
Attn: Warrington Township Supervisors June 27, 2017

My attempts to address this issue with the Supervisors was prevented by the legal advice they received from their lawyer.

Their lawyer had instructed the Supervisors to NOT MEET OR DISCUSS the issue.

The involvement of the lawyer was premature. It only serves to prevent the Supervisors from being properly informed. It also creates a legal liability for the Supervisors. The lawyer who purports to be protecting you from liability has created the liability and is preventing reasonable actions by the Supervisors.

When the issue was presented to the Supervisors on May 9, 2017, a general description was provided without the details. It was deflected as a police matter in which the Supervisors had no involvement. The Supervisor’s lawyer indicated that the complaint must be handled by the Police. The issue was forwarded to Police Chief Friel.

There was no opportunity to present the detailed factual information and police reports which showed numerous anomalies to the Supervisors.
– the failure to abide by the Mental Health Act with regard to involuntary commitment.
– the ‘as yet unexplained’ indication that Warrington Police began their paperwork approximately 15 minutes before the call was received from Doylestown.

I came before the Township Supervisors again on May 23, 2017. I informed them of an email received immediately after the previous meeting from Chief Friel indicating his awareness of the matter.

Two more weeks had passed. I indicated that there had been no response by the police (or the Supervisors). I raised the question regarding a web page which had been directly accessed by the Police Cheif.

The information which I have are the police reports and paperwork – which the police would have as well.

Cheif Friel responded on June 8, 2017. His response failed to address ANY of the questions presented. His response failed to indicate ANY Law which would support the actions of the police officers.
His response failed to address the failure by his officers to follow the procedures defined by Law.

The Chief’s response indicated that the officers did not violate the rules or regulations of the Warrington Township Police Department. BUT, he neglected to address the failure to follow Pennsylvania Law, or to abide by rights protected by the PA & US Constitutions.

The Chief’s response failed to substantiate the perceived “reasonable probability of suicide” or to indicate who was responsible for contacting police.

The Chief next indicated that the officers are ‘all certified mental health officers’ and members of the Bucks County Crisis Intervention Task Force.
– The suggestion by the Chief that the officers have been certified is inadequate. The officers failed to follow the procedures established by law. The officers woke a sleeping man and then proceeded to tell him he was suicidal. They attempted to draw out an argument or emotional outburst – FOR ALMOST TWO HOURS. Escalating the situation is NOT a part of mental health officer training.
– Knocking loudly on the door of the house during the two hour conversation is NOT a part of mental health officer training.
– Failing to use the proper forms – using substitute outdated forms from 1991 – when the current forms indicate the procedures defined by law in the instructions to each section of the form.
– Police had failed to appear for the hearing before the Mental Health Officer. As a result, there was no information provided by the police to support their actions.
– The proper form indicates that “Any person who provides any false information on purpose when he completes this form may be subject to criminal prosecution and may face criminal penalties including conviction of a misdemeanor.”
– There was no explanation as to why parts of the form had been pre-typed.
– There was no explanation as to why the police failed to transport my mother to act as an advocate – this is required by law.
– There was no warrant obtained prior to my being forcibly removed and transported to Doylestown Hospital. The law requires a warrant to be obtained PRIOR to any transportation to any facility.
– There had been no crime.
– There was no arrest.

In a two hour conversation, police had indicated they had no warrant, and that they had no previous reports of suicide attempts or threats or actions in the furtherance. I had run down the checklist of things required to be involuntarily committed by a police officer. There was no reason for it. None at all.

What occurred was an abduction by the police. The police had parked down the street in order to ambush me. Parking in this location would also prevent cameras within the police vehicle from recording the event.

After I was forcibly removed from my home, one officer indicated that it was “OK to turn on the body cameras.” Did the officer’s body cameras record the two hour conversation where the officers tried to provoke me to anger or threat of suicide? If any of the four officers had their cameras activated, I would appreciate the recording/transcript.

The doctor at Doylestown Hospital only heard the story of Officer Kelly. With no advocate to speak with her on my behalf, she was not interested or concerned with anything I had to say to her. She challenged every word, and dismissed every sentence. Then she graded me as almost autistic, unable to speak, unable to communicate, and in the category with those who smear poo.

With no consideration for the trauma of my being awoken, verbally assaulted and harassed for two hours, forcibly and violently removed, beaten and handcuffed, and taken to be evaluated in the middle of the night, the Emergency room doctor who I met for 5 minutes decided that based on Officer Kelly’s report, I was ‘severely mentally disabled’.

At that point, I was being held hostage by the policies of Doylestown Hospital, The Lenape Valley Foundation and the Horsham Clinic. Those policies do not allow for anything but being held against your will in a ward full of VIOLENT and severely mentally disabled persons.

There were never any meetings with any doctors. There was never any treatment or treatment plan. There was never any medications prescribed.

I was held hostage for three days. On the evening of the third day, after Officer Kelly failed to appear at the hearing, I was released. There was no admission to anything provided in the officers paperwork.

An Appeal has been filed in the Bucks County Court of Common Pleas. It is pending.

You must understand – IT ISN’T OVER AND DONE. Something which can be let go.

There are ramifications for people who are involuntarily committed. I no longer have the right to own a gun – not for any reason including to defend myself, or protect myself. Those papers have been filed with the state and federally. It is the rare situation by which the judiciary will order any expungement regarding involuntary commitment.

A right guaranteed and protect by the US Constitution has been lost.

I have been inappropriately and unfairly labeled as SEVERELY MENTALLY DISABLED.

That affects credibility and reputation.

It affects financial dealings.

It affects housing availability.

It affects employment.

There are even groups which believe that the ‘severely mentally disabled’ should be euthanized.

Autistic people and those with severe Downs Syndrome and mental retardation may fall into the category of severely mentally disabled, but it would be offensive and rude to classify them as such.

Can you please do something. I am living in fear. Afraid to leave the house. Afraid to relax. Because as Chief Friel has indicated, the Warrington officers committed no violations. Refusing to look at the information and the facts and the law, only provides opportunity for it to occur again, and again. Tonight. Tomorrow. Next week. Again and again.

I expect you to take some action. Until you do, I will be at each meeting presenting the specifics. The details. The police actions. The law which they completely failed to abide. And the rights which are guaranteed to all Americans, but which you are permitting to be ignored.

Terance Healy