
Mr. Healy,

The documents that you are requesting, are attached.

Denise Marone

From: 447Copier
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 2:31 PM
Subject: Attached Image



No. The documents I requested were not attached. You sent 16 pages of other items.

Please explain it, why it seems to have dropped one of the charges and WHY JUDGE DUFFY’s ROBO-SIGNATURE APPEARS ON IT.

Perhaps if you were to review the items requested, it would help you discern which Items were requested.

Sending the wrong items is known stall tactic which shows a lack of imagination.



I would like authentic time-stamped copies of the following items which appear on the case Dockets. The related Docket Files are attached.

Magisterial Docket MJ-38118-CR-0000096-2015
03/26/2015 Waiver of Preliminary Hearing
03/26/2015 Waiver of Counsel

There had been NO WAIVERS. The docket indicates FILED BY: Terance P. Healy APPLIES TO: Terance P. Healy, Defendant

The CRIMINAL COMPLAINT had been amended twice. Once before April 9, 2015. Again on April 9, 2015 the cause for continuance. There is no entry on the docket of these amended documents. As there was no ARRAIGNMENT, please provide a FINAL version of the CRIMINAL COMPLAINT.

The above issues were discussed on the record. I would like complete copies of transcripts from
March 26, 2015,
April 9, 2015 and
April 24, 2015.
The transcripts are not listed on the Docket, though entries appear on the Common Pleas Docket.

I would like authentic time-stamped copies of the following items from Supreme Court of Pennsylvania 126 MAL 2017
02/28/2017 Petition for Allowance of Appeal
02/28/2017 Verified Statement in Support of Continuation of IFP Status
02/28/2017 In Forma Pauperis Continued
03/02/2017 No Answer Letter to Petition for Allowance of Appeal
08/22/2017 Order Denying Petition for Allowance of Appeal
08/22/2017 Order Exited
09/12/2017 Notice of Disposition Sheet Exited.



I really am not comfortable emailing the things you want——you have to come in the office to pick it up. The materials you want may have sensitive material in them that could be obtained by the many people you have on your webcite and in your email. You can come to the office anytime you wish with an advance phone call to me and I will be happy to help you. It’s always a pleasure to see you. I’m sorry the appellate courts did not rule in our favor. As I last indicated to you, be sure to keep an eye out for your pretrial subpoena for your next court date.

Yours truly



The US Postal Service can have documents to me in a day. or Fedex? Overnight? Two-day? I have been kept homeless, destitute and unemployed because of the pending false charges. Finding transportation to Norristown is not an easy task.

What do you mean by indicating the ‘many people you have on your website and in your email”? If you are suggesting the continued surveillance of all tech devices. You need to get over that. It has been a fact of life for me for quite some time. The way you are behaving is cause for great suspicion… and fear… and distrust. Are you suggesting there are people preventing effective communication?

You also have NEVER met me before, except for the one time I dropped off paperwork which you have prevented from being filed with the court. Though you agreed to file the document. It was during a brief break during the Kathleen Kane hearings.

The appellate courts did not rule. They ignored. AND Ignoring the lack of jurisdiction does not provide jurisdiction. Avoiding using the word jurisdiction, does not provide jurisdiction.

Much like the false waiver documents entered on the docket which also demonstrate the lack of jurisdiction.

But, you never address issues. You don’t even provide simple paperwork.

Please quit the games. My address is as follows:

Terance Healy

With regard to the next Hearing, I would suggest you advise Michael Kehs to ascertain the issue of jurisdiction before once again requiring my presence on the false criminal charges. Perhaps that unnamed and unidentified person in your office assigned to my case could alert Judge Carpenter to the lack of jurisdiction to proceed, and the false waivers on the docket. Yes, they are false, it is evident in my statements, and the transcripts, and the continuances.

Reading between the lines, i suspect your are suggesting the notices won’t be mailed leading to a Bench Warrant?? On a friday?? Leaving me in jail for the weekend??

I’ve been harassed enough to recognize the tactics. And of course, having contact with my Public Defender to make sure I am prepared and present for the Call of the Trial List JUST DOESNT HAPPEN DOES IT?

You are causing a great deal of unnecessary hardship,
