
I answered the door in April 2017.

I was woken, ambushed, beaten, abducted, stripped and held for days without any consequence to the police who did it while violating the laws and the Constitutions and creating liabilities for all other organizations and people they involved.


The unscrupulous, unethical, and widely-hated, Bruce Castor, former DA, former blink-and-you’ll-miss-it PA Attorney General,  had indicated who ‘controls the ink’.  His NYE manifesto was precise and accurate.

I will be in court on Tuesday and Friday because they had conspired to have my murder appear to be a suicide.  They failed.

They?  They are everyone in law enforcement and government to whom I have turned to for help. EVERYONE. Every person to whom I turned since 2007 has been revealed as PARTICIPATING.

I have been turning to the people responsible for terrorizing me to stop THEMSELVES!(?). They have not stopped.

They continue. Evidence of this will be presented in court on Tuesday in Norristown.

They threaten anyone who makes any move to help. Evidence of this will be presented in court on Friday in Doylestown.  They destroyed the Pennsylvania Attorney General.  Then, we elected Josh Shapiro to Attorney General.  Josh had already long been a member of THEY as county commissioner.

The list is growing exponentially.  Is there safety in numbers when everyone is threatened to continue their participation in a corruption which undermines every person and every organization involved.

It is my hope that someone takes an action to move this nightmare towards a resolution, towards justice, and towards the restoration of my rights.  My situation could happen to ANYONE.  

This started with a divorce lawyer advising my wife to commit crimes in 2007 and providing a fake court order to cover it up. The never-ending false allegations have ensnared everyone compelling their participaton.

One divorce should not involve the ENTIRE Montgomery County judiciary. The Secret order of Judge Rhonda Lee Daniele caused exactly that. I have never even seen the monster who annihilated my family. I have survived the farce which she started in 2007.  …  and which she perpetuates still.

THEN (December 31, 2014)

Do people really NOT see that it is the lawyers in the media who are the ones baiting the police and the public?

Every injustice, every corruption, every report, every failure to apply the Law, every podium…. a lawyer is standing right there.  
It’s not the blacks.  It’s the lawyers.

It’s not the gays.  It’s the lawyers.

It’s not the police.  It’s the lawyers.

It’s not the judges.  It’s the lawyers.

It’s not the columnists.  It’s the lawyers.

It’s not the pundits.  It’s the lawyers.

It’s not the immigrants.  It’s the lawyers.

It’s not the fiances.  It’s the lawyers

It’s not the politicians.  It’s the lawyers.

It’s not the ministers.  It’s the lawyers.

It’s not the victims.  MY GOD.  THEY KILLED THEM.



WICHITA & All American Media

For (1) threatening conduct and behavior designed to undermine confidence in law enforcement nationwide,  (2) terroristic violations of the rule of law, (3) unconstitutional intrusions of protected civil rights, (4) infliction of severe emotional distress under color of law, (5) callous and manipulative abuse of their  constitutional protections while promoting a seditious effort to unseat the federally elected American Executive, President Donald Trump.
If not a class action, a form which people could use to file at their district court.

If Americans will not #DrainTheSwamp, perhaps we can #FloodTheSwamp.
But, Americans don’t give a fuck.

Andrew Thomas Finch, 28, of Wichita, Kansas didn’t imagine it was his problem. He opened his front door to police.  It was too late for him to discover the Constitutional crisis which instantly affected him.  He was dead.  

Too late, Mr. Finch, you no longer have a fuck to contribute.  You no longer have any rights.  My sincere condolences to your family.

Who is next?  Will you answer your door?

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