

I keep writing to your entire department as YOUR ENTIRE DEPARTMENT has been ordered to represent me. Yes, the order was done without hearing, testimony, evidence, jurisdiction, etc… BUT, as it has been used to delay and stall any resolution, i am left with no alternative but to write to an entire department which is ignoring the fraudulent assignment done without lawful authority.

So perhaps you need to make that assignment, because the game of shuffling assignment constantly is not providing any solution.

I did not want your representation. I indicated it was only being done to sdabotage mty rights and prevent resolution. This was done in statements filed with the court.

But, hey, let’s just pretend Terance is a fool… ignore him… ignore that he is being terrorized by the DA’s office.. Ignore the improper assignment. .. it was only done to delay and stall. It is his fault for not taking the plea deal.

The Plea deal was to walk away from my property. BUT, that wouldn;t correct the fraudulent conveyance and defective deed. To prevent any challenge to the defective deed would require the person with the valid lawful claim to the deed to be dead.

When the plea was not accepted they decided to attack and delay and stall. Then, they realized that a murder might be noticed. So it would require a suicide. Suddenly I am awoken in the middl;e of the night and ripped from my home without warrant or reason – a fake suicide intervention! What better way to conceal a murder.

Read Castor’s manifesto. It is not outside the realm of possibility. It’s been done before.

So, who is assigned to the case? iF NO ONE, THEN IT IS EVERYONE. AND THEREFORE I WILL CONTINUE TO WRITE TO EVERYONE. The Model Rules require a response from counsel… and so your entitre department is ion violation of the defective court order and in violation of the rules of professional conduct about contact with the client.

No Rule of Law, No Constitutional Rights.

No responses from anyone.

And to think I have been trying for months to get two fraudulent forged documents which has kept this nightmare in play. And any beginner on your staff could have addressed the farce quickly. BUT NO ONE HAS DONE SO. Because, everyone seems to be participating in the farce perpetrated by the CAPTAIN OF THE COURTROOM and award winner ADA Lauren McNulty.

Someone needs to respond. Or have you ordered everyone to sacrifice their sense of justice and morality?

“Beer, Dean” , adaniels@montcopa.org, agur@montcopa.org, akatzman@montcopa.org, akosinsk@montcopa.org, akostyk@montcopa.org, bhalfond@montcopa.org, bkersey@montcopa.org, callman@montcopa.org, cfortune@montcopa.org, chosay@montcopa.org, csweeney@montcopa.org, dgreensp@montcopa.org, djohnson@montcopa.org, “Marone, Denise” , dmontows@montcopa.org, dtheveny@montcopa.org, ebrogan@montcopa.org, edonato@montcopa.org, epeterse@montcopa.org, esieber@montcopa.org, fzeock@montcopa.org, gcardena@montcopa.org, ggriffit@montcopa.org, gnester@montcopa.org, hkranzel@montcopa.org, itorres@montcopa.org, jkravitz@montcopa.org, jlucas@montcopa.org, jthorn@montcopa.org, kgrimsru@montcopa.org, kharbiso@montcopa.org, khudson@montcopa.org, kpemment@montcopa.org, kwagner@montcopa.org, lalexan1@montcopa.org, ljones@montcopa.org, lkash@montcopa.org, lnonnema@montcopa.org, lortiz@montcopa.org, lwilson@montcopa.org, lzitsch@montcopa.org, mcassidy@montcopa.org, mdayoc@montcopa.org, mjohn@montcopa.org, mschanba@montcopa.org, msontchi@montcopa.org, mwarren@montcopa.org, ncasey@montcopa.org, pcassidy@montcopa.org, pdangelo@montcopa.org, pgeorge@montcopa.org, pkeller@montcopa.org, rmadden@montcopa.org, “Roberts, Raymond” , rsimon@montcopa.org, shudson@montcopa.org, tbowman@montcopa.org, tross@montcopa.org, vbellino@montcopa.org, vsimmons@montcopa.org, wburnett@montcopa.org, wmendez@montcopa.org

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