Given a week to prepare a defense or go to jail (Suicide intervention BOTCHED. Prison murder SET.) ONLY A TRUE SOCIOPATH WOULD ASSIGN THOMAS CARLUCCIO TO REPRESENT ME.

Judge William Carpenter is EXACTLY that kind of sociopath. Imagine the giggles it gave them.

My case has not yet gone to trial but has been through Superior Court three (3) times and Supreme Court once. Their court-appointed lawyers will not provide the Supreme Court’s paperwork. Could be affected by the old interlocutory ‘rule’ problem or confidential disciplinary actions. Those court-appointed lawyers won’t even provide my file to me.

The document they indicate as ‘the terroristic threat’…. the people to whom it was actually sent are on my witness list. About 250 of them.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Terance Healy #CP-46-CR-0003151-2015
Trial has been scheduled on February 7, 2018
Failure to appear may result in a Court Order or Warrant to compel your testimony in this matter.

Governor Tom Wolf and Pennsylvania Legislature, with legislator-lawyers excused where Rule 1.6 triggers Rule 601(b)(1,2,3 & 4), should enjoy their visit to Judge William Carpenter’s courtroom to bear witness and EXPERIENCE what happens when the Legislature neglects THEIR EXCLUSIVE RESPONSIBILITY REGARDING JURISDICTION OF THE COURTS. The sociopaths are unchecked. CHECK PLEASE!

I saw what he did to Gabriele Drexler. I saw what he did to Kathleen Kane and Patrick Reese. Alleging a crime while preventing ANY defense from being presented. William Carpenter had been left out of the distribution in the letter sent to the Montgomery County Judiciary five years ago. Yes, there’s a history. And, that bold question remains unanswered.

Kathleen Kane was the ONLY person who ever tried to help. Now, the team used to take down the attorney general had twisted their efforts toward me.

I’m not a lawyer. No Rule 1.6 silence for me.

The Worst Kept Secret in Pennsylvania. ROUND TWO! I will not go quietly into the night.








Those interlocutory RULEs with the unconstitutional affect that have NEVER been reviewed for constitutionality. Yes, that’s a problem.

When a judge deliberately issues an order without jurisdiction, Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio called hers “an unappealable order”. The judges know their intentional injustice,… their crime… will be protected by the interlocutory rules and then moot. (Interlocutory Wordplay to Prevent the Truth)

When deliberately acting outside of any jurisdiction with the full knowledge and intention to be acting outside of their jurisdiction, a judge is not acting as a judge. There’s no immunity available for their crime.

The instant appeal, however, furnishes a classic example of the well-recognized exception to the mootness doctrine applicable when a case is “capable of repetition yet evading review.” See Commonwealth v. Baker, 564 Pa. 192, 766 A.2d 328, 330 n. 4 (2001).

Pursuant to this principle, an appellate court may decide a case where issues important to the public interest are involved, the nature of the question under consideration is such that it will arise again, and review will be repeatedly thwarted if strict rules of mootness are applied.

“Save the Date” for February Trial where you will be each be called as witnesses to explain to the jury the constitutional necessity of the Legislature’s involvement in jurisdiction and to participate in the experience that happens when the courts act absent jurisdiction. Lack of jurisdiction is proven “capable of repetition yet evading review” by the judiciary. The Legislature must address a responsibility regarding jurisdiction of the courts, their neglect has undermined the integrity of the courts.

The lawyers will be excused – a further indication of the affect of RULES which have never been reviewed for their unconstitutional affect on litigants. (Rule 1.6 mandates non-disclosure by lawyers pursuant to CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION.)

Defendant further presents, the indication of the relentless pursuit of this aggressive prosecution while the court is without proper jurisdiction, that the denial of his freedom and the repetitive threat of bench warrants for the last three years shows the denial of constitutionally protected rights which are being accomplished by RULES which have never been reviewed for their collateral unconstitutional affect on litigants. I have demonstrated “the interlocutory game” through four appeals and one to PA Supreme Court.

And by another Rule which mandates non-disclosure by lawyers. Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information. The one rule which conceals the injustice of those other Rules while ignoring laws, rights and constitutions.

And now, the lack of jurisdiction in the Court of Common Pleas appears to have been deliberately caused with the intention to transfer the matter into a court without jurisdiction, the court records were falsified in the docket (Admitted by court staff), and where the conversation on the record by two lawyers who would be reasonably expected to know the law – and most certainly a law which had last changed in 1985. A law which affects a form they use on an daily, if not hourly, basis. Yet, they both got it completely wrong. Undeniably deliberate.

This has not ever been about justice. It’s is about retaliation, because I survived their injustice to the point where I could see it’s fatal flaws… and I did something to fix it. I am doing something to fix it. They are attacking anyone who tries.




To those who have said that there is no way a court would RUSH to trial after three years of delays where Defendant was prevented from preparing any defense because of court appointed Public Defenders… who did nothing excerpt sabotage three appeals challenging jurisdiction to the Superior Court.

Where the Court has lacked any jurisdiction to do anything, that has not stopped them from ignoring the laws, the rules and ALL rights.

There is no more violent unstoppable destructive force than a court acting without jurisdiction… BECAUSE NO ONE WILL STOP THEM.

Here’s the Order for the Trial.

The Public Defender has still not provided my case file. (If it exists.)
The Public Defender failed to appear on the 23rd of January at what has now been deemed a competency Hearing, and Withdrawal Hearing…

As the header of this site indicates… No Laws. No Rights. No Procedures. Everyone makes it worse.

PDF Version




Hon. William R. Carpenter January 25, 2018
Court of Common Pleas
Montgomery County
Norristown, PA 19404
  Letter to Public Defender
RE: #3151-2015 re: Provide Case File

Defendant respectfully requests your assistance in indicating the importance of haste in providing case files as this matter is scheduled for trial by jury in early February. Dean Beer, et al… have been contacted several times over the last week to no avail. The specific requirement, explanation and necessity for prompt action has been detailed to him as follows:

It is now approaching one week since your sudden and immediate withdrawal from my case.  I have not received my file.  

Please address this delay.  I will be reporting the delay to Judge Carpenter later today.

If there is no file because The Public Defender has provided no real representation, then please promptly indicate such for myself and for the court.  

My belief that your assignment was made to sabotage my case has been established and documented.  Here is your opportunity to refute that allegation, and provide my file from your office as contradiction.  If you have nothing, then own that fact.  Your failure to respond only sevres to further threaten my current position.

Please provide all witness lists from prosecutor, witnesses lists for defense,  requests for depositions, subpeonas for documents, correspondence, notes from conversations and meetings… conducted by PJ, Brie, Denise, Ray, and yourself. 

Include any government officials with whom the matter was raised in regard as their being witnesses; or where their legal actions were appropriate based on the crimes committed against me which you were raising to their attention.  

There also appears to have been some joinder of additional representation and parties which has not been communicated to me.  Is there an additional docket? Or confidential joinder of parties? Or grand jury investigation?  Or special prosecutor assigned?  

The appearance by Thomas Carluccio in person, at proceedings, in chambers, and named on documents, raises the question of his purpose, involvement and influence. The conflict of interest is unavoidable where Mr. Carluccio’s wife, Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio, has written a series of void and defective orders lacking lawful jurisdiction which directly affect this matter before the court.  

Where the judiciary has neglected requested review and resolution, a jury will clearly see THAT neglect as prevention of recourse – the right to recourse being constitutionally guaranteed and protected.  

My sincere and non-violent pursuit of lawful recourse is a key element of my defense.  All reports indicate the sincere intentions and the clear lack of any aggressive actions or emotions involved in pursuit of recourse.

Even my lack of aggressive actions to your lackluster faux representation speaks volumes with regard to my temperament.

Defendant respectfully requests assistance in obtaining the case file.

Terance Healy
…since 2007