
Even if you find the flaw, the flaw is fatal – silence is complicit.

A DA protects an incompetent ADA. DA must keep ADA errors CONFIDENTIAL by law (Attorney Client Privilege) – [Govt Attorney has privileged relationship with their staff and office.]

The Defendant is illegally and improperly prosecuted denied protection of the law and denied constitutional rights.

The flaw is ignored. The flaw is fatal – silence is complicit.

The Confidentiality can undermine the jurisdiction of the court… BUT, once the court acts without jurisdiction THAT flaw is fatal.

Even if you identify the flaw, the flaw is fatal – silence is complicit.

CONFIDENTIALITY is mandated when the issue affects the integrity of the court. As such, the higher courts affirm the lower court – often the opinion will not address the issue directly or correctly.

Even though you found the flaw, the flaw is fatal – silence is complicit.

Appealing to state Supreme Court – you are now presenting the problem to those who have caused it. They enacted the RULE 1.6 – CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION.
Confidentiality prevents them from addressing the issue.
Confidentiality prevents them from fixing their law.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST prevents them from addressing their unconstitutional law – improperly enacted.

The flaw is fatal.

No one enforces the Constitution. Law Enforcement enforces laws. The laws must be constitutional – if a LAW is challenged the courts decide. Within the state, there is no escape.

Raising to the Federal Courts, you will learn that hidden in an appropriations bill, an amendment which could NOT pass multiple attempts in Congress was whittled down to a few sentences. The McDade Murtha Amendment requires federal lawyers to follow that very same state Confidentiality law.
[Murtha was chair of Appropriations.]

The flaw is fatal. It can happen to anyone. EVERYONE HAS NOTICED… Black Live Matter, Kids for Cash, a Foreclosure Crisis based on robosigned and fake deeds.

The lawyers must capitulate – or face the aggressive discipline of the state Supreme Court. ALL LAWYERS. At every level of court and law enforcement. The flaw is fatal.

There is no escape. If you survive, your survival is consider a declaration of war against a District Attorney “who spends his/her professional career learning hows to [screw] others.”

Every person to whom you turn for help will be discovered to be working against you.

Since 2007, and the recent round launched 2015, It is happening to me… and to make the mater even more difficult, the court acting without jurisdiction, without hearing, without evidence, without testimony has compelled a Public Defender to represent me.

The Public Defender will not meet or speak with me. They act on my behalf AGAINST MY BEST INTEREST.

The Public Defender actually knows their assignment is void, and without any authority because the court lacked jurisdiction. They fail to comply with any court orders.

The Public Defender has been assigned to prevent any action by myself – they have taken my voice. This prevents me from filing statements, petitions or documents. I file, the Clerk stamps, then rejects and send to the Public Defender who fails to file the document on my behalf. Remember, the Public Defender has no authority to act on my behalf – their assignment is void.

‘Acting on my behalf’ they deliberately neglect necessary documents which undermine their effort – THEIR FARCE IS EXPOSED.

To prevent any actions at all, the Public Defender reassigns the case within their own office. This is strategicalloy designed to prevent appeals. You are prevented from filing an Appeal. You can’t contact your Public Defender. If you do, their first statement is they no longer represent you. Running our the deadlines for appeal. They cannot file the Appeal – (Remember, the Public Defender has no authority to act on my behalf – their assignment is void.) You are being prevented from filing any appeal by the defective and void order issued without jurisdiction.

The Public Defenders, there have been 5 so far, are trying to avoid doing anything which could create a liability for them.

The chaos of their actions is strategic. The chaos is designed to overwhelm. The chaos is intended to distract from the fact that THE COURT LACKS JURISDICTION IN THIS MATTER. The Court can never resolve the matter which is before them. BUT, If they are able to convert the matter into a contempt, or alternate crime, the DA will proceed from on that single issue and use the chaos created to cause it as evidence of a frustrating situation – CONVERSION TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE SOLUTION.

Yes, they have been pushing for a SUICIDE SOLUTION since 2007.
Yes, they have attempted to convert to an ADMINISTRATIVE SOLUTION ever since.
They now fail to accomplish the CRIMINAL SOLUTION since 2015. An EPIC FAILURE which has expanded to include aggressive investigation, intrusive surveillance, there are no boundaries to the effort to isolate or implicate/involve in a crime or to provoke violence.

I have been unemployed and destitute since 2007. I am prevented from any government benefit or resource – financial or medical. Homeless – the DA is protecting those who stole my home, filed and received the title insurance, and have taken out loans using my house as the collateral. Profits of about $1 million. The DA won’t prosecute that crime or the direct death threat (5 pages) which was delivered via the District Attorneys Office. A document which plans provisions and trains for my murder based on acknowledged fiction.

They have conducted a case which has been a farce since 2007 – when that first Order without jurisdiction was issued in August 2007. Twenty-two judges on the Montgomery County Bench have participated in the on-going farce.

The present matter is related. Judge Duffy lacked jurisdiction to escalate the matter to the Court of Common Pleas. This triggered a deliberate neglect by the ADA to follow the Rules of Criminal Procedure. Because, they knew they were acting without jurisdiction – there was no need to abide any rule, procedure, law or constitutional right.

I have survived only because I learned to file statements before each proceeding.

They have countered with the farce representation by the Public Defenders – because that prevents my voice, prevents my filing the statements. I had indicated this as an action of sabotage.

When Jurisdiction is ignored, by everyone. You’re dead. There is no such thing as retroactive jurisdiction. There is no excuse for acting without jurisdiction. Once it occurs, JURISDICTION will be the unmentioned neglected missing piece to every discussion, document, order and opinion. They will inflict an overwhelming volume of chaos to distract and misdirect. When it all comes down to a simple NECESSITY.

But, The problem with the Confidentiality law is that it is Confidential.

Sent to the entire Montgomery County Public Defenders office

Date: Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 9:09 AM
Subject: Unending corruption of Montgomery County
To: dbeer@montcopa.org, pdangelo@montcopa.org, dmarone@montcopa.org, rroberts@montcopa.org
Cc: fzeock@montcopa.org, mwarren@montcopa.org, itorres@montcopa.org, dtheveny@montcopa.org, ktaxis@montcopa.org, csweeney@montcopa.org, msontchi@montcopa.org, rsimon@montcopa.org, csilveri@montcopa.org, mschanba@montcopa.org, tross@montcopa.org, srosenberg@montcopa.org, erideout@montcopa.org, lpetrill@montcopa.org, epeterse@montcopa.org, kpemment@montcopa.org, lortiz@montcopa.org, gnester@montcopa.org, dmontows@montcopa.org, cmiller3@montcopa.org, rmadden@montcopa.org, jkravitz@montcopa.org, hkranzel@montcopa.org, akostyk@montcopa.org, akosinsk@montcopa.org, akatzman@montcopa.org, ljones@montcopa.org, djohnson@montcopa.org, mjohn@montcopa.org, khudson@montcopa.org, chosay@montcopa.org, khoran@montcopa.org, shayden@montcopa.org, kgrimsru@montcopa.org, ggriffit@montcopa.org, dgreensp@montcopa.org, egrant@montcopa.org, wgordon@montcopa.org, cfortune@montcopa.org, mdayoc@montcopa.org, adaniels@montcopa.org, bcooper@montcopa.org, econey@montcopa.org, pcassidy@montcopa.org, ncasey@montcopa.org, gcardena@montcopa.org, dcaglia@montcopa.org, wburnett@montcopa.org, ebrogan@montcopa.org, tbowman@montcopa.org, lalexan1@montcopa.org

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