
Where is their car?  Parked down the street so that any vehicle camera would not record their ‘visit’.

Arriving unannouncd?  Rude. Disrespectful.  Shady.  Especially in light of their unwillingness to respond to emails and personal pleas to the Township Supervisors… And the failure of the police chief to respond.

I have deliberately NOT visited my one neighbor, who is a supervisor.  I explained this to her at the first supervisor meeting where i presented the matter.   As she had made it clear she didn’t wish to discuss the matter by email or arrange any meeting or allow anything more than a 3 minute comment, I would not ambush her at her home.  It’s called respecting boundaries.

Points to anyone who can identify the device in the one man’s hands. Scanner?

Last police visit was a 2 man 2 department threat to not make any effort to contact the court regarding the pending Appeal.  I was told I would be arrested if I tried to contact them OR IF I ANSWERED ANY PHONE CALL FROM THEM.

Email to Supervisors:
It is necessary for you to take action to prevent the further retaliation of the police.

Email to Supervisors:
Notice that their vehicle is parked down the street past the house. That would prevent any vehicle camera from recording them. The same as was done in April.
– – In April, when police finished beating and handcuffing me, it was at that point where they said “it’s ok to turn on cameras”. That was 2 hours into the ambush.

Email to Supervisors:
Your Silence and Inaction is a Threat.

There is nothing I can do but live in fear of retaliatory attacks from police while you do NOTHING.

There was no basis for their ambush attack and false incarceration before…. There is no reason to think they won’t do it again…and again… and again.  Why would anyone expect differently?

FYI, Judge Caroline Carluccio was so determined to bring about my suicide that she sent people to my home from Montgomery County Emergency Services on the day she issued EACH of her orders.  She wanted to plant the idea.  The orders arrived the next day in the mail.  The people had no explanation as to why they were sent or who had directed them.  This relates directly to the web page which the Chief accessed from 6 years ago.

You immediate action is required and requested.

Terance Healy

Email to Supervisors:
While demonstrating the tremendous disrespect of failing to reply or EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE my communication,you may wish to ponder…

The paperwork indicates a start time of 11:30.
Yet, the Doylestown report from which the event started came in at 11:45.
The precognitive Officer Kelly strikes again.

The use of force report has not been provided. AND NEITHER HAS THE UIR which is referenced in the paperwork received.

My life was placed in danger because of he fraud and lies. The Supervisors are responsible for the police.

What are you doing? While my life is threatened. Harassment. Intimation.

The favor of an acknowledgement would be appreciated. Your silence demonstrates an aggressive complicity. Why no response?