
Chief Friel,

Last evening I made the following statement to the Township Supervisors.

I would appreciate knowing who directed you to the web page referenced at the bottom of the statement. Web statistics indicate that single web page which was accessed directly from the same IP address where your email had originated.

Your information could make this nightmare end, or permit it to continue.

The volume of discrepancies in the paperwork indicates that this was a planned ambush, abduction and hostage taking situation designed to undermine my credibility and crush my spirit. The tactical misuse of mental health procedures and personnel had been used regularly while I lived in Montgomery County.

Creating shared liability and using attorney client privilege (Rule 1.6) has been used for over a decade to undermine the Rule of Law and all Constitutional Rights.

I will be requesting further investigation by Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania Attorney General and federal authorities. The issue was presented to him after being fully documented in a statement filed on March 30, 2016.

Terance Healy