
An amazing and unimagined display of family support today in Norristown.  The family of Kathleen Kane was out in force to back the embattled champion for justice.

I greeted Kathleen as she arrived this morning.  A positive vibe had begun which lasted all day.  

THEN, her family began to arrive…  filling the entire courtroom to beyond capacity.  The show of support was profound.

Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele was as usual an arrogant and aggressive presenter of disinformation – failing at every turn to show character or integrity.  His inability to recognize the truth confounds.

In a remarkable turn of events, Judge Demchick-Alloy failed to recognize the obvious flaws in Steele’s statements and arguments.  The constant unrelenting insults hurtled towards Kathleen Kane and her supporters who testified were shameful…but, that didn’t stop Kevin Steele.

Everyone involved were prosecutors.  Lawyers from both sides and the judge too.  They all know how to use disinformation and misinformation.  They don’t seem to know how to expose the lies and differentiate them from the truth.  Under Rule 1.6 Confidentiality fraud in the furtherance AND fraud to prevent resolution is permitted and held confidential.  That seriously makes truthiness a rare find.  Opinions are presented as facts.  They think people do not notice.

A steady series of under-their-breath taunts by former employees of the PA Office of Attorney General was distracting.  We get it.  They don’t like Kathleen Kane, the woman who didn’t prosecute them and fired them instead.

The outcome of the full day in court… Kane was sentenced to less than 2 years in prison with 8 years of probation.  While the inevitable appeal proceeds to PA Superior Court, Kane will be free on bail of $75,000.

There were tears in the courtroom as supporters heard from Kane’s oldest son, 16.

The usally composed Kathleen spoke to the court, her family, the supporters and the citizens of Pennsylvania.  She spoke of what has occurred n the last two years as she was prosecuted, humiliated,  vilified, stripped of her law license, her family and friends thrown into chaos and turmoil.  Through tears she indicated she would not have changed a thing she had done and there was still Work 2B Done.

At the end of the day, she was cuffed and lead out before the media to go to jail… 

Bail could be arranged and her lawyers assured me that it was being handled… And the Appeal will be forthcoming.

A press conference was held at the end of the day.  DA Steele was asked about his witness’s statement about an ex parte court transcript before Judge Carpenter which had been seen in the OAG – an order from Judge Carpenter ordered the transcript to be returned, destroyed and forgotten.  The transcript contained a proceeding with Frank Fina, Judge Carpenter, and his Special Prosecutor Thomas Carluccio.  THIS DOCUMENT WAS NOT OERMITTED TO BE MENTIONED AT THE CRIMINAL TRIAL.  It seems that it likely contains the plan to setup and convict Kathleen Kane under false perjury charges to prevent her acting on the corruption in Montgomery County Law Enforcement and judiciary.

I also asked about the Conspiracy charges which were NOLLE PROSSED.  The judges instructions to the jury had indicated a necessity to find guilt on the Conspiracy charges before perjury and other charges could then be associated.

If there was no conspiracy, there could not have been any perjury.  Soooo why is this injustice continuing.  Steele had no response.

Justice is Coming!

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